Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from November 8, 2020 Favoriting

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An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Sun. Mar 9th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Dan Bodah
Sun. Mar 16th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Daniel Blumin

Favoriting November 8, 2020: Shine On, Happy Moon!

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Green-House  Sansevieria   Favoriting Six Songs for Invisible Gardens    2020  Los Angeles-based artist Olive Ardizoni / album was the 1st release as Green-House and was designed as a communication with both plant life and the people who care for them  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Ffion  Animal Kingdom   Favoriting Incandescence - EP  Soundtracking The Void  2019  AKA husband-wife duo Thomas & Ashleigh Ragsdale    0:03:59 (Pop-up)
Clearing  My First Casio   Favoriting Lillerne #122 Fundraiser Compilation (V/A)  Lillern Tapes  2020  AKA Joseph Volmer / Lillerne's 4th comp of 36 tracks w/ 100% of all purchases now and forever benefiting 2 Chicago organizations: Brave Space Alliance (www.bravespacealliance.org) and Urban Growers Collective (urbangrowerscollective.org).  *   0:08:19 (Pop-up)
Skyminds  Illuminated And Warming   Favoriting Skyminds  Auasca  2019  debut album from Oakland duo Michael Henning (of Selaroda) and Sean Conrad (of Ashan & Channelers)    0:13:26 (Pop-up)
Micah Frank  Noontide   Favoriting Noontide    2020  album available for Name Your Price level on bandcamp here: https://micahfrank.bandcamp.com/album/noontide  *   0:19:05 (Pop-up)
36  All Possible States / Bereft (by Robert Frost)   Favoriting Anon 1 (split w/ Isaac Helsen)  Past Inside the Present  2020  AKA British producer Dennis Huddleston  *   0:24:19 (Pop-up)
Harold Budd & Keith Lowe  Finale   Favoriting Live @ Good Shepard Center Chapel, Seattle, Washington - June 11, 2009  Harold Budd & Keith Lowe  2009  Harold Budd on piano & Keith Lowe on upright bass    0:33:23 (Pop-up)
Snowy Hill House  Under The Stars / Hymn To The Moon (by Mary Wortley Montagu)   Favoriting Under The Stars  Snowy Hill House  2020  Name Your Price download here: https://snowyhillhouse.bandcamp.com/  *   0:37:33 (Pop-up)
Source Vibrations  Galactic Heart / The Moon & The Yew Tree (by Sylvia Plath)   Favoriting Solfeggio Harmonics Vol. 2          0:40:34 (Pop-up)
Louise Bock & P.G. Six  Traces Disappearing   Favoriting Unreleased Collaborations  Louise Bock & P.G. Six  2020  unreleased track from duo Taralie Peterson & Pat Gubler  *   0:50:58 (Pop-up)
Danny Elfman  Happy (edit)   Favoriting single  Anti-  2020  full unedited track (released Oct 28, 2020) here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjUjrE19eyw  *   1:06:33 (Pop-up)
Speaker Music  Amerikka's Bay (ft. Maia Sanaa)   Favoriting Black Nationalist Sonic Weaponry  Planet Mu  2020  DeForrest Brown Jr.’s 2nd release for Planet Mu / A PDF booklet of collected writings by Black theorists and poets provides further context for album / DeForrest Brown, Jr. is a NY-based theorist, journalist, and curator. He produces digital audio and extended media as Speaker Music and is a representative of the Make Techno Black Again campaign. His most recent writing can be found at Afropunk, Artforum and Hyperallergic. Primary Information published his book "Assembling a Black Counter Culture" in August 2020.  *   1:10:28 (Pop-up)
Martina Claussen  Fairytale Extended   Favoriting Verwoben (Interwoven)  Forwind  2020  debut release for this Vienna-based artist  *   1:14:15 (Pop-up)
Mouchoir Étanche (Waterproof Tissue)  Enter Mirror Hotel   Favoriting Une fille pétrifiée  Cellule 75  2020  debut album under this moniker from Marc Richter (of Black To Comm & Jemh Circs)  *   1:20:23 (Pop-up)
Philip Corner  Satie's Rose Cross As A Revelation   Favoriting Fluxus (w/ Alison Knowles & George Brecht)  Wergo  2001  American composer, trombonist, alphornist, vocalist, pianist, music theorist, music educator, and visual artist. He was a founding participant of Fluxus since 1961. Fluxus was an international, interdisciplinary community of artists, composers, designers and poets during the 1960s and 1970s who engaged in experimental art performances which emphasized the artistic process over the finished product. Fluxus is known for experimental contributions to different artistic media and disciplines and for generating new art forms. These art forms include intermedia, a term coined by Fluxus artist Dick Higgins; conceptual art, first developed by Henry Flynt, an artist contentiously associated with Fluxus; and video art, first pioneered by Nam June Paik and Wolf Vostell. Dutch gallerist and art critic Harry Ruhé describes Fluxus as "the most radical and experimental art movement of the 60s." They produced performance "events," which included enactments of scores, "Neo-Dada" noise music, and time-based works, as well as concrete poetry, visual art, urban planning, architecture, design, literature, and publishing.    1:24:05 (Pop-up)
German Army  A Device Used Against Itself   Favoriting Hearing Lola Kiepja  Eastern Nurseries  2020  German Army is California duo Greg Toumassian & Peter Kris / album recorded in the San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys in 2019-2020 / Lola Kiepja was one of the last Selk'nam, and a shaman. She recorded the chants of her people with anthropologist Anne MacKaye Chapman during the winter of 1964/1965 and again in the spring of 1966. Of the 92 chants recorded that year, 87 were issued on Smithsonian Folkways records in 1972 & 1978.  *   1:39:49 (Pop-up)
Bipolar Explorer  Station To Station   Favoriting Deux Anges (2-CD set)  Slugg  2020  from disc two - Les Deux Anges / 2-CD album available starting November 13 (Summer's birthday) at: https://bipolarexplorer.bandcamp.com/album/deux-anges  *   1:43:51 (Pop-up)
Horaflora  Scrubby Foreland   Favoriting Eaves Drop  Enmossed  2020  AKA Oakland sound artist Raub Roy  *   1:49:28 (Pop-up)
Madalyn Merkey  Inertia   Favoriting Dream Tech (V/A)  Mana  2020  California-based composer focusing on acoustic research and live computer music  *   1:58:12 (Pop-up)
Jack Nicholson & Joe Turkel  The Shining / Hiya Lloyd!   Favoriting Seriously Moonlit Soundtracks - Famous Films Heard In A Whole New Way: Carol's 2017 WFMU Marathon Premium    2017      2:19:43 (Pop-up)
Alien Planetscapes / Scatman Crothers & Danny Lloyd  Atom Bomb Blues (excerpt) / Think Real Hard, Doc   Favoriting Everybody's Mad At Amerikkka! / The Shining  Cassette Art Classics  2020  orig self-released in 1987 / Marlon Cherry (guitar & effects), Carl Howard (synthesizer & sequencer) & Doug Walker (synthesizer, sequencer, organ, flute, & guitar)  *   2:22:10 (Pop-up)
Eno, Moebius & Roedelius  Broken Head   Favoriting After The Heat  Gyroscope  1978      2:26:28 (Pop-up)
Kraftwerk  Die Roboter (7" edit) (The Robots)   Favoriting Die Roboter/Spacelab (single)  Klang Klang  1978  full version of this song appeared on their 7th album, "The Man-Machine"    2:31:43 (Pop-up)
Michal Turtle  Phantoms Of Dreamland   Favoriting Phantoms of Dreamland  Music From Memory  2016  track orig from his obscure 1983 cassette "Music From the Living Room" / British-born, Swiss-based musician    2:35:52 (Pop-up)
Dasychira  Deadnettle   Favoriting Unbroken Dreams Of Light (V/A)  Blueberry  2020  South African artist now based in NYC  *   2:44:15 (Pop-up)
Coral Club  Island Haze   Favoriting Nowhere Island  Not Not Fun  2020  Russian artist Alexander Sirenko  *   2:47:20 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:00am

A very precious good morning to you, my musical friends!
Breakfast in bed, my sweet doggie by my side, US politics gone right, the best music of the week to catch - what else would you wish on this grand morning.
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:01am

Heigh ho! Heigh ho!
Avatar 6:01am

Goooooooooooooood mornin' amigos!
Avatar 6:01am
Really Lisa:

Hi Carol and everyone. Already a great Sunday.
Dave Conehead:

For a sense of hope for the immediate future, and Carol’s radio show..
hidy ho fellow Mooners
  Swag For Life Member 6:02am

Hi everyone!
David in London:

Morning all you good Moonfaces. All hail Carol Crow.
Heidee, Nulsh, Lisa!
Avatar 6:04am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

Doris from Droitwich:

Music to my ears!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05am

Hi Carol and wonderful listeners.
So happy to be here, this morning
Toothgrinder Tom:

Forget Sheryl Crow, here’s Carol Crow. Hi, David!
Avatar 6:05am
Satis-factory records:

Good morning Carol & all!
Avatar 🌜 6:05am

Good Morning imaginary internet friends
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:07am

morning. i can't see 'animal kingdom' without hearing 'just as the mother hyena protects her young, you too can protect your family with mutual of omaha.'
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:08am
Brian in UK:

Hello Carol, Ruth & happy smiley people.
First thing I thought of yesterday was Beck's 'Loser' for some reason.
Avatar 6:08am
I was Dave Bowman:

I feel liberated this morning.
David in London:

Wow, what an onslaught of groovers: Sylvia, Stanley, T.Tom, Pablexa, Brian.
Toothgrinder Tom:

Because what audience doesn’t want to be compared to a hyena?
Toothgrinder Tom:

I can now report Michigan has been liberated.
Avatar 6:11am
Ruth Booth:

Happy Sunday!
Toothgrinder Tom:

@David it’s the insomnia wot got me.
Avatar 6:14am

Good morning everyone! It's truly a pleasure to be here this morning! There is light in the darkness! Thanks to you all for being here - wherever & whenever you are listening!
Avatar 6:14am

David in da big smoke! Mornin' fella!

Woah! It's crazy this mornin'! Heidee! Pabs! Stanley! Brian!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15am

"There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."
Avatar 🌜 6:15am

Avatar 6:16am
I was Dave Bowman:


Good morning
Toothgrinder Tom:

Now Melania can not care all she wants, on her own time, on her own dime.
Avatar 🌜 6:18am

@Sem: That line from Cohen reminds me of this from Paul Valéry - "God made everything out of nothing, but the nothingness shows through."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18am

I ordered the Christmas cards this morning and managed to get the least Christian or even seasonal one I could find, featuring a pair of knitted robins.
Avatar 6:19am

Good morning from Tel Aviv. Thanks for ushering us into the light Carol, I can feel it out here!
Avatar 🌜 6:20am

Ima burning Irish Peat - Smells so friggin good - Almost like Ima there
Avatar 🌜 6:20am

Also: I should be sleeping. This Skyminds is perfect for right now. And Hi to Heidee, D(iL), TT, CC, and all you night-owls/early-birds!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20am

Good morning everyone! Indeed it is a lovely birthday sunrise with just the right musical accompaniment! A beautiful morning in America!
Avatar 6:21am

Avatar 6:21am

@Heidee@6:00: Good morning to you! Glad to be here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21am

Yeti Bob, thank you for that. I love the remark about poetry: it makes the new familiar, and the familiar new.

Good morning, Carol Ruth (itb), moonlit ones everywhere, and all.
Avatar 6:22am

Heigh ho 12539!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:22am

fuzzy - have a good one!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22am

Thanks Nuish!
Avatar 6:22am
I was Dave Bowman:

Cold pizza and a Coke for breakfast.
Avatar 🌜 6:22am

New goals for the new era: Reduce chronic anxiety, lose 20 or so pounds, cut back on the drinking, re-establish some sort of normal sleep schedule!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23am

I mean Nulsh (didn't have my readers on!)

Thanks Dale!
Avatar 6:23am

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooood mornin' Nulsh!
Avatar 6:23am

Hi Really Lisa. Thank you for being here:)
Avatar 🌜 6:23am

@Dave what kinda pizza?
Avatar 6:23am
Really Lisa:

Happy birthday, Fuzzy. My avatar is sunrise view from my balcony 8 mins ago. There ya go. :)
Avatar 6:24am

Hello-hey-hi-heidee-ho to Carol, Lisa, David, Nulsh, YB and everybody here. My 💙 goes out to you all.
Avatar 🌜 6:24am

@Really Lisa - NOICE!
Avatar 6:24am

Hidy Ho Dave Conehead! Yay is right!! :)
Avatar 6:24am

Dave Bowman, I am sharing the cold pizza experience! Breakfast of Champions etc.!

Fuzzy, I'll take Nuish too! Heh heh!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25am

Thanks Lisa! My sunrise looked similar a few minutes ago!
David in London:

Sem, sitting on the dock of the Bay.
Yeti Bob, you’re a rare bird here! Hello mate.
Avatar 6:25am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Pabs- pepperoni.
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Yeti Bob good luck (I adopted some of those same goals a few months ago, seeing small but persistent progress).
Avatar 6:26am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Nulsh- thumbs up, bud.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26am

David iL: now if I could only sing.
Avatar 6:26am
Really Lisa:

Even Mother Nature gets it :)

Hi Heidee (and Ailsa!)
Hey David :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27am

Hi Yeti. Me too, pretty much same goals. Glad to see I'm not alone.
Avatar 🌜 6:27am
Pablexa (TM):

@ Dave But was it delivery??? Would I know this place?
Avatar 6:28am

Hi mattimo!

Bonjour Mlle Carol
Avatar 6:29am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Pabs- homemade.
Avatar 6:29am

Good morning David in London! All hail Daona!
Avatar 6:29am

Hello Sylvia!!!
Toothgrinder Tom:

I had a bit of leftover homemade pizza (meatball) around 3 a.m.
Avatar 6:30am

Doris! So happy to "see" you here this morning!
Avatar 6:30am

Good morning. WOO FRIGGIN' HOO!!!
Avatar 🌜 6:30am

Thanks Toothgrinder. The last 4 years have been hard on me (but no worse for me than for anyone else).

@D(iL) - it's still dark here ... an hour before sunrise. No reason to be awake but here I am. It's nice to see familiar folks here.

@Carol, this music is just perfect for this moment. Thanks!
Avatar 6:31am

Stanley, it is so wonderful to have you here with us this morning!
Avatar 6:31am

I first came across Robert Frost whilst playing Grim Fandango the video game.
Avatar 6:31am
Richard from Venezuela:

Good morning from Venezuela. Congrats USA for your new president
Avatar 🌜 6:31am

Radio = balm for insomniacs
Avatar 🌜 6:32am
Pablexa (TM):

Hello to all the listeners - Heidee, 12539, Nulsh, Really Lisa, Dave Conehead, mattimo, David in London, Sylvia, Doris, Stanley, Tom, Satis-factory, dale, Brian, Sem, Steiner, Yeti, B/Wad, TDK60 & Fuzzy
Avatar 6:32am

@Toothgrinder Tom@6:05: Haha! Thanks for being with us!
Avatar 6:33am

Good morning Satis-factory records!
Avatar 🌜 6:33am
Pablexa (TM):

I missed Richard - Hiya!
Avatar 6:33am

Good morning Pabs!
Avatar 6:34am

@dale@6:07: Haha:) morning
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34am

Thanks Carol. I'm feeling positive for the first time in a long time. I am so relieved the election went the right way. Apart from the obvious disaster that was the administration, I was very worried about the US refusing to acknowledge the climate crisis facing the planet. Pulling out of the Paris Agreement would have been the biggest single piece of vandalism ever.
I just wanted to say that for the record and where better to do that than here.
The music is perfect, also
Avatar 6:34am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

we're gonna need a bigger breakfast table
Avatar 6:34am

Hi Pabs! Hi Stanley!
Happy Birthday, Fuzzy!
Hey Lisa - Ailsa was actually looking up just when you greeted her! (And I am impressed: lovely sunrise, and: how can you show two different avatars at the same time?) :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34am

Good morning Carol and all. My resolution for this new lockdown: try not to work on weekends
Avatar 6:35am

@Brian in UK@6:08: Haha! Hello to you!
Avatar 6:35am
Richard from Venezuela:

I hope Biden could help to destroy the dictatorship in my country
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Yeti Bob the ancient philosophy of stoicism has been a source of strength for me in tough times.
Avatar 🌜 6:35am
Pablexa (TM):

I also missed bLeubomber and now fred

Tis hard to keep up

Great morning to you all!
Avatar 6:35am

@Dave Bowman@6:08: Me, too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36am

Hello Heidee -- thanks!
Avatar 6:36am

Hi Sylvia! Hi fred!
Avatar 6:36am
Richard from Venezuela:

Hello Pablexa. Good morning Fred.
ami ad:

Hello DJ. Hello all. it's morning.
Avatar 6:36am

Happy Sunday, Ruth in the booth! Thank you so much for working your magic at fmu headquarters!
Avatar 🌜 6:36am

Heidee: You can change avatars but all your posts will show that avatar (after you reload) - like this.
Avatar 6:37am

@Toothgrinder@6:11: YAY!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37am

@Toothgrinder Tom: Buddhism and booze has helped me through these times.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37am

@Toothgrinder Tom: I heard about those stoics, but I'll confess to relying more on the (more recent) philosophy of Guinness
Avatar 6:38am

@Sem@6:15: Amazing quote:) Thank you!
Avatar 🌜 6:38am
Pablexa (TM):

I should have included our Host Caz & Ruth in the booth

Morning to you all!!
Avatar 6:38am

Ah thanks, YB! Hi ami ad!
What a great party with all you people!
Avatar 6:39am

Avatar 6:39am
Really Lisa:

<waves> Hi Pablexa!

Ailsa gets me :) Heidee, I didn’t realize I was managing that feat! After I snapped the sunrise photo I uploaded it and ticked the box to save as avatar. 🤔
Avatar 6:40am

Good morning Steiner
Avatar 6:41am

@YETI BOB@6:18: That one is beautiful! Thank you
Toothgrinder Tom:

@fred or as I like to call it, ‘mother’s milk’.
David in London:

Blimey, we just had a five-cat brawl happen in the garden. It was a compelling watch.
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Stanley good on ya.
Avatar 🌜 6:42am

@Really Lisa: What a gorgeous sunrise! We're still about an hour from sunrise where I am.
Avatar 6:42am

Have the most beautiful and stress free day everyone, dear Sem always good to see you my Canadian brother.
Avatar 6:42am

Good morning B/wad in Tel Aviv! Thank you for being the light! All of you are the light
Avatar 🌜 6:42am
Pablexa (TM):

@David in London
*purchases Pay per view
Tom from Stirling.:

Bonjour! Hello!
Avatar 🌜 6:43am
Pablexa (TM):

@Yeti - Where you at?
Avatar 6:44am

Happy Birthday Fuzzy!
Avatar 🌜 6:45am
Pablexa (TM):

Happy Birthday Fuzzy!!
Avatar 🌜 6:45am

Pablexa (TM): A little ol' town called Chicago.
Avatar 6:45am
Really Lisa:

Thanks, YetiB! I’m a giddy little kid when I can capture it adequately in a photo.
Avatar 6:45am

@Dave Bowman@6:22: Sounds perfect!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45am

Hello, Sigurður! Always a small joy to see you here. Hope all is well there in the North Atlantic.
Avatar 6:45am

Good Morning WFMUniverse!

Hope and concern together.
Avatar 🌜 6:46am
Pablexa (TM):

@Yeti Ima just a 6 hour drive North
Avatar 6:46am

Bonjour bLeubomber
Avatar 6:46am
Richard from Venezuela:

Hello Sigurður. Iceland is an amazing country. One of my dreams is visit that place
Avatar 6:47am

Good morning and WOO FRIGGIN' HOO to you TDK60!!!
Avatar 6:47am

My cat just returned from a week at the animal hospital; pancreatitis. Trying to adjust to schedule; long night last night. Next feat; trying to get a pill down his throat. Need a nap.
Avatar 6:47am

This is gorgeous, Carol.
Avatar 6:48am

Couple of storm's and the ocean temp is to hot, otherwise all is well. Hello Richard
Avatar 6:48am
Richard from Venezuela:

For a relaxing sunday, this show is perfect.
Avatar 6:48am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

@Deborah with my cats, I put pills in wet food
Avatar 🌜 6:48am

@Deborah: I've given a lot of pills to cats and I can endorse the product "Pill Pockets". Good luck and best wishes for your furry friend.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49am

Thanks CarolCrow and Pablexa!
Avatar 6:50am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Richard- Yes, my friend.
Avatar 6:50am

Going to pet shop; will look for Pill Pockets.
They said to try it first without diluting it in food.
The cat is playing, whining for more food, and quite himself, thus far.
Avatar 6:50am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

what a beautiful poem by Sylvia Plath
Toothgrinder Tom:

Sylvia Plath - not her voice, right?
Avatar 6:50am
Really Lisa:

Sigurður @6:42, same wishes to you :)
Avatar 🌜 6:51am

@Deborah: My older male cat got hyperthryroidism and I had to give him pills for the last few years of his life. I also wound up making special food for him but that's another story. Kept him alive for 2-3 years after he stopped eating his normal food. Pill pockets are small so you're not diluting the meds very much.
Avatar 6:52am

@YETI BOB Pill Pockets are made by Greenies and my cat had an allergic reaction to Greenies treats.
Avatar 6:52am

Good morning Richard from Venuzuela! Thank you! I think it's safe to say, we are happy here for the first time in a while.
Avatar 6:54am

@Stanley@6:34: Thank you for all of that! Glad it was said!
Avatar 6:54am
I was Dave Bowman:

Carol, gets it :)
Avatar 6:54am

Glad to have this playlist on my way home
Greetings Lady Crow and moonlit sonata beam listeners
I’ll stay off the board again today just in case. Way way too much hate on the woofmooo boards this week. Makes me feel like I’m walking down 42nd and Time Square in the 80s
Have a great day all.
Avatar 🌜 6:55am

@Deborah: Oh, that's too bad. I hope you find something that works. If you have to just toss the pill down the cat's throat, be forceful and get it done quickly, it's a lot worse if the cat struggles and fights. Good luck!
Avatar 6:55am

Just had an email from a pal in Norway. Folks celebrating there too!
Avatar 6:56am

