Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from December 13, 2020 Favoriting

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An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Sun. Mar 9th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Dan Bodah
Sun. Mar 16th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Daniel Blumin

Favoriting December 13, 2020: Harold's Budding Agua Moon (Thank You, Harold Budd)

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Russell (from Courtney & Marc)
Russell (from Courtney & Marc)
Russell (from Courtney & Marc)

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Lubomyr Melnyk  Requiem For A Fallen Tree   Favoriting Fallen Trees  Erased Tapes  2018  Ukranian pianist and composer / While living in Paris, he pioneered a new technique of piano playing, based on extremely rapid and complex note-series. Because of his technique, he is the fastest pianist in the world, sustaining speeds of over 19.5 notes per second in each hand, he also holds the record for most number of notes played in one hour with 93,650 individual notes. This was documented in Sweden, in 1989. (from artist's discogs page)    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Mogwai  Dry Fantasy   Favoriting As The Love Continues  Rock Action  2021  10th studio album from Scottish band Stuart Braithwaite (guitar, vocals), Barry Burns (guitar, piano, synthesizer, vocals), Dominic Aitchison (bass guitar), and Martin Bulloch (drums)  *   0:07:10 (Pop-up)
Klaus Schulze / J. Krishnamurti  Georg Trakl / How To Stop Living In Fear   Favoriting X / Lecture, Saanen, 1978 (excerpt)  Brain  1978  Austrian Expressionist poet Georg Trakl attended a Catholic elementary school, while receiving Protestant religious instruction; he was an unsuccessful student and eventually dropped out of school. Later, however, he entered the University of Vienna for training as a pharmacist, a vocation which facilitated his lifelong use of drugs. Soon after leaving the university he was drafted into the Austrian army and assigned to the medical corps. Returning to civilian life, Trakl found a job in a pharmacy, failed to adjust to the routine of working life, and reenlisted in the army. In 1912, while stationed in Innsbruck, he met Ludwig von Ficker, editor of "Der Brenner." Ficker became friend and mentor to Trakl for the remaining years of his short life, publishing the poet’s work regularly in his literary journal. Trakl died of a self-administered, though perhaps accidental, drug overdose in a Polish hospital while recovering from his battle experience during WWI. (poetryfoundation.org)    0:12:23 (Pop-up)
Robert Schröder / Kristen Twardowski  Brain Voyager / Birth (by Georg Trakl)   Favoriting Brain Voyager  Lifestyle  1985  7th full-length album from German artist Robert Schröder-Trebor    0:37:49 (Pop-up)
Tangerine Dream / George Carlin  Movements of a Visionary / We Swam In The Hudson...   Favoriting Phaedra  Virgin  1974  5th full-length album from German trio Edgar Froese, Christopher Franke & Peter Baumann & the first album to make use of a Moog / In Greek mythology, Theseus’ queen, Phaedra, fell in love with Hippolytus. When Phaedra’s passion was revealed to him, he reacted with such revulsion that she killed herself, leaving a note accusing Hippolytus of having tried to rape her. Theseus, refusing to believe Hippolytus’ protestations of innocence, banished him.    0:43:06 (Pop-up)
Jarguna/Uzbazur  Sublimation   Favoriting Sublimation  Projekt  2020  AKA Italian artist Marco Billi & Simone Santarsiero / In chemistry, "sublimation" refers to the passage of a body from the solid state to the gaseous state without passing through the liquid state. / Find the album here for Name Your Price level: https://projektrecords.bandcamp.com/album/sublimation-name-your-price  *   0:50:34 (Pop-up)
Yo-Yo Ma  The Legend Of 1900 Theme (by Ennio Morricone)   Favoriting Songs Of Comfort - Live on March 27, 2020    2020  Yo-Yo Ma was born in Paris to Chinese parents and had a musical upbringing. His mother, Marina Lu, was a singer, and his father, Hiao-Tsiun Ma, was a violinist and professor of music. His family moved to NY when he was 5 years old. At a very young age, Ma began studying violin, and later viola, before finding his true calling by taking up the cello at age 4. According to Ma, his 1st choice was the double bass due to its large size, but he compromised and took up cello instead. He began performing before audiences at age 5, and performed for Presidents John F. Kennedy and Dwight D. Eisenhower when he was 7. At age 8, he appeared on American television with his sister, Yeou-Cheng Ma, in a concert conducted by Leonard Bernstein. By 15 years of age, Ma had graduated from Trinity School in NY. Ma studied at the Juilliard School with Leonard Rose and briefly attended Columbia University before ultimately enrolling at Harvard University. Ma's primary performance instrument is the cello nicknamed Petunia, built by Domenico Montagnana in 1733. It was named this by a female student that approached him after one of his classes in Salt Lake City asking if he had a nickname for his cello. He said, "No, but if I play for you, will you name it?" She chose Petunia, and it stuck. This cello, more than 270 years old, was lost in the fall of 1999 when Ma accidentally left the instrument in a taxicab in NYC. It was later recovered undamaged. (from artist's discogs page)    1:10:22 (Pop-up)
Fovea Hex  Carol   Favoriting Hail Hope  Fovea Hex  2011  Ireland group - voices: Clodagh Simonds, Laura Sheeran, Matt Waldron, Jessica Way, Michael Begg, and various nameless others / harmonium: Clodagh Simonds / cello: John Contreras / violin, viola: Cora Venus Lunny / other sounds: Clodagh Simonds, Michael Begg    1:11:59 (Pop-up)
Lake Turner  Videosphere   Favoriting Videosphere  Kompakt  2020  debut album by London-based Andrew Halford  *   1:15:15 (Pop-up)
Tears For Fears  Pale Shelter   Favoriting The Hurting  Mercury  1983  debut album from UK duo Curt Smith & Roland Orzabal    1:18:44 (Pop-up)
Shareholder / Alan Watts  The Glass / Ending Your Inner Civil War (by Carl Yung)   Favoriting The Glass  Chocolate Monk  2020    *   1:23:06 (Pop-up)
rRine / Alan Watts  Ufot Pid / Ending Your Inner Civil War (by Carl Yung)   Favoriting Eaciv+  Touched  2020  expanded 2-CD edition of 2005 album, "Eaciv" containing 9 additional tracks / UK label, Touched Music, brings electronic & ambient artists together for charities.  *   1:27:16 (Pop-up)
John Also Bennett  Indiana Blindfold   Favoriting Field Works: Ultrasonic (V/A)  Temporary Residence  2020  John Also Bennett (nee JAB) is a NYC-based composer, musician, and sound designer. As well as recording and performing solo, he is a member of the groups Forma and Seabat, and has collaborated with many others    1:31:04 (Pop-up)
Karen Constance  The Junk Merchant (excerpt)   Favoriting The Junk Merchant  Chocolate Monk  2020    *   1:34:35 (Pop-up)
Kronos Quartet  Summertime   Favoriting Live @ NPR's 10th Anniversary Concert - 2017  Kronos  2017  David Harrington (violin), John Sherba (violin), Hank Dutt (viola), & Sunny Yang (cello) / "Summertime" was composed by George Gershwin (music) & DuBose Heyward (lyrics) for "Porgy And Bess," an opera by American composer George Gershwin, with a libretto written by author DuBose Heyward and lyricist Ira Gershwin. It was adapted from Dorothy Heyward and DuBose Heyward's play "Porgy," which was an adaptation of DuBose Heyward's 1925 novel of the same name. "Porgy and Bess" was first performed in Boston in 1935, before it moved to Broadway in NYC    1:47:02 (Pop-up)
Vikingur Ólafsson  The Arts And The Hours (by Jean-Philippe Rameau)   Favoriting Live @ OPUS KLASSIK, 2020 Awards @ Konzerthaus Berlin - 10/30/20  Vikingur Olafsson  2020  Icelandic pianist / original version of this song can be found on his 2020 album, "Debussy Rameau" out on Deutsche Grammophon  *   1:51:26 (Pop-up)
Indistinct Chatter  Coffee Please   Favoriting Cabin Lights Off  Arbutus Yarns  2020  AKA Dublin-based Myles O'Reilly / about the album from the artist's bandcamp page: "I started with my eyes closed, inspired by long haul flights (RIP). I miss that feeling of tearing through the air, hundreds of miles an hour, thousands of feet above ground, snug behind a few panes of plexiglass, looking out at a sun setting above the clouds, dipping behind this giant space rock, made all the more present with a long and windy drone in my ears. Doesn't really matter how I travel, there's no better soundtrack than minimal ambient for staring out a window into the middle distance, when my mind turns it's focus to the imagination and doesn't want to be distracted. Eyes and ears not focusing on anything in particular but allowing my mind to investigate inwards. Hearing not listening. Seeing not watching. Ultimately, feeling as though I'm flying through the air like that kid in Snowman, and not sitting in a giant gravity defying sardine can." / In the surreal dog days of this unprecedented global pandemic, a new trend cropped up: International airlines began to offer “flights to nowhere,” for customers who missed the anesthetized atmosphere of an airplane cabin enough to pay for the experience alone.  *   1:56:49 (Pop-up)
Ela Minus  Dominique   Favoriting Acts Of Rebellion  Domino  2020  debut album from Bogata-born & now NY-based Gabriela Jimeno  *   2:08:09 (Pop-up)
Blancmange  Living On The Ceiling   Favoriting Happy Families  London  1982  debut album from English duo Neil Arthur & Stephen Luscombe / When asked back in 2017 where they came up with the name, the duo said that “we were making experimental music for a while, really just for ourselves, not thinking anyone would want to listen. A name wasn't an issue or even needed until we were asked to play at the art college. The posters for the event were being printed and a name therefore was required to advertise the gig. In a throwaway moment we chose Blancmange, so as to save time and get on with the music. Actually we were called The Blancmange.”    2:11:23 (Pop-up)
Satoshi & Makoto / Alan Watts  Crepuscule Leger / Thinking About Thinking...   Favoriting CZ-5000 Sounds & Sequences / A Zen Approach To Anxiety  Safe Trip  2017  Kawasaki-based brothers Satoshi & Makoto Tomino / album is a homage to the Casio CZ-5000    2:15:00 (Pop-up)
Emily A. Sprague  Horizon   Favoriting Hill, Flower, Fog  RVNG Intl.  2020  of Florist  *   2:21:51 (Pop-up)
Move D & Benjamin Brunn / Alan Watts  Grains / The Beauty Of The Ordinary...   Favoriting Let's Call It A Day / A Zen Approach To Anxiety  Smallville  2020  re-issue of the German duo's 2006 album    2:27:50 (Pop-up)
Richard Norris / Alan Watts  Fire / Wherever The Straw Lands...It Leaves An Orange Color...   Favoriting Elements / A Zen Approach To Anxiety  Group Mind  2020  of Psychic TV / 4th solo full-length album  *   2:35:53 (Pop-up)
Harold Budd  Agua   Favoriting Agua  Sine  1995  Live album recorded at the Lanzarote Music Festival in 1989    2:43:53 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

