Favoriting Shrunken Planet with Jeffrey Davison: Playlist from September 28, 2019 Favoriting

Jeffrey Davison's avatar View Jeffrey Davison's profile Favoriting

Folk; old-timey; blues; psych, avant and acid folk old and new; ambient and electronic; lots of guitar; detours elsewhere.

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Favoriting September 28, 2019

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Artist Track Album Label
Kali Malone  Sacrificial Code   Favoriting Sacrificial Code  Ideal 
Glåsbird  Frøhvelv   Favoriting Svalbarð  Whitelabrecs 
Laurie Anderson, Tenzin Choegyal, Jesse Paris Smith  Heart Sutra Song--Gone Beyond   Favoriting Songs From the Bardo  Smithsonian Folkways 
Derek Monypeny  Disappointment Lurks   Favoriting How Can Be  Raheem 
Sandy Bull  Improvisation for Oud 2   Favoriting Still Valentine's Day 1969  Water 
Mosses  Am Ah Hung   Favoriting Ryley Walker Presents...Imaginational Anthem Volume Nine  Tompkins Square 
Lake Mary & The Ranch Family Band  River Ceremony   Favoriting River Ceremony  Lake Mary 

Music behind DJ:

We Move Slowly Through the Past (excerpt)   Favoriting


Beyond Beyond Is Beyond 
Anne Erlewine  Sacred Space   Favoriting Over the Bones   
Rachel Sermanni  Put Me In The River   Favoriting So It Turns  Rachel Sermanni 
Joan Shelley  Any Day Now   Favoriting Like the River Loves the Sea  No Quarter 
Matt Bauer and Dana Falconberry  Oh, Matthew!   Favoriting Two Songs For Sadie  Matt Bauer and Dana Falconberry 
Ratbath  Black Lonely   Favoriting Strange Desire to Stay Gone  Ratbath 
Cricket Blue  Alicia From the Store   Favoriting Serotinalia  Cricket Blue 
Tiny Ruins  My Love Leda (solo)   Favoriting Olympic Girls Solo  Ba Da Bing 
Van Lente  And So He Howls   Favoriting #1  Van Lente 
Bridget St. John  Rabbit Hills   Favoriting Live at the Betsey Trotwood  Feeding Tube 
Old Amica  Collisions   Favoriting Constellation  Fox Food 
Nic Jones  Farewell to the Gold   Favoriting Penguin Eggs  Shanachie 
Allan Taylor  Lady Take Your Time   Favoriting The Traveller  Rubber 
Richard Thompson  The Old Changing Way   Favoriting Henry the Human Fly  Island 
Joel Mongeon  Born to Rise   Favoriting Demos  Joel Mongeon 
Emma Bowers  In the Morning   Favoriting In the Morning EP  Emma Bowers 
Louien  The Fool   Favoriting None of My Words  Jansen 
Good Good Blood  Dark Days   Favoriting Sun Of A Gun  Fox Food 
Townes Van Zandt  Only Him Or Me   Favoriting The Best of Townes Van Zandt  Tomato 
Sierra Ferrell  Washington by the Sea   Favoriting Washington by the Sea  Opika 
Shannon Lay  Unconditional   Favoriting August  Sub Pop 
Bob Dylan  You Ain't Going Nowhere   Favoriting Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits, Vol. II  Columbia 
Wooden Wand  All Time Girl   Favoriting Brooklyn Blizzard (The Thump Sessions)  Wooden Wand 
Will Johnson  A Solitary Slip   Favoriting Wire Mountain  Keeled Scales 
Dawn Riding  Quentina   Favoriting Last Spring  The Long Road Society 
Jess Cornelius  Sadness   Favoriting Nothing Is Lost  Crystal Chain 
Lisa Bastoni  It's the Staying That Hurts   Favoriting The Wishing Hour  Lisa Bastoni 
Esther Rose  Three   Favoriting You Made It This Far  Father/Daughter 

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03am

Good morning shrinkers
Avatar 6:03am

Good morning Jeffrey and all
adrian elaine in mpls:

good morning everyone!
Avatar 6:13am

Mornin' folks!

spamoni! Amigo! How are ya'?
Avatar 6:17am

Nulsh ,mi amigo i'm doing great, I missed you last weekend !! I hope all is well.
Avatar 6:21am

Good to hear spamoni! I missed getting on the comments. Had to listen to Jeffrey and Carol on the Archives through the week.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Hello Jeffrey! Hello Nulsh! Hello Spamoni!!!!
Avatar 6:24am

BOOOOODZ!!! One day to go buddy!
Buddha of Suburbia:

Nuuuulsh! Bless yer cotton socks. Jeffrey, this has some Andalusian/Moroccan influence. Very soothing.
Avatar 6:27am

Hellllooooo Buddha, today starts your vacation right? Have a kick-ass great time !
Cooh John:

Good morning Jeffrey and fellow planeteers at the advent of autumn.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30am
Jeffrey Davison:

good morning spamoni, adrian elaine in mpls, Nulsh, Buddha (oblations), Cooh John (and yes, welcome to autumn...have had some lovely weather here lately)
Avatar 6:30am

Jeffrey, yer' floating my fretted-instrument boat this morning. Nice stuff.
Buddha of Suburbia:

@Spamoni, yes it is! Thank u!! i have a whole week off. i am so happy about it. ₩e're leaving for Maine tomorrow...on my birthday! Glad to see u here Spamoni sounding great!
Avatar 6:33am

Ah this is another one from the Tompkins Square vol 9. Need to get me a copy.
Avatar 6:35am

Buddha let me be the first to say Happy Birthday!! Mine is also this month.
Avatar 6:37am

Boy did I screw up I'm next month come on brain start working
Avatar 6:40am

Speaking of birthdays, my good friends son is 9 tomorrow any suggestions for a gift for him
Avatar 6:42am
ben abs:

Morning Jeffrey, Nulsh, boods, all! Going to see Kali Malone today, along with some other ambient tastiness!
Avatar 6:43am

ben abs!
  Swag For Life Member 6:45am

Morning, Jeffrey and all. Almost put on the house heat this morning. Holding out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45am
Jeffrey Davison:

good morning ben abs...lucky you
Avatar 6:48am
ben abs:

@nulsh, hope you're all good pal!
Buddha of Suburbia:

Hello Ben Abs! Would be great to see u when we come to the UK in a year. Nulsh we shall meet half way? Spamoni happy belated birthday to u. And thak u!
Avatar 6:51am
ben abs:

@boods, it's a date!
Cooh John:

Nice uplifting sounds. I can use them.
Avatar 6:57am

Everything ok Cooh John ?

Avatar 7:04am

Cooh John:

Just frustrated that this planet is rife with conflict, spamoni. Technological advancement happens daily. Sociological advancement moves at the speed of glaciers. Jeffrey offers refuge when I get caught up in thinking about it.
Avatar 7:13am
ben abs:

@tdk, forgot to mention, that Laurie Lee book can be read as a standalone (what i did) is only loosely part of a trilogy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:16am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey there Crei6ton, TDK60
I hear you Cooh John...seems that artists are (largely) making the world a better place, but human vanity and blindness is more destructive than ever.
Avatar 7:18am

Hey Ben Abs! I'm glad you told me about him. He has a way with words, enough that I'll surely read the others. Thanks.
Avatar 7:21am

Hey TDK60!
Avatar 7:23am

Great to hear Sandy Bull.Still have my album from 1970.Tried to play the oud but gave up.Switched to mandolin.

