Favoriting Techtonic with Mark Hurst: Playlist from February 17, 2020 Favoriting

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Conversations with creators and thinkers who are charting the way forward in a tech-saturated society. In our shift to a digital future, we need alternatives to Big Tech. Homepage: techtonic.fm

Monday 6 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Mon. Mar 10th, 6pm - 7pm: Mark Hurst and his Co-Host Matt Warwick

Favoriting February 17, 2020: Jumana Abu-Ghazaleh, founder, Pivot for Humanity

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Tonight: Jumana Abu-Ghazaleh, founder, Pivot for Humanity

Pivot for Humanity website (on Twitter, @Pivot4Humanity)

• @jumanatag, Jumana Abu-Ghazaleh on Twitter

Why Google Gets Away With So Much: (by Jumana Abu-Ghazaleh, Jan 17, 2020) "It’s time to stop letting ourselves be the ‘abandoned carcass’ of our data"

This coding legend knows the secret to fixing Big Tech’s most pervasive problem (by Jumana in Fast Company, Jan 9, 2020): "Facebook, Google, and Amazon have a lot to learn from Margaret Hamilton, who coined the term 'software engineering' while she was working on the code for the Apollo 11 mission to the moon."

Listen also to Jack Poulson, Irene Knapp, Liz O'Sullivan, and Delphine Halgand on the Nov 18, 2019 Techtonic. Poulson is the founder of Tech Inquiry.

Recent tech news:

Activate This ‘Bracelet of Silence,’ and Alexa Can’t Eavesdrop (by Kashmir Hill in NYT, Feb 14): Speaking of "privacy armor," Hill covers past Techtonic guest Scott Urban. "In 2016, Scott Urban, an eyewear maker in Chicago, developed a line of reflective frames that turned back visible and infrared light. When a surveillance camera films a person wearing the $164 frames, the reflected light blurs out the face. Mr. Urban called them Reflectacles."

Video of "Wearable Microphone Jamming" (on toxic YouTube, sorry) by HCI lab UChicago. "This bracelet jams any surrounding microphones using ultrasound. It prevents this smartphone, voice assistant, smartwatch, and our camera from eavesdropping on the conversation." As NYT's Adam Sternbergh writes: "cool or maybe just don’t purchase a surveillance machine in the first place and willingly install it in your home"

Terry Clague writes (Twitter, Feb 13): "My 8yr old's school wants me to sign a two page 'participant release' contract which grants Goooogle unrestricted global access to his voice, image, persona, etc. Would you sign this?"

- - -

Check out techtonic.fm for recent Techtonic interviews and Little Slice of Tech Pie segments.

PODCAST: Subscribe to the Techtonic podcast

Artist Track Images Approx. start time
  Jumana Abu-Ghazaleh, founder of Pivot for Humanity, on encouraging Big Tech engineers to adopt more ethical practices.
Tomaš Dvořák  Game Boy Tune   Favoriting
  Mark's intro  
  Interview with Jumana Abu-Ghazaleh  
0:12:01 (Pop-up)
  Your comments  
0:40:18 (Pop-up)
The Hood Internet  1979, by Steve Reidell   Favoriting
0:55:21 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:00pm

Hello Mark! Techturnarounders!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:00pm
listener james from westwood:

Evening, Mark and all!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:01pm
Handy Haversack:

Hi, Mark and Techers! The Tech Gin is poured -- let's mix it up!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:01pm
Webhamster Henry:

Hello Friends! Don't Freak Out™

Hi Mark, Handy, and other tech friends!
John from Florham park:

@LCBD howdy
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:03pm
Handy Haversack:

I was watching an episode the The Flash on CW (don't judge me!), and Barry Allen spoke to Alexa. Meaning a guy with a secret identity willingly had spyware in his home. Come on, CW, you're missing a rich vein to mine by ignoring the supervillains already among us!

(Hi, LCBD!)
John from Florham park:

@Handy howdy again
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:04pm
Handy Haversack:

Hi, John! FMU sure makes Mondays a lot easier to take, right?

yay! been a while since Ive caught Techtonic!!! HEY... I deleted my facebook! Thanks to YOU Mark!!! Actually they keep it active for 30 days after you “delete” it so technically it’s not dead yet but Im not gonna log on. I let everyone know my reasons before leaving & posted deletefacebook.com and a link to your show page/archive. maybe it’ll make other people think about leaving
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm

I love your show, Mark. Glad to get to listen to you while cooking dinner once again.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:05pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Swirling around the techtodrain.
John from Florham park:

@Handy yes it does
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:06pm
Webhamster Henry:

@Handy The Flash also has the Alexa-like Gideon, who has a much bigger presence onThe Legends of Tomorrow.

the president is kind of a temporary king tho...
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:07pm
Handy Haversack:

True, Henry, though Gideon seems fairly well firewalled -- unlike Alexa.

Hi there John fFp!!

Play some music!

good evening everyone :)
Avatar 6:11pm

The Bill Barr Republicans are like the Tories during the revolution.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:11pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

DJ GeorgyGirl is playing music right next door, just a click away. www.wfmu.org...

The ancients would say the cycles of history are inevitable
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

Mark, the New Yorker cover that you have on the site right now offers a beautiful contradiction to the reality that you are speaking right now.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:14pm

Pledge drive starting early?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Politics - Wealth Inequality - & Big Tech intersect n a few ways.
Yes - one way is profiting from dissension
- both in $ = clicks
- & not being @ all neutral as 1%er monopolies...
...but there is also the Worldwide Populist Revolution - in which individual citizens have been rising up demanding more voice in government - everywhere
- enabled by New Media.
There is a flood of new Information - both of quality - & quite obviously - very much otherwise
- & also communication & organization from & between individuals of an unprecedented kind...
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:15pm
listener 126464:

you never trick-or-treated on day before Halloween?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm
Mark Hurst:

Hi all! @LCBD, yes, all the images tonight are a bit of a throwback to a simpler time. Also ties into Jumana's comments about Margaret Hamilton during the interview.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm
Mark Hurst:

@johnzo, nice work! Thanks for pointing people to the show.
@brycepunk, thanks for tuning in, good to see you here. What's for dinner?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

The Right favors Libertarian Deregulation
- enabling Monopolies...
Also since Karl Rove & the 'Republican Revolution' - Politicians have been encouraged, instructed, & enabled in Orwellian disinformation & dissent for political gain. (Tea Party & so on.)
This was a growing dumpster fire which New Media pours gasoline on...
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:18pm
Handy Haversack:

I dunno, RR1163, I think the idea of organizing using the tools of the oppressors (Google, Twitter) is a dicey one -- even relying on cell networks and utilities under the control of, well, the controllers. I think the Arab Spring showed how easily those tools can be turned back against those who use them.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:19pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Don't necessarily suggest otherwise.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

After all - the means are owned by Big Tech.

After 35 Years, The Personal Computer Show on WBAI "disappeared" Without Explanation, also.
John from Florham park:

@Amy a lot of shows disappeared from WBAI
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:26pm

Sure, 'cause...typing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm
Mark Hurst:

@ultra imagine trying to debug that
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm

i'm surprised that i cannot find a "Fuck google" t-shirt on a duckduckgo image search. maybe i can find one on google...
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

They'll probably hook you up with a Go Fuck A Duck Duck T-Shirt
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:30pm
listener 126464:

i thought he was loading helios bold font
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm
Mark Hurst:

@coel take a look at the resistance group in Berlin - www.theguardian.com...

Pivot for Humanity: followed.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:32pm

Here you go www.spreadshirt.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm

@ coelacanth∅: ih0.redbubble.net...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm
Mark Hurst:

"Guck"... almost sounds like Guck Guck Do
Dave Miss:

Howdy hidden figures
Avatar 6:35pm

big data right here.
Avatar 6:35pm

this is a strange thesis - that the problem with big tech is a misunderstanding of what software engineering is. software isn't being mis-engineered - it is being driven by poor or single-track values.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm
Mark Hurst:

Hey Dave Miss
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm

i did "google" it and many t-shirt results. i still don't see a single one that doesn't say "ask me".

When I think about Margaret Hamilton, the one who comes to mind would be on screen with the Marx Brothers or a similar bunch.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:39pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Glad to get the thumbs up on DDG from you, Mark! I've switched to them recently and feel much better!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm
Mark Hurst:

@ottovonbqe, I think that's a valid criticism, though my feeling is, let's try it out & see what positive change might come from it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm

northern sun merchandising doesn't have one, which i'd be a little surprised about if i didn't think that that formerly excellent company used the google search engine extensively.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm
Mark Hurst:

@GrannyST, glad to hear it! I agree, it feels a lot better to search without being creepily followed everywhere.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:40pm

Yeah, I'm not sure why they'd assume that just because you want google fucked that you want to be asked about it.
John from Florham park:

@Granny evening
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:42pm
Bas NL:

Hi Mark and all!

I think it is has a lot to do with our christian enlightenment legacy that makes us believe in infinite "progress" and see all "useful" technology as inherently good. But this goes way deeper than digital tech and will take a larger social shift to change.

