Favoriting Shrunken Planet with Jeffrey Davison: Playlist from August 10, 2019 Favoriting

Jeffrey Davison's avatar View Jeffrey Davison's profile Favoriting

Folk; old-timey; blues; psych, avant and acid folk old and new; ambient and electronic; lots of guitar; detours elsewhere.

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Favoriting August 10, 2019

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Seabuckthorn  Premonition   Favoriting Crossing  Eilean  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Kali Malone  Fifth Worship II   Favoriting The Sacrificial Code  Ideal  0:05:04 (Pop-up)
Celeste Evans  Organ Without Scales or Balance   Favoriting Keyboard (in the) Works  Celeste Evans  0:12:52 (Pop-up)
Anna Homler & Alessio Capovilla  O'sa Va'ya   Favoriting Deliquium In C  Präsens Editionen  0:17:57 (Pop-up)
Perlesvaus  La pluie, j'oublie   Favoriting La Nouvelle Saison  Perlesvaus  0:23:03 (Pop-up)
Rachel Bonch-Bruevich  5   Favoriting 5  Nazlo  0:28:00 (Pop-up)
Steven R. Smith  Mourning Weeds   Favoriting A Sketchbook of Endings  Soft Abuse  0:30:10 (Pop-up)
Mark Deutsch  So Gone   Favoriting The Picasso Tunings  Mark Deutsch  0:32:02 (Pop-up)
Danny Paul Grody  Sunrise, Looking East   Favoriting Sunrise, Looking East  Longform Editions  0:39:53 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Cray Twins 

The Absence of Architects   Favoriting

In The Company of Architects 

Fang Bomb 

0:57:35 (Pop-up)
Anthéne  October   Favoriting Divisions  Rohs! (Lontano Series)  1:08:51 (Pop-up)
Pepo Galán  How Not to Disappear   Favoriting How Not to Disappear  Rohs! (Lontano Series)  1:16:03 (Pop-up)
Carlo Guistini  Il Vicino (Si Muove)   Favoriting Manifestazioni  Rohs! (Lontano Series)  1:22:55 (Pop-up)
Bodyverse  Light   Favoriting Beyond  Rohs! (Lontano Series)  1:31:48 (Pop-up)
Ron Morelli  The Sun Beats Stronger As Each Day Passes   Favoriting Man Walks The Earth  Collapsing Market  1:42:20 (Pop-up)
Hunting Dog  Dead Nettle   Favoriting Body  Grimalkin  1:45:31 (Pop-up)
MERGE  STFU   Favoriting MERGE  Grimalkin  1:47:27 (Pop-up)
Elizabeth Owens  I Long   Favoriting Coming of Age  Grimalkin  1:51:53 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Wandering Rooms of the Forest: Part 2   Favoriting

Wandering Rooms of the Forest 


1:57:38 (Pop-up)
Western Skies Motel  Whelm   Favoriting Settlers  Lost Tribe Sound  2:06:20 (Pop-up)
Visible Cloaks, Yoshio Ojima & Satsuki Shibano  Stratum   Favoriting Serenitatem  RVNG Intl.  2:10:56 (Pop-up)
Samuel Orson  Mimosian Clouds   Favoriting Blue  Samuel Orson  2:17:58 (Pop-up)
Coriolan  Ici   Favoriting Sentier  Coriolan  2:23:16 (Pop-up)
Erik Friedlander  Bones   Favoriting (single)  Erik Friedlander  2:26:36 (Pop-up)
Kaki King  Hairs   Favoriting Everybody Glows: B-Sides & Rarities  Kaki King  2:28:37 (Pop-up)
Paniyolo  あの朝の食卓   春の絵  Paniyolo  2:30:44 (Pop-up)
Martin John Milner  Nine   Favoriting Calm Mind, Peaceful Heart: Meditations  Martin John Milner  2:33:14 (Pop-up)
Tobias Wilden  Transparent City   Favoriting In Transit  Tobias Wilden  2:36:42 (Pop-up)
Walden  Regen   Favoriting Idyll  Walden  2:40:26 (Pop-up)
Suzie Wyllie  Wade   Favoriting Marrow  Little Lake  2:42:43 (Pop-up)
Sharon Van Etten  I Always Fall Apart   Favoriting I Don't Want to Let You Down EP  Jagjaguwar  2:46:49 (Pop-up)
Arthur Russell  Close My Eyes   Favoriting Love Is Overtaking Me  Audika  2:49:58 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:03am