upstate sean:

  🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:01am

Heigh ho, little doggy!
Avatar 6:01am

Aww the pup! Good morning, Carol and everyone. Great start to a lovely Sunday to be here.
geoff mcq:

Avatar 6:01am
Really Lisa:

Hi Carol and all. Ready for this.
Avatar 6:02am

Good morning sean
Avatar 6:02am

Heigh ho, 12539!
Avatar 6:02am

Hi Really Lisa. Yes we are ready. :-)
Avatar 6:02am

good morning carol
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Really Lisa:

Hi Heidee:)
Avatar 6:03am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

Hello Ruth, Carol, listeners
Avatar 6:03am

Good morning, Heidee.
geoff mcq:

Can hardly hear the radio above the sound of the rain smacking off the shed roof this morning. Might start building an ark.
Avatar 6:03am

Hello geoff
Avatar 6:04am

Hi Lisa.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:04am
Brian in UK:

Hello Carol & early risers.
Will this track be followed by one hand clapping?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04am
Cooh John:

My pleasure to be here, Carol and moonies.
Avatar 6:04am

good morning, Malcolm
Adam of the South:

Good Morning Archangel
Avatar 6:05am

Hello Sylvia
Avatar 6:05am

I am so happy to have you all here today!! Thank you!
Avatar 6:06am

Hello Brian. Haha:)
Avatar 6:07am

It is MY pleasure to be here, Cooh John and all:)
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Ruth Booth:

Happy Sunday!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:08am

Good morning all, I see another great label name, Prop. R. Nixon I assume
Avatar 6:09am

Good Morning Adam of the South
Avatar 6:10am

Happy Sunday, Ruth! Thank you for being there at fmu:)
geoff mcq:

Listening to Mogwai by the fire in the pishing Scottish rain is hitting the spot for me rn. love it
Avatar 6:12am

Good morning, Kevin
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:12am
Brian in UK:

geoff mcq. Same here, seemed to get darker after dawn.
What is a cubit? (old Bill Cosby joke)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13am

Hi Carol. Mogwaii, geoff and now me, it's a Scottish takeover!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:14am
Brian in UK:

Hello Tardis resident.
Avatar 6:14am

@geoff@6:11: sounds like a lovely day in Scotland!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Luna has joined the Sun in adventurous Sagittarius on Her way to the New Moon Solar Eclipse tomorrow - within a few degrees of the Galactic Center near the end of the sign there...
a week before Winter Solstice (Northern Hemisphere) & the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction on the same day !
Change is coming - about which I wrote :
David in London:

Good morning Moonfaces. All hail the mighty Carol Crow.
Heidee, Lisa, Sylvia, Stanley, Malcolm, Brian: greetings groovesome ones.
Avatar 6:15am

Hi Stanley! All hail Scotland!
David in London:

Kevin-san. *tips hat in your direction, then again to* Ruth.
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

look at that face! who's this happy dog? yours, Carol?
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Hi David, Sylvia, Ruth!
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

oops, just saw the caption, Hi Russell the fancy dog!
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hey david :)
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

Hi David, Heidee

May we look at life the way Russell does
Avatar 6:17am

Good morning Carol, Ruthbooth, all thee. Klaus Schulze is groovy.
Johnathan in UK:

Great to hear Krishnamurti!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:19am
Brian in UK:

A dog must have a name that you can call out loud in a public place. Assuming they are allowed off the lead.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20am

Hi everyone. dreary morning here but nice to be with you all.
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Thanks Revolution Rabbit! A lot to think about!
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Really Lisa:

Hi David, Sylvia.
Hi TDK60, thanks again for the kind words Friday on Doug’s show.
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Brian in UK:

Have to say that Russell looks like a perky fella. Someone must be holding treats behind the camera!

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Greetings groovesome David in London!
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

Hi Lisa, tough times we're going through
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Story as i understand it was Krishnamurti was singled out when young to be the next prophet - & he rejected it completely for a philosophy of thinking for yourself - but thinking deeply. I've read he was so against fixed philosophies he had his people read only trashy novels !...
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:23am
Brian in UK:

Really Lisa are you likely to run that marathon in the Faroes?
Avatar 🌜 6:23am

Happy Sunday folks
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

some have baby fever, I'm having dog fever (but nooooo, I won't get one)
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@Sylvia and all: That is listeners Marc & Courtney's pup, Russell:) Adorable!
Tom from Stirling.:

Bonjour! Hello!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Sort of formally against bowties ...but Russell is indeed dapper...
Avatar 6:27am

Good morning TDK60! All hail Klaus Schulze:)
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@Johnathan in UK@6:18: :) :)
Avatar 6:28am
Really Lisa:

Sadly true, Sylvia. Hope you’re keeping sane and safe.
Brian in UK, I do hope travel restrictions are lifted by then, ie June. My motivation is in having a target race. And that one is dreamy! I don’t get paid time off, so a 14 day quarantine won’t be manageable.
Avatar 6:29am

@Brian@6:19: Is that your pup on your page? He looks very sweet!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:30am
Brian in UK:

Really Lisa, hope this comes together for you.
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

Hi @Heidee, just got your email :)

@Really Lisa @6:28 safe so far, sane I'm not sure.
Changes are coming, will they be for the better though
Avatar 6:32am

@RevRab@6:23: Haha...Interesting:)
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Hello Pablexa!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:32am
Brian in UK:

Carol, yes. Spencer the beagle, pup no longer, he was ten in October. He is having a rather pensive maybe even reflective day today. Does the thousand yard stare very well.
Avatar 6:33am

Bonjour Tom from Stirling!
David in London:

Morning TDK, Pablexa.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33am

Meditation and the workings of the mind are my bag. Krishnamurti's view is worthy of a re-listen. Nice Klaus Schulze track, too.
Avatar 6:35am

@Brian@6:32: Haha:) Enjoy Mr. Spencer!
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Hi Sylvia, only sent it now. :-)
Hi beautiful Scottish people (you get an extra) and everyone around the globe!
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Morning London David.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38am

Thanks Heidee and a big warm hug to you.
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Really Lisa:

Thank you, Brian!
Sylvia, fair point, sane is relative these days. Let’s try to be hopeful about the change(s) coming. I know I’m trying :)
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:40am

Time to head out into the fog, catch you all in the archives. No-one should have to buy a new kitchen faucet/tap on a Sunday morning, but here we are...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Used to have 'Think On These Things' by Krishnamurti. People asked him questions - & his answer tended to be - really look @ what you are asking... Been listening to the west coast Buddhist podcast Audio Dharma recently - & something I get from it is like : For every job we consider first which tool we should use. If we need to turn a screw we don't bring a hammer. But when the job is our thoughts, philosophies or feelings - we never consider the tool 1st - which is ourselves. Buddhism has some tradition to offer here it seems to me...
Avatar 6:41am

Mornin' folks!
I appear to have missed new Mogwai? Darn it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41am

I feel for you Kevin. Good luck.
Avatar 6:43am

Morning Nulsh!
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ike p:

Greetings all! What a glorious soundtrack for a glorious sunrise- tha k you :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48am
Doris in Droitwich UK:

Morning Carol & Moonsters! George + Tangerine Dream, oh my!
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Really Lisa:

Can’t not laugh at George.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49am

Really Lisa, I'm trying to imagine what it would feel like to have a positive and optimistic attitude. I'm using the nitty-gritty as the material to work with, rather than the bigger issues. It's not easy for me.
David in London:

Hey Nulsh.
Peter from Dover NJ:

Good morning Carol and moon units. Nice to wake to Tangerine Dream. This album was a staple of my youth.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

True about Polio - they couldn't understand why higher classes got it. But it was the vaccine that gave relief.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51am

When I was a child, my mother used to put me outside the house in the cold to 'harden me up'. Like some sort of plant.
David in London:

I still swim in raw sewage every morning at 6am for the health benefits. True fact.
Morning Peter.
Avatar 6:52am

Fear does seem to underlie a lot of other emotions. I was on a trip a few years back and was having nightmares. I realized I was having fear of the unknown, the unfamiliar of new things. While traveling in the day I felt fine, but at night my brain dealt with it with dreams.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52am

Phaedra gets another welcome airing.
Avatar 6:52am

Greetings ike! Thank you for listening:)
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:53am
Brian in UK:

Virgin was an interesting label for singles & albums in the Seventies. No thanks to Branson whose taste in music was close to zero.
Avatar 6:53am

Morning Doris!
Avatar 6:53am

@Really Lisa@6:49: :)
Tom from Stirling.:

Raw sewage. Kinda like newage? No, it is different.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54am

David - I hope you complete your morning 'spa' with a shower afterwards.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54am
Doris in Droitwich UK:

I used to practice with a dragonboat team in the lake next to LaGuardia Airport every week for about a year or so. I'm sure it was filled with raw sewage & jet fuel runoff. I honestly felt the most physically fit at that time in my life.
Avatar 6:55am

Good morning Peter from Dover - love TD, too:)
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Hey there David!
6am sewage dip sounds grim!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56am

Nulsh - he gets there before the crowds
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Stanley! Ha ha ha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Now of course we have a Novel virus from presumably animal contact that no one had been exposed to yet - which is not the same for immunity...
Tom from Stirling.:

George Carlin: Fatha, if God is all powerful can he create a rock so big that even He Himself could not lift it?
Avatar 6:59am
Really Lisa:

Stanley, I wish I had the answer myself! I think your wording is key. ‘Try to imagine’. If I can muster it up, maybe that’ll help get through any given day, or hour. Talk about nitty gritty, I have the most base example perhaps.. I was having major dental work done one early morning last week. Found myself trying to escape the discomfort and overall unpleasantness by focusing on my super soft oversized cuddly long sleeved sweater (jumper, right?).
Had me less anxious for a bit. That, or the dental work took my mind off the pandemic.
Also, kudos for practicing meditation. I want to learn.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

When Carlin died & I reviewed him - I was surprised how much I had taken onboard from him & forgot where it had come from - & not only funny bits - but Ideas. One thinks of Python all the time - but he was relevant... Late in his life he had a routine 'Modern Man' - went on several minutes like 'I'm downloaded & upgraded' - nonstop. This was a little more than just another standup...
Avatar 7:01am

TDK60, Lisa, such honest words. Honesty, especially to yourself, makes you strong. A strong and peaceful mind follows. This is also some kind of meditation, I find.
Tom from Stirling.:

Even taking just one breathe can be meditation.
Avatar 🌜 7:02am

She's talking™
Tom from Stirling.:

....or laughing at George Carlin.
Avatar 7:03am

Try this, my favourite:
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:03am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05am
JB from NP:

CONRAD SCHNITZLER! Pabs did you call Bucky for Tangerine Dream?
Avatar 7:06am
incognito madman:

Catholic middle school visit to the local convent--don't masturbate, sublimate!
The Knave:

Hi Carol - The Knave from Five Miles To Midnight on the Drummer Stream tuning in from Melbourne, Australia.
Great to listen in and yes - TURN THAT TV OFF!
Avatar 7:07am

I did notice 2020 has been a tad Loco. "Over the top" as some say. // Carol, I tend to /read/ about the news. I don't like TV news.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08am
Doug in JC:

Good morning everyone. Up too early, and there wasn't nothing we could do about it
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incognito madman:

fear is the emblem of temporality
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The Knave:

Kia Kaha (stand strong)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09am

Lisa, glad your focus on the sweater helped. As Tom points out the breath can be the focus for meditation. It's very useful, as it's one thing that is always with us. There is plenty of help out there, just go gentle.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Meditation works ...but - only if you do it.' - Audio Dharma
I've found the Audio Dharma podcasts useful. A paradox of meditation is there's no right or wrong - it's not about judgement. You can always start anywhere. It's about trying to still your thinking - but then you think about that - then you get angry @ yourself & that's just more noise. The thing is letting what happens happen - just observe it! Come back to the center of the flower they say...
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

meditation is about being here, right now, and acknowledging it, because that's the only thing that exists, not 10 years ago or in the next minute.
Avatar 🌜 7:10am

JB!!!!! Yo-Yo
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Carol and Moonbeans. If you feel harried, contemplate the sheer emptiness of space. www.joshworth.com... Press the right arrow key to move.
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

we love you Carol <3
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JB from NP:

Good morning Carol and Ruth in ze booth
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JB from NP:

Loonie Moonies
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Hey Everyone - It was JB's Birthday the other day, so let's wish him a Happy Birthday!
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

Joyeux Anniversaire JB!
Tom from Stirling.:

Carol: What Sylvia said! We love you. Yes, we do.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15am
JB from NP:

Oh Pabz, I gotta get prettied up now for work. Thanks @Sylvia.
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Happy birthday, JB.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Happy birthday, JB! 🎂
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Really Lisa:

Happy birthday, JB!
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18am
JB from NP:

Thanks everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Sites to check out - Thanks!
Audio Dharma is good with guided meditations as newage as that sounds. I should do it more! Psychedelic Salon has changed my thinking...& Hearty White is more fun than any of them. Subgenius Hour of Slack is good when I'm tired of taking anything seriously...
So obviously my Answer is to Click & Listen to a lot of things. Download some Silence from California Buddhists...
Tom from Stirling.:

Shaking and ecstatic dance are great ways to regulate our emotions.
Get out that Peter Gabriel!
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NOICE Caz!!!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Joyeux Sagittarian Solar Return JB !

Tom from Stirling.:

....this Lake Turner is making my ears happy
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Is this the glimpse of another synth wave 80s show, Carol? Pretty please? :-)
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Really Lisa:

Wow yes, thanks for all the meditation info!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

As they say in Zen - don't just do something - sit there !
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Brian in UK:

And you have forgotten this too, that every man's mind is god and has flowed from that source; that nothing is our own property, but even our child, our body, our very soul have come from that source; that all is as thinking makes it so; that each of us lives only the present moment, and the present moment is all we lose.
Marcus Aurelius's Mediatations Book 12 chapter 26 around 150AD.
Not having religious affliations, this is as close as I can get to a way forward.

the gray abyss is back this morning. I see a manifestation of my mind.🌫️
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Baja Joe:

Hidey Ho Carol and fellow Moonatas. Wonderful sounds this morning. Thank you.
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Have a marvelous day everyone
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Loves Watts.

a serious marquee moon sonota birthday greeting to the great Tom Verlaine.......
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

likewise @Sigurður and hello to you
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

Carl Jung, not Yung I think
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Hello Sylvia
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@RevRab@7:01: agreed
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@The Knave in Melbourne@7:06: Thanks for listening & thank you for the reemphasizing that message:)
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Only half past twelve, here and I've had to put the lights on.
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@incognito madman: haha:)
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Good morning JB from NP!

Carol Thanks for your Kind Voice
Beautiful Music
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Good morning Doug in JC
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Good morning, Ken & thanks for the post!
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morning. i see you checked out klaus schulze and i overslept. dagnabbit!
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@Sylvia@7:11 & Tom@7:13: <3 back to you and everyone out there! I am so thankful!

happy belated JB.
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

this set is quite good and interesting

normally we do not so much look at things as overlook them....Alan Watts
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@Heidee@7:20: I had so much more to play for the synths going steady show, so...maybe soon...?
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cuban numbers lady! i catch her on shortwave on ocassion.
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Good Morning WFMUniverse!
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Hey there, kps
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Good morning Baja Joe! Thank you for listening:) :)
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Carol, interesting, that Kronos 'Summertime' version sounds like the Big Brother & the Holding Company & Janis Joplin version.
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Hello Sigurður - Glad to have you with us
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Good morning Carol Crowwwww! Morning Crow-nuts!!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Numbers Stations. How just weird. & creepy. & reassuringly Cold War for a 20thCentury boy...
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:55am

"Kronos also conjured up Gershwin's "Summertime," inspired, Harrington noted, by Janis Joplin's mesmerizing version."
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@nana@7:28: thanks for posting that
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:55am

Good ears, TDK60.
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Mornin' buddy!
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@earthwalker@7:37: Thank you for your kind and beautiful presence:)
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Good Morning NUuuulllsssh!!!

hey there, Carols Cros

Morning WFMU!
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Hey dale:)
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nice quote@7:45!
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Good morning Deborah
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'Coffee Please' Good shout!
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Good morning Miss Buddha of Suburbia!
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Splendid set Carol Crow!
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Morning CAROL CROWWW!!!!

Buuuudha. hi .
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She's talking™
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good morning Carol crow and skeleton crew and listeners. tuned in from N brooklyn
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aren't there simulators at the mall that do that for less money? plus you can get a honey pretzel afterward.
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Hey KPX!!!
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JB from NP:

THANKS CAROL. In the car but safely pulled over. Thanks again, Moonies, for the birthday wishes.
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Good morning Woof-Mooers!
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JB from NP:

Yo Yo Ma is doing a special series with his buddy Emanuel Ax
David in London:

Think Pale Shelter is my favourite TFF track.
Hey Buddha.
Peter from Dover NJ:

Carol, you're likely not drinking coffee on an airplane because it would be lousy coffee.
Tom from Stirling.:

Ela Minus?! Oui! C'est si bon. Oui!
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Here goes.
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Morning Crei6hton, john_NN in brooklyn, HyperDose and everyone out there! Happy to have you with us:)
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JB from NP:

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Doris in Droitwich UK:

This is such a tune!
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Hello Carol, good show today!
Tom from Stirling.:

Why do they call the soccer (football) field "the pitch" ?
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JB from NP:

The Zen philosopher Basho once said "a flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish"
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Good morning Carol and to all!!. Lovin' the music and comments board today, actually wrote down the one from Audio Dharma podcast. Thank you!
Thank you for the Alan Watts tracks, Carol. Sorry to hear you're feeling the challenges this week. Please know how much you mean to us all. You are so delightful to wake up to; so warm, and giving. I's so grateful you share yourself and your talent with us. Thank you!!!!
LiXiviated Life:

CarolCrow - Thank you for the Allan Watts today
Doctor B.:

Waking up to Alan Watts backed by some great electronic music. Thanks!
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Hi David in London!

Alan Watts foreshadowed the limited human robot we have developing...the wisdom of insecurity...
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@JB@8:19: :) :)
David in London:

Wish I could be like Alan Watts, as The Kinks once sang.

Good morning everyone!
Avatar 8:27am

@Bucksomcounty@8:19: Good morning & thank you for your kind words!
Listener Bop Monroe:

greetings from sunny Tannersville Ms. C.
wow i haven't heard Alan Watts on a sunday morning since the 70s. i forget whether he was 'community service' content on WNEW or WPLJ here in
ny. thnx!
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Brian in UK:

Tom from Stirling, perhaps to do with pitched battles!!
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"Why do they call the soccer (football) field "the pitch" ?"

Pitch originally meant thrust, throw, or forcibly fix something into something else. So pitch a ball. Also, pitch a tent by driving stakes in the ground. Then, a cricket field was a pitch because you drove the wickets into the ground. Eventually, in the UK, it was used for a soccer/football field with boundary lines marked.
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Morning Buddha. // David -Watterloo Sunset?
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David! Ha ha ha!
Bappa ba ba ba ba pa pa!
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Hey TDK60!
The Butterman:

Morning everyone. Love to our human, radio programmer for stellar shows every week. Is there a musician who sounds just like this last track who goes by the name “music” or “musique” or the Greek symbol for “mu”? I have an unsearchable memory.
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@LiX Life @ Doctor B: Yes, Alan Watts was amazing - Thank you for listening!
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Brian in UK:

Carol, wishing you and everyone a peaceful Christmas now because we are having an early celebration next weekend as one of our daughters is on call the week after. Only second time since last year that we have all been together.
Will try and pop in but not very likely. X
Doctor B.:

Is Mr. Watts part of the music you're now playing, or are you mixing him in? Either way, it rocks!
Tom from Stirling.:

Hmmm, guess that answers it.
Avatar 8:33am

Hey thar' TDK60!
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Good morning del, Dan from Augusta, listener Bop, G, The Butterman (µ-Ziq?) and all!

are band in college did a cover of "David Watts" by the Kinks...we called it "Alan Watts"....changed the lyrics to a Zen message...

Much needed some Allen Watts this morning/night
It has been such a great program this day. Thank you Carol.

**Moonlighters if you are feeling separated from the Yuletide season I highly suggest you take a trip to Dyker Heights Brooklyn and ride around after dark. I wasn’t even there yet and my spirit was lifted.
Have a blessed day all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35am
JB from NP:

People don't sound like this anymore when they speak.

Crap, the demented bizarro freak upstairs always runs something that causes interference with my radio signal. this guy truly is a mental case. always engaging in strange bizarre behavior. a huge pain in my ass.
Tom from Stirling.:

Yes, listening to the sounds of a the river is quite lovely. Could do it for hours on end.
The Butterman:

Oooo Carol, that’s probably it. How the heck do I search that?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:36am

no smoker's cough in any of these watts' lectures
LiXiviated Life:

Gary Snyder
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@Dr. B@8:33: (it's me) I was in a mood this week and this was a remedy of sorts for me.
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Hi Nulsh.
Tom from Stirling.:

...or the waves of the ocean
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Brian in UK:

Tom, trouble is after a while you want a wee.
Tom from Stirling.:

Brian: releasing of anxiety. Voila!
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Brian in UK:

Tom, so that is nature calling.
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Good morning, moonlit ones. Watts as serene has the high tide estuary here this morning: a giant mirror, nary a ripple on the surface, reflecting all.
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@Brian@8:32: Thank you! Wishing you a peaceful Christmas, also! Glad you will be with your family! Enjoy:)
Tom from Stirling.:

OUI !!
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@jonny@8:34: Haha. Nice:)
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Thank you, ignatatus! And thank you for last week's lovely pic from Peekskill:)
Tom from Stirling.:

So thankful for Harold Budd. Was hoping you would play something by the great Harold Budd. R.I.P.
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@dale@8:36: now that you say it...hm
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So that was the end of the Richard Norris piece that sounded like Kraftwerk?

If you need more Alan Watts (and who doesn't) you can tune/stream into KKUP at 7:00am Sunday morning California time for an hour of the crazy master. Another very worthy commercial free radio station that helps keep us sane.
Avatar 8:47am

Good morning, Sem...Sounds lovely:)

well, gonna go. bye morning moonlighters, bye CC. '°~°`
Niko, Copenhagen:

Hey Carol and everybody. Greetings from Denmark. Just wanted to say thanks for a wonderful show. Really just - amazing and heart warming. Been standing in the kitchen for many hours listening. Wife and kids are away. I have been cooking for them so they will have a nice warm dinner when they come back. Love, Niko
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JB from NP:

Wow, this is beautiful. So soft.
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Alan Watts lectures on 'FMU here: wfmu.org...

God bless real radio and the people who make it happen
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This is a beautiful meditative piece.
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JB from NP:

@Niko hello from New Jersey of the U S and A!!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Very nice. I understand Jeff Golick will feature some Harold Budd next on the Drummer stream - www.wfmu.org...
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Hi - good morning - I just got here for the end of the show. But I'm going to listen later on the archive because of all the Alan Watts. I grew up listening to his lectures on WFMU (as well as Subgenius propaganda!)
Listener Bop Monroe:

btw what a cute picture of Russell, so dapper!
time for toast and tea.
thnx for another great sunday wake up Ms. CC.
until next week be safe all!
Avatar 🌜 8:52am

"A Zen Approach To Anxiety" is exactly what I need in my life right now
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Hello Fredericks, Trevor, Niko in Copenhagen, Yeti Bob and everyone listening today or on the archives - Thank you all for being here with us:)

Great show as always Carol! Thanks for making Sunday and adventure worth having!

No doubt if we heard the entire piece it wold be a few coughs

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JB from NP:

It's like he's playing the harp with piano noises coming out
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:54am

Aren't we lucky, that we have recordings, and ways to broadcast them?

Thanks Carol (& Ruth)!
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Gorgeous show, thank you, Carol.
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Hello david
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Thanks for the Budd.
David in London:

Thank you for a lovely show today Carol.
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Really Lisa:

Thank you Carol!
Peace, all!
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Gracias Carol, Ruth, Lunars.
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Brian in UK:

Thanks Carol & Ruth. Take care everyone. Chin up.
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JB from NP:

Love you Carol. You made a lot of people happy this morning (afternoon for some). Love you too Ruth!

Mlle Carol. When you are present, you can allow the mind to be as is without getting entangled in it .
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Cheers Caz & Ruth
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Thanks for the beautiful tunes, Carol Crow! Sending you all good wishes! Stay safe! See you next week.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Carol. Thanks for your skeleton help, Ruth. Nice work on the Zoom event last night.
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Many thanks Carol Crow. Great show!
I'll try to be on time next week, honest!
Thanks Ruth!
Bye amigos!
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Ruth Booth:

Be Well, All!
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Bye Nuuuulllsssh!!
Tom from Stirling.:

Merci beaucoup, Carol do nim. Go Go GO
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JB from NP:

Love you too Pablo! Hope you caught that last piece.
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She's talking™
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Glorious show thank you carol
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That was very nice.
Thanks Carol for another lovely show.
Take care everyone. Later.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am

thank you Carol for bringing us forward
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JB from NP:

Adios Moonies

Mlle Carol beautiful Budd piece. Genesis of Pyschic TV passed on this 14 March stay safe & healthy
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thank you carol
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Be well and wishing peace to everyone out there:)
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Thank you all for listening! Have a great week:)
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bob g:

Great show! Time will solidify Harold’s legacy. What an interesting guy he was!
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