Favoriting destination: OUT with Jeff Golick: Playlist from July 26, 2020 Favoriting

Jeff Golick's avatar View Jeff Golick's profile Favoriting

Three hours of adventurous jazz drawing on the Destination: Out archives and other planes of there.

Sunday 9am - Noon (EST) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Upcoming events:

Sun. Mar 9th, 9am - Noon: Jeff Golick and his Co-Host Gary Sullivan
Sun. Mar 16th, 9am - Noon: Jeff Golick and his Co-Host Doug Schulkind

Favoriting July 26, 2020: Romantic gestures.

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
The Roscoe Mitchell Art Ensemble  Tatas-Matoes   Favoriting Congliptious  Nessa  1968  0:00:00 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Sun Ra 

The Perfect Man   Favoriting

My Brother The Wind, Vol. I 

Saturn Research 


0:02:09 (Pop-up)
I Mario  Oleg Tumbelilingan (Bumblebee)   Favoriting Golden Rain - Balinese Gamelan Music - Ketjak: The Ramayana Monkey Chant  Nonesuch Explorer Series  1969  0:05:30 (Pop-up)
Archimedes Badkar  Jorden   Favoriting Archimedes Badkar II  MNW  1976  0:14:58 (Pop-up)
Tusk  Moat   Favoriting Tusk  Polyscope  2020  0:21:19 (Pop-up)
Anthony Braxton & Eugene Chadbourne  Bonus Improv   Favoriting Duo (Improv) 2017  New Braxton House  2020  0:24:01 (Pop-up)
Quin Kirchner  At This Point in Time   Favoriting The Shadows and the Light  Astral Sprits  2020  0:55:17 (Pop-up)
Tony Price  Interview   Favoriting Interview/Discount  Telephone Explosion  2020  1:04:27 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Booker T. & the MGs 

Melting Pot   Favoriting




1:24:41 (Pop-up)
O Terno  Pegando Leve   Favoriting <atrás​/​além>  RISCO  2019  1:31:35 (Pop-up)
Joana Queiroz  Tempo sem Tempo   Favoriting Tempo sem Tempo  Joana Queiroz  2020  1:36:23 (Pop-up)
Arto Lindsay  Invoke   Favoriting Invoke  Righteous Babe Records   2002  1:40:10 (Pop-up)
Thiago Nassif  Feral Fox   Favoriting Mente  Gearbox  2020  1:44:26 (Pop-up)
Gal Costa  Baby   Favoriting Gal Costa (1969)  Philips  1969  1:47:46 (Pop-up)
Bola Sete  Dindi   Favoriting Ocean Memories  Samba Moon  1972/1999  1:51:12 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Mouse on Mars 

Fantastic Analysis   Favoriting




1:55:42 (Pop-up)
The Rolling Stones  Dear Doctor   Favoriting Beggars Banquet  London Records  1968  2:01:00 (Pop-up)
The Rolling Stones  Emotional Rescue   Favoriting Emotional Rescue  Rolling Stones Records  1980  2:04:27 (Pop-up)
Mick Jagger  Memo from Turner   Favoriting b/w "Natural Magic"  Decca  1970  2:09:26 (Pop-up)
The Rolling Stones  Shattered   Favoriting Some Girls  Rolling Stones Records  1978  2:18:49 (Pop-up)
The Rolling Stones  Loving Cup   Favoriting Exile on Main Street  Rolling Stones Records  1972  2:21:11 (Pop-up)
The Rolling Stones  Moonlight Mile   Favoriting Sticky Fingers  Rolling Stones Records  1971  2:24:50 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Natural Food 

Fair Breeze on Buzzard's Bay   Favoriting




2:30:49 (Pop-up)
Ancient Infinity Orchestra  Things that Used to Be on Earth   Favoriting Ancient Infinity Orchestra's Cosmosaic  Polyscope  2019  2:33:52 (Pop-up)
Open Mike Eagle  Relatable (peak OME)   Favoriting What Happens When I Try to Relax  Autoreverse  2018  2:48:28 (Pop-up)
Nagisa Ni Te  Me On the Beach   Favoriting On the Love Beach  Org Records  1995  2:51:56 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Dudu Pukwana & Spear 

Flute Music   Favoriting

Flute Music 



2:58:42 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:52am
listener james from westwood:

I'd wave from Jersey, but you probably won't see it through all the late-July humidity.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am
Jeff Golick:

I think I see you, @listener james. Are you wearing an FMU t-shirt?
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Hi Jeff, LJFW, and assorted listeners. Ready to go out.
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Jeff Golick:

Welcome, @duke!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

That's what I wanna hear.
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listener james from westwood:

Actually a Free Music Archive one, so, in a way, yes!
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I'm wearing a Bryce Marbles in a Blender T-shirt
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Good morning D:O free radicals at high temperatures.
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Good morning Jeff and the Out.
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Jeff Golick:

Maybe it was @duke I saw waving.

Hey, @Revolution Rabbit Nov63!
Wassup, @StringOFperils!
Howdy, @hyde!
Good morning, @TDK60!
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Good morning Jeff and listeners
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Jeff Golick:

Bonjour, @fred.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:


Good morning! Digging this island vibe!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

....sorry - not yet ??
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Jeff Golick:

Greetings, @DJpeterDE!
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I've come over from the other side.
There's a limit to the amount of reggae I can take at one time.
Hi Jeff.
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Jeff Golick:

Noted, @Stanley! Great to see you.
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Jeff Golick:

@RRN63: whenever you're ready.
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Lately I've been jumping back and forth between this show and Gary's reggae one. Hope it's not a violation of WFMU etiquette.

Warm tidings JeffG, everyone.
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Jeff Golick:

As long as you're washing your hands, @TDK60, when crossing streams, you'll be fine.
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Jeff Golick:

Ahoy, @JtotheK!
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Linda Lee:

hi! good morning from the catskills! another gorgeous day begins!
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Linda Lee:

remember, folks: now is all we got.
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Hi all, will be listening as i sort through a hectic morning. Later.
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@Linda Lee: Good to be reminded occasionally. :)
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@TDL60 Just don't let the steams cross. It could be bad. Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.
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I dig that A. Badkar. Was that the santoor, Indian hammer dulcimer? / Hi Linda. / Thanks for safety tip, Duke.
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listener james from westwood:

@duke, tell 'em about the Twinkie.
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Linda Lee:

hey TDK60! how are you?
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Linda Lee:

i find it my role lately, SOp. within my capacities.
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Jeff Golick:

Welcome, @Lidna Lee!
Thanks for checking in, @WR!
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Doug Schulkind:

I'm still wearing the EAT FLAMING DEATH FASCIST MEDIA PIGS t-shirt I slept in: blog.wfmu.org...
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Linda Lee:

thanks Jeff! :-)
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Hi Linda, exhausted from being awakened most nights by car racers; since April. Otherwise, a bit envious of people living in mountains, but fine to be here Now.
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Linda Lee:

jeeesh! sorry!
if it helps, sometimes it happens here, too.
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Jeff Golick:

That's a good one, @Doug. I've been in the same black "woof-moo" tee since...Friday? I think? Yesterday my son looked at it, smiled, and said, "I just got that!"
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Always reminded of 'Strawberry Fields' with santoor. & Xmas.
Cause the truth about Santoor Claus is Nothing is Real....
Was just making Gittar noise not entirely unlikely some of this...
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Linda Lee:

alll praise sleepwear doubling as loungewear!
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Linda Lee:

hi Rev!! play on!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:


Braxton’s tone immediately identifiable
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Linda Lee:

this improv dellights me from ears to toes, with added cicada sounds here.
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Linda Lee:

one nice thing about living on the edge of an accidental nature preserve: all the music outside too!
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I like to wear that "Fascist Media Pigs" when a TV crew is planned to show up at work. I've never been asked to be filmed, so it works
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Linda Lee:

bravo, fred! :-) it's like a gris-gris!

About to go to socially-distanced backyard brunch in suburbs and NOT wearing my “Philadelphia is Death’s Headquarters” (Sun Ra) t-shirt because it makes Linda’s advice too real
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Nice fred.
So where are my damned crickets this year Linda ??
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Linda Lee:

ohboy .. :-D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am

get back, Jack, D.O. it again!
Hey, folks!
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Linda Lee:

how's your weather compared to last year, Rev?
seen any especial predators around lately?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34am
Jeff Golick:

Greetings, @doctorjazz! Wheel keep on turning.

Love those cicadas, @Londa Lee. Starting to really hear them during the evening dog walks by Prospect Park now.
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Linda Lee:

i'm always looking at overall environmental change when one thing changes..
& there's that darn weed smell again. there's a flowering plant near here that smells just like skunk weed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35am
Jeff Golick:

Good brunching to you, @DJpeterDE!
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Linda Lee:

that's great, Jeff!! summer in full effect!

Speaking of Chadbourne, the best thing about AllMusic.com is stumbling onto one of his reviews.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Alleged drought. Having been Southern Californian a good while - I interpret that differently - but...
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Jeff Golick:

Oh yeah, @DJpeterDE! His voice is so distinctive and so wonderfully lacking canned reviewer tone.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Not just any two people can have such a Musical conversation.
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Never read an E. Chadbourne review.
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Linda Lee:

Rev, i'm not seeing that drought conditions hinder crickets, in a quick research peek. predators maybe?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Happens to be two instruments I'm invested in too...
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RevRab: You're in California?
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Never read a Chadbourne review, sounds like fun!. Duck Baker used to write reviews for Jazz Times, used to like reading those.

Good morning! AB and EC? Crazy.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Aha well there does seem to be plenty of birds despite alarms about their well-being...2 + 2 ?


One of my fave Chadbourne reviews ^^
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@TDK60: Santa Barbara 1986-2001ish
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Jeff Golick:

Indeed, @rw. Welcome.
Avatar 9:45am

RevRab, but where now, if okay to ask?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48am
Jeff Golick:

That's a great one, @DJpeterDE. Thanks for the link. (Bley's sweater is indeed impressive.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:52am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

DJpeterDE that is good readin'.
@TDK60: Lebanon, New Hampshuh near Dartmouth. I am from around here - 'Upper Valley' about midway Verrmont~New Hampshuh border.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...midway up...
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RevRab: Ah, I've only been along the coastal NH strip on the interstate.
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Linda Lee:

yep. plenty prey, plenty predators.

If Carla Bley wrote for The Streets of San Francisco it might sound like this
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@TDK60: Oh well - that's practically flatlandahs !! Boston suburb! :p
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..but I have been up through the middle of Vermont.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@TDK60: There you are then.
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This nice piece.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am

Ok, I ordered the Quin...(likely would alsohave gotten the Chadbourne/Braxton, but digital only).
Going to move my daughter back home from NYC, soon, listen in transit...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am
Jeff Golick:

Safe travels, @doc. Hope all goes well.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Vaya con Dios Doc
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(Don't think she's given up on acting, but she IS moving back home and taking a computer programming course...)
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Andrew Waterloo:

I wish shipping fees to Canada weren't so harsh.. but digital does the trick
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Good luck with the moving trip, Doc. / Diggin' this Price - a comfort somehow.
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Linda Lee:

home is the place to be right now. still on the way there, me. ;-)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Git enuff coffees & D.O. in me say & I turn on the Gittar smp - I miss a bunch & amazing how quiet the stereo sounds afterwards... finally figured to play quieter just now. A good SilentWay/Birches thing to jam to this. Great.
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Linda Lee:

have a good journey, Dr J!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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I know the feeling AW, have found LPs at good prices out of the US only to find shipping costing more than the LP.
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Jeff Golick:

I see you, @Andrew Waterloo!
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Morning Jeff and Outies!
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Jeff Golick:

Good morning', @chresti!
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Linda Lee:

hi chresti! how are you?
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Linda, little bit of Cape Breton vernacular in "...still on the way there, me." Much like:" Stay where you to, and I'll come where your at."
Miss Cape Breton.
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:And good morning, Jeff, and greets to D:O regulars, and irregulars.
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Linda Lee:

yes. i like a li'l color. actually think i picked this up from Burroughs many years ago.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Sem I was trying to come off all remote here but ya blew me off the map....
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Linda Lee:

& he might've picked it up from a native!
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Linda Lee:

language is lovely like that. freely moving.
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Jeff Golick:

Yo, @Sem!
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Linda Lee:

just another way we make music.
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RevRab: if you ever, ever get a chance, and want to experience remote in the 2020s, visit Newfoundland. They say Cape Bretoners are Newfoundlanders on their way to Toronto but ran out of money.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Always back to Aquarian prophet Burroughs.
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Hi Linda! Not fully awake yet, having my first coffee of the morning, how are you?
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Linda Lee:

i ate whole novels as a youngster.
i'm fine, chresti, thanks! on my way to the chores here. there's a rumor i'm selling my cabin ~ but after 3 deals lost to the lockdown economy, it's hard to believe it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26am

Maybe Bill had a lucky day w/ the cut-up method and it made magic in other minds.

Recently watched Cronerberg's Naked Lunch. Language! Genius.
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Linda Lee:

a funny place to be in.
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My brother turns 64 today! "When I get older losing my hair..."
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Well Jagger's 77.
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...lost all my hair..." also scans.
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Linda Lee:

@Sem, iirc that bit of language came from 'junkie' ~ a straight narrative published first by 'william lee' to spare the family connection, i guess..
i remember seeing that film on release & being disappointed in its literal interpretation of the work. maybe i'll look again.
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I'll be 63 next Sunday.
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..actually my bro still has long hair. Happy 63 comin' up, Chresti.
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Linda Lee:

happy birthday week, chresti!
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Linda Lee:

many men lost their sex appeal when we finally saw their ears. just sayin~
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Thanks TDK60 and LL. One more year of hair...
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Linda: I'm thinking Cronenberg was in the same situation as Huston when he tried to make Under the Volcano. So much interior perception and dialogue, perhaps unfilmable...A for effort, maybe.
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Linda Lee:

sure. definitely A for effort.
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i've never seen that film of Under the Volcano. I really love that book and sort of lukewarm on Huston as a director
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Linda Lee:

really do think a relationship with certain books colors our approach to filmed versions big time.
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Linda Lee:

we want to see *our* book on screen. 'course we won't!
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LL, so you're still in your cabin?, I thought you had moved or was about to? A cabin seems like a good place to be.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Leos may tend to be concerned with their manes in fact. I'm Leo Rising which is just enuff to make me concerned without the a actual good hair (though it is yeller)...
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hyde: Albert Finney played The Consul, match made in heaven.
Should you get a chance someday, the Collected Letters of Malcolm Lowry is an extraordinary look into his shambolic life and process.
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Linda Lee:

oh lord love. yes, still here. since February i've lost 3 deals to the pandemic economy. now, maybe we move in August.. if all goes well.
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@Sem certainly agree that the casting choice is spot on!
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Linda Lee:

@Sem, thanks for the recommend. works *about* work fascinate me.
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Linda Lee:

(what the collected letters from creative people turn out to be)
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I liked Naked Lunch, I remember. Both versions'
RR, double Leo to you!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Movies can be Poetry - but about Poetry? Good luck. Write your own thing awlready. & then - I often feel even a great Director has skipped getting a great Writer...
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Linda Lee:

i'd just like to say here, for a period in the late 70s/very early 80s in downtown new york you couldn't throw a bar dart without hitting either the Lounge Lizards or DNA.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44am
Jeff Golick:

I liked that Naked Lunch, too. Ornette did some music for the film, but I don't think most of it made it in?
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Linda Lee:

*there's* some tracks i'd like hearing! are they out there somewhere?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46am
Jeff Golick:

Yah, @Linda Lee! www.discogs.com...
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This looks like that Ornette.

Ok, heading out now. Later all!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Your Impression of Naked Lunch is fair enuff - but all that Interzone jive...the movie seemed plain to me - none of that complexity?
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Linda Lee:

thanks, Jeff!! lovely!!
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Linda Lee:

thanks, Rev. too much for a single frame to handle, i thought.
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Naked Lunch soundtrack is great. Ornette, obviously, but Howard Shore is also kind of a genius
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Digging the Brazilian sounds.
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Linda Lee:

look forward to hearing it ~ and checking out the film again. hasn't it been 30 years now?
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Linda Lee:

i lived with Arto's cousin Dave for a short while & it sounded like their younger years in Brazil were a blast.
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Doug Schulkind:

As the kids today like to say: Iconic.
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Jeff Golick:

I could honestly play it every week, @Doug.
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Linda Lee:

no complaints here if that's how it goes, Jeff. ;-)
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Linda Lee:

'Dindi' is a nice reminder that living is still worth the candle. what else is music for?

Played a George Winston record not too many weeks ago as a surprise for my wife. She brought several to our marriage. I couldn't bear them at the time of their issue, when I was selling records, but have by now gained enough distance to enjoy them. Anthony Braxton released two terrific albums on a Windham Hill sibling label.

Happy Birthday Mick and Kate!
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Linda Lee:

*this* is the band we loved.
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Happy birthday Mick and Kate!
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We were talking about this Rollings LP, on the morning 'Moonlight' show with Carol.

And, not to backtrack or anything, but that Braxton 8 hour duos record is ALL Braxton and Chadbourne! I was thinking it was 8 discs of duos with different players. That IS crazy!
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Linda Lee:

Happy Birthday Kate!
oh dear, here comes Disco Boy.
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And happy birthday to TDK60's brother, TDK64
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

That is crazy.
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i confess that today is also my birthday
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Linda Lee:

Happy Birthday, hyde! :-)
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Happy birthday Hyde.
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Jeff Golick:

Hooray, @hyde! Happy birthday!
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Happy birthday hyde!
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Jeff Golick:

And to @TDK64!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Joyeux Leonine Solar Return hyde !!!
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thanks, gang
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Doug Schulkind:

You are GUILTY, hyde! Happy day! And HB to the fabulous Kate!
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yeah, hb to Kate from over here too. And Mick. And Sandra Bullock.

H a a a p y B i r t h d a y h y d e ! !
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Linda Lee:

this little spoken bit always gave me the giggles.
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Jeff Golick:

It's goofy as hell.
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Linda Lee:

thanks, Jeff.
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listener james from westwood:

One of our esteemed FMU DJs made a loop of "You could be mine you could be mine all mine" at one point. I want to say that rascal Scott Williams.
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Linda Lee:

ah!!!!! better!!!! from my very favorite film of all time!!! volume up!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Now we talkin".
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listener james from westwood:

Ah, "Memo from Turner," just the thing for a busy day of fleeing helicopters and trying to sell guns to your Pittsburgh connection when Jimmy Conway doesn't want 'em.
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Jeff Golick:

My eyes get red just at the very thought, @ljfw.
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Uncle Michael:

Good morning.
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Jeff Golick:

Sir @Uncle Michael!
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Uncle Michael:

I got here just in time. I was leaning on Nelson's column...
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listener james from westwood:

@Jeff: Just keep stirring the tomato sauce so it don't stick!
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No - he's not going to play THIS!
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Jeff Golick:

Sorry everyone. I don't make the rules.
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Guten morgen meine kleine Liebschen!
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Doug Schulkind:

What a romantic gesture.
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Linda Lee:

fantastic. as it should be.
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I had a 12" bootleg of this back in the day. IThe B side was a recording of Brown Sugar at a Keith Richards birthday party.
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Uncle Michael:

Lucas is blushing.
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Jeff Golick:

Wolfgang von @Stork!
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Happy birthday to Mick and his tiny todger.
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Uncle Michael:

Stanley, the Brown Sugar outtake with Ry Cooder on slide, I believe, no?
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Linda Lee:

outed at long last.
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

just sitting here with my jaw gaping
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Linda Lee:

hey Granny! :-) love it, don't you?
now we need the one about the sailors..
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Aye aye, Cap'n Linda Lee!

There's one about sailors?
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Linda Lee:

there is. hold on & i'll remember what it is. it's a performance of a fairly well known Stones song, but the girls are replaced with sailors.
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Jeff Golick:

So distracted I forgot to tend to the playlist.
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Uncle Michael:

Winos dressed in plastic bags, directing traffic. \
Who doesn't miss THAT New York?
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Linda Lee:

well darlin, you've officially got the best Mick tribute on air now.
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Sailors give me money, sailors give me clothes…
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Linda Lee:

no.. but close!
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

this is a favorite karaoke song for me
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Linda Lee:

@Uncle Michael ~ i do! that was my home town, baby!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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i'm a big fan of this one

Ha! Backtracking again a couple minutes, Doug (11:15) I was thinking the same thing!!
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Linda Lee:

i played through 2 copies of this lp.
hey, Mick!! remember that little 15 year old standing by the stage door in her belly shirt, hot pants & platforms? you rode out in the limo sipping a coke & gave me a look. remember? of course not ~ but i do.
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Uncle Michael:

I had completely forgotten that my Cocksucker Blues 12" is on dark yellow vinyl.
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

wow, UM!
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Uncle Michael:

Or light orange, if you prefer.
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Jeff Golick:

Aw @Linda Lee!
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i used to have a vhs boot of the doc Cocksucker Blues, but i dunno what happened to it
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Linda Lee:

clear as day. 75 tour. :-)
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

LL: you musta been quite a sight!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Stones follow Beatles file :
Suggested Mile here cops 'Rain' from '66. Discuss.
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Linda Lee:

cute as a button i'd imagine. frizzed out, long blonde hair, too! :-)
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Uncle Michael:

Discogs forbids me from selling my record.
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Fun memory, Linda.
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Linda Lee:

very possibly, Rev. there's so much more of a rhythm & dramatic flow to this one, though. i'd say it follows Hollywood better!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

[...looks @ playlist...]
...Whut record??...
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Linda Lee:

no doubt i'd have fainted if he'd opened the window. alas, time waits for no one.
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Don't hear a connection between those 2 songs at all, Rev.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hollywood ?
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I wore a belly shirt when I was 15, in 72 @LL.
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Linda Lee:

yes, the sweeping strings, the crescendo..
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Linda Lee:

there you go, chresti! weren't we cute?
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Uncle Michael:

15 year-old me says oh my, yes.
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That's right Uncle. Unfortunately the record got stolen (along with all my other boots)
Rose’s mom:

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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

My darling Dana wore a belly shirt in mid-70s Manhattan when she was 15. She wrote quite a story about that!
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Linda Lee:

no wonder, Jeff! brilliant film. i'm not sure anything's ever matched it to show the truth of a big rock tour. the killing boredom alternating with high excitement. like combat duty!
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Linda Lee:

we'd love seeing that one, Granny!
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Stanley: oh mannnn, i'll bet that Brown Sugar was pretty wild
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Oh Hollywood is not a song - you mean it's dramatic...
@TDK60: Kinda why I ask. Other than being modal or something - & there is that...
Usually when Stones clearly copped the Fabs it's like a few weeks or a month later....
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Linda Lee:

yeah. dramatic & evocative of real visuals.
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Uncle Michael:

Maybe I'll play it on Friday. It's from the same sessions that yielded Jamming With Edward, and I believe Keith's not on it...that he was a no-show *because* Ry got invited. Not sure if that's apocryphal.
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

LL: ooh, i'll bet she'd be pleased to let me share her stories with you! (of course the hook of the story is she thought she was a boy at the time and the catcallers thought differently…)
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Linda Lee:

and he calls Mick the drama queen!
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Linda Lee:

@Granny, please ask her if she'd share. i have a sense they're just wonderful.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

J with Edward's way kewl.
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Linda Lee:

J with E was fun, as i remember. it's been a real long time!
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Uncle Michael:

I have it sitting next to me with CSB. From the wiki-thing:

"The album was recorded at London's Olympic Studio in Spring 1969, during the Let It Bleed sessions, and released on Rolling Stones Records in 1972.[3] It consists of a series of loose jams performed by band members while waiting for Keith Richards to return to the studio. The reason for Richards' absence is uncertain; though it's commonly believed that he walked out over Cooder being brought in as a support guitarist, producer Glyn Johns has attributed his absence to a phone call from his girlfriend Anita Pallenberg.[3] Jamming with Edward! reached number 33 on the US charts,[4] although it failed to make the UK listings. "
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Linda Lee:

i'm actually more prone to believe it had to do with Anita. having shared a similar sort of relationship some time back..
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Having read Keef's autobiography one may imagine such a call.
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Linda Lee:

must say calling Anita Keith's 'girlfriend' is a bit like calling Mick his singer ..
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Uncle Michael:

Which he did, not as often as Charlie did.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Given Keef's rep for dissolution - he's a pretty good fixer I gather. UK equivalent of Boy Scouts & all !...
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Linda Lee:

as i understand it, the woman taught them all about music & style. the Stones wouldn't be the Stones without her.
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Jeff Golick:

I wonder if Gary played Cherry O Baby.
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Linda Lee:

a fixer? as in someone who fixes things up?
what i was surprised at in the book was learning they never 'fixed' properly at all.
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Linda Lee:

at least not while they were together.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Credit for a lot - they were naive for the cultural demons they are held up as - earlier on that is! But musically they were rather dedicated.
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

i an so into this AIO but my connection is spotty, dang it!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yeah fixer in the mafia sense.
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Linda Lee:

they were dedicated to rhythm & blues, but in terms of an education in music, including composition, that was Anita. her family were formally musical.
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Linda Lee:

ah. well yes. money does that.
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Linda Lee:

i'm sorry, Granny. reboots?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Brian Jones had the brains & the scope - but he was with Anita 1st anyhow.
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Linda Lee:

he was. turned out a right prick, too. violent. desperate to retain dominance, most like, because he'd met someone stronger.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

There's interviews with Jagger in fluent French. I'm impressed fwiw.
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Uncle Michael:

Yeah, Brian was far more talented than he was strong.
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Thanks for another sweet old show, Jeff!
Birthday bash for Joanne Brackeen at the top 'o the hour at The Stork Club - playlist here:

Open Mike Eagle track cracked me up.
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Linda Lee:

clearly. the business itself... terrifically brutal, as some suriviors will tell you .. & then there were the band dynamics, very possibly having to do with some kind of deal made on a lonely crossroads..
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

i have no doubt a deal was made
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Linda Lee:

also rough on the soul & psyche.
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Linda Lee:

i am too, Granny. they're paying for it now. they can't stop doing what they do..
Francis (from france):

the unique vibe of Nagisa Ni Te !
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Linda Lee:

it's like the dance of the red shoes!
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

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Thanks Jeff. See you Outies. Now, a nap hopefully...
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Linda Lee:

a kind of hell, if you ask me.
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Jeff Golick:

Hey, @Francis (from france)! Apparently inspired by Neil's On the Beach.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

In fact there were occultists aplenty. Allen Klein was certainly the Devil! & - Mick & Keef *are* strong.
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

though they'd just say, "Nobody told Duke Ellington he should stop performing!" Still, there's a weird vibe i get
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Jeff Golick:

TAke care, @TDK60!
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Linda Lee:

they just can't stop. there's an empire of family to support.

THXJG!! Have a good Sunday everyone.
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Thanks, Jeff! Thanks WFMU folx. Gonna reboot the Granny here and see you idiots in the Stork Club!
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Jeff Golick:

I'm gonna have to beat a quick retreat, so take care, everyone, and do head over to the Stork Club: wfmu.org...
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Linda Lee:

but who wants to be shakin it like a teenage whore at 75 years old? really..
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Linda Lee:

thanks so much Jeff!! it's been fun!
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Thanks Jeff!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Garcia had had enuff of exactly that I think, for example.
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

oooh, i've seen such treats in the sketchier clubs around :D!
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Linda Lee:

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Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am

Great show, Jeff.
Perfect for this sunny afternoon where I am.
Many thanks.
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Uncle Michael:

danke, Jeff!
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Linda Lee:

oh boy. :-D
Francis (from france):

You're absolutly right right Jeff , but something special witj Nagisa Ni Te ,something profondly connected with childhood , naîveté ,tenderness ...
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listener james from westwood:

Thanks, Jeff!
Francis (from france):

Tnaks Jeff !
Francis (from france):

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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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Thank you Jeff !
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Thank you Jeff!
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Jeff Golick:

Belated thanks, @Linda Lee, @chresti, @GST, @hyde, @Stanley, @UM, @Francis, @ljfw, @RRN63, @StrongOFperils, @WR, and who gathered in silent communion.
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