Favoriting Bodega Pop with Gary Sullivan: Playlist from May 27, 2020 Favoriting

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Sounds ripped from cassettes & CDs found in immigrant-run mom & pop stores. Deconstructed icons. Field recordings. Sonic mayhem from the far corners of the internet.

Wednesday 7 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Wed. Mar 12th, 7pm - 10pm: Gary Sullivan and his Co-Host Jeff Golick

Favoriting May 27, 2020: KICK OUT THE JAMS
Amped-up dabke, chaabi, mawwal, vintage belly dance

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Year Comments Approx. start time

Music behind DJ:
Bodega Pop 

Intro   Favoriting

Bodega Pop Live 



Zeina Hamieh  Mdalal   Favoriting Haflet Baalbek  1999  Lebanon  0:04:18 (Pop-up)
Naiim El Sheikh  Mawawel   Favoriting Mouhawara  2015  Lebanon  0:12:13 (Pop-up)
Saria Al Sawas  Ya Zaman   Favoriting Hafleh Hayeh  2018  Lebanon  0:33:47 (Pop-up)
Hassan Yazbek  Ya Oum El'aba   Favoriting Mayel Ya Teir  2018  Lebanon  0:41:38 (Pop-up)
Ozaina Alali  Lah Lah Ya Albi   Favoriting Alnar Alnar  2017  Lebanon  0:48:51 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ammar El Sherei 

Howa Saheh   Favoriting

Ammar El Sherei PLays Om Kalthom, Abdel Halim Hafez & Farid El Atrach 



0:53:49 (Pop-up)
Orchestra Noujoum Chaabia  Moula Hamriya - Moulay Bou Selham   Favoriting Noujoum Chaabia    Morocco  1:00:10 (Pop-up)
Hadja El Hamdawiya  Twachi   Favoriting Mnin Ana O Mnin Nta    Morocco  1:08:45 (Pop-up)
Orchestre Abdelhak + Hadja El Hamdawiya  Track 01   Favoriting Noujoum Gala    Morocco  1:16:19 (Pop-up)
Les Maîtres De La Chanson Atlas  Awide - Achour   Favoriting Les Maîtres De La Chanson Atlas    Morocco  1:20:57 (Pop-up)
Ouled Cheikh Mohand  T'bareh avec percussion   Favoriting Lalla yara    Morocco  1:38:10 (Pop-up)
Star Bourgonne  Samawi   Favoriting Alboutoula Chaabia 3    Morocco  1:41:54 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ammar El Sherei 

Beed Annk   Favoriting

Ammar El Sherei PLays Om Kalthom, Abdel Halim Hafez & Farid El Atrach 



1:49:44 (Pop-up)
Mohammed Hegazi  Taawdt Aleyk   Favoriting Belly Dance Melodies And Rhythms  1979    1:55:47 (Pop-up)
Unknown Artists  Track 01   Favoriting Upper Dance    I think Egypt?  1:59:02 (Pop-up)
Dla El Hoanam  Tabla Fe Lelat Sammar   Favoriting Oriental Music    Again, probably Egypt  2:02:57 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ammar El Sherei 

Heelw Wekadab   Favoriting

Ammar El Sherei PLays Om Kalthom, Abdel Halim Hafez & Farid El Atrach 



2:17:06 (Pop-up)
Shaaban Abdel Rahim  Mawwal Souq Al Aghani   Favoriting Mabakhafsh Mil Hokoma  2006  Egypt  2:22:42 (Pop-up)
Shaaban Abdel Rahim  Mawal Yaba   Favoriting Mabahebesh Al Mashakel  2000  Egypt  2:27:33 (Pop-up)
Shaaban Abdel Rahim  Mawal Elsana   Favoriting Eldarb Fe Eleraq  2016  Egypt  2:37:23 (Pop-up)
Shaaban Abdel Rahim  Mawwal Ya Donia Yalla Nughanni Jadid X Jadid Song   Favoriting Yatahadda Michael Jackson  2005  Egypt  2:41:58 (Pop-up)
Shaaban Abdel Rahim  Mawwal Tozz Feike   Favoriting Mabakhafsh Mil Hokoma  2006  Egypt  2:54:38 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Catrina Paslaru 

Hei La Bodega   Favoriting

Hei La Bodega - Carnaval! 



