Favoriting Shrunken Planet with Jeffrey Davison: Playlist from June 1, 2019 Favoriting

Jeffrey Davison's avatar View Jeffrey Davison's profile Favoriting

Folk; old-timey; blues; psych, avant and acid folk old and new; ambient and electronic; lots of guitar; detours elsewhere.

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Favoriting June 1, 2019

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Offthesky  Exhale Incandescence   Favoriting Illuminate  Eilean  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Mary Lattimore and Mac McCaughan  I   Favoriting New Rain Duets  Three Lobed  0:07:18 (Pop-up)
Mark Deutsch  Bargozideh   Favoriting The Picasso Tunings  Mark Deutsch  0:18:47 (Pop-up)
Sarah Davachi & Ariel Kalma  Le Temps Spiral   Favoriting Intemporel  Black Sweat  0:29:27 (Pop-up)
Morrowdim  Taur Aerlinn an Gwanath   Favoriting Wandering Songs  Morrodim  0:39:55 (Pop-up)
Louise  Rossignolet de la Bruyère   Favoriting Louise  Astruc  0:48:02 (Pop-up)
Tim Hecker  You Never Were   Favoriting Anoyo  Kranky  0:58:45 (Pop-up)
Marissa Nadler & Stephen Brodsky  Shades Apart   Favoriting Droneflower  Sacred Bones  1:06:48 (Pop-up)
House and Land  Carolina Lady   Favoriting Across The Field  Thrill Jockey  1:09:40 (Pop-up)
Bill MacKay  Welcome   Favoriting Fountain Fire  Drag City  1:17:20 (Pop-up)
Stefan Christensen & Friends  Illustration II   Favoriting Unknown Fortune  C/Site  1:21:48 (Pop-up)
Joseph Allred  The Woods in the Day, and Faulkner Ascends Through the Trees   Favoriting O Meadowlark  Feeding Tube  1:24:55 (Pop-up)
Rob Noyes  You Are Tired   Favoriting (7-inch)  Market Square  1:33:15 (Pop-up)
Alexander  vi   Favoriting The Pale Light Over the Dark Hills  C/Site  1:36:45 (Pop-up)
Anna Mieke  Creature   Favoriting Idle Mind  Art For Blind  1:59:51 (Pop-up)
Damien Jurado  South   Favoriting In The Shape Of A Storm  Mama Bird  2:04:27 (Pop-up)
Pantaleon  Child of God   Favoriting Aravis  Pantaleon  2:07:31 (Pop-up)
Caira Paravel  I Know You   Favoriting Mirror Mirror  God's Eye  2:11:32 (Pop-up)
A Trust Exercise  What She Did On The Sunday   Favoriting To Be Of Use  A Trust Exercise  2:14:57 (Pop-up)
Ralph McTell  First Song   Favoriting Not Till Tomorrow  Reprise  2:20:00 (Pop-up)
David Running  Down The Saint-Laurent   Favoriting Waiting By The Door  David Running  2:22:39 (Pop-up)
Fraser & DeBolt (with Ian Guenther)  Dance Hall Girls   Favoriting Fraser & DeBolt (with Ian Guenther)  Columbia  2:26:42 (Pop-up)
Crooked Weather  Control Your Blues   Favoriting Long Garden  Crooked Weather  2:30:29 (Pop-up)
Roseanne Reid  Fire   Favoriting Right On Time  Roseanne Reid  2:35:47 (Pop-up)
Edith Crash & Alex Augé  Réveille Moi   Favoriting Inonde  Edith Crash & Alex Augé   2:39:05 (Pop-up)
Joy Williams  Front Porch   Favoriting Front Porch  Sensibility / Thirty Tigers  2:43:27 (Pop-up)
Lucinda Williams  Make Me Down a Pallet On Your Floor   Favoriting Ramblin'  Smithsonian Folkways  2:47:16 (Pop-up)
Delma Lachney  Le Bebe Et Le Gambleur   Favoriting On The Waters Edge  Mississippi  2:51:04 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:03am

Good morning Jeffrey and all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03am

Good morning planeteers
Avatar 6:03am

goodmorning everyone!
Avatar 6:07am

Mornin' amigos!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11am
Jeffrey Davison:

greetings, first responders spamoni, duke, annie, Nulsh...
adrian in mpls:

Good morning!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15am
Jeffrey Davison:

adrian, welcome
Avatar 6:29am

Am I correct in guessing Mark Deutsch is a bass player?

Morning. Sippin my coffee, there is a turkey on my deck.
Avatar 6:30am

A slow start to the chat board i think we're all in a trance thanks to these mellow sounds
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome Fredericks and Kevino. Fredericks: Deutsch plays a bass modified with sympathetic and drone strings that he calls a bazantar.

good morning, moving out of my apartment so today is packing, cleaning, painting and just doing-it-day, soundtrack courtesy of shrunken planet, thanks! /f larsson, gothenburg, sweden
Avatar 6:43am

Re Mark Deutsch, a Shrunken Planet listening pointed me to this link a few weeks back...

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43am
Jeffrey Davison:

larsson, thank you and good luck.
Cooh John:

Good morning Jeffrey and fellow planeteers on this first day of June.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46am
Jeffrey Davison:

thanks Nulsh
LiXiviated Life:

. . hello friend
from a small bedroom window at the edge of Paterson NJ
where sometimes it seems like the birds are singing as if they had been up all night drinking
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48am
Jeffrey Davison:

Lixiviated Life...ha!
Andrew in Etobicoke:

Good morning Jeffrey and all other planeteers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey there Cooh John...
Avatar 6:55am
Kevin_Ringwood_ UK:

This is lovely Jeffrey, thank you

Good morning
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56am

Good Morning planet. What Kevin said... yes.
adrian in mpls:

@Jeffrey - that’s how I feel about Mary Lattimore as well. Same goes for Sarah Davachi.
Roadside Picnic:

mellow opening set-thanks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05am

in Glen Burnie, MD. RIP, Roky Erickson. "You're gonna miss me "is one of the most inspirational documentaries I've ever seen. Roly went out a winner.
Cooh John:

Loved the Morrowdim. Sad to find out that is the only release.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08am
Jeffrey Davison:

greetings Andrew, Kevin, Steiner, LynnsBrother, Roadside Picnic, Chuck Roast...
adrian: totally agree about Sarah Davachi. Cooh John: yeah, it sux
Avatar 7:09am

Morning. Hecker is a fave.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome TDK60...
Avatar 7:18am

Hungover from the fact of yesterday's 200th birthday of New Yorker poet Walt Whitman. LiXiviated Life reminded us on the comments board.
Avatar 7:20am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Good Morning Jeffrey
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks for the reminder about Whitman...must send a card.
And greetings Aaron.
Avatar 7:24am

had to check to see if this wasn't some unknown ry cooder, inearthed from that boxhidden in a trunk.
Avatar 7:26am

Thanks, Jeffrey. I thought another person was responding to the bass.
Avatar 7:27am

Thanks, Nulsh.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28am
Jeffrey Davison:

annie, ha! hadn't thought of Ry Cooder.
Avatar 7:28am

I'm sympathetic to these strings...
Avatar 7:31am

For Roky perhaps "Goodbye Sweet Dreams."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40am
Jeffrey Davison:

Roky...elevator up...

howdy, been listening in & out of consciousness for most of the show. NICE way to wake up! the previous show had a really good tribute to Roky, if anyone wants to archive it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51am
Jeffrey Davison:

clarke, welcome...and yes, Joe of Peaceful Solutions did his last set of Elevators/Roky stuff...archive will be up later this morning.

i enjoy (most of) joe's show.

i can't do the hip-hop, tho.
Avatar 7:56am

Woah. That Alexander thumb bass playing had me in a trance.
Avatar 8:02am

..there's some poetry group holding a Whitman celebration tomorrow out at Coney Island. www.evensi.us...
Avatar 8:04am
Linda Lee:

good morning! must say, these mountains do take a while to warm up after sunrise.
Avatar 8:05am
Linda Lee:

Lixiviated Life was nice enough to share a recording of Whitman's voice with us yesterday. as expected! lots of life in those sounds.
Avatar 8:08am

Hello Linda Lee!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08am
Jeffrey Davison:

Linda, welcome
Avatar 8:09am
Linda Lee:

Nulsh! how's life this morning? seeing any sunlight?
Avatar 8:09am
Linda Lee:

hi Jeffrey! so glad for your show, always.
Avatar 8:10am
Linda Lee:

thought for a moment Damien was Dave van Ronk!
Avatar 8:12am

Linda Lee, I'm grand thanks. Hope yer' likewise.
The sun has indeed made an appearance. Been raining all week, forgot what it looked like.

still dreary on cape cod - Booo!!!
Avatar 8:15am
Linda Lee:

sunlight! sweet!
my friend in Edinburgh tells me it's a rare enough occasion.
these mornings are so beautiful i can't complain about a thing! bright green & cool, full of living birds.
Avatar 8:15am
Linda Lee:

..and light. lots of light!
adrian in mpls:

@Linda Lee - that’s how the mornings have been here lately - it’s really wonderful
Avatar 8:20am
Linda Lee:

really hoping for a change from last year, here in the catskills. all these new second-home owners were *very* disappointed in last year's washout!
Avatar 8:21am

..been enjoying the cool spring in NYC; it'll get hot soon enough..

this is the one time of the year i welcome a washout - allergic to pine pollen!! yipe.
Avatar 8:22am
Linda Lee:

@TDK60 ~ gosh, no doubt!
that's exactly why all those second home owners want good weather up here. :-D
Avatar 8:23am
Linda Lee:

clarke, you must be stuck inside then, basically. ugh!
Buddha of Suburbia:

Good morning folks! Hello LL! Did you check your mail?

actually, i wish. i have to go out to work.. gotta pop some zyrtecs to get anywhere near deal-able
Avatar 8:24am

"2nd home?" - must be nice..
Avatar 8:25am
Linda Lee:

holy heck. have you considered moving to a different bio-zone?
(just kidding. but that sounds rough.)
Avatar 8:25am
Linda Lee:

@TDK60 ~ i know. apparently there's still money to burn out there.
Avatar 8:25am
Linda Lee:

oh my god, Buddha, i didn't! got busy & didn't check it! i'll go out in a bit.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome Buddha.
Avatar 8:27am
Linda Lee:

@TDK60 ~ the damn thing is, they're pushing out those of us who can just afford one!
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Avatar 8:28am
Linda Lee:

@Buddha ~ didn't you work last night? who got you up so early?
Avatar 8:29am
Linda Lee:

(see, Nulsh? this is where the *real* cool kids are.)
Buddha of Suburbia:

Hi Jeffrey Davison! Ok LL. Should be there.
Avatar 8:30am
Linda Lee:

should i be frightened? will it bite?
Buddha of Suburbia:

Hi Nulsh!! Thanks for nice note. Always good to hear from you. And Linda Lee i got home vwry late. 1:30am
Avatar 8:32am
Linda Lee:

i broke my butt laying cinderblock under the porch yesterday, so i'm moving *super slowly* today!
adrian in mpls:

That Ralph McTell was beautiful - he’s definitely on my (ever expanding) list of musicians whose work I need to spend more time with - any suggestions for starting points?
Avatar 8:33am
Linda Lee:

hope you're not working today too. recovery day!
Avatar 8:33am
Linda Lee:

working people used to have those.
Buddha of Suburbia:

LL, well if u follow the instructions and feed it what it likes you should be safe.
Avatar 8:34am
Linda Lee:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36am
Jeffrey Davison:

adrian: McTell: You Well Meaning, Eight Frames, Not Till Tomorrow, Spiral Staircase
Avatar 8:38am

..interesting thought -control your blues.. I'll try, C.W. they've been running amok...
Avatar 8:40am
Linda Lee:

got to keep those blues in check. they tend to bleed & then the whole palette gets muddy.
Avatar 8:40am
Linda Lee:

that makes for ugly painting.
Buddha of Suburbia:

LL...today's my day off,

gotta git up and at'em. great show JD - as USUAL
Avatar 8:46am
Linda Lee:

believe it's also the birthday week for director Agnes Varda. saw her 'cleo from 5 to 7' last night. lovely film about a young & chlidlike pop singer dealing with her mortality. the images of early 60s Paris are really lovely.
adrian in mpls:

Thanks, Jeffrey!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46am
Jeffrey Davison:

thanks clarke
Avatar 8:47am
Linda Lee:

@Buddha ~ good!
Avatar 8:48am
Linda Lee:

i'll have to up my pain remedy so i can move a bit more easily.
i'm creakin ~
Avatar 8:52am

thanks for the tunes DJ JD this Saturday morn..till next time..
Avatar 8:53am
Linda Lee:

beautiful show, Jeffrey! many thanks for the easy start.
Avatar 8:53am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Thanks Jeffrey!
Avatar 8:53am

Thanks Jeffrey!
Great to hang with y'all amigos!
Avatar 8:54am
Linda Lee:

do you stay for Recess, Nulsh?
Avatar 8:56am

Linda Lee, I normally catch the start. Catch you on the other side!

My god you have good taste in music

When I’ve been sleeping in to your show for an hour and all of a sudden some vague french wakes me out of my dream dates merciiiii!

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