Favoriting Sinner's Crossroads with Kevin Nutt: Playlist from December 17, 2020 Favoriting

Kevin Nutt's avatar View Kevin Nutt's profile Favoriting

Scratchy vanity 45s, pilfered field recordings, muddy off-the-radio sounds, homemade congregational tapes and vintage commercial gospel throw-downs; a little preachin', a little salvation, a little audio tomfoolery.

Thursday 8 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thursday 9 - 10am (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio

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Upcoming events:

Thu. Mar 13th, 8pm - 9pm: Kevin Nutt and his Co-Host Micah

Favoriting December 17, 2020

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Images Approx. start time
Silver Quintette  Sinner's Crossroads   Favoriting   VJ 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Helen Brock  Lord Remember Me   Favoriting Well Done  GME 
0:03:56 (Pop-up)
Tommy Brown Gospel Singers  I Heard Him When He Called Me   Favoriting I'm A Pilgrim  Savoy 
0:06:00 (Pop-up)
Tunica Harmonizers  How Did It Feel?   Favoriting Glad You Saved My Soul  D-Vine 
0:09:50 (Pop-up)
Rev. Price E. King  By The Grace of God   Favoriting My Troubles Will Be Over  Randy's Spirituals 
0:18:33 (Pop-up)
Junior Dynamics  Somebody's Day   Favoriting God Is Using Me  Jubilee Records 
0:23:39 (Pop-up)
Mighty Golden Tones  Lord Care For Me   Favoriting   Nashboro 
0:30:06 (Pop-up)
Wonderful Airs  I Met My Elder This Morning   Favoriting   Brother Love Records 
0:35:16 (Pop-up)
McDonald Singers  One Day At A Time   Favoriting God Is Real  HSE 
0:38:52 (Pop-up)
Gospel Explosions  Strengthen Me   Favoriting   Atlanta Soul Liberation 
0:43:06 (Pop-up)
Spiritual Harmonizers  Waiting and Watching   Favoriting   SH 
0:47:19 (Pop-up)
Gospel Travelers  Count on Jesus   Favoriting   Rustron Records 
0:51:21 (Pop-up)
Tommy Brown Gospel Singers  I'll Surrender All   Favoriting I'm A Pilgrim  Savoy 
0:57:27 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 8:00pm
Mike W:

i’m not here for salvation

that is too much burden to bring to anyone else
i’m here for the jams
Avatar 8:00pm
Mike W:

rock me baby
Avatar 👋 Swag For Life Member 8:02pm

kevin, all
Avatar 8:02pm

we gotcha tonite, mike
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:03pm
Uncle Michael:

We're not lost. We're meant to be here.

We’re here, and it’s now
Avatar 8:03pm


UM is on time and right on
Jersey Jim:

I'm here to heal (soreness from shoveling out today), the tunes are the cure!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05pm
Pauly from Clifton:

Good evening, Brother Kevin, Crew, gang!
Avatar 8:05pm

Take a load off, JerseyJam

Is the The Sinners Crossroads Gospel Broadcast, where I can hear The Sinners Crossroads Gospel Broadcast, and only The Sinners Crossroads Gospel Broadcast, in its ever-loving entirety, and nothing else but the Sinners Crossroads Gospel Broadcast ?
Avatar 8:06pm
On the Yazoo:

Hello everyone
Avatar 8:06pm

P-90. Yep and you funny.


...and have a good time in the name of the Lord (NOT the Lord of church-going Republicans and one D. Trump)?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08pm
Chop Scott:

Brother Nutt--I do believe that I can feel something happening!
Avatar 8:08pm

Ye in the right place.
Avatar 8:08pm

Let it out, Chops!

Thank the afore-mentioned Lord
Avatar 8:10pm

You already have, my son.
Avatar 8:11pm
Mike W:

[Shemp Howard sound]
woop woop woop!”
Avatar 8:12pm

nyack nycak nyack
Avatar 👋 Swag For Life Member 8:12pm
Sweet Corn Lizzie:

Good evening brother Kevin, Uncle Michael, and all. Flannery and her peacocks make me smile.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Oh, a wise guy!
Avatar 8:13pm
Tim In SF:

@Kevin: Heard your show for the first time last Thursday; I'm back for the good songs and vibes. Hello all.
Avatar 8:14pm
Mike W:

[moe howard voice]
"knuckleheads, eh?”
[moe howard violence]
Avatar 8:14pm

Ms. O'Connor will take us on a southern journey tonight.

Tim! Good for you my good dude-man.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15pm

Hey sinner, Crew, saints!

So, it's Too-ni-kuh? My guess of tunic-uh may not have been creative enough.
Avatar 8:16pm

mariano. hey man, what's the call letters of that gospel station again?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:16pm
Scott Williams:

Take me to the river, Kevin and Flannery O'!
Avatar 8:16pm

Yazoo: What's the correct pronunciation of Tunica?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18pm

sinner: One sec, I'll find it!
Avatar 8:18pm
On the Yazoo:

Two' nick ah
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19pm

Here ya go, KAYT: ondemand.kaytfm.com...
Avatar 8:19pm

Yaz: thank you

Mariano: Many thanks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20pm
Chop Scott:

Peacock feathers to all the sinners!
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I had the stress incorrect. My apologies.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20pm

hey sinner, sinners
Avatar 8:21pm

c-lo, c-lo

there's a whole land of possibly counterintuitive pronunciations out there.. like the parts of Missouri where they tried to guess how foreign placenames were said
Avatar 8:24pm

Arab, Alabama is pronounced A-rab.

Sinner! Happy 8th Night of Hanukkah… Time to pay off all of your dreidel debt.
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Jake! Man. You ain't kiddin'......
Avatar 8:26pm
Tim In SF:

@sinner: I enlarged your avatar from your profile page; what a great picture. The best I've seen in a while.
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Glorious Estephonic:

been quietly hear <3 <3 <3
Avatar 8:26pm

Thanks Tim. It's my son Eli.

Glorious, Glorious.
  Swag For Life Member 8:27pm

i refrain from correcting people's various pronunciations of nearby Norfolk, Va. because i'm sure i slaughter the pronunciations of other places. for instance, it's Mizz-ur-ree, right, BH? :)
Avatar 8:28pm
Tim In SF:

@sinner: apple doesn't fall far
Avatar 8:29pm

greetings, Brother Nutt and Skeleton Choir and Sinners!
Flannery O''Connor and Peacocks <3 <3 <3
Avatar 8:30pm

slugs. and peacocks have the scariest call.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30pm
Pauly from Clifton:

Hiya slugluv! How you doin'?
Avatar 8:32pm

am I the only one holy dancing?
Avatar 8:33pm

hiya Pauly! how is everything in Clifton?
  Swag For Life Member 8:33pm

never knew that was your son. precious! how old is he now?
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Eli's 18 now.
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holy dancing but kitties are *not* amused -- they want their DINNER!
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Feed the cats so they don't kill birds.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35pm

sinner: Well I'm sure I don't need to ask if you know how to pronounce Natchitoches ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36pm
Pauly from Clifton:

Clifton is a winter wonderland! Feed the kitties! Their patience is limited.
Avatar 8:36pm

I do! I have an archivist friend from there and in Shreveport as well who learned me the right way.

Natches… Like matches… Right?
Avatar 8:40pm
On the Yazoo:

That's right Jake
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40pm
listener 126464:

Hi sinner, everyone.
Avatar 8:41pm

@sinner -- LOVE the peacocks at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine!
first time i "met" them, was volunteering there for a World Music Institute event some years ago -- was outside the Cathedral, and out of nowhere, these lovely creatures came out to . . . greet me? or inspect me, hah?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42pm
Mr. Pumpy:

Sinner! Great tunes.
Avatar 8:42pm

'ello, leese uh nur.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42pm
Mr. Pumpy:

slug! How do?!
Avatar 8:43pm

Oooo. Slugs. Great story.

Thanks thanky, Pumps.
Avatar 8:43pm

@sinner -- no bird killers here! kitties not allowed outside, too dangerous
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@Pauly -- ahhh even Hoboken is still looking pretty and all snowy :)
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Cats down here are killing all the brown thrashers, my favorite bird. I feed anywhere from 3-7 strays.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46pm
Scott Williams:

Flannery above a nice foreshadow of the beautiful grotesqueries below
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46pm
Mr. Pumpy:

beautiful grotesqueries abound!
Avatar 8:46pm

I hope she woulda liked.
Avatar 8:49pm

Guitar here especially for Mr. Scott W.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm
Pauly from Clifton:

@slugluv Thanks! I had no idea there were peacocks at the Cathedral. How wonderful! I used to be captivated by them at some of the local zoos in NJ that displayed them (Turtleback and Paramus Park). The ones at St John's look happy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm
Scott Williams:

sweet sweet wah
Avatar 8:51pm

@sinner -- ugh -- i am so sorry to hear that!
my Mom LOVED Mockingbirds -- and unfortunately so did the cats i grew up with -- although, the Mockingbirds DID "torment" the cats, especially my older "grouchy" cat, literally dive-bombing him . . . and yeah, another reason why a lot of us do cat rescue, TNR, outreach, etc. -- so people do NOT dump their cats and abandon them outdoors :(
Avatar 8:52pm

Mockingbirds and brown thrashers are cousins.
Avatar 8:53pm

@Pauly -- YES! those peacocks at St. John's always seem so happy whenever i see them! it is like they are in charge of the gardens :)

There are some mockingbirds in NYC who can mimic car alarms. It’s pretty amazing if you spot one.
Avatar 8:54pm

Jake: yes! car alarms, sirens and the back-up beep.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54pm
Mr. Pumpy:

I'm loving the tunes. Thanks, sinner!
Avatar 8:54pm

@sinner -- ahhh, i should know that! (my Mom was quite the bird expert)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55pm
Mr. Pumpy:

slug...how are you?
  Swag For Life Member 8:56pm

thanks, sinner. stay safe, everybody. next week?
Avatar 8:56pm

Next will be a show of versions of Silent Night.

And in an ironic twist, those Amazon delivery trucks have an “I’m backing…” up noise that sounds like quietly honking geese. All the neighborhood yenta groups online have people asking about the dying geese in the neighborhood.
Avatar 👋 Swag For Life Member 8:56pm

Thanks Kevin.. Thanks skeleton crew!
Avatar 8:57pm

@JakeGould -- hah for real??
seen some, but only rarely, here in Hoboken . . . and a few weeks ago, saw this adorably chubby and happy looking Blue Jay hanging out on my fire escape -- lived in Hoboken since 1981, and that was the FIRST time i ever saw a Blue Jay here!
Avatar 8:57pm

fantastic show, sinner -- thanks so much!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57pm
Uncle Michael:

Thank you, brother.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm
listener 126464:

Thanks sinner!
Avatar 8:58pm

hiya Mr. P.! hanging in there! all well with you?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm

Thank you sinner and Crew, and hey there Mr. Pumpy! Let's all hit the next stop on the party train howzaboutit?
Chucky Cheeze:

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Mike W:

i got what i came for,

i’ll hang around and help clean up though
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm
Chop Scott:

Bravo Brother Nutt--Cheers!
Avatar 8:58pm

Y'all the best!!

See you manana nana UM.
  Swag For Life Member 8:59pm

sounds good!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59pm
Mr. Pumpy:

Pretty good. Finally out of my house. Officially living with pops. I closed on the sale and move everything out...three days ago! mariano!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59pm

Thanks Kevin don't forget to wear your helmet
Avatar 👋 Swag For Life Member 8:59pm

Late to the accu, but listening while I'm wrapping up work. Thanks Kevin and skeletons! Uplifting fare! Take care all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00pm
Scott Williams:

You blow'd it out the water, Brother Nutt! Thank you, see the rest of y'all at the Spazzpad
Avatar 9:00pm

@Mr. Pumpy -- WOW glad to hear, all went smoothly?
Avatar 9:00pm

Gospel Explosions! and the wah-wah was a coincidence.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01pm
Scott Williams:

Wah wah is never a coincidence...
Rev Crayton:

Val, the guitar player of The Keynotes passed. I remember My Dad putting on a program with Them and Sherman Doyle to raise money for their expenses. That was before their big hits. I'm at the age that my heroes are checking out. Have a Merry Christmas Kevin. I look forward to your program. If I fall out of the bed I won't even hit floor. Sometimes I'm doing so bad the dogs won't even bark at me. Richard Wallace of the Clouds told me, " If I felt any better, I couldn't stand it."
Rev Crayton:

I did refrain from the snow imagery. Thanks Bro Knutt. These times have given me a plethora of imagery. Enough for a month of Sundays.
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