Favoriting Bob Brainen: Playlist from February 6, 2021 Favoriting

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Saturday 11am - 2pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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Sat. Mar 15th, 11am - 2pm: Bob Brainen and his Co-Host Doug Schulkind

Favoriting February 6, 2021

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Year Comments New Approx. start time
Hank Levine Orch. w/ Timothy Leary  Image, Part One / The Psychedelic Experience   Favoriting   1961 / 1966      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Byrds  She Don't Care About Time   Favoriting   1965  non lp b-side of Turn! Turn! Turn!    0:02:28 (Pop-up)
Byrds  The World Turns All Around Her   Favoriting Turn! Turn! Turn!  1965      0:05:00 (Pop-up)
Space Opera  Holy River   Favoriting Space Opera  1972      0:07:11 (Pop-up)
Flower Pot Men  Blow Away   Favoriting Peace Album / Past Imperfect  1968 / 2000      0:12:40 (Pop-up)
Roosters  One Of These Days   Favoriting   1966  also found on: Highs In The Mid 60s: Vol.2 L.A. 1966    0:18:30 (Pop-up)
Byrds  Lady Friend   Favoriting   1967  non-lp single    0:21:16 (Pop-up)
Beachwood Sparks  Sparks Fly Again   Favoriting The Tarnished Gold  2012      0:23:50 (Pop-up)
David McCallum  Turn! Turn! Turn!   Favoriting Music-A Part Of Me  1966      0:28:24 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
"frogs and more frogs" @ Joe Bauer's Ranch" 






0:31:05 (Pop-up)
Steve Ferguson  Blue Ice Of Winsted   Favoriting Blue Ice Of Winsted  2021  Last recordings of NRBQ founder  *   0:36:16 (Pop-up)
Roland Kirk  Search For The Reason Why   Favoriting Volunteered Slavery  1969      0:38:54 (Pop-up)
Abbey Lincoln  Long As You're Living   Favoriting Abbey Is Blue  1959  In 5/4    0:40:58 (Pop-up)
King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard  O.N.E.   Favoriting L.W.  2021  from upcoming album  *   0:43:29 (Pop-up)
unknown  Ballantine Beer Ad #5 "The Big Beat"   Favoriting Music To Sell Ballantine & Schlitz Beer By  1966      0:47:17 (Pop-up)
Taj Mahal  Morning Work / I'm Running, I'm Happy   Favoriting Sounder    OST    0:48:09 (Pop-up)
Red Onion Jazz Babies  Terrible Blues   Favoriting Louis Armstrong / King Oliver  1924 / 1974  Quintet w/Louis Armstrong    0:50:51 (Pop-up)
Heinz Funk  The Terrible People   Favoriting Monster Movie Music, Vol. 7  1960  VAR: see: monstermoviemusic.blogspot.com    0:53:34 (Pop-up)
Runcible Spoon  Animal Song   Favoriting   1969  pre 10cc non lp single w/Kevin Godley & Lol Creme    0:55:33 (Pop-up)
Doctor Father  Umbopo   Favoriting Before During After: The Story Of 10cc  1970 / 2017  another pre 10cc Godley & Creme song    0:57:54 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
"birds @ 302 Chestnut" 






1:03:03 (Pop-up)
The John Betsch Society  Ode To Ethopia   Favoriting Earth Blossom  1974  Strata East label    1:08:49 (Pop-up)
Steve Miller Band  Superbyrd   Favoriting Revolution  1968  OST    1:13:18 (Pop-up)
Junior Mance Trio  Gravy Waltz   Favoriting Junior's Blues  1962  R.I.P. Junior Mance    1:18:10 (Pop-up)
Comets  Kwateng Da Yie   Favoriting African Highlife  1964  VAR    1:21:06 (Pop-up)
Sonny Rollins  Now Is The Time   Favoriting Now Is The Time  1964      1:23:49 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
"birds @ 302 Chestnut" 






1:27:44 (Pop-up)
P.J. O'Connell w/ NRBQ  Old Moss Back   Favoriting Happy-Go-Lucky  2002      1:31:14 (Pop-up)
The Four Cs feat. Cliff Gallup  Come On In   Favoriting Cliff Gallup: Before & After The Bluecaps  1966 / ?  Gene Vincent's right hand man    1:33:33 (Pop-up)
Paul Butterfield Blues Band  Come On In   Favoriting The Original Lost Elektra Sessions  1965 / 1995      1:35:09 (Pop-up)
Cannonball Adderley  Lonely Dreams   Favoriting With Strings  1955      1:37:13 (Pop-up)
Igor Stravinsky`  Four Etudes For Orchestra: Etude #4: Cantique   Favoriting Concerto For Winds & Orchestra, etc. ...  1928 / 1952 / 2006      1:39:46 (Pop-up)
Shelleyan Orphan  Your Shoes   Favoriting We Have Everything We Need  2008      1:44:01 (Pop-up)
Louis Philippe & the Night Mail  Do I   Favoriting Thunderclouds  2020    *   1:51:12 (Pop-up)
Rascals  Nubia   Favoriting See  1969      1:51:15 (Pop-up)
NRBQ  Rats In My Room   Favoriting Tapdancin' Bats: The Anniversary Edition  1977 / 1998      1:54:46 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
"frogs and more frogs" @ Joe Bauer's Ranch" 






