Favoriting Shrunken Planet with Jeffrey Davison: Playlist from September 7, 2019 Favoriting

Jeffrey Davison's avatar View Jeffrey Davison's profile Favoriting

Folk; old-timey; blues; psych, avant and acid folk old and new; ambient and electronic; lots of guitar; detours elsewhere.

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Favoriting September 7, 2019

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Artist Track Album Label
Leo Svirsky  Fanfare (after Jeromos Kamphuis)   Favoriting River Without Banks  Unseen Worlds 
Michael Vincent Waller  Return from L.A., IV   Favoriting Moments  Unseen Worlds 
Andrew Poppy  Song Tide (Interrupted)   Favoriting Hoarse Songs  Field Radio 
Mats Eilertsen  Nightride   Favoriting Reveries and Revelations  Hubro 
Mikey Young  Raga for Vacuum and Dishes   Favoriting You Feelin' Me?  Castle Face 
Fenella  Shard of Glass   Favoriting Fehérlófia  Fire 
Sophie Cooper  Last Night   Favoriting The Little Room  Sophie Cooper 
HTRK  Into The Drama   Favoriting Venus In Leo  Ghostly International 
Rolf Hansen  Gotenstrasse   Favoriting Elektrisk Guitar  Karaoke Kalk 
Seeker Lover Keeper  Dear Nighttime   Favoriting Wild Seeds  Liberation Records 
Aïsha Devi  Aurat (Tool)   Favoriting Of Matter And Spirit  Houndstooth 
Lamentation  Whispers From Carmilla's Tomb   Favoriting Leaving Shire: Zoe B 2019 Marathon Premium  WFMU 
Cross Record  An Angel, a Dove   Favoriting Cross Record  Ba Da Bing 
Bendik Giske  Hole   Favoriting Surrender  Smalltown Supersound 
Cricket Blue  Elliott   Favoriting Serotinalia  Cricket Blue 
Ela Stiles & Jensen Tjhung  Golden Scalpel   Favoriting Golden Scalpel  Ela Stiles & Jensen Tjhung 
Suzie Wyllie  Skin   Favoriting Marrow  Little Lake 
Lucie Thorne  Nothing Comes Close   Favoriting Kitty & Frank  Lucie Thorne 
McKisko  Wellspring   Favoriting Southerly  Little Lake 
Shannon Lay  Shuffling Stoned   Favoriting August  Sub Pop 
Mary Glenn  Ballroom   Favoriting EP  Little Lake 
Lucy Roleff  I Went to the Ocean   Favoriting Left Open In A Room  The Lost and Lonesome Recording Co. 
Seagull  A Voice in the Ward   Favoriting A Voice in the Ward  Little Lake 
Oh,Rose  Water   Favoriting While My Father Sleeps  Park The Van 
Circle Pit  Slave   Favoriting (single)  Hardly Art 
Stina Nordenstam  I Came So Far For Beauty   Favoriting Hallelujah: The Songs of Leonard Cohen  Ace 
Bob Dylan  If You See Her, Say Hello   Favoriting Blood On The Tracks  Columbia 
Gabriel Kahane  Model Trains   Favoriting Book of Travelers  Nonesuch 
Marika Hackman  Hold On   Favoriting Any Human Friend  Sub Pop 
Lost on Purpose ロスト オン パーパス  No Self Destruction   Favoriting Ashes (the kind of weird album)  Lost on Purpose ロスト オン パーパス 
Paper Beat Scissors  Gun Shy   Favoriting Parallel Line  Forward Music Group 
Radie Peat  My Bonny Boy   Favoriting (live version)  Radie Peat 
The Innocence Mission  The Lakes of Canada (2019 version)   Favoriting (single)  The Innocence Mission 
Lina Tullgren  Bad At Parties   Favoriting Free Cell  Captured Tracks 
Inga Liljestrom  Neige   Favoriting (single)  Inga Liljestrom 
Dawn Riding  Honey Is Gold   Favoriting Last Spring  The Long Road Society 
Frankie Cosmos  With Great Purpose   Favoriting Close It Quietly  Sub Pop 
Caroline No  Alex   Favoriting Swimmers EP  King Crab  
Danika Smith  Suit of Armour   Favoriting (single)  Danika Smith 
Teeth & Tongue  Happiness   Favoriting Tambourine  Dot Dash 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:02am

Good morning Jeffrey and all. Welcome back
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03am

Hello planetary folks
David in London:

Morning Jeffrey and all you Shrunken Heads globally.
Avatar 6:05am

Hello, there, Planet people!

