Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from September 6, 2020 Favoriting

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An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Sun. Mar 9th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Dan Bodah
Sun. Mar 16th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Daniel Blumin

Favoriting September 6, 2020: Moon To Me Only With Thine Eyes

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
OMMA  Flute Of Seagulls   Favoriting Doma  Antinote  2020  3rd full-length album / From the artist (Olga Maximova): “DOMA” in Russian means “at home”. For the last 2 months, my home has been a small city close to the Atlantic Ocean named Saint-Gilles-Croix-De-Vie. I am there, luckily, surrounded by so many soundscapes: new birds, different noises of waves, thunderstorms, and hundreds of seagulls. I'm spending so much time observing seagulls’ behaviour, how they are making nests on our roof, making babies, catching fish on the waves. I was recording flute with open windows so you can hear all those Atlantic noises. I was experimenting with flute. Like the 1st track, it’s a flute singing to seagulls, then seagulls to midi and midi to flute chain. Some of the tracks sound like soundscapes or cycles which you can loop. It’s like a daily routine of moments that I have started to appreciate more and more during this lockdown, finding surprises inside myself without a mirror".  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Cluster & Eno  Ho Renomo   Favoriting Cluster & Eno  Bureau B  2009  orig 1977 on Sky Records    0:03:52 (Pop-up)
D.K.  Untitled 1   Favoriting Live At The Edge  12th Isle  2020  AKA Dang-Khoa Chau, DJ & producer based in Paris, France / Album recorded live at the South Korean venue, The Edge  *   0:09:17 (Pop-up)
Clara de Asis  De ce côté-ci   Favoriting Sans Nom Ni Forme  Pilgrim Talk  2020  French composer & performer / co-founder of discreet editions, a small record label based in Basel (CH) and Marseille (FR). Discreet is a collaboration between Clara de Asís & historical flautist/composer Mara Winter / Discreet releases attempt to take what are conceived of as ‘historical’ instruments out of their hypothetical frames, transcending categorization and highlighting the autonomy of sound itself. These recordings come as an alternative to the dominant social conventions about approaching and listening to ‘historical’, ‘musical’ ‘instruments’. (from claradeasis.com)  *   0:13:04 (Pop-up)
Fog City / Ron Livingston, Gary Cole, Stephen Root, John C. McGinley, Jennifer Aniston, & all  Sidewinder / ...That would be great...I don't like my job & I'm not gonna go anymore...Do you ever watch kung-fu?   Favoriting single / Office Space  Mighty Force  1993  this track was the inspiration for the new "Sidewinder Rewound" collection of 19 new remixes of the song by various artists, which was compiled by Mark Darby / From Darby about the remix album: "An almost accidental project set up by Mighty Force Records to remix the track “Sidewinder” by Fog City, written by Matthew Herbert and Mark Darby in 1993. The original track (not included in this release) was inspired by a rattlesnake moving across the desert sand at night. The project began as a question on a Facebook post, wondering if anyone would ever attempt a remix. Mark expected maybe one or two people might give it a go but this very soon spiralled into 19 remixes each of which has a unique sound. All proceeds will be donated to Medecins Sans Frontiers."    0:22:27 (Pop-up)
Monolake / David Herman & John C McGinley  Beirut / ...Michael Bolton...I celebrate the guy's entire catalog   Favoriting The Sacred Rage (V/A) / Office Space  Morphine  2020  Monolake was originally founded in 1995 by Robert Henke & Gerhard Behles, but is now perpetuated by Henke alone, while Behles focuses on running music software company, Ableton, which they founded in 1999 together with Bernd Roggendorf / "The Sacred Rage" album is a non-profit compilation for the Lebanese Emergency Fund / for more information about this collection: https://morphinerecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-sacred-rage  *   0:37:39 (Pop-up)
Akio Suzuki & Lawrence English  Ficus Watkinsiana   Favoriting Boombana Echoes  Akio Suzuki & Lawrence English  2020  orig 2013 on Wind Measure / Ficus watkinsiana is one of a number of species known as "strangler figs," found in the rainforests of northeast Queensland & northern New South Wales. The seeds of these plants germinate high on the branches of other rainforest trees and send down aerial roots. When these reach the ground, they take root, thicken and gradually enclose the original tree which dies and rots away. Eventually a fig tree with a hollow trunk is formed. This species forms a large tree over 30 metres high with a similar spread. It has large, oval-shaped leaves about 200mm long and has a milky sap. The purple, rounded fruits are 40mm long and are edible. Named for Ficus, the Latin name for the common edible fig, & Watkinsiana, after George Watkins, a plant collector  *   0:38:12 (Pop-up)
Meroitic  Brought Up By It (danceversionextension)   Favoriting Jovilabe  Fallen Moon  2020  In January 1610, while exploring the heavens with his telescope, Galileo discovered four small star-like objects around Jupiter. Having soon concluded that these were the planet's satellites or moons, he sought to establish their orbits and periods. The velocities of orbital motion decrease from the innermost to the outermost moon. All four display almost the same brightness. It was difficult, therefore, to work out which was which and calculate how long they took to complete their orbits around the planet. To determine the positions of the moons without having to perform complex calculations each time, Galileo developed a diagram—a sort of analog calculator—called the Jovilabe. Jupiter's position at the moment of observation was computed by means of a rotating disk. A moving pointer, fixed with an arm to the instrument's plate, served to determine the Earth's position at that same moment. The arm thus represents the Earth-Jupiter link, i.e., the observer's continually changing line of sight. The parallax value for any position of the Earth relative to Jupiter could be read directly on a scale on the upper rim of the instrument. The instrument is known as a jovilabe.  *   0:43:55 (Pop-up)
Eiger Drums Propaganda / John C. McGinley, Richard Riehle, & Paul Wilson  The Moon / I Have People Skills!!! I'm Good With People!!! What The Hell Is Wrong With You People??   Favoriting Eiger Drums Propaganda II / Office Space  Macadam Mambo  2019  2nd album by Louis De La Gorce (AKA Louis E Bola) of duo Pilotwings    0:55:43 (Pop-up)
The Dust Brothers / John C. McGinley, Paul Wilson & Gary Cole  Space Monkeys / Boy, That's A Straight Shooter With Upper Management Written All Over Him...   Favoriting Fight Club OST / Office Space  Restless  1999  Los Angeles, California-based, producers, E.Z. Mike (Michael Simpson) and King Gizmo (John King), known for for their work on the albums "Paul's Boutique" by the Beastie Boys, Beck's "Odelay" & "Guero albums, and "MMMBop" by Hanson / The Dust Brothers started working together in 1985 at the Pomona College radio station, KSPC, hosting a weekly hip-hop show called The Big Beat Showcase. They developed writing and producing skills creating music for their show and DJing and rapping at parties. In 1987, they began writing and producing for the Delicious Vinyl label    1:13:06 (Pop-up)
Conrad Schnitzler  Untitled 1   Favoriting Silver  Bureau B  2013  tracks 1-5 originally released in 2009 on Qbico 89 / Schnitzler was born in Düsseldorf. His father was German, his mother was Italian. He & his wife had 3 children, one of whom is son Gregor Schnitzler, who is a film director. Schnitzler, Dieter Moebius, and Hans-Joachim Roedelius formed Kluster in 1969 after the 3 had met at the Zodiak Free Arts Lab. This trio released 3 albums, "Klopfzeichen" (1970), "Zwei-Osterei" (1971) and "Eruption" (1971). When Schnitzler left the group, Roedelius and Moebius became Cluster. Around this time, Schnitzler also joined Tangerine Dream for their debut album "Electronic Meditation" (1970).    1:15:25 (Pop-up)
Astronaut Ape / Sasha Baron Cohen, Will Ferrell, Jane Lynch, John C. Reilly, Leslie Bibb, Michael Clarke Duncan, Jack McBrayer, Gary Cole, et al  Citylife / We Click...We're Like Skateboards & Freeway Ramps, We're Like Tuna Fish & Cigarettes, Pigs & Swimming, Easter Morning & Lyme Disease, Suits of Armor & Electrical Storms......   Favoriting The Mirror / Talledega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby  Microcosmos  2012  debut album from Олег Белоусов (Oleg Belousov) from Moscow    1:23:02 (Pop-up)
Low Jack  More Speed   Favoriting Jingles du Lieu-dit  Les Disques De La Bretagne  2019  Honduras-born Philippe Hallais is now based in Paris, France & co-runs Editions Gravats with Jean Carval    1:32:26 (Pop-up)
DJ Trax  The Path Less Traveled (Original Mix)   Favoriting Find A Way  Transmute  2020  3-song 12" EP from DJ & producer David Davies from Harlow, Essex    1:35:38 (Pop-up)
Jonathan Fitoussi  Amazonie   Favoriting Plein Soleil  Transversales Disques  2020  French composer (of groups Model Alpha, One Switch To Collision, & Two Colors)  *   1:42:09 (Pop-up)
Mike Fazio  Behold, This Dreamer Cometh (edit)   Favoriting Serious Sound Poems: Carol's 2020 Marathon Premium  Mike Fazio  2020  w/ Matthew Arnold's poem, "Longing" / NYC artist (AKA A Guide For Reason, orchestramaxfieldparrish, & Sonic Arts Society) and of groups Chill Faction, Gods Of Electricity, Life With The Lions    1:46:08 (Pop-up)
Kadaitcha  Salt   Favoriting Kaleidescope (V/A)  Flaming Pines  2020  Ukranian duo Андрій Кожухар (Andrii Kozhukhar) & Юрий Самсон / compilation consists of 12 pieces by Contemporary Ukranian artists  *   1:56:59 (Pop-up)
Photay  Is It Right?   Favoriting Waking Hours  Mexican Summer  2020  3rd album from Woodstock artist Evan Shornstein  *   2:13:50 (Pop-up)
Efrim Manuel Menuck / John Hannah  Starling Troubles Sparrow / Funeral Blues (by WH Auden)   Favoriting Starling Troubles Sparrow / Four Weddings And A Funeral  Longform Editions  2020  Artist notes: Built out of one simple looped piano phrase. Filtered mechanically and electrically in real time while running through a pair of rattling guitar amplifiers, re-amped and re-recorded, until dust ensued. All of it happened while the sparrows and starlings battled in a pair of trees across the street from here. The starlings intent on stealing the sparrows nests. The sparrows call out and a gang manifests quickly, yelling and poking. The sparrows are better organized, and all the starlings have is brute strength. Song is dedicated to any all who rise thusly, together in spite of or not at all. / Read more from Menuck here: https://longformeditions.bandcamp.com/track/starling-troubles-sparrow // "Funeral Blues" by WH Auden: Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, / Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, / Silence the pianos and with muffled drum / Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. / Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead / Scribbling on the sky the message ‘He is Dead’. / Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves, / Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves. / He was my North, my South, my East and West, / My working week and my Sunday rest, / My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; / I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong. / The stars are not wanted now; put out every one, / Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun, / Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood; / For nothing now can ever come to any good.  *   2:17:31 (Pop-up)
The High Life Movement  The Truth, Pt. 1   Favoriting La Foresta Della Morte (original motion picture soundtrack)  ToYo  1999  translates to "The Deadly Forest"    2:39:33 (Pop-up)
Paul Cantelon  Inside-Out   Favoriting Everything Is Illuminated (soundtrack)  TVT  2005  Composer Paul Cantelon, born in Glendale, California) is a founding member of the American band Wild Colonials, in which he plays violin, piano, and accordion / piece performed by the Illuminated Gypsy Band: Douglas Wieselman (clarinet, Balalaika); Mark Ribot (guitar); Robert Burger (pump organ, marxophone, accordion); Frank London (trumpet); Marcus Rojas (tuba); Jenny Scheinman (violin); & Sergey Ryabtzev (violin)    2:41:10 (Pop-up)
Johnny Cash  Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes   Favoriting Personal File  Legacy  2006  Album Notes: Deep within the House of Cash, Johnny Cash`s recording studio, office suite, and museum in Hendersonville, Tennessee, behind the studio`s control room, was a small vault-like space in which many of his most prized possessions were stored. A collection of rare firearms dating back to the 18th Century, some personal effects of Jimmie Rodgers, artwork and letters from fans all over the world and much more was carefully arranged and locked away for safekeeping. Then there were the tapes. Hundreds of them. Demos from songwriters, album masters, multi-tracks of the ABC television series, and some boxes marked simply "Personal File." These are Johnny`s most intimate sessions, recorded mostly in 1973 and then subsequently at his leisure. Just a lone voice and an acoustic guitar, singing songs and telling stories about them. A concept that has since come to be thought of as revelatory but, as is evident in this stunning new set, is something Johnny Cash had been doing all along - if only for his personal file. / The lyrics come from the 1616 poem, "Song: to Celia," by English playwright, Ben Jonson    2:44:58 (Pop-up)
Blake Mills  Money Is The One True God   Favoriting Mutable Set  Verve  2020  4th full-length album / w/ Aaron Embry (keyboards) & Sam Gendel (saxophone)  *   2:48:36 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

wfmu listener phillip:

ahhhh:) good morning miss crow:)
Listener Bop Monroe:

greetings from sunrise-y Tannersville Ms. MSC and all!
David in London:

Morning Moonfaces. A tip o’ the hat to the most esteemed Carol Crow.
And Ruth in the booth.
wfmu listener phillip:

always a pleasure to be awake to hear your show.

and a very good September 6th this Sunday morning all you early moonlighter's.
Avatar 6:05am

Goooooood mornin' mi amigos!
Avatar 6:06am

Good morning phillip, Bop Monroe & David in London! So happy to have you with me this morning:) :)
Avatar 6:08am

Good morning kpx, Nulsh & all out there! Thanks to everyone for tuning in!! :)
wfmu listener phillip:

sounds soo good! like what I listen to. william basinski
Avatar 6:09am
Really Lisa:

Good Sunday morning, Carol and all.
Ears on, glad to be listening as I head out for a sunrise swim and a run.
Avatar 6:09am

And thank you to our friend, Ruth, for being at the station operating the board! Thanks Ruth!
David in London:

Hey Nulsh, Bop, Lisa.
kpx, all hail to you. Up early!
Avatar 6:10am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

Hello Carol, Ruth, Phillip, Bop Monroe, Nulsh, kpx, David in London!
This show is the only good reason to get up on a Sunday morning
wfmu listener phillip:

the moon has long past my window here in the bronx. last friday MARS was with the moon when it was at my window. cool:)
Avatar 6:10am

@Lisa@6:09: Sounds lovely! Thanks for being here (hear, really:)
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:11am
Brian in UK:

Hello Carol & Ruth (Sunday is ampersand day)
Hello dedicated listeners.
Avatar 6:12am

Hello Sylvia! Glad to have you with us!
Avatar 6:13am
Really Lisa:

David in London, hope you’re having a lovely Sunday.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:14am
Brian in UK:

David, I lost two hours yesterday on those two climbs on Stage 8.
Avatar 6:15am

Hi guys and girrels, nice to be back here with you.
Took a lovely run this morning at 6 am, CET, so early! - which is an absolute novelty for me, but very rewarding. With a view to the castle, crossing over the bridge you can see in my profile pic, no-one around, still dark with the moon in front of me and the rising sun in the back. If it wasn't for the sheer fact that I couldn't sleep much last night, I should really try and convince myself to start a new morning routine. :-)

greetings to you too, Carol, Ruth, Sylvia, and David in London. hope everyone is well.
Avatar 6:16am

Hello Brian in UK! I have to ask, why is it an ampersand day? You've got me stumped.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:18am
Brian in UK:

Carol, just made it up as I used one in the first comment. They are much undervalued & I thought deserved a mention.
David in London:

Hi Sylvia.
Brian, the last two stages have been absolutely thrilling. Brilliant win by Peters yesterday. Adam Yates clawing himself back and then going for it was great too. And Alaphillipe blowing himself and the group up was class. Amazing first week.
Avatar 6:19am

To echo Brian's note, thank you all for dedicating your time to listening to this show. I sincerely thank you all
David in London:

Hallo Heidee.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:20am
Brian in UK:

David I was almost pedalling in my seat watching. How do they do it?
Avatar 6:20am

Heidee, that sounds like a wonderful morning routine:)
Avatar 6:20am

Hallo David! Schön, dass Du da bist.
Hi lovely Carol of the lovely music.
Listener Bop Monroe:

Time for toast and tea!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22am

Hi Carol.
Hey-ho everyone.
Avatar 6:23am

@Brian@6:18: Agreed:) :)
Avatar 6:24am

Hi Stanley!
David in London:

Yo Stanley.
David in London:

Liking this Fog City.
Avatar 6:25am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

@Heidee that website is...interesting

Hello Heidee, exercising is something I'm sorely laxing. I really need to get out there and exert myself.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:29am
Brian in UK:

Stanley, are you home from the depths of Norh Yorks?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:32am
Brian in UK:

Carol, thanks for your agreeing on such an important matter of national significance. Have to write that, commenters are rather tardy with the use of & today of all days!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34am

Hi David, Brian and other dedicated followers of the hardest game in the world!
Back from a week's holiday in Yorkshire, all rejuvenated. Managed a few walks and beer gardens. The Tour de France - how do they do it, you may ask? It used to be drugs, but now, I'm afraid it's more sinister - mind control. For a hilarious take on the race I recommend 'French Revolutions' by Tim Moore. The chapter on Tom Simpson is mind blowing.
Avatar 6:35am

Okay now with individual greetings since yer all such a lovely crowd:

Hiya Nülsch!

Hi Brian, Stanley, Phillip, Bop!

Hello kpx, tell me about it; it was certainly a premiere for me. For the first few minutes I just laughed at myself in disbelief! But even that is cheering up if nothing else.

Really Lisa, nice to see you; how d'ya like your new place?

@Sylvia :-))
Avatar 6:36am
Ruth Booth:

Happy Good Morning!
Avatar 6:36am
Be Now Homeboy:

guten Morgen

Sorry, correction. that's sorely "lacking" .
Avatar 6:43am

Good day.

speaking of lacking, the more Peter Lacks the more he gets rewarded. if only that could happen in real life. to me specifically.
Avatar 6:45am

Oooh umlauts & ampersands all in the one day?! Yass!

Hey Heidee! Sylvia! David! Brian! Stanley! KPX! BnowB! TDK60!