Good morning Jeffrey and all
Avatar 6:05am

I had a great time near Philly last weekend with my son and the best Eggs Benedict EVER !!
Avatar 6:06am

Mornin' spamoni!
Mornin' Jeffrey!
Avatar 6:07am

My son is here now checking up on me cause I had a really hard time with the chemo Tue & Wed
Avatar 6:08am

Morning Nulsh
Avatar 6:10am

I'm gonna hang out for a little bit until the pain meds kick in then I will listen from bed .
  Swag For Life Member 6:10am

Good morning to all. Not usually up at this hour but what a treat to hear this great show live.
Avatar 6:10am

Be great having yer' boy there spamoni. Take it easy amigo.
Avatar 6:15am

Thanks Nulsh,my son is great and wants to go get
Eggs Benedict again,i told him AFTER the show !!
  Swag For Life Member 6:15am

If only Eggs Benedict was named for Benedict Arnold, founder of the US Navy, sort of. Oh well.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Good Morning Jeffrey! Good morning Spamoni and everyone!
Avatar 6:25am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29am
Jeffrey Davison:

good morning spamoni, Nulsh, Manana, Buddha of Suburbia...welcome
spamoni: glad you had a good time in Philly. glad you're aboard.
Avatar 6:31am

Hi Buddha
Avatar 6:32am

Thanks Jeffrey, wouldn't miss it !
Avatar 6:32am

good morning shrunken heads, Tel Aviv over-caffeinated and reporting for duty...
Buddha of Suburbia:

Hello there Nulsh! Glad to hear you are with your son, Spamoni. And glad u had a nice time in Philly.
Avatar 6:37am

Thanks Buddha, I am glad my son insisted on the visit before I hit the highway to hell this week.
Avatar 6:40am

ok friends, the meds are kicking in so I am gonna rest a bit and check back later.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Bye Spamoni! See you later
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42am
Jeffrey Davison:

spamoni, see you soon. be well, my friend.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43am

Good morning all
Avatar 6:43am

Catch you later spamoni!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey there B/wad, welcome.
Avatar 6:50am

Got two Mark Deutsch cd’s.Listen to them on Sunday mornings.Gonna check out Danny Boy Grody later.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome duke, Zoot. Zoot: Grody is amazing. Lots of great music.
Avatar 6:54am

This is amazing.
Avatar 6:56am

Morning to you Jeffrey and planeteers.
Avatar 7:03am

Hey TDK60!
Avatar 7:06am

Monring Nulsh! // Jeffrey and all, let us tip our hats to Fairport Convention, celebrating their 40th festival this weekend in tiny Cropredy, Oxfordshire!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07am

Good morning JD and Shrunken Ones, missed hour 1 but ready for 2 & 3!

Great show this morning Jeffrey. Listening live from VT's this morning. Freedom is free form!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome TDK60, Kevin-san, Manhiking
Avatar 7:17am

Good morning, Jeffrey and fellow shrunks.
Andrew in Etobicoke:

Good morning Jeffrey and all fellow Planeteers.
Avatar 7:17am

..actually, a perusal of F.C.'s site shows the concerts go back to '77, a bit more than 40.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey there Fredericks, Andrew in Etobicoke...
Andrew: I got your email. Crazy week. Haven't forgotten, though I'm a world-class procrastinator, I must say (here I take a bow)
Avatar 7:22am

Hey Kevin-San. Totally worth grabbing first hour on the archives!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30am

@Nulsh: looking forward to it... archives of JD and Carol are my usual weekday morning coffee ritual
Avatar 7:34am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Good Morning Jeffrey
Biddha of Suburbia:

I am gonna get going. Great show Jeffrey! Bye Nulsh! Bye Aaron! Bye buddies! Have a good weekend.
Cool Soule:

Jeffrey digging the folk funk of merge thanks for setting a fine mood for my Saturday!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome Aaron Working in Newark...
see ya, Biddha/Buddha
welcome, Cool Soule...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54am
Granny Spicy Tuna (they/them):

shalom from the afternoon in Tel Aviv, how odd for me to hear Shrunken Planet in the bright bold day
Avatar 7:59am

