Favoriting Pseu's Thing With A Hook: Playlist from August 6, 2020 Favoriting

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Riff rock for riff raff, pop fizzle for the frazzled, chord changes of life for the menopausal teenagers, a safari in the jingle-jangle jungle. (Visit homepage.)

Thursday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thu. Mar 13th, Noon - 3pm: Pseu and her Co-Host Jessica

Favoriting August 6, 2020

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Artist Track Approx. start time
doug gillard  thing with a hook (pseu's theme)   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
the shazam  the stranded stars   Favoriting 0:02:13 (Pop-up)
sparkle*jets UK  she's so mean   Favoriting 0:06:17 (Pop-up)
the overtures  she shines a light   Favoriting 0:10:22 (Pop-up)
the vapour trails  this may be the time   Favoriting 0:13:28 (Pop-up)
the relationship  please help me   Favoriting 0:17:15 (Pop-up)
charly bliss  under you   Favoriting 0:20:30 (Pop-up)
the go-go's  club zero   Favoriting 0:23:58 (Pop-up)
the go-go's  how much more   Favoriting 0:27:01 (Pop-up)
the go-go's  turn to you   Favoriting 0:29:49 (Pop-up)
patti smith  looking for you (i was)   Favoriting 0:43:23 (Pop-up)
the lemon twigs  no one holds you (closer than the one you haven't met)   Favoriting 0:47:17 (Pop-up)
the new pornographers  all for swinging you around   Favoriting 0:50:48 (Pop-up)
keith slettedahl  lady is love   Favoriting 0:54:24 (Pop-up)
tangerine  secret powers   Favoriting 0:58:32 (Pop-up)
the mayflies USA  baby's got her own ideas   Favoriting 1:01:40 (Pop-up)
shoes  get my message   Favoriting 1:05:32 (Pop-up)
the orion experience  rich man's holiday   Favoriting 1:08:59 (Pop-up)
harry nilsson  she wandered through the garden fence   Favoriting 1:12:35 (Pop-up)
summer fiction  perfume paper   Favoriting 1:30:50 (Pop-up)
walrus  ballad of love   Favoriting 1:33:37 (Pop-up)
let's active  blue line   Favoriting 1:37:33 (Pop-up)
the foreign films  birds in a blue sky   Favoriting 1:40:21 (Pop-up)
eamon fogarty  utopia in blue   Favoriting 1:43:38 (Pop-up)
ivy  make it so hard   Favoriting 1:49:06 (Pop-up)
pilot  never give up   Favoriting 1:51:50 (Pop-up)
jordan jones  waiting   Favoriting 1:55:41 (Pop-up)
anne murray  david's song   Favoriting 1:58:49 (Pop-up)
easy love  forget about love   Favoriting 2:01:42 (Pop-up)
jay som  crown   Favoriting 2:04:41 (Pop-up)
aldous harding  designer   Favoriting 2:09:36 (Pop-up)
andrew gold  come down to me - solo demo   Favoriting 2:26:36 (Pop-up)
tan sleeve  geri mandering   Favoriting 2:30:38 (Pop-up)
dent may  i could use a miracle   Favoriting 2:33:10 (Pop-up)
luther russell, the freewheelers  let the music bring a smile   Favoriting 2:37:24 (Pop-up)
the beach boys  good time   Favoriting 2:39:05 (Pop-up)
david brookings and the average lookings  i grow up fast   Favoriting 2:41:52 (Pop-up)
diamond hands  piece of my heart   Favoriting 2:45:12 (Pop-up)
kai danzberg, dear stell  let him go   Favoriting 2:47:54 (Pop-up)
gentle hen  turn it down   Favoriting 2:51:14 (Pop-up)
the clientele  st. paul's beneath a sinking sky   Favoriting 2:55:29 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:02pm
Rock Ridge Chess Club:

Hooray for the Hook!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm

Speaking of floss... byhumankind.com... Biodegradable!

Whew, now that's off my chest and I can continue with my life.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm
Krys O.:

Good afternoon from Roseland! PBnJ sangwich at the ready for Pseu and all the Hooks!
Avatar 12:03pm
Jeff Moore:

Good early-afternoon, Pseu and Hookers!
Avatar 12:06pm

Hi Pseu, hey Hookers. happy Thursday.

Hook 'em Hookers!
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:07pm

pseu, all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
Chop Scott:

Good Afternoon!
Avatar 12:12pm

Here I am, I always am.
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:12pm

здравствуйте нooKелs!
Avatar 12:12pm
Itzall Hear:

Great song (sparkle*jets)...hi Pseu and everyone on the board...
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:15pm

-Ken Stop with the NRA-coded messages. ;-)
Avatar 12:16pm
(Murakami Whywolf))):

The chorus for "She's So Mean" sounds, until near the end, a lot like the chorus of "Tayter Country" by the Cavedogs.
Avatar 12:17pm

Woo hoo! www.daysoftheyear.com...
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:18pm

@PMD That's pretty cool. I recently switched to Bites tablets so I don't have to pitch empty toothpaste tubes in the landfill anymore.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:27pm

Greetings ya’ll. Gotta love WFMU
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:27pm

This new Go-Go's song is fantastic!
Avatar 12:28pm
(((Murakami Whywolf):

Did anybody do a slow cover of "Tayter Country"? I can't find one, and that "She's So Mean"'s left me wanting one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:30pm
Pseu Braun:

Hey Hookers!
Avatar 12:30pm

This old Go-Go's song is also fantastic!
Avatar 12:31pm

As is this one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:31pm

All these Go-Go's songs are fantastic! :-)
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:32pm
Mike Sin:

Who else just recently watched the Go-Go's doc on Showtime?
Avatar 12:33pm

turn to you + best go-gos song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm

Oh Mike, don't make me get Showtime...
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:33pm
Listener Wolfgang:

@ Mike: I did, loved it!
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
Mike Sin:

Strangely, I have so many Go-Go's 45s, but no LPs (??!!). The fun of their live performance at the Capitol Theater in Jersey back in, I guess, 1981, still rattles around in my head!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:35pm

I'll just pop over to Kim's and pickup the DV... oh wait

plzzz dont tell anyone Ikinda like this

Listening on the app from blacked out Connektikut
Avatar 12:35pm

As testament to the Go-Go's universal appeal, during my frosh year in college, my die-hard metal-head friend bought that album (Talk Show).
Avatar 12:36pm

dougydee, don't worry, your secret's safe with us. but don't hide your light under a bushel basket!

Showtime has a free trial period, FYI.
Avatar 12:38pm
(Murakami Whywolf))):

Sorry to kick a dead horse in which noöne else seems interested, but that "She's So Mean" and "Tayter Country" also are very similar in the verses, not as much, but _very_ close for some lines, a couple of lines ending in 'tion's in both.
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:39pm

I have to agree about the Go-Gos doc. I thought it was great and they did not gloss over the ugly parts it def showed the places where the seams came apart.

Hey Pseu and everyone!
@(((Murakami Whywolf) I actually had the same thought ! Yes Not just the chorus but the verses too. I smell a lucrative power pop lawsuit!
Avatar 12:41pm
(((Murakami Whywolf):

A lawsuit? I don't really want to touch that today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:43pm

Seriously get out and get together!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:43pm
Sweet Corn Lizzie:

Pseu I'm so grateful for your show - always great stuff.
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:43pm
listener 126464:

Hi Pseu and Hooked, let's get hanging!
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:43pm
Mike Sin:

One point about that Go-Go's doc (Pseu, feel free to delete this post if it's way too long or inappropriate):

I tried to be as diplomatic as possible as an all-female band playing the incredibly lucrative rock-industry game of the early 1980s must have been downright demoralizing in many aspects, but… the songwriting disputes? Even as a drummer who has never written a song that appeared on a commercial album, I’ve got to side with the songwriters here. Of course, the songwriters are going to see a lot more cash if those tracks sell in the millions, and why should they not?

If your songs are being marginalized and kept out of the recording sessions, that's one aspect, but… if you’re not writing songs at all, how are you suddenly justified demanding a piece just because the song is now successful?

If a songwriter spent months translating, say, a very personal experience into words and chords and ultimately created a catchy song, and then, say, the drummer suggested a tempo change, placed a very cool and/or dramatic fill between the second chorus and the bridge, or went into a jazzier feel during the ride out, these additions do not mean the drummer wrote part of the song. The drummer just did his or her job as an instrumentalist. He or she did not help “write” the song.