“Guck Foogle”
Listener Robert:

(Forgot to log on.) Darn, I see Margaret Hamilton was the witch in Oz, not the one I was thinking of.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:42pm
Handy Haversack:

I get nervous when the solutions offered to the problems of capitalism are ... more capitalism (q.v. "sustainable development goals").

hello all! thanks for listening. I'm jumana with Pivot For Humanity

throw money at the problem
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm

If the underlying point of Big Tech is enabling surveillance capitalism, it seems naive to imagine its values being overthrown by good guy programmers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm

*reformed not overthrown
Avatar 6:46pm

@Mark Hurst - don't mean to be a hater - but as a software engineer(ish) (academia, not google), I feel like there is a lot of mystique ascribed to the process that is not there. And a lot of these values issues have been dealt with in the open source software world for several decades already.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm

You didn't know that? What a world, what a world!
Avatar 6:47pm

what brainiac said.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:47pm
listener 126464:

Thanks Jumana!
Avatar 6:48pm

Margaret Dumont was in the Marx brothers movies.
Avatar 6:49pm

Just saying.

The industry needs a new north star to replace move fast and break things. What should it be?

I’ve had a question for many years, as I’ve watched these digital industries and tech companies grow: where are the “guilds”? Where are the “brotherhoods” that should be emergent in these new industries that will set the standards and values that address the responsibilities the workers in these fields have to the larger society?
Jumana seems to be working in the answers.

Related we should reference how “legendary” male hackers did damage to systems at MIT that actually (inadvertently) sabotaged Marget Hamilton’s work at MIT. Watch and read, “Programming is Forgetting: Toward a New Hacker Ethic”: “Margaret Hamilton, of course, was unaware that the PDP‑1 had undergone surgery the previous night. So she did not immediately know the reason why her Vortex program…broke. […] Though programs often did that for various reasons, this time Margaret Hamilton complained about it, and someone looked into why, and someone else fingered the Midnight Computer Wiring Society. So there were repercussions. Reprimands.”

Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:50pm
listener 126464:

please observe the roads

“Levy clearly views this anecdote as an example of the hacker ethic at work. If that’s the case, the hacker ethic in this instance has made it impossible for a brilliant woman to do her work, right. For Levy, the story is passed off as a joke but when I first read it I got angry.”
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:51pm
Handy Haversack:

@jumanja: mitigating climate catastrophe? Since that's going to pull the plug on their industry sooner than later anyway?
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:51pm
Handy Haversack:

(Also: thanks for coming on the air and sharing your work!)
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:51pm
Webhamster Henry:

I've wanted the software industry to be unionized. Everyone thinks - you guys earn a lot of money, what to you need a union for? Answer: to push back on ethical and work security issues.
Avatar 🤖 6:52pm
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

@Henry +1
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:53pm
listener 126464:

it sounds like WFMU!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

I read that these may interfere with hearing aids too -- not sure if that's true or not.

Former Amazon AWS head disables his Alexa. That means something, right?

‘Even one of the founders of Amazon Web Services approaches his Alexa devices with caution. Robert Frederick, who left the company in 2006, tells FRONTLINE that he turns off his Alexa devices “whenever I want to have a private moment.”’

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm

Cats and dogs would hear it too.

@handy haversack interesting. is that too narrowly focused? it gets to the difference between tech for good companies, and the purpose of tech to begin with. e.g., move humanity forward safely. that's what we're working with tech workers to figure out. join us!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm

I'd like a wearable Faraday cage, please
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:55pm
Bas NL:

I think the best defense is to remain original. No algorithm recognizes originality.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:55pm
Webhamster Henry:

HAL-like lip reading is actually being used to help solve the "roomfull of people talking" problem.

That high frequency bracelet is a nice novelty, but it’s too destructive to valid amplification devices to be practical. It’s a nice student project and that’s that.

Siri calling for Mark again
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:55pm
Webhamster Henry:

@brainiac that's what tinfoil hat is about .. but only if you are dragging a grounding wire.

My Wife found out today at the airport that wearing a shirt that has been bedazzled (glittered, applicaques, etc.) can apparently defeat a TSA body scanner. She had to get a pat down because the scanner rays bounced right off her. Hello Bedazzled underwear!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:56pm
Handy Haversack:

Thank you, Mark!

yes to guilds and unions and other models of putting power in the hands of workers who see a way to work in tech while holding onto their values
Avatar 6:56pm

Thanks and thanks to your guest.
Peter from Dover NJ:

If I've missed it, I'm sorry.

Will you do a show on self driving cars?
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Bas NL:

Thanks Mark!

thank you for all you do mark!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

Thanks Mark! Thanks Jumana!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Webhamster Henry:

I'll check out your material, jumana! Thanks Mark!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
listener 126464:

not enough time for the tough bedazzle issue

Those glasses are an elegant, passive, materials-based approach. But do they come in the right-shaped framed for my face?
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Webhamster Henry:

I'm also part of an organization that thinks people should pay musicians.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Mark Hurst:

Thanks, everyone! Good comments tonight & appreciate your encouragement.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

i want my self to be driving that nova
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

Nice Nova!
Avatar 🤖 7:00pm
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

Umm that is my new favorite mashup, thanks
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