Favoriting 100% Whatever with Mary Wing: Playlist from May 13, 2020 Favoriting

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Music without words, words without music, and combinations therein. The freeform soundtrack for working, shirking, or twerking.

Wednesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Upcoming events:

Wed. Mar 12th, Noon - 3pm: Mary Wing and her Co-Host Cullan

Favoriting May 13, 2020: They just give you one long glance and you go, oh, oh, oh

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(* = new, *** = "Three of a Kind" covers segment; referred to as "3oak" in the listener comments section)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New / Special Approx. start time
Malady  Nurja Puoli   Favoriting Toinen Toista  Svart  2018  MP3      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Delphine Dora  Entfremdung   Favoriting Dunkles Zu Sagen  Fort Evil Fruit  2019  MP3      0:22:50 (Pop-up)
The Dwarfs Of East Agouza  Museum Of Stranglers (Part I)   Favoriting Bes  Nawa  2016  MP3      0:24:45 (Pop-up)
The Dwarfs Of East Agouza  Museum Of Stranglers (Part II)   Favoriting Bes  Nawa  2016  MP3      0:38:50 (Pop-up)
The Dwarfs Of East Agouza  Museum Of Stranglers (Part III)   Favoriting Bes  Nawa  2016  MP3      0:51:28 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Hatchet (Optimimi Version) (Wing edit)   Favoriting







0:59:41 (Pop-up)
His Name Is Alive  My Thoughts Are To Thee Drawn   Favoriting Return To Never (Home Recordings 1979-1986 Vol. 2)  Disciples  2020  MP3    *   1:04:48 (Pop-up)
Constant Smiles  Sea Of Birds   Favoriting Lost  self-released  2018  MP3      1:08:58 (Pop-up)
Föllakzoid  R0 > 1 / Ritmo Reproductivo Básico   Favoriting I Fall In Love With The Light: A Sacred Bones Compilation  Sacred Bones  2020  MP3  Various artists; released to generate financial support for artists and bands who had to cancel their tours.    1:14:09 (Pop-up)
Asian Women On The Telephone  Ничто не сравнится с тобой (Nothing Will Be Compared With You)   Favoriting Freedom As Mama Told Me  self-released  2011  MP3      1:23:45 (Pop-up)
Bush Tetras  Theremin   Favoriting Happy  ROIR  2012  MP3  Originally recorded in 1997.    1:32:47 (Pop-up)
The Stranglers  Down In The Sewer   Favoriting IV Rattus Norvegicus  EMI  2001  MP3  Originally released in 1977.    1:37:35 (Pop-up)
Go Home Productions  Sleazy Egyptian   Favoriting Sleazy Egyptian EP  self-released  2015  MP3  A mash-up of The Bangles' "Walk Like An Egyptian" with The Stranglers' "Nice n' Sleazy" with a pinch from Ini Kamoze's "Hotstepper."    1:45:28 (Pop-up)
Yīn Yīn  One Inch Punch   Favoriting The Rabbit That Hunts Tigers  Les Disques Bongo Joe  2019  MP3    *   1:48:56 (Pop-up)
Melodysheep  Be Water My Friend (Bruce Lee Remix)   Favoriting Remixes For The Soul Volume II  self-released  2013  MP3      1:54:03 (Pop-up)
Mark Ronson  Feel Right   Favoriting Uptown Special  Sony Music / RCA  2015  MP3  Featuring vocals by Mystikal.    1:56:23 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Hatchet (Optimimi Version) (Wing edit)   Favoriting







2:00:05 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno  Needles In The Camel's Eye   Favoriting Here Come The Warm Jets  Island  1973  MP3    ***   2:07:07 (Pop-up)
Civic  Needle In The Camel's Eye   Favoriting Those Who No  Famous Class  2018  MP3  A Brian Eno cover.  ***   2:10:18 (Pop-up)
Queens Of The Stone Age  Needles In A Camel's Eye   Favoriting Make It Wit Chu  UMG  2007  MP3  A Brian Eno cover.  ***   2:13:19 (Pop-up)
Big Black Mariah  Needles In The Camel's Eye   Favoriting Lovesmoke  Everlasting  2000  MP3  A Brian Eno cover.  ***   2:16:40 (Pop-up)
Sterling  Ubesvaret Opkald   Favoriting Estadio Camp-Let  Crunchy Frog  2005  MP3  A Brian Eno cover, in Danish!  ***   2:19:18 (Pop-up)
Telegram  Needles In The Camel's Eye   Favoriting Aeons / Needles In The Camel's Eye single  self-released  2015  MP3  A Brian Eno cover.  ***   2:21:59 (Pop-up)
Hickoids  Needles In The Camel's Eye   Favoriting Kicking It With The Twits  Saustex Media  2011  MP3  A Brian Eno cover.  ***   2:24:52 (Pop-up)
Combo Dinamo  La Aguja En El Ojo Del Camello   Favoriting Quieto Muere Resucita!!!  Abrigueiro Estudios  2011  MP3  A Brian Eno cover, in Spanish!  ***   2:27:46 (Pop-up)
Elf Power  Needles In The Camels Eyes...   Favoriting When The Red King Comes  Arena Rock / Elephant Six Recording Co.  1997  MP3  A Brian Eno cover.  ***   2:31:30 (Pop-up)
Game Theory  Needle In The Camel's Eye (Home Recording)   Favoriting Across The Barrier Of Sound: Postscript  Omnivore   2020  MP3  A Brian Eno cover.  ***   2:34:31 (Pop-up)
Laura Marling  Strange Girl   Favoriting Song For Our Daughter  Chrysalis  2020  MP3      2:37:20 (Pop-up)
Portugal. The Man  Got It All (This Can't Be Living Now)   Favoriting In The Mountain In The Cloud  Atlantic  2011  MP3      2:40:40 (Pop-up)
T. Rex  Children Of The Revolution   Favoriting The Essential Collection  Relativity  1991  MP3  This song originally released in 1972.    2:44:24 (Pop-up)
The Shins  Turn A Square   Favoriting Chutes Too Narrow  Sub Pop  2003  MP3      2:46:51 (Pop-up)
Blondie  Denis   Favoriting Plastic Letters  Chrysalis  1994  MP3  A Randy & The Rainbows cover; originally released in 1977.    2:50:00 (Pop-up)
Ian Dury & The Blockheads  There Ain't Half Been Some Clever Bastards   Favoriting The Very Best Of Ian Dury & The Blockheads - Reasons To Be Cheerful  EMI / Papillon  1999  MP3  This song originally released in 1979.    2:52:16 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Hatchet (Optimimi Version) (Wing edit)   Favoriting