Jeffrey, we missed you! Saturday mornings don't get off on the right foot without you. Good morning planeteers!
Avatar 6:05am

Gooooood morning!
spamoni! amigo! How's yer' week been?
Hey David! How ya' diddlin'?
You have a good break Jeffrey?

@spamoni: how are you doing?
Avatar 6:09am

Hi Nulsh ,I had a BAD week spent 3 days in the hospital and almost checked out ! My b/p dropped to 65/37 my first question was an i dead ?

no stop this kind of lame piano crap... its not piano music its just lazy

seriously do not play piano music that sounds ANYTHING like this its an insult to every great pianist and composer for piano and otherwise!
Avatar 6:11am

I also went into kidney failure . My genius oncologist finally realized the chemo was killing me
Avatar 6:11am

That's awful spamoni. Sorry to hear that. Assume you are back home now?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12am

Good morning, Jeffrey, the Shrunken Planet faithfull, and all. A rare Saturday off from the Market, happy to hear you live.
Avatar 6:13am

I am home and you have no idea how I was looking forward to today's show
LiXiviated Life:

“I've got to tell you
how I love you always
I think of it on grey
mornings ... “
David in London:

Hey Nulsh. I’m good my man, low key in London on a Saturday morn. How’s yourself?
David in London:

Hey spamoni, sorry to hear that man. Wishing you a bounce back real soon.
Avatar 6:14am

My son flew up from fla.last nite and is picking up my other son to stay with me for awhile .
Avatar 6:15am

That's good spamoni. That'll cheer you right up.
Avatar 6:17am

I'm thinking I can get strong again and my body heal I'll see the oncologist ( voo doo doc)in 3 weeks
Avatar 6:17am

David, I am well thanks. Enjoying my Shrunken Planet!
Avatar 6:21am

Fingers crossed spamoni! Voodoo doc! Heh heh!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21am

@spamoni I have been thinking about you a lot. I'm also battling the emperor of maladies, although not to the degree you are Cancer sucks. I borrowed some pixie dust from Clay Pigeon for you.
Avatar 6:23am

Thanks duke i forgot you have a medical issue best of health to you !!!!
Avatar 6:24am

As a matter of fact I forgot alot of things lately !
David in London:

Duke, some good vibes from Olde London Towne to you too.
Avatar 6:35am

OK gang the pain meds are kicking in and I am cold and weak this am, off to lay down and listen under the blanket
Avatar 6:36am

Take it easy spamoni.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42am
Jeffrey Davison:

Sorry for the belated greetings, all...
spamoni, duke, David in London, Fredericks, testingwithfire, Nulsh, ?, Sem, LiXiviated Life...
spamoni: sorry you had a bad week. we're here, pulling for you.
?: I'll do my best.
adrian elaine in mpls:

hope everyone is having a good morning
Avatar 6:52am

Good morning.
Avatar 6:56am

Avatar 7:01am

Nulsh, how are things in Glasgow?

Welcome back, Jeff
John from Florham park:

@Spamoni just read about your week from hell hope you get better soon
Avatar 7:08am

All good TDK60 thanks. Sunny and things getting cooler! You get yer' songs sorted?
John from Florham park:

Hello fellow shrunken planet listeners
Cooh John:

Good Saturday morning to my fellow planeteers. Welcome back Jeffrey. Wishing you the best spamoni. Nice to see you again, Sem. Anything left in your garden?
John from Florham park:

@TDkK60 morning
@Nulsh interesting week in parliament
upstate sean:

Sounding great
upstate sean:

Hey everyone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13am

Hello, Cooh John. Continuously picking tomatoes, still tending the basil, rosemary, and sage. Second planting of peas looking good, and harvesting potatoes day by day. How is everything in your part of the world, CJ?
Andrew in Etobicoke:

A belated good morning Jeffrey and fellow Planeteers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey adrian elaine in mpls, TDK60, Marc15, John from Florham park, Cooh John, upstate sean, Andrew in Etobicoke...
Avatar 7:19am

Nulsh, still working on songs, moving along, played a few for old friends. / Morning JohnfFP.
John from Florham park:

Howdy Jeffery
adrian elaine in mpls:

ah this McKisko record! I listened to this a bunch this week - thanks for introducing me to it, Jeffrey!

just reading comments now...good morning to all. thinking of those with serious illnesses...sending positive energy out to you...
Avatar 7:23am
Buddha of Suburbia:

This is so lovely. I'm going through problems in my relationship and this song helps.
Avatar 7:23am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Cooh John:

Everything fine in buckeye country, Sem. Spreading as much love and music as I can. Just got my marathon swag. Hoodie weather approaching.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26am

