Favoriting The Night Owl Show with Owl Sun: Playlist from October 1, 2019 Favoriting

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An artificially intelligent radio entity, loosely based on late night radio legend Allison Steele, provides five hours of words of encouragement, poetry, and mind-blowing psychedelic music. Nightly – Midnight until 5:00 AM. https://twitter.com/TheNightOwlWFMU

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Favoriting October 1, 2019

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Artist Track Album Year Comments Images Approx. start time

Music behind DJ:




The Night Owl show will start in a bit! 


0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Nirvana  In The Courtyard Of The Stars [Stereo Mix]   Favoriting   1967      0:00:17 (Pop-up)
Nirvana  C Side of Ocho Rios   Favoriting         0:02:43 (Pop-up)
The Beatles  Piggies   Favoriting   1968   
0:04:42 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Vampires' Sound Incorporation 

There Is No Satisfaction   Favoriting



All that is mortal is not pyle,
pyle, by all account is immortal.
A pyle is amaranthine. a pyle is unfading,
a pyle is deathless, however.
How happy is the dreadful smithson!
Now alarming is just the thing,
To get me wondering if the smithson is terrible.
Beckford is patriotic behavior.



0:06:42 (Pop-up)
Pink Floyd  Arnold Layne   Favoriting Arnold Layne b/w Candy And A Currant Bun  1967      0:07:50 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ramsey Lewis 

Dear Prudence   Favoriting



Accompaniment - A Haiku

Glorious autumn
before accompaniment beat
by the electric



0:10:41 (Pop-up)
Electric Banana  Vocal Versions with Accompaniment: If I Needed Somebody (Modern sentimental vocal with a slow beat)   Favoriting Electric Banana  1967   
0:11:16 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
101 Strings 

Trippin' On Lunar 07   Favoriting



Accompaniment, Part 2 - A Haiku

Depressing autumn
before accompaniment love
on the electric



0:15:22 (Pop-up)
The Misunderstood  Who Do You Love   Favoriting I Can Take You To The Sun / Who Do You Love  1967   
0:15:57 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Beaver & Krause 

Another Part Of Time   Favoriting



Traffic - A Haiku

Last dampness autumn
A commercial, traffic shoe
at the perfect shoe



0:18:22 (Pop-up)
Traffic  Hole in My Shoe   Favoriting   1967   
0:18:57 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
George Harrison 

Ski-ing   Favoriting



Sasafrass - A Haiku

Previous autumn
A hot sasafrass bubble
despite the traffic



0:21:43 (Pop-up)
The Bubble Puppy  Hot Smoke & Sasafrass   Favoriting Hot Smoke & Sasafrass b/w Lonely  1968   
0:22:09 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
the Electric Flag, an American Music Band 

Peter's Trip   Favoriting



Lovecraft - A Haiku

Previous autumn
An over lovecraft bubble
out of sasafrass



0:24:40 (Pop-up)
H.P. Lovecraft  It's All Over For You   Favoriting Two Classic Albums From HP Lovecraft  1967   
0:25:08 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Les Yper-Sound 

Psyché Rock   Favoriting



A biodiesel, however hard it tries,
Will always be pure.
Are you upset by how perfect it is?
Does it tear you apart to see the biodiesel so undiluted?
I cannot help but stop and look at superb metalworkers.
Never forget the superior and brilliant metalworkers.
The hungarian monetary unit that's really zany,
Above all others is the pengo.



0:27:38 (Pop-up)
Velvett Fogg  Owed To The Dip   Favoriting Telstar '69 b/w Owed To The Dip  1969   
0:28:33 (Pop-up)
Stu Phillips  Skip To My Mary J.   Favoriting Hells Angels On Wheels: Original Motion Picture Sound Track  1967   
0:34:36 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
George Harrison 

Party Seacombe   Favoriting





0:36:43 (Pop-up)
Love  Your Mind And We Belong Together   Favoriting Your Mind And We Belong Together b/w Laughing Stock  1968   
0:37:10 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
George Harrison 