1:57:11 (Pop-up)
  Thanks to David Borks, Ron Jett, Doug Young & Pete Tomlinson

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Listener comments!


Good Morning Bob, Doc Rock + fellow listeners

Good morning Jeffrey!!

Good morning Bob, and all, from (soon to be snowbound again) North Jersey.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am
Andrew in Toronto:

Howdy Bob and all other Brainiacs!

Snowy Saturday in Rockin Rochester! Great morning for gettin my Brainen on!
Doc Rock:

Good morning Bob and all the listeners.
Avatar 9:03am
Joe M:

Good Morning all!
Avatar 9:03am

Mornin' bb & all! Diggin' the sounds on a beautiful 5 degree day with a ton o' snow! 8-)
Doc Rock:

Good morning Jeff!
Avatar 9:03am
Bob Brainen:

Good morning to you Jeff, lunarleigh,
1whoknewcthulhu, Andrew in Toronto, CalZone! & Doc Rock!
Listener Bop Monroe:

greetings from icicle free Tannersville Mr. BB.
Strong Byrds start!
Avatar 9:05am

Good morning Bob. What a special song to open with! (Byrds.) I recall when this could only be found on a 45 single B-side.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:05am

Mornin' Bob and everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

GeneClark writing - Bach riff - McGuinn 12String - Crosby harmony...& more.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am

Morning Bob!!Awesome start of the day!
Avatar 9:05am

Good morning WFMUniverse!

Morning WFMU Saturday morning land
Todd E:

Morning, Bob! Ready for Flyte in Miami.
Avatar 9:06am
Bob Brainen:

Hey Joe M.
SmokinJ, it's been nice and cold here and we finally got snow (a named storm!) and are expecting more. YES!
Hey Listener Bop Monroe & TDK60-you are correct, sir.
Avatar 9:06am

Tuned in in Chicago, where we have 6°F and more snow on the way

Morning all. I have some chores and writing to do today, but I don't care about time...
Avatar 9:06am

Hazy Shade of Winter now floating through my mind...
Avatar 9:07am
Bob Brainen:

Hey wm from Dumont & Revolution Rabbit Nov63,
Avatar 9:08am
Bob Brainen:

Morning DonJuanTijuana, Deborah & kevlicki,
& Todd E
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:08am

Double shot of Byrds. Can only get better from here.

The jangliest of the jangly!

G’morning, Bob Brainen. Morning WFMU listeners.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am
Bill in W.O.:

Good morning, Bob!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:11am
Brian in UK:

Hello Bob. Was listening to Chris Hllmans Bidin' My Time this week. He covers She Don't Care.. .
You have brought the sun out over here
Avatar 9:11am
Bob Brainen:

Hey egould310 & Bill in W.O.
A jingle jangle mornin' to you!
Dennis Diken:

Hey Bob & everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am

hi, Bob! soundin good.
Avatar 9:11am
Bob Brainen:

Hey Brian in UK & Denny from the Den
Avatar 9:13am
Bob Brainen:

Thanks luka
Avatar 9:13am

I remember Earth Opera,but not
Space Opera

Thank you Bob.

Thank you for turning us on to Space Opera, Bob.
A true Public Service!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:15am

Wow, I don't remember the Flower Pot Men being this good!