And if I missed ya' out, feel free to berate me. I'd deserve it!

Hey Ruth Booth!
David in London:

Hey TDK. Wotcha pal.
Avatar 6:48am

Ruh-roh! It's gone all quiet?
Avatar 6:48am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

my stream isn't working anymore
Avatar 6:48am

Tres Bizarre
My comment about this mornings view of Mars looking as if it’s orbiting around our moon disappeared from the chat and so did Mars itself become no longer visible...
I hope everyone caught it. I imagine the same position will be tonight late night.
Headed Home Carol
My dog awaits
Avatar 6:49am
Be Now Homeboy:

Did stream go down or just me?
Avatar 6:49am

Avatar 6:49am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

waves are back!
Avatar 6:49am
Be Now Homeboy:

NO NO Sorry Just me lol
David in London:

No, I lost it too.
Avatar 6:50am
Be Now Homeboy:

I thought maybe I fell asleep and was dreaming that I heard nothing but didn't wake up... I need coffee
Avatar 6:51am

Hello Nulsh, David. / The stream is flowing again.
Avatar 6:51am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

waves ok, but where's Carol?
Mairzy Doats:

Oh noes! Where'd the stream go? Just a whooshing sound. Switching over to clock radio :) This is Elaine btw debuting a brand new user name. To avoid confusion with listener Adrian Elaine. Although I don't intend to post much, rather just listen. Good morning Carol and all.
David in London:

Emergency waves. I hope Captain Crow hasn’t been capsized.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:56am
Brian in UK:

@Mairzy Doats, is it true that little lambzeet ivy?
Mairzy Doats:

Wouldn't you, @BrianinUK? ;)
LiXiviated Life:

“I stood in the doorway and watched the dull neon through the rain.
It looked splotched and dim like watercolors rubbed with a damp rag”.
Tom from Stirling:

Bonjour! Hello!
Avatar 7:02am

During that outage I tuned into WFMU via broadcast and it (Ruth?) was playing Bert Jansch.
Avatar 7:03am
Be Now Homeboy:

I haven't gone to bed yet.
Avatar 7:03am

No, the rest of the world has a different labor day.
David in London:

Shiver me timbers, Captain Crow is safely back at the helm.
Avatar 7:04am
Be Now Homeboy:

the moon was absolutely awesome. you could see mars very clearly - I think it was mars
Listener Bop Monroe:

cool choice MD.
always thought it was gibberish but learned otherwise from FMU in the 80s, playing the 3 Stooges singing and slowly explaining:
Mares eat oats
And does eat oats
And little lambs eat ivy.

had never made the connection till then and had sang it all my little life.
Avatar 7:05am
Ruth Booth:

Sorry about the drop, computer issues!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11am

BNHomeboy right it is Mars closely to the right of the waning Gibbous Moon. And good morning to all lunatics out there.
The truth is out there somewhere...

sorry to say I didn't get a chance see the Moon, Mars, or the Stars . Gary Cole played Mike Brady in those Brady bunch movies.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Morning Carol Crow! Morning brow beating corporate guys! And hello Cronuts!
Avatar 7:16am

Hi Buddha, nice to meet you.
Mairzy Doats:

Thanks Bop! That's funny! We used to sing it too as kids, but we knew what it meant. However I did not know it came from a novelty song from the 40's. I learned that from wikipedia when I did my due diligence to make sure there was nothing offensive about the name :) I will have to check out the 3 Stooges version haha.
Listener Bop Monroe:

1st rule of Serious Moonlight: there is no 1st rule.
David in London:

Hi Buddha.
Avatar 7:19am

How the devil are ya'?
Avatar 7:19am

Morning Buddha of newengla.
Avatar 7:23am
Be Now Homeboy:

howdy :)
Avatar 7:25am
Really Lisa:

Changing swim gear for running. I see I missed a music drop.
Heidee @6:35, thank you for asking :) Been sleeping at new place for one week, and despite not settling in yet due to work and the need for furniture shopping (more square footage but less wardrobes), I already notice an improved quality of life. Yet I feel guilty at times.. that I’m not thinking 24-7 of the loss of my dad to covid in April. Lots going on. Trying to move forward.

And wow I will imagine your running scenery as I go for my run, sounds so nice:)

Hi Sylvia, hope you are well.

And hi Bop Monroe, pretty sure it was you who was in a band set t to play along the NYC marathon route last Nov. I was on a few chats at that time as Leelee and elle elle, you let me know what mile marker you’d be set up nearest; I always run along the sides of a course so I don’t block the fast runners! Honestly I looked for your band, as a result I waved and shouted out to every band I slowly ran past lol. Hope you have been well!
Avatar 7:25am

Guten Morgen Be Now Homeboy
Avatar 7:26am

Hello Be Now Homeboy. / From NYC, the Moon appears to be hovering over Rutherford, New Jersey.
Avatar 7:27am

Good day TDK60.
Avatar 7:28am

Hey there Ignatatus!

Good morning! Much cooler today, great for dog walking.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Ha ha! This is so funny! Hello everyone!! Hi Nuuuuuuullllsssh!
Avatar 7:29am

Good morning Elaine (now known as Mairzy Doats:)!
Avatar 7:30am

Good Evening Carol
Love the office space soundbytes
I always suggest 3 movies that go so well together
1:Office space
2:Swimming with Sharks
3:Horrible Bosses
Tom from Stirling:

crepes are pancakes! Oui?
Avatar 7:30am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

@Really Lisa Hi, I'm doing well, thank you. Survivor's guilt is real, take it easy with yourself
Avatar 7:31am

@LiXLife@6:58: sounds like the description of Blade Runner
Avatar 7:31am

Bonjour Tom from Stirling!
Tom from Stirling:

Bonjour, Carol! Fraises go well with crepes. No?
Or pancakes
Avatar 7:34am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

I beg to differ, crêpes are NOT pancakes
Avatar 7:35am

Crepes are Pancake? No. That’s like saying a Matzoh is a seeded Bastone
Avatar 7:38am

Carol, I am glued to the speakers. One never knows where you are taking us musically. I thank you.
Listener Bop Monroe:

RL, yep that be us Bop Monroe & Pocket Monster!
Besides a monthly gig at Freddys in Park Slope, the NYCMarathon was/is our longest running uninterupted 'booking'. (20 + 15 years respectively.)
Can't wait for the 2021. You take care of those ankles!
Keeping busy/sane as the purely instrumental 'The Smell Of Love Orchestra' posting albums alphebetically. And blasting FMU!
...but are there any Nickleback fans in Portugal?
Tom from Stirling:

Seems Ricky Bobby got his arm broked over the crepes/pancakes discussion in Talledega Nights
ami ad:

Hello DJ. Hello all. What's going on here?

@L Bop, hope you don't mind me re-reciting, the mares eat oats. To appease Brian in UK.
Mares eat oats
& Does eat oats
& Little lambs eat ivy.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Love this tune Carol Crow! Be Now Homeboy? Is that your new moniker?
Avatar 7:43am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

when I'm in NY, I tend to have pancakes on Sundays, sigh....
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:43am
Brian in UK:

Galettes rule.
Avatar 7:43am

@LynnsBrother@7:11: thank you for the moon info! And I DO hope the truth is out there, too...
Avatar 7:44am

Morning Buddha!
Avatar 7:44am
Really Lisa:

Sylvia @7:30, thank you. Vous êtes très gentil.

Bop M, I thought so! Cheers to your 2021 return to that awesome gig! I’m at an age where it’s not just my ankles falling apart lol, but thanks!
Avatar 7:45am

Good morning Dan from Augusta! Hope your pup is enjoying!
LiXiviated Life:

@CarolCrow 7:31
Richard L Breen
Screenwriter from the middle of the last century.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:47am
Brian in UK:

@Kpx it is not for me it is for & but thank you anyway.
I like appease but I really like mushy peas. (to be said in a Chico Marx voice)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:47am
John from NP:

Good morning Carol, Ruth
Listener Bop Monroe:

...attsa good, boss!
Buddha of Suburbia:

Morning Carol! Morning Heidee! David in London! TDK60!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:48am
John from NP:

Hello Moonies. Hope you're all enjoying this lovely weather (in NJ, at least)
David in London:

Serious Sound Poems, the best Premium of 2020. He said, disinterestedly.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:50am
Brian in UK:

That would be great.
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Brian in UK:

When are we going to get a 'pataphysics premium?
Tom from Stirling:

This that and the other thing
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I’ve been listening to this CD everyday
I hope it doesn’t lose its grooves
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

@DIL I concur :D
Avatar 7:54am

@Ig@7:30: Haven't seen Swimming with Sharks - will have to check out! THANKS!
Tom from Stirling:

" A dream is as close as I can get to you..."
LiXiviated Life:

Listening to the show while watching Tour de France with the sound off.
I’m always in awe of the riders.
Physical and mental toughness is off the scales.
I respect their ability to endure the suffering that comes with the race.
In fact at times I think that suffering is the race itself.
It strikes me as so human.

But there’s also the flip side.

For example, I realize that the cost of one of those bikes is about 1/2 years rent.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Carol and moons of Initech. You read the memo about using the new cover sheets? I'll make another copy and send it around, m'kay?
Avatar 7:56am

@Heidee@7:38: Thank YOU for listening:) :)
Buddha of Suburbia:

Thank you for a beautiful start to my morning. Heading out. Have a good Sunday everyone! Hi Lix! Bye Lix!
Avatar 7:56am

Hello ami ad!
Buddha of Suburbia:

Hi Ken, bye Ken!

@Brian in UK, well alright, in that case I say pass the mushy peas please, and give some to the mares and little lambs to eat instead of ivy.
Avatar 7:57am

Good morning John from NP!
LiXiviated Life:

Boood Zee Burbs.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Take care, Buddha!
Avatar 7:59am

Good morning, Ken from Hyde Park - haha:)
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Be Now Homeboy:

that static type thing is supposed to be there right.. im a little high
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John from NP:

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Good Morning WFMUniverse!

Ah!, Made a mistake, "&" give some to: sorry &.
Avatar 8:07am

Early morning walks have become a necessity. Morning rituals changing.
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Hi deborah! Are you well?
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

we did it because we love you!!
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Be Now Homeboy:

Loving the show as always!
So amazing CarolCrow!
-morning - Deborah :)
David in London:

When Carol Crow asks, we say yes.
Avatar 🌜 8:09am

I slept in!!!

Morning Caz & Ruth
Avatar 8:10am

Hi Pablexa! Got your post last week, thanks for the info :-)

Happy Father's Day to all you dads in Australia!
bLeubomberune b:

Jumping in later Good Morning an’t agree more, Serious Sound Poems is beautiful Mlle Carol.
Avatar 8:11am
Be Now Homeboy:

I gotta take a few more puffs and see if I can figure this is all really about.

Hey Happy Fathers day to all the Dads! Cheers to all you mates
Avatar 8:12am

@Heidee Hi Heidee! Yes, I am fine; I can tell that you are feeling better. Into the early morning walking which cuts down my accu playlist time but frames the day in a different way. Started teaching; way too much.
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John from NP:

Pablo! I thought you was ded
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Hiya Heidee, Nulsh & JB
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@Tom from Stirling@7:55: :) :)
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Brian in UK:

What I like about the TdF is that it is a travelogue as well as a bicycle race
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@john - for the first time in history pabs slept!
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Ah, it's Father's Day, will have to call mine later.
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@Be Now Homeboy@8:03: Yes, I think so...I double-checked it on the bandcamp player & the download.
David in London:

Hi Pablexa.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19am
John from NP:

@lanky I was waiting for a "Pabs got lost in his kayak and they called in the coast guard to save him" story.
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Good morning deborah!
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@lanky you haven't seen the pic from last sat Zoom mtg
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@Sylvia@8:07: ♥♥ :) :)
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John from NP:

Sounds like this is from 1920, not 2020.

Mornin Pablexa, and a belated Morning to Nulsh, TDK60, Lix, iggy666 & Deborah.
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@David in London@8:09: ♥ ♥ :) :)
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John from NP:

@Pablo I thought that was brynnie
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Morning Pabs! Glad you got some rest this morning:)
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Efrim M.M. is one of the members of Godspeed You! Black Emperor & also Silver Mt. Zion.
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@bLeubomberune b@8:10: :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24am

Hi Brian. I've been in France when the TdF has gone through the village. Preceded, of course by the 'peleton of crap' half an hour or so ahead of the riders.

& also Ami ad. Sorry, almost didn't catch you.
Avatar 8:26am

@deborah, You know me well already :-) Yes, I am much chirpier. Do you know what? My outing (confer @6:15) was inspired by you! You are so right about catching the wakening morn, it is a delight. I will try that again I hope. But turn an owl into a lark! :-)
So you're back teaching, which will be demanding after the break. You are so good with other people's energies, do you guard your own?
Avatar 8:26am

Morning Kpx.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26am
John from NP:

Really digging this (Efrim MM)
Peter from Dover NJ:

Good morning Carol and everyone. I slept in today. What I've listened to is cool though.
David in London:

Stanley! Peloton of crap? I don’t think I bought coffee for years after hoovering up all the bags of Grandmere Cafe I got from the Caravan.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:29am
John from NP:

I have to play this for my son, he will love it.
Tom from Stirling:

This is long. This
ami ad:

Top of the ornin, Carol,Ruth,Kpx,Heidee all above on the comment board. Shalom.
ami ad:

Top of the morning.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30am
John from NP:

David in London:

Aleichem shalom ami ad.
Avatar 8:31am

This is bloody marvellous.
Avatar 8:31am

A HUGE thank you to all the artists who contributed brand NEW tracks especially for my 2020 premium: Daona; Bipolar Explorer; Sowndhauz; Mike Fazio; Little Baby Cheeses; Jessica Moss & Alexei Perry Cox; Michael Vincent Waller; Vapor Vespers; & Jeff Haynes & Gha'il Rhodes Benjamin! And thanks to all the listeners for their support and encouragement at all times. You are amazing people. THANK YOU ALL.
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Shalom ami ad! May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back.
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@lanky@8:16: haha :)
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

@Carol and what about the mysterious bonus track?!
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Brian in UK:

Not seen Doris from Droitwich (LBC) recently.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32am
John from NP:

@Nulsh Ima loving it! Favorite it on the playlist!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:33am
Ken From Hyde Park:

I noticed Mars right next to the moon around 10 last night, but then it got cloudy later on.
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Good morning Peter from Dover! Glad to have you for anytime & happy that you got some rest:)
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Ah, Heidee! You know me too. I can feel others' energies and they impact mine. If I practice qigong and do the energy shield, I am pretty good. I now walk away from energies that will seriously impact mine negatively. Took many decades to even start to this. Glad I inspired you; my cat inspired me. He is up so very early. I was out about 6:30 this morning.
Avatar 8:35am

John from NP, was a definite clicky star for me.
Got me in a wee daze here. Spuh-lendid!
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Scottish lingo!!
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John Hannah?
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John from NP:

Benny Hill?
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@pabs, no where do I see the pic?
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Ha ha ha!
Mibbe no.
Tom from Stirling:

Oko! This is really great. Love the reading
Avatar 🌜 8:39am

@lanky - It'll get used a lot in chat - Kinda like pabsindrag jpeg
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Hi David - haha, you too, were whipped up into a consumerist frenzy ahead of the cyclists. Brilliant.
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John from NP:

Great story

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That Auden! Made me stop, shed a tear.

Paul Cantelon! I love him
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STILL haven't seen this movie (Illuminated), my mate raves about it.
Tom from Stirling:

Inside out . Outside in. Perpetual Change
Avatar 🌜 8:43am

@lanky I see it got used 7hrs ago in CB chat
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Might have seen it. If not, will add to my infinite list of should see, ought to see films....
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@John from NP@8:40: thank you for posting!
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Brian in UK:

Thanks Carol.

@Kpx, good work.
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@Barbara@8:42: Really beautiful:)
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@deborah, I'm with you in this. May you absorb all the good energies from fields of gratitude and appreciation.
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Thank you, Heidee
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Johnny Cash, February 26, 1932 - September 12, 2003, RIP.
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@CarolCrow This last half hour is piercingly sad and stunning at the same time. Thanks.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:49am

This is good stuff on the radio!
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@deborah@8:47: I am so glad you are liking. Thank you for listening
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@PaulRobeson1920@8:49: :) :)
David in London:

Bloody marvellous show today Carol. Thankee.
Have a good week on and all.
Lori - True North:

Good morning, loved hearing Johnny. Enjoy a peaceful day.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:52am
Baja Joe:

Hidey and then Ho.
Tom from Stirling:

Oh my goodness! This
Avatar 8:53am

Thanks Carol Crow! Great show as ever!
I missed the last coupla weeks, great to catch you live again.
Cheers Ruth!
Bye amigos!
ami ad:

Hey David In London.

Yes, particularly amazing show today. And this song!!!

@deborah, I have another suggestion of what you can do, and you probably already heard of this. but I've always heard you should try to cut out as many toxic people as you can from your life.of course that's not always easy when some of them are family members and even friends that might be described as frenemies.
Avatar 8:53am

Vielen lieben Dank for the past three hours of mellifluous nourishment. Thank you Carol, Ruth and everybody for the nice company. Be well all.
ami ad:

Sweet music today. Thanksy DJ,Crew. Peace&Laugh.
Avatar 🌜 8:54am

Have a great week folks - Thanks Carol & Ruth

Good luck to those Teachers having to go "in" - Our district is virtual for now - I still have to go in!
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@pabs - oh I saw that this morning. Didn't quite know what it was!
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@lanky Ima always classy
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She's talking™
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Thanks Ruth!
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Gracias Carol.
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@8:53Kpx: Thanks! I have done so, including family. Clears my energy fields.
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Be Now Homeboy:

Amazing show TY so much!
Tom from Stirling:

The show was amazing....Go Go Go! Just amazing.
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Really Lisa:

Thank you, Carol.
Peaceful week wishes, all.
bLeubomberune b:

Bonsoir. Mlle Carol. Everyone stay safe and healthy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Carol and thanks, Ruth!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:59am

Thanks Carol & skeletons! Peace and love ya’ll
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  🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:26am

A day late and a dollar short, but thanks Carol! (and Ruth!)
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