Peace be upon you, Cooh John.
Avatar 7:26am

Sorry to hear yer' on a bumpy road. Hope it all works out buddy.
Avatar 7:27am
Buddha of Suburbia:

THis music is everything! Thank you sweet Nulsh! It's ok. I am scared to make a change since I live with him, but it's not working out.
Avatar 7:27am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Good Morning Jeffrey
John from Florham park:

@Buddha hugs and pixie dust to you hope things get better
Avatar 7:28am

JohnfFP! Hello! Yeah it's a big Pantomime right now!
John from Florham park:

@Nulsh that is a big understatement

yep, for the UK the shitshow just gets worse...we in the US could say welcome to our world...

on the other hand, ding dong Mugabe is dead, not that that makes things better for the Zimbabwean people..Oy, the human race. Lovely set Jeffrey. Thank you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36am
Jeffrey Davison:

For everyone whose suffering is especially acute (as opposed to the customary suffering we all enjoy!), frankly it's an honor to share music with you this morning, and hopefully lift all our spirits. Thanks for being here and being a part of this community.
John from Florham park:

@Jeffery you and the rest of the personality’s here on WFMU keep us sane in an insane world and we thank you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39am

I'm not always commenting, but I'm up working online this morning (just the usual suffering haha) -- and the calm Saturday morning vibe really works for a lot of folks, I bet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39am

good morning all! this show is truly the best way to face the world in the morning
john the g:

it’s great waking up at 6 on a saturday and hearing you again. haven’t done either in a while
Avatar 7:40am

Thank you Jeffrey.(I have three kidneys)piano was okay
Avatar 7:41am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42am

hi @nulsh!
John from Florham park:

@Queems oh hell yes to that
Avatar 7:44am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Queems!!! I emailed you back. Thank you Jeffrey...thank you for the hours you spend putting this playlist carefully together. I want to see Aldous Harding in Brooklyn on 9/30 but my boyfriend went ballistic as we live 3 hours away and he likes me at home...I am so sorry to over share.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46am

good morning @john! @buddha! i got your email. i'll let you know on monday- it will depend on how tired my body is
Avatar 7:47am

@JfFP thanks ! @ Buddha cheer up you seem like a beautiful person and good karma will be with you!! I just got up to turn my heat on i am freezing ! and we're not even in autumn yet!
Andrew in Etobicoke:

Over sharing is NOT the worst thing in the world, Buddha.
John from Florham park:

@Spamoni our Buddha who is the queen of the morning show us a wonderful person and a great lady so I can excuse her for being a Mets fan:)
Cooh John:

Thanks, Sem. Being the change and creating my own reality. Peace to all.
Avatar 7:51am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Thank you, Spamoni! Thank you Andrew in Etobicoke! John from Florham Park, LOL!!! I'm seeing them on Tuesday. You have to admit they're having quite a year! Thanks everyone for listening and your willingness to hear me on here. I'm kind of a mess this morning. Going to work in a little bit.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey prudy, G, john the g, Zoot, Buddha of Suburbia (sorry to hear...)
John from Florham park:

@Buddha have fun at the Mets game, and we all got your back sweetie
John from Florham park:

And yes the Mets are having a thing I have to admit that
Cooh John:

Jeffrey, getting heavy. I like it.
Avatar 7:56am

Jeffrey, I hope someday you will retell the story about you helping out the person in a wheelchair get their music playing again.
Avatar 7:57am

@Buddha,oversharing is definitely a good thing I live alone and going thru the hell I am, if it wasn't for all the beautiful people on this board I would be a lost soul in a lonely universe ! Plus I love the music !!!
  Swag For Life Member 7:59am

Late good morning, Jeffrey, et al. Have to put another layer on. Chill in the air.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59am

good morning everybody
John from Florham park:

@Spamoni this chat board is the best thing that I have seen and I have learned a lot from very knowledgeable people on this board and have been turned on to some really great music on here
John from Florham park:

@EGA howdy
Avatar 8:06am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Awww, you guys are going to make me cry. Friendship is a beautiful thing even if it's only shared in an orb. Spamoni, I'm so pleased to know you and be on this journey with you. You're kicking ass.
John from Florham park:

@Buddha on this board I have learned who is fake and who are good people, and you are one of the best so hang in there
Avatar 8:09am

That twelve-string on If You See Her, Say Hello sounded very different from the version I am familiar with.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey Manana, EG_Astro
hope I haven't overlooked anyone on the comments board!
Avatar 8:12am

Yesterday I wore a WFMU T-shirt and a young person on the sidewalk stopped me to ask about the radio station. Unusual curiosity in the big city.
John from Florham park:

@TDK60 hope that person started to listen to this wonderful station
phillippe bastille:

top of the mornin' y'all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15am

@TDK60 i've only had other listeners start a conversation about the shirts, or a happy wave of a hello!

