Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from September 22, 2019 Favoriting

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An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Sun. Mar 9th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Dan Bodah
Sun. Mar 16th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Daniel Blumin

Favoriting September 22, 2019: The Communist Moonifesto

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Boards Of Canada  XYZ   Favoriting WXAXRXP Sessions (box set)  Warp  2019  previously unreleased - this was originally recorded & broadcast as a Peel session in July 1998  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Propan  A Beauty   Favoriting Trending  Sofa  2019  2nd full-length album from Ina Sagstuen & Natali Abrahamsen Garner  *   0:07:48 (Pop-up)
Goem / Jon Ingram  Comp Twee / The Bourgeosie Have Stripped Of Its Halo Every Occupation Hitherto Honored & Looked Up To With Reverent Awe   Favoriting Lokatie / The Communist Manifesto (by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engel)  Microwave Recordings  1999  "Goem" is a now out-of-use Russian term for shops whose products were available only to Communist Party members / 3rd album from trio Frans de Waard, Peter Duimelinks & Roel Meelkop    0:10:11 (Pop-up)
Nick Cave & Warren Ellis  Song For Jesse   Favoriting White Lunar  Mute  2009  2-CD compilation of tracks from 6 different films / “Song For Jesse” is from the 2007 movie “The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford” / both artists are from Australia    0:17:08 (Pop-up)
Grave Nature  Sigil   Favoriting Ascending  Flag Day  2019  debut album from Christopher O. Mathews  *   0:19:24 (Pop-up)
Mikey Young  Billions Of Tears   Favoriting You Feelin' Me?  Castle Face  2019  re-issue of 2017 debut solo cassette / Australian artist / AKA Eddy Current, Mike Squire, Mix Master Mike / of groups Brain Children, Eddy Current Suppression Ring, Lace Curtain, Ooga Boogas & Total Control  *   0:21:01 (Pop-up)
Andrew W.K. / Robin Williams & Jeff Bridges  Cadillac / You're A Friend   Favoriting 55 Cadillac / The Fisher King  Skyscraper Music Maker  2009  AKA NYC-based Andrew Wilkes-Krier    0:25:00 (Pop-up)
The Skids  Peaceful Times   Favoriting Days In Europa  Virgin  1979  words by Richard Jobson & music by Stuart Adamson (of Big Country) / 2nd album from Dunfermline, Scotland band William Simpson (bass), Rusty Egan (drums), Stuart Adamson (guitar, synthesizer, vocals), Bill Nelson (keyboard) & Richard Jobson (vocals)    0:29:05 (Pop-up)
Lotic  Hunted   Favoriting Power  Tri-Angle  2018  debut full-length album from Berlin-based producer J’Kerian Morgan & referred to as "they"    0:33:46 (Pop-up)
Painted Caves  Shadow Gamelan   Favoriting Surveillance  Shelter Press  2013  AKA Evan Caminiti (modular synth, tape, vocals) / recorded at The Fog Border in San Francisco, California    0:36:17 (Pop-up)
CV & JAB / Vivien Leigh  Rock House With Door / He's Like An Animal, Has An Animal's Habits, There's Even Something Subhuman About Him...Thousands Of Years Have Passed Him By   Favoriting Thoughts of a dot as it Travels a Surface / A Streetcar Named Desire  Shelter Press  2018  AKA Christina Vantzou (American artist from Kansas City, Missouri) & Brooklyn-based John Also Bennett / album is a live musical interpretation of a series of wall drawings by Zin Taylor    0:40:14 (Pop-up)
Sonologyst / Kim Hunter & Marlon Brando  Andromeda / I Don't Care If She Hears Me...Now Let's See The Papers   Favoriting Unexplained Sounds / A Streetcar Named Desire  Petroglyph Music  2014  AKA Raffaele Pezzella from Italy    0:45:33 (Pop-up)
Amiina  Seoul   Favoriting Kurr  Ever  2007  debut album & single from Icelandic quartet Hildur Ársælsdóttir, Edda Rún Ólafsdóttir, Maria Huld Markan Sigfúsdóttir, and Sólrún Sumarliðadóttir    0:56:15 (Pop-up)
Leif Elggren / Steve Martin & Johnny Carson / George Carlin  RGB: Movement 1-Red (excerpt) / I Don't Have To Leave / Soft Language   Favoriting RGB (An Audio Specctrum) / The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson - 1978 / George Carlin Stand-Up Show 1990  Sircom  1999  This project is the result of 3 commissioned sound artists ( Leif Elggren, souRce research, Matmos) conjuring up what they think the colours red, green and blue sound like. Each artist was free to explore for themselves whatever direction they felt appropriate for their individual colours/pieces. These 3 compositions where then overlapped to form the 44 minute piece called "RGB". Track durations for each separate colour piece is given on the back cover as approximate overlapping range: 00.00 - 14.50, 13.52 - 29.45 and 29.10 - 44.08. / Swedish composer Leif Elggren's Red: Neon Gas pulsating in an electric field contaminated by the frequencies emanating from a human body. Recorded January 4, 1998 at Fylkingen, Stockholm. Reworked and mixed at Firework Edition, Stockholm.    1:13:29 (Pop-up)