Good Morning
Avatar 7:26am

Hello Nulsh up north, what's for lunch? Too early for breakfast here, gotta swig some caffeine first. // Zoot, Sandy Bull is the grandfather of the freak folkies.
Avatar 7:30am

Lunch is a good shout TDK60. Gettin' me a tummy rumble! I might walk down to pub after Shrunken Planet.
Cooh John:

Thank you Jeffrey, for my Saturday morning respite. Peace.
Neil M:

Floating on this set. Riding along on it. Thanks!
Avatar 7:40am

Van Lente, new to me!

At the moment, perfect.
Avatar 7:41am

@Cooh John spot on ! I am so thankful for this 3 hour break with Jeffrey to help me get thru !!
Avatar 7:45am

Sandy Bull is on a Sam Phillips album.Gonna have to listen to his later recordings after his drug rehab.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome Zoot, Neil M, Deborah

Your playing everything good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51am
Jeffrey Davison:

McGroovey, welcome, and thanks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey northguineahills
Avatar 7:53am

Good for the freak folkies
Avatar 7:58am

Jeffrey, you're unleashing such songs.
John from Florham park:

Hello fellow shrunken planet listeners
John from Florham park:

@Buddha morning
@Spamoni how are you feeling guy

Morning everyone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15am

good morning all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey there John from Florham park, melinda, EG_Astro...
John from Florham park:

Hello Jeffrey
Avatar 8:22am

Florham Park John, morning to ya over in Jersey.
Avatar 8:22am

Feeling good JfFP thanks and how are you this fine autumn morning ?
John from Florham park:

@Spamoni nippy here too but will warm up later
Avatar 8:30am

JfFP ,i was born in Newark and lived in Newton ,worked in Morristown i remember it as being a nice area.
John from Florham park:

@Spamoni then you remember the green around Christmas season how crazy it would get
John from Florham park:

@Spamoni still nice area
Avatar 8:33am

Wow that just brought back some memories
Avatar 8:35am

I'm pretty sure I played the Florham Park golf course with some sales people
Avatar 8:36am

That Bob D. tune: possibly that was Happy Traum on banjo?
adrian elaine in mpls:

wow this Wooden Wand song is so sweet - i’m melting a little bit
John from Florham park:

@Spamoni how long ago
Avatar 8:37am

My memory is weak, that was in the early 70's

Jeffrey you bring a little magic into this world and have just totally inspired me right now on the other side of the world. Thank you.
John from Florham park:

@Spamoni gotcha
John from Florham park:

@TDK60 morning to you too
Avatar 8:40am

Which side of the planet, Andy? // Speaking of Planet A, hats off to the students yesterday, especially the half million in Montreal!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41am
Jeffrey Davison:

TDK60: you're going to have to look that one up...I dunno
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42am
Jeffrey Davison:

Avatar 8:43am

Jeffrey D> most likely!, just read a book on the '60s-'70s Woodstock music scene; Traum was often called, at the last minute, by Bob to head to NYC to play on records.
Avatar 8:44am
Buddha of Suburbia:

I'm gonna get going everyone. Have a wonderful weekend! Jeffrey, thank you for such wonderful, nourishing music! It's been a sincere treat! Merci beaucoup! xoxo
John from Florham park:

@Buddha in case I don’t see you on here tomorrow happy birthday
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45am
Jeffrey Davison:

see ya Buddha, and thanks!
Avatar 8:47am
Buddha of Suburbia:

John from Florham Park, thank you buddy! Bye bye! Great, great stuff Jeffrey! Of course.
Avatar 8:47am

Buh bye Boodz!
adrian elaine in mpls:

thank you so much, Jeffrey!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49am
Jeffrey Davison:

adrian elaine...thanks!
Avatar 8:50am

@Jeffrey, today's show was special,thank you
Avatar 8:51am

Thanks much for the moving tunes, Jeffrey. Saturday mornings are richer due to your show.
Avatar 8:51am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Bye Nulsh!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am
Jeffrey Davison:

thanks TDK60, spamoni...smoke and mirrors, I assure you!
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