Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from June 30, 2019 Favoriting

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An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Sun. Mar 9th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Dan Bodah
Sun. Mar 16th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Daniel Blumin

Favoriting June 30, 2019: A Moon Full Of Ecstacy

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Wave Tank  For Whom the Bell Tolls   Favoriting Wierd Compilation Vol.II : Analogue Electronic Music 2008  Wierd  2008  aliases: Background Projection, Cpt. Mission, Mr. S, Mr. XIII, Πέτρος Μαυρόπουλος    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Spaza  Stametta Spuit/Invocations   Favoriting Spaza  Mushroom Hour  2019  Conceived in the Mushroom Hour Half Hour lab, SPAZA is a band with no permanent personnel, with each lineup assembled for the express purpose of recording once-off improvised or workshopped material. / Ariel Zamonsky – upright bass; Gontse Makhene – percussion and vocals; João Orecchia – synthesisers & electronics; Nosisi Ngakane – vocals & FX; Siya Makuzeni – vocals, FX & trombone; Waldo Alexander – electric violin with FX pedal; & Nonku Phiri – vocals  *   0:04:13 (Pop-up)
Huun-Huur-Tu  Chylandyk   Favoriting Stirrups and Crickets: Central Asian Throatsinging Styles: Dan Bodah's 2019 Fundraising Premium (V/A)  WFMU  2019    *   0:07:09 (Pop-up)
Michael Shannon & Dean Moore  Jiken (Incident)   Favoriting Yasujro Ozu: Hitokomakura (V/A)  And/OAR  2007      0:08:20 (Pop-up)
Jennifer Higdon w/ University of Minnesota Orchestra  Rhythm Stand   Favoriting No album    2004  American composer    0:10:24 (Pop-up)
Soundwalk Collective & Patti Smith  Ivry   Favoriting Peyote Dance  Bella Union  2019  Soundwalk Collective is Simone Merli & Stephan Crasneanscki  *   0:13:01 (Pop-up)
Bill Callahan  The Ballad of The Hulk   Favoriting Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest  Drag City  2019  from Silver Springs, MD / aliases:Smog, Bill Smog & Johnny Appleseed  *   0:19:22 (Pop-up)
Holy Ghost!  Nicky Buckingham   Favoriting Work  West End  2019  3rd album from Brooklyn duo Alex Frankel & Nicholas Millhiser  *   0:23:34 (Pop-up)
Kassiel / Karim Abdul-Jabbar, Peter Graves, Rossie Harris & Julie Hagerty  Europa / You Ever Seen A Grown Man Naked?   Favoriting 12" / Airplane!  White Forest  2019  AKA Federico Bisozzi from India  *   0:28:29 (Pop-up)
Graeme Revell  Alone   Favoriting Red Planet (Music From The Original Motion Picture)  Pangea  2000  from New Zealand / one of the founders of SPK (AKA SepPuKu, SoliPsiK, Sozialistisches Patienten Kollektiv, Surgical Penis Klinik, System Planning Korporation) / aliases: EMS AKS, Oblivion & Operator    0:33:29 (Pop-up)
Jóhann Jóhannsson  Part 2/IBM 1403 Printer   Favoriting IBM 1401, A User's Manual  4AD  2006  Icelandic composer & founder of Kitchen Motors    0:35:44 (Pop-up)
The Loop Orchestra / Lloyd Bridges, Stephen Stucker, Leslie Nielsen & the Hysterical Woman On The Plane  Radiophony (edit) / Mayday? What The Hell Is That? Mayday? Well, That's The Russian New Year! You Know, We'll Have A Big Parade!   Favoriting Tempo Technik Teamwork (V/A) / Airplane!  Staubgold  2004  song is a tribute to the BBC Radiophonic Workshop / AKA Peter Doyle / orig from the album, "Not Overtly Orchestral"    0:43:17 (Pop-up)
Gramm / Robert Hays, Julie Hagerty & Leslie Nielsen  Type Zwei / Don't Call Me Shirley   Favoriting Personal Rock / Airplane!  Source  1999  1st full-length release from Jan Jelinek    0:47:10 (Pop-up)
Earthen Sea  Existing Closer Or Deeper In Space   Favoriting Grass And Trees  Kranky  2019  AKA Jacob Long  *   0:53:53 (Pop-up)
Eluvium  Entendre   Favoriting Pianoworks  Temporary Residence  2019  Portland-based artist Matthew Cooper  *   1:08:14 (Pop-up)
Erland Cooper  Aak   Favoriting Solan Goose  Phases  2018  1st solo album from this Scottish artist    1:11:44 (Pop-up)
The Playdates  Tape VII AM   Favoriting Manitoulin Tapes  Seance Centre  2019  Matthew Bailey & Carl Schilde from Torontp, Ontario  *   1:14:28 (Pop-up)
