Favoriting Daniel Blumin: Playlist from September 27, 2019 Favoriting

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The run-around drill sergeant of love meets the freeform radio nurse in an international popularity crisis. Twang, dub, noise, rockers, aliens, drum machines, foreigners, imported goods, songs, rumbles, hollers, blips and squiggles, along with an occasional musical number.

Monday 9pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Mon. Mar 10th, 9pm - Midnight: Daniel Blumin and his Co-Host Kevin Nutt

Favoriting September 27, 2019: Son of Electronic Grapefruit

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Makers  Don't Challenge Me   Favoriting Personal Space: Electronic Soul 1974-1984  Chocolate Industries  2012      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Stereolab  French Disco   Favoriting Jenny Ondioline Pt. 1  Elektra  1993    Stereolab's Tim Gane on the show next week!  0:03:10 (Pop-up)
Peter Jefferies  All Across the Morning Sky   Favoriting Last Ticket Home  Grapefruit  2019  LP    0:07:18 (Pop-up)
Bill Direen  Son of Cronos   Favoriting A Memory of Others OST  Sophomore Lounge  2019  2LP    0:14:17 (Pop-up)
Venom P. Stinger  Tearbucketer   Favoriting Tearbucketer  Siltbreeze  1996    Jim White of Venom P Stinger, Dirty Three, Xylouris White on the show on Oct. 11!  0:17:48 (Pop-up)
Mata  In the Pool   Favoriting Archipel(o)gos  Only Fucking Noise  2019      0:21:48 (Pop-up)
Konstrukt + Ken Vandermark  Cocoon   Favoriting Kozmik Bazaar  Karlrecords  2019  LP    0:26:29 (Pop-up)
Crime and the City Solution  The Bride Ship   Favoriting The Shadow of No Man 12"  Mute  1989  12"    0:33:42 (Pop-up)
Elsa Justel  La radio, ça détend (2001)   Favoriting Yegl  empreintes DIGITALes  2019      0:39:35 (Pop-up)
Martin Brandlmayr  Vive Les Fantômes (excerpt)   Favoriting Vive Les Fantômes  Thrill Jockey  2019      0:44:13 (Pop-up)
Stefan Christensen  G Roberts   Favoriting The Upcoming Flame  Bruit Direct Disques  2019  LP    0:54:24 (Pop-up)
70 Gwen Party  A Culling for Satan   Favoriting John Peel Sessions 1, 2, 3 & 4  Snape  1995      1:11:52 (Pop-up)
Stuart Chalmers  Part 1   Favoriting BothBoth  Invisible City  2019    Collab w/ See Monsd  1:17:52 (Pop-up)
Achim Mohné  Vodou   Favoriting Vodou / Rara  The Wormhole  2019  10"    1:28:01 (Pop-up)
Trevor Wishart  Arrival   Favoriting Journey Into Space  Paradigm  2002    '73  1:37:57 (Pop-up)
Stephen Vitiello  A New Glow   Favoriting A New Glow/Simple Interference 7"  Champion Version  2019  7"    1:56:40 (Pop-up)
Micah Frank  A Sun Will Always Sing - Morning   Favoriting Quetico  Puremagnetik Tapes  2019  Cassette    2:13:46 (Pop-up)
Labradford  Lake Speed   Favoriting Labradford  Kranky  1996      2:17:30 (Pop-up)
Hydrogen Bonding Process  Viridian, Vermilion, Burning Umber   Favoriting Viridian, Vermilion, Burning Umber  Bandcamp  2018      2:24:20 (Pop-up)
Andreas Trobollowitsch  V1   Favoriting Ventorgano  mAtter  2019  LP    2:31:09 (Pop-up)
Eleh  Collect Yourself/Well Arranged   Favoriting Living Space  Touch  2019      2:46:09 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:02pm

Hello Daniel and co-listeners!
Mike Wolf:

Not only that but the original 10-inch version with the silly lead-in!
Mike Wolf:

I prefer this version to the later one.

