Favoriting The Whig Out with Richard Whig: Playlist from December 6, 2020 Favoriting

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The Whig Out! Hair Raising garage that will make you flyp your lid!

Sunday 8 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting December 6, 2020: Whig Out

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Label Approx. start time
The Troggs  I Can't Control Myself   Favoriting   0:00:00 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Whig Out Gab 



0:03:43 (Pop-up)
The Yardbirds  He's Always There   Favoriting   0:04:14 (Pop-up)
Masters Apprentices  But One Day   Favoriting   0:06:18 (Pop-up)
The Plague  Face of Time   Favoriting   0:09:15 (Pop-up)
The Nazz  Lay Down and Die, Goodbye   Favoriting   0:11:20 (Pop-up)
Colour Collection  Ne Decide Pas Pour Moi   Favoriting   0:13:23 (Pop-up)
Paul Messis  Nightmares   Favoriting 13 O'Clock Records  0:16:16 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Whig Out Gab 



0:19:34 (Pop-up)
Sound Station  Things Will Never Be the Same   Favoriting Outro Records  0:21:03 (Pop-up)
Thee Mighty Caesars  Can't Judge A Book By It's Cover   Favoriting   0:23:18 (Pop-up)
Dynasty  I've Gotta Shout   Favoriting   0:25:58 (Pop-up)
James T & The Workers  That is All   Favoriting   0:28:21 (Pop-up)
B-Sides  Put Your Lovin' On Me   Favoriting Fuzz Overdose  0:30:44 (Pop-up)
Rosalyns  Come Back   Favoriting PigBaby Records  0:33:26 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Whig Out Gab 



0:35:26 (Pop-up)
Sound Reasons  Love   Favoriting Groovie Records  0:36:47 (Pop-up)
Something Else  I Can't Believe   Favoriting   0:40:52 (Pop-up)
Vaqueos  Growing Pains   Favoriting   0:43:00 (Pop-up)
Misters Virtue  Captured   Favoriting   0:45:30 (Pop-up)
Roger James 4  Better Than Here   Favoriting   0:48:06 (Pop-up)
Lord Beverley Moss and the Moss Men  Please Please What/s the Matter?   Favoriting   0:50:08 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Whig Out Gab 



0:53:04 (Pop-up)
Knights  tale of a 280 lb shoe salesman   Favoriting   0:53:55 (Pop-up)
Yardbirds  GREAT SHAKES   Favoriting   0:56:01 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:00pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

Whig Out and Feed Your Head!

So glad to be here for this hour!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:01pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

Hi Mom Whig!


Right out of the gate awesome, The Troggs are rippin cool!

Good Evening Whigsters!

Hey Fox welcome - haven't seen you here before
Avatar 8:05pm
DA the DJ:

Hi folks!
Richard Whig:

greetings and grooviness all!

I love this Yardbirds song... the U.S. mono has a totally different guitar solo!
Avatar 8:05pm
DJ Major Sally:

Is this the mono or stereo? I guess I will find out.😂

Glad to see you here Gordon tonight
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
Becky Ebenkamp:


DJ Major Sean... not the U.S. Mono...

RIP Keith Relf, one of the greats.

Welcome Becky - a good start to tonight's show
Avatar 8:07pm
DJ Major Sally:

Stereo vocals don’t fade on the mono!
The one Master’s Apprentices 45 I’m missing from this period!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:07pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Oh, thank you, Mom Whig.

Fox, a photo just turned up of a Renaissance gig at Whisky a Go Go, the marquee. it said KEITH RELF and underneath that it said RENAISSANCE
Richard Whig:

my fave m apprentices song!
Avatar 8:09pm
DJ Major Sally:

I’m still a “Wars Or Hands Of Time” freak!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:10pm

Hi Whiggers

The Rhino Brothers... before Rhino... were fortunate to have interviewed Keith Relf for the GOLDEN EGGS bootleg... it is a long interview only in original copies complete. But a photocopy is good enough. He talks about everything... right before he passed... so sad, but at least we all have that

Hi all. Hi Mom W. Dom, I will have to look for that.
Richard Whig:

up next....my fave Yardbirds inspired US 45!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:11pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Whig Wam Bam!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:12pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

Hey all! Sean, I love Wars too!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:13pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Glynis, my mom asked me to clear out some stuff I had stored at their house this week (old dresses, etc.). I found my old stage costumes and a Nauga!
Avatar 🎸 8:13pm
Eric R:

"Sally!" I remember the first time I met you....at the Twilight.

I am quite partial to "Turn into Earth" Richard
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:14pm
Matt Clarke:

Good evening all!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:14pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Hi Matt!

Hey Eric - glad you could join us
Avatar 🎸 8:14pm
Eric R:

hey Mom! Of course!

Hey Matt
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:15pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

That’s great Becky, what color is your Nauga?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:15pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

And Eric!
Avatar 🎸 8:15pm
Eric R:

Becky, sorry I missed your show. I was working (kinda still am). Thank goodness for the archives.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:15pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

Hi Matt!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:15pm
Matt Clarke:

Hi Becky and Mom Whig nice to see ya!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:16pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

Bubblegum OD, always a good time!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:16pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

It’s kind of a golden. I also have a Blue Meanie-looking one. I figured the gold one must have been stolen or something.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:17pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Like a Gulden’s mustard color ; )

Glynis, it was amazing, going to Becky's mum's barn and seeing what Becky left behind when she moved to San Francisco in '93... there were some Cavern Club-era dresses and other things you'd never find in a thrift store again, that were just SO amazing...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:18pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Oh, it’s OK, Eric. I don’t take attendance
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:18pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

We have a golden one and a brown one

Glynis... unfortunately some really great dresses were a bit damaged so they had to be left behind.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:19pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:19pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

Oh, bummer!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:20pm

He was the naz
With God given ass
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:20pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Color Collection is a new group? I liked that one.

Glynis.... it was just a reminder of the kind of things you could thrift in 1984... know what I'm saying? (sigh)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:20pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

The Nauga cost 25 cents at a church rummage sale.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:22pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

They sound really good on record. I mean the SS.
Richard Whig:

le sigh

I like the keyboard sound on this Sound Station track and the lead vocal kills, too
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:22pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

That’s how much my first Pucci cost, still in the original bag! Church sale!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:23pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:23pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Jesus wept.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:24pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

Colour Collection from Holland great young group of Mooon and Fleur all those records ate great too!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:24pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Love these guys
Richard Whig:

the wild used to provide a plenty, eh?

Glynis... in the '80s I found a paperback copy of "The Dodger Way To Play Baseball" for 50 cents or a dollar... I bought one on line for my friend for 20 bucks that was damaged but all the other copies were 250 dollars and up. It's a useful book actually and I gave it to a guy who I'm practicing with twice a week now
Avatar 🎸 8:25pm
Eric R:

my only bag purchase was a Betsy Johnson for $1 which I use as my gig bag. Guitar cords, picks, harmonica, etc. It's a very gaudy bag.
Avatar 🎸 8:26pm
Eric R:

Domenic, was that the Brooklyn way or the L.A. way?
Avatar 8:27pm
DJ Major Sally:

Eric, was that on Halloween? Bat wings on my head?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:27pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

Yeah, Dom. We pull out singles with $3 and $5 on them (what we paid) some of ‘em now... hundreds! Crazy!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:28pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

Sally I wish you could post pix here!

So, maybe my original 45's from the 60's are worth some "coins" then!
Richard Whig:

hall of fame vocals here from Mister James T!

Eric R. the book is from 1954!!! But they still printed versions of it until at least 1969, that was my copy... my buddy got an original 1954 sans dust jacket... it is in good enough shape to learn from. It's really good considering how many rookies-of-the-year the Dodgers produce, who all have to read that book and apply themselves to the techniques

Glynis... I showed Becky a movie from 1974 called "Welcome to Pepperland" about the first Beatlefest that year. There is an auction in the film! Insane items starting at THREE DOLLARS

Really good licks on this one
Avatar 🎸 8:30pm
Eric R:

my Dad told me he took me to Ebbets Field. I don't remember at all. I was too young to know where I was!
Avatar 🎸 8:31pm
Eric R:

Sally, no bat wings that I remember. I know my group played that night and you DJ'd.

I have Beatle Bubble Gum cards, and 50 Magazines with only Beatles in them from back in the 60's - 16 Mag, etc.

Eric R. I went to Dodger Stadium in 1963 and I remember EVERYTHING about the experience but nothing about the game or if Koufax pitched or anything like that! But setting foot in Ebbets is kind of unreal, actually... Evie Sands goes to games with us and she went there when she was little too... but old enough to remember.
Avatar 🎸 8:32pm
Eric R:

Mom, I bet you've got the Beatle mags I've got.

Do you think so? I actually wrote on the cover the dates that I got them

Mom Whig Beatle collectibles from 1964-1965 just kill me.
Avatar 🎸 8:34pm
Eric R:

"John, Paul, George & Ringo - The Girls They Want, The Love Code They Follow"

I loved the Beatles - have original art works too - even the cartoon artist guy's work and signed by him
Avatar 🎸 8:35pm
Eric R:

and now, 56+ years later we've still got these!

I was so lucky to see them twice
Avatar 🎸 8:36pm
Eric R:

whoa! My parents wouldn't drive me to Shea.

Poo Bah Records in Pasadena had a three-story high chimney and people from all over L.A. contributed their Beatle collectibles to ... what was the greatest Beatle tribute I've seen anywhere. Other than the Psychedelic exhibit at Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame which had John's handwritten lyrics to Rubber Soul songs and clothing by The Fool for the Appel Boutique. But Poo Bah... in the hippie days you could trust that shop with your "Flip Your Whig" game for the display, dig?

Sorry to hear that.
Avatar 8:37pm
DJ Major Sally:

Becky, I meant to mention during your show, that I found a copy of “Virgo” by Sagittarius at a shop in Astoria, OR a couple weeks ago. The owner had a bunch of NME and Musical Express issues, but all the pics of David Cassidy seemed to be missing.😉
Avatar 🎸 8:38pm
Eric R:

ooh, NME! I've wanted copies from the 60s for a long time.
Avatar 🎸 8:38pm
Eric R:

and also, great tunes tonight!
Richard Whig:

this sound reasons song has a real unclaimed feel to me

Super tunes tonight - is this Arthur Lee from Love?

I heard the NME documentary was a drag, totally unfocused and a lot of stuff about bunk eras, not enough cool stuff at all
Avatar 🎸 8:40pm
Eric R:

I'd only be interested in 1962-1966 NME.

where as... the READY STEADY GO! book is THE BOMB!!! Some people do things right, some... ahem....
Avatar 8:40pm
DJ Major Sally:

Glynis, that would be great!
Avatar 🎸 8:41pm
Eric R:

this show, on a weekly basis, combined with Ugly Things is a real window to back then.
Avatar 8:41pm
DJ Major Sally:

Dom, where did you get the RSG book? I really want that!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:42pm
Matt Clarke:

+1 for the RSG book. Amazing.

Didn't Mike Staxx have it on his FB?
Avatar 🎸 8:44pm
Eric R:

speaking of Mike, I can't remember if I saw the Loons when they were here. I might have had a bit to drink. If they played the same night as the Pandoras then yeah.

DJ Major Sally... I just ordered it from Amazon.com to get it. Don't listen to Karen, unless she's going to order it for you... she is totally against Amazon and I understand that but, how the %*#@ else are you going to get the Ready Steady Go book? I mean, if Powell's don't have it, you have to get it anyway, right? Unless Powells will order it for you. The book is one of the best things that has ever come out for people in our world, dig?
Avatar 🎸 8:47pm
Eric R:

Is this Ready Steady Go by Andy Neill? I see they've got the other one, the Shawn Levy one that's very good but isn't what we're talking about.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:47pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

The new one by Neill
Avatar 8:48pm
DJ Major Sally:

Oh, I should check with Music Millennium
Avatar 🎸 8:48pm
Eric R:

Powell's says "out of stock"
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:49pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

Its at Barnes and Noble
Avatar 8:49pm
DJ Major Sally:

Dom, I’d love to see the archives of the Mod bands that performed on there, but the footage is lost
Avatar 🎸 8:50pm
Eric R:

I blame Dave Clark for no good reason.
Avatar 8:50pm
DJ Major Sally:

I concur Eric!
Avatar 🎸 8:51pm
Eric R:

digging the Moss Men

Is Sandy Sargeant interviewed?
Richard Whig:

possibly my fave animals inspired US 45!

I guess I got kicked out...
Richard Whig:

w a little yardbirds rave up at the end!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:52pm
Matt Clarke:

Great show tonite!
Avatar 🎸 8:53pm
Eric R:

I've been very inefficient at work this hour
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:53pm
Matt Clarke:

Sandy is interviewed

Yes, exciting hour tonight -- still toe tapping now - see some of you on Thur for Crayons
Avatar 🎸 8:54pm
Eric R:

I'll be there.
richard whig:

thanks all! Whig freely this week!

Hooray! I bought a painting of Michael Lindsey Hogg’s.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:54pm
Matt Clarke:

Thanks Richard n Glynis!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:55pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

Keep sane, keep healthy! Mask up everyone!

Fun stuff tonight!

I have many Hawaiian MASKS
Avatar 8:56pm
DJ Major Sally:

I was thinking about Sandy the other day, because I remember Ian MacLagan, didn’t want to talk about that marriage, this was 30 years ago when Mac and Kim in Pasadena.
Avatar 8:57pm
DJ Major Sally:

Wonderful set Glynis and Richard!
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