Mon. Mar 10th, 1pm - 4pm:
Raccoon Lady Special
(More info...)
In the five years Jan has been making programs for Sheena's Jungle Room,
the weekly Raccoon Lady Mixes have become something listeners are
looking forward to. Phrases like "Oh, my gosh hi!" "How does a raccoon?"
and "The dude is scared!" have become part of a secret language on the
FDL chatboard.
Today Jan is taking the phenomenom to a next level by presenting 18
brand new completely different approaches to the challenge of putting
the legendary confrontation between a woman and a raccoon on a New York
subway platform to music.
February 18, 2019: Filled in for: Record Roulette Club [shfish002] | Listen: WFMU player!
New * / Special ***
Approx. start time
The Harmaniacs
El Cumbanchero
"El Cumbanchero" by "The Harmaniacs"
[Zwolle, NL]
John Bred
Avé Maria
"Avé Maria" by "John Bred"
[Zwolle, NL]
Fay Lovsky
Safety pins
"Safety pins" by "Fay Lovsky"
Music behind DJ:
Droodle 20101225
"Droodle 20101225" by "JT"
Harry Merry
Computer Problems
"Computer Problems" by "Harry Merry"
Herman Emmink
Brother, can you spare a dime?
"Brother, can you spare a dime?" by "Herman Emmink"
Kees van Kooten & Wim de Bie
Dat is de Blues
"Dat is de Blues" by "Kees van Kooten & Wim de Bie"
Music behind DJ:
Droodle 20130322 [Carol's Murder]
"Droodle 20130322 [Carol's Murder]" by "JT"
Show and Marching Band Kunst en Genoegen
Mambo Americano
"Mambo Americano" by "Show and Marching Band Kunst...
The Outside Pianist [Rik Elings] & De Zaak
Mr. Blue Sky
"Mr. Blue Sky" by "The Outside Pianist [Rik Elings...
[Zwolle, NL]
Piet Knarren
Spinning Wheel
"Spinning Wheel" by "Piet Knarren"
Music behind DJ:
droodle20110205 [Sulu go to warp]
"droodle20110205 [Sulu go to warp]" by "JT"
Brassband Jubal
Wipe out
"Wipe out" by "Brassband Jubal"
[Zwolle, NL]
Handbell Choir, R.C Carbaugh
Christ the Lord has risen today
"Christ the Lord has risen today" by "Handbell Cho...
Music behind DJ:
Jurriaan Andriessen
The Castle Of Indolence
"The Castle Of Indolence" by "Jurriaan Andriessen"
Max Woiski Jr.
Bongo tune
"Bongo tune" by "Max Woiski Jr."
Youth choir Ambassade Geuzenveld
Hoort Mensenbroeders
"Hoort Mensenbroeders" by "Youth choir Ambassade G...
Paolo Passionato & the Pennies from Heaven
Hey Oh Hengevelde
"Hey Oh Hengevelde" by "Paolo Passionato & the Pen...
Music behind DJ:
extended jingle Radio Mi Amigo
"extended jingle Radio Mi Amigo"
(off shore pirate station, Europe 1970s)
Long Tall Ernie
Goodbye Johnnie
"Goodbye Johnnie" by "Long Tall Ernie"
Jack Jersey
Papa was a poor man
"Papa was a poor man" by "Jack Jersey"
Gruppo Sportivo
I Said No
"I Said No" by "Gruppo Sportivo"
Back to 78
Music behind DJ:
droodle20130709 [Chopped Lightning]
"droodle20130709 [Chopped Lightning]" by "JT"
Kees van Kooten & Wim de Bie
Life is the way
"Life is the way" by "Kees van Kooten & Wim de Bie"
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