On cats and pills: You can, holding by the scruff, kinda throw a pill to the back of its mouth and rub its throat and it works... its mean but sometimes neccessary. Mine refuses to eat anything but cat crunchies
Dave Conehead:

Kinda wanna watch Lethal Weapon after this
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:56am

it helps to have a little syringe or dropper of water from a tuna can to wash it down.
Avatar 6:57am
I was Dave Bowman:

@TDK60- Yes!
Avatar 6:58am

She's talking, Pabs! :-)
Avatar 🌜 6:59am
Pablexa (TM):

@Heidee dunny forget the ™

She's Talking™
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00am
B R M:

Always such a beautiful, show. The best start to every Sunday.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00am

I still have memories of wrapping the poor cat up in a towel, holding his mouth open, dropping the pill to the back of his throat, holding his mouth shut and stroking his throat at the same time. He went through with it because there was always his favourte food of a plate of tuna at the end of the ordeal. Fond memories.
Avatar 🌜 7:01am

@Richard from VZ: I (and other people too) have been so obsessed with the USA election season I've forgotten to pay attention to news and politics in the rest of the world. I hope things are OK for you with the situation in Venezuela. It's been a little hard to understand from the outside.
vicki people like us WFMU:

The whole world breathes a sigh of relief
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:02am
Baja Joe:

Hidey Ho Carol and Moonage Daydreamers. Happy Happy Happy! Joy, Joy Joy!
Avatar 7:02am

Hi Ruth in the booth, in the radio office towers.
Avatar 7:04am

Pabs, I stand corrected (TM) :-)
Hi Deborah, good luck with the pill project. I am learning some tricks here for my dog as well.
Hi Ignatatus, wow, yesterday was wild on the WFMU comment boards!
Hi Richard, I feel for your country. Thank you for reminding us of some other 'bitter pills' in all this celebration.
Avatar 🌜 7:05am
Pablexa (TM):

@Heidee #PabsIsAnAss :)
Avatar 7:05am
Richard from Venezuela:

Things are very sad and disturbing, living in dictatorship, like i do.

But, the music help to maintain my mind healthy.
Avatar 7:08am

My new favourite song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08am

@Ignatatus666: How was business tonight? Did the election stuff impact your business?
Avatar 7:08am
Richard from Venezuela:

For that matters i dont like AOC and Ilhan Omar.

they continuously deny the genocide in my country,

Please, dont support them. Support Biden, but not them.
Avatar 7:09am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

@Richard in Venezuela I hope things get better in your country
Avatar 7:09am

AOC rocks!
Avatar 🌜 7:09am

@RfV: We just had a turn away from authoritarianism and a wannabe, inept dictator. Here's hoping things turn around in VZ soon.
Avatar 7:10am

@fred@6:34: Good morning. That sounds like a good resolution!
Avatar 7:10am
Richard from Venezuela:

@YETI Amen.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:10am

i was hoping more oingo boingo. less tim burton.
Avatar 7:11am

Ha ha ha! Swears!
Avatar 7:11am
I was Dave Bowman:

Stop the US supported genocide in Yemen.
Avatar 7:11am

@Richard@6:35: I am sorry to hear that:(
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Pablexa (TM):

@ Richard I recently had to set up a microphone for Ilhan and it didn't work if that helps
Avatar 7:12am

Ilhan Omar rocks!
upstate sean:

Wasap puniest
Avatar 7:13am

Hello ami.
Avatar 🌜 7:13am

We can challenge AOC and Omar for their positions on VZ while still supporting some of their domestic policies. Nobody is 100% right about everything.
upstate sean:

Meant lunies:)
Toothgrinder Tom:

I looked up the Sylvia Plath poem, ‘The Moon and the Yew Tree.’ It’s quite nice.
Avatar 7:14am

@ Sigurður@6:42:Hope you have a wonderful day, too! Thank you:)
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Good Morning Deborah!
Avatar 7:15am
Really Lisa:

@Richard in Venezuela, echoing YetiB comment to you. Wishing for positive change to come soon 💙
Peter from Dover NJ:

Good morning Carol and fellow moon dwellers.
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Richard from Venezuela:

Thanks Lisa.
Avatar 7:16am

Avatar 7:17am
I was Dave Bowman:

Dawn is breaking in Minneapolis...perfect.
Avatar 7:17am

verwoben... a nice German word for 'interwoven'... this music tells a story for my autumn ears in the forest...
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@Deborah@6:47: Hope you and kitty are ok and that you get some rest.
Avatar 7:19am

@Heidee@6:47: :) Who's the little guy peeking out from behind the door on your avatar??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19am
John from NP:

Morning Carol, Ruth and all you Moonies. Gotta get all dolled up for werk now.
ami ad:

Hey there Heidee,CarolCrow.
WFMU listener john:

Morning fellow moonies
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20am
John from NP:

Pabz, Dave Bowman!
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I was Dave Bowman:

Morning, JB!
Avatar 7:20am

To repeat, WOO FRIGGIN' HOO!!
Avatar 7:21am

@Sylvia & Toothgrinder@6:50: That one was lovely. I couldn't find the name of the person reciting, but I know it was not Sylvia herself.
Avatar 🌜 7:21am
Pablexa (TM):

Avatar 7:22am

@Carol, meet Ailsa the Bedlington-Whippet, she is a sweetheart, she is a clown, she is our most beloved family member :-) woof to yourself and to Ruth for your wonderful music!
WFMU listener john:

@deborah morning
@Heidee morning
@TDK60 morning
@YETI BOB morning
Avatar 7:22am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

@Carol @7:21 it was beautifully read too, indeed
Avatar 7:23am

Hi John, recovering from last night or still celebrating?

Good first Sunday morning of our next 4 years of president Biden. Morning, Morning, Morning to you Carol, Ruth, Heidee, David iL, ami ad, Yeti Bob, Debrah hoping for the better for you and the kitty. Nulsh & TDK60 it's been awhile, Dale, and Buddha when and if she pop's on. @Fuzzy: a very happy birthday to you. A very joyous and hello to all moonlighters.
WFMU listener john:

@Slyvia morning
Avatar 7:24am

I was Dave Bowman: Agree, we gotta end US support for the dictatorship of Saudi Arabia.
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

Good Morning to you too @WFMU listener john
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Hey there KPX!
Avatar 7:24am

Greetings Ignatatus! Get home safe!
Avatar 7:25am

Hi Kpx, thank you for your considerate list of regards.
WFMU listener john:

@Heidee recovered but I don’t drink so just laying in bed being lazy
Avatar 7:26am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

Mouchoir Étanche = waterproof tissue
upstate sean:

Just wanna join the collective sigh of relief, very emotional. Really didn’t realize how deeply these last 4 years have affected me. Felt an incredible weight being lifted off me last night. Hopeful again. Joy! :) Beautiful to see so many people coming together, positively
Avatar 7:28am

I love these collages...

John, sounds good!
Avatar 7:28am

Morning KPX.
Avatar 7:30am
Richard from Venezuela:

anyone here use Last.fm?
ami ad:

morning KPX.
Avatar 7:32am

Thanks BadBob.
Avatar 7:32am
Really Lisa:

Have to be somewhere in 45 mins. Ears on, jumping off chat.

Echoing upstate sean @7:27

Thank you, Carol, for making Sunday mornings better, always.

Peace, all.
Avatar 7:33am

woof-moo, Lisa!
Avatar 7:33am
Really Lisa:

Woof moo back atcha, Heidee :)
Avatar 7:33am

Easy pill taking.
Avatar 7:34am

Glad to have you with us, B R M! Love the Parker Posey avatar:)
Avatar 7:35am

@vicki@7:02: well said!
WFMU listener john:

@carol morning
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36am

Hey, KPX -- good morning, and thanks!
Avatar 7:36am

Hidey Ho Baja Joe! Yes, joy & happiness:)
upstate sean:

Cheers Really Lisa
Avatar 7:38am

hey there upstate sean!
WFMU listener john:

@Really lisa hope you have a great day
Avatar 7:40am

Good morning Peter from Dover.
David in London:

Hey kpx.
upstate sean:

Distanced hug, Carol:)
So happy this morning
and listening to your show makes it even better.
Avatar 7:42am

oh, that was an interesting ending: "von seiner eigenen Anwesenheit nichts wissen" he said. not knowing of onself's presence. food for thought...
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There's David in Londonham, Heidelberg Heidee, Sylvia in France.
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TDK xo
David in London:

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Sylvia (France-NYC):

oh!!! Carol <3<3
David in London:

BP! Cool.
Avatar 7:46am

@Sylvia: :) :)
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Brian in UK:

It is an end of the world misty, damp & miserable day over here. Very Autumnal.
Avatar 7:47am

Morning John from NP! Hope you have a good day:)
WFMU listener john:

@Upstate sean between covid and this damn election if it was not for this station and a couple if international broadcasters i listen too would have lost my mind
Avatar 7:47am

Morning listener john
Avatar 7:47am

There's Brian (west of Brummies).
Avatar 7:48am

@Heidee@7:22: Adorable Ailsa! :) :)

Morning, Vicki PLU, Iggy 666, Stanley, I guess you passed out last night before you saw my text to you.
Avatar 7:48am

Morning KPX
Tom from Stirling.:

Ominous, send in the calvary.
Avatar 7:50am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

Paris church bells fyi :)
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:50am

(*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* )
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Have a great day, Really Lisa!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:53am
Brian in UK:

There seems to be a spring in the step of commenters. Still got two months for numbnuts to screw more things up.
Roger Roger:

WFMU listener john:

@BIUK like getting us in a shooting war with China

happy birthday to one of the greats...Roy Wood..."Beautiful Daughter" is one my faves...wide awake,lying in wait for the moon to break...thanks for the luminous stroll each Sunday...dear Carol
Avatar 7:55am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Good morning Carol Crow! Morning Crow-nuts!
Avatar 7:55am

Yeti Bob 6:22: maybe just focus on one goal at a time. I suspect any one will affect the others. Personally, I 'd focus on sleep first. Good luck.


Doctor Fredericks
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@Brian: I don't want to rain on the parade but I'm terrified what he might do in the next months. He already started firing people for no good reason, including the head of the National Nuclear Security Administration.
Avatar 🌜 7:56am

Thanks Fredericks! I appreciate it.
Avatar 7:56am

Another bright day in NYC. There's Buddha.
Avatar 7:56am

David in London:

Good morning Buddha.
Avatar 7:57am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Good morning CarolCrow ... Love you <3

Good morning again CarolCrow, and Ruth in the booth.
Avatar 7:58am
Ruth Booth:

Happy Good Morning, Kpx
Avatar 7:59am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Good morning David in London! Morning Ku Pu X! Morning Aaron Working in Newark! TDK60! Yeti Bobby! Ruth Booth!
WFMU listener john:

Morning boods
Avatar 🌜 7:59am

Hey Buddha, happy Sunday! Anything going on today?
Avatar 8:01am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Going to go outside and enjoy this nice weather, clean a little, maybe go for a bike ride. Nothing too over the top?
Avatar 8:02am

Glad to have you with us anna!
Avatar 8:02am

Good morning Buddha!
Avatar 🌜 8:02am

Sounds good, Boods. We're going to try to get out of city limits and find a hiking trail somewhere.
Avatar 8:03am

Hope you have a good rest, Fredericks!
Avatar 8:04am

Aaron Working in Newark! Love you, too:)

