Favoriting Pseu's Thing With A Hook: Playlist from May 28, 2019 Favoriting

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Riff rock for riff raff, pop fizzle for the frazzled, chord changes of life for the menopausal teenagers, a safari in the jingle-jangle jungle. (Visit homepage.)

Thursday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thu. Mar 13th, Noon - 3pm: Pseu and her Co-Host Jessica

Favoriting May 28, 2019

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Artist Track Approx. start time
doug gillard  thing with a hook (pseu's theme)   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
aldous harding  fixture picture   Favoriting 0:02:24 (Pop-up)
jim noir  please remember   Favoriting 0:06:16 (Pop-up)
sebadoh  fool   Favoriting 0:09:11 (Pop-up)
the gold needles  pearl   Favoriting 0:11:13 (Pop-up)
taco cat  hologram   Favoriting 0:15:00 (Pop-up)
joan jett and the blackhearts  you don't know what you've got   Favoriting 0:19:14 (Pop-up)
bryan's magic tears  ghetto blaster   Favoriting 0:22:35 (Pop-up)
sunflower bean  fear city   Favoriting 0:27:24 (Pop-up)
clinic  be yourself/year of the sadist   Favoriting 0:42:04 (Pop-up)
dehd  wild lucky baby   Favoriting 0:44:08 (Pop-up)
white fence  phone   Favoriting 0:46:08 (Pop-up)
slow pulp  young world   Favoriting 0:49:46 (Pop-up)
whyte horses  greatest love in town   Favoriting 0:54:15 (Pop-up)
ben vereen and cast  simple joys   Favoriting 0:57:27 (Pop-up)
boogarins  as chances   Favoriting 1:00:36 (Pop-up)
chad and jeremy  good morning sunrise   Favoriting 1:05:12 (Pop-up)
drug dealer (feat weyes blood)  honey   Favoriting 1:08:54 (Pop-up)
middle kids  beliefs and prayers   Favoriting 1:12:17 (Pop-up)
david gates  playin' on my guitar   Favoriting 1:16:03 (Pop-up)
telekinesis  out for blood   Favoriting 1:18:55 (Pop-up)
dayv butler and the news  follow my footsteps   Favoriting 1:22:15 (Pop-up)
death and vanilla  let's never leave here   Favoriting 1:25:06 (Pop-up)
one of hours  mary jane like a woman   Favoriting 1:31:20 (Pop-up)
munya  it's all about you   Favoriting 1:46:25 (Pop-up)
olivia newton-john  if not for you   Favoriting 1:50:58 (Pop-up)
agnelli &rave  every dog has its day in the rain   Favoriting 1:53:52 (Pop-up)
the dream syndicate  the way in   Favoriting 1:58:12 (Pop-up)
armchair oracles  several stories   Favoriting 2:01:07 (Pop-up)
armchair oracles  porcelain heart   Favoriting 2:07:49 (Pop-up)
justus proffit  painted in the sound   Favoriting 2:08:07 (Pop-up)
pulp  babies   Favoriting 2:11:11 (Pop-up)
chemical brothers  asleep from day   Favoriting 2:15:21 (Pop-up)
the catenary wires  dark brown eyes   Favoriting 2:20:11 (Pop-up)
beck  morning   Favoriting 2:23:17 (Pop-up)
george harrison  i'd have you any time   Favoriting 2:28:41 (Pop-up)
juniper  boys! boys! boys! boys! boys!   Favoriting 2:41:31 (Pop-up)
the muffs  i don't expect it   Favoriting 2:43:43 (Pop-up)
joe jackson  on your radio   Favoriting 2:45:35 (Pop-up)
chai  fashionista   Favoriting 2:49:35 (Pop-up)
the go gos  lust to love   Favoriting 2:52:44 (Pop-up)
louis xiv  god killed the queen   Favoriting 2:56:43 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm
Krys O.:

Good afternoon, Pseu & Les Hookers!

I'm here to see if there will be any '70s showtunes in the season finale.
Avatar 12:07pm

It won't be psummer without Pseu.
Mr. Palchepo.:

Reminds me of Boyce and Hart.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:08pm
Bill in W.O.:

"I don't wanna say goodbye for the summer"
Avatar 12:09pm

Heya Pseu, knock it outta the park today!
Avatar 12:11pm

Lou Barlow!
judy from croton:

But I’ll see you in Sep-te-em-ber?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:15pm
Hughie Considine:

Psay it ain't pso, Pseu
Avatar 12:18pm
V Priceless:

hey & yay, Pseu! Thanks for the tunes!
Mike tp:

just joined catching the drift Pseu you're taking time off.you deserve it.tske a break N refresh with some adventures...!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:22pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I expect a ptsunami of new music when you come back.

