Mon. Mar 10th, 1pm - 4pm:
Raccoon Lady Special
(More info...)
In the five years Jan has been making programs for Sheena's Jungle Room,
the weekly Raccoon Lady Mixes have become something listeners are
looking forward to. Phrases like "Oh, my gosh hi!" "How does a raccoon?"
and "The dude is scared!" have become part of a secret language on the
FDL chatboard.
Today Jan is taking the phenomenom to a next level by presenting 18
brand new completely different approaches to the challenge of putting
the legendary confrontation between a woman and a raccoon on a New York
subway platform to music.
June 17, 2019: Filled in for: Stop Hitting Yourself [shfish011] | Listen: WFMU player!
Another Fill-In Show by yours truly. Dutch musical oddities, SJR pets Dave and Duggy are getting a new companion (it's a f***** racoon, can you believe it?!) and your fill-in DJ is taking place behind the Jungle Room Piano to explain something played by The Dutch Catholic Broadcasting Orchestra.
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