2:58:45 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:56pm

Evening, Gary and Bodega friends!
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
listener james from westwood:

How do, Gary, Lambda, all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

Hey there, Lambda-C and James!
Avatar 6:59pm

How's everyone doing today?
Avatar 6:59pm
tim abdellah:

Hi Lambda, James, and Gary and Bodegans! All's well here in Richmond CA!
Avatar 7:00pm

Hi Tim!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

Howdy, Tim!
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

Hi Gary and Bodegans!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

Avatar 7:02pm

Hi chresti!

Hi Gary, I missed last week show but I'm proud owner of bunch of VP csstts! Ninjaman!
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:04pm

Hi Lambda!
Avatar 7:04pm
Gold Pants:

Hi Gary n' Gary friends!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

Zmzzmz & GoldPants!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

hi Gary and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

Avatar 7:06pm

Heya Gary and jam kickers.
Avatar 7:07pm

@tim abdellah, I'm in Sacramento.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07pm

Avatar 7:08pm

Hi all! Loving the programming choices today Gary!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm

Avatar 7:09pm

Also, I most certainly am outside right now. Gardening up a storm.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm

Sweet -- I really really really wish I had me a garden
Tabula Rasa:

Hi Gary! We go waaayyyy back. Hint: Columbus and Bay, S.F.
Avatar 7:11pm

Yes, I feel very lucky. But window gardening is a thing, though you have to self-pollinate.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:12pm

Tabula Rasa! Well, it's a Tower Person, that much I know ... HI
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:12pm
Rich in Washington:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13pm

Tabula Rasa:

Yes, a Tower alumni who has been here previously, with Gold Pants...
Avatar 7:14pm

Hmmm, I like this show so much I just flung my phone into the weeds. The insects are grooving.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14pm

Haha, well I'm starting to think the Initials may be a Major Clue haha ... HI TRACY
Avatar 7:14pm
tim abdellah:

Hey Carmichael - are you actually in Carmichael? ☺
Tabula Rasa:

Avatar 7:16pm
tim abdellah:

Ain't no hafla like Baalbek hafla cos a Baalbek hafla don't stop?
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:17pm

Hi Tim, I'm in San Gabriel, as you may remember from past chats, nice to see you.
Avatar 7:18pm
Gold Pants:

Hi Tabula Rasa! Beautiful day in Alameda today, feels like summer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19pm

Hi all. Hi Gary. I have a vintage belly. Let's see if it starts to dance.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20pm

Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:20pm

Haha WR.
Avatar 7:21pm
tim abdellah:

Hey Chrest - Nice to see you too. Cali in the house!
Avatar 7:22pm
tim abdellah:


Cancer and my name is Dean
And I like a woman
That loves everything and everybody
Because I love everybody and everything.

Float, float on!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25pm

Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:25pm

Floating Vintage Belly.
Avatar 7:26pm
tim abdellah:

Float on, Dean! Oooooh - take my hand...
Avatar 7:26pm

Hi, just slipped in still early-late enough to be suave and fashionable.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27pm

Hi Gary and Popsters!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27pm

TDKx60! Dr.ofJazz!

I'll take you to Love Land, tim. At least as far as El Cerrito.

Made a kick out the jams joke earlier today, too. Buddy and I were discussing various recordings of Allegri's famous Miserere, one of which was a live recording by the Tallis Scholars that I dubbed, "Kick Out Ye Jams."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30pm

Be Ye Jamf Allway' Kick'd

Nice touch with that "f"!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:31pm

We aim to pleafe
Avatar 7:32pm

@tim, yes I am!
Avatar 7:33pm

@Gary, did you used to work at that Tower?
Avatar 7:33pm
tim abdellah:

LOL! May thy jamf be well kickethed!
Avatar 7:33pm

Chresti here? Did you go back to work?..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm

@Carmichael! Yes, I did, I think it was from 1987-88?

Where the bee...er, never mind...
Avatar 7:36pm
Gold Pants:

Thee beft yearf at Ye Olde Tower of Recordf

I feel like I spent a good 25% of my life during the '80s and '90s at multiple Tower locations.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:37pm

Indeede, GP! In thofe dayf, the wee discf of polycarbonate plaftic were frefhly rollng off the fhelff
Avatar 7:38pm

Is it safe to assume that everyone has seen 'This Too Shall Pass' (Tower Records documentary)? I stumbled across it the other day and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:39pm

Yes, TDK60, today was my Friday, It started Sunday. Bunch of eager Tennis players to keep in line..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39pm

Yes, I saw it!
Avatar 7:39pm

ifny: I've not seen it. Assuming makes me giggle and twitchf.
Avatar 7:40pm
tim abdellah:

@Ifny - I keep meaning to check out that doc. Is it on any of the usual streaming platforms?

Being a sumo wrestler trainer, I'll be out of work for a ways to go.
Avatar 7:40pm

Holy cow, I used to work at KITS and K101 back in those days. I probably went to that Tower 2-3 times a week.

Haven't seen the Tower documentary, but I made a pilgrimage to Tower Grill in Sacramento a long time ago.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41pm

I *think* I got it via iTunes? I remember watching it on my computer
Avatar 7:41pm

Chresti, you have a commute to yer job?
Avatar 7:42pm

Being from Sacramento, I grew up in the shadow of Tower Records. Next door to the Tower Cafe, Dean.
Avatar 7:43pm
Gold Pants:

Yef, Gary, alaf! We had no idea how good we had it back then... And yeah, I saw the Tower doc. It was good but I wish they had interviewed more employees and less big wigs. Those of us who worked in the racks and behind the counter saw things differently!

Cafe, right. Was visiting friends who are still there. Last time I was in town was last summer, brutal heat. My son and I had lunch at a nice joint with a great beer selection.
Avatar 7:45pm

It's 102 today, Dean. Come on over. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46pm

My favorite Tower experience? The 8 (I think?) story Tower Records in Shabuya, Tokyo -- I spent an entire day there
Avatar 7:47pm
Gold Pants:

Amazing! And that one is still there, right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:48pm

I *think* so. I was there in 2010. Maki Asakawa had died a few months earlier and there was a tower (*cough*) of her CDs on the ground floor in memory

Honestly wish I could, Carmichael.

I've told my fave Tower story on the comment boards here before. Spent a couple days touring all the Towers in the LA area in search of a copy of Sviatoslav Richter's famous Sofia recording of Mussourgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition. Nothin'. A week or so later I stroll into my buddy's record shop in Whittier, where I spy a stack of LPs on the counter, recently acquired used classical LPs. Flipped through them. The bottom one was the Richter. Fifty cents.

Evening guys
Avatar 7:50pm
Gold Pants:

How cool, Gary... long may it reign!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51pm

For years I had negative feelings about Tower Records because they took over a beloved local Art Deco movie theater building when it closed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51pm

Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:51pm

Yes, each day get's more crowded with cars, a reversal of traffic congestion shrinking, the week before we closed. @TDK60

I have since acquired the remastered CD, issued much later than my quest.

Other fond Tower memories: close-outs on Riverside and related jazz records, including the Bill Evans and Thelonious Monk boxes (LPs). Prices slashed. Grabbed 'em.
Avatar 7:53pm

@tim abdellah Good question, I assume so (despite the danger of giggles and twitches). A stranger shared it with me via the Interwebs.
Avatar 7:53pm
tim abdellah:

I frequented the Tower(s) in Berkeley more than the SF store, since I lived in the East Bay. But loved getting to the SF store when I could. Loved the huge album covers they would paint outside the store. Saw Sonic Youth do an in-store there (well, in the parking lot outside the store) in 1990. Someone had given Thurston Moore a box of donuts, and he proceeded to fling them into crowd one by one.
Avatar 7:53pm

Traffic still shrunk here in NYC. Okay by me. Went on a now-rare bicycle ride today.
Avatar 7:54pm

That was some drivin' stuff, DJ.
Avatar 7:55pm

@Gary @Gold Pants Yes, the Tower Records in Tokyo is still there afaik. That's the only Tower Records I've ever been to. I spent lots of quality time there, and used to sleep in the 24 Internet café in the same building if time got away from me (each computer had its own cubicle and reclining chair for the purpose).
Avatar 7:57pm

Each cubicle had its own phone so you could phone 'room service' to your cubicle. That and the bottomless drink bar (tea, juice, smoothies) nomnomnom.
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:57pm

The Ears Of Brooklyn.
Avatar 7:58pm
Linda Lee:

beautiful, beautiful music. thank you so much, Gary!

After moving to Berkeley in '01 I visited the Durant Tower all the time. In LA, I was all over the place: Buena Park, West Covina, Sunset Blvd. (especially the Classical Annex across the street), and many more. Buena Park was a strong draw, because it was relatively close to home and not far from an amazing small record store, Beggar's Banquet, famous for its seletion of bootlegs. After Springsteen sued, they ran into trouble and went out of business.
Avatar 7:58pm
Linda Lee:

hi chresti!
Avatar 7:58pm
tim abdellah:

Avatar 7:59pm

Baalbek music festival takes place in an amazing Roman temple complex -- better preserved than the Parthenon. I've never been to the festival but I've been to Baalbek.
Avatar 7:59pm

Tim does a blog? What is it about? Can you link?
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:59pm

Hi LL!
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tim abdellah:

Avatar 7:59pm
Linda Lee:

hello TDK60! :-)
Avatar 8:01pm

Linda Lee, holy moly. Long time no hear from.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01pm

Linda L!
Avatar 8:01pm
Linda Lee:

Tower stories? my first Tower shop: 1973, LA. what a cool. huge, fascinating store. nothing but glass, light & records. revelation!
Avatar 8:01pm
Linda Lee:

hi Carmichael!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01pm

@TDK: Tim's blog is one of Wonders of the Earth!
Avatar 8:02pm

Hola Linda.

Hey Gary!

Did you see this Twitter video? Eid appropriate but warmed my damned heart as well. twitter.com...
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 8:04pm

That's my first Tower, too, late 70s @LL.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04pm

Avatar 8:05pm
Linda Lee:

really? wasn't it great! i was used to small, dark, new york city record stores.. something furtive about those.. like standing in a crate, to shop. Tower was something else!
Avatar 8:05pm
tim abdellah:

@Jake - that's awesome!

My first Tower, too, early '80s. Was taken with the speakers they installed to play music. Bought a set for my system shortly thereafter. But still, my favorite record stores were pre-chain Moby Disc, Aaron's, Rhino, and nowadays Down Home.

And of course the old Poo-Bah.
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 8:10pm

Yeah, my first LA record shopping experience was at Platypus, in east Hollywood, in '76.
Avatar 8:10pm
tim abdellah:

Hajja Hamdawiya - long may she reign!!
Avatar 8:11pm
Linda Lee:

such beautiful music. such good medicine.
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 8:12pm

Poo-Bah, Rhino, Aaron's, were my go-to places, after I had a car.
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 8:13pm

Agree @LL.
Avatar 8:13pm
tim abdellah:

@Dean - Long Live Down Home Music in El Cerrito! Hope they're able to weather the Covid shutdown. I was in there the last weekend before the shutdown.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13pm

Also, this is the first time I'm broadcasting using an external DAC (digital audio converter) ... does anyone notice a difference? I mean, it's still getting squished back down to 128kbps as it goes through the stream, but in my headphones its sounds super crisp and, I can't think of any other word for it, "specific." It's like getting glasses for the ears
Avatar 8:13pm
Linda Lee:

these dark little ny record stores. did they even have names? there were some names.. Second Coming, Bleecker Bob's, Rock's In Your Head, Soho Music Gallery.. but my favorites were just .. there.
Avatar 8:14pm

Out of the three times I went to a Tower Recs (all in NYC), two of the times was when they were having their fire sale (and it was glorious).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14pm

Downtown Music Gallery is still there, or was BC (Before COVID) ... HEY, NGH!

I remember Platypus, too, chresti. Agreed, tim. I'll be crushed if Chris decides to shut down Down Home.

DMG is one amazing store.
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 8:15pm

Sounds great, Gary.

Bleecker Bob even had a run in Hollywood!
Avatar 8:16pm
Linda Lee:

i've actually had this chat before. i'm pretty sure Downtown Music Gallery & Soho Music Gallery were different places. the Soho store on Wooster near Canal closed in the early 80s..
Avatar 8:17pm
Linda Lee:

Bleecker Bob had a run in Hollywood? guessing that was downscale Hollywood.
Avatar 8:18pm
tim abdellah:

Hey Gary - this track is also Hajja Hamdawiya.

For cutting-edge punk c. '77, Zed in Long Beach, associated with Island Records. Solid store.

Yep, there was a BB's on Hollywood Blvd., right in the middle of things.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18pm

Oh! I'll add her name in, then -- thanks, Tim!
Avatar 8:18pm

I was in Bleecker Bob's a few times before it closed several years back. I think the House of Oldies is still there on Carmine St.
Avatar 8:19pm
Linda Lee:

what was the name of the 2 stores on Park Row near City Hall in New York? one was audio equipment, one was records.. side by side, 2 stories each, if i remember right.
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 8:19pm

I that sounded familiar, Bleecker Bob.
Avatar 8:19pm
Linda Lee:

those were great stores. you could browse all day. no one cared.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20pm

See, people, I *told* you Tim delivers the goods. @Linda: Gosh, I have this memory of something like JBL or ... something with a J and all letters? Or am I thinking of something else downtown?
Avatar 8:20pm
Linda Lee:

wow. Bleecker Bob's as i remember it was so.. grungy! (before grunge was a brand.)
Avatar 8:21pm
Linda Lee:

@Gary ~ yes! J & R??
Avatar 8:21pm
Linda Lee:

J & R Music World! thank you! :-)
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 8:21pm

Sounding great this evening!
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 8:22pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

what Ike said! Hello, Gary and all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22pm

THAT'S IT! Yes. My friend Jordan and I would go there every now and then and he'd buy up all the Trojan box sets (which he kindly burned for me)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22pm

Avatar 8:22pm
Linda Lee:

ha!! beautiful!
hi Granny! found us! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23pm

"He kindly burned for me" sounds like a creepy Emily Dickinson poem ... HI Granny ST!
Avatar 8:23pm
Linda Lee:

'because i could not burn for death, he kindly burned for me'..
Avatar 8:23pm

I miss J & R Music World! Used to browse and buy there when I was in the area!

There are no creepy Emily Dickinson poems.
Avatar 8:24pm

There's still Generation Records I think on Thompson in the Village. Punk-oriented. (Upper) West Sider Books has a record annex of used LPs, rock and classical, on W.72nd.

I only know J&R World through ads in National Lampoon.
Avatar 8:24pm
Linda Lee:

i worked in the area & passed J & R on the way to the subway. enough said.
Avatar 8:25pm
Linda Lee:

i loved the stores that you could get lost in because no one was hanging over your shoulder. hours, children. hours.
Avatar 8:26pm
Linda Lee:

something happened to J & R when cds came in. the store lost heart, somehow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26pm

But, Dean, "He Kindly Burned for Me" is Dickinson's poem about her stalker, who she *winds up stalking*, and it's very, very creepy, with a lot of stalking and burning and such-like, but written down in ink rather than "happening" (ink = more creepy b/c imagination allowed to "take off")
Tabula Rasa:

Thanks, as always, for your show, Gary! Bedtime for Gryphon- gotta go...
Avatar 8:27pm
Linda Lee:

haha! 'stalking and burning and such-like' ..

Written down in ink is all the difference in the world.
Avatar 8:27pm

TDK, I've also been to Generation, but they tend to be a little pricey.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27pm

Goodnight, Tracy -- I hope we can all hang out again when this is all over!
Avatar 8:28pm
Linda Lee:

we won't even talk about the bargain bins at Korvette's..
Avatar 8:28pm

Music Inn on West 4th has used LPs. Mostly a world music instrument shop, and an open mike.
Avatar 8:28pm
Linda Lee:

how many record stores were there that were not record stores? many. :-)
Avatar 8:29pm
Linda Lee:

remember the record departments in department stores? :-)

Department stores, Linda. I haunted the department store record bins.
Avatar 8:29pm
tim abdellah:

Hey Gary - this doesn't sound like Atlas music. Are you sure THIS isn't Abdelhak, and the Hajja Handawiya track had 2 songs?
Avatar 8:30pm
Linda Lee:

yes!!! :-) fun bargains! they didn't know what the heck was in there. i distinctly remember finding 'Marquee Moon' for something like a 98 cents.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30pm

Many of the CDs you're hearing right now are from phone-card shops!
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Linda Lee:

so beautiful, Gary. i needed this music.
Avatar 8:31pm

Linda, I bought "Velvet Underground & Nico" in the Shop Rite supermarket in Nutley, NJ, in '67. I'm sure the store manager had no idea of the danger of that product!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31pm

Oh, dang, you're right, Tim -- THIS is the Atlas
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Linda Lee:

haha! so funny. i think they bought palettes of records. no clue at all.
Avatar 8:32pm
Linda Lee:

what did you think?

Marquee Moon?! I'm talking older department stores. I remember agonizing over whether or not I should buy Dylan's Self Portrait in a departmet store. Didn't.
Avatar 8:32pm

Linda, My mind was blown, as they used to say.

Bought McCartney's first solo album at a K-Mart.
Avatar 8:33pm
Linda Lee:

great! good for you! :-)
Avatar 8:34pm

Diggin' this Moroccan music also, Gary.
Avatar 8:34pm
Linda Lee:

yes. definitely remember the older department stores. i'm pretty sure my mother bought the Beatles' "Yesterday & Today" for me at a department store in new york. (it was new.)
Avatar 8:35pm
Linda Lee:

i might have been the world's youngest Beatlemaniac. about 4 years old. adored them.
Avatar 8:35pm
tim abdellah:

Deprtment stores!! I remember the little music corner in the Bon Marche department store in downtown Seattle as a wee lad. I can remember going down there with my Mom and getting a 45 of the Five Man Electrical Band "Signs" in like 1970.
Avatar 8:36pm
Linda Lee:

sure do remember that record! yes, the 45 racks! sometimes by number..
Avatar 8:36pm
Linda Lee:

i remember the cubby holes numbered by the sales rank. #1 was usually empty.
Avatar 8:37pm

I believe Dave Sewelson attepted to call Bruce at DMG on his show a few weeks back. Then, some confirmed they are still open, but mail-order in the mean-time, and Bruce has been spending the weekends mailing records and picking up records...
Avatar 8:37pm

My first real music store was near the Shop Rite, Nunzio's Music, an instrument and record shop. He gave lessons in the back, violin, clarinet, etc. It's where I first got the Beatles, that Dylan guy, and the Dave Clark 5. Good ole' Nunzio, a kind man.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37pm

I remember the records (those shiny 70s Hits compilations) and the Mad paperbacks being on the same wall? in one of the stores I used frequent as a budding addict
Avatar 8:38pm
Linda Lee:

cool memories!! records. magic.
Avatar 8:39pm
Linda Lee:

i seem to remember being drawn to the record department *first* in any department store..
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 8:39pm

I remember shopping in Penny's or Monkey Wards record bins, early 70s. Don't remember what I bought, probably a gift for someone during the holidays.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40pm

Wait, didn't Tower Records itself start as a drug or variety store (the father) ...?
Avatar 8:40pm
Linda Lee:

Monkey Wards! :-) my mother designed clothes for their mail order catalogues. that was her work. :-)
Avatar 8:40pm
Linda Lee:

did it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41pm

I think that was the origin story, if I remember the documentary. Damn, now we gotta have everyone double check the doc
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 8:41pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

saying YEAH to these sounds!

My first record store was DJ's Records and Tapes at the Triangle Shopping Mall in glamorous Longview Washington. Every afternoon i rode my bike there and stayed until they closed. The new waver staff member invited me to her place to watch "Spinal Tap." on VHS!
Avatar 8:41pm
Linda Lee:

origin is probably in the Tower wiki entry..
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Linda Lee:

Granny, thart's lovely. :-)
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^That was in Santa Maria, CA. If you wanted to shop with the big boys, you would go to SLO or Santa Barbara.
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Linda Lee:

i even seem to remember the posters for sale alongside the records in the department stores. one stop groovy shopping. black light posters.. flourescent colors.. naked women & trolls. rainbows.
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Linda Lee:

flowers, flowers, flowers. more naked women.

For posters, there was Hair Boutique in Whittier, across the street from my junior high school, c. '73.
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Linda Lee:

haha!! yes. unicorns and mushrooms.
then the big photo posters. Charlie Chaplin. Frankenstein. Mick Jagger..

"Draft beer, not students."
Avatar 8:46pm
tim abdellah:

Ooh "Samawi"! I posted a different version of this song on the blog a few weeks ago: moroccantapestash.blogspot.com...
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Linda Lee:

Brigitte Bardot!
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Linda Lee:

this is phenomenal.
Make Love Not War.
Avatar 8:46pm

Gosh, back then there was a huge poster store/head shop in my town. Those old b&w posters of the Marx Bros., Mae West, Bogart, etc. or colorful rock posters.
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Linda Lee:

yes! exactly. posters were big.
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Linda Lee:

the Marx Bros hookah poster!

Peter Max
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Sweet, Tim!
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

My best friend lives a few blocks from the original Tower. It looms like a legend.
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Linda Lee:

Peter Max!! yes! everywhere.
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OMG, sudden flashback of buying Fat Freddy's Cat comics in a headshop on Haight Street in the 80s
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Linda Lee:

hahah! we've opened the portal ;-)
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Linda Lee:

was the Tower on the Strip the first one, Granny?

First Tower was in Sacramento.
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Linda Lee:

(haven't checked the origin story yet.)
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Gary: I adore Fat Freddy's Cat! I was way too young to understand anything that was going on in the Freak Bros world, but my mom gave me those comix along with Archie and Caspar and such!
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Linda Lee:

your mom was the best. :-)
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tim abdellah:

This is fully rocking, and better than my version of Samawi (although I think that one was the bigger hit). Jams more successfully kicked out here!
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Linda Lee: the first Tower was in Sacramento. Like Dean just said! There's a Tower Cinema and a Tower Restaurant there, too.
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Captain Linda: thanks, i agree! <3
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As a /teen/ I had a big b&w poster of Allen Ginsberg on a picket line protesting pot prohibition; his sign said "Pot Is Fun." I think my parents probably made me take it down.
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Linda Lee:

Tower Restaurant! :-)
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

The Tower restaurant is amazingly good.
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Linda Lee:

i know that one! brilliant photo.
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Linda Lee:

is that pretty much american diner fare?
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Also shout out to Tower Records for being the biggest champs of all the weird and wacky zines in the 90's.
Avatar 8:54pm

Always love good chaabi, can't wait for the dabke (which will survive the Syrian mess).
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Linda Lee:

were they? fabulous. :-)
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Linda Lee: Tower Restaurant is a little fancy, actually.
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 8:56pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Maybe a little too trendy, even! Here's a sandwich: Truffled mushrooms, onion marmalade, roasted jalapeño, gruyere cheese, arugula, and herbed mayonnaise on toasted focaccia bread.
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Just found that Ginsberg photo. He's standing in the snow.
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Thanks, Gary, these sounds soothe and stimulate the spirits!
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Granny, I agree. They're all groovin' me forward into the eve...
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GST's avatar is dancing to the beat on my end....
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 9:02pm

You think they put enough ingredients in that sandwich? @Granny
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hey Gary & all
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Sounds tasty, GST, I'm on an extreme budget, so variations of tacos and quesedillas are about as good as it gets for me....
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Linda Lee:

good heavens! :-)
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Every time I re-read those sandwich ingredients I die a little more inside. Gurgle...

checking in late!
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

chresti: i'm sure the sandwich could use some artisanal somethingorother, eh?
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Peter! String OF perils!
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

ngh: well, i ain't in sacto and i had tacos today, so it's all a dream in my mind, too! :)
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I've eaten nothing but burritos today (black beans, ground meat, cheese, pico, garlic, lime)
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Hi Gary. Looks like I missed a lot of great material while I was hacking my way through the psychedelic jungle to get here.
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Linda Lee:

just about dinner time now, i think. another can of chili ..
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Linda Lee:

i sense a bean theme.
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Making skillet fried potato wedges with garlic and salt, then cheeseburgers.
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Lentils and rice here. Doesn't seem to be cutting it.
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Linda Lee: i had a can o' chili on Monday. Full disclosure: i am now eating cereal in front of my computer. That is me.
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Linda Lee:

spices are key!
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Linda Lee:

we're both real fussy that way, Granny. this i know.
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Cap'n Linda: hopefully our cruise ship will have really good snacks!
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Linda Lee:

you know it! all the very best.
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

LL: i saw your Tish and Snook reference earlier and it reminded me to refresh my Manic Panic hair dye. Still trying!
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Cap'n Linda: Oohh, we should get that guy who sang the "Lesspeeyun" song to do brunch shows!
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

It's time we announced to this chatboard: we are manifesting a dream to sail a ship to Brighton to visit DJ GeorgyGirl! Who's in?
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Linda Lee:

hahah! absolutely!
quick check says we'll be at sea for about 2 weeks.
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Linda Lee: that's 4 brunch shows and 5 weeknight shows with a trivia night and kraoke?
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Linda Lee:

sounds good!
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tim abdellah:

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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

i'm so excited i'm tripping on the keyboard!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23pm

Thanks for the Lazy Productions tip. I was trying to find some good links to Fairuz's recordings, and not having much luck...so great !
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Linda Lee:

we do have one setback for this trip. as of right now the US State Department isn't issuing new passports. they'd best get their act together before we set sail.
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tim abdellah:

That intro was trippy!
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Linda Lee: 10-4! I mean, eye eye, Cap'n!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30pm

Stick around after this show for Sam Segal's superfine program, If You Lose Your Horse. Tonight's episode? The Stars Over Blackwater Mountain Still Dangle and Flash Like Horses: wfmu.org...
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Gary, help me out, but I can't think of any relatively modern Lybian genres out there, while I can for the rest of north Africa...
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Linda Lee:

eye yi yi, Granny! :-)
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I can only think of hip hop: www.theguardian.com...
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I'd sail to Brighton.
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Probably b/c the creative arts was stifled under Qaddaffi. The rest of north Africa had strong-armed dictators of one stripe or another (Morroco's being rather benign), but they have always have had strong creative arts...
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I get seasick easily. Bring me a little treasure back?
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I would need dramamine. Had a terrible episode on a ferry trip once.
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NGH: Benign maybe, if you don't live in Western Sahara.
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I think my longest water ride was across the English Channel, on a Hovercraft.
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As I probably mentioned, I went to Morocco a few months before Covid. Overall I wasn't too crazy about it. Some areas had a lot of aggressive in-your-face salesmen/con artists/drug dealers. Cool scarves and textiles, though. And some of the music on the radio was great.
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Actually, the longest was across the Sea of Cortez, on a ferry.
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I loved the week I spent in Morocco, though it was decidedly stressful
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tim abdellah:

Here's a Libyan tape that was shared on a blog a few years back. "Modern" in a 20th century sort of way: snapcrackleandpops.blogspot.com...
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Thank you, Tim!
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Gary thanks for the great Arab music, driving. I have danced part of the night...
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Me too, dancing.
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Linda Lee:

well, we'll figure it all out eventually.
this music though.. magnificent!! thanks Gary!
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@TDK: Which why Algeria supports the Polisario Front (mainly just to poke Morroco in the eye)

thanks Tim.

thanks Gary!
Avatar 9:57pm
Linda Lee:

it's so important for us to retain our humanity right now. retain the heart's capabilities for understanding & healing. what better than beautiful music to support it? magic!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57pm

What Linda said
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Linda Lee:

you're doing great work here, kiddo. :-) thanks again.
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 9:59pm

What Gary and LL said, thanks Gary!
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What everyone said... thanks, Gary!
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Thanks Gary!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm

Thank you Gary. Goodnight.
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tim abdellah:

Ditto!! Lovely to hang out w/y'all. Thx Gary, and g'nite all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm

Thank you Gary for curating for us, again, a marvelous spread. Thank you Tim for added info and links. You drummer FMU denizens, love to you all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01pm

Night, everybody, and thanks!
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