I've always wondered if Pseu does air guitar....doeth she?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:28pm
Uncle Michael:

Hello Hollanders!
  Swag For Life Member 12:29pm

OK, so that fear city chorus is intense

Howdy UM, and all!

I bet pseu going to the pshore for psome psurf psun and psand .

wow! pat Bennetar
KP in DC:

Hello Pseu. Welcome back
Avatar 12:33pm

Last two days it was 100F/38C down here in FL, and I went on 7km hikes (I finally had to use the A/C for the first time this summer, as I have ceiling fans).
Listener Robert:

Yay for us and yay for Ms. Braun!

say it ain't so....!!
  Swag For Life Member 12:34pm

sort of pat sort of smythe

well, it's great for pseu but bad for US!!
Listener Robert:

I think Mr. Brainen will have had enough recharging by fall.
Avatar 12:37pm

yaye, Michelle!

Hi NGH, where do you live in Florida? I came to believe, after dating a dude from FL, that you can take a man out of Florida, but you can't take the Florida out of the man.... (I'm sure it applies to women too--maybe in fact everything that had its genesis and rearing in FL...)
Avatar 12:39pm

Joan Jett doc was great!
Andrea in Jersey City:

I love your show!!

I wore my Clinic T-shirt yesterday!!! :)
Mad love and amazing live!
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:43pm
Mike Sin:

Pseu -- Best of luck to ya! Will miss hearing your show over the summer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm
Pseu Braun:

Thanks, Mike and ALL!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:50pm

You encouraged Matt this morning, but it's never too late to come around and join the Anti-Felder Resistance! Together, we can defeat the scurrilous scourge of Don Felder forever!
Avatar 12:50pm

@Marie: I'm in Gainesville. I moved to NYC for grad school, and then for another 14 years I stayed after that. Came down here for a full time start-up job that folded, so, trying to figure out what to do....
Avatar 12:54pm

@bnowb: read that as "made love..." at first... (I need meeself a Clinic tee).

I knew it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59pm
Pseu Braun:

4 U WEBSIE!!!!

(I don't know PIPPIN at all btw)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm
Uncle Michael:

I saw the OBC of Pippen with Ben Vereen and John Rubenstein.

Pseu! Thx for all the hooks. Have a bitchin’ summer.
Andrea in Jersey City:

I am going to miss this show this summer. Pseu, Please come back as soon as possible.
judy from croton:

Boogarins are so freakin great. Charlie Lewis turned me on to them
Avatar 1:07pm

Very nice pleasant tunage. I am enjoying this show very much.

I'm with WmKM on that too.

hey NGH, i hope I didn't offend you. Sometimes I go too far in an attempt to be funny. I actually love Florida in every sense. I guess it's an easy target to goof on.

@NGH--and good luck in your search!
Avatar 1:16pm

Goddammit I'm hooked.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:17pm
Uncle Michael:

god damn I love this David Gates tune.
Avatar 1:17pm

Forgot it was Tuesday. Better late than never.
Avatar 1:19pm

What is it about Tuesday mornings and super cewl female djs I get into and then they leave??? (First Liz B and now Pseu) :~[
Avatar 1:19pm
Cool Runnings:

Pseu, see you in September, I'll miss you. :-(
Avatar 1:23pm

*phew pseu*
Tuned in late and have been only reading the comments. Glad you're returning!

You know pseu I created a proverbial sandwich that I call a "PB&J" that I have once a week at this time. But I guess I won't be having my Pseu Braun & Jams this Summer since you'll be gone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:24pm
Krys O.:

David Gates and Leon Russell were childhood friends and put out some 45s as David and Lee.
Avatar 1:27pm

Wooo, job interview next wednesday!

Krys O. I was just reading that about DG (I was born in OK). I was just researching who "she" was in the previous tune "Playing on my Guitar" but no luck in solving the mystery, though was surprised to find DG was from Tulsa. I guess he kept that secret pretty well hidden....good idea!
judy from croton:

NGH keep at it. You’ll find something or it’ll find you, i’ve got a feeling
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:42pm
Uncle Michael:

Pseu, before I duck out of the comments, I wanted to say that your break being a voluntary hiatus is outstanding news. Enjoy it and come back tanned, rested and ready.
Avatar 1:42pm
Gordon FM:

Hey Pseu - Boogarins is playing SEPT 4 with Mdou Moctar at Industry City in Bklyn!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:47pm
Pseu Braun:

NICE thnx Gordon!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:47pm
Pseu Braun:

Thanks, Uncle Michael!
Avatar 1:51pm
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Herro :)

@Pseu my partner just texted me to remind me to tune in to your show. He said it’s been really sweet today. Just wanted to send you a thank you.
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I voluntarily did not return, ha ha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:52pm
Uncle Michael:

Congratulations, PLU!
Avatar 1:52pm
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Thank you, ha ha!