Have a great day Buddha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59am
Jeffrey Davison:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04am
Granny Spicy Tuna (they/them):

the art of time management…
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07am
Granny Spicy Tuna (they/them):

the art of pronoun management… :)
Avatar 8:10am

Mornin' all! Sounds great jd! 8-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14am
Jeffrey Davison:

SmokinJ: welcome and thanks
Granny: yeah, just somethin' we oldtimers have to get used to (uses spitoon here)

Good morning JD, TDK60 and all!
I wanted to double check that Ron’s last name is spelled correctly on the acu. It is Morelli, with no “s”, correct?
I met Ron a long time ago when he played a role in coordinating the DIY scene in New Paltz and sang in a HxC band. For those that want to hear some really short grindcore songs, check out Devola!
Avatar 8:16am
Linda Lee:

hi! love the visible cloaks piece!
Avatar 8:17am

Linda Leeeee!
Avatar 8:17am
Linda Lee:

hi Nulsh!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18am
Granny Spicy Tuna (they/them):

@Jeffrey—hey, i'm no spring chicken, either (rubbing liniment on my joints)—thanks for the tip on Grimalkin, this all looks great an i'm gonna subscribe to them and tell 'em you sent me.

Howdy, Linda Lee!
Avatar 8:20am
Linda Lee:

hi there Granny! :-)
Avatar 8:21am

Hi friends,checking back in,the brief rest did wonders looking forward to some breakfast w/ my son. His new house is literally across the street from West Chester University it was cool seeing all the kids getting ready for another year. They have a radio station WCUR the curve 91.7 anyone ever listen to it ? I know it can't compare to WFMU !!!!
Avatar 8:23am

Hey spamoni! You catch some Zs?
Avatar 8:23am

Morning Kevlicki; going to Brooklyn later today for a few hours. First, a visit to a friend in the hospital who just found out they have cancer.
Avatar 8:24am

Yikes, TDK! Buena suerte por tu amigo!
Avatar 8:25am

Hi Nuslh, yes it worked wonders TDK60 sorry to hear about your friend .
Avatar 8:26am

Avatar 8:29am

Glad you saved this Coriolan for latter in the morning, Jeffrey. That electric guitar was rather jarring.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34am
Granny Spicy Tuna (they/them):

spamoni: enjoy that good hollandaise, mmmm! i am taking a shakshuka tour of Israel this week, mmmmmmmmmm
Avatar 8:37am

@Granny Spicy Tuna I'm sorry but I don't know what that tour is.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey Linda Lee, northguineahills, and welcome back, spamoni
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42am
Granny Spicy Tuna (they/them):

spamoni: oh, just a tour of a tasty egg dish :)
Avatar 8:44am

Yummmmnnnn !
Avatar 8:45am

If my Germanic etymology is correct, Walden originally referred to a place of woods.
Avatar 8:45am
Linda Lee:

hi Jeffrey! lovely set for the moment.
Avatar 8:47am
Linda Lee:

it really is a lovely thing to have someone play music for you without having to curate .. program .. hit the buttons. really nice.
Avatar 8:47am
Linda Lee:

we need not be in total control of everything we absorb, fer heavensake.
Andrew in Etobicoke:

Thanks Jeffrey.
Great show, as always.
See you all next week.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48am
Granny Spicy Tuna (they/them):

surrender to the gifts of freeform radio…
Avatar 8:50am

Thanks Jeffrey, you have no idea how this show makes me feel so great.See you all next week
Avatar 8:50am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Thanks for a great Show today Jeffrey.
Avatar 8:51am

@LL:Especially since I'm currently 650 km away from my recs....

thanks, Jeffrey!
Avatar 8:52am
Linda Lee:

especially then, ngh! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am
Jeffrey Davison:

You're all very welcome. I LOVE THIS
Avatar 8:53am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Nothing better then crying at work.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00am
Granny Spicy Tuna (they/them):


Thank you, Jeffrey, for discovering hidden wonderful music, incl. from Russia (USSR). Rachel Bonch-Bruevich ... Judging by the surname, maybe she is a relative of Lenin's comrade-in-arms! So far I have found only one review of her records (in Russian). But there is actually no information about this musician. Although it is published by the Russian underground record label Nazlo (this is russian idiom, something like "in spite" or "despite") but right writing would be "na zlo". I listened so far only the first hour of your show. Everything else is just as perfectly.
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