Dog Bless You (feat. Mr. Bios) / George Carlin  Fratelli di un'altra madre   Favoriting La Science Du Langage  Chez, Kito, Kat  2019  AKA Samuel Ricciuti / "Fratelli di un'altra madre" translates to "Brothers of another mother"  *   1:26:35 (Pop-up)
Mozzaleum  Bubbling Cauldron   Favoriting Dark Ride  Feeding Tube  2019  trio A Damned Parker (AKA Adam Parker) (on synthesizer), Condread Capistran (on synthesizer & drum machine), Terrorica Pinto (AKA Erica Pinto) (on synthesizer & idiophone)  *   1:29:40 (Pop-up)
Elfmilk  The Oracle (Wire Tapper Edit)   Favoriting The Wire Tapper 23 (V/A)  Wire  2010  AKA Eddie Harari / orig version from the self-released album, "White Dwarf vs Black Dwarf"    1:31:47 (Pop-up)
Jerusalem In My Heart X Black To Comm / Ariana Richards & Tyrannosaurus Rex  Thahab, Mish Roujou', Thahab (Remix) / Turn Off The Light!!   Favoriting CRXSSINGS (fundraiser for City Plaza) (V/A) / Jurassic Park  No label  2019  AKA Radwan Moumneh & Marc Richter / "Thahab, Mish Roujou', Thahab" translated from Arabic means "(The Act of) Departing, Not Returning, Departing"  *   1:34:29 (Pop-up)
Black Zone Magick Chant / Wayne Knight & A Baby Pterosaur  Incineration of Thoughts / No Wonder You're Extinct!   Favoriting Voyage of Sacrifice / Jurassic Park  Shelter Press  2019  AKA Maxime Primault from France  *   1:41:50 (Pop-up)
Patricia Taxxon  Hello World   Favoriting Photo 4  Patricia Taxxon  2019  artist from Santa Cruz, California  *   1:51:39 (Pop-up)
Laura Luna Castillo  Without Dust And Shadows   Favoriting Folksonomies  Cudighi  2019    *   1:54:24 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno  A Lot of the Interesting Things That Happen Happen On The Borders Of Things And On The Places Where Different Areas Overlap   Favoriting BBC interview 3/18/91  BBC  1991      2:05:51 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno  French Catalogues   Favoriting Discreet Music  Island  1975  performed by The Cockpit Ensemble / a variation on "The Canon in D Major" by Johann Pachelbel / Neither the date nor the circumstances of Pachelbel's original composition are known (suggested dates range from 1680 to 1706) / Pachelbel was a German composer, organist & teacher    2:06:30 (Pop-up)
Rachel Grimes  In The Vapor With The Air Underneath   Favoriting The Clearing  Temporary Residence  2015  3rd album from this Kentucky-based pianist    2:11:38 (Pop-up)
Knut Nystedt w/ Schola Cantorum  Immortal Bach, Op. 153   Favoriting     1996  Immortal Bach, Op. 153, is a choral composition written in 1988 by Knut Nystedt, a Norwegian composer & derived from the 1st line of Bach's funeral song "Komm, süßer Tod" (Come, sweet death). / Schola Cantorum is a Norwegian chamber choir formed in 1964 by Nystedt    2:16:03 (Pop-up)
Michael Vincent Waller  Divertimento   Favoriting Moments  Unseen Worlds  2019  3rd full-length album from this NY-based artist  *   2:21:29 (Pop-up)
The Choir Of St. John's College, Cambridge  Locus Iste (by Anton Bruckner)   Favoriting Locus Iste  Hyperion  2019  piece composed by Anton Bruckner (AKA Josef Anton Bruckner), an Austrian organist and composer / "Locus iste" meaning "This place," WAB 23, is a sacred motet composed by Bruckner in 1869. The text is the Latin gradual Locus iste for the annual celebration of a church's dedication. The incipit, Locus iste a Deo factus est, translates to "This place was made by God." Bruckner set it for 4 unaccompanied voices, intended for the dedication of the Votivkapelle (votive chapel) at the New Cathedral in Linz, Austria, where Bruckner had been a cathedral organist. It was published in 1886, together with 3 other gradual motets. / The text concentrates on the concept of the sacred place, based on the Biblical story of Jacob's Ladder, Jacob's saying "Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not" (Genesis 28:16), and the story of the burning bush where Moses is told "put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground" (Exodus 3:5). / "Locus iste a Deo factus est, inaestimabile sacramentum, irreprehensibilis est" means "This place was made by God, a priceless sacrament; it is without reproach." / album is the 100th recording by the Choir of St. John's College, Cambridge & marks the 150th anniversary of the consecration of St John's College Chapel. The 15 tracks reflect the past 150 years of choral music, carefully selected by Director of Music Andrew Nethsingha to mark each of the 10-year periods since the Chapel's Consecration in 1869. / featuring: Laura van der Heijden (cello); William Buttery, Lewis Cobb (treble); Daniel Brown (counter tenor); Gopal Kambo (tenor); James Adams, Piers Kennedy (bass)  *   2:24:55 (Pop-up)
Conspirare  American Triptych: No. 2, The Peace Of Wild Things   Favoriting The Hope Of Loving: Choral Music Of Jake Runestad  Delos  2019  Austin-based choral group started by conductor and musical director Craig Hella Johnson with Company of Voices  *   2:28:19 (Pop-up)
Mica Levi  Lee Harvey Oswald   Favoriting Jackie (Original Soundtrack)  Milan  2016  AKA English artist Micaela Levi (AKA Micachu) / soundtrack for the biopic on Jackie Kennedy    2:33:21 (Pop-up)
Nadia Sirota, Liam Byrne  Part 1   Favoriting Tessellatum  Bedroom Community  2017  album composed by Donnacha Dennehy / accompanies a film / Nadia Sirota (viola) & Liam Byrne (viola da gamba) / "Opus tessellatum" is a mosaic technique that involves the use of tesserae (small cubes of stone, marble, glass, ceramic, or other hard material) of uniform size applied to a ground to form pictures and ornamental designs. Opus tessellatum was the most commonly used technique in the production of Hellenistic, Roman, early Christian, and Byzantine mosaics. Evolving from the supplementary use of stone tesserae to achieve colour intensity in earlier pebble mosaics, opus tessellatum came to be used for entire mosaic floors in most areas of the eastern Mediterranean by at least the beginning of the 2nd century bc. The earliest mosaics in opus tessellatum were composed of stone and marble tesserae, but, in the course of the 2nd century, tesserae of coloured glass were introduced for special colour effects.    2:35:18 (Pop-up)
Longina  Older   Favoriting Essays on Radio: Can I Have Two Minutes of Your Time?  Cronica  2005  AKA Chiu Longina    2:37:54 (Pop-up)
Michael Donnelly  Thick Skull   Favoriting The Wire Tapper 50 (V/A)  Wire  2019  orig from his 2019 album, "Why So Mute, Fond Lover?" on Front And Follow Records / from groups Delicate Awol & Rothko  *   2:39:00 (Pop-up)
Cast Of Faust  Suicide Is Painless   Favoriting Faust  Pan  2019  cover version of the MASH theme song, originally written by Johnny Mandel / Deriving from the acclaimed performance and exhibition—staged by Anne Imhof at the 57th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia and awarded the Golden Lion for Best National Participation— the album "Faust" is part documentation and part elaboration, the sonic capture and extrapolation of the gestures, intensities, and durations of the live event. The music for Faust was written in a band-like process by Imhof & her collaborators Billy Bultheel, Eliza Douglas, and Franziska Aigner during the months leading up to its premiere at the opening of the German Pavilion in Venice. From the chaos of the performative, the album is constructed out of live recordings and original arrangements.  *   2:42:50 (Pop-up)
Tilia  Doublethinktank III: We Did Our Duty   Favoriting Essays on Radio: Can I Have Two Minutes of Your Time? (V/A)  Cronica  2005  artist from Zurich, Switzerland    2:45:35 (Pop-up)
Stine Janvin  Lean In   Favoriting Fake Synthetic Music  Pan  2018  3rd full-length album from Stine Janvin Motland from Stavanger, Norway    2:46:31 (Pop-up)
Big Blood  Pox   Favoriting My Body, 'Tis Of Thee (V/A)  Centripetal Force  2019  Organized in response to states (Alabama, Ohio, Missouri, among others) passing restrictive and unconstitutional abortion legislation - and driven by the need for an immediate response with tangible results - Centripetal Force reached out in hope of finding allies to partake in this important project. The result is a collection of 10 artists & bands, all of which are led by women or feature women in prominent roles within the band's lineup. / All profits from this endeavor will be donated to NARAL Pro-Choice America and their fight to keep abortion safe and legal for all women.  *   2:50:25 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:03am

Good Moon-morning Carol and listeners!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03am
Jan Turkenburg:

tuned in!
Avatar 6:04am

Good morning Carol and all orbiting moon units
Dave Conehead:

Avatar 🌜 6:05am

Morning one and all
Avatar 🌜 6:06am

I do hope everyone survived the Area 51 storming unscathed
Avatar 🌜 6:06am

I figured our numbers may be down this week

Everyone is awake
Good Morning Carol
Last call
Avatar 🌜 6:15am

@Spamoni - How are you feeling?
Avatar 6:18am

Hi Pablexa not feeling well i'm gonna lay down now having a hard time breathing
Avatar 🌜 6:19am

@Spamoni hope these few hours of Carol helps
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21am

For once. I'm at home this morning and happy to be listening live.
Good morning Carol.
Wishing you well, spamoni.
Avatar 6:23am

Good morning, Kevin-san!
Avatar 6:23am

Welcome, Jan!
Avatar 6:24am

Good morning, spamoni!
Avatar 6:24am

Ahoy, Dave Conehead!
Avatar 6:24am

Morning, Pablexa!
Avatar 🌜 6:25am

Hello Carol!!
Avatar 6:25am

Good morning, ignatatus!
Dave Conehead:

This works great

Not cool
No doubt we all want to take the sickness and pain away from you
The only thing we all can do is extend our hearts to you
Avatar 6:36am

@spamoni: so sorry. hope you get some rest!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37am

Hello Moonlighters
Avatar 6:38am
adrian elaine in mpls:

good morning everyone! @spamoni - hope some rest helps.
Avatar 6:38am

Good morning, Stanley!
Avatar 🌜 6:38am

Mpls represent!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39am

Good morning, Ms. Crow, Moonlit listeners wherever you may be.

The Fisher King excerpt a grace note to the morning, reading the Dave Itzkoff Robin Williams biography at present.
Avatar 6:39am

@spamoni: Echoing comments of Stanley@6:21 - be well
Avatar 🌜 6:39am

OK so what the F is a Coconut? A fruit? (This question has been asked on another forum and not really successfully answered)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41am

It's a nut (seed).
Avatar 🌜 6:42am

@Fuzzy - Dunny be Googling - I want opinions, not facts!!
Avatar 🌜 6:43am

It's a dairy - That's one opinion

Coconut water on the shelves everywhere is actually from the plant not the nutted seed
Avatar 6:49am

Hello duke!
Avatar 6:50am

Good morning, Sem! How is the Robin Williams bio?

Napolianic code
Avatar 6:52am

realized only this morning, that I left a comment yesterday on last week's playlist thinking it was today's show ... did not even realize we were still saturday :D
That tells you how much I cannot wait to start the WE to listen to the latest SeMoSo's curation !
Avatar 6:54am

Hello Fuzzy
Avatar 6:55am

@BEAVO@6:51: Ha:)
Avatar 6:55am

Good morning, Avrilinmay! Thank you for the kind words
Avatar 6:57am

My pleasure Ca. :))

Where are your fox furs

hello from sri lanka ( where coconuts are a staple ;)
Avatar 🌜 7:00am

This reminds me of this
Avatar 7:01am

Hello imaad!
Avatar 🌜 7:02am

Howdy imaad!!!! Sooo Coconuts are staples??? My wife had some staples and a metal plate placed in her elbow this week
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02am

Mr. Itzkoff maintains the constant presence of Williams' solitary childhood throughout which Williams' explored deeply his private interior world, while reporting its effect on his art as he skipped from high school theatrics to Julliard to stand-up in San Francisco and then LA. I'd have to say there is deep and sensitive writing and reporting on display, the memories of Williams' friends, acquaintences, and other actor are priceless insights into various corners of the personality Williams' showed publiclly. Funny and tragic, as one might expect with the foreknowledge we all have of his career.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02am

Are Amiina the quartet that toured with Sigur Ros a decade ago?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:03am

ah, brando from his early days of being wally cox' room mate.

@Pablexa haha! hope she wasnt hurt too bad. we use coconut in a lot of our food, and at different points of its maturity. in the maldives, there is a name for every stage of its maturity. i would say it could be considered a fruit, a seed and a nut.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Morning Carol! Morning Moonlighters!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:05am

wow - i listened to a lot of nick cave and warren ellis last nigght. i was trying to make a n.c. and bad seeds pandora channel and it gave me those two instead.
  Swag For Life Member 7:07am

Good morning, Carol, et al. Chilly now, hot later. Sounds like a cleaned up South of the Border sign.

Brando always sounds like he has food in his mouth
When playing The Godfather he actually stuffed cotton in his mouth for an effect he already had.
Avatar 🌜 7:09am

@imaad - Thanks for the kind thoughts - She's hurting and a lotta healing is ahead - Thanks for NOT clearing up the Coconut question!!! :) a fruit, a seed and a nut. :)
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:11am

Botanically speaking, a coconut is a fibrous one-seeded drupe, also known as a dry drupe. However, when using loose definitions, the coconut can be all three: a fruit, a nut, and a seed

dry drupe - heh heh
Avatar 🌜 7:13am

Thanks Carol!
Buddha of Suburbia:

Very informative, Dale. And good morning to ya!
  Swag For Life Member 7:15am

Wonder if that Russian term got recycled for the chefs who serve Putin and pals. Words are so adaptable.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:16am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Carol and the bunch. Found a lovely set of moon photos: www.rmg.co.uk...
Avatar 🌜 7:16am

Coconuts - a fruit, a seed and a nut - OK let's move on to tomatoes
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17am

Coconut is also representative of a way of life.
My favourite use of coconut is in a 'milk' shake using the green coconut juice, with banana or mango, discovered on the island of Lamu, Kenya (when I was a younger man, obviously)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17am

Hi Sem. You well?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19am

Hello, Stanley. All good here, in the midst of having the house exterior painted, and tidying up the garden.
And you?

Steve Martin on Johnny Carson?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:20am

morning boods. i aim to delight and educate
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:20am
Baja Joe:

Happy Sunday all. What's for breakfast?
Avatar 🌜 7:21am

@Baja Joe Coconuts
John from Florham park:

Good morning fellow moonlighters
John from Florham park:

@Carol going to play the 7 words you can’t say;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:24am

Sem - the summer made a brief return this weekend. Very nice. Otherwise, not up to much. Heading down to France on Friday.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25am

Sporting the beret, I'll wager.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26am

@Stanley: Where are you going?
John from Florham park:

@Spamoni hello
@fale hello
@Buddha hello
John from Florham park:

Sorry dale for messing your name up
Dave Conehead:

Thought u were gonna play some old Elektro CNN type stuff

GM. waking up to this set...dope.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Hi JFP! last night i worked til 1am. went to bed at 2. now en route to work for 9 hours. Life doth sucketh today for me. Thank u Carol for making it a little better with your show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:32am

@fred - visiting the Aged Ps in Béarn in the South-West.
Beret country and as Sem pointed, out I shall, indeed, be wearing mine.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:33am

it's okay john from f.p. - i've been a falure more than once.
John from Florham park:

@Buddha ouch hope you had plenty of coffee
Avatar 7:35am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Good Morning CarolCrow <3 Thank you for the Music packed show today :)
Avatar 7:37am

Good morning, fred!
Buddha of Suburbia:

Thanks John. sitting here drinking coffee. Having a Folgers moment with all of you. I will be on vacation for 1 week starting next Sat. so i have that to look forward to.
Avatar 7:38am

Morning, Buddha!
Avatar 7:38am

Good morning, Manana!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42am

Off on a walk into town, thank you for a wonderful start to this day, Ms. Crow. See you and all next time, if the fates allow.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Morning Carol!
John from Florham park:

@buddha I feel honored to have coffee with you and the rest of the Sunday listeners
Avatar 7:44am

John from Florham park:

@TDK60 morning
Avatar 7:46am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Hiya Buddha!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:47am

newman had it coming in that scene.
Avatar 7:47am

Recovering from seeing King Crimson last night.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Hi TDk60. Thank John from Florham Park u are very kind.
Avatar 7:48am

Good morning, Ken! Thanks for posting the pics!
Buddha of Suburbia:

Hi there Aaron!
John from Florham park:

@Buddha welcome you are the best too
Avatar 7:48am

Happy Sunday, Baja Joe!
Avatar 7:49am

Good morning, John from FP!
Avatar 7:49am

Good morning, agav!
John from Florham park:

@TDK60 did they do court of the crimson king
Avatar 7:50am

Have a great deay, Sem!
Avatar 7:51am

Morning TDK60!
Avatar 7:52am

JohnfFP: Yes.
Avatar 🌜 7:52am

@TDK60 how many drum sets were set up?
Avatar 7:54am

They had three drummers. Incredibly good.
Avatar 7:58am

Good morning, Aaron!
Avatar 🌜 8:00am

She's talking!!!
Avatar 8:03am

..in Spanish, two Ls indeed sound like Y.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:03am
John from NP:

Good morning Carol and Loonie Moonies. Sorry I'm late. PABLEXA!
Avatar 8:08am

Always loved this Discreet Music album, such a seminal work. Eerie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11am
John from NP:

@spamoni feel better, please. Hope you're able to rest
John from Florham park:

Fellow listeners just read spamoni comments hope he is doing better by now
Buddha of Suburbia:

Spamoni in case u read this, hope u feel better. wishing u blessings in abundance.
Avatar 8:14am

Good morning, John from NP!
Avatar 8:15am

@TDK@8:03: THANKS!

My headphones aren’t loud enough
Avatar 8:24am

I had to sign in on that last one so I could favorite it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:29am

I adore choral music - especially when it's this good. Superb - thank you Carol.
Avatar 🌜 8:34am

Hey JB!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36am
Cooh John:

Good morning Carol and moonlighters. Catching some of the last rays.
Avatar 8:38am

Hi everyone, I read your comments and bless you all ! The meds knocked me out i will catch the archives later. I think have pneumonia from the water retention I'll go to the hospital as soon as I can get my lazy butt moving.
Avatar 8:40am
I was Dave Bowman:

I'm late. I need to cut back on the propofol.
John from Florham park:

@Spamoni get your lazy butt moving NOW
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42am

@spamoni: Get there. There are archives for the show. Not for you
Fragonard Chimielewski:

MASH theme?
Fragonard Chimielewski:

Avatar 8:45am

Oh no
So solemn maybe It should have been recorded this way
Avatar 8:46am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Thank you for the perfect show today CarolCrow.. I <3 You!
Fragonard Chimielewski:

Great Sunday morning vibe
  Swag For Life Member 8:48am

Fellow Northeasterners! This afternoon could be summer’s last gasp. Get outside if you can. Lake Champlain by kayak sounds good. A good day to all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48am
Cooh John:

Take care, spumoni. Sending our best to you.
Avatar 8:51am

Was that a great superposition or what (it was!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53am
John from NP:

Dave Bowman! What's a propofol?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am
John from NP:

Big Blood! Sweeeeeeeettttt!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55am
John from NP:

Pablexa would love Big Blood.

one for the archives...
Avatar 8:56am

Thanks Carol.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57am
John from NP:

Thanks Carol, love you!
Avatar 🌜 8:58am

Thanks for a great show Caz!
Avatar 8:58am
I was Dave Bowman:

@JB...it's an anesthesia. It's was killed MJ.
Avatar 8:59am
I was Dave Bowman:

Avatar 9:01am
I was Dave Bowman:

Later, carol.
Avatar 9:15am

Hello to everyone I missed! Thanks all for listening!
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