Hot Chip  Echo   Favoriting A Bath Full Of Ecstasy  Domino  2019  British group of Joe Goddard (beats) & Alexis Taylor (keys) (who go by Ulysses and Sophocles), who write the music and sing the songs with Owen Clarke (on keyboards & guitar), Felix Martin (on drums), and Al "Do It" Doyle (on guitar & anything else)  *   1:20:18 (Pop-up)
M.E.S.H.  Mimic   Favoriting Hesaitix  Pan  2017  2nd album from Berlin-based James Whipple    1:24:51 (Pop-up)
Takuji Naka / Tim Olive  Quince (excerpt)   Favoriting Quince  Kendra Steiner Editions  2018  Naka (on tape & electronics) & Olive (electronics, sounds)    1:30:47 (Pop-up)
Garlands / Alan Davis  Porte Vole / Music I Heard (by Conrad Aiken) / Remember (by Christine Rossetti)   Favoriting Vulneraries Vol. 1  Tall Owl Audio  2019  "Vulnerary" is an archaic term for a medication (herb, balm, or in this case, music) used to promote the healing of wounds / produced by David Garland & his son, Kenji  *   1:35:38 (Pop-up)
Conor Caldwell & Danny Diamond  The Further In The Deeper   Favoriting North  Bandcamp  2016  debut album from Belfast-born fiddle players Danny Diamond & Conor Caldwell    1:47:27 (Pop-up)
Thom Yorke  Bloom   Favoriting Live From Electric Lady Studios - 1/16/19  Thom Yorke  2019  orig version from 2011 Radiohead album, "The King Of Limbs"  *   1:50:56 (Pop-up)
Harrga  Melilla   Favoriting Heroiques Animuax De La Misere (Heroic Animals Of Misery)  Avon Terror Corps  2019  AKA duo Miguel Prado (electronics) & Dali de Saint Paul (voice & effect) / "Harrga" is "a burn" in the Moroccan Darija dialect / These artists felt that they could no longer ignore the escalating Migration Crisis. They felt compelled to pay tribute to the 'Harragas,' the people who cross borders illegally & must burn their papers, thus losing their identity  *   1:56:21 (Pop-up)
Bloom Offering  Imperfect Absence   Favoriting Episodes  Helen Scarsdale Agency   2018  debut album by Seattle-based Nicole Carr    2:07:28 (Pop-up)
Wojciech Rusin  First Encounter   Favoriting The Funnel  Akashik  2019  from Glasgow  *   2:11:36 (Pop-up)
City & I.O.  Bitter   Favoriting Spirit Volume  Ptp  2019  Canadian duo Maxwell Patterson from Victoria, B.C. (I.O.) & Will Ballantyne from Vancouver (City)  *   2:13:34 (Pop-up)
Petra Glynt  This Trip   Favoriting This Trip  Vibe Over Method  2017  debut album from Montreal artist Alexandra Mackenzie    2:16:11 (Pop-up)
Chino Amobi  Negative Fire III   Favoriting Paradiso  NON  2017  from Richmond, Virginia / AKA Diamond Black Hearted Boy    2:19:35 (Pop-up)
MSBR  The Hollow Ground   Favoriting Chiky​(​u​)​u (V/A)  Ash International  1997      2:23:19 (Pop-up)
Joey LaBeija  Dial Up Affection   Favoriting Tears In My Hennessy  Coming For Blood  2019  2nd album from Bronx-born producer  *   2:25:02 (Pop-up)
French 79 / Leslie Nielsen, Joyce Bulifant, Robert Hays, Julie Hagerty, Lloyd Bridges, Stephen Stucker & Robert Stack  After Party / To Be Honest, I've Never Been So Scared...At Least I Have A Husband...   Favoriting Olympic / Airplane!  Alter K  2016  1st album from Marseille-based Simon Henner    2:29:22 (Pop-up)
Robag Wruhme  Nata Alma (You Might Say) (feat. Sidsel Endresen & Bugge Wesseltoft)   Favoriting Venq Tolep  Pampa  2019  AKA German artist Gabor Schablitzki  *   2:34:42 (Pop-up)
JakuzI / Norman Alexander Gibbs  Hala Berbat / Leg 'Er Down & Smack 'Em Yack 'Em   Favoriting Hata Payi / Airplane!  City Slang  2019  2nd full-length album from Turkish trio Can Kalyoncu, Kutay Soyocak & Taner Yücel  *   2:37:46 (Pop-up)
Yeasayer  Let Me Listen In On You   Favoriting Erotic Reruns  Yeasayer  2019  5th album from Brooklyn group Anand Wilder, Cale Parks, Chris Keating, Ira Wolf Tuton & Jason Trammell  *   2:41:03 (Pop-up)
Droeloe  zZz   Favoriting single  Bitbird  2016  duo Vincent Rooijers & Hein Hamers    2:44:34 (Pop-up)
Glen Hansard / Marketa Irglova  When Your Mind's Made Up   Favoriting Once (Music From The Motion Picture)  Sony  2007  AKA The Swell Season    2:48:02 (Pop-up)
David Bowie  Waterloo Sunset   Favoriting Reality (Touring Edition)  Columbia  2003  This bonus track was only included on the Reality CD/DVD set that was distributed during the tour. It is not contained on the regular album / also released as the B-side to "Never Get Old" / song orig released on the Kinks' 1967 album, "Something Else By The Kinks"    2:56:09 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:03am

Good morning Carol and all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03am

Good morning Carol and Monnlighters
Avatar 🌜 6:04am

Morning all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04am

Good Morning Carol et al
David in London:

Wotcha Carol and all you beautiful Moonfaces out there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Carol and orbiters.
Avatar 6:06am

Mornin' amigos!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07am

Good morning, Ms. Crow, the seriously moonlit, and lunar listeners.
Peter from Dover NJ:

Good morning Carol and listeners.....
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:12am

Morning all! "Weird Compilation Vol II"? Great title!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:15am

god morning. enjoyed the circus-y midway sounds of that last piece.
upstate sean:

Hey carol
upstate sean:

, all
Avatar 6:17am

Good morning, spamoni!
Avatar 6:17am

Good morning, duke!
Avatar 6:18am

Morning, Pablexa!
listener monica:

starting my day with Patti and Peyote...
Avatar 6:21am

Good morning, jkeigh :)
Avatar 6:21am

Hey there, David in London!
Avatar 6:21am

Lovin' this Hulk song. His new album is pretty good.
Avatar 6:21am

Good morning, Ken in Hyde Park!
Avatar 6:22am

Mornin' Nulsh!
Avatar 6:22am

Sem, good morning!
Avatar 6:23am

Good morning, Peter from Dover!
Avatar 6:26am

Morning, Kevin-san! Yes!
David in London:

This Holy Ghost has everyone bopping around the breakfast table in a retro 80s style. Nice pick Carol.
Avatar 6:30am
Cool Runnings:

Patti's real cool
Avatar 6:30am

Good morning, dale! I love the idea of a carnival of sound:)
Avatar 6:30am

Hey there, upstate sean!
Avatar 6:31am

@listener monica@6:18: sounds good to me! glad to have you with us!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33am

Yes! I just watched Airplane last week. My favorite comedy. Still catch a new joke every time I see it
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:38am

@jkeigh: Roger that!
Avatar 6:38am

@Cool Runnings@6:30: Agreed!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:39am

'not too loose' - can we get a torque specificatinon buddy?
Avatar 🌜 6:40am

Have ya tried turning it off and back on again?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:43am

Baby. come back to bed, the IBM 1403 manual is on the radio!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:44am

it's no wonder you need a mechanic for one of those!

Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:48am

it's the kind of machine someone from the war department would run over to and rip off a sheet and reda quietly and then announce - "contact the plane to initiate 'doomsday scenario B1'"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49am
Ken From Hyde Park:

From the wiki en.wikipedia.org... : "An IBM 1403 printer played a cameo role in Stanley Kubrick's 1964 movie Dr. Strangelove, serving as a hiding place for a portable radio." What was playing on the radio?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52am
Doris in Droitwich UK (via Sydney):

OMG this may be my favourite SMS show since the one with the Idiocracy samples.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:56am

is this a quiz ken from hp? have no clue.
Buddja of Suburbia:

Morning Carol and the Moonlighters!

gm. just had the illest dream. i was killing zombies. but these was like trained killer zombies. wasnt.an easy stab and run. we acually had to fight had to hand. lots of blood. great dream...how my mind works.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:04am

gaeme revell the soundtrack guy?
Avatar 7:05am

Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:07am

wuddja looky who's here?
Buddha of Suburbia:

I love this tune. So achingly beautiful! Your Sunday show is my weekly medicine. How are u Nulsh? Love u buddy! And Daltato. Hello my dearest. Just returned from NYC very late last night.
Avatar 7:13am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Beautiful commute into the lovely city of Newark this morning Carlo Crow.. but I do have one question for you... Do you…like movies about gladiators?
Avatar 7:13am

Buddha. I am grand m'dear!
Looks like y'all had a ball in NY!
Avatar 7:14am
Aaron Working In Newark:

CarolCrow.. not Carlo Crow... No offense Carlo.
Avatar 7:15am

Morning. I haven't yet taken any caffeine.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:16am
John from NP:

Morning Mooners, Carol and Pabs
Avatar 7:16am

@Doris@6:52: Haha! I'm so glad!
Avatar 7:17am

Morning, Buddha!
Buddha of Suburbia:

Nulsh I had a grand time indeed. We walked 12 miles on Friday. I'm hoping a lost weight, but then again er feast like kings. Glad u liked the photos. Shopped a lot. Did not buy the Boom box rope chain by the way.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17am
Jan Turkenburg:

Hi Carol and fellow listeners! Perfect lunch time music for me (NL)
Avatar 7:18am

@agav@7:04: Have you been watching Walking Dead again before going to bed? Haha! Glad you had good dreams:)
Avatar 7:19am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Good Morning Buddha! and TDK60, as well as Nulsh and everyone. :)
Avatar 🌜 7:19am

Hiya JB!!!!
Avatar 7:19am

@Aaron@7:13: Haha! (Carlo is actually my brother:) Glad you are liking!
  Swag For Life Member 7:21am

Good morning, Carol and fans. Raining gently in this corner of upstate. Goes well with these tracks.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:22am

i have a sister named carol. it's a name that you don't hear much anymore.
Avatar 7:22am
Aaron Working In Newark:

You did not answer the gladiator question CarolCrow.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:22am

....like "Daltato"
David Colangelo:

Yo Carol...no one plays Hot Chip....very nice. Wish more people would....
Avatar 7:23am

@Aaron: I love gladiator movies!! :)
Avatar 7:24am

Morning, TDK60!
Avatar 7:24am

Me? I don't like gladiator films. Except, Spartacus, but that was about a lot more.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:25am

sword and sandal epics don't count - too hollywood.
Avatar 7:25am
Aaron Working In Newark:

OK, thank you CarolCrow, now I know where you stand on that subject.

i dont have a tv. never seena walking dead episode.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26am
Ken From Hyde Park:

I wonder if there exists somewhere a Carol Lorac, a palindrome name.
Avatar 7:26am

Morning, John from NP!
Avatar 7:27am

Hi Jan T! I am glad you could join us for lunch:)
Avatar 7:28am

Good morning, Manana! Rain is nice to wake up to:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:29am
John from NP:

Pabs, did you drink enough water yesterday?
Avatar 7:29am

@dale@7:22: True. It means a joyous song. We should try to bring it back:)

Good Morning Carol Home safe
Long night
7 pm -6:30 am
Thanks for the after work sanity
Lots of drunks were brought home safe and perhaps not so sound
Avatar 🌜 7:30am

@JB - Sure did - Onan had to leave due to the heat issues - The National had to stop their show, cuz I think someone had passed out
Avatar 7:33am

@David Colamgelo@7:23: Glad you liked! I agree. More Hot Chip! This new album is really good:)
Avatar 7:35am
I was Dave Bowman:

Pabs, I can't handle this heat & humidity. This is Africa hot already.
Avatar 🌜 7:36am

Avatar 🌜 7:36am

@Dave - See my Onan comment above - Did you mow your grass yet?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:37am

carol - never had a kid to carry on the name but we could start a petition....
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:38am

heading out for a morning scoot. have a great day carolers!
Avatar 7:40am

So, Ken From Hyde Park at 6:49: what song was it?
Avatar 7:41am

..or, was it a song, or talk?
Avatar 7:44am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Pabs.- for real? At the RTG show?
Avatar 7:47am

This sound (Garlands/Alan Davis) is easing me into my morning chores..
Avatar 🌜 7:48am

@Dave Bowman - Yeah - It was only for a few mins though - I think the person was fine
Avatar 7:48am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Later Dale
Avatar 7:50am

@agav@7:26: Better off seeing it the way you want (in your dreams:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51am
Ken From Hyde Park:

@TDK - Sorry, I don't know that. I guess that's homework for the next show.
Avatar 7:51am

..when I was a kid, I liked all those Hercules sort of movies; scantily-clad gods & goddesses running thru the shrubbery; (guess it was a pre-sexual premonition? hee.)
Avatar 7:53am

@Ken@7:26: Haha:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53am

Good morning Carol and listeners. I'm already tired of that summer thing
Avatar 7:54am
I was Dave Bowman:

@TDK60...That's hilarious!
Avatar 8:04am

AHHH the ocean- its always bet to broadcast from the ocean
Dave Conehead:

Listening about 3/4 mile off Jones Beach. Live lining Blue Claw crabs for Bluefish.
Sounds great out here
Avatar 8:07am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Listening at WORK. :(
Avatar 8:07am
Aaron Working In Newark:

lol I was just thinking moonies!

Voting for “Mooncalves”
John from NP:

Dave Bowman!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:09am

Happy to share that my swag arrived which included the wonderful shirt. I can't wait for the cooler weather when I can wear it. It will be a great fall through spring shirt for me.
Avatar 8:10am

@ignatatus@7:30: Good morning! Glad you got home safe:)
Avatar 8:10am

Hey, Dave Bowman!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10am
Ken From Hyde Park:

In Airplane II, they wind up on the moon, don't they?
Avatar 8:11am

@dale@7:37: Ha! Yes! Hope you have a great day:)
Avatar 8:12am
I was Dave Bowman:

Hi, Carol. Great set as always!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12am
John from NP:

I didn't know just standing in hot weather could be so dangerous. Did your snow melt?
Avatar 🌜 8:14am

@JB - *Spits out 1/2 cup of warm water and salt (rinsing for the tooth extractions)
Avatar 8:16am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Pabs- is John JB?
Avatar 8:18am

Good morning, fred! I hear you!
Avatar 🌜 8:18am

@Dave - Check the hair - Yes™
Avatar 8:19am

@spacecowboy@8:04: Agreed:) :)
Avatar 8:19am
I was Dave Bowman:

Missed that...*waves to JB*
Avatar 8:19am

@Dave Conehead@8:06: Awesome:)

song at 8:25 kinda dope af
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27am
John from NP:

I still don't know the tooth story. I thought I was your friend. Carol, I'm doing a robot dance!
Avatar 🌜 8:29am

@JB Just had to have 2 pulled Fri - Most meals right now consist of ice cream & antibiotics
Avatar 8:31am

@Booz@8:09: Check! :)
Avatar 8:31am

@jkeigh@8:09: I am glad it came out alright:) :)
Avatar 8:32am
Cool Runnings:

Carol: Enjoyed today's show. Have a blessed day everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34am
John from NP:

Antibiotic ice cream... Anyone got Ben and Jerry's phone number?
Avatar 🌜 8:35am

I believe Jerry does
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40am
John from NP:

Anyone speak Jive?

lay her down and smack the back...
is that what i heard

i talk Jive and Jibberish.
i charge for translations...
Avatar 8:44am

Oy vey! I went for the train and my WFMU app keeps cutting out.
Will catch the rest of the show on archive.
Thanks Carol! Bye folks!

did you mix in that Airplane jive? Brilliant!

make my dreams come tru. i'd like to actually kill zombis in real life...
Avatar 8:47am
I was Dave Bowman:

Joey, have you ever been to a Turkish prison?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:47am

I think there's an app for that

Another great start to Sunday . Thanks again from Dublin.
Avatar 8:52am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Thanks for making me cry before you leave Carol Crow. :(
Avatar 🌜 8:52am

Cheers Carol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55am
John from NP:

Peace out Carol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55am

Thanks for a great show. It was a wonderful soundtrack to the Murakami book I am reading.
Avatar 🌜 8:56am

Avatar 8:56am
I was Dave Bowman:

BALL!!!! Oh, wait...
Avatar 8:57am
I was Dave Bowman:

Avatar 🌜 8:57am

@Dave Jinx
Dave from Brooklyn:

Thanks for another morning of glorious sounds
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am
Ken From Hyde Park:

The radio, what is it?
It's an electrical box that receives signals and plays music and voices, but that's not important right now. Happy Fourth, Carol!
Avatar 🌜 8:58am

@ Ken - LOL!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am
John from NP:

Later Pabz and Dave. Reggae time.
Avatar 9:08am

Hey, BillyD from Dublin!
Avatar 9:09am

Hey, Dave from Brooklyn!
Avatar 9:11am

Hey, thank you all so much for listening! I hope you had some fun there! Enjoy your day:) THANK YOU!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:42pm

Don't like to miss your shows live, Carol but the weather this morning was so nice, I just had to get out. Horray for the archives.
All the best, Stanley
Avatar 6:06pm

Hey Stanley, thank you for listening whenever you listen! I'm glad you got out & enjoyed the lovely day:)
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