If Jane Wiedlin’s account was indeed true, then her abrupt decision to split the band was understandable, IMHO, of course.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:43pm

August 6th in History

Pseu, you are losing it. But we all know that....
max (friend of ken‘s):

all the best from cologne in germany!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:44pm

If I did what you are doing I'd go insane too. I have to get out. Go for a walk, go for a hike, use a good mask, make a date to meet up...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:44pm
Layet J:

Who's the Russian guy?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:45pm
Sweet Corn Lizzie:

I've been sheltering in place since March. Working from home - I'm lucky - and my husband is doing shopping etc. We see a couple of friends every couple of weeks or so, distanced. I miss seeing people and going to estate sales. I'd come wave through the window if I weren't in California.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm
Pseu Braun:

thanxx SCL
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm

“Late last night, going insane! I tore out smokin' in the pourin' rain! I tuned into a K-Jam Jelly Roll!
They got a little less talk and a little more soul!”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:47pm
Layet J:

I was at Census training yesterday and there was a guy there with a mask on, and I thought wow, he has great eyes, I bet he's such a nice person. But then he took his mask off for a second and I thought oh no, he's a redneck, nevermind. I felt bad about it.

I got mask shamed @ Shop Rite for improper mask placement!!!no really??!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:47pm

Rock and roll, baby
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:48pm

Mike, "Drum's ain't music! There ain't no notes! No notes, NO PAY. Now go out back and bang on something, will ya?!"
listener monica:

i heart patti
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:49pm

“I thought I heard Laura - or was it Bette? Singing "Nearer My God but Not Just Yet" Singing "Blue, Blue, Am I Blue?" You nearly blew me down!”
Avatar 12:50pm

Sometimes I feel like the Lemon Twigs are just messing with us. Like, "yeah, we could be even more awesome if we wanted to but we don't feel like it."

Yeah. I agree. And that Brian Jones too! GO write a song and then complain! I want to hear it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Sweet Corn Lizzie:

pull up that mask dougydee!
Mike tp:

enjoying twigs and patti.fine day Pseu. humungo trees down in rutherford.old growth big boys.
Avatar 12:54pm
Eagle Rock Reverie:

hello new jersey, old jersey, and listeners of the whirled. I'm sure
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:54pm
Chop Scott:

Pseu! The Lemon Twigs session was one of my very favorite days at WFMU. I miss you!

this is nice
Avatar 12:54pm
(Murakami Whywolf))):

I'm autistic enough, and of the right sort—sadism inflicted on me every time I left my house as child may help—that being shut-in hasn't bothered me a bit, but not so autistic that I can't sympathise.

My wife of thirty or forty years (depending on how you count it) is here, she's really all the humanity I need to be around, and we still get-along very well.

But, very honestly, the only thing that's bothered me is that I've maintained not-being-grossly-obese by being very picky about food, and having other people shop for me is routinely frustrating, little things like ordering beef ribs and someone's deciding that pork ribs are the same. (Even before the plague my medical person was afraid I'd end-up in hospital with pneumonia, so I'm behaving halfway to immune-compromised, so not doing my own shopping has seemed sanest.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57pm
Pseu Braun:

HI CHOP SCOTT! miss you... !

can I vent... should I vent or just shut up & enjoy the music idk. what the heck. my friend punched me in the face for no reason yesterday and threw my bike down... carried it to the bike shop cause it's my only mode of transport & come to find the fork's bent & they gotta order a new one. no way to hold the fucktard accountable so Im settling for venting on here but anyway. ok I feel better now Im just gonna shut up and enjoy the music now. thank you Pseu, you are the bomb dot com!!!
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:57pm

@Mike Sin have to agree especially re Jane. "I can't even sing one song, after all this time?" That really exposed the internal dynamic of the group at the time.
Avatar 12:58pm
(((Murakami Whywolf):

Pseu, I'm sorry that this is troubling to you. I remember how much you used to at least seem to hate giving-out samples, e.g. the story of the man who congratualted his son[?] on being an utter jerk elbowing his way in to get some; could you possibly remember all the unpleasant things you're _not_ doing now for some comfort?

I've tried, every time I've felt despair at unemployment, to remember the horror of one particular break-room….
Avatar 12:59pm

Friends don't punch, johnzo. Personally, I'd light him on fire. But that's just me.
Avatar 12:59pm
Listening Out There:

Just got here. Looks like I've missed the big philosophical discussions.

Big up to bazbo
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:01pm
Pseu Braun:

johnzo, it's cool. People are freaking the f*ck out. Friends are turning into full tard mode.
Jeff formerly from Rahway:

Such a forgotten power pop gem. Love this band.
Avatar 1:05pm

mayflies! I think they still occasionally get together to play in NC.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Greetings, Pseu and hookworms!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07pm

Blatt it on out, it’ll be ok <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:09pm
Pseu Braun:

Big love to my listnerx w/o power til Saturday..

lololol thanks for the idea Charmichael but that's not really my style!!

thanks pseu!! I always appreciate your show tho I haven't caught it lately... these sounds are cheering me up & helping me not fixate on the bs I appreciate it!!!
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 1:14pm
James in ATL:

Really enjoying the show! Thank you, Pseu.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:14pm
Pseu Braun:

hey James! and allz
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:15pm
Sweet Corn Lizzie:

Never heard this cover. I prefer the original but it's interesting.
Avatar 1:15pm
(((Murakami Whywolf):

Build a man a fire and he won't be cold that night
Set a man on fire and he won't be cold for the rest of his life.
Avatar 1:16pm
Jeff Moore:

I never knew Nilsson had recorded a version of that.

lol yea for the last few seconds of his life lol

Ill concider the lighting him on fire thing but he is black so I feel like that's not PC
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:18pm

yes Pseu great you have power!

also he's my barber so Id have to start cutting my own hair

I think Ill just forgive him... assuming he asks me to... once my bike gets fixed till then he can fuck off.

Avatar 1:20pm
Listening Out There:

Is there such a thing as a "good" Internet service provider? I'm not sure there is....

is nate the k gonna be there?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21pm

Sometimes I dream of living in Oswego, NY but then I wake up. Ho ho ho
Avatar 1:21pm

It has happened. NY AG Tish James is suing to dissolve the NRA.

wow Oswego... what's there?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:22pm

Hanky Panky Nohow babyy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:22pm

Roberto summarized it. Here's a Washington Post story: www.washingtonpost.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:22pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:22pm

in other news, our cat is staring at the floor like she saw a bug or something, but I can't see anything
Avatar 1:23pm

Cats can generally see smaller objects than we humans.
Avatar 1:23pm
Eagle Rock Reverie:

The time of year is: Lammas the beginning of August follows Halloween, Groundhog Day, & May Day...half way to the Equinox
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:26pm

yeah, if it's anything, it's way smaller than a human
Avatar 1:26pm

That's probably a good thing, steveo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:27pm

what if it were someone willing to wash the dishes, though?
Avatar 1:30pm

Sometimes my cats wash the dishes lingually.
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 1:30pm

I am SO excited for the Creem doc!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:32pm

@steveo I think it's trying to distract you from something else.

Sitting here with no power in Queens NY listening to Pseu, keep playing some good stuff, please!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:33pm

@PMD you may be on to something
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 1:33pm
Mike Sin:

Wow, this Summer Fiction is perfect and great right now!

These idiots at Con Edison aren't helpful at all.
Avatar 1:36pm

Bows to glorious sanctity of the radio ministry that is now. Take care
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37pm
Pseu Braun:

Hey Mike Sin! SF is just...glorious and frustrating at the same time. Like most pop geniuses, simply not enough output or touring (mute point now, I know)


Let's Active!

Till that Nilsson box set was released, the only version of "She Wandered Through The Garden Fence" that I knew was by Procol Harum.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:47pm

All of it is sounding so good over here, @Pseu. When I want my sugar, there really is no substitute for The Hook.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48pm
Pseu Braun:

@Tamar, Jett, Rob, ChrisIS, etc holla!

Thanks for the holla. @Pseu
Mike tp:

strong shoe Pseu
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:00pm

Thanks for giving Anne Murray a chance. Lordy haven't heard her in forever
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:01pm

Lets give Anne a chance
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:01pm

Come to Canada. You'll hear her. It's mandatory.
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 2:01pm
Mike Sin:

Anne Murray with some late '60s minor-key folkiness!
Avatar 2:01pm
Jeff Moore:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:02pm
Pseu Braun:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:02pm

This Murray is cool though. Very nice digging, @Pseu.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:03pm
Krys O.:

I admire Murray's voice a lot, but I think Andrea Martin did a great imitation of her on SCTV.

BTW-There are three, count 'em, three Canadian female singers with AM initials: Murray, Alanis Morrissette, and Alannah Myles. Hooray for useless info!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:03pm
Krys O.:

Andrea Martin as Anne Murray: www.youtube.com...

Good with Anne, Helen R. not so much; Joni's okay too.

Thanks for an incredible show Pseu!...Anne Murray's song seemed shorter than many songs by Magnetic Fields.. or was it me.. Best to all hookers!..peace ..xox
Avatar 2:11pm
Jeff Moore:

Some characteristic of Jay Som's guitar strumming was caressing the pleasure centers of my brain.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:12pm

Horay! Haha Krys O
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:21pm

CENTRAL NJ IS CENTRAL, for crying out loud!
Jeff formerly from Rahway:

I always considered South Jersey to be the 609 area code
Avatar 2:21pm
Jeff Moore:

It's usually the douchebag North Jerz "Taylor Ham" types who try to claim there's no Central Jerz.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:22pm

Somerset county, NJ has a rich history
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:22pm
Krys O.:

I believe in Central New Jersey. As a transplant born and raised in NY, I've spent most of my adult life NJ and even I can see Central Jersey.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:22pm

i'll be back next week. No vacation!

No one from the beach towns calls it "the shore". That's how you find out who is from there or not.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:23pm
Krys O.:

Whatever you do, don't watch the John Denver biopic with Chad Lowe. Shudder.

that s not true hurry up n get the hell outa my way (horn blows) hello from somerset co. NJ !!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:24pm
Chop Scott:

Missed you last night EFD--glad you have power back!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:24pm

thanks Chop Scott — so am i!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:25pm

If a person is a good actor then it doesn't matter what it looks like. IMHO
Avatar 2:25pm
Listening Out There:

Helen Reddy was big-framed, based on the photos I've seen....
Avatar 2:26pm

Lovin this. Lmao
Snuffy Smith:

Barney was Google before it was cool! What is up wit 'cho eye?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:27pm
Alvy Singer:

Helen Reddy's 1977 album, "Ear Candy" was produced by Kim Folwey.
Avatar 2:27pm
Listening Out There:

I like documentaries and have read good things about a new one on Johnny Cash's first wife, Vivian. Has anyone seen this?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:27pm
Krys O.:

Helen Reddy was 5' 3" according to the Interwebs: www.smh.com.au...
Avatar 2:28pm
Listening Out There:

Burt Conby. Am trying to supress memories like this...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:28pm
Power Papi:

Tattle Tales


...must have been that roar...

OMG just looked up Hellen Reddy and the trailer for the movie and it's awful!!! I'm horrified!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:29pm
Krys O.:

Bert Convy was cool. He was in The Champs and they did Black Denim Trousers and Motorcycle Boots.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:30pm
Krys O.:

Ah, Andrew Gold, Marni Nixon's kid.
Avatar 2:30pm
Listening Out There:

@Gruzis: Thank you for your sacrifice. For this, we are now protected...
Avatar 2:30pm

That's right, Krys! Thought I was the only one who knew that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:31pm

Wow Like this gold. Hints of other artists...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:31pm
Pseu Braun:

Krys she was bigger than that you know it. And who the fk measured Helen way back then? Fake news!

Andrew and Linda were indeed gold.

other interwebs site list her height at 5' 6"...
Listener Robert:

What are the bounds of central NJ? I'd say it's bounded on the north by the Raritan River extended straight west past where it turns north, and on the south by a line going straight east from the bend in the Delaware south of Trenton.
Listener Robert:

Losing your stream here intermittently on the pop-up now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:32pm
Pseu Braun:

where do you live is the question, Robert. I'll decide.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:33pm

White Castle hamburgers?
Listener Robert:

You always live in my heart, Ms. Braun.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:33pm
Krys O.:

No one can measure Helen Reddy's true presence and stature. She was a giant of a star.

I live in TX and don't want to get "picked out" when I visit NJ. Any blend-in tips?
Avatar 2:35pm

Thanks for playing Pilot, Sue. I used to hang with those guys way back when I thought I was a musician. Ian Bairnson's birthday was on Tuesday, BTW.
Listener Robert:

It may have been a connection problem at my end. Pop-up's playing steady now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:36pm
Pseu Braun:

JFC how old are ya, Carmichael?

Who is the model NJ example on Google image, Springsteen?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:36pm

I would say Lambertville is firmly CENTRAL NJ. Yes?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:37pm
Krys O.:

As the shortest person in my family at 5' 2", most folks are taller than me, including my 11 year old great-nephew.

KO, you are a KO.
Listener Robert:

Since Lambertville is almost exactly halfway between the northern and southern limits I just established, it's definitely central NJ, unless New Hope annexes it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:40pm
joe mulligan:

on the maps it looks like Ocean County is the hotly debated one. but when it comes to the shore points the line is def at Barnegat Inlet! (L.B.I. vs. Island Beach State Park

@Listener Robert I feel that Monmouth County and points straight west is Central NJ. In my mind Ocean County is South Jersey, Middlesex County is North Jersey
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 2:42pm
Mike Sin:

Northern Jersey -- north of route 78
Central Jersey - south of route 78, north of route 195.
South Jersey - south of route 195.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:43pm
Krys O.:

Mike Sin, you are the Voice of Reason.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:45pm

I've always lived adjacent to NJ. Grew up in Delaware, live in NYC.

Maybe the Phillies/Yankees line on the NY Times baseball fan map can help us point to South Jersey?


I grew up (arguable) in Louisiana. North and south LA are as different in accent and culture as is possible without a body of water or mountain range to isolate and separate. Same in Jersey?
Avatar 2:47pm

Mike Sin, definitely the most widely-accepted and easily delineated definition. It's either this or defining by county. Everyone in Somerset and Hunterdon wants to be central, even if we're over the 78 border
Listener Robert:

Gregg, if you eliminate ALL of Middlesex Co., not just what's north of the Raritan, you've squeezed Central NJ uncomfortably small.

Ppwery is back, hallelujah
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:49pm
Pseu Braun:

Websie congrats!
Listener Robert:

But the eastern part of I-78 goes too far north to consider it a boundary between central and north Jersey. Elizabeth, Central Jersey? Come on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:50pm
joe mulligan:

@steveo me too, grew up in DE, made fun of NJ all my life. did my time of 7 years in North Jerz and warmed up to the state. but in BK for years now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:52pm

Excellent, Joe; I mostly lived in Newark (Del.) & Hockessin. some of my best friends are from New Jersey :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:53pm
Krys O.:

Wow! These three hours have flown by. Thanks, Pseu for pleasurable tunes and edifying conversation! Be well!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:54pm
Pseu Braun:

you too Krys!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:54pm

Joe, do you know Don Ash? I went to high school with him.

PB, you're all jelly.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:55pm
joe mulligan:

Ha! @steveo, my mother grew up in Hockessin. I grew up near the brandywine off 202. OH SHIT Dash is my bud!!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:55pm
Krys O.:

Hope more of the 1.4 million who lost power in NJ have it restored soon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm
Pseu Braun:

could you DE-ites msg eachother privately please...?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm
joe mulligan:

sorry @Pseu!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm

delaware is so small; pretty much every knows everyone (and they all love Pseu and I'll shut up now)
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 2:58pm
listener 126464:

Thanks Pseu!
Dr Playlist:

There's a mistake in the playlist. Secret Powers recorded the song Tangerine, not the other way around.
Dr Playlist:

There's another mistake on the playlist; you played the song White Lie Castle by Tan Sleeve, not Geri Mandering.
Dr Playlist:

It is true that, on Youtube, the song you played is labelled as Geri Mandering, but it's a mistake. The songs are named correctly on Tan Sleeve's Bandcamp page.
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