Daniel I need a little savin’ and a little more destructin’ tonight, please.
Avatar 9:06pm

Good evening.

sounding good DB
Mike Wolf:

Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:15pm

Hello, Daniel and all!
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:16pm

Nice slice of grapefruit from PJ
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16pm
Daniel Blumin:

Greetz, chresti, TDK, SeanG, Yvang and the rest of you lurkahs! Mike, I'll do me best!!! ultrad, welcome!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17pm
Daniel Blumin:

Mike, Tim Gane of Stereolab on the show next week - guest dj'ing!
Mike Wolf:

God damn it Daniel, I can read!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20pm
Daniel Blumin:

Bless ya, Mike!
Mike Wolf:

It’s awesome and I am listening forward to it.
Avatar 9:23pm

@_@ at tim gane dj'ing
Avatar 9:23pm

This fits in with this week, A quirky irky set to get our evening off the ground.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Bim Bam Boom! Let's go!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28pm
Daniel Blumin:

khd & Mike - me too! Hola, Ken!
Mike Wolf:

Yo play that Peter Jefferies song again.

nice KV
John from Florham park:

Hello fellow WFMU listeners
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:41pm

Queeg...there was a key and the men were eating the strawberries with their shirts untucked!
Avatar 9:43pm

Crime and the City Solution, they haunt just right.
Avatar 9:44pm
Steve B._NJ:

La radio, ça détend a été réalisée en 2001 au studio de la compositrice à Paris (France) et a été créée en juillet 2001 dans le cadre de l’émission radiophonique Résonances à France Culture. La radio, ca détend a obtenu le Prix France Culture de la catégorie RadioMix du Concours Phonurgia Nova 2001.
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:46pm

I used to listen to these shows!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm
Daniel Blumin:

Hallo, John from F P! OOh la la, Steve B! Bon soir!
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:48pm

Bon sang de bon soir!
Avatar 9:50pm
Hubig Pie:

ultra d, can I interest you in a mouth watering bowl of sand?
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:53pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53pm

Good evening Daniel and fellow travelers. Diggin’ the tunes!
John from Florham park:

Hello DB
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:55pm

I love that movie
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57pm
Daniel Blumin:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58pm
listener 126464:

Thanks Daniel, lurking. Cheers everybody
N. Ron Hubble:

Awful day today, I had to leave the house. Unbelievable!!
Avatar 10:11pm

yeah, fly over the pentagon and, uh, never mind

Hey Daniel! May you live in interesting times!!! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha!

Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha!
Avatar 10:13pm

..after discernment and self examination, I'll make no further comment at this time.
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 10:13pm

golden sprinkles over the whitehouse

To be fair, Drumpf has given the world three new words we never had before: Covefe, Hambeder and (today) Liddle.
Avatar 10:15pm

solid artist/track/album/label name
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 10:15pm

maybe some fairy dust, too
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 10:19pm

Maybe he's been listening to The Angelic Upstarts' "Liddle Towers"

Evening, Daniel and Bluminvestigtors

any disease is from a virus and a virus is a demon...therefore, any disease is primarily a spiritual disease...as a grey goose with horns embraces me...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28pm
Daniel Blumin:

p-90! How you be? Putin, yes, as Moscow Times says!
Avatar 10:53pm
Billy Jam:

I'm here for the always quality Friday night soundtrack music + this week, the car talk with Daniel Blumin
Avatar 10:54pm

1973? huh. live acoustic-electric or tapes or both?

I remember seeing two men on their stomachs sipping cheap vodka on a filthy road..the bottle broke thru the bag...I found great beauty at this...I was 6 years old...Russian memories...
Avatar 10:58pm

i hope you sprinkled a little holy water on them
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 10:59pm
Franco Twinkie:

That was old school chaos for sure. Unmistakable sound of tape shredding, razor blades and adhesive tape. Made me feel young again!
Avatar 11:00pm

nice, this Vitiello, Buffalo Bass Delay is a permanent feature on my sleepytime playlist
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 11:04pm

Very nice this stuff
Avatar 11:10pm
Billy Jam:

#CarTalk - dammit this story makes me mad!
Avatar 11:10pm

haha, that sucks

What? Cut our your converter with an electric saw while underneath your car?! Crazy...
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 11:11pm

They're expensive
Avatar 11:11pm

Avatar 11:11pm

New Cat is gonna ruin you $500.. ugh!
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 11:11pm
joe mulligan:

That is so crazy! last year someone stole my honda station wagon and left behind another stolen honda.
Avatar 11:11pm

get a bike is the lesson
Avatar 11:12pm

Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 11:12pm

I've heard tell around here in SoCal
Avatar 11:12pm

Platinum is very expensive! lesson: buy a car from Pre 1988 you will be good bro
Avatar 11:12pm

just sweepings from the side of the road gets you some platinum from catalytic converters

would love to hear some music
Avatar 11:13pm

...True..bicycle is also a very good solution. I rode 40 miles today and I am still awake!

