Favoriting Shrunken Planet with Jeffrey Davison: Playlist from June 5, 2021 Favoriting

Jeffrey Davison's avatar View Jeffrey Davison's profile Favoriting

Folk; old-timey; blues; psych, avant and acid folk old and new; ambient and electronic; lots of guitar; detours elsewhere.

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Favoriting June 5, 2021

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Artist Track Album Label
Robbie Basho  Venus In Cancer   Favoriting Venus In Cancer  Tompkins Square 
John Fahey  In Christ There Is No East Or West   Favoriting The Best Of John Fahey 1959-1977  Takoma / Fantasy 
Gwenifer Raymond  Off to See the Hangman, Part II   Favoriting You Never Were Much of a Dancer  Tompkins Square 
William Tyler  A Portrait of Sarah   Favoriting Impossible Truth  Merge 
Marisa Anderson  The New Country   Favoriting Mercury  Important Records 
Don Bikoff  My Baby's Blues   Favoriting Celestial Explosion  Tompkins Square 
Zachary Cale  Morning Glory Kid   Favoriting (live on Shrunken Planet, 9/28/2013)  Free Music Archive 
Harry Taussig  Baby Let Me Lay It On You   Favoriting Fate Is Only Once  Talisman 
Jolie Holland  Roll My Blues   Favoriting Catalpa  Jolie Holland 
Joan Shelley  River Low   Favoriting Electric Ursa  No Quarter 
Nora Brown  Jay Gould's Daughter   Favoriting Cinnamon Tree  Jalopy Records 
Caitlin Canty  My Love For You Will Not Fade   Favoriting Reckless Skyline  Caitlin Canty 
Anna & Elizabeth  Goin' Cross the Mountain   Favoriting Anna & Elizabeth  Free Dirt 
Bob Dylan  Man of Constant Sorrow   Favoriting Bob Dylan  Columbia 
Nic Jones  Flanders Shore   Favoriting Game Set Match  Topic Records 
Anne Briggs  Sandman's Song   Favoriting The Time Has Come  Sony (Japan) 
Allysen Callery  The Huntsman   Favoriting Folk Radio UK Session  75 Or Less Records 
Meg Baird  Spencer the Rover   Favoriting (live on Shrunken Planet, 07/07/2012)   
Richard Thompson  The Poor Ditching Boy   Favoriting Henry the Human Fly  Reprise 
Gemma Khawaja  Bide Lady Bide   Favoriting Such Mortal Sport  Gemma Khawaja 
Tony Rose  Bold Archer   Favoriting On Banks of Green Willow  Trailer 
Erica Buettner  Our Most Fragile Things   Favoriting True Love and Water  Erica Buettner 
Shirley Collins  The Tailor & The Mouse   Favoriting Sweet England  Fledg'ling 
Tiny Ruins  Carriages   Favoriting Brightly Painted One  Bella Union 
Sam Moss  Allies   Favoriting Neon  Sam Moss 
Vashti Bunyan  Timothy Grub   Favoriting Just Another Diamond Day  Spinney 
The Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem  Singin' Bird   Favoriting The Boys Won't Leave the Girls Alone  Columbia 
Angus Chisholm  Tea Gardens / Mrs. McGee   Favoriting The Early Recordings of Angus Chisholm  Shanachiie 
Sharon Van Etten  Consolation Prize   Favoriting Because I Was In Love  Language of Stone 
Julie Byrne  Melting Grid   Favoriting Not Even Happiness  Ba Da Bing 
Courtney Marie Andrews  Unbalanced Suns   Favoriting No One's Slate Is Clean  Fat Possum 
Itasca  Marcy Rain   Favoriting (live on Shrunken Planet, 03/07/2015)  FMA 
Swimming Bell  In Amber   Favoriting (digital single)  Swimming Bell 
She Keeps Bees  Burning Bowl   Favoriting Eight Houses  Future Gods 
Diane Cluck  Trophies   Favoriting Boneset  Important Records 
Torres  Gracious Day   Favoriting Silver Tongue  Merge 
St. Claire  He Is a Ghost   Favoriting Everyone Lives Here  St. Claire 
Wild Leaves  To Be Free   Favoriting (live on Shrunken Planet)  FMA 
Mariee Sioux  Friendboats   Favoriting Faces In the Rocks  Grass Roots 
Marina Allen  Original Goodness   Favoriting Candlepower  Fire Records 
Her Crooked Heart  Slow Road   Favoriting Captiva  SoDak 
Tift Merritt (feat. Sam Beam)  Wait for Me   Favoriting Stitch Of The World  Yep Roc 
BATTS  Everything Is Free   Favoriting (digital single)  BATTS 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:03am

Lapping up all of the Shrunken Planet I can get.
Avatar 6:03am

Good morning Jeffrey. Made sure to get up early once.
  Swag For Life Member 6:04am

Heigh! Ho!
Avatar 6:04am

Hello Jeffrey and fellow listeners
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04am

Hello Jeffrey. I made it on time for a change.
Avatar 6:04am

Wie gehts, Heidee, 12539, Sylvia, Duke.
Avatar 6:06am

checking in, I can't miss this show! PLEASE COME BACK SOON JEFFREY !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning Heidee, TDK60, 12539, Sylvia, duke, jamesie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07am

Hello Jeffrey, I usually listen but don't comment, because chores like laundry stubbornly refuse to do themselves. I'll miss this show, and your premiums. Maybe get on the Drummer stream once settled?
LiXiviated Life:

There’s a time for reading poetry
and a time to make coffee.

When the verse floats off the page like a ribbon
A wisp of smoke
and I breathe it in
Yes, I think
This is how it is, I know this feeling.

I’ll get up from bed and look for you.
Sit next to you and want to tell you my dream
What I read and how I feel

There’s a time for reading poetry
and a time to make coffee.
In a moment from now,
I’ll run the water
Avatar 6:10am

@Heidee I genuinely love your avatar x
Cooh John:

Good morning Jeffery. Thanks for the early Saturday morning inspiration. Safe travels until our paths cross again. Hello fellow planeteers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning fred, LiXiviated Life (who is the poet?), and Cooh John!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11am

Hi friends
Roadside Picnic:

beautiful start
  Swag For Life Member 6:14am

Jeffrey, I have to check out early today (to get my second dose of vaccine). But I want to tell you that I have so greatly enjoyed Shrunken Planet and I am looking forward to a time when you can return on air somehow. Until then...

Good morning Jeffrey, had to hop on the chat this morning to say a massive thank you and a big hurry back. Gonna miss the show so much.
Avatar 6:16am

Howdy jd & crew! 8-)
LiXiviated Life:

@Jeffrey Davison
I am.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning Yes, Roadside Picnic, geoff and SmokinJ!
Thanks everyone for being here, and for all the kind words...
Avatar 6:17am

Paterson Lix L., good lines.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Venus *is* in Cancer - correct.
An appropriate time to say enjoy your new home, Jeffrey Davison !
& Thank You for making early Saturday more like home
- & we hope FMU will be your home again in the future sooner than later.
Avatar 6:17am

Mornin' Jeffrey! How ya' doin'?

Mornin' fellow inhabitants!
Avatar 6:19am

Our Jeffrey, hello.
Hi my musical friends, TDK60! jamesie! (thank you sweetheart)
And look who else is here, all the good gang.
Avatar 6:19am

Morning, RRN63. Nulsh, morning still in Glasgow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19am
Jeffrey Davison:

@Lix: great!
Good morning Nulsh and Rev Rabbit!
Avatar 6:20am

This is heaven & with my mates as well!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Morning TDK60, All !
Truth is I wouldn't change one thing on this Saturday schedule. But it's not the 1st time & won't be the last. We'll see what the new one brings.
Avatar 6:21am

TDK60! Aye, still got some mornin' left!

Hello fellow shrunken planet listeners

Goodbye's too good a word, babe, so
I'll just say "fare thee well".
LiXiviated Life:

@ TDK60 & Jeff D.
To know someone reads the words I write is enough.

@RRN63 that’s the spirit
@Heidee howdy
  Swag For Life Member 6:29am

Jeffrey, so glad I can join in real time for at least part of this show, I can't believe we're losing you even for the summer schedule, please don't let it be for good! we've been together for twenty years I reckon, I will miss you and your show immensely for however long you're away. Thank you my friend, enjoy what you do next
Avatar 6:30am

Nülsch. Are we sad. What's gonnae happen with the wee Celtic tunes on FMU. Probably has to come to this meet'n'greet at Babbity Bowster's after all.

Hi Robm! 👋
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning Robm and jeremyo!
I don't really want to stop doing radio, so I hope this is temporary!
Avatar 6:32am

Jeffrey, thank you for having created such a special place
  Swag For Life Member 6:33am

well one thing the last year has shown is that you can do a show perfectly well without being in the studio!
Avatar 6:33am

You're curious to find out how them Quebecois keep their fingers warm enough to pick in winter, right?
Avatar 6:34am

Heidee! Aye, gonnae miss my Shrunken Planet fer' sure.
Totes part of my Saturday!
All things must pass etc.

How you doin'?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks Sylvia and Nulsh!
@jeremyo: pre-recording was tough! Glad I got back in the studio for real...
Avatar 6:36am

Nulsh, doin guid ta! Hou's aw wi ye?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36am

gotta say that Roll My Blues is like mashed potatoes and gravy to me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning dicassette! Yeah, good stuff...
  Swag For Life Member 6:37am

@Jeffrey yeah I'm sure. You'll have to talk to CKUT, home of the Sleepy King.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38am
Andrew in Toronto:

Hi there Jeffrey and all other Planeteers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38am

Pretty Jolie Holland tune
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38am
Jeffrey Davison:

Here is the link to the (finally) updated list of live sessions on SP. Jolie Holland was my first guest, in 2004.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39am

Avatar 6:41am

Heidee! Doin' smashin' ta. Lockdown restrictions are eased in Glasgow today.
Might even grab a beer with my son tomorrow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42am

I see that on that show you also played "En Gallop"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning Andrew!
@jeremyo: I do plan on stopping by at CKUT.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42am
Jason D:

Good luck with the relocation Jeffrey, and thanks for these hundreds of saturday mornings you've spent making radio.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks Jason D!

Thank you, Jeffery, for over twenty years of great Saturday morning music, good luck and fare thee well...

too bad jakegould isnt here to hear this
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46am

Is CKUT McGill's station?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47am

Good Morning Jeffrey & all early risers! Although I dont post much, every Saturday is a Shrunken Planet day! Wishing you the Best!
Avatar 6:48am

Nülsch, oh I miss a guid pinta.
Faves: Deuchars, Caledonian P.A., Greenmantle. Cheers.

Good morning, all. I sense I missed a big announcement earlier!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks Moe, yippie (indeed!), DonJuanTijuana and Andy!
@fred: yes...
Zinn The Mood:

“Jay Gould’s daughter,” great title. Couldn’t make out lyrics though. Am curious.
  Swag For Life Member 6:50am

@fred yeah looks like it. It looks like you can't stream live if you're outside the area but it looks like a good station and some shows go onto Mixcloud
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54am
Jeffrey Davison:

@Zinn: the song is based on railroad tycoon Gould. Googles...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54am

Thank you Jeffrey for the great music. Hope you return soon!
The Butterman:

Jeffrey, thank you for the tone you have set for our Saturday mornings. It won’t be the same. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know change is inevitable and all but still…all the best for you, sir.
Avatar 6:55am

Good morning, Jeffrey and all! Really enjoyed the Caitlin Canty track:) Thanks for all the fantastic music!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56am

morning. as this seems to be a moment to reflect are we treating it like a celebrity roast?
Roadside Picnic:

@Heidee, good call on the Deuchars, a nice old timey beer. A lot of these new hipster style ipa's go too much on the grapefriuty type flavour

@Carolcrow glad your still sticking around
  Swag For Life Member 6:57am

Just a little heads up for Tim Buckley fans, there's a "new" live recording doing the rounds I've not heard before, recorded by Owsley “Bear” Stanley, the Dead's sound man. June 1968, San Francisco, sounding amazing, and with a couple of songs unknown elsewhere. I hesitate to post a link since it's one of those sites that makes you go through various distasteful hoops to get your download, but well worth seeking out if you're that way inclined
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58am

McGill has strong music programs academically and otherwise. I heard a lot of good things about it, but these reports are biased
Avatar 7:02am

Hi Roadside Picnic, thanks for getting back. Yes, I agree!
fred, I looked up IRCAM, how brilliant is that! What kind of research is done? What do you do?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03am

Heidee, have you noticed it's under the Stravinsky Fountain yet?
Avatar 7:03am

our love for you, Jeffrey, will not fade either
Zinn The Mood:

@jeffrey Davison thanks. But I know exactly who he is. One of the most evil, greedy bastards of all time. Current equivalents RA may be the Koch Bros, or Steve Schwarzman, or Jeff Bezos, or Rupert Murdoch, or Sheldon Adelson, or Carl Icahn, etc.
Wondering how she approached the subject lyrically...
Ok, just heard it’s a cover. Hmm...now have to look into original.
Avatar 7:06am

Avatar 7:07am

I am actively crying now
Avatar 7:07am

Lix, Just added another one to my folder.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08am

^ (I've made off with it as well)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08am

@Heidee: I'm just a software technician, so the research goes well above my head. I work mainly in voice/music transformation, but other areas include music representation, interaction, improvisation, musicology, acoustics, spatialization and perception. Anything sound or music related, and most often applied to make new music

I’m a little bit choked up too honestly... Shrunken Planet has been a constant and indispensable part of my week for so many years. And this sounds like maybe more than just a hiatus for a schedule or two.
  Swag For Life Member 7:10am

I’m going to miss you Jeffrey. Saturday mornings just won’t be the same.
question mark:

Hi Jeffrey. Haven’t tuned in for a while. Worked up to it, to sign on just now, only to see and hear your news.
Best wishes for your next chapter. And much appreciation to you for the music, wit, and wisdom you have shared through your show all these years. Archives will be visited for sure.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10am

Best wishes for the move. I understand the sentiment and Montreal is a beautiful city. You will be very much missed in this house! Hope a remote show in the future isn't out of the question!
Ted in Montclair:

Good morning Jeffrey and all. Godspeed Jeffrey!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning CarolCrow, dale, Roadside Picnic, Kevino, SankaSankaSanka, question mark, Corey, P-90, Fredericks, and anyone I may have overlooked!
  Swag For Life Member 7:12am

gotta shop, hope to be back for the last hour and a proper send-off!
Avatar 7:13am

I loved travelling across Canada from Alaska to WFMU studio, Montreal is delightful, clean and sunny - great choice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning Ted!
@jamesie: Maybe I'll finally make it to Vancouver (by train?)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14am

its always such a pleasure hearing this show live
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:16am

Gotta run. Best of luck on your move north. We'll miss your wonderful Saturday shows.

Saximus Max:

Congratulations on leaving this cesspool
The Butterman:

Jeffrey, you can re-enacts he Festival Express train, you just need the Dead, Janice, the Band, Ian and Sylvia, and BuddyGuy. And lots of drug. And booze( a bad drug)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18am

Did I say mashed potatoes & gravy? I obviously meant poutine
Avatar 7:18am

Morning Jeffrey,it’s been a long great trip.Thanks for all the great music and
Good Luck.
Toothgrinder Tom:

Wow, first Stan’s show and now Shrunken Planet - two mainstays. What a week it’s been.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21am
Jeffrey Davison:

@duke: take care
@Saximus Max: I wouldn't call it a cesspool, but this country needs a lot of work! I love NYC, but looking forward to a change.
Thanks Zoot and Toothgrinder Tom...
Avatar 7:23am

diciassette, what a location!
fred, sounds like some great tech work, you surely come across quite a bunch of stuff
Avatar 7:23am

Somebody call rotor rooter
Toothgrinder Tom:

Is there any particular reason you’re leaving, if I may ask? (Scrolled above but didn’t see any posts addressing that, and I just tuned in.)

Such fantastic music jeffery
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25am

@Heidee: Stuff matters far less to me than people, composers especially are a weird bunch. Which is why I'm eager to go back
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26am

rotary angel/I walk alone
Avatar 7:27am

like they are weird but you miss them?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28am

Morning Jeffery and all 🪴

Avatar 7:28am

Your choices of music to play on this show, the 'paus button' is *such* an eclectic selection - must have been intimidating to compile, the result? Superb, Wonderful!
Toothgrinder Tom:

How most composers (with the exception of a handful of celebrities) actually earn a living is beyond me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:29am

Jeffrey, Shrunken Planet was the show that hooked me on WFMU many years ago and you've provided wonderful radio the whole time. Best of luck up north! you will be missed.
Avatar 7:31am

@Toothgrinder Tom most don't, you have to have a dayjob or savings, family money etc.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:31am

@Heidee: They are weird and that's why I miss them!
Avatar 7:31am

yes vinyl, do it to me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:32am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning RB, Crei6ton, nortonjutland (glad to be of service!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:32am
Will the Sound Guy:

Good morning Jeffrey and all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35am
Uncle Michael:

Jeffrey, I'm an infrequent commenter, but I can assure you, Saturday morning coffee won't be the same for me and my mrs. without you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35am

@Toothgrinder Tom: It's beyond them too. Most teach, sometimes grab gigs doing corporate sound design, whatever brings in some dough. Not an easy career path
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning Will!
@Heidee: looks like I need a better copy of that Tony Rose album. It's kinda banged up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks for the kind words, Uncle Michael!
Avatar 7:36am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Hi Jeffrey and gang! What’s this about leaving NYC!?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:37am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning Buddha! Yes, I'm waiting for the quarantine in Canada to be lifted to go up there and find an apartment...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39am
Will the Sound Guy:

I raise up my coffee and thank you for the music 🎶🎶🎶 I'm going to miss your show for sure, I wish you luck for when you can actually move north and whatnot.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40am

AYe, (espresso cup held thoughtfully aloft )
  Swag For Life Member 7:40am

Good luck Jeffrey! I’ve enjoyed our Saturdays together and looking forward to hearing from you again soon.
Avatar 7:41am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Oh my goodness?! Wow! Good luck with everything. Hope u will still have your show. If not thanks for everything and wishing I blessings in abundance. I am going to get going. Stay cool!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41am

Also, most contemporary classical pieces are played exactly once. So they chase commissions, since festivals are only interested in premiere performances. It's a passion, not a plan
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks brendagen, RB, Buddha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43am
Rand al'Thor:

Checking in on the final (for now) episode of Shrunken Planet. Thank you for all the shows, Jeffrey. Hope to hear your show again.
Avatar 7:45am

Going to miss you on Saturday mornings, Jeffrey. Grateful for all the great music you've provided to us.
Guess I'll be visiting the archives on Saturday mornings in future.
Best of luck. Please stay in touch.
Toothgrinder Tom:

I’m going to miss this show. There’s nothing like it, on WFMU or the radio or the culture at large, that I know of.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:47am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks Rand al'Thor , Tom and Fredericks!
Avatar 7:49am

All the best for your move Jeffrey. Hope that your show can recommence once you've got settled.
Avatar 7:51am

Yes, Tom. An eclectic folk show is indeed a fine rare thing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks Marshland and TDK60!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51am

Fred, in college I made my “living” as a banjo player (5 string , bluegrass).. composing was involved bc you can’t find such written music anywhere. I also cleaned houses , odd jobs , etc. what made me change my “banjo career path” was , one night , getting stuffed by a club owner after a long night of entertaining , with no recourse , While the passion remained , reality sunk in hard . Once bitten twice shy.
Roadside Picnic:

Clancy Brother and Tommy ! dont often here that these days ! Always admired the matching jumpers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52am

Hey Jeffrey! Agreeing with Heidee
Lapping up all of the Shrunken Planet I can get.
The Butterman:

RB!!!! A banjo player! That’s wonderful. I play as a “hobby” I’m NOT a musician. Life goal is to be a competent frailer. I like me the claw hammer. I attempt it.
Toothgrinder Tom:

Not to draw away from the sad and bittersweet news, but other countries have their problems too.
Barbara in PA:

Please have a wonderful summer and find a beautiful place to live and then come back on the air for us. Missing your show already.

good morning and adieu kind sir. it has been a long and winding road, indeed, and hope montreal serves you well!! you have done a lot of good, here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57am

Butterman, me too! I once hung a card at the local music shop "mediocre banjo player looking to jam". no responses!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59am

Jeffrey...our Saturdays will never be the same. Wishing you well. Don't be a stranger...
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Roger was that at Metropolis? If so I considered replying but felt too shy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00am

@Toothgrinder Tom yes!
Avatar 8:00am

The Butterman:

Roger, no response is what I get from most people I speak to. ( not WFMU people, they understand). People generally are confused by me.
Avatar 8:01am

@Jeffrey I had a one hour radio show on local radio and was always amazed at how you did it.When I was a starving
musician I couldn’t live without you and Laura Cantrell.
Toothgrinder Tom:

I’m a pretty poor guitarist.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01am

@Butterman and Roger , am not sure what is more isolating , being a Maytag repair person or a banjo player .
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01am

@Toothgrinder Tom
Hit me up on my contact, maybe we can figure something out!
Avatar 8:02am

Quit hemmin' and hawin' Roger & Tom and git pickin.' ..
Avatar 8:03am

Jeffrey, I may need to drop out in a bit, just want to say many thanks to you for all the great Saturday shows. Been fantastic for me.
I wish you well in yer' new adventure. Hope to hear you again!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04am

I have some great old frailing books , happy to share if of interest .
Toothgrinder Tom:

Will do, Roger.
Avatar 8:05am

Jeffrey, maybe you can let us know some way or other if or when we can currently hear you again anywhere on air, or would that be too much to ask I wonder...
The Butterman:

No one ever wants to live with a banjo player.
Roommate: “ I think that’s enough banjo practice”
Me: “ But I haven’t even started”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06am
Jeffrey Davison:

I will still have my FMU email, shrink@wfmu.org and can always be reached there...
Toothgrinder Tom:

Hope Jeffrey can come back on the airwaves sometime, somehow. Good luck in Canada. Get your skates sharpened!
Avatar 8:07am


Wow very mellow song by sharon

have you ever heard the song "goodbye broadway, hello montreal" by arthur fields and his assassinators?
Josh in the uk:

Oh what, no more shrunken planet? I’ve listened probably every week for the last ten years, from soundtracking my hungover Saturday mornings back then to soundtracking my dog walks now. Something I always look forward to when I wake up on a Saturday. I reckon the archives can keep me going a while!

Best of luck Jeffrey, thanks for all the wonderful music.
Zuhörer Christoph:

Will miss my saturday mornings! :.(
Avatar 8:09am

You had to play this Byrne, didn't ya?
Avatar 8:09am
Tank Top:

Hey Jeffrey. Sad to see you go. Montreal is such a fantastic city though. Thanks for everything!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10am

when is julie putting out a new record?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10am
Mike Sin:

I like that you are focusing on the many great artists who played live on your show! Get settled in Montreal and continue your show on WFMU’s RocknSoul stream — the Saturday, 6am ET slot is waiting for you! Folks love this show too much to have it stop!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10am

We'll miss you Jeff. Your legacy is secure. NJoy your retirement in Montreal. Peace and love to you and your family 🥂

❤️🍀🎉 My summer Saturdays won’t be the same. Much succes on the next leg of your amazing journey, Jeffrey.
Daybreak: Let’s Make It a Good One!:

That is a Beautiful Sharon Van Etten track
And a station ID so nice I don’t mind if you say it twice

Going to miss you Jeff - can’t even fathom how many artists I’ve discovered because of your fantastic shows. Saturday mornings will never be the same. Best of luck in Montreal!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12am

@MikeSin and All - AYE to that (second espresso cup held aloft thoughtfully )
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12am

Morning everyone
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Stillwell Coney Islander:

Jeffrey, je vous souhaite tout le meilleur à Montréal,(ma deuxième maison). Tu vas beaucoup nous manque tellement !
Avatar 8:13am

Jeffery: I will miss your program each Saturday. BUT, you are making a good move. I came to Nova Scotia four years ago and have enjoyed it immensely and would never move back. I dread going south of the border to see family. Of course Qubeck is « special «  but I love Montreal too. But I’m not a francophone and that puts a damper on things. Enjoy your new home.

@Jeffery your shiw and WFMU is the main reason why i have given up on commercial music radio, they play the same crap day after day,.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15am

@Butterman , indeed , www.google.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:16am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks Mike Sin (and thanks for all your great engineering over the years...you da best!)
Thanks JohnEBGood, Coygal, Daybreak, cl@m_digger, Stillwell Coney Islander (Merci Beaucoup!), annexia and all!
vanya moscow:

I will miss your show, Jeffrey! I just love acoustic guitar. Thank you for the years of great music, will follow what you do. Good luck in Montreal, what an amazing place btw

if you do a wfmu show from montreal are you gonna be required to play 35% Canadian artists?

Dear Jeffrey, Good luck with your new life in Montreal. Its such a remarkable city! It’s hard to think of Saturday mornings without you. You have brought so much beautiful music to us, your devoted audience. Expanded my musical horizons enormously. Thank you, thank you , thank you for giving so much to wide listening world. I feel so enriched by all that you’ve brought to WFMU. Bon voyage! Bon courage! You will be missed!
Brendan Moran:

Jeffrey, thank you so much for all you've shared on WFMU. It sounds like an incredible of work. It has brought so much happiness to me and, clearly, many others. I hope you find your way back onto the streams, but no matter what, thanks and good luck.

Best of luck. I will miss the show greatly -- a wonderful and inspiring companion when I'm up doing work and everyone else is asleep. Much love.

You will sorely be missed. Thank you for many years of the perfect way to wake up on Saturday morning have coffee with great music. Good luck on your new life in Canada and hope to hear you someday on the radio again soon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks vanya moscow and Maddy!
@yippie: I have no idea, but I doubt it. KCUT is pretty great, so not likely. If I do, I can easily do that.
Thanks Ed!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks Brendan and BillD!
The Butterman:

RB!!!!! You have NO idea how much we are into the Far Side in this house! I have been since the beginning! This year they brought back the tear-off, daily calendar. You’re the best!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24am
Brian in UK:

Dear Jeffrey, a quick hello/goodbye. You have become a staple for many people on this station me included, will be sad to see you go. Good luck for the future, you never know there might be a remote possibility in the future.
Take care.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:28am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks Brian!
Chris W.:

I found my love too late - Jackson Browne

I’m a relatively new listener (one year?), and I love and am going to miss this show on Saturday mornings. Best of luck in Montreal! - Chris Wardell

cheers and happy trails!! keep the torch raised high. fare thee well, traveler.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32am

I've got to run, but thanks Jeffrey for today's and many Saturdays of great shows! Going out on a high note. Be well.

I forgot to mention how much this show made me appreciate so many aspects of folk music and renewed my interest in it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34am
Handy Haversack:

Hi, Jeffrey and all. Glad to catch the last half hour of the last show.

handy - howdy!

Saturday mornings will not be the same! Thank you Jeffrey for so many Saturday mornings and your years of music on WFMU. I don't usually comment but I just wanted to let you know that I wish you well and will listen to the archives, and hope to hear from you again. All the best to you in Montreal!
Toothgrinder Tom:

Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36am
Handy Haversack:

Hey, clarke! Gonna miss most of Saturday's shows today. Heading out to run a community paddling day on the creek.

You paid homage to so many folks who were brave enough to bring their talent to fruition. That is a gift that keeps on giving!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36am

This is a new city.

how are the waterways???
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37am

Jeffrey, can't tell you how bummed I am that I finally got back on the mothership and I won't be seeing you at the station in Saturday mornings before my show :(

will let the gang know you are not ashore.
Barbara in PA:

Have fun, Handy! One of these days ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks Chris W, clarke, Corey, Handy, mpaul, Tom, Roger, Barbara!

From what I hear it's tough to move to Canada . Again best of luck and congrats on pursuing your dream.

ye shall be missed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38am
Handy Haversack:

Right, Barbara! Very glad we'll at least be seeing you in August!

Jeffrey, I have never been able to listen as often as I would in a perfect world, but I want to thank you for all the great shows and wish you all the luck and happiness moving forward. Glad I have your premium coming at least!
Chris W.:

Seriously, your show along with Conklin’s shows have shown me a whole new world beyond Phish and Grateful Dead.
Barbara in PA:

Handy, me too! I'm hearing great things about that farm from their neighbors.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:43am

Il n'y a rien comme une brand new ville, innit ! These samedis won't be quite the same.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:43am
Jeffrey Davison:

diciassette: ha!
Roadside Picnic:

No Avant Ghetto and soon to be no more Shrunken Planet : ( The psyche folk with drawl is starting. But go well young man, enjoy Canada , and may your scones come with jam .
Avatar 8:45am

Dear Jeffrey, I have only caught your show for the last two years, and yet when I look back, because of this goodbye, it feels much longer, like when knowing kindred spirits and feeling like they belonged in one's universe since always. A few words here on the chat boards cannot do justice to the immense feeling of peace and sublime connections to beauty and gentleness I have felt throughout your show, and especially during the darkest times of last year's lockdown, where you truly provided me what others had to take medication to remain sane and human. I could go on but words (and a language that is not mine) fail me, so I will think of this music and the great archives of it to soothe this interruption which hopefully will only be temporary. And in any case I wish you the best life in montreal and wherever you go.
I did not even go into how much I expect the music discoveries you provided would help and influence my music, or the people who gather here thanