the giant has awakened
"the giant has awakened" by "horace tapscott"
the giant has awakened
archie shepp
quiet dawn
"quiet dawn" by "archie shepp"
attica blues
rufus wainwright
pretty things
"pretty things" by "rufus wainwright"
jane and barton
ha bloody ha
"ha bloody ha" by "jane and barton"
cherry red
from cd reissue...and it's a list song!
quarteto em cy
caminho de pedra
"caminho de pedra" by "quarteto em cy"
Interview with Joe aka Pappawheelie, Miami Bass expert and writer...during the next hour he's brought the oddest songs within the Electro/Miami Bass genre, and peppered the playlist with great bits of trivia about the producers and the songs themselves. Boom Boom Boom!"Interview with Joe aka Pappawheelie, Miami Bass e...
mad hatter
dracula's boogie
"dracula's boogie" by "mad hatter"
in which Dracula goes to the projects and tries to get a date. Mad Hatter does all the vocals (all four!) in one take.
rock rangers
country western rock
"country western rock" by "rock rangers"
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