Good morning, Buddha of Su-Burp-ia . recommend you go easy on the carbonated drinks.
Avatar 🌜 8:08am
Pablexa (TM):

@TDK60 7:47 :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:09am

This is great!
Tom from Stirling.:

WAit. What? If this is Inertia....more Inertia!
Avatar 8:09am

... Everything is all right, uptight, clean out of sight ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11am

Also: Hi Carol and all!
Tom from Stirling.:

Aaaaah....more Inertia. Aaaaaaah.
Avatar 🌜 8:13am
Pablexa (TM):

She's talking™

@ Uncle Marty: Everything's Kool & the gang.
John from NP:

We in Venezuela?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15am
John from NP:

Avatar 8:15am

Joy to the Chileans too! Getting rid of that Pinochet constitution. Salud!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:16am

Right on, Carol, let healing and unity commence!
Avatar 🌜 8:16am
Pablexa (TM):

Uh Oh! Lanky arrived!
Peter from Dover NJ:

@ upstate Sean 7:27. On Friday morning when I learned Biden had taken the lead in PA, I started hyperventilating. Heart rate jumped 50 beats. So relieved.
Avatar 8:17am

@Sylvia - oh? you are behind this? wow, let me know more please.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:17am

Don't worry Pabs, I'm going back to bed shortly!
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Pablexa (TM):

I actually like Lanky (in case you read that wrong)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18am

Lerv you too Pabs. Lerv bed as well
Avatar 8:19am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

ok, it's pronounced "Duh Zahnge" :)

@Heidee, yes, Bipolar Explorer is one of my bands, the other one is named Tremosphere :) we're on Bandcamp and all
Avatar 🌜 8:20am

(there are links on Sylvia's listener page)
Avatar 🌜 8:21am

(very cool stuff too. WFMU listeners are quite a talented bunch.)
David in London:

Your credit is good here Carol.
Avatar 8:21am

yay the matching soundtrack to my profile pic!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21am

Helloooooo Danny
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John from NP:

Good luck Richard in Venezuela. Hopefully capitalism and democracy prevail over socialism and dictatorship.
Avatar 8:22am

Hopefully someday, we can get rid of the economic system that is destroying the biosphere!

@TDK60: my neighbor down the hall is from Chile, and he was telling me something to that effect. but he was hard to understand because of this heavy accent.
Avatar 🌜 8:23am
Pablexa (TM):

#FunFact Lanky coulda been Danny
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24am
John from NP:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24am
John from NP:

Wuz just thinking the same Pabz
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26am

John from NP - saw your Kane post - is that yet another iPa they brew? Haven't ever heard of that one
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26am
John from NP:

He declined the role, they dinny have the correct tequila for his dressing room in the contract
alan the painter:

Hi Goodmorning of a new day,
thank you for your words, right on.
Power to the People!
Avatar 🌜 8:26am

I'll take socialism and democracy please - they are not incompatible.
Avatar 🌜 8:27am
Pablexa (TM):

@John from NP LOL even at age 8
garlic lover:

Shining in the am!

Correction, of 'HIS' heavy accent.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:29am

Nothing is incompatible in the mind . . Only human authority can make that seem otherwise . .
Kubrick is DEEP genius . . lol
Rewatched 2001 last night . . Humans cannot avoid error . . In any way, shape or form.
Avatar 8:29am

Hey there, ParUbi! Glad you like:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30am

I hope none of these tunes are in stereo because wife is still schweinsteiger next to me and only one side of my earphones works
alan the painter:

...29 days no C2H5OH
Avatar 8:30am

Eno is back.
Tom from Stirling.:

Love the sound of Eno in the morning. Sounds like Victory.
Exit music for the orangehead.
Bye bye, brokenhead.
Bye bye, brokenhead
Avatar 8:30am

Good morning UncleMarty!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31am

Schweinsteiger? That is an odd autocorrect for "sleeping "
Avatar 8:32am

@lanky@8:16: Wonderful words! Unity & healing. Agreed!
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Pablexa ™:

@Lanky I thought it was a sexual position - I was about to Google
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"Pig climber"?
Avatar 8:33am

@lanky - that is hilarious! 🤪 And Bastian's surname literally means 'pig climber'. I don't know what is funnier of the two.
Avatar 8:34am

Kraftwerk just in time!
I gotta stop, my 20 comments are bust. Love you all! Peace! Good politics!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34am

@pabs - I always enjoy reverse schweinsteiger but probably have to wait a few hours for that - she likes to sleep in
Tom from Stirling.:

Orangehead thinks fracking is a Russian sex thing
Avatar 🌜 8:34am
Pablexa ™:

@Heidee do we only get 20 comments?? If so then many weeks Ima fugged
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34am

That's the supermarket delivery sorted.
This has been one good show, Carol.
Bye Heidee. Bis spaeter
Avatar 8:35am

Bye Heideee!
Avatar 🌜 8:35am

@Heidee: I had to look it up. The root is 'Stige' which means stable, not "steigen" (to climb). So it actually means someone who sleeps in the barn with the pigs!
Avatar 8:36am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

@heidee if you want a bit of the background story, you can read this on Deux Anges special website deuxanges.sluggrecords.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36am

Heidee, I think the 20 comments rule only applies to Wake and Bake. Set to curb the enthusiasm of some Glisteners.

Stanley, Pablexa™: It's in the terms of service you agreed to when you signed up. If you overpost you get a temporary ban. Sometimes if you only go over by a little bit there may be some leeway.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38am

@heidee, @yeti, My phone is becoming freudianly aware!

Bye Bye Heidee! 🌠
Avatar 8:38am

I could never post 20 times except if a discussion gets really passionate about politics, feminisim, holistic wellness or cats. Don't think that is going to happen on Wake and Bake. Oh wait, radio and broadcast history. I'm safe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Carol. Let's hope 46 is our lucky number.
Avatar 8:39am

(I'm a German. I stick to rules.)
Avatar 8:40am

@alan the painter@8:26: Goodmorning to you. Raising a glass to John Lennon this morning! Took some time. Wishing peace to all those out there & around the world.
Avatar 🌜 8:40am
Pablexa ™:

@ Heidee Ima British, so I am good at rules when it comes to standing in a queue
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David (in London):

Yes, I had to queue behind Pablexa to say the same thing.
Avatar 8:42am

@garlic lover@8:27: Well, we all shine on!-John Lennon, "Instant Karma" :) :) Thank you for shining this morning!
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Pablexa ™:

DAMNIT David!! - It's soo true
Avatar 8:43am

@iiibeat@8:29: agreed on all fronts. thank you for that
WFMU listener john:

@Stanley for other shows too besides wake and bake
Avatar 8:45am

@Ken From Hyde Park@8:39: Yes, 46! Good morning!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46am

Pablexa, David - after you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:47am
John from NP:

@lanky Re: Kane, yep, it's a newbie brew for us. It was good, not sure it was anything special. Party Wave and Head High are better.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:47am
David (in London):

No, Stanley, you've only got two words there. Please, go in front.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:47am

john - I didn't know that.
Avatar 8:47am

Oh. Sometimes good discussions during Shrunken Planet time. Anyway, who wants to discuss such weighty issues when we can possibly get away from them for a short time. Like now.
WFMU listener john:

@Stanley sad but true

scale of 1 to 10, tdayze episode gets an 11 from this judge-bravo, madame dj

@Pablexa: Down right stuck in the muck and Mire of the fugged fudge.
WFMU listener john:

@Deborah i for one don’t want to take a chance of pissing off SMK and unleashing krampus on us
Avatar 🌜 8:49am
Pablexa ™:

@Deborah I tend to stay away from those topics for that exact reason - I only come to online chat forums to have fun, not enrage/get enraged
Avatar 8:50am

Thank you all so much for being here together! Sending out love to everyone today and every day!
Tom from Stirling.:

To paraphrase the kid from "Fast Times...". Ima just here for the games.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:51am
John from NP:

@Pabz what do you think of the Paris Climate thingie??
WFMU listener john:

@Carolcriw your welcome
Avatar 8:51am

We go back into the womb next week - all will be okay:)
Avatar 8:51am

Thanks Carol and Ruth. A fine Sunday to all. A shout for Freedom!
Avatar 8:51am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

thanks for the show Carol, and have a great week!
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:51am

Thanks as always, Carol! And Ruth.

Be weller than well, everyone.
WFMU listener john:

I mean criw sorry
Avatar 🌜 8:51am
Pablexa ™:

@John from NP FU JB™ ")
Avatar 8:52am

Agreed, most of the time. This is a way to escape and we will need it! And, I like the people on the comment board, except for the trolls. And here goes another discussion....whoops!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:52am
David (in London):

Thanks for another rip-roaring edition today Carol.
Have a good week ahead all. Keep your moon lights shining.
WFMU listener john:

Crow sorry need more coffee
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am

@John - Overhead is good too. Seems odd they have so many ipas
Avatar 🌜 8:53am
Pablexa ™:

@John from NP - Lanky said Head
Avatar 8:53am

Thank ya' fer' the toons Carol! Cheers Ruth!
Have a great week amigos!
Tom from Stirling.:

Always lively times on WFMU.
Time for some carrot cake
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53am

Please, call me pigclimber
ami ad:

Thank you DJ,Crew. till next time.
WFMU listener john:

@Deborah have noticed a lot if times when i just lurk, tgere are som very knowledgeable people on this chat
Avatar 8:54am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Have a great day everyone! thank you Carol!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am

Bye Carol, bye all.
Have a great Sunday
Tom from Stirling.:

Die Roboter made me laugh
Avatar 🌜 8:55am
Pablexa ™:

Ima gonna take my childish. (Ima 12 and from OH). comments outta here - Take care folks

Thanks Caz & Ruth for yet another great show
Avatar 8:56am
Ruth Booth:

Be well, be kind and have a great Sunday!
Avatar 🌜 8:56am
Pablexa ™:

She's talking™

(Do you know how hard the ™ thing is to do in the dark??)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56am
John from NP:

IPAs are still trendy. Overhead is a bit too hoppy for me. Kane did a Key Lime IPA with other NJ brewers, for the nj brewers guild. I have one in my 6 pack, gonna try it tonight maybe.

Bonsoir Mlle Carol. Beautiful Music
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57am


Feel the the same Carol Crow, nice to be here. thanks and bye moonlighters.
Tom from Stirling.:

Carol did sound happy today.
Go go go. Amazing. Go go GO!
Avatar 🌜 8:58am
Pablexa ™:

I like Turtles
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am

Thanks for a relaxing Sunday morning Carol!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am

Ipas are great but it seems like 2 or 3 or even 4 might be enough for one brewer's portfolio
Avatar 🌜 9:00am
Pablexa ™:

You missed Marillion Carol
Avatar 9:03am

@Pabs@9:00: haha:)
Avatar 9:05am

@David in London@8:22: Sweet:) Haha
Avatar 9:07am

@manana@8:48: you are very kind. thank you so much for listening:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:01am
John from NP:

Love ya Carol, love you Ruth in the Booth. Better late than never
Avatar 🌜 12:08pm


In the nicest way possible! :)
Avatar 🌜 12:09pm

Prolly involves dinner first
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm
John from NP:

Pabz, take-out will do. We have good hot dogs here, I know some that you would like
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:06pm
John from NP:

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