That version of My Bonnie may be obscure but damn it was great!. Probably the only version of the tune I have actually ever really cared for whatsoever.
I will have to get the podcast and listen again as i am in the backyard gazebo and just listening on my little crap cell phone at this point. Ha, about the only thing these things are good for. Period. Beautiful Impressions influence on this track for sure!. Beautiful man!, thanks for the sweet soul tonight bud. Enjoy your weekend.
Sorry for the confusion Mr Fine Wine. I wanted to correct myself. Slow Down Little Eva was recorded at the Cosimo Recording Studio on Gov Nicholls. J&M closed in 1956 when he opened on Gov Nicholls. Thanks for the tunes tonight. Cosimo only started using the matrix system in 1960 so that’s why the code starts then.
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Listener comments!
Matt from New Orleans:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Matt from New Orleans:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Matt from New Orleans:
Sean B.:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Matt from New Orleans:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Matt from New Orleans:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mike Wolf:
Johnny S:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Matt from New Orleans:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr C:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Sean B.:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Guy Smiles:
Ken From Hyde Park:
old ERIC thee hat:
Sonny Rickles:
Sean B.:
Sonny Rickles:
Matt from New Orleans:
Mr. Fine Wine: