Favoriting Shrunken Planet with Jeffrey Davison: Playlist from May 29, 2021 Favoriting

Jeffrey Davison's avatar View Jeffrey Davison's profile Favoriting

Folk; old-timey; blues; psych, avant and acid folk old and new; ambient and electronic; lots of guitar; detours elsewhere.

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Favoriting May 29, 2021

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Rob Noyes & Joseph Allred  A Valid Subspecies   Favoriting Avoidance Language  Feeding Tube  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Mikee Strongmen  Fire Song   Favoriting Meditations Vol. II  Twenty Thousand Strongmen  0:09:16 (Pop-up)
Crowyote  Noel Graham's Dream - Pt.1 The Cottage   Favoriting Fingalia  Crowyote  0:20:22 (Pop-up)
Risto Milner  Back There   Favoriting Forgotten Poetry  Risto Milner  0:24:22 (Pop-up)
Noah Denzer  Sunnight   Favoriting Vision  Noah Denzer  0:26:23 (Pop-up)
Upupayāma  Hello Green Man, I Am a Tiger   Favoriting Upupayāma  Upupayāma  0:29:11 (Pop-up)
Roxane Métayer  Opalescentes épopées   Favoriting Éclipse des ocelles  Morc Records  0:37:28 (Pop-up)
JJULIUS  Omöjligt​/​Möjligt   Favoriting JJULIUS - VOL. 1  Mammas Mysteriska Jukebox  0:41:43 (Pop-up)
IB, Lö, Jousé Bananjos, Arsène  Intro (excerpt)   Favoriting Délestage (1​/​2)    0:44:16 (Pop-up)
Joseph Decosimo  Shoot That Turkey Buzzard   Favoriting The Aluminum Wonder  Joseph Decosimo  0:46:10 (Pop-up)
Capharnaum County Magicians Society  Angeline the Baker   Favoriting Old Days  Capharnaum County Magicians Society  0:50:02 (Pop-up)
Maybel  Bird Song   Favoriting Gathering  Idée Fixe  0:52:00 (Pop-up)
The Unknown Dorm Singer  Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues   Favoriting The 1967 UCSC Dorm Tapes  Michael Albov  1:01:54 (Pop-up)
Willie Dunn  Half Breed Blues   Favoriting Willie Dunn  Light In the Attic  1:06:18 (Pop-up)
Jim Ringer  I Believe If I Lived My Life Again   Favoriting Waitin' for the Hard Times to Go  Folk-Legacy  1:08:48 (Pop-up)
Diana Jones  We Believe You   Favoriting Song To A Refugee  Proper Records  1:12:33 (Pop-up)
Patrick Sky  Many A Mile   Favoriting Patrick Sky  Vanguard  1:16:29 (Pop-up)
Patrick Sky  Cape Cod Girls   Favoriting A Harvest of Gentle Clang  Vanguard  1:19:39 (Pop-up)
Patrick Sky  Payday   Favoriting Two Steps Forward, One Step Back  Leviathan  1:22:47 (Pop-up)
Tony Wilkinson  Forgotten Lines   Favoriting Kitchen Covers  Tony Wilkinson  1:27:44 (Pop-up)
Steve Goodman  The Sun & The Bridge   Favoriting It Sure Looked Good on Paper: The Steve Goodman Demos  Omnivore Recordings  1:30:54 (Pop-up)
Pickering Pick  Concerning A Duel   Favoriting The Pacific Ocean  Pickering Pick  1:34:43 (Pop-up)
Ellie Gowers  Eva   Favoriting Parting Breath  Ellie Gowers  1:38:02 (Pop-up)
Dog Ears  Mrs. Winchester   Favoriting So It Goes  Proper Songs  1:42:56 (Pop-up)
Isabel Pless  Politics of Lonely   Favoriting Too Big for the Playground, Too Small for the Big Leagues  Isabel Pless  1:45:37 (Pop-up)
Reb Fountain  Crazy Horse & Violence   Favoriting Hopeful & Hopeless  Reb Fountain  1:49:54 (Pop-up)
Claire Kohne  On Your Side   Favoriting Curses  Claire Kohne  2:01:25 (Pop-up)
Joshua James  The Stranger   Favoriting Magical Leaves Red White Black Heat  Joshua James  2:04:33 (Pop-up)
Andrea von Kampen  Take Back Thy Gift   Favoriting Take Back Thy Gift  Fantasy  2:08:44 (Pop-up)
Lowland Hum  That Voice Again   Favoriting So Low  Lowland Hum  2:11:55 (Pop-up)
Ten Miles Ahead  Juliette   Favoriting A Tear In Your Smile  Ten Miles Ahead  2:16:09 (Pop-up)
The Breath  Something On Your Mind   Favoriting Something On Your Mind / Remembering Mountains  Real World  2:20:16 (Pop-up)
Claire Days  Austria   Favoriting Creatures  Claire Days  2:22:48 (Pop-up)
Glitterfox  Poor Woman's Ring   Favoriting Fringe  Glitterfox  2:27:20 (Pop-up)
Nelson Hogan  Forever Wherever   Favoriting I Don't Think Twice, It's Alright  Nelson Hogan  2:30:37 (Pop-up)
Jim Bryson  Knights Of 1000 Sleeps ft. Caroline Brooks   Favoriting (digital single)  Jim Bryson  2:33:35 (Pop-up)
Fiver  Why Do I Have To Choose   Favoriting You Wanted Country? Vol. 1  You've Changed Records  2:37:58 (Pop-up)
Holly MacVe  Be My Friend   Favoriting Not The Girl  Modern Sky  2:40:11 (Pop-up)
Paul McCartney  Momma Miss America   Favoriting McCartney  Apple Records  2:44:04 (Pop-up)
Sharon Van Etten  I Don't Want to Let You Down   Favoriting I Don't Want to Let You Down EP  Jagjaguwar  2:48:10 (Pop-up)
Lisa LeBlanc  Bonsoir Moreau   Favoriting (digital single)  Bonsound  2:52:10 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

  Swag For Life Member 6:02am

Heigh ho!
Avatar 6:02am

This is pretty.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02am
Mr. Pumpy:

Morning, Jeffrey...and all Shrunken Planeteers!
Avatar 6:03am

Hello, folks!

(see what I did there?)
Avatar 6:03am

Mornin' Jeffrey!
Mornin' mi amigos!
Avatar 6:04am

Hey Sylvia! How are ya'?

Hello fellow listeners
Listener Robert:

Are they playing snatches of literally every banjo tune I know?

Good dark grey and early rainey morning.
Avatar 6:06am

Hi Nulsh, I'm doing good, currently cutting some wood (cupboard door)! What about you?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning 12539, Niall, Mr. Pumpy, Sylvia, Nulsh, Robn, Robert (mebbe...), Kpx...and welcome!
Listener Robert:

Had to get up to turn on the heat, but yours is a nice program to go back to bed to, hope you don't mind the compliment's being so modest.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10am

Brrrr, good morning JD and Shrunks! My first time listening live in a good while, but migration is over and it's a good morning to stay home and indoors
Avatar 6:10am

Sylvia, good to hear. I am useless at cupboards and stuff. My missus gets antsy if she sees me near a screwdriver.
All good this end thanks: coffee, doodlin', and toons.
Avatar 6:11am

Kevin-san! Howdy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning Kevin-san!
Avatar 6:13am

This “Fire Song,” I really liked it until just now, haha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13am

Enjoying these songs. Hi all
Avatar 6:14am

Hullo, angel @jeffrey
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14am

Nice sounds for a rainy Saturday. Good morning Jeffrey et al
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14am

Avatar 6:14am

It’s a friggin beautiful day in sunny co. Kerry, Ireland!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning Yes and duke!
@Niall: ha! And...it's going to be kind of a crummy weekend here in the NYC area. Soaking rain last night, starring yours truly, on my way to the station. More rain today and tomorrow. Oh, well...
Avatar 6:20am

I grew up in NY and have never known Memorial Day to be anything but a rainy-ass shit show.
Avatar 6:21am

@Jeffrey: It won me over!I bought this album and the previous just now on Bandcamp.
Avatar 6:22am

Reminds me a little of Nico Muhly or Finnegan Shanehan or one of those people with improbable names.
Avatar 6:23am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24am
Jeffrey Davison:

@Niall: I don't think I know Finnegan Shanehan, but I'll check...
Cooh John:

Good morning Jeffery and fellow planeteers. Cold, windy, and rainy in Ohio today. The music will keep me in good spirits though.
Avatar 6:25am

Oh, the Two Halves, you’ll love it! New Amsterdam Records, IIRC
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29am
Doug in JC:

Good morning Jeffrey, hello everyone. I don't mind the rain too much
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning, Cooh John and Doug!
@Niall: thanks!
Avatar 6:29am

@Jeffrey, I sent you an email using the contact form, did you get it?
Avatar 6:31am

Great track title!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31am
Jeffrey Davison:

Yes, thank you! (Being my usual scattered self!)
Avatar 6:32am

Nulsh is, as always, 1000% correct.
Avatar 6:34am

ok, great, Jeffrey, that contact form is always making me wonder if messages got through or not!
Avatar 6:35am

Jesus H Christ, guys, you can buy ‘ Hello Green Man, I Am a Tiger” for one euro on bandcamp!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36am

morning. someone has been listening to their popul vuh records.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36am

...and i like it.
Avatar 6:37am

Sorry for the typos; my iPad is fighting me. This reminds me a LOT of a… Kikagu Moyu (I’m sure I got that wrong) song.

good afternoon (from holland) jeffrey. Lovely start to the set
Avatar 6:42am

if anybody wants to pronounce this French title, it's something like "opalaysant aypopay"
Avatar 6:44am

How cool’re you, Sylvia? :)
Avatar 6:46am

ha! :D (doing my part with the educational bit)
The Butterman:

I love waking to banjo! Gut strings! Nice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51am
Will the Sound Guy:

Good morning Jeffrey and all!
Avatar 6:53am

@Jeffrey a lot of today is super-“Hired Hand OST”-adjacent, buddy, and that’s great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53am
Rand al'Thor:

Good morning, all. Hope you all will have a great weekend.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning The Butterman, Will, Rand al'Thor!
Avatar 6:56am

Good morning Jeffrey and the listeners.
Avatar 6:58am

morning @TDK60
Avatar 6:58am

Good morning Jeffrey from Reading, PA on this fantastic rainy day.
Avatar 7:01am

Bonjour Sylvia.
Avatar 7:02am

Hey TDK60!

@Jeffery are you back at the magic factory yet?
Avatar 7:04am

Hi Nulsh.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning MFlynn!
@Robm: Indeedly-doo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05am

I wonder where The Unknown Dorm Singer is today. Maybe she will hear this and call in.
Avatar 7:06am

I hadn’t twigged that John Prine kinda borrowed from “Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues” with “Pretty Good” until now. Probably.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07am
Andrew in Toronto:

Hi there Jeffrey and all other Planeteers!
Avatar 7:07am

Call the Lost/Unknown Folksinger Sleuth Dept. They need the work.
Avatar 7:09am

Mornin' jd & friends! 8-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning Andrew, TDK60 and SmokinJ
@TDK and duke: I hope that the connection is made...
Avatar 7:16am

That's Richard Thompson singing among the others? (And a needed song!)

Jeffery YAY
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19am

morning Jeffrey, coming through very clear in w'burg; a pleasure.
Avatar 7:22am

Ah Patrick, farewell! 1940-2021.
Ted in Montclair:

Good morning all on this cold irons bound Memorial Day weekend. Jeffrey, I have to give you a high 5 for the Maple Leaf premium CD. It is great. My favorite cut might be the quirkiest: 5748 km, by Lisa LeBlanc. Thank you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning nortonjutland and Ted!
@Ted: thanks! I love Lisa LeBlanc!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36am

Happy Memorial Weekend Jeff and WFMU family! Raise that flag!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning JohnEBGood!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42am

It's never a crummy weekend when there's Shrunken Planet!
Avatar 7:43am

Love this Ellie Gowers tune.
Avatar 7:47am

Good morning fellow travelers and our fearless Captain, Jeffrey!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49am
Andrew in Toronto:

Hi there HyperDose.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:50am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning HyperDose!

That Isabel Pless was amazing! Good morning!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53am

Good Morning Jeffrey and Planeteers from the chilly Midwest...
Baby Ruth Eater:

Good holiday DJ Shrunken Planet with Jeffrey Davison. Thanks for making my ear buds sound so good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01am


Ill miss you, great music!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:02am

  Swag For Life Member 8:03am

You will be missed, until you come back.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:03am
Doug in JC:

That's too bad. I hope the move works out though
Ken j:

Sorry to see you go!!!! Best of luck ❤️🍀
Avatar 8:03am

I'm also waiting for borders to reopen, Jeffrey, so much on hold :/

Avatar 8:04am

Darn. (You were leaving anyway?) We'll miss you. Why Montreal? More snow?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04am
James in ATL:

I hope you will be back in the Fall! I was sorry to hear that Bob is moving as well. Is the Summer schedule published anywhere yet?

wow = that news made me wake up. that is a bummer for US but great for you, JD!! you'll be missed.
Barbara in PA:

You'll be back, though, right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05am

That's not what I wanted to hear Jeffrey...Best of luck to you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05am

Jeffrey, Saturday AMs are always Shrunken Planet time for me...I will miss this show, as it's one of my fav's. Best wishes!

Will miss you Jeffrey!

even though i haven't been getting here to the chat, i still pretty much listen in and out of sleep, EVERY week. it is something you (almost) take for granted --- until it goes away. but, who can begrudge a guy some time in the hinterlands?? all the best.
Listener Robert:

I may not be up often to hear your show from the beginning, but will miss it. Best wishes, hoping our loss is your gain.
Avatar 8:08am

remote show once you've settled in your new surroundings?

saturdays just won't be the same - but, i bet montreal has good breakfasts.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks, everyone, for all the kind words. The situation in Canada, in terms of the vaccine, is moving slowly, so I've been delayed in my plans, as a result. Once I get settled, I'm hoping to do something on the stream, but that's all in the Maybe category...
Montreal is awesome.
Listener Robert:

Besides this show and Ms. Trudel's, anyone got recommendations for others on schedule that feature soft strings and singing that are gentle to listen to?

hey, as long as YOU are vaxed, i guess it matters little what anyone else does, really.
Listener Robert:

I know Ms. Crow's 3rd hour often fits the bill.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12am

Montreal's gain is our loss. You will be missed.
Avatar 8:12am

@clarke it matters for reopening borders
Avatar 8:13am

Dear Jeffrey, thanks for the lotsa great music you play for us (& waking early to do so). I tend to the slow introspective songs but you can rock out too. I’ve never met you (wait, I saw you spk from the stage of nyc town hall. Nice gig!) but wanna wish you well and luck in Montreal (or wherever in the world you go( any location would be lucky to have you). Hope you get on a wfmu stream.
Avatar 8:13am

we're gonna miss you, and your show, Jeffrey 😢

there's a hole in the fence in western vermont
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:16am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks again, all.
@clarke: there's a quarantine in place, citizen or not, vaxed or not, so waiting for that to be suspended.

and there's a hole in saturday morn
Avatar 8:18am

Yeah, not sure I can do without Shrunken Planet for any significant length of time.
I may have to take legal action.
You'll thank me one day Jeffrey.

(I wish you all the best amigo!)

you could do some traveling first, i suppose - amtrak has some great deals going. perhaps we cross paths..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21am
Jeffrey Davison:

I love digging through Bandcamp and finding musicians that are new, or forgotten/overlooked, etc. There is so much great music out there, and I'm happy to play both Pitchfork-approved music (!) and stuff they'd never get around to...
Avatar 8:22am

I hope you can set up a remote show with the station again someday. Or in some way, other station or podcast.

sure - you stream it, we'll be there!! (bad Field Of Dreams allusion)
  Swag For Life Member 8:24am

Love your show! We are going to miss you immensely. Saturday morning isn't going to be the same. Thank you :-)
wiliam OHara:

going to miss your saturday mornings

damn tho, it's difficult to not be selfish, ha ha. just when we got the SatMorn Lineup back intact!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:25am
Doug in JC:

Is the new schedule up yet? I've been away and hadn't heard anything about Bob
Avatar 8:28am

not it's not, @Doug in JC
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:29am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks again, gentle people. The schedule isn't up yet, but I didn't want to wait until next week to mention the change...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30am
Doug in JC:

Thanks, Sylvia. You'll be missed, Jeffrey!

@Jeffery between bandcamp this station, a station out of California called radio paradise i have not listened to commercial music radio in a couple of years
Avatar 8:32am

the summer saturday mornings won't be filled with softness to help smooth the previous days of the week, and make the weekend start in the sweet way it has been, then ...
thank goodness for the archives. I will find some solace in them.

you really know how to make a guy shoot up in bed!!!
Avatar 8:33am

@Robm Radio Paradise is good, yes, there's also KFJC if you don't know it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34am

I took you so much for granted, Jeff, we met briefly in the WFMU studio 2007 when I finished a Listener Hour. I try and catch your show each week and will really miss you! Good luck in your ventures, man... hope you come back, love James T
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Morning ! Up too late & sleepy - but listening & appreciating.

rev - we's losin' one o'th' good ones!!

@Sylvia thanks also there is this station from Canada called CKUA out of alberta which is great, will give that station you mentioned a listen.
Avatar 8:39am

thanks @Robm, I don't know this one
Avatar 8:39am

wait... I did not hear the part about you moving away ! Oh, this is going to be much harder than what I was just feeling a few minutes ago! You will be missed Jeffrey! I hope you do have a sort of programming here in some way or another (or even somewhere else, I would listen)
Avatar 8:40am

Yes, what a bummer..we'll really miss you Jeffrey. Appreciate all the effort you've put into this show each weekend. Saturdays certainly won't be the same.

@Sylvia there is also triple j out of Australia now that is a kick ass station

@Jeffery will miss you too
Avatar 8:44am

so, pandemic's silver lining: we got an extra year of Shrunken Planet
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45am

Morning! Sad to hear about the schedule change :(
Avatar 8:45am
Listener Scott:

Aw, long-time lurker here just scrolling back to see that you're evidently leaving. You'll be missed Jeff, I really enjoy this show on Saturday mornings.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45am
Mike Sin:

Jeff! The Rock'n'Soul stream waiting for you! Take your show there because you have such a large audience that will surely miss if you're not doing it on Saturday mornings!

man, we wuz lonely.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:47am

posting to you here is like a prayer xx
wiliam OHara:

great stuff
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49am

Jeffrey, I started catching the ends of your show when I tuned in for Bob Brainen. Your show grew on me, and I listened to steadily more. I'm desolated to learn that you're suspending it. But, I'd only just discovered Bob when he went off the air, and he came back, so maybe you will, too. Thanks for the great music. It made Saturday morning coffee even better.
wiliam OHara:

say hello to the immigrant
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:51am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Ah. Well word was getting out this was a pretty major Schedule change. We've been fortunate. The Saturday line-up has seemed perfect & Shrunken Planet not least of it. I'm always saying that every FMU-J is a World - & new Worlds come on the Schedule - DJs come & go & often return. It's no small thing though & moving sounds like finality. All but a few have been remote - & several on the Alternative streams further afield. We'd all be happy to still have you - but sometimes it's just time to move on too. Then we can only say Thank You & Good Luck & mean them both - & say of course don't be a stranger.
wiliam OHara:

i enjoyed visiting montreal many years ago
phat in Lincoln:

@adamdoesit same!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thank you again...I'm my usual self here at the station, meaning scrambling for that next track, so unable to answer each and all. Your kindness is very much appreciated.

@Rev very well said
Avatar 8:52am

Word to Mike Sin, he speaketh the truth!
Thank you, Jeffrey. This isn't goodbye. We'll see you down the road (hopefully sooner than later!). 🙂
wiliam OHara:

revolution rabbit .yes

Hi Jeffery , good morning , am just catching up on this , our internet has been down
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am
Andrew in Toronto:

Thanks for another great show!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Jeffrey. May your new planet shrink on or close to schedule.
Avatar 8:53am

Thanks as ever Jeffrey!
Avatar 8:54am

thanks Jeffrey, until next week for the farewell show
Avatar 8:55am

Fine show today. Thanks Jeffrey, or merci!

I’ll watch eagerly for news of a stream when you’re in Montreal and settled! Til then, we’ll miss you in this household and wishing you all the best over the border :)
  Swag For Life Member 8:55am

Thank! You! Jeffrey!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55am

Can we go to Canada with you, Jeffrey?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55am

Thanks much Jeffrey. Great show as always.
Avatar 8:55am

What Strandlund said...hee..
Listener Robert:

"Bonsoir Moreau" sounded like "Bonsoir motor home."
Avatar 8:56am

@Strandlund : haha , my thoughts exactly!

So my husband and I are planning a trip on the Canadian rails and Montreal is our starting point. Won't be before next year. If we're in town, we'll see if we can contact you and treat you to a coffee or beer. Much success to your move. Thanks for all the great music. You really helped to expand my listening universe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57am

Well I'm getting up extra early next Saturday...Thanks for the excellent shows Jeffrey!!

RRabbit nov. AYE !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am
Will the Sound Guy:

Thanks for the music Jeffrey, Happy Memorial Day Weekend to all!
Ken j:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34am
Bas NL:

Only just became aware of you moving Jeffrey... i'll miss your show very much. But what a good and pleasant place to move to!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:06pm

Just heard the news about your not being on the summer schedule; your show’s how I ease myself into Sunday morning. I’ll miss your show a lot!! but I’m happy for you and hope you enjoy Montreal. I’ll content myself with the archive... :(

Jeffrey! Alas, this is expected news and, at the same time, it is still unexpected! I didn't quite get it: is your show disappearing for the summer or forever? If you move to Montreal permanently, is the Shrunken Planet coming to an end? Here some wrote that everything should change ... This is certainly true, but changes do not mean the disappearance of a great DJ forever. I would very much like you to be present on the air in one form or another. Still, unique people are irreplaceable and for wfmu it would be a loss. If you will be on another station, in the end it is not a fact that there will be podcasts and such a wonderful archive as here. This will complicate things. And yet, if possible, keep us informed where you will be and how! I would not like to part with you, as well as with that wonderful music that you have always been able to find and present to us!
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