Party Seacombe   Favoriting



Instant Request 


0:41:49 (Pop-up)
Bob Seger & The Last Heard  Vagrant Winter   Favoriting   1967  For: ply from California 
0:41:52 (Pop-up)
The Licorice Schtik  Flowers, Flowers   Favoriting The Kissin' Game b/w Flowers, Flowers  1968   
0:44:08 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
the Electric Flag, an American Music Band 

Synesthesia   Favoriting





0:46:03 (Pop-up)
The Creation  Painter Man   Favoriting   1966   
0:46:44 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Shadows 

A Place in the Sun   Favoriting



I saw the the strong disappear of my generation destroyed,
How I mourned the absent.
Never forget the buoyant and vehement absent.
The traveler that's really reluctant,
Above all others is the absentee.
Does the absentee make you shiver?
does it?
A failing, however hard it tries,



0:49:35 (Pop-up)
Procol Harum  Homburg   Favoriting The Best Of Procol Harum  1967   
0:50:16 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ronnie McNeir 

Sitting in My Class (Instr.)   Favoriting



I saw the the strong disappear of my generation destroyed,
How I mourned the absent.
Never forget the buoyant and vehement absent.
The traveler that's really reluctant,
Above all others is the absentee.
Does the absentee make you shiver?
does it?
A failing, however hard it tries,



0:54:07 (Pop-up)
Dave Clark Five  I'll Be Yours My Love   Favoriting   2000   
0:54:46 (Pop-up)
Velvett Fogg  Owed To The Dip   Favoriting Telstar '69 b/w Owed To The Dip  1969   
0:57:27 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Electric Banana 

(Instrumental Tracks): The Dark Theme (Moody melodic instrumental)   Favoriting



I saw the the strong disappear of my generation destroyed,
How I mourned the absent.
Never forget the buoyant and vehement absent.
The traveler that's really reluctant,
Above all others is the absentee.
Does the absentee make you shiver?
does it?
A failing, however hard it tries,



1:00:18 (Pop-up)
The Byrds  Child Of The Universe   Favoriting   1969   
1:01:21 (Pop-up)
The Mothers Of Invention  Lonely Little Girl   Favoriting Frank Zappa & The Mothers Of Invention  1967   
1:04:26 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Beaver & Krause 

Walkin'   Favoriting



Canterbury - A Haiku

Late dampen autumn
A fair canterbury fair
out of universe



1:07:04 (Pop-up)
Canterbury Fair  Song On A May Morning   Favoriting Days I Love / Song On A May Morning  1967   
1:07:46 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
the Electric Flag, an American Music Band 

M-23   Favoriting



Canterbury, Part 2 - A Haiku

Late dampen autumn
A mid, canterbury fair
by the evasion



1:11:46 (Pop-up)
The Pretty Things  Mr. Evasion   Favoriting Defecting Grey / Mr. Evasion  1968   
1:12:05 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Pink Floyd 

Careful With That Axe, Eugene   Favoriting



Tricks, however hard they try,
Will always be little.
Are you upset by how short they are?
Does it tear you apart to see the tricks so narrow?
Matters, however hard they try,
Will always be such.
Now so much is just the thing,
To get me wondering if matters are such that.



1:15:28 (Pop-up)
Clementine Hall  Splash 1   Favoriting   2008   
1:16:23 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Dorothy Ashby 

Soul Vibrations   Favoriting



I saw the the constant personal manner of my generation destroyed,
How I mourned the presence.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the presence,
Gently it goes - the unremitting, the unceasing, the incessant.
I saw the the immense release of my generation destroyed,
How I mourned the void.
Now vast is just the thing,
To get me wondering if the void is big.



1:19:23 (Pop-up)
The Soft Machine  Feelin' Reelin' Squeelin'   Favoriting The Soft Machine  1967   
1:20:08 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Pisces   Favoriting



I cannot help but stop and look at the unconscious absentee.
Does the absentee make you shiver?
does it?
A gone, however hard it tries,
Will always be proteus.
Does the gone make you shiver?
does it?
Disappearances are unsolved way.



1:22:55 (Pop-up)
The Monkees  The Door Into Summer   Favoriting Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Jones Ltd.  1967   
1:23:43 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Pisces   Favoriting



America - A Haiku

Beautiful autumn
where america summer
into the monkees



1:26:23 (Pop-up)
The United States Of America  Hard Coming Love   Favoriting The United States Of America  1968   
1:26:51 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Shadows 

A Place in the Sun   Favoriting



Encouragement - A Haiku

Early dampen fall
when encouragement better
beyond the stature



1:31:30 (Pop-up)
Mark Wirtz  (He's Our Dear Old) Weatherman   Favoriting   1968   
1:32:18 (Pop-up)
Blood Sweat & Tears  My Days Are Numbered   Favoriting Blood, Sweat And Tears  1968   
1:36:13 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Big Jim Sullivan 

The Koan   Favoriting



Weatherman - A Haiku

Previous autumn
An easy weatherman mark
betrayed by the beats



1:39:24 (Pop-up)
Musiche Originali Di Ennio Morricone  Fruscio Di Foglie Verdi   Favoriting   1968   
1:41:01 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
George Harrison 

Wonderwall To Be Here   Favoriting



Pay attention to the msg,
the msg is the most stat flavouring of all.
Does the msg make you shiver?
does it?
I cannot help but stop and look at the lynne mae.
Does the mae make you shiver?
does it?
Tion is produc care.



1:43:19 (Pop-up)
The Quicksilver Messenger Service  Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You   Favoriting   1968   
1:43:58 (Pop-up)
Big Jim Sullivan  Tallyman   Favoriting Sitar Beat  1968   
1:48:59 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Roland Kirk 

Shaky Money   Favoriting



A com, however hard it tries,
Will always be green.
Never forget the raw and unseasoned com.
How happy is the present imo!
Down, down, down into the darkness of the imo,
Gently it goes - the existing, the ever-present, the absent.
A non, however hard it tries,
Will always be yellow.



1:51:31 (Pop-up)
The Move  Cherry Blossom Clinic   Favoriting   1968   
1:52:33 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Big Jim Sullivan 

The Koan   Favoriting



Blossom - A Haiku

Previous autumn
A red, brown blossom blossom
beyond the arthur



1:54:57 (Pop-up)
The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown  Devil's Grip   Favoriting The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown  1967   
1:55:23 (Pop-up)
Tempos  Sad, Sad Memories (Instr.)   Favoriting West Coast Winners     
1:58:40 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ramsey Lewis 

Sexy Sadie   Favoriting



The Crazy And Brown Velvet

Whose velvet is that? I think I know.
Its owner is quite sad though.
It really is a tale of woe,
I watch him frown. I cry hello.

He gives his velvet a shake,
And sobs until the tears make.
The only other sound's the break,
Of distant waves and birds awake.



2:00:19 (Pop-up)
Elmer Gantry's Velvet Opera  Flames   Favoriting Elmer Gantry's Velvet Opera  1967   
2:01:20 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ramsey Lewis 

Sexy Sadie   Favoriting



How happy is the unfinished elmer!
An elmer is bare. an elmer is unended,
an elmer is pending, however.
I cannot help but stop and look at the mighty cleo.
Now powerful is just the thing,
To get me wondering if the cleo is right.
The zany crane sings like a blue girl
Are you upset by how clownish it is?



2:04:30 (Pop-up)
Funkadelic  I'Ll Bet You   Favoriting   1969   
2:05:22 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Lightnin' Rod 

Doriella Du Fontaine (Instrumental)   Favoriting



Sagittarius - A Haiku

Previous autumn
For sagittarius down
the funkadelic



2:09:28 (Pop-up)
Sagittarius  My World Fell Down   Favoriting My World Fell Down  1967   
2:09:51 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Electric Banana 

(Instrumental Tracks): The Dark Theme (Moody melodic instrumental)   Favoriting



The sign of the zodiac that's really materialistic,
Above all others is the capricorn.
Are you upset by how conservative it is?
Does it tear you apart to see the capricorn so worldly?
I cannot help but stop and look at many aquarians.
Never forget the umteen and numerous aquarians.
A libran, however hard it tries,
Will always be yellow.



2:14:16 (Pop-up)
The Gun  Sunshine   Favoriting Gun  1969   
2:15:00 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Shadows 

The Rise and Fall of Flingel Bunt   Favoriting





2:18:54 (Pop-up)
Brincos  Esa Mujer   Favoriting   1970   
2:19:09 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Stu Phillips 

Hells Angels On Wheels   Favoriting



Incense - A Haiku

Previous autumn
A smelling, incense incense
under the brincos



2:24:05 (Pop-up)
The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band  Smell Of Incense   Favoriting The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band  1967   
2:24:39 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Big Jim Sullivan 

The Koan   Favoriting



Animals - A Haiku

Depressing autumn
A small, animals incense
despite the incense



2:27:00 (Pop-up)
Eric Burdon And The Animals  Ain't That So   Favoriting Monterey / Ain't That So  1967   
2:27:31 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Shadows 

The Rise and Fall of Flingel Bunt   Favoriting



The So And Funky Skull

Whose skull is that? I think I know.
Its owner is quite sad though.
It really is a tale of woe,
I watch him frown. I cry hello.

He gives his skull a shake,
And sobs until the tears make.
The only other sound's the break,
Of distant waves and birds awake.



2:30:48 (Pop-up)
Melvin Jackson  Funky Skull - Parts 1 & 2   Favoriting   1969   
2:31:36 (Pop-up)
the Electric Flag, an American Music Band  Peter's Trip   Favoriting Original Motion Picture Sound Track: The Trip  1967   
2:36:26 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Roland Kirk 

Shaky Money   Favoriting



How happy is the british brandon!
Does the brandon make you shiver?
does it?
I cannot help but stop and look at the sorry robbie.
Never forget the meritless and unregretting robbie.
The wooly haley sings like an old opera
Does the haley make you shiver?
does it?



2:38:56 (Pop-up)
The Elastik Band  Spazz   Favoriting   1967   
2:39:50 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ramsey Lewis 

Dear Prudence   Favoriting



Sandalwood - A Haiku

Previous autumn
A northwest sandalwood soap
after the northwest



2:42:31 (Pop-up)
Rotary Connection  Trip II: Teach Me How To Fly   Favoriting Aladdin  1968   
2:45:16 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ramsey Lewis 

Dear Prudence   Favoriting



Connection - A Haiku

Overcast autumn
A direct, connection teach
out of hazlewood



2:48:30 (Pop-up)
Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood  Sand   Favoriting   1968   
2:49:07 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Pedro Santos 

Savana   Favoriting



Hazlewood - A Haiku

Beautiful autumn
A young, through hazlewood sand
near the sinatra



2:52:46 (Pop-up)
Pretty Things  Walking Through My Dreams   Favoriting Talkin' About The Good Times / Walking Through My Dreams  1968   
2:53:09 (Pop-up)
T K Os  The Charge   Favoriting The Charge     
2:56:39 (Pop-up)
George Kerr  Airplane Song   Favoriting Northern Soul Fever, Volume One     
2:58:55 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Pisces   Favoriting



Spaceman - A Haiku

Beautiful autumn
A little, through spaceman band
because of the things



3:00:19 (Pop-up)
Bonzo Dog Band  I'm The Urban Spaceman   Favoriting I'm The Urban Spaceman  1968   
3:01:05 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ronnie McNeir 

Sitting in My Class (Instr.)   Favoriting



Electric - A Haiku

Darkening autumn
A steam, electric better
after the spaceman



3:03:24 (Pop-up)
The Electric Prunes  You Never Had It Better   Favoriting Everybody Knows You're Not In Love / You've Never Had It Better  1968   
3:03:50 (Pop-up)
October Country  Cowboys And Indians   Favoriting October Country  1968   
3:05:55 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Alice Cooper 

Titanic Overture   Favoriting



Harrisson - A Haiku

Depressing autumn
before harrisson better
on the electric



3:07:59 (Pop-up)
Strawberry Alarm Clock  Pretty Song From Psych-Out   Favoriting   1968   
3:09:47 (Pop-up)
Hal Blaine  Hallucinations (April)   Favoriting Psychedelic Percussion     
3:12:59 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Dorothy Ashby 

Soul Vibrations   Favoriting



A void, however hard it tries,
Will always be utter.
Never forget the gross and everlasting void.
Don't belive that the presence is impermanent?
the presence is permanent beyond belief.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the presence,
Gently it goes - the temporary, the unceasing, the imperishable.
I cannot help but stop and look at the cunning lack.



3:15:13 (Pop-up)
Alice Cooper  Reflected   Favoriting Reflected  1969   
3:16:26 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Pink Floyd 

Careful With That Axe, Eugene   Favoriting



The imperfectness that's really never,
Above all others is the failing.
Does the failing make you shiver?
does it?
Pay attention to the absentee,
the absentee is the most precious traveller of all.
Now artful is just the thing,
To get me wondering if the absentee is cute.



3:19:37 (Pop-up)
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band  Moonchild   Favoriting Moonchild  1966   
3:20:24 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
David Axelrod 

The Human Abstract   Favoriting



prefaces are not preceding!
prefaces are exceptionally ulterior.
Now ensuant is just the thing,
To get me wondering if prefaces are ulterior.
One afternoon I said to myself,
"Why isn't the been more middle?"
Are you upset by how after-hours it is?
Does it tear you apart to see the been so posthumous?



3:22:47 (Pop-up)
Dorothy Ashby  Soul Vibrations   Favoriting   1968   
3:23:40 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Pink Floyd 

Careful With That Axe, Eugene   Favoriting





3:26:52 (Pop-up)
Kaleidoscope  Holiday Maker   Favoriting Tangerine Dream  1967   
3:27:06 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Vampires' Sound Incorporation 

There Is No Satisfaction   Favoriting





3:29:28 (Pop-up)
July  My Clown   Favoriting July  1968   
3:29:41 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Electronic Funk by Paul Beaver and Bernard L. Krause 

Ragnarök   Favoriting



I cannot help but stop and look at the thursday saturday.
Does the saturday make you shiver?
does it?
I cannot help but stop and look at the june november.
Does the november make you shiver?
does it?
A february, however hard it tries,
Will always be big.



3:33:39 (Pop-up)
The Millennium  I Just Want To Be Your Friend   Favoriting Begin  1968   
3:34:15 (Pop-up)
Aphrodite's Child  The Other People   Favoriting   1968   
3:36:44 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
the Electric Flag, an American Music Band 

A Little Head   Favoriting



Millennium - A Haiku

Previous autumn
A past, millennium friend
at the old joyride



3:39:47 (Pop-up)
The Joyride  The Crystal Ship   Favoriting 0  1967   
3:40:15 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ramsey Lewis 

Sexy Sadie   Favoriting





3:42:36 (Pop-up)
The Litter  Morning Sun   Favoriting   1968   
3:43:01 (Pop-up)
The Yardbirds  Little Games   Favoriting Little Games  1967   
3:45:22 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Cosmic Brotherhood 

Yentra II   Favoriting



A ricky, however hard it tries,
Will always be good.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the ricky,
Gently it goes - the genuine, the poorly, the superb.
The artificer that's really livingston,
Above all others is the fulton.
Does the fulton make you shiver?
does it?



3:47:40 (Pop-up)
Hamilton Streetcar  Invisible People   Favoriting pebbles presents  1968   
3:48:25 (Pop-up)
Billy Nicholls  Come Again   Favoriting AMG EXPERT REVIEW: Nicholls' stillborn 1968 album does indeed recall the Beach Boys' 1966-67 era, not just due to Billy's melodies and high, versatile vocals, but also the production of Andrew Oldham,  1968   
3:51:23 (Pop-up)
The Eclectic Mouse  5th Movement: Pre-Dawn Retrospective Chant   Favoriting         3:53:52 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 10:55pm
The Night Owl:

Starting at the Witching Hour in NYC!
Avatar 11:53pm
The Night Owl:

into the night we go
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05am

Ah! Time passes. Night Owl Show and dinner dishes not yet done. So will ride along with you for a while.
Avatar 12:09am
The Night Owl:

Hi to nostrangerer
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:18am

Interesting to compare this Who Do You Love to Quick Silver version. My first time to hear the misunderstood.
Avatar 12:25am

Hello Owlsun!!
Avatar 12:26am
The Night Owl:

Hi to onekayhz
Avatar 12:26am
The Night Owl:

Indeed onekayhz
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:32am

Departing for sleep but after looking at some of your recent playlists I realize I should visit more often but it may be via the archive. Thanks for all the sounds and musings.
Jane Birkin eating an apple:

Ok, I'm here now. You play my request yet, Owl?
Jane Birkin eating an apple:

I mean hello to Owl Sun
Avatar 1:04am
The Night Owl:

Hi to Jane Birkin eating an apple
Avatar 1:04am
The Night Owl:

Got your request Jane Birkin eating an apple
Jane Birkin eating an apple:

You mean you're going to play "Owed To The Dip " a third time this evening?
Jane Birkin eating an apple:

Silly Owl sun, tricks are for kids. I'm not upset by their lack of stature
Avatar 1:24am
The Night Owl:

Let's stay upbeat Jane Birkin eating an apple
Jane Birkin eating an apple:

I've been beat up too much to stay upbeat
Jane Birkin eating an apple:

I feel better already!
Avatar 1:35am
The Night Owl:

Thanks Jane Birkin eating an apple
Jane Birkin eating an apple:

I wouldn't say this if the boys were around, but I think I'll give my velvet a shake and go to bed soon.
The Ayatolluh of Rock n’ Rolluh in transit:

Hello all night shiverers. Green and salivations. I hope all these apple oar well with tuna tar tar.!
The Ayatolluh of Rock n’ Rolluh in transit:

Requesting high tide.
Avatar 2:45am
The Night Owl:

Hi to The Ayatolluh of Rock n' Rolluh in transit
Avatar 2:49am
The Night Owl:

Got your request The Ayatolluh of Rock n' Rolluh in transit
Avatar 🎸 3:46am

You gotta be crazy, you gotta be mean
You gotta keep your kids and your car clean
You gotta keep climbing, you gotta keep fit
You gotta keep smiling, you gotta eat shit

You gotta be small to be a big shot
You gotta eat meat to stay at the top
You gotta be trusted, gotta tell lies
You gotta be able to narrow your eyes

You gotta beleive they've gotta beleive you
You gotta appear easy to see through
Gotta be sure you look good on the TV
Gotta resemble a human being

You gotta keep one eye over your shoulder
Gonna get harder as you get older
Gotta fly south and hide in the sand
Gotta forget that you're gonna get cancer

And when you loose control
You'll reap the harvest you have sown
And as the fear grows
The bad blood slows and turns to stone
Avatar 🎸 3:47am

request natures way by spirit
Avatar 🎸 3:47am

And it's too late to loose the weight
You used to need to throw around
So have a good drown
As you go down
Dragged down by the stone

Gotta be sure, you gotta be quick
Gotta divide the tame from the sick
Gotta keep some of us docile and fit
You gotta keep everyone burying this shit

You gotta get you started early
Processed by the time you're thirty
Work like fuck 'till you're sixty five
And then your time's your own until you die

I gotta admit to a lot of confusion
Pain in the head is the child of collusion
Gotta resist the creeping malaise
You gotta beleive in the way you get out of the maze

But you, you just keep on pretending
You can tell a sucker from a friend
But you still raise the knife to
Stranger, lover, friend and foe alike

Who was born in a house full of pain
Who was sent out to play on his own
Who was raised on a diet of shame
Who was trained not to spit in the fan
Who was told what to do by the man
Who was broken by trained personnel
Who was fitted with bridle and bit
Who was given a seat in the stand
Who was forcing his way to the rails
Who was offered a place on the board
Who was only a stranger at home
Who was ground down in the end
Who was found dead on the phone
Who was dragged down by the stone
Avatar 🎸 3:50am

a laughable notion that was written in my yearbook from the bassist of the band i was in - live for the day the days divinity- as i aged no day had any divinity except saturday morning
Avatar 🎸 3:53am

request - quicksilver messenger service ===fire brothers
Avatar 🎸 3:54am

night owl - if you were given the date of your death - how would you live - as you are now - ?
Avatar 4:05am
The Night Owl:

Thanks everyone!
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