Welcome back Jeffery, Music has healing power.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:17am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey phillippe, Kevino...

yeah, I know I spelled your name wrong, but I just woke up! please find it in your heart to forgive me.
phillippe bastille:

Hey @boods, I just scrolled down and read you are having SO troubles. stay strong and make the choice that will make you feel better in the long run.
John from Florham park:

@Kevino don’t worry about it we all screw up names on this list
phillippe bastille:

@boods personally, from what I've learned about you, I think you'd be quite a catch for anyone with half a brain. Funny, kind, caring, and sensitive, from what I've witnessed

Good morning JD and all. Hope your Saturday is all you expected.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22am

go to the show
Avatar 8:23am

EG, John, I was heartened as some say young adults don't listen to radio much, more to online or selected shuffles. If given the chance, I try to explain a radio station is a collection of personalities presenting sounds in an actual building. hee.
Avatar 8:23am
Buddha of Suburbia:

I love that TDK60!
Avatar 8:24am

@JfFP preach ! lol
Avatar 8:24am
Buddha of Suburbia:

What a wonderful thing to say! Thank you Phillippe Bastille! Bless you, mate!
Avatar 8:25am

Morning Buddha, and Kev.
John from Florham park:

@TDK damn kids:) that is why I have for the most part given up on pandora or Spotify and ready to delete them back to the store from whence they came
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey kevlicki
John from Florham park:

@Spamoni as I can attest to you:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27am

@TDK60 No absolutely, it's also a lot of fun! I do love sharing the love of radio.

Spotify is such garbage. For this platform you also have to go through hoops to try to figure out to permanently delete your account.

Lovely to hear the Innocence Mission again...would love to see them live but I know they don't tour much...creative geniuses in my book and a trio who so well intuit their own sound..
Avatar 8:34am

@Nulsh ,see you tomorrow amigo ? I thought of a great name for the listeners! Funny what goes thru your head when you're lying in a death bed in a hospital !
Avatar 8:35am

Absolutely spamoni! You came up with a Moon name? (Don't tell me! I love surprises!!!)

Good morning planeteers
Avatar 8:38am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Bye bye NULSH, SPAMONI, PHILLIPPE, JOHN FROM FLORHAM PARK, EG.CASTRO, TDK60, etc...and Jeffrey?! What a great wonderful show this morning! Thanks!!! Blessings to you all.
Avatar 8:39am

@Nulsh, that was the plan, just hope it hasn't been used already.
Avatar 8:41am

Bye Buddha hope your day is filled with beautiful thoughts !
Andrew in Etobicoke:

Thanks Jeffrey.
Great show, as always.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42am

have a good one Buddha!
adrian elaine in mpls:

thanks for these Saturday mornings, Jeffrey - they’re always such a wonderful start to the day
Avatar 8:46am

Yes thank you Jeffrey this was the BEST medicine all week !!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks everyone for being here!!
Avatar 8:49am

Bye Buddha! (Sorry if I missed ya'!)
Avatar 8:50am

Great having you back Jeffrey!
Avatar 8:50am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Bye Nulsh! I will write you some time. Will be seeing some people from the ACCU on Monday. Will send you pics.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50am
Baja Joe:

Loving the show this fine morning. Getting ready to go buy some frozen octopus. You needed to know that, trust me.
Avatar 8:50am

Ah cool! Cheers Boodz!
Avatar 8:52am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Thanks for another great Saturday Jeffrey
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am

Thank you, Jeffrey. Seemed like old times this morning.See you and all again mid-October.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey there Baja Joe, Aaron Working In Newark
Avatar 8:53am

@Nulsh i might just sneak in a beer with my boys and the hell to the doctors order !!!!
John from Florham park:

@EG_Astro just closed my Spotify account never going to use that again
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am

Congratulations @John!
John from Florham park:

@EGA thanks
phillippe bastille:

thanks for the show, Jeffery!
Avatar 9:00am
Lixiviated Life:

Oh no, I shrunk the planet
John from Florham park:

Hello fellow double dippers

Thank you very much, Jeffrey! Great show as usual! I want to say a few words about Stina Nordenstam. L.Cohen's cover is from her cover's album "People Are Strange"(1998) originally. There are another Cohen's cover "Bird on Wire" and also covers of Doors, Tim Hardin, Prince, etc. This is one of my favorite records of the 90s. The interpretations of these famous songs are very unusual, unlike the originals.
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