Favoriting Dark Night of the Soul with Julie: Playlist from November 17, 2020 Favoriting

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Familiar & forgotten gems from 50-plus years of music on the darker side, shoegaze, synthpop, goth, psychedelia, darkwave, with unapologetic detours into 70s pop. In a dark night of the soul, it's always 3 o'clock in the morning.

Tuesday 3 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting November 17, 2020: He Makes Us Want to Wear Dresses

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Playlist image Favoriting

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Year Comments Images New
David Bowie  Sell Me A Coat   Favoriting David Bowie  1967   
Nada  Una Rondine Bianca   Favoriting Nada  1969   
Club 8  The Next Step You'll Take   Favoriting Strangely Beautiful  2003   
Kate & Anna McGarrigle  Be My Baby   Favoriting Dancer with Bruised Knees  1977   
Pete Townshend  Let My Love Open the Door   Favoriting Empty Glass  1980   
Piroshka  Village of the Damned   Favoriting Brickbat  2018   
Boo Trundle  Maelstrom   Favoriting Possible Bodies  1995   
Zola Jesus  Sea Talk   Favoriting Versions  2013   

Music behind DJ:
The Beatles 

She's Leaving Home (Instrumental Take 1)   Favoriting





Austra  I Am Not Waiting   Favoriting Hirudin  2020   
Wolf Parade  Fall Into the Future   Favoriting Thin Mind  2020   
Velvet Belly  The Man With The Child In His Eyes   Favoriting Lucia  1997   
Felix Kubin  Speed   Favoriting Zemsta Plutona  2013   
Diary of Dreams  The Chain   Favoriting (If)  2009   
Kristeen Young featuring David Bowie  American Landfill   Favoriting The Turning:Kate's Diary  2020   
Xmal Deutschland  In Der Nacht   Favoriting Fetisch  1983   
The Quiet Loud  O-O-H Child (radio edt)   Favoriting O-O-H Child  2020   

Music behind DJ:
Deep Purple 

Lalena (instrumental)   Favoriting





Mei Ohara  To Nonexist   Favoriting Cold Blue Sphere  2017   
Collide  Rock On   Favoriting These Eyes Before  2009   
The Breeders  Sinister Foxx   Favoriting Title TK  2002   
Heidi Mortenson  Dele Af Kroppen   Favoriting Mørk  2012   
Magic Wands  Blue Cherry   Favoriting Blue Cherry  2020   
Your 33 Black Angels  Endless Gaze   Favoriting Eternities I  2019   
Pink Floyd  Vegetable Man (Alternate Mono)   Favoriting   1967   
Wall Of Voodoo  This Way Out   Favoriting Dark Continent  1981   

Music behind DJ:
Jherek Bischoff 

Life on Mars? (instrumental)   Favoriting





Joni Mitchell  The Gallery   Favoriting Clouds  1969   
Jessica Bailiff  You Were So Close   Favoriting Jessica Bailiff  2002   
The Limiñanas  Bad Lady Goes To Jail   Favoriting Crystal Anis  2012   
Altered Images  Song Sung Blue   Favoriting Diamonds in the Rough -- Hova's Premium from 2001  1982   
Talk Talk  Have You Heard The News?   Favoriting The Party's Over  1982   
Ultra Vivid Scene  Lynn-Marie #1   Favoriting Ultra Vivid Scene  1988   
Shmu  Pathos   Favoriting Oooze  2016   
Stressi  Go-Go Mod   Favoriting Stressi  1981   

Music behind DJ:
Electric Cokernut 

Jeepster (instrumental)   Favoriting





Hannah Fury  Vibing   Favoriting Vibing  2020   
Elton John  Regimental Sgt. Zippo   Favoriting Jewel Box (box set)  1968   
The Raspberries  Ecstasy   Favoriting Side 3  1973   
Tim Scott  Uncommitted   Favoriting Sweat EP  1983   
Emerson, Lake & Palmer  Still....You Turn Me On   Favoriting Brain Salad Surgery  1973   
Laura Nyro  Serious Playground   Favoriting Angel in the Dark  2001  recorded 1995 

Music behind DJ:
Music Box 

Have You Never Been Mellow (instrumental)   Favoriting





T. Rex  Golden Belt   Favoriting Bolan's Zip Gun  1975   
Eileen  Ces Bottes Sont Faites Pour Marcher   Favoriting Ces Bottes Sont Faites Pour Marcher  1966   
Esquivel & His Orchestra  Mini Skirt   Favoriting 1968 Esquivel!!  1968   
Donovan  I Love My Shirt   Favoriting Barabajagal  1968   
Al Stewart  Sand In Your Shoes   Favoriting Year of the Cat  1976   
Leonard Cohen  Famous Blue Raincoat   Favoriting Songs of Love and Hate  1971   
The Kinks  She's Bought A Hat Like Princess Marina   Favoriting Arthur Or The Decline And Fall Of The British Empire  1969   

Music behind DJ:
The Kinks 

Mick Avory's Underpants   Favoriting





Laurie Anderson  Sweaters   Favoriting Big Science  1982   
Toyah  Cotton Vest   Favoriting Mayhem  1985   
SoKo  Who Wears the Pants?   Favoriting My Dreams Dictate My Reality  2015   
April March  Knee Socks   Favoriting Chrominance Decoder  1998   
Pale Forest  Mr. Trenchcoat   Favoriting Exit Mould  2001   
Lisa Germano  The Dresses Song   Favoriting Happiness  1994   
Cindy Shapiro  White Gown (demo)   Favoriting Psyche:A Modern Rock Opera  2016   
Lorelle Meets the Obsolete  That Suit is Dope!   Favoriting On Welfare  2011   

Music behind DJ:
Syd Barrett 

Gigolo Aunt (loop)   Favoriting





Sparks  Angst in My Pants   Favoriting Angst in My Pants  1982   

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:00pm
Handy Haversack:

Julie and the Dark Ones! Hello!
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hiya Handy!
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

Hellooooo, it's Julie Tuesday Time!
Avatar 3:01pm

David Bowie again??

(I know, I know.)
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:01pm
listener james from westwood:

Afternoon, Julie and all!
Avatar 3:01pm

hiya Sylvia, James & Brian!
Miles of Middle Texas:

"I'm here. Hi"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:02pm
listener Rey:

Hi everyone, That one helluva coat, David
Avatar 3:03pm

hi there Miles & Rey!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:03pm
Handy Haversack:

ISO: A very specific coat.
Avatar 3:04pm
Sylvia (France-NYC):

a coat. looks like a dress to me
Avatar 3:04pm

yes it's a dress.
Mr. Nobody:

Hey All!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:06pm
listener Rey:

In that case, one helluva dress!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:06pm

hi Julie!
hi Souls!
Avatar 3:07pm
Sylvia (France-NYC):

men in dress/skirt 🔥 😍
Avatar 3:07pm

hiya Mr Nobody, hiya spodi!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:09pm
Handy Haversack:

Not sure I could pull off brocade as well as Bowie, though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:11pm

my secondlife character had a nice gold brocade jacket -- i wouldn't mind a real one (hi Handy!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:11pm

great Pete Townsend track
Avatar 3:12pm

secondlife clothes are amazing
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:14pm
Handy Haversack:

Hey, spod!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:14pm
Rich in Washington:

Avatar 3:14pm

hi Rich!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:17pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Embrace darkness! Hi, everybody!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:17pm

hi, Julie and folks. hope you are all well. i need music for my annual work performance self-evaluation.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:18pm
Handy Haversack:

Chris, I suggest "Simply the Best"!
Avatar 3:19pm

hiya Ken Hiya Chris!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:20pm

ha, thanks, Handy!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:21pm
Handy Haversack:

(Though "Money for Nothing" would be a baller move.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:24pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Quoting Jonesey: "The best there is. The best there was. The best there ever will be."
Avatar 3:25pm

We can't all be jonesey
Avatar 3:26pm
Sylvia (France-NYC):

I don’t know Zola Jesus’s work well, but I like her
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:26pm

my boss says 'meh' is probably too brief a response.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:28pm
listener james from westwood:

Did we hop onto the stream?
Avatar 3:28pm

the best of all possible mehs
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:28pm
listener james from westwood:

Hearing gospel music.
Avatar 3:28pm

did you lose Zola? I don't see a lost connection
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:29pm
Handy Haversack:

No longer sounds like Zola, I think.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:29pm

there's choppy gospel coming through now...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29pm

same here (as james)
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

me too, gospel
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:29pm
listener james from westwood:

Going from iTunes to popup to check.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29pm

*claps along*
Avatar 3:29pm

i will try to reconnect
Avatar 3:29pm

yeah I'm hearing it too
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:29pm
Rich in Washington:

Jesus is bombing the stream. Goddamn him.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:29pm
listener james from westwood:

Gospel on popup too.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:29pm
Handy Haversack:

Didn't ZJ cover Sabbath's "Changes" on that recent tribute album?
Avatar 3:30pm

okay this might work
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30pm

ya got it, Julie
Avatar 3:31pm

S.A music on the stream.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:31pm

(or, at least this doesn't sound gospely, anyway )
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:31pm
Rich in Washington:

weird. I'm hearing Drummer stream stuff still and not your show. iTunes.
Avatar 3:32pm
Sylvia (France-NYC):

still not you Julie
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:32pm
Handy Haversack:

Definitely does not sound like the Beatles. Maybe the fifth Beatle?
Avatar 3:32pm

yep that's what I'm getting too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:32pm

was waiting for David Byrne to start singing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:33pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Doug's cat pawing at the switches somewhere?
Avatar 3:33pm

Zola is from these parts, I understand.
Avatar 3:33pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed,

and of course HI!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:33pm
Rich in Washington:

I hear tiny breaks, thinking you're starting again but then it's the auto-stream again.
Avatar 3:34pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

@3:33 Ken From Hyde Park: I just might tolerate feline interference
Avatar 3:36pm

okay Doug is checking it out

Hi - just tuned in. Judging by comments and the audio I'm hearing the GTDR stream bust be down
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

you’re back!
Avatar 3:39pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

welcome back!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:39pm


There it is!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:40pm
Doug Schulkind:

I hear a harp! The harp of angels! DARK angels!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:40pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:41pm

there you are!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:41pm
Doug Schulkind:

It dropped out once after you came back, but now we hear you.
Mr. Nobody:

Are any of us really here? lol
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:44pm

is Hannibal doing car alarms now?
Avatar 3:46pm

Cannibal, and he might as well be!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:47pm

i would love to lay my head on some moss like Austra
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:48pm

oops, sorry. Cannibal.
Avatar 3:50pm

my father keeps saying hannibal too.
Avatar 3:53pm

I saw Cha Cha here for a sec, did they give up?
Avatar 3:53pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

@3:53 Julie: Cha Cha stays here!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:56pm
Handy Haversack:

Hey, Cha Cha!
Avatar 3:57pm

hiya Cha Cha!
Avatar 4:01pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Well, hey there Handy, Julie, you souls of the dark night. Very glad Doug's cat stopped pawing at the switches (as per what Ken said) so the stream has remained uninterrupted.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm
Otis Fodder:

Hello Julie and fellow dark souls of the daylight.
Avatar 4:06pm

hiya Otis!
Avatar 4:06pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Bonus Bowie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:07pm

can never have too much Bowie
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:07pm
Handy Haversack:

Kristeen with Bowie???!!!??
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:07pm

holy smokes, i've not heard this. its wonderful. to hear Bowie in this track, too... ahhh.
Avatar 4:09pm

this is actually a reworking of a track they did called Saviour in 2003, this new version might be better
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10pm
Otis Fodder:

So good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10pm
Michael 98145:

speaking of landfill, i'm pooped from raking leaves
Avatar 4:12pm

what do you do with them once you rake them?
Avatar 4:12pm

also Hi Michael!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:13pm
Michael 98145:

leaves make good mulch. and the birds enjoy that.
Avatar 4:13pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Xmal Deutschland , a band I should get to know better. i only have the Incubus Succubus II 7" and have not heard it since late 90s.
Avatar 4:14pm

yeah that's the hit!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:17pm
Handy Haversack:

How do you keep 'em from blowing away once you rake them but before they are mulch, Michael?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22pm
Michael 98145:

@HH, there is usually more drizzle here than wind, so that isn't much of a problem 🎈
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:23pm
Handy Haversack:

Heh. Makes sense, Michael. We get both -- and sleet! Lots of sleet.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:24pm

speaking of clothes. wow, Ms. Ohara is outfitted! also dig the Bjork-like vocals.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:27pm
Michael 98145:


Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:28pm
Handy Haversack:

I am hoping that Mei Ohara closes those tags on the other side of the album sleeve!
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Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:29pm

lol, Handy. the stuff of ocd web developer nightmares.
Avatar 4:33pm

has anyone seen the iguana?
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:33pm
Handy Haversack:

It was around here someplace ...
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:34pm

have you checked the top of the bookcase?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:34pm
Michael 98145:

shows up when you least expect it
Avatar 4:34pm

Sinister Foxx...What you get when Redd Foxx cheats you out of a fair price on scrap metal. (Sorry for the Sanford and Son reference.)
Avatar 4:35pm

hiya CS!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:36pm
Michael 98145:

Has anyone seen Mindy?

Avatar 4:36pm

Hi, Julie.
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

@Handy did you cd arrive in the mail?
Avatar 4:37pm

@Michael 98145: Nanu nanu
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:38pm
Handy Haversack:

Sylvia, yes! We listened to it on Sunday morning -- really enjoyed it! Thanks!

Getting some docs notarized. Apparently, Kings County thinks I’m still registered to vote in Brooklyn. My partner got a juror delinquency letter last week. I never lived at her current address, and have been registered to vote in FL since Oct 2016. Just when I have a debriefing for a bee job (remote), but I have to show up in person Thursmorn. Keep digits crossed for me Digging (as per usual),
Avatar 4:39pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Heidi Mortenson! My memory is not always the best - might have heard something from this artist here earlier or maybe never before - but sounds very good!
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

@Handy oh good, I get so nervous about mail delivery now
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:39pm

digits crossed for ye, ngh!
Avatar 4:39pm

a bee job? buzz buzz?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:39pm
Michael 98145:

yes, good luck @ngh
Avatar 4:40pm

crossing all digits
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:41pm
Handy Haversack:

I don't think we use voter roles for jury duty, ngh -- or at least not exclusively. Where is your driver license?

Sylvia, we have had really good luck with the mails through all of this. The only CD that was delayed was from Japan -- and apparently the Japanese post just didn't go to the States for a while. And one from LA that it turns out they forgot to mail. I ordered a board game from Wisconsin Saturday, and it arrived today!

And good luck, ngh!
Avatar 4:44pm

speaking of board games, there is a david bowie monopoly
Avatar 4:44pm

Wiki page for Magic Wands doesn't have Blue Cherry album listed yet. Julie is ahead of the curve on that one.
Avatar 4:46pm

Yes: www.davidbowienews.com...
Avatar 4:46pm

I gave one to a friend but I never got to play with it
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Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

again, Julian Palacios' book "Syd Barrett & Pink Floyd: Dark Globe" heartily recommended.
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Rich in Washington:

holy crud! I've never heard this version before!
Avatar 4:48pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

I am not sure if I have heard this mix of Vegetable Man...
Avatar 4:48pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

or if I have, then in much worse quality.

@Handy: my DL is issued from FL as if 2016.
Avatar 4:49pm

yeah I'm not even sure where I got it from
Avatar 4:50pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

@4:49 Julie: sometimes that's the best place!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:50pm
Handy Haversack:

I wonder how much of Hasbro revenue is just from licensing Monopoly at this point. Though it also owns D&D now.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:51pm
Handy Haversack:

@ngh: Freakin' Brooklyn! Every time you try to get out, they pull you back in!
Avatar 4:51pm

wow you never think of anyone actually "owning" D&D
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:52pm
Handy Haversack:

Errrr ... I think of it a lot! But I have my reasons.
Avatar 4:52pm

Growing up in Massachusetts it's actually sad for me to think of Monopoly being anything other than a Parker Brothers game. Their offices were located in my hometown and the factory was in the next town over...right by the train tracks.
Avatar 4:53pm

Sorry. (not the board game. I'm sorry to hear you had no one to play board games with you.)
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:53pm
Rich in Washington:

We have a chain of supermarkets here who use branded Monopoly contest coupons as a promotion. It's annoying. They'll hand you game pieces whether you want them or not and I usually just dump 'em on the counter while walking out with my purchases.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:54pm
Rich in Washington:

sometimes they ask 'are you playing the Monopoly game?' and I'll say, 'the only monopoly game I want to play ends with the little man's head in a basket'.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:55pm
Handy Haversack:

@C.S., yeah Hasbro is like the Borg. All will be assimilated.

Solo Monopoly is bleak, though. Then again, I will play solo Arkham Horror. Maybe I shouldn't throw stones.
Avatar 4:55pm

Yes. I too have played that supermarket version. I get all the pieces except for the last one on the less prizes and the last two on the bigger prizes. Such a scam. But I did win a packet of free gravy mix.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:55pm
Rich in Washington:

Was it good gravy?
Avatar 4:56pm

It was okay gravy. :)
Avatar 4:56pm

Hasbro was the master at marketing to children in the 80s. Cool toys but crappy cartoons.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:57pm
Handy Haversack:

We ordered a two-player version of the greatest board game of all time: Cosmic Encounter. I know it can't be as good as the original, but I'm hoping it is still at least excellent.
Mr. Nobody:

Mrs. Nobody has her frogs. They are entertaining. They only eat live things. Crickets are easy enough but feeding them meal worms can be a pain.
Avatar 4:58pm

Steampunk doesn't seem to be as big as it was in the mid 2000s but they still have conventions here and there.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:59pm
Handy Haversack:

D&D is the same age as me! We started in 1974. I started playing in 1980.
Avatar 4:59pm

D and D first published in 1974
Avatar 5:00pm

cosmic encounter! that sounds groovy
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 5:00pm

greatest board game of all time has to be Dealy McDope, Handy. :)
Mark R:

Hey didja hear about that new Joni boxed set of all her pre-fame recordings? Looks amazing, going back to 1964 or something.
Avatar 5:01pm

Ahh. Being a 70s geek was something else. We only had reruns of Star Trek on TV outside of the animated series.
Avatar 5:01pm

oh wow no I didn't
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:02pm
Switchblade Batman:

Speaking of board games they're re-releasing HerosQuest. It's like a simplified DnD boardgame
Avatar 5:02pm

oh that looks amazing I may have to get it... ultimateclassicrock.com...
Avatar 5:02pm

I been so busy with the Elton box
Avatar 5:03pm

and there's another kinks box out soon
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 5:03pm
Handy Haversack:

I have had my current D&D-esque game going in one form or another since 2003!

Switchblade, I had heard about that!
Avatar 5:04pm

oh hi Switchblade Batman!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 5:04pm
Handy Haversack:

(Did you ever play Talisman? That was my D&D-ish board game of choice.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:04pm
Switchblade Batman:

Hey Julie! How's things?
Avatar 5:04pm

the closest I ever came to that was some early text-based computer game. I remember having a mage and getting turned into a gelatinous cube
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:04pm
Switchblade Batman:

No I never did, sounds interesting.
Avatar 5:05pm

things are tolerable, SB, you?
Avatar 5:05pm

no wait I had a mace... a mage is a being
Symmetry In Mayhem:

Liking the Jessica Bailiff
Mark R:

Now at least the last hour of your show takes place in the dark, like in the old days.
Avatar 5:06pm

indeed, Mark!
Avatar 5:06pm

heya Symmetry
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:06pm
Switchblade Batman:

I'm holding out alright. Thanks for asking.
Mark R:

Yeah a lot of boxes come out around holiday time. They make great gifts for us old-timers with CD players who actually read the booklets. Last year I got the "Abbey Road" one.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 5:07pm
Handy Haversack:

A known risk, Julie!

Computer games grew pretty directly out of people trying to computerize D&D.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 5:08pm
Handy Haversack:

(Ha! "Having a mage" made perfect sense to me.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:10pm
Switchblade Batman:

It's pretty funny, I got into video games before DnD. But I love DnD's social aspect.

I remember the DOS version of D&D in Jr H. In Japan we just made up our own rules as we couldn’t get the real thing (back when I was in elementary school).
Mark R:

Vol. 1 of the Joni box sounds like there will be more volumes in the future to look forward to. I think the Velvet Underground eventually had deluxe boxes of all 4 of their original albums. I have two of them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:11pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Off topic here, but my wife and I had rearranged our schedules today to meet with a contractor for finishing some siding on our house. He calls my wife and says he's in our yard and asks why didn't we answer the door. Turns out he was in a different yard 35 MILES FROM HERE! What in the world address he was using, I have no idea. It's not like we live on something common like Main Street. Our road is named after a half-mile long river (Little Magothy) that was named by the small Native American tribe that populated our county before we ran them off.
Avatar 5:12pm

wow phillippe that's crazy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:12pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Claire Grogan! Smeggin' fantastic!

I have this Altered Images!
Avatar 5:13pm

Ha. we live in a purple house so we just tell everyone, "It's the purple house."
Avatar 5:13pm

purple house! OMG that's so cool
Symmetry In Mayhem:

The singer of Altered Images was in one of my favorite Brit films, "Gregory's Girl".
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 5:13pm
Handy Haversack:

Best make sure he understands siding goes on the outside, Phillippe. Sounds likes it's best not to assume anything.
Avatar 5:14pm
Sylvia (France-NYC):

Philippe, did he do the other people’s yard too?
Mark R:

This Altered Images track is pretty silly--if you told me it was on the show "Blue's Clues," I'd believe you.
Avatar 5:14pm

@ Julie Some of my neighbors don't think so. Ha.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:15pm
Phillippe Bastille:

@Sylvia lord only knows...
Avatar 5:16pm

I'm fixing to close on a house and man things like siding and raking leaves, these are very foreign to me
Avatar 5:16pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Talk Talk! Whether it's this early pop stuff, or the very arty stuff at the end, or the stuff in between - it is all good, sooooo good.
Avatar 5:16pm
Sylvia (France-NYC):

oh, “Gregory’s Girl”, we’ve watched that movie last year! very good
Avatar 5:16pm

I haven't seen that movie in ages. She's also on Red Dwarf, though she was CJ Grogan by then I think
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:17pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Yeah, I think she was one of the Kachanski's
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:17pm
Switchblade Batman:

Krchanski? Something like that @Julie?
Avatar 5:17pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:18pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Our house is a cottage that was slapped together to begin with and haphazardly added on to. It's a mix of white vinyl siding and yellow asbestos siding, none of it continuous. To say we lack curb appeal would be an understatement
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:18pm
Switchblade Batman:

Red Dwarf was so cool. I have to do a rewatch.
Avatar 5:18pm

Avatar 5:19pm

that show kept coming back at odd moments but I really only saw the early ones
Avatar 5:19pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

I'm also interested in some old Joni stuff getting a (re-)release; I did not even recognize the track you just played to be a Joni Mitchell one. so unfamiliar Clouds is (or the first three albums in general are) to me; I'm more used to that voice that got lower and lower by each album, what with that excessive smoking and all.
Avatar 5:19pm

The original Kochanski before they retconned the series.
Avatar 5:19pm

great group of characters. Oh Cha Cha I like the early voice so much better
Avatar 5:20pm

Red Dwarf was cool but later seasons seemed to have an odd change in storylines. Still funny and raunchy but very different and not as good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:21pm
Switchblade Batman:

Back to earth was when they lost it for me. It just wasn't good.
Avatar 5:21pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

@5:19 Julie: you do? So were total opposites when it comes to Joni, unlike many I even love the 80s albums like Dog Eat Dog for instance.
Avatar 5:21pm

isn't there a british tv streaming service? Britbox? does it have all that great old stuff? Oh that sounds awful they should never have gone back to earth.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:21pm
Switchblade Batman:

Still has the best credits song though.
Avatar 5:22pm

New Kochanski and secret prison ship was when they lost it for me.
Avatar 5:22pm

I really don't know them Cha Cha, my favorite/first one is Blue I just got the ones closest to it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:22pm
Switchblade Batman:

I'm not sure of the story, it's been a while @Julie. They stopped making them. Then they did a mini series of them returning to earth. I blocked most of it out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:22pm
Phillippe Bastille:

There's an appliance line called Smeg. Cracks me up every time I see one
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:23pm
Switchblade Batman:

refridgerators, my old office had one. Always made me laugh.
Avatar 5:23pm

There's an appliance line called Takie Toaster. Want any toast?
Avatar 5:23pm


I also am a fan of Red Dwarf and curry.....
Avatar 5:24pm

How about a muffin?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:24pm
Phillippe Bastille:

One of my son's Islamic friends gave him a Jesus Toaster. It toasted an image of Jesus on the bread.
Avatar 5:24pm

Ahh. So you're a waffle man.
Avatar 5:24pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

@5:21 Julie:yes, britbox! It is for US, UK, Canada (and soon australia) only, so where am get my brit-fix? OK, YLE shows quite a lot of good UK stuff in Finland.
Avatar 5:25pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Haha, Stressi!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:26pm
Switchblade Batman:

Hulu, Netflix has a good selection. Pluto too has a selection of brit stuff. Old Doctor Who's too.
Avatar 5:26pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

What a futuristic and new romantic record cover!
Avatar 5:27pm

The 80s were so futuristic. Hard to believe it's so long ago.
Avatar 5:28pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Avatar 5:29pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

@5:27 C.S.: like they say, the future isn't what it used to be.
Avatar 5:33pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Hejira, yes.
Avatar 5:34pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

The jazzier album could be Mingus as well? Hejira is far more popular though
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 5:34pm
Handy Haversack:

Classic pin cushion there.
Avatar 5:35pm

We were blessed with a couple of great college radio shows that featured Jessica Bailiff in rotation. First I ever heard of her was early 2000s.
Avatar 5:40pm

yes my mom had that one, I guess it's a tomato?
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 5:42pm
Handy Haversack:

My mom, too.
Avatar 5:43pm

I imagine there are much fancier pin cushions now
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 5:44pm
Handy Haversack:

Digital-native "smart" pin cushions.
Avatar 5:44pm

one that yells every time you stick a pin in it
Avatar 5:44pm

pumpkin head trumpkin head pin cushion!
Avatar 5:45pm

putin the pins in it
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Handy Haversack:

DJ Premium 2021, Julie?
Avatar 5:49pm

Oh man!
Avatar 5:50pm

that sounds like something Ken & Andy should do, one of Ken one of Andy
Avatar 5:51pm

HeyHey :)
I’m here, just got back, still a few feet off the ground 😄
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:51pm

Hi, I heard somebody around here needs a ladder
Avatar 5:52pm

Daya! I've missed you!
Avatar 5:52pm

Missed you tooooooo!
Avatar 5:53pm

Ahhhh, two perfect songs to return to 😁
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 5:55pm
Handy Haversack:

Daya! Kate was asking if I'd seen you and I realized I hadn't! Hope you're well.
Avatar 5:56pm

your picture just changed!
Avatar 5:56pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Hey Daya! A film buff has to ask another: what good movies have you seen lately?
Avatar 5:57pm

Thanks, doing ok :)
Yes, new pic, new meeee!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm

hi Daya!
Avatar 5:57pm

Hehehehehe ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm

very nice!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 5:59pm
Handy Haversack:

Cha Cha, these are the horror movies we watched since October began, from our most liked to least:

Color out of space
the girl with all the gifts (17)
The wolf of snow hollow
Possessor: uncut

Blood quantum
extra ordinary
the lodge (2020)
after midnight
come to daddy

sea fever
harpoon (19)
Avatar 5:59pm

Hmmmm, new movies Cha Cha?
It’s a rough time for new movies...
Watched “Warrior Nun” on Netflix last night, that was fun :)
Avatar 6:01pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

any movies! Handy, that's a mighty fine list - and no, I have not seen any of them!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 6:01pm
Handy Haversack:

Oh, nice, this was my suggestion!
Avatar 6:01pm

A couple new ones that I liked, small Indie films, “Blue”, “UpThere”, and “Time Trap”.
Avatar 6:01pm

Yay!! Extra hour!! 😁
Avatar 6:03pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

@6:01 Daya: again, unknown stuff to me, i love hearing must watch-suggestions.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 6:05pm
Handy Haversack:

"Yeah" is the same in English!
Avatar 6:05pm

I loved all 3 of those, for different reasons. Also, if you’ve not seen it “Wind River”, I thought Elizabeth Olsen was excellent in it.
Avatar 6:06pm

Hah! I just watched “Full Metal Jacket”, and this song has relevance... 😆
Avatar 6:07pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

@6:05 Handy Haversack: in Finnish it's "jee". Learning languages chez Dark Night of The Souls.

Avatar 6:09pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Full Metal Jacket - sadly have never seen it from the big screen and it's been a long time anyway. Always three things come to mind about it: First half great, second good but not as great - and how the heck did they manage to shoot it in London?
Avatar 6:11pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

@6:05 Daya: Wind river is one of literally thousands of movies I have on hard drive or optical discs that I really should watch ASAP. Our broadcast company Yle showed it a year or two ago.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm

Hi. Been listening, too busy to post. A little Donovan will put a smile on my face!
Avatar 6:13pm

hiya Dr Jazz! me too!
Avatar 6:14pm

Cha Cha: yes, on all of that! And yes, Wind River!
Avatar 6:15pm

Oooooo! Love Al! Saw him many times at Toad’s Place in New Haven during the 80s. He was phenomenal live!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 6:15pm
Handy Haversack:

Ahhhh, here it is.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm

Now, time for offing myself (kidding, love Cohen)
Avatar 6:17pm

so many great covers of this but I decided to go with the original

Avatar 6:20pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

After years and years, Cohen has started to sound really otherwordly good - maybe it is the time or the season... Songs of Love and Hate isn't exactly easy listening for instance, so it took a long time before I got there. Nice opening lines on that album:"I stepped into an avalanche, It covered up my soul."
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 6:21pm
Handy Haversack:

There's a cool French-language cover of that song on the /I'm Your Fan/ tribute album from 1992ish.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 6:21pm

really fun set! :)
Avatar 6:23pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

@6:21 Handy Haversack: an album I have stupidly ignored for the 20 years I have had it. well, I recently had my first spin of "Days of Future passed" after having the album for 25 years, so I'll get there in the end, I hope.Thanks for recommendation Handy!
Avatar 6:25pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

@6:21 chris: yes, I absolutely love the "Theme Time Radio Hour" here (Bob Dylan & co, don't sue me for using that show title, I know it's yours)
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 6:26pm
Handy Haversack:

I really like that tribute album, Cha Cha. I think I got it when it came out, and I still listen to it.
Avatar 6:26pm

Yep, they just got in!
Avatar 6:27pm

Songs about food? (Or is that a Talking Heads reference? 🤣)
Avatar 6:29pm

Avatar 6:29pm

that it is
Avatar 6:30pm

hi TDK!
Avatar 6:30pm

I feel like I'll end up with 100 songs for that one
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 6:31pm
Handy Haversack:

I guess this means we won't hear Mr. Burns doing "See My Vest!"
Avatar 6:32pm

haha sorry
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 6:33pm

classic Simpsons, Handy. still cracks me up. :)
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 6:33pm
Handy Haversack:

Was hoping for "Angst in Your Pants," but this song is good! Never heard this before.

Chris: he really likes his vest!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm

see my sweater? nothing's better than authentic irish setter!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm

bart: deh neh neh... deh neh neh
Avatar 6:36pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

@6:31 Handy Haversack: because my age-old screen is blurry&distorted and it is indeed Mr. Burns, I read it first as "Sue My Vest"
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 6:37pm

shoot. post office run must happen now. sorry to miss the last of these tracks.
thanks, Julie!
take good care, everyone.
Avatar 6:37pm

bye chris thanks for listening!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm

my old dog was part sheep. thought about making a sweater many times
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 6:37pm
Handy Haversack:

I often, after making a questionable decision (which I also do often) say to myself, "It was that -- or skin my chauffeurs."

Bye, Chris!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm

adios, chris
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 6:39pm
Summer and Michael and Sylvia:

Great show, Julie! We've been listening since we got in around 3:30pm but just now checking in on the board.
Avatar 6:39pm

thanks S&M&S!
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Handy Haversack:

BPX CD REC'D, S&M&S -- thanks! Really enjoyed it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm

Hi Julie! Listening in the shower, I liked the April March song, thanks!
Avatar 6:42pm

hiya chresti!
Avatar 6:42pm

what else? beret, glove, boots, loafers, cowboy hat, bathrobe, sunglasses, uh..?
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 6:42pm
Summer and Michael and Sylvia:

Great news, Handy! And thank you!!!

Love Lisa Germano! Thanks, I forgot about this!
Avatar 6:46pm

YVW Jim lisa is amazing
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 6:46pm
Handy Haversack:

Chaps, epaulets, capes, trusses, hoodies, jorts, culottes, muscle shirts ...
Avatar 6:48pm

Lister "You perm your leg hairs?"

Cat: "Only as an aid to the natural curl."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

don't forget the thong song
Avatar 6:49pm

oh god no not that
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

ladies pinch... whores use rouge
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Handy Haversack:

*I* don't know any songs about jorts, but I would never doubt Julie's abilities.
Avatar 6:51pm

Thanks Julieeeeee!!
Avatar 6:51pm

Oh no. It's Gigolo Aunt. Sad because it means almost time to go.
Avatar 6:52pm
Sylvia (France-NYC):

thank you Julie, goodnight everyone
Avatar 6:52pm

Thanks Julie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm

thanks, Julie!
i got soul
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

happy early birthday!
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Handy Haversack:

Good night, Sylvia! Always good to see you!

Thanks, Julie! Another fantastic show. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Way to bury the lede!
Avatar 6:53pm

Happpppppy Birthday!
Avatar 6:53pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Happy birthday Julie!
Avatar 6:53pm

Have a sudden urge to put on a white sport coat pink carnation.
Avatar 6:54pm

Early Happy Birthday, Julie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm

cheerio soulsters
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Handy Haversack:

HA HA! Bam! Second encore! So great -- you are the best, Julie!

Avatar 6:55pm

thanks! I had almost forgotten till I started thinking about next week
Avatar 6:55pm

Looks like you got your wish Handy Haversack
Avatar 6:55pm

you can always use a second pair of pants
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Handy Haversack:

It took me a long time to learn that, Julie, but it's true.
Avatar 6:58pm

You could always do songs whose title is a girls name, there’s only about 7 million of those ;)
Avatar 6:58pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Thanks Julie, be well, all!
Avatar 6:58pm

Lots of goth songs that are one word girl names.
Avatar 6:58pm

I was thinking of seeing what I could do with Julie... we'll see!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Handy Haversack:

Or "so and so says" songs -- so very many of those, too.
Avatar 6:59pm

There ya go!
Avatar 6:59pm

Songs about shoe horns?
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