Mon. Mar 10th, 1pm - 4pm:
Raccoon Lady Special
(More info...)
In the five years Jan has been making programs for Sheena's Jungle Room,
the weekly Raccoon Lady Mixes have become something listeners are
looking forward to. Phrases like "Oh, my gosh hi!" "How does a raccoon?"
and "The dude is scared!" have become part of a secret language on the
FDL chatboard.
Today Jan is taking the phenomenom to a next level by presenting 18
brand new completely different approaches to the challenge of putting
the legendary confrontation between a woman and a raccoon on a New York
subway platform to music.
April 9, 2019: Filled in for: Stop Hitting Yourself (Number Nine) | Listen: WFMU player!
a collision of collages and earlier mixes: splognerizer n. 9, The Beatles - Revolution n. 9, Scratzee (an aleatoric tape compositison for three tape decks, mixer and 6 dices, made during my study), echo-mixes of 52 weeks-project, stereo test records and additional home recordings from between 1976 and 2016.
"a collision of collages and earlier mixes: splogn...
I can't recall every ingrediënt but roughly, in order of appearance:
- Splogman's remix of Beethoven's 9th symphony (using several versions and adaptations of the original, add. drums, samples and sound fx)
- 'THE GOSPELSSOUND' Dedemsvaart [NL] Wild als de wind [naar Beethoven 9]
- Louis Clarck - Ode to Joy
- R.d.Laing & son - Tipperary
- Bob Cobbing & Henri Chopin - Refreshment break
- Eveline (home recording, Belgium 1989) - Russian folk song
- First Moog Quartett - Eleanor Rigby
- De Zwervende Keien live in Groningen café [with Willeke Turkenburg on piano] & unknown out of nowhere Dixieland band - Love me Tender
- The Tattoos - Song of Joy
- Apollo 100 - Beethoven 9
- Surreal XTC - Seven of Nine (Borg remix)
- Ron Brandsteder (dutch tv-presentator) - Nine short years
- Turkish wedding music recorded live in my street july 18th 2008
- Ruth Houtman interpreting 'life on mars' on baroque violin (home recording march 2016)
- Turkish pupils of mine over 10 years ago - frere Jacques in Turkish
- R.A.M. Pietsch - Norwegian Wood/Hey Buldog
- Toos Lichtenberg and Jan Turkenburg - Darling Clementine
- 12 year old DJ Jan on cassette presenting the "local hitparade".
- Fred Frith - The entire works of Henry Cow
- anonymous sibling 1983 - Little help from my friends
- Jan Turkenburg - A fifth of Splogman
- Pete Seeger - Beethoven's 9th on banjo
- One of my classes of the Geert Grote School (almost certainly the same that sang on In My Spaceship) - Obladi Oblada "I can't recall every ingrediënt but roughly, in o...
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