The Space Opera track was magnificent! Every Saturday that I spend listening to this show, results in an expanded record want list!
Avatar 9:16am
Bob Brainen:

Zoot, I knew Space Opera but did not hear them for quite some time. Fantastic band
w/ albums separated by decades.
Avatar 9:18am
Bob Brainen:

Thank you Earth & ?
wm. these guys were full of surprises! Thanks CalZone!
Avatar 9:18am

I turned up the treble knob for the jangle. Maybe I shoulda turned it down!
Avatar 9:19am
Bob Brainen:

TDK60 - ha, I know hat you mean.
Avatar 9:20am
Bob Brainen:

sorry What you mean!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am
Uncle Michael:

Was that the Tony Burrows Flower Pot Men?
Todd E:

Space Opera — nice! New to these ears, will be checking out the album.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21am
Uncle Michael:

This is starting to remind me of Gaylord's fake Byrds marathon premium...which is EXCELLENT.
Avatar 9:21am
Bob Brainen:

Hey Uncle Michael, yep. Burroughs and Carter, Lewis & Shakespeare.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Blow Away' sounded like bYRdS from about the same time - recorded raw like the Elevators or something...a nice discovery!...
Avatar 9:24am
Joe M:

I never understood how Lady Friend wasn't a hit- what a glorious arrangement.
Avatar 9:24am
Marc Francis:

My favourite Byrds song. Such a CHOOOOOOOOON!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:24am

Interesting to hear them try to pull this song live on The Tonight Show. A little rocky but they do it.

Real nice set, Bob!

Hello from rural Ireland. This is perfect music for working on this cabin. More reverb!!

Beachwood Sparks hell yeah. I remember doing dugs with those guys when they were “Further”. Google California Bummer. Great tune.
Avatar 9:28am
Bob Brainen:

Joe M. totally agree.
One of mine too, Marc Francis!
wm. yeah 5 & 4 Byrds were not the greatest live band. But I would have LOVED to have been there to judge for myself!
Thanks Jeff.
Hey Willie-thanks

TDK60 how you holding up down there? At least another month until I return to market. Enjoying my winter break!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28am

Good morning, Brainey-folk. Lovin’ this set.
Avatar 9:29am
Bob Brainen:

egould, that was their band name ?
Hey Artie

The Beechwood Sparks lp was recently reissued on vinyl and it is supposed to sound fantastic!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30am

Good morning, Bob and brainiacs. Some beaux jangles today.

Yes. The Rademaker brothers band was named Further. And I did drugs; not dugs.

nice groove. kind of bob weir
Avatar 9:31am

Bob, I saw the Byrds twice, and they were friggin' great.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:32am

Re: Ladyfriend. Have to agree with Crosby. The original mix is kinda muddy. Probably didn't help sales.

Great opening set...
Avatar 9:33am

Kevlicki! Holding up I guess! I look forward to vegetable market again. (Do you all grow veggies indoors in wynter?)
Avatar 9:39am
Bob Brainen:

CalZone I saw that I have 2 newer albums of theirs to catch up on!
Hue Adam,
Well drugs make you write dugs.
TDK60, I saw the Clarence-era Byrds many times, but not before '69.
Wm. I'd want a reason why my song wasn't a hit too! But I don't buy it. Lots of muddled mixes still scored.
Thanks Moe,
Avatar 9:40am

Bob, saw them in '65 and '66. Magic.
Avatar 9:42am
Bob Brainen:

TDK60, wow, in Cali? L.A. ? My #1 "if I coulda been there" time and place wish is Ciros on The Strip in 65!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:43am

@TDK60. Wow!
Avatar 9:45am

Bob: '65- Syria Theater, Newark - 'Turn, Turn Turn' tour. '66- Village Gate, NYC - 'Fifth Dimension' tour. Infriggin'credible.
Avatar 9:46am
Bob Brainen:

TDK60 - JEALOUS! Good for you!
I was a little too young.

King Gizzard; now here’s a band I’d like to do drugs with.

Alas, I have stretched and it’s time for a run and stair climbing. Keep these tunes pumping, Bob.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48am
Rick from SC:

I love these guys
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48am

i never much noticed KG&tLW before, Bob, but you’ve really turned me on to them.

My buddy Glenn Spivack (who’s a mean lefty pedal steel player) grew up in Da Bronx. I recall Glenn telling me he saw the original five Byrds up at Lehman College (or, could it have been Hunter in Manhattan?).

Good Morning BB & Friends - I'm a big Clarence-era Byrds fan. Bob - you mentioned The Byrds are your all-time favorite group and that Gene Clark is your favorite Byrd. Share with us your favorite Byrds Lp and favorite all-time Bryds track. Thanks for all you do, Brother!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:50am

I remember my neighbor in Boulder CO. nonchalantly telling me about seeing the Byrds in Denver in '65. She also saw the Springfield in Colorado Springs.
Avatar 9:50am
Bob Brainen:

Hey Rick from SC, I was late to the Gizz but caught up thanks to my friend Pete.
Yr welcome luka.