Yay Olivia!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:53pm
Planet Tyler:

Never knew of this cover. Nice George-ish slide.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56pm
Pseu Braun:

Avatar 1:56pm
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O N J was so nice and relaxing thanks pseu
Avatar 1:59pm
Listening Out There:

Enjoying PTWAH, as usual. Hey, Vicki, are you back on the summer schedule?
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No, I volunteered not to, which was very charitable of me if I do say so myself

Thanks for all the tasty tunes. Enjoy the summer!
Happy to hear you'll be returning. You are the best of recidivists.

Hey Pseu, I hope your summer is vunderbag. Thanks for all the beautiful music.
Avatar 2:08pm
Listening Out There:

Dang. As a long-suffering PLU fan, I don't know what I'll do this summer. Maybe the dishes...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:09pm
Pseu Braun:

Avatar 2:09pm
People Like Us:

Plenty more good stuff on WFMU! And if you want to hear PLU I'm doing that regardless! peoplelikeus.org
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love a bit of suffering
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I thought that was my stomach then I realised it was Pulp

Fantastic babies

jarrrrrrrvis went the tummy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:14pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

"I went to the doctor's to have my stomach pulped."

Jeez, he has nice voice.
Avatar 2:17pm
Aaron Working In Newark:

Love you all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:18pm

Pseu !<>! enjoying much ,, and what ever be your summer be it an awesome one too !<>!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:21pm
Pseu Braun:

Thanks, Tome!

Hi Pseu! have a crazy summer
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:25pm
Jay Goges:

this set perfectly fits today's mood... dreamy and low key <3
Avatar 2:25pm

Forgot about this Beck song. Played it so much I got tired of it but enjoying it here.
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Lixiviated Life:

Halu Psue
Avatar 2:29pm

Oh what a nice segue. So dreamy.
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lovely George
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:30pm

...agrees wholeheartedly !<>!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:31pm
Pseu Braun:

Lix Life I'm giving you a summer project. Learn to spell P-S-E-U. Have it on my desk second week of September.
Avatar 2:32pm

OK how long has "I'd Have You Anytime" been playing? Because it was playing in my head for the last 5 minutes but I don't recall hearing it before I got up to take a break.
Davey Gravy:

Avatar 2:33pm
Lixiviated Life:

Wait... WHAT?
I gotta go ta summer school????
Avatar 2:36pm

Gotta pay the dues down there in Clearwater Florida.
Avatar 2:46pm

Joe Jackson!

Well pseu as I'm sure someone once wrote in your yearbook have a nice summer. Or in you're cass a nice psummer.bye now.
V Priceless:

thanx Pseu. U rock! Cheers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:47pm
Bill in W.O.:

Gonna miss the show terribly, Pseu. Have a fabulous summer! I'll be countin' the Tuesdays till September.
Avatar 2:48pm
People Like Us:

Lovely show, Pseu xxx
Avatar 2:49pm
Lixiviated Life:

Saw Joe Jackson in the last century just as he was making that transition from Angry Young Man to Serious Composer.
Given my druthers, I preferred the Angry bloke
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:49pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Thanks Pseu. Have a nice summer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:50pm

That Juniper track! Mellotron? Wow!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:51pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Other suggested assignment: Master the tongue-twister "Pseu psells pseashells by the pseashore."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:51pm
Hughie Considine:

In all sincerity, I'll be missing this show deeply, but we all need to do home repair. It's an adjunct of self-repair. Looking forward to your rejuvenation and return, Pseu.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:53pm
Krys O.:

Best wishes for an enjoyable and relaxing summer for you, Pseu. You've done so much to entertain us. We are deeply indebted. Hasten ye back! Beaucoup de hugs! xxxooo

well put, hughie! me, too!! but what is this summer thing you all speak of?? it is 53 degrees on cape cod and dreary as hell.

Hello all
Avatar 2:56pm
Michael Shelley:


Thanks for the particular vibe you provide. Will keep tuned for your return.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
Hughie Considine:

@clarke it's a thing down here in these southern climes as of a week or so ago -- lots o' 90s. Did not realize it was still early spring on the Cape. There's mini-golf.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm

Please allow me to ditto the praise and best summer wishes from everyone else.
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Michael Shelley:

Have a great summer!
Avatar 2:59pm

Bye Pseu! Enjoy your Tuewsdays!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
Hopey Sockmonkey:

Have a great summer, Pseu!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:00pm

< all verklempt now but Glad you here Pseu awesome !<> Summer again !<>!
Avatar 3:00pm

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Bob from Millburn:

Great show. Thanks for the new Aldous Harding. Have a summer.
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