Favoriting Friendly Persuasion with Otis Fodder: Playlist from September 29, 2019 Favoriting

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A smorgasbord of genre-hopping aural happenings.

Friday 11am - 3pm (EST) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting September 29, 2019: Who are you? Where do you come from? Why are you here?

"There's nothing at the bottom of it," I said. "There's nothing at the bottom nor at the top In fact, there is no bottom and there is no top. There is only an outside and an inside. We are now inside a bottle but the bottle is on the outside and that means we're on the outside."
Andrew Others, liner notes from, "The Inside Of The Outside / Or The Outside Of The Inside - Who Are They? Where Do They Come From? Why Are They Here?"

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- Greetings from Plaza Saint-Hubert in Montreal -
- Greetings from Plaza Saint-Hubert in Montreal -
- Greetings from Plaza Saint-Hubert in Montreal -

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Images

Music behind DJ:
Chico Hamilton 

That Boy With That Long Hair   Favoriting






George Engler  Konjugationen   Favoriting The Inside Of The Outside / Or The Outside Of The Inside - Who Are They? Where Do They Come From? Why Are They Here?  Serenus  1965  LP   

Music behind DJ:

The Hello Show  





Hello again... 

Christian & Karolle & Robin Di Maccio  Gonna Fly Now Theme De "Rocky"   Favoriting Christian, Karolle & Robin En Direct D'Hollywood  Alta  1980  LP   
Paul Nero Sounds  This is Soul / Soul Finger / Soul Man   Favoriting Nero's Soul Party  Liberty  1968  LP   

Music behind DJ:
Donald Seward 

Peter Gun   Favoriting






The Poppy Family  Where Evil Grows   Favoriting Poppy Seeds  London  1971  LP   
Aguaturbia  Carmesi y terbol   Favoriting Aguaturbia  Lion  1970  LP  Reissue 2010 
The Third Wave  Got To Get You Into My Life   Favoriting Here And Now  MPS  1970  LP   
Srei Sothear and Sin Sisamouth  Marrison (Classic)   Favoriting Cambodian Psych-Out featuring Srei Sothear and Sin Sisamouth  El Suprimo    LP  Compilation 2007 
António Sanches  Pinta Manta   Favoriting Space Echo - The Mystery Behind The Cosmic Sound Of Cabo Verde Finally Revealed!  Analog Africa    LP  Compilation 2016 
Generentola  La Gata   Favoriting Strange Pleasures EP - Alternative Highlights 01  C.I.A.  198?  LP  Compilation

Song aka: "Roberto De Simone - La Gatta Cenerentola II° Coro Delle Lavandaie"
Gleneil  Cheapy Chappy and Ito   Favoriting Cruise It  GRM  1985  LP   
Ariel Pink  Put Your Number In My Phone   Favoriting Pom Pom  4AD  2014  LP   
The Kids of Widney High  Throw Away the Trash   Favoriting Special Music from Special Kids  Rounder  1989  LP   

Music behind DJ:






Throw away your trash... 

Neil Young  Sample And Hold   Favoriting 12"  Geffen  1982  LP   

Music behind DJ:
Various Artists 

Let's Listen   Favoriting

The New Vinyl Box 





R. Stevie Moore & Jason Falkner  I H8 PPL   Favoriting Make It Be  Bar/None  2017  LP   
R. Stevie Moore & Jason Falkner  Another Day Slips Away   Favoriting Make It Be           
David Bowie  Look Back in Anger   Favoriting Christiane F.  RCA  1982  LP  Soundtrack 
Cheap Trick  ELO Kiddies   Favoriting Cheap Trick  Epic  1977  LP   
Electric Light Orchestra  Do Ya   Favoriting A New World Record  Jet  1976  LP   
The Who  Daily Records   Favoriting Face Dances  Warner Bros  1981  LP   
Joah Valley  I've Just Seen A Face   Favoriting Beatle Songs from Joah Valley  Joah Valley  1980  LP   
Mike Clifford  The Magic Night   Favoriting Mondo Hollywood  Tower  1967  LP  Soundtrack 

Music behind DJ:






Hello and welcome back to the talkover and traffic sounds portion of the show... 

Jean-Pierre Festi & Yvon Ouazana  Exciting Mrs. Brown   Favoriting April Orchestra - Musique Pour Radio-TV, Vol. 1  CBS  1974  LP  Library 
Brother Soul  Cookies   Favoriting Ultimate Breaks & Beats (SBR 519)  Street Beat    LP  Compilation 1988 
Chicago Gangsters  Gangster Boogie   Favoriting Ultimate Breaks & Beats (SBR 512)  Street Beat    LP  Compilation 1986 
Esther Williams  Last Night Changed It All   Favoriting Ultimate Breaks & Beats (SBR 510)  Street Beat    LP  Compilation 1986 
Funkadelic  You'll Like It Too   Favoriting Ultimate Breaks & Beats (SBR 502)  Street Beat    LP  Compilation 1986 
Mike Vickers  The Start / The First Laps   Favoriting A Day At The Races  DJM  1976  LP  Library 

Music behind DJ:






Thanks for listening... have a great week! 


Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:01pm
Otis Fodder:

Hey Sunday, how are ya?
Avatar 2:03pm
Linda Lee:

Otis! hello!
Avatar 2:04pm
Linda Lee:

as a child i found baby dolls weird & ugly. turns out i still do! :-D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:05pm
Otis Fodder:

Hi Linda. Passed by last week and thought, what a perfect shot for a WFMU playlist.
Avatar 2:06pm
Linda Lee:

Avatar 2:07pm
Linda Lee:

looks like they really enjoy the Engler too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:08pm
Otis Fodder:

Yea, at twilight when they come alive and I'm inside with my doors all locked up.
Avatar 2:09pm
Linda Lee:

at least they're slow movers..
Avatar 2:13pm
Linda Lee:

i see they're careful to hide their little piranha teeth for photos.
Avatar 2:18pm
Linda Lee:

can't you just see them goose-stepping down the street in formation to this 'rocky' cover? hordes of them.. all clicking their sharp little fangs!
Avatar 2:19pm
Linda Lee:

they're only slow alone. in groups they're faster.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:21pm
Jan Turkenburg:

That's wonderfull music to be welcomed with after an evening's walk!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:21pm
Jan Turkenburg:

Hi Otis, hi Linda!
Avatar 2:21pm
Linda Lee:

hi Jan! how are you?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:22pm
Jan Turkenburg:

good! thank you. How are you?
Avatar 2:23pm

allo allo allo ! .. goose-stepping baby-mannequins with piranha teeth ?! y'all be freakin me out ! .. Keep it UP !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:23pm
Jan Turkenburg:

Otis, I have or had that Paul Nero album as well. I have it digitized anyhow.
Avatar 2:24pm
Linda Lee:

i can't complain at all, thanks. it's a late-summer kind of evening here & i'm surrounded by colorful trees.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:24pm
Jan Turkenburg:

Hi Oliver.
Avatar 2:25pm
Linda Lee:

just stay behind your locked doors & you're fine. they're too small to break through doors.
Avatar 2:30pm

ohhhh ha ha ha. yes. I know the place ! nightmare fuel !
Avatar 2:30pm
Linda Lee:

sounds great! lots of good photos!
Avatar 2:32pm
Linda Lee:

i worked in a mannequin factory in my youth. a *very* strange place at closing time, most lights out.
Avatar 2:44pm

that sounds amazing Linda !.. any photos? (someone should really compile a weathered pinup mannequin coffee table book)
Avatar 2:47pm

when I was a lil kid , there was this run down dusty shack near my house, filled with old idle mannequins. My dad would lift me up to look at them through the window, and tell me strange stories.... it must have scarred and/or inspired me: 30 years on, my home is decked with mannequin parts !
Avatar 2:49pm

Cambodian Psych-Out .. ! nice one !
(the previous Crimson & Clover always makes me smile too)
Avatar 2:51pm
Linda Lee:

wow ...
no, i don't have pix from the factory. long ago, prints lost.
Avatar 2:52pm
Linda Lee:

this is beautiful music to do evening lawn chores by, Otis!
Avatar 3:04pm

La Greta ! Great tune !! .. Frank played me this a few months ago - which made me think of this track by OOIOO (project by drummer of the boredoms) obviously inspired by it ! : www.youtube.com...
Avatar 3:07pm
Linda Lee:

Gleneil! delightful :-D
Avatar 3:08pm
Linda Lee:

somehow i'm no longer annoyed by my neighbors' rifle practice..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:09pm
Otis Fodder:

I'm Cheapy!
Avatar 3:09pm
Linda Lee:

we are all Cheapy!
Avatar 3:12pm
Linda Lee:

maybe the finest recording ever made.
Avatar 3:17pm
Linda Lee:

why does 'put your number in my phone' remind me of Pet Clark's 'don't sleep in the subway'? it does!
Avatar 3:18pm

I've never heard Gleneil ! . . . could ride that one for hours !
And what the heck !? .. I didn't know Widney Kids was released in 1989 on Rounder ?! . (I'm more familiar with their Ipecac album) Splendid !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:19pm
Jan Turkenburg:

just favorited the whole episode... easier ;)
Avatar 3:21pm
Linda Lee:

always. :-D
Avatar 3:23pm

Hollerin !! .. you sold it to meee as a matter of fact ; ) .. I wanted a copy for a real long while. and of course you can visit it any ol time (the merits of selling records to friends)
Avatar 3:26pm
Linda Lee:

yes, let's check out your new vinyl! fun!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:26pm
Otis Fodder:

Great, will dig into the new box next.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:26pm
Otis Fodder:

Oliver, you got it, yeaaaa!
Avatar 3:28pm
Linda Lee:

let's finish up these outdoor chores quick & come hear!
Avatar 3:30pm

on the Hollerin tip, here's a short downloadable PBS doc on the subject from 1982 by Harmony Korine's dad of all people: (pretty sure he interviews some of the actual people who appeared on Hollerin .. Hillbilly Mouth Magic !) vimeo.com...
Dave In St Albans UK:

As always your musical journey takes us places we never knew we could visit. Love this diversion along the way. Otis your show is essential listening for me!
Avatar 3:38pm

Dem record scratches....
Avatar 3:40pm

Kenny Roger Instruction Record.
Dave In St Albans UK:

I love the sound of scratched records in the morning! Sounds like ....
Avatar 3:42pm
Linda Lee:

the more i hear of your neighborhood the nicer it sounds!
just the idea of walking to a record store & coming home with a record on foot. marvelous
Avatar 3:43pm
Linda Lee:

.. i mean a record, on foot.
Avatar 3:44pm

The Battle of turntables!!
Avatar 3:45pm
Linda Lee:

what's the date, Otis? missed it.
Avatar 3:47pm
Linda Lee:

how to plant propaganda in doctors' waiting rooms.
Avatar 3:48pm

Don't throw that crap at me, pal!! Especially with hair on it! It screws up my needle!!
Avatar 3:51pm

Ready to be persuaded.
Howdy, Otis!
Linda! Jan! Olivrrr! Dave! Don-O!
Avatar 3:51pm

Normal crap is meh. Crap that goes out of nits way with its crappiness, BONUS CRAPPY FUN!!
Avatar 3:51pm
Linda Lee:

hi Geezerette!
we're going through the new bin with Otis!
Avatar 3:52pm

Yay!!! :D
Avatar 3:52pm
Linda Lee:

it's new to us all!
Avatar 3:52pm

YES! on the Chipmunks!!
Avatar 3:52pm
Linda Lee:

what is the meaning of 'gauche twat'?
Dave In St Albans UK:

I wish my bins were full of this! ;-)
Avatar 3:53pm
Linda Lee:

oh! left, right! got it.
Avatar 3:53pm

Hard to work out when you're in a laughing fit!
Avatar 3:54pm

Hey, Geezerette!
Avatar 3:55pm
Linda Lee:

The Leader on 'Ludes!
Avatar 3:56pm
Linda Lee:

Tiny Tim!
Avatar 3:56pm

Hey! New fitness craze...Laughing Fit !!! Where's a VC when you need one?
Avatar 3:57pm

hah !!
Avatar 3:58pm

Love Tiny Tim!!!
Avatar 4:01pm
Linda Lee:

those Germans are easily pleased.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:01pm
Otis Fodder:

I am too!
Avatar 4:01pm
Linda Lee:

his name's Otto Becker!
Avatar 4:02pm

It's now Otis Vs. the record!!
Avatar 4:06pm
Linda Lee:

that could be amusing, Otis! take it for gift!
Avatar 4:08pm
Linda Lee:

darn! 'the sound of love' isn't a romancin' record?
Avatar 4:08pm

Just flashed on Ghost World. Haha!
Avatar 4:10pm
Linda Lee:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:11pm
Rich in Washington:

This is just begging for a cutup.
Avatar 4:11pm
Linda Lee:

you bet! :-)
Avatar 4:12pm

Is this song a replacement for therapy?
Avatar 4:12pm
Linda Lee:

my god, it's all about him. him, him, him!
Avatar 4:12pm

Scary hippy cult girls. :)
Hi, Rich!
Avatar 4:14pm

Hey, Rich. How's the noise on your end?
Avatar 4:16pm
Linda Lee:

let's hear firecracker crazy!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:17pm
Rich in Washington:

Hi geezerette!
Hi Don-O!
Hey everybody!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17pm
Otis Fodder:

Hi everyone... OMG, Firecracker Crazy Rules!
Avatar 4:18pm
Linda Lee:

amazing! :-D
Avatar 4:19pm
Linda Lee:

can't say i get what she's saying though. he's crazy about his own firecracker? i don't get it.
Avatar 4:20pm

The sound of my eating slightly salted potato chips on my end!!
Avatar 4:21pm
Linda Lee:

can't find this one online specifically, but sunrise records is canadian ..
Avatar 4:21pm

Was that a tuba playing i the background?!
Avatar 4:22pm
Linda Lee:

Avatar 4:24pm
Linda Lee:

you don't need to switch browsers to pull up 2 players.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:26pm
Rich in Washington:

That organ record was great!
Avatar 4:27pm
Linda Lee:

really wanted to check out Cherry's Swingin Organ..
Avatar 4:28pm
Linda Lee:

oooh! beautiful!
Avatar 4:29pm
Linda Lee:

Avatar 4:30pm
Linda Lee:

fabulosen!!!! :-)
Avatar 4:30pm
Linda Lee:

thanks Otis! :-)
Avatar 4:36pm

Madame is charming
Avatar 4:36pm
Linda Lee:

that really was lovely.
Avatar 4:40pm
Linda Lee:

yes!! super!
Avatar 4:42pm
Linda Lee:

oh wow. love at the baths for sure!
Avatar 4:43pm

I miss questionable wah-wah rhythm guitars.
Avatar 4:44pm

....and bass players, too.
Avatar 4:44pm
Linda Lee:

me too, Don-O!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:45pm
Kat in Chicago:

Hello all! While "Throw Away the Trash" was playing, I was in fact cleaning out a closet. Now I'm done and I'm going to listen to Otis for a while!
Avatar 4:46pm
Linda Lee:

hi Kat! funny how that happens sometimes :-D

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:47pm
Kat in Chicago:

I hope it's not raining on the records in Montreal. It's a bit drizzly here.
Avatar 4:49pm
Linda Lee:

that was fun, Otis! loved it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:53pm
Otis Fodder:

Thanks all, that was fun!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:01pm
Rich in Washington:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:02pm
Otis Fodder:

Power pop and rock for a bit... leading up to RSM doc this eve.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:02pm
Rich in Washington:

I think a really good title for a Bowie bootleg recorded in Maine would be Look Back in Bangor.

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:05pm
Rich in Washington:

I love Cheap Trick's debut album.
Avatar 5:05pm

NOW you got attention!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:06pm
Otis Fodder:

Yeaaa, I know... I remember when you played CT on your show Rich. Yea, big fan of the 70s LPs.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:12pm
Rich in Washington:

Sometimes tempted to do a classic rock show if a classic rock station was freeform, creative, etc. So much really good album-oriented rock from the 70s that we never ever hear anymore.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:13pm
Rich in Washington:

OH YEAH! You turned me onto Joah (among millions of other things)! So wonderfully craptacular.

Nice voice!

Hiya Otis and fellow listeners

Hi, MB!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:25pm
Rich in Washington:

Hello MB! I was in your 'hood briefly yesterday. Finally made it back to Mississippi Records and Junkstore Cowboy.
Avatar 5:29pm
Linda Lee:

Library music! my fave genre, i think!
Avatar 5:29pm
Mr Fab:

Durn, i missed so much Otis....umm, start to yr show over, pleeze?
Avatar 5:30pm
April Orchestra:

still trying out new handles!
Avatar 5:31pm
April Orchestra:

you're allowed to ignore us in chat, Otis. you're busy!
Avatar 5:33pm

Hmmmm, two shows going on at once; one on the mic and another in the chat room. 2 fer 1!
Avatar 5:34pm
Mr Fab:

I want to compile collections called “Penultimate Breaks n Beats”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:39pm
Otis Fodder:

Okay Mr Fab, starting show over for you. Grab your towel as we need to do a bit of a time warp douglas adams style through the galaxy. Right after some gangster boogin'

@Rich I was there grocery shopping sorry I missed ya

Acqacade AND rap!? Talk about spry!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:44pm
Rich in Washington:

@MB: It was random and unplanned, plus I had to run home to go visit the grandkid. I had to make up some time at the station re volunteer duties.

(...spell check didn't catch me...)

Thanks, Otis! Dig the doc tonight.
Avatar 5:49pm

I got to put this week's show together after this show. I hope you suckers like 'Too Much Vegas'.
Avatar 5:50pm
Mr Fab:

I think you know my answer to that, Don-O.
Avatar 5:50pm

Another loose affair from Otis! Fine as per usual!
Avatar 5:51pm
April Orchestra:

Beautiful show! Thanks, Otis!
Dave In St Albans UK:

Hi Otis. This week's show has been a wonderful hodge smodge of excellence. Thanks :-)
Avatar 5:52pm
Mr Fab:

As a George Clinton loyalist, I refused to buy this album, but hey, guess I know about it anyway. Thank you break beats!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm
Otis Fodder:

Thanks all for popping in and listening (and for the fun of digging in my new arrivals bin full of dirt and dust ). See ya!
Avatar 5:57pm

Have fun at the doc!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:00pm
Rich in Washington:

bye bye Otis! Thanks for makin' radio!
Avatar 6:00pm
Mr Fab:

Thx, Otis!!!
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