Auto insurance should be able to cover vandalism costs hopefully
Avatar 11:13pm

@s - what do you want to hear
Avatar 11:14pm

Other solution: Lower your car!

@jt: Wow, 40 miles on a bike! Awesome
Avatar 11:15pm

Hey! I went to school with Steven Vitello.. & his sister! Hi!
Avatar 11:16pm

i bought a pretty much new bike with an electric motor for 450 a couple of weeks ago and it's a blast. i still don't think i could do 40 miles yet even with the motor so kudos.
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 11:17pm

Wow that's terrible! I don't have any stories as nuts as that, but back when I lived in NJ, one time some kids stole my old beater and went for a joyride and then got caught by the cops. They didn't know how to drive stick so they ruined my clutch, so that was expensive. Also they left some grapes in the back seat which turned into raisins by the time I got the car out of one of Newark's scammy sleazy expensive impound lots. And new socks and cheap sunglasses. I was like... you stole my car so you could go *shopping*? It's not Arizona. You can *walk* to the Marshall's, it's just a few blocks away!
Avatar 11:17pm

@Sally: Went to The Rockaways. ( from N.Bklyn) jumped in the ocean and then returned ...so it was a biathlon! & I am 53.. so you kids need to get out more!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21pm
Daniel Blumin:

Insurance? DJ's at FMU only have collision! True, jt, gotta go low!
Avatar 11:23pm

You can't really buy a used catalytic converter either.. that's the weird thing.. why steal if there is no "used Market" my guess is someone who HAS the same car as you needed that part but didn't have the 500 -+ fo a ne w one and they b rocking your cat now!
Avatar 11:23pm
Billy Jam:

@jt was at The Rockaways two days ago and going back tom. to cycle up and down the boardwalk and (like you) jump into the sea
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:26pm
Daniel Blumin:

The pox on 'em, jt! But I'm not tossing my Honda, which just this year became legal to drink!
Avatar 11:35pm

how much plat can you extract from a cat
Avatar 11:38pm

how much plat could you extract from a cat if a cat was made of plat
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40pm
Marcel M:

Mr. Blumin. I'm with a certain Austrian and a certain Konzel-mann and we'd like to say, "Hallo wie geht's"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40pm
Marcel M:

Avatar 11:41pm

if a cat was plat and you extracted that how much plat would you gat

I can hear a car without a catalytic converter in this song
Avatar 11:42pm

@s lol
Avatar 11:43pm

i love it, really enjoyed that drone intro
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:43pm
Daniel Blumin:

Marcel M, hallo to the three of yous! Alles ist gut over hiers!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44pm
Daniel Blumin:

s, I was thinking the same thing!
Avatar 11:46pm
Billy Jam:

hey Marcel - hope u are feeling well
Marley Dogg:

Happy weekend everyone
Avatar 11:49pm

sup dogg
Avatar 11:49pm

sick, new eleh
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50pm
Daniel Blumin:

Backatcha, Marley D!

sick jams and heady nugs
Avatar 11:52pm

dogg bless you db cu l8r
Avatar 11:55pm
Billy Jam:

hey Marley Dogg + yippie + all else tuned into F M U - thanks for a great show Mista Blumin - good night
Marley Dogg:

This is song is perfect for midnight
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 11:56pm

This track is emitting good waves to my brain
Marley Dogg:

Billy Jam - killer show earlier tonight as always - just listened to it on the archives
Avatar 11:59pm
Billy Jam:

thanks Marley -
Marley Dogg:

Where is the after party tonight?
Avatar 12:01am
Billy Jam:

after party underneath Daniel Blumin's car - with next show with Rich playing loud
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 12:02am

thanks Daniel for a very enjoyable time!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:38am
Daniel Blumin:

Thanks fer the listenings, yippie, khd, Billy, chresti, Marley D, you and you too! Tune in next week as Tim Gane of Stereolab guest djs up a storm! Have a great weekend/week and may your vehicles, food processors, and ouija boards be tamper -free!
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