Favoriting Irene Trudel: Playlist from October 26, 2020 Favoriting

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Music to laze around with, just like slipping into a warm, comfortable bath; bubbling with many stringed instruments and occasional live performances. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting October 26, 2020: Guitars Galore!


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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
John Fahey  A Raga Called Pat, Part III   Favoriting Voice of the Turtle  Takoma   
Robbie Basho  The Grail and the Lotus   Favoriting Guitar Soli  Takoma  0:08:59 (Pop-up)
Yair Yona  Struggled So Hard   Favoriting Remember    0:15:05 (Pop-up)
Glenn Jones  Like a Sick Eagle Looking at the Sky   Favoriting My Garden State    0:18:39 (Pop-up)
Jack Rose  Cross the North Fork   Favoriting Kensington Blues  VHF Records  0:26:27 (Pop-up)
James Blackshaw  River of Heaven   Favoriting Imaginational Anthem Volume Two  Tompkins Square  0:33:53 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Loren Mazzacane Connors 

Airs 4-8   Favoriting


Road Cone 

0:39:39 (Pop-up)
John Renbourn  Estampie   Favoriting Traveller's Prayer  Shanachie Records  0:50:58 (Pop-up)
Bert Jansch  Downunder   Favoriting Dazzling Stranger  Sanctuary/Castle  0:56:15 (Pop-up)
Davy Graham  Panic Room Blues   Favoriting The Complete Guitarist    1:01:09 (Pop-up)
Leo Kottke  I Yell at Traffic   Favoriting Regards from Chuck Pink  Private Music  1:04:39 (Pop-up)
Wall Matthews  The Dance in Your Eye   Favoriting Spine River : The Guitar Music of Wall Matthews, 1967-1981  Tompkins Square  1:07:53 (Pop-up)
Michael Chapman  Caddo Lake   Favoriting True North  Paradise of Bachelors  1:12:52 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Loren Mazzacane Connors 

Airs 4-8   Favoriting


Road Cone 

1:18:55 (Pop-up)
Ralph Towner  The Prince and the Sage   Favoriting Blue Sun  ECM Records  1:28:59 (Pop-up)
Peter Walker  Rainy Day Raga   Favoriting Rainy Day Raga  Vanguard Records  1:35:22 (Pop-up)
Don Bikoff  Cypress Grove   Favoriting Hallowed Ground    1:42:04 (Pop-up)
Mark Fosson  Indian Summer   Favoriting Ky    1:45:46 (Pop-up)
Buck Curran  Blue Raga   Favoriting No Love is Sorrow    1:50:25 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Loren Mazzacane Connors 

Airs 4-8   Favoriting


Road Cone 

1:54:24 (Pop-up)
Steve Tibbetts  Going Somewhere   Favoriting Acoustibbets/Elektrobitts/Exotibbets  Frammis/ECM  2:05:48 (Pop-up)
Kurt Rosenwinkel  Your Vision   Favoriting Heartcore  Verve  2:16:12 (Pop-up)
Robert Fripp  Water Music 2   Favoriting Exposure  Editions EG  2:24:49 (Pop-up)
Peter Biedermann  Desert Winds... It's a Dry Heat   Favoriting Say What?  PB Mann Productions  2:28:04 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Loren Mazzacane Connors 

Airs 4-8   Favoriting


Road Cone 

2:32:26 (Pop-up)
John Aberrcrombie  Ghost Dance   Favoriting Characters  ECM Records  2:41:21 (Pop-up)
Gyan Riley  Tomorrow morning, again   Favoriting Shelter in Space    2:46:02 (Pop-up)
Marc Ribot  New Sad   Favoriting Rootless Cosmopolitans  Antilles  2:50:21 (Pop-up)
Kaki King  Bowen Island   Favoriting Glow  Velour Recordings  2:53:26 (Pop-up)
Pat Metheny  Over On 4th Street   Favoriting One Quiet Night  Warner Bros.  2:56:14 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🥁 12:00pm

Just realized I voted exactly one month ago. May that electoral arrow find its home!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:01pm
listener james from westwood:

Afternoon, Irene, and howdy, all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm
Irene Trudel:

Welcome βrian and james! βrian, doesn't it feel good to have gotten voting done? Gives me a little peace of mind, whatever the outcome.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:05pm
Brian in UK:

Hello Irene. Bet Sean has forgotten this show starts an hour earlier after our clocks fell back yesterday.
Avatar 🥁 12:06pm

I voted weeks ago but I'm not going to feel peace of mind until you-know-who is GONE.
Avatar 🥁 12:07pm

this music is really lovely though, and I'm looking forward to this guitar-based show
Avatar 🥁 12:08pm

Our neighbors have a pair of toilets on display in their front yard: "November 3rd; Flush the turd."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:10pm
Irene Trudel:

Oh, that's right, Brian! I wish everyone would get together on the time change. It's so distracting! YETI BOB, I'm totally with you on that point! Amazing how many people are turning out already. βrian, that's brilliant!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:11pm
Brian in UK:

Over here the word trump is used (not too often) to describe breaking wind. Short for trumpet, I guess.
Avatar 🥁 12:12pm

I'm pretty sure an anti-Daylight Saving Time platform would trigger a landslide.
Avatar 🥁 12:13pm

βrian: Actually I'm pro-Daylight time, it's Standard time I hate. We should stay on DST (Summer time) all year.
Avatar 🥁 12:16pm

"Why Congress Should Make Daylight Savings Time Permanent" - time.com...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:16pm
Brian in UK:

Not seen Yair on the comments for a while. Hope he is safe in Israel.
Avatar 🥁 12:16pm

(an article about Time printed in Time magazine, how appropriate!)
Avatar 🥁 12:17pm

"Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we observe a time change that ultimately hurts small businesses and makes life more difficult for individuals struggling with anxiety and depression? Our economy is on the ropes, and the number of Americans reporting mental illness has reached record levels. So why would we change our clocks this November knowing it will only make the situation worse?"
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:19pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Good afternoon Irene, hello one and all, forgot we are on a four hour time difference this week!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:20pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

@Brian in UK, spot on my friend!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:21pm

Guitarzan! The guitar man!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:23pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

@Yeti Bob, I am so on board with your comment, Arizona has got it right, the state doesn't change their time at all. Short days, daylight is a premium, roll on December 21st
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25pm
Irene Trudel:

Hi Sean! We all though that's what happened. And 'hi' to you, doctorjazz.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:29pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

@Irene, I think I do this consistently every year! I love the fact the clocks go forward in the US at the beginning of March, we have to wait another four weeks! Sorry to hark on about this but I struggle with the clocks going back, here I think it dates back to either the First or Second World War for a reason to do with munition production,
Avatar 🥁 12:29pm

@Sean: Right on, Arizona doesn't change their clocks, except that they are on permanent STANDARD time, not DAYLIGHT. Federal law allows states to skip DST completely, but not to stay on it year-round (even though 32 states have introduced legislation to do exactly that). They can't do permanent DST without a change in federal law. And this might be the only thing that I agree with Marco Rubio about - he's introduced legislation for permanent daylight time, called the "Sunshine Protection Act".
Avatar 🥁 12:32pm

It probably won't take effect before Nov 1 though - Congress is too busy loading the Supreme Court with reactionary ideologues, they can't do anything that would, you know, actually HELP PEOPLE while costing nothing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm
Michael 98145:

Grim Reaper is a turtle on a mission
Avatar 🥁 12:34pm

Sorry if I sound a little pissed off - I am! But I'll try to listen to the nice guitar music and stop writing editorials here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
Michael 98145:

me, too
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Just been watching a three part series on the BBC called 'The Trump story', try and check it out, I had forgotten how much had gone down in the last four years.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:36pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Hopefully BBC America showed the series, jaw was winched up on numerous occasions!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36pm
Michael 98145:

Here's an entertaining read ... www.theverge.com...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:37pm
Brian in UK:

Listening to barackobama talking in Florida was a delight. To hear sense talked without ego (well not much) and no obvious use of prompt screens. You only have yourselves to blame for having a democracy with only two parties both with barely a glance to the left. We are no better here, still paying the price for toffs and peasants.
Avatar 🥁 12:41pm

@Sean: Dentists report that incidence of cracked teeth is way up - "more tooth fractures in the last six weeks than in the previous six years". This happened to me, had to have a molar extracted b/c I cracked it from clenching/grinding. www.nytimes.com...

@Brian: "First-past-the-post" voting system encourages two parties and prevents rise of any meaningful 3rd party. We need "ranked choice" voting if we're going to get past this 2-party thing. There's really no party that represents my (far-left) views, but I vote Democrat because anything else is throwing my vote away. Ranked-choice would eliminate this dilemma.
Avatar 🥁 12:43pm

@Irene: Ah, the old "Imports" section - made it easy to find the cool stuff!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:44pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

@Yeti, I've lost three crowns in the last month, McDonald, you need to pay my dental bill!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:45pm
Brian in UK:

I am guessing that ranked-choice is what we call proportional representation.
Avatar 🥁 12:48pm

@Irene: I'm a big fan of Glenn Jones but "My Garden State" was so heartbreakingly beautiful and sad I had trouble listening to it . (And I'm psyched that Blackshaw is back!)
Avatar 🥁 12:51pm

goal met and smashed
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:53pm
Michael 98145:

well, okay!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:54pm
Michael 98145:

definitely gonna listen to all this again in archive time ... loverly
Avatar 🥁 12:56pm

@Brian in UK: No, not the same thing. en.wikipedia.org... www.fairvote.org... www.fairvote.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57pm
Irene Trudel:

Michael, I'll save the article for later. I say the election is not worth all the cracked teeth it's causing, but I do know my tooth-grinding at night has increased! For now, let's lose ourselves in the pretty guitar music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:58pm
Michael 98145:

much appreciated
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59pm
Irene Trudel:

Thanks YETI BOB! The dog's tail is wagging, the cow is lifting its head, and I'm grinning ear to ear! Thanks to all who pledged! (And I won't stop you all from adding to the total-- we still need it!)
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:00pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

The tail is wagging, moo moo is nodding, way to go, Irene
Avatar 🥁 1:02pm

@Irene - the last record Blackshaw made before his semi-retirement was really different - had vocals and more instrumentation (flute, violin, pedal steel) - I really liked it but it seemed to get very little attention. Do you know that record? (not for today's show of course)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:10pm
Irene Trudel:

I do, YETI BOB. Maybe I can dig it out for next week's show.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:14pm
Summer and Michael and Sylvia:

Good morning-ish, Irene!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:18pm
Summer and Michael and Sylvia:

This Michael Chapman track is lovely... and reminding us a little of Jackson Browne's "These Days", somehow...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:20pm

I went to summer camp near Caddo Lake
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:29pm
listener james from westwood:

Nobody here would say no to a pt 2 of this lovely show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:32pm
Michael 98145:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:33pm
Irene Trudel:

That's cool, melinda! Is it as pretty as Michael Chapman says?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:34pm
Irene Trudel:

G'morning-ish, Summer and Michael and Sylvia!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:36pm
Irene Trudel:

james and Michael, I think it's looking more and more likely that a "Guitars Galore" part 2 will happen next week. I like those lengthy tracks, and I suspect we may need some soul-soothing next week.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:36pm

Good afternoon all :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37pm
Michael 98145:

thank you!

Good afternoon Irene ! Damn I missed a good Robbie Basho track.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:38pm

My memory is hazy so I did a search and there are a lot of cypress trees with Spanish moss. My camp was on a different lake but we did a canoe trip on what I think was Caddo Lake, and what I remember was that the banks were all red clay that had a smell, and we tried making things with it.
Avatar 🥁 1:38pm

I vote "Yes" for Guitars Galore Part 2! (and Parts 3 and 4, etc)
Avatar 🥁 1:39pm

I'd love to hear something by Daniel Bachman
John B.:

Haven't heard that Ralph Towner piece in forever. Thanks Irene.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:46pm
Irene Trudel:

Hey redkayak, BillD and John B! Oh, and how could I forget Daniel Bachman? Thanks for the reminder YETI BOB. I'll save him for next week, which I think is a definite given teh general consensus.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:49pm
Michael 98145:

Really enjoying all this. Music i've mostly overlooked.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:57pm

@Irene - Ahoy, captain! Paddling through some snowflakes today...... Yikes!

I remember being allergic to the spate of Windham Hill releases during the '70s and '80s, so-called New Age music. As a result I avoided a lot of curious recordings by, e.g., Alex De Grassi. I've come around a bit. I now enjoy hearing George Winston's piano musings. But De Grassi did a record in 2001 with label-mate G.E. Stinson on a different label. Shortwave Postcard is a pretty cool guitar record: https://www.discogs.com/Alex-De-Grassi-GE-Stinson-Shortwave-Postcard/release/3242442
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:01pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

a resounding 'yes' to that, Irene
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:17pm
Irene Trudel:

Hi Dean! I too had a bit of an aversion to Windham Hill but there are some good offerings among the sleepy stuff. Alex De Grassi is definitely one of them.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:19pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Bass Clarinet, nice!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:22pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

what a stonking track, beautiful
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:27pm

This side of Fripp is conducive for grading mid terms ;)

Fripp always makes my day!
Avatar 🥁 2:56pm
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

Thanks, Irene! Up now on this Drummer Radio stream:
The Magical Mashup Musical Melange,
"Suddenly See More (won't back down)", on Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza...come here! -->
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:57pm
Brian in UK:

Congratulations on reaching your goal.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:58pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Thank you, Irene, fab show as always, looking forward to Part Two next week
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
Irene Trudel:

Yes, what Kenzo said! I'm definitely doing part 2 of Guitars Galore next week. Hope you can join me then. Thank you for helping me make my goal. And thanks for being here today!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
Michael 98145:

Thank you again, Irene
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