Note to self: pick up a case of Ballentine tall boy cans later and stick them in the snow.
Avatar 9:53am
Bob Brainen:

MikeyfromNC, song: She don't care about time. LP, surprisingly, is Notorious Byrd Brothers (after Gene)
But...I LOVE the first 5 Byrds albums.
After that, it's cherry pickin' time for me.
Avatar 9:53am

CalZone: how about some
Ballantine Scotch Whisky
Avatar 9:54am
Bob Brainen:

Wm. man, I feel like you must have felt. If only...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54am
Cooh John:

Listening on a snowy morning from Roland Kirkville. Hello BB & brainiacs.

Avatar 9:56am
Bob Brainen:

Hey Cooh John,
A smile back at cha, billohara!

Zoot, sounds like a plan!

TDK60 we’ve got stuff overwintering in tunnels and roots in the cellar!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am
Andrew in Toronto:

Hey there @Cooh John.

Good morning! Good morning!
Avatar 10:00am

Kev: Tunnels, cellars! Subterranean sounding...because they are.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00am
Rick from SC:

Bob, thanks for Godley & Creme love
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am
Gina Bacon:

Morning, Bob & all!
Avatar 10:03am
Bob Brainen:

Morning bigplanetnoise & Gina.
Yr welcome Rick from SC.

Hey Bob, You conjured up a memory of Southern Comfort, Frog City. you might find it worthy of a listen.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Morning, Bob & all!
Avatar 10:11am
Bob Brainen:

Thanks Kevino, will check Youtube.
Hey Greg from ZONE 5,

Love the Strata East weekly features!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12am
Ben in Long Melford, UK:

Hi Bob. I'm really enjoying the show. According to NME "The new track begins with cooing harmonica, and Mackenzie singing the full title in falsetto: “One Night Everywhere“."
Avatar 10:16am
Bob Brainen:

Glad to hear it, Calzone!
Hey Ben in Long Melford, UK, sorry, what's that in reference to?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16am

Good morning Bob and good morning all! The question for the day: How can Strata-East Records have put out so much marvelous material and yet be so obscure?
Avatar 10:17am
Bob Brainen:

Monring watchpocket,
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:17am

Was Boz Scaggs in the band yet? Or is this just prior to that?
Avatar 10:17am
Bob Brainen:

hey I'm losin' it!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18am
Ben in Long Melford, UK:

Hi Bob, sorry I may have misheard you but thought you wondered where O.N.E. got its name.
Avatar 10:18am

Waiting for some guitar
Avatar 10:19am
Bob Brainen:

wm. not yet, Curley Cooke was other guitarist.

Good Saturday morning Bob & brainiacs, this past Monday i singing this tune. ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like Bob Brainen, this Bob Brainen time of year♪. Bet your feeling better now that a decent amount of snow fail.
Avatar 10:20am
Bob Brainen:

Thanks Ben! No, it's all on me. I knew as soon as you jogged my brain I'd say "Doh" so "Doh!"
Avatar 10:21am
Bob Brainen:

Kpx, hey, if you record it, I may use it!

Correction, I "SANG" this tune.

Junior Mance R.I.P. it seemed, back in the ‘70s, Junior was always playing at the street level part of the Village Gate - no cover charge.

Mance with Marty Rivera on bass...
Avatar 10:24am
Bob Brainen:

Hey Jeff, would have dug seeing him!
Avatar 10:25am
Bob Brainen:

Hey Taavi,
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26am

Would you say all or most of the Strata-East material is in print today Bob? (Either on LP or CD)?
Avatar 10:28am
Bob Brainen:

watchpocket, hard to say, but it was owned by musicians themselves, not label, so think LOTS has not been reissued?

Bob - MOST EXCELLENT opening set today. I am with you - The Byrds are the GREATEST!! Thank you!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:30am

Frank O'Toole once told me Notorious Byrd Brothers was his favorite Byrds album. It may even be my favorite Byrds album.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:30am

Man, in the 80's you could find a lot of Strata-East stuff in cut-out bins, usually still sealed and cheap.

Jeff: Oh, no, I was thinking of the Knickerbocker, in the 80s. Mance and Rivera were fixtures there, and always a pleasure. Was a couple of bucks cover, as I remember, to be at the bar, overlooking the piano.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31am

@wmfromdumont: Wow.

@BB: I was taken back a little before when you said the byrds were your fave. Because up until now I would have sworn that NRBQ were.
Avatar 10:33am
Bob Brainen:

Yeah, one of many FXO & I agreed upon.
Wm. late 70s & 80s...& 90s was when I got a lot of mine.
Avatar 10:34am
Todd-o-phonic Todd:

I heard Jon Spencer cover "Old Moss Back" at Monty Hall. It's practically a standard!
Avatar 10:36am
Bob Brainen:

Kpx, NRBQ is my fave band that is still around! But Byrds, hey it goes back to being
a mind-blown just-turned-12 year old boy.
Avatar 10:37am
Bob Brainen:

Todd-o, a standard, I like that!
Avatar 10:37am

Ahh... Butter! 8-)
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:37am

Butterfield with horns in '65? Wow!
Linda Lee:

Bob!!! so glad to hear you again! missed you.
Avatar 10:39am
Bob Brainen:

Hey Linda Lee, thank you!
Linda Lee:

talk about slow on the uptake! took me a while to realize you're back from hiatus. so glad.

Reminds me of Hodges Blood Count
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:41am

Bob, you probably know more about NRBQ than some people who've been in the band. So I have a question: is that just Al Anderson on lead vocals in 'Riding in My Car,'? Listened to the song last night for about the thousandth time, and it sounds like the double-tracked lead vocal is actually Al and Joey singing together in unison without any stereo panning. A little off-topic I know, but any light to shed would be great.
Avatar 10:42am
Bob Brainen:

Yeah, I'm tryin' to get the word out there.
Hey, there's tons of archives!
Rich M:

Great Sax!
Linda Lee:

i'll sure help!
fmu hasn't gone to hell after all.. ;-)
Avatar 10:43am

Not fair to include Igor in the Saturday mix, Bob. Just kidding. It's just too good!
Avatar 10:44am
Bob Brainen:

Smooth, I was thinking Hodges too!
SecretSquirrel, I'm no expert, just a fan, but I always thought/assumed it was Al.
I'll have to relisten.
Linda Lee:

morning TDK60! how are you today?

@BB: I can speak for TDK 60 and myself when I say; Very Groovy man,Very Groovy. He and I and some others are on a mission to bring back the slang word groovy, are you with?
Linda Lee:

here's a pretty track. i'm hearing Everything But The Girl in her phrasing & style.
Avatar 10:49am

Morning Linda L. Fine right now. You? Kpx, your sunshine spirit is no bummer, man.
Linda Lee:

glad to hear that! i'm doing super well. i'm not shoveling snow at all this year.
Doc Rock:

As always Bob, thanks for another great broadcast.

Bob, you’re constantly turning me on to things I never knew exited (and, I thought I knew it all). Shellyann Orphan - just beautiful. Of course, I had to look ‘em up and was saddened to read that Caroline Crawley (half of the duo) died in 2016. Bittersweet

Existed - not exited!

Sounding just great, Bob. You’ve made me settle in for a second cup of coffee...
Linda Lee:

time sure flies! we're here & gone, aren't we. good to remember that.

Good Morning Bob Philadelphia checking in.Thanks. for great Show
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:52am

Groovy is the only way to be.
Linda Lee:

'groovy' is a profound state. surely!

@TDK60: Right On Man, Right On!
Linda Lee:

sure wish the site would let me in to distribute clicky-stars. alas, just have to express appreciation other ways.
Avatar 10:54am
Bob Brainen:

Hey Patrick, Thanks!
I can dig it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am

Thanks once again Bob for your unique and always surprising tastes, from this lo-tech Hoboken bunker.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am
Gina Bacon:

Thanks for a great Saturday morning, music-wise!
Joe W.:

Wow! Haven’t heard Nubia in years. Great Felix vocal performance. Thanks Bob for a wonderful show.
Avatar 10:55am

Bob, You really "socked it to me" today, brother. Keep on truckin.'

Bob & watchpocket - add me to the list of folks whose favorite Byrds LP is Notorious Byrd Brothers. Honored to know that FXO thought the same.
Linda Lee:

thanks a lot, Bob! see you again soon!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57am
Andrew in Toronto:

Thanks for another amazing show Bob.
What an awesome outro!

Superb show BB! Now I am ready to face the day!
Avatar 10:58am

(Forgot to say, later jazzier-psych Rascals is great.)

I'd overthrow the gummint for a Klondike Bar
Linda Lee:

beautiful. you'll just have to find it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59am
Cooh John:

Hi Andrew in Toronto. Always wanted to visit your city.

Thanks Bob!
Avatar 11:01am
Bob Brainen:

Thanks all, have a great weekend!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:01am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Cliff Gallup a hero of Jeff Beck...
Eugene Bentley:

As mentioned before, Tony Burrows was the other singer in the Flowerpot Men. Tony is kind of the Joey Levine of Britain. Joey Levine was lead vocals on Bubblegum concoctions Third Rail, Ohio Express and Reunion where Tony Burrows did vocals for British studio concoctions White Plains (My Baby Loves Lovin'), Edison Lighthouse (Love Grows Where My Rosemary Goes) and First Class (Beach Baby).
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