2:55:17 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🛎 12:00pm

Ah, here vee are.
Avatar 12:02pm
Mary Wing:

Ziz iz zee playze, Brian, yez!
Avatar 🛎 12:03pm

My stream title is stuck on Continental Subway, oddly.
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:04pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Salutations, Mary and WFMU kin!
Avatar 12:04pm
Mary Wing:

Heh, David D. refuses to relinquish the stream! Player info is correct for me, though.

Hiya Granny!
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:05pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

As I was just saying, the robots will win!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm

Hi Mary and wingdingers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Avatar 🛎 12:06pm

Golly, this is nice.

So… I see thiz show is happening again thiz week az well as future weekz… Very interezting indeed.
Avatar 12:06pm
Mary Wing:

Good morning, chresti, you clicky-starred the entire show after 5 minutes! <3 <3 <3
Avatar 12:07pm
Rocky Horror:

The TuneIn app on my ROKU reads100% Whatever with Mary Wing | WFMU
Avatar 12:08pm
Mary Wing:

Howdy Phillippe, Jake, and Rocky Hrror! I am stuck at home at least until June 5th, sez my job. What else have I got to do except play ze muuuzik??
Avatar 12:09pm
Mary Wing:

Malady is from Finland; oh if only we had a Finnish listener around who could translate for us. :-/
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:09pm

I might be stuck at home until the *fall* according to my job! URGH. No like. But hey, at least I still have a job.

@Mary: The word from my day job is we work from home until mid-August… Not complaining!
Avatar 12:10pm

Fins, yes. Finnish, no. Sorry. Good morning Mary and Whatsits
Avatar 12:10pm
Rocky Horror:

Hi Mary Wing!! So you're live from your house?
Avatar 12:11pm
Mary Wing:

I am home, yes, Rocky, but this show was recorded Sunday night. I don't have enough internet power to do a live show.

Past that — since I am a programmer — they might just change the office to be the equivalent of a “drop in” space where nobody really has desks but can have space to use.

I honestly like that idea. My desk in the office right now is bare and I don’t care about it anyway. I can sit anywhere and do my job. All the better!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm

Maladie is illness in ... french. I know it doesn't help much...
Avatar 🛎 12:12pm

I find I need multiple monitors to be really productive, so I miss my office space.
Avatar 12:13pm
Mary Wing:

Hullo Ike, fleep, and Yvang! Malady is illness in English also, perhaps it carried over into Finnish as well?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm

And Hi Mary Wing and whateverers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14pm

We had Malaria in Poland in the 80's... Doesn't help neither...

“Nurja Puoli” Google translates to “Reverse” and “Toinen Toista” translates to “Another Repeat”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:15pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Greetings, Mary VVing and crew. I alvvays like tuning in for vvhatever.
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:16pm
Handy Haversack:

Sorry I'm late -- I was making lunch. 100 percent here now! Hi, Mary!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

(* crevv *)

@Yvang: You in Poland? My grandfather died in a gulag in Kazakhstan from malaria. My dad almost died as well. Then he decided to just join the Soviet Army instead of dying in a camp… But that would be certain death since prisoners made soldiers would have pretty much been uncared for and used for cannon fodder… Then the Polish Government in exile got him and other Poles out of the Gulags to be properly cared for and fight in Europe.
Avatar 12:17pm
Mary Wing:

I don't like working from home at all, plus I need to have a lot of face-to-face interaction with people, which I can no longer do. I actually went to my office on Saturday for some critical installation of equipment (I'm the only one who can get to the building without taking public transporation), and I have to say, that was the *best day* for me since all this started. It was so nice to have somewhere to go, and not sit around at home all day long. I really missed sitting at my desk! Never thought I'd say that, heh.
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:18pm

@Mary, having somewhere to go is so great! I relate to this comment very much!!!
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:18pm
Handy Haversack:

I feel the same way, Mary. Just sub "standing" for sitting!
Avatar 12:19pm
Mary Wing:

Hi Ken and Handy! Lunch time it is, indeed! Chili from a can and crackers for me, yummers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm

@JakeGould : No I am in France. I said "we" as an european and as a worldwide music lover.

Anyway, nobody catch malaria.

Also, seems like hand sanitizer is now being produced in better consumer quantities. I bought 8 ounces off generic stuff from Rite Aid for $5. That is a fine price.
Avatar 🛎 12:20pm

I like that I can tend the garden when I take a break from work. And roast coffee.
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:20pm
Handy Haversack:

Kate decided not to go running, so to celebrate I made us eggs with stuff!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20pm

Hello Mary and all
I just survived a zoom meeting. Some people used a picture as a background, I'm almost tempted to use the house on some Jandek covers...

@Yvang: EU4Ever

Good morning!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:21pm
Maggie B.:

Mary, I had a similar experience going back to my office to get more files to work on - I couldn't believe how much I missed the office. I'm going back again this weekend, but this time my mission is different - I'm getting my personal stuff out of my desk in case they try to call us back too soon. If they do, I will ask to retire, three years too early but what choice will I have?
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:21pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Mary Wing: sounds yummy to me, and quite like a meal i had only yesterday. Was that yesterday? What day is it? It's 100% Whatever Day.
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:21pm

Hi 100% Virtual folks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:22pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Your home studio is more kitchen-adjacent than Studio C, Mary, so there's that. Bathroom-adjacent, too.

@MaggieB: If it’s any consolation, I don’t think things will get back to normal in the world as a whole for more than a few years. Better face the reality now than stretch it out and — possibly — put yourself at risk.
Avatar 🛎 12:23pm

Eggs with stuff is a classic. We have chives growing in the garden. They're good as stuff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:23pm

@JakeGould : I am wordless about your family history! I just started watching a documentary about the Gulag and it is so depressing I couldn't finish it .
Avatar 12:24pm
Mary Wing:

Salut fred, rw, and Maggie B.!

Jandek house, ha ha haaah! I am so stealing that idea if I need to do a zoom meeting.
Avatar 12:26pm
Mary Wing:

Maggie, I hear you. But being stuck at home all the time has made me realize that my retirement will suck big donkey balls if I don't find something useful to do with my time. I can barely get out of bed as it is; having no job would probably push me over the edge, heh.

@Yvang: Thanks. And that is a small slice. The prologue to the Gulag is my dad’s family fled to Belarus during WWII. When they refused citizenship, 1/2 the family went to the Gulag in Siberia, the other 1/2 in Kazakstan.

Friends and neighbors who fled with them to Belarus said they were stupid to not accept Soviet citizenship, but the USSR was not kind to Jews. If they had accepted citizenship, their fate was to be massacred by Nazis advancing into Russian territory.

Anyway… I’m here now!
Avatar 12:29pm
Mary Wing:

Truly, each decision made, or choice not taken, by all our ancestors has brought us here, to this, whatever it is.
Avatar 12:31pm

Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:31pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Meanwhile, this set is distinctly pleasing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:31pm
Doug Schulkind:

Greetings, Marylanders!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:32pm
Maggie B.:

@JakeGould - I know. I work in the hotspot (NYC) and I can't see anything getting back to normal any time soon either. My company has been very proactive about keeping us safe (they sent me home on March 13, and the rest of the staff the following week) so I'm hoping for the best but anticipating the worst. I really do miss lower Manhattan, though.
Avatar 12:32pm
Mary Wing:

Hi TDK60 and Doug!

Marylanders, heh. Let's not get used to that term, eh?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm

@JakeGould antisemitism is another vicious plague still without a vaccine (especially in europe)
Avatar 12:33pm

Yo, Doug! The daily email came back as mysteriously as it had vanished. Very happy to see it again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm
Franco Twinkie:

Mary,You have to get out of bed! The only way we know what day it is by what morning show we listen to on WFMU. Okay today is Wens., which means we're having donkey balls for lunch, I better get my ass into the kitchen!
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:33pm
Handy Haversack:

It only *really* applies to Phillippe, Mary!
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:36pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

what Franco Twinkie said ^^
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:36pm
david w:

Hello, Mary and all! (and Doug, special category).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36pm

We are slowly unlocking down here in France but it seems to me that we are a bit overconfident about life getting back to normal.
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:36pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Franco Twinkie: PS: you can't have donkey balls without an ass

@MaryWing: Have you considered moving elsewhere for health? I mean if you can “wing” it remotely that might be something.

@Yvang: Know it. My grandfather on my mom’s side — who had 8 kids, owned one donkey and had a seltzer route — willfully went with the Nazis when they rounded up all men in the town back in the 1930s. Why?

Easy: The Germans were more respected than the Russians as far as Jews went. Russians just routinely beat the crap out of Jews back then. So he assumed they couldn’t be that bad, right? His last words to his wife and kids were basically, “How bad can they be?”

FWIW, now that I am working from home and it seems that I can keep this job and work from home until… Whenever… I’m considering moving myself. But it’s hard to even consider this stuff with the country completely on hold.
Avatar 🛎 12:39pm

@JG: Where would you move?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:40pm
Franco Twinkie:

Hi Granny! What the hell are you doing, looking out the window?
Avatar 12:41pm
Mary Wing:

Howdy Franco and David!

Yes, I get out of bed, but mostly just to eat. The time when I leave cans and boxes of food in the bed will be a sad day for sure, heh.
Avatar 12:41pm

Donkey Balls donkeyballstore.com...

@βrian: Dunno. But rural would be my choice now. Since I can work anywhere the pressure to be in an office is 100% off now. I mean for me, this whole Coronavirus thing has changed what my worklife means.

So I think somewhere sunny and nice. Like New Mexico or Arizona. Sometimes I think Maine or Oregon could be an option but now I’m not so hot on being in a rainy area.
Avatar 12:42pm

Heya Mary and fortified bunker types.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:43pm

Chad says donkey balls are excellent.
Avatar 🛎 12:43pm

I'd like rural, too. But connectivity can be a problem.
Avatar 12:44pm

Rural around here means 51st state types. God, guns and Trump.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:45pm
Franco Twinkie:

Carmichael! Does that Blues Breaker stomp box have a Beano setting?
Avatar 🛎 12:45pm

I used to live in rural VT. Pretty damn nice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:45pm
Phillippe Bastille:

@Doug Hey from Maryland, the Land of Pleasant Living

@βrian: Yup. But still, I live in (frankly) a lunkhead conservative part of Brooklyn because I can afford the rent here and commute to NYC to work. If I have a choice, I would rather pay less for a nicer place to live and then use the money saved to get solid connectivity.

My feeling is that perhaps truly connecting rural areas might be the future of a “work from home” world.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm

And rural can involve slow internet which is problematic
Avatar 12:46pm
Mary Wing:

Hi Carmichael!

I don't think I could handle rural by myself. I like to be alone, but not isolated.

@Carmichael: Where are you again?
Avatar 🛎 12:47pm

@Yvang: Yes, that's what I meant. And if it's not available, you can't spend money to improve it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:48pm

Carmichael lives in Carmichael, near Sacramento.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:48pm
Phillippe Bastille:

I've been working at home for the better part of 25 years, and am a fairly introverted person, so in that regard I haven't been mightily impacted, except for the slowdown in getting work flowing again. I haven't had a face-to-face meeting since last summer.
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:49pm
Webhamster Henry:

I've been a remote worker since around 1997. I stayed at home with the kid(s), even though a real office with an Aeron Chair was a subway trip away.
Avatar 12:49pm

@Jake, northern California, outside of Sacramento.

@Franco, my pedal does not have a beano boost. I've always thought the boost was it's own thing, but maybe it comes as an accessory on the later pedals.

FWIW, I do know more than a few people who are seriously looking to move outside of NYC but not exactly upstate. That might be an option for me as well. I mean I can just drive or take MetroNorth to NYC if needed.

But still, who knows in this world we are in now. 20%+ unemployment should really concern us all. Not just those who lost their jobs.
Avatar 12:50pm

I used to live in a small city close to rural areas.

Or for all I know, perhaps this whole thing will make deep outer borough neighborhoods less lunkhead and conservative. Just from an architectural perspective, there are lots of nice old buildings near me. Just no culture or anything I would miss if I left.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Doug Schulkind:

So glad! It's a mystery. Nothing changed on our end. (Other than our having adjusted the frequency on the transmitter we implanted in your back left molar.)
Avatar 🛎 12:53pm

Where would you move to, @Doug?
Avatar 12:53pm

Interesting point, Jake. Shifting demographics could nullify all the recent gerrymandering and turn a congressional district from red to blue, or vice versa.
Avatar 12:53pm
Mary Wing:

Hiya Henry! In the 90s, I knew a lot of legal proofreaders who worked the overnight shift at a law firm; I wonder if those jobs are still even a thing?
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:55pm
Webhamster Henry:

People are coming up here to the Mid Hudson a lot. I used to say, there was a progression: Manhattan to somewhere else in Manhattan to Brooklyn or Queens, maybe then Hoboken or Montclair, and from there... actually out of town.
Avatar 🛎 12:55pm

I have the sense that rural areas are going to be subsumed by agribusinesses using robotic labor.
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:55pm
Handy Haversack:

Kate keeps floating the idea that we move to Jersey City!

@MaryWing: I heard legends of jobs like that. I think they now ship out work like that overseas like everything else.

@Carmichael: Yeah, but I am not holding my breath. My Brooklyn neighborhood is heavily Catholic to the bone. If you look at areas that change, become cool and open-minded they tend to have Jewish roots. There needs to be some kind of liberal mindset existing for real change to take root.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I want to retire in those cool buildings where the Jestsons live. If it's rainy, they just jack the tower up above the clouds.
Avatar 12:57pm
Mary Wing:

Maybe, Jake, but perhaps there is a confidentiality clause that prevents emailing legal documents?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:58pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I have a feeling we're not in Finland anymore.

The only good robots are Kraftwerk.
Avatar 12:58pm

Turning red states purple by infiltration sounds like a fine idea.
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 12:59pm

When I was in New York, the progression was Brooklyn > Staten Island > (retirement) in Florida.

I went another direction.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59pm

I did not know The Stranglers had a museum, and in Three parts (or more?)

@brainiac: That’s the lunkhead path if there ever was one.
Avatar 1:00pm

Maybe west coast catholics are different. I was born in Ireland, grew up in Washington and California, and I'm pretty much a leftist hippie. Maybe I should call myself a "son of a catholic."
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 1:00pm
Handy Haversack:

I hope that doesn't mean Rex is going to retire to Florida soon, brainiac!
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 1:00pm

Lunkheads abound

@Carmichael: I think the West Coast is always different.
Avatar 🛎 1:01pm

Wherever I might end up, there'd need to be water.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02pm

There's a few places in California that feel rural, but aren't completely off the grid. Like where my parent's and brother's houses are, in the East Bay area foothills.
Avatar 1:02pm

Bandcamp says the Dwarfs.o.E.A. are based in Cairo. I know Sam Shalabi spends time in Montreal but Egypt must be difficult now.

@chresti: S.F. seems fine. Just being able to afford it. Maybe I can come up with some dot-com idea, sell it and cash out… But all of there very bad — but high ticket — ideas seem to be taken.
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 1:03pm
Handy Haversack:

I visited my friend in Davis, and it seemed like a five-minute drive put us in horror-movie country.

hi Mary Wing! 100% ppl *tips hat*

I would generally just like to have sun and space I can do things with that are not apartment-based.
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 1:04pm
Handy Haversack:

Hey, spodiodi! Was just wondering where you were!

happily lurking, Handy! how are ya?
Avatar 1:05pm
Mary Wing:

Good afternoon spodiodi!
Avatar 🛎 1:06pm
Hubig Pie:

Was you drinkin' wine, Spodiodi ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07pm

i might be *glug glug*
what flavor pies, Hubig?
Avatar 🛎 1:08pm
Hubig Pie:

Sweet potatah
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08pm

Hi all. On staycation this week and find that time is plummeting past. Joining in for 100% whatever as I work on some cleaning chores.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08pm

There's some fine spots in Arizona, I liked Flagstaff a lot, when we visited in the 90s. There was a nice coffee house there, always a good sign.
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 1:08pm
Handy Haversack:

Not too bad, spodiodi.
Avatar 1:09pm
Mary Wing:

Hey there Hubig and WR!

Gotta say, in the past 8 weeks tried to casually drink to take the edge off… Doesn’t help me. I don’t drink like I used to and in times like these, it just depresses me.

In positive news I had a pleasant, sunny afternoon at the local cemetery yesterday!
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 1:10pm

Maybe I'll try drinking in a cemetery to cheer myself up.

Greenwood Cemetery has some lovely ponds. And the birds are pretty amazing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:11pm

how very teenage goth, brainiac
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:12pm

make sure it's wine. red wine
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:12pm

Drinking doesn't help me, I just get pissed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:12pm

I could never move to a rural place. I'd have to drive, which I hated when I tried it many years ago. And I need contemporary dance shows and weird music concerts (though none are happening for a while, sigh)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:12pm

i'm with you, chresti (and loud)
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 1:13pm
Summer and Michael and Sylvia:

Good morning, Mary and all!
Avatar 🛎 Swag For Life Member 1:14pm
Handy Haversack:

Which cemetery, Jake? Green-Wood, eh? Nice. Yeah, there's a great section in Hidden Waters of New York on the ponds there. They are glacial! The cemeteries in BK/QNS are basically along the glacial moraine -- the ridge where the glaciers stopped. It's the least farmable part, so that's where the cemeteries went.

And a friend of mine is an apiast in Green-Wood!

@Handy: Nice to know! There are also some small pocket cemeteries in the Village. All closed now.
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Mary Wing:

Hi S&M&S! Is it still morning or did you just wake up? :-)
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Summer and Michael and Sylvia:

The latter - making it still morning for us! Ha!
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Mary Wing:

That's very interesting, Handy! I first heard about moraines in the movie "Simple Men" by Hal Hartley. I think one character described Long Island as a terminal moraine; not sure why that phrase jumped out at me but I always remembered it, heh.
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Handy Haversack:

Exactly, Mary, yeah.

A tour back through Hal Hartley movies could be a fun quarantine activity ...
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Asian Women On The Telephone are my new favorite dance band. Perfect for the prom at a distance, all the kids can dance and and bang and screech along.
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We gots moraines in Wisconsin.
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Here we call them morons.
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Mary Wing:

I'd rather have the Bush Tetras for my prom, but we can all choose our prom bands ourselves now, heh.
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Bas NL:

Mary! Friends! Me's just back home..
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So, the ding dong Mama's here with the 100% certified whatever gang. Sounds about right. Greets, Mary, from where---today at least---the sun shines.
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Alpine Valley kettle moraine was a beautiful place for concerts. Saw Fleetwood Mac there with my prom date.
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(in Wisconsin)
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Mary Wing:

Hi Sem, Bas, and Brainiac!

Not to brag, but this set gets better and better, yes indeedy, so you are just in time!
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Sunn O))) as a prom band... just a thought
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Handy Haversack:

Follow for Now played our prom.
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Now, Fred: Is it true one doesn't pronounce the 'O' in Sunn O)))?
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Bas NL:

i thought as much @Mary! Owww.. i just love The Stranglers!
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..and. nor does one pronounce the ')))' either?
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Mary Wing:

You're not supposed to, TDK, but I always forget. So I end up saying "Sun Oh, I mean, uh, just Sun..."
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Went from Brooklyn to Jersey suburbs (dragged my wife from Manhattan to Park Slope, pre-hip, then she dragged me too Central Jersey). I'd prefer to move somewhere closer to culture (Jersey City would do), though who knows how much cultural activity will come back to NYC when/if this resolves.
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@TDK60: I've heard that. I'm pretty sure I heard Stephen O'Malley pronounce it just "Sunn", but he wasn't answering that specific question
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Mary, For a few years I was saying the 'O'. And then my social life deteriorated. None of my hipster friends returned my calls anymore.
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Bas NL:

It's 'Sun'... after the amplifier brand name. en.wikipedia.org...)))
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Hubig Pie:

Walk like Dick Nixon
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A tragic tale, TDK60.
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Mary Wing:

Hiya doctorjazz, forgot to greet you when you arrived! I wonder if things like concerts, opera and ballet will have to be broadcast instead of performed in front of an actual audience in the future? I'd prefer that, actually, have had my share of crummy audience experiences, heh.
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Thanks Bas of the Lowlands. I know that /now/ after much suffering. // Thanks Sem. (grabs tissue)
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Webhamster Henry:

It's spelled "Sunn O)))", but pronounced "Throat Warbler Mangrove".
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Webhamster Henry:

Go Home is still Producing Productions.
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Bas NL:

Hey, i call them Sunn 'O', @TDK60. Seen 'em, love 'em and call 'em 100% whatever is on the tin. ;)))
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Michael 98145:

I see a future for VR concerts
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@Mary: I would hate that, the physical side of dance is never captured on video (at least for me). Also, this would never work economically for contemporary dance: companies wouldn't survive being paid one or twice a year (it takes time to create new works). Though it could work for established ballet companies that do classical stuff
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Live audiences can suck, no question (the talking in jazz clubs drives me crazy...the pushing at general admission standing concerts feels scary). But, I have yet to watch an online "virtual" concert that was as engaging as a live show.
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Bas, Did Sunn O))) hand out hearing plugs at the door? I've heard they do.
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Rocky Horror:

@fred: it would also work for The Rockettes as well
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Webhamster Henry:

I'm letting the days go by, letting the water hold me up.
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..<..I mean save-your-hearing! heh.
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Bas NL:

@TDK60 Not even a disclaimer.. natural selection. The room had cleared by 90% when the show ended. I've seen many people even throwing up and fainting. I was stuck against the back wall with my hair upright and a silly grin on my face.
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@TDK: Merzbow always hands them out...
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Michael 98145:

Hey. I hear this on the street a lot.

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little muscles ftw
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Never counted myself as a Ween fan, but I came across a great live show I wanted to share with you all. Terrific old school rock concert here for lockdown viewing —> youtu.be...
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Hubig Pie:

Sack fulla muthafuckers
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Mary Wing:

Hiya NGH and Michael 98145!

I think My Bloody Valentine gave out ear plugs as well?
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I've heard the early days of The Swans was like that too, Bas. OOPS!! There's no 'The' with Swans.
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thanks, brainiac. i count myself as a Ween fan
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Handy Haversack:

Just heard a horrible rumor that NYC is putting ASP rules back next week!
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Handy Haversack:

Sorry -- alternate-side parking. The move-your-car-four-times-a-week ticket-revenue generator.
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One inch punch sounds like a small drink, but maybe the glass is like a foot across.
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Bas NL:

It was at the Amsterdam Paradiso.. they later rigged the place with volume protection.. and that works! I was saw this guitarist jumping in place, hitting his cord and land in the dark! All power of the room got cut off; lights and all.
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Michael 98145:

@HH, that's crazy. No one is driving these days, are they?
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that's pretty stupid. waiting for SF to re-instate it's 3-day-max parking deal
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Mary Wing:

I have noticed that I see more and more cars in the streets now, but that is silly.
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Handy Haversack:

Not many people -- and if they reinstate it, we all have to be out there at the same time! I turned off my insurance, even.
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reinstate* (thanks, Handy)
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i can get hyphen-happy
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Bas NL:

Yeay Eno!
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Alternate Side Parking rules are the sixth face of fascist oppression.
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Michael 98145:

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We have neighbors who are engaged to be hyphenated.
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Damn Handy, that's crap. And I don't even have a car, but used to move my sister's car sometimes when she needed help.
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ASP plays an important part in Infinite Jest
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Hey everyone
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Sweet Corn Lizzie:

Hi folks
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They need to start scrubbing that covid residue off the curb.
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fred, on page 943 for the third time.
God loves Don Gately.
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Love this Eno!
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Handy Haversack:

Our councilmember ran on the idea of getting Greenpoint from four times a week to twice. And apparently we have failed the DOS's garbage inspection at least twice since then, so we stay at four times a week. This does not feel rigged at all.

@fred: I think that about that fact ALL THE TIME.
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Bas NL:

rouf, eerht, owt, Eno!
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Yay Eno!
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@Mary: I brought my own earplugs to MBV, but I kept taking them out as I wanted to be overwhelmed by the sound...
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Handy Haversack:

If no single moment is unendurable, then the pain can be endured.

*I* love Don Gately too!
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"we are all Eno's children" - Revolution Rabbit Nov. 63
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Great choice for 3 of a kind!
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Michael 98145:

can novel cv be passed via warm jets?
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Pray tell, what is a garbage inspection?
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Mary Wing:

Hiya ParUbi, Sweet Corn Lizzie, and Roberto! Let's get Eno'd!
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Wouldn't have thought there are many covers of this.
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Bas NL:

Good this Civic version!
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I've been listening to Eno's Camel's Eye since '74 and have no idea what the lyrics are.
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haha TDK60
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Handy Haversack:

Ha, that's great, TDK60.
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That Needles cover by Civic was ruling my world!
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Made eggs with stuff for lunch: a soft scramble with roasted peppers, anchovies, fresh goat cheese, and chives.
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Michael 98145:

{ Eno has attempted to dissuade fans from reading too much into his words; he claims that the song "Needles in the Camel's Eye" was "written in less time than it takes to sing ... I regard [the song] as an instrumental with singing on it". }
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Sweet Corn Lizzie:

The stop and start in this song is THE BEST
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Handy Haversack:

Eggs with stuff is trending, βrian!
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Mary Wing:

Yes, I love a full stop with a big return!
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Making sweet corn chowder at the moment.
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Michael, I figured it might be like that. (But I have a bad habit of assuming the same too often with other music.)
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Sweet Corn Lizzie:

Great drumming in this version too
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Mary Wing:

Note the Velvets nod, here...
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When this Eno album came out l remember listening to it multiple times a day nearly every day. I was a manager of a record chain store location in San Antonio Texas. I don't think we sold many copies. Once I was returning from lunch and was amazed to hear the album playing. Had I actually converted one of my employees or perhaps a customer had requested it? In answer to my query my co-worker pointed me to a guy in the back of the store looking at operas. I approached him to ask if he was finding everything ok. Before I could speak he called out my name and I realized it was my younger brother on a surprise visit from Tulsa who had requested it.
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Michael 98145:

Waiting for my cover.

Had no idea there were ANY covers.
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Mary Wing:

Awesome story, WR!
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Sweet Corn Lizzie:

ha ha WR

I like songs with a scale, like All The Way to Memphis. Hey that could be an interesting set.
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Handy Haversack:

(My neighbor has been parked in front of our car [in front of our bldg.] for eight weeks. He just drove away. Let's see how long it takes the spot to be taken.)
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Michael 98145:

Wonder if it makes any more sense in Danish?
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There should be an /instrumental/ version of this. If I had a band now, I'd do it. Once upon an eon, I ran an open mike and got some assembled musicians to attempt an instrumental of Warm Jets (after a quick practice). It was sloppy but fun to try.
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is it still there, Handy? my next-door neighbor has laid claim to 3 spots, closest to us (he's one person, and also has a garage parking spot)
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Hubig Pie:

I just looked up the Danish word for camel and it's kamel
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Bas NL:

*thoroughly rocking*
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Michael 98145:

the visual - blogfiles.wfmu.org...
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Handy Haversack:


(h/t Stig Helmer)

Still there, spodiodi!
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*standing on chair holding lighter above head*
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Hubig Pie: Ubesvaret Opkald translates to unanswered call.
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Bas NL:

And the covers keep on coming.. amazing!! Or obviously?
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I met the Hickoids once, briefly.
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Hubig Pie:

Well , that makes perfect sense, Sem
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Handy Haversack:

And there it goes! A white SUV just SWOOPED in ... though they really half-assed it. Maybe they're dropping off/picking up. Either way, that lasted 10 minutes.
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Waiting on the Welsh version....
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greetings Mary and 100%ers
...just swooping in for the last 17%
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Hubig Pie:

Camel in Gaelic is camel
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Sweet Corn Lizzie:

TDK60 didn't Mary Hopkin do a version?
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Mary Wing:

Hiya coelacanth, glad you made it!
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Michael 98145:

this is terrific
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Lizzie: got me? hee...but it probably exists the way this show is revealing!
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10 minutes is longer than i expected, Handy
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

WOW! These covers just keep rolling over me like surf season!
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welcome, coelacanth∅
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Sweet Corn Lizzie:

TDK60 kidding - some other show yesterday played some Mary Hopkin including Turn, Turn, Turn in Welsh
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Lizzie, I think I was there, on the Continental Subway, maybe? Tro Tro Tro I think it was.
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This isn't Scott Miller?!
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Mary Wing:

There were about five other versions I found, but decided that 10 was a fine number to end on. Which version were you waiting for, TDK?
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hey spodi
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Bas NL:

Yes! Mary Hopkin: Tro, tro, tro.. I learned a new word in Welsh yesterday! ;) There's a lot on the Needle's eye on google i found!
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Michael 98145:

why ask why
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Handy Haversack:

And the person who took the spot went into the fancy condo bldg. across the street -- which has a garage!

Perhaps I would have been happier not paying attention.

Fun related story about that bldg., though. My friend once came to pick up Kate for a gig (his wife was in the band, too). His car died in the driveway of this building. So we put the women in a car service and I waited with him for the tow truck. A dude from the bldg. walks up and asks how long we're going to be blocking the driveway. Concerned that he has to get out, we ask him if he's driving. No, he assures -- but what if he wanted to? "I wouldn't want to have to have you towed for blocking my driveway."

"Call a tow truck, man. We'll see whose gets here first."

Christ, what an asshole.
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That was really thrilling, Mary — makes grandpa feel like twenty one!
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Bas NL:

Wow.. nine covers, no less!
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Handy Haversack:

You're special, too, Laura Marling!

But that was a wonderful 3OAK!
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Where I live nobody talks about parking. We talk about the weather. Heh.
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100% nice 3OAK, Mary Wing
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Mary Wing:

Laura sounds a lot like Joni here, which I never particularly thought she did before.
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Michael 98145:

to answer an earlier question, i suspect a "garbage inspection" is looking for recyclables in your trash.
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These guys remind me of Valley Lodge (Portugal), quite a bit.
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Handy Haversack:

@Michael: As I understand, it's a visual inspection of the amount of garbage on the streets in general.

The lie in the ointment being that they don't actually run street cleaners down the streets on the ASP days.
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Mary, don't worry, the Eno set was just long enough.
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Michael 98145:

@HH, ah ha!
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We have city-provided bins that we have to use. All the lifting is done by mechanical arms now.
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Michael 98145:

on the left coast you get judged by the appropriateness of your trash
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Michael 98145:

great show today. as always.
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Hellooooo, oh dear i'm so late; but better than never!
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My brother doesn't recycle, the other one occasionally does. My parents do if the package is large
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Mary Wing:

All the sounds will be waiting in the archive for your ears, steveo!
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I recycle like a sum bitch. Always have. I'm OCD that way.
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Love the original Denise, pretty cool cover (don't remember it).
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Bas NL:

They grayest 7'' i own.. Blondie. Denis.
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NYC discontinued its food compost collection recently.
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david w:

Cool show, thanks, Mary!
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Great show, thanks, Mary!
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@TDK: 16 Deluxe did an instrumental version of the Warm Jets.
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i've seen the trash collectors mix recycling with garbage while picking it up
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Denise, denephew, whatever.
Thanks, Mary, 100% +1, for the spins, and the Eno avalanche. See ya later, likely.
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Thanks NGH.
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i judge my housemate by the appropriateness of his trash/my recycleables.
...as where i live they pretend that the reclaimable materials are separated from the trash at some point i keep mine separate and bring it to my sister's house, where hey have single stream recycling. (although, thanks to shithead trump less gets recycled now)
but my housemate gathers up my box or bag of neat and sometimes rinsed recyclables and throws them into the dumpster -usually on the morning i would've taken it away.
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I have seperate garbage cans for my aluminum and cardboard in my kitchen (when I had my own place), and transfer them to the bins on recycling day.
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Handy Haversack:

Yeah, TDK60, that was a bummer. But they had cheaped out on the contract from the get-go and there were a lot of problems with it.

GREAT show, Mary! So glad to have been here. Sorry for the brief parking obsession. I've, uh, been a little cooped up.
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Franco Twinkie:

Thanks Mary! The donkey balls are just about ready. Can I serve you up a bowl? Crackers or toast?
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Thanks DJ MW! // Remember folks: don't pronounce the 'O' in Sunn O))); and there is no 'The' before Swans. All kinds of hip new friends are waiting to meet you.
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recycling might be an exercise to make us feel better about ourselves
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thanks, Mary! nice show
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Bas NL:

We got separate collecting chutes for recycling and waste all over the neighborhood. Works great!
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Michael 98145:

lucky bleedahs
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Sweet Corn Lizzie:

Yes Continental Subway TDK60. Great show.
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i knew when they started saying don't bother separating aluminum from glass from paper, etc., that a lot of it was not going to get recycled.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Mary. Grocery store report: frozen chicken strips, yes; toilet paper, no.
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Bas NL:

Thanks Mary! Another great show!
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Franco Twinkie:

Spodiodi, the recycling in SF is very complicated. I can never get it right. I'm always putting stuff in the wrong bin.
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Thanks, Mary!
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100% terrific show Mary!
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Thank you Mary. The Dury and T Rex tunes are ones I don't recall hearing before by performers I know well. And thank you for the many I would not hear and know if not for WFMU and you. Thank you.
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Thanks, Mary Wing!
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Michael 98145:

when Starbucks closed, the trash volume probably decreased around here
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Mary Wing:

Ridgewood Radio playlist is here: wfmu.org...
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Franco, i hear you. we just broke two plates yesterday. what to do!?
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the trash ppl came today, but i only put out our garbage (green bin)
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Thanks Mary!
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Mary Wing:

Thanks for listening today!!!
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cheers, Mary Wing!
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Thanks Mary!
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