Favoriting Shrunken Planet with Jeffrey Davison: Playlist from November 23, 2019 Favoriting

Jeffrey Davison's avatar View Jeffrey Davison's profile Favoriting

Folk; old-timey; blues; psych, avant and acid folk old and new; ambient and electronic; lots of guitar; detours elsewhere.

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Favoriting November 23, 2019

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Tim Walters  Blue-Gray and Gray-Blue   Favoriting Neither Here Nor There  Vauxflores Industrial  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Lee Noble  Your Emotions Are Weak   Favoriting The Man Who Bites His Tongue  Lee Noble  0:04:16 (Pop-up)
Ilyas Ahmed  Metal Freedom   Favoriting Behold Killers  Geographic North  0:14:20 (Pop-up)
Lori Goldston  Lori Goldston   Favoriting Things Opening  Second Editions  0:24:22 (Pop-up)
SUSS  Salt Flats   Favoriting High Line  Northern Spy  0:27:36 (Pop-up)
Księżyc  Mglista   Favoriting Rabbit Eclipse  Penultimate Press  0:31:12 (Pop-up)
Steve Hauschildt  The Spring in Chartreuse   Favoriting Nonlin  Ghostly International  0:34:29 (Pop-up)
Charles Rumback & Ryley Walker  And You, These Sang   Favoriting Little Common Twist  Thrill Jockey  0:37:51 (Pop-up)
Powers/Rolin Duo  4/15/2019   Favoriting 4/15/2019  Powers/Rolin Duo  0:41:33 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Carl Stone 

Himalaya (with Akaihirume)   Favoriting


Unseen Worlds 

0:57:51 (Pop-up)
Giles Corey  Wounded Wolf   Favoriting Hinterkaifeck  Enemies List  1:05:41 (Pop-up)
Kitchen Cynics & Grey Malkin  At the Window   Favoriting The Wonder Room  The Hare and The Moon  1:10:18 (Pop-up)
Yorkston / Thorne / Khan  Now Westlin Winds   Favoriting Navarasa: Nine Emotions  Dom Mart  1:13:38 (Pop-up)
Lankum  The Dark Eyed Gypsy   Favoriting Livelong Day  Rough Trade  1:23:26 (Pop-up)
Ruth Hazelton  Ten Thousand Miles   Favoriting The Daisywheel  Ruth Hazelton  1:31:05 (Pop-up)
Rhiannon Giddens w/ Francesco Turrisi  Ten Thousand Voices   Favoriting There Is No Other  Nonesuch  1:35:28 (Pop-up)
Frankie Armstrong  Taken By Surprise   Favoriting I Heard a Woman Singing  Flying Fish  1:38:01 (Pop-up)
Itasca  Plains   Favoriting Spring  Paradise of Bachelors  1:40:50 (Pop-up)
Rachael Dadd  Tsubomi   Favoriting Bite the Mountain  Broken Sound  1:45:35 (Pop-up)
Bill Fay  Filled With Wonder Once Again   Favoriting Countless Branches  Dead Oceans  1:48:54 (Pop-up)
Vetiver  Up On High   Favoriting Up On High  Mama Bird  1:51:57 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Michael Byron 

Bridges Of Pearl And Dust (excerpt)   Favoriting

Bridges Of Pearl And Dust 

Cold Blue Music 

1:57:37 (Pop-up)
Townes Van Zandt  FFV   Favoriting Delta Momma Blues  Tomato  2:06:37 (Pop-up)
Jean Ritchie  Poor Pilgrim of Sorrow   Favoriting Sweet Rivers  June Appal  2:10:07 (Pop-up)
Danny and Judy Rose-Redwood  Star Thistle Child   Favoriting Homecoming  Fretless  2:12:14 (Pop-up)
Nora Brown  Hills of Mexico   Favoriting Cinnamon Tree  Jalopy Records  2:15:53 (Pop-up)
Neil Young  Here We Are In The Years   Favoriting Neil Young  Reprise  2:19:58 (Pop-up)
Jimmie Dale Gilmore  Blue Moon Waltz   Favoriting After Awhile  Elektra Nonesuch  2:23:32 (Pop-up)
Esther Rose  You Made It This Far   Favoriting You Made It This Far  Father/Daughter  2:26:22 (Pop-up)
Doug Keith  Come Back Become   Favoriting The Lucky Ones  The Village Label  2:29:28 (Pop-up)
Peggy Honeywell  Hug My Heart   Favoriting Honey For Dinner  Galaxia  2:34:18 (Pop-up)
Livia Charman  Sis   Favoriting July  Carpet Carpet Group  2:36:13 (Pop-up)
Jim Sullivan  Jerome   Favoriting If The Evening Were Dawn  Light in the Attic  2:38:35 (Pop-up)
John Houx  Born in 1984   Favoriting Green Period  John Houx  2:40:47 (Pop-up)
Robert Leslie  Fool's Gold   Favoriting Masks & Mirrors  Robert Leslie  2:45:15 (Pop-up)
Mike Seeger  Birmingham Tickle   Favoriting Music From The True Vine  Mercury  2:48:22 (Pop-up)
Joost Dijkema  Legacy Of An Old Skeleton Car   Favoriting Time Thief  Twin Dimension  2:50:59 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:02am

Good morning Jeffrey and all
Avatar 6:04am

Mornin' spamoni! How are ya'?

Hey Jeffrey!
Avatar 6:04am

Check back in a bit,i'm having issues with my meds right now.
Avatar 6:04am

Nuuullllssshhhhh. Good morning !
Avatar 6:05am

Go rest spamoni! Check back in later if you can.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07am

Greets, Jeffrey.
Hello, spamoni, Nulsh.

Good Evening all

Last call
Avatar 6:10am

Mornin' Sem! Mornin' Iggy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10am
Jeffrey Davison:

good morning spamoni, Nulsh, Sem and ignatatus666, and good evening, and whatevs.
nick zero:

,,,,,good stuff,,,,,,
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13am

This is just what I was looking, um, listening for-- acoustic drone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16am

Good morning, Jeffrey & everyone
Avatar 6:17am

Good morning Saturday people.
Avatar 6:24am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25am

Good morning shrinking folks
Avatar 6:27am

Nulsh, how goes it in your locale?
Avatar 6:34am

It's 'dreich' here TDK60 but milder, we were in the minus realms last week. Enjoyin' ma' Shrunken Planet now though!
How's you?
Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz:

Polish folk music! :) Me likes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome nick zero, ParUbi, TDK60, duke...
Avatar 6:38am

Nulsh: Oh, a Scots slang site says "dreich" = damp. Here, we've clear skies and cold. Off to work in a few hours..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40am
Jeffrey Davison:

Gregorz, welcome...
Avatar 6:40am

'Damp' is just the half of it TDK60, heh heh!
Have a top day!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41am

Dreich apparently also means gloomy, gray?
Avatar 6:43am

ParUbi, that's what a page of Scots slang says. en.wiktionary.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46am

I like it, somehow sounds like what it means
Avatar 6:47am

Coulda' sworn this was Robbie Basho for a sec!

'Dreich' is a combination of wet, dank, cold, and sometimes misty. More a 'feeling' than specific meteorological conditions heh heh!
Cooh John:

Great morning Jeffrey, nulsh, TDK60, spamoni and the rest of you planeteers. Sem is back. Done with the growing season?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51am
Jeffrey Davison:

Cooh John, welcome.
Avatar 6:52am

I am loving this.
Avatar 6:53am

Hey Cooh John!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56am

morning shrunken violets. jeffrey - do you ever play ellen mcilwiane? been binging on her early stuff on the youtoobs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56am

I put it in the google translate, and it said it's the German word for "dreich"

Clear sky
33° in Peekskill
Probably a 5° difference when I get home
Greetings Nulsh
Keep your eyes closed
Chill your mind
Let the music take you into another realm

Cooh John:

Thanks Jeffrey and Nulsh. Nowhere else to be on Saturdays but on the shrunken planet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10am

24 F in Pittsburgh, clear and windless. Sky is light blue, predawn.
Avatar 7:10am

Morning Cooh John on the planet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:12am
Jeffrey Davison:

dale, it's been awhile...
hey speedy

Home safe 26° Putnam Valley
I nailed that one
Peace all
Time for earbuds and my Dog
Cooh John:

Shrunken Planet is the sublime start to the powerhouse Saturday lineup on WFMU. Swag for life!
Andrew in Etobicoke:

belated good morning to Jeffrey and all other Planeteers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15am

I like that there's a lot of folk music on FMU, and none if it makes me want to claw my eyes out (compare: NPR).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18am

Sorry, that was intense. Substitute "claw..." with "turn the dial."

NPR and FUV are shot musically. FUV has become another whatever the corporate sponsors want they get.
Rita Hayworth should come to the WoofMoo
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19am

I have trauma from the "Thistle and Shamrock"
Jeff Conklin:

Good morning, all. An honest 25 degrees in Wappingers Falls.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22am
Jeffrey Davison:

...oh, this isn't NPR? Dag, that explains why I'm still waiting for a paycheck...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25am

Good morning, Jeff. The same applies to your show. Something about music that is somehow raw and close to birth & death.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25am
Jeffrey Davison:

Conklin, all hail!
ParUbi...I'm closer to death than to birth, noted...

Greetings Jeff Conklin Lord of Dutchess
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28am

Such lovely music to wake up with on a chilly morn.
Avatar 7:29am

Lankum has just the right mix of drone and melody. Love it.
Jeff Conklin:

Apropos of nothing I won tickets to see Hot Tuna this week from Radio Woodstock’s Instagram.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30am
Jeffrey Davison:

Fredericks, agreed. This is a good one!
Avatar 7:34am

Jorma & Jack still at it, Jeff!
adrian elaine:

good morning!
Jeff Conklin:

@tdK 50 years!
Buddha of Suburbia:

Morning Jeffrey and the Shrinking Planeteers!
Buddha of Suburbia:

Has anyone seen Spamoni?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome adrian elaine, Buddha...spamoni was here early but was having issues with his meds...
Avatar 7:41am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42am

Do they (Hot Tuna) still have it?

Good morning!
Jeff Conklin:

@ParUbi: Yes. I’ve listened to some recent shows. Never saw HT but caught Jorma solo acoustic a couple years ago and he was fantastic. The gigs in NYC are electric with Steve Kimock on sevind Guitar. Expecting jams.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Morning Nuuuulllllassshh!!!
Jeff Conklin:

Saw Itasca on Monday. Has a killer band with her, a recording of it sitting in my inbox. The Hudson Valley now has two tapers.
Avatar 7:47am

Cuppa Brodie’s and WFMU.Tis lovely
Avatar 7:49am

Great profile about Rhiannon in the New Yorker
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52am
Jeffrey Davison:

Zoot, welcome, and yes. Listeners please seek out that New Yorker article. Written by the great John Jeremiah Sullivan.
Andrew in Etobicoke:

Thanks for the Bill, Jeffrey.
Cooh John:

Enjoy Hot Tuna, Jeff. Jorma runs Fur Peace Ranch in my neck of the woods. A music camp, if you will.
Andrew in Etobicoke:

Are there any Canadians here?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54am

for ease of reference: www.newyorker.com...
Jeff Conklin:

@Cooh: I’ve heard/seen it. Ever been there for a show?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55am
Jeffrey Davison:

Andrew, hey there. There is a photo of Bill (if I remember, from his bandcamp page) which appears to be a homage of the one from the cover of his debut album. Maybe even taken in the same place...
Buddha of Suburbia:

Where's Dale?
Avatar 7:57am

ParUbi! Nice one. Thanks.
Jeff Conklin:

New Vetiver record is so lovely. Great set thus far.
Avatar 8:00am

Hot Tuna showed up in my neck of the woods a while ago.(Warwick NY)with Charlie Musselwhite,GE Smith and Jim Lauderdale.
Jeff Conklin:

Nice, Zoot!
Cooh John:

Never been to a show @ Fur Peace Jeff. Small venue. Half the shows sell out. Awesome artists perform. Pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Part of its charm.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05am

i have an aunt named ruth hazelton. not the same one no doubt.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Dalroy Jetson!

Where do you see music in Warwick?
I go to the drive in during the warm season. When we were teens back in the 80’s there was an ass kicking record store owned by Harold Z ? His brother was involved with mega force records.
Avatar 8:18am

There’s great music free every weekend during the summer in the park by the railroad station.(Railroad Ave)they close the whole street.Also winery’s and micro brewery’s .Sometimes I even play.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22am

went to see a hardcore band that terre t referenced once in a iittle coffee shop on tht one side street that runs diagonally off the main drag in warwick. it was an all ages show so there were two adults there, the band who was our age and 40 high school kids.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24am

boodles opera house in sugar loaf is technically warwick (technically chester) - that's where some big acts go.
Jeff Conklin:

Seems like Boodles is closed?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:28am

(started reading article-- lots of important connections to unjustly forgotten black musical history. thanks for the reference, Zoot!)

Dale, funny you should discuss venues, I was asking if there were any venues in Orange County these days.
Avatar 8:29am

Boodles closed.Saw John Gorka,Ritchie Havens,John Sebastian,Tom Rush,Greg Brown....and others.
Jeff Conklin:

I was excited for a new venue in Poughkeepsie but they’re first booking (some whack alt rock band) isn’t helping my optimism.

Dale- I heard the the OC fairgrounds was having concerts again! But was wondering if there’s any Indy venue to go hear live music.

I just went up to the Beverly, in Kingston, last night. Nice bar, good performance space. BSP is booking some of their events...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey kevlicki
Jeff Conklin:

A good friend bartends at the Beverley. Beautiful space but they have neighbor issues as I understand it. Tubbys books better acts imo
Avatar 8:36am

The Bardavon is good in Po’keepsie.The Turning Point in Rockland County.

Quinn’s and Dogwood, in Beacon, are two small restaurant venues that have live music. Dogwood can be tough cos it’s at the edge of the dining area
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36am

good morning!
Jeff Conklin:

I’ve heard about Quinn’s. I need to get down there.

Chris Smither playing Town Crier in December.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37am

orange county community college would be the only place i can think of (tom rush played there years and years ago.) paramount theater always has a symphony or the jimmy sturr christmas show. over at the orange county choppers restaurant they were supposed to have music. i don't know how many times senior can declare bankruptcy so that may be closed too. i don't go out much anymore.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey there queems...
...and anyone else I may have overlooked...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39am

i went to quinns once and got the trots from a dirty glass. always drink bottled beer out.
Avatar 8:39am

And TownCrier.OCCC used to have lot’s of good shows.
Avatar 8:40am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41am
Andy in Etobicoke:

Hi there Dale.
Jeff Conklin:

I’ll be seeing a show at Colony Woodstock next month (12/29)

Ryley Walker/Garcia Peoples/Chris Forsyth.

It’s gonna be wild, you’re all invited.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Talk later folks
listener monica:

this is now my song. thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:47am

@andy - (in best goober voice) hey ange....
Avatar 8:47am

Bye Boodz!
Avatar 8:48am

I heard Riley Walker on the loft when it was the loft.Though it was Tim Buckley.Guess I’m goin’ to Woodstock.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48am

bye buudelaire
Avatar 8:49am
Jeff Conklin:

@Zoot: He's less Buckley-ish these days but no less exciting. Gonna be a stellar gig you have my guarantee...
Avatar 8:52am

I always like Mike Seeger, but don't have any of his albums.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53am

hi all
Avatar 8:54am

Sounds good Jeff.I like his guitar work.I heard a live song somewhere.Was really good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey monica, dale, melinda, Zoot..
Daybreak and the Possibilities:

It was good to hear something nice out of Birmingham. Nearly anytime it is referenced or brought up it is for negative reasons. Prob a lot of beauty on the inside.
Huh, sound like I’m describing NJ too:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56am
Andy in Etobicoke:

Thanks, Jeffrey.
Great show as always.

Have a good weekend JD and all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:44pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (they/them):

Wow, that Frankie Armstrong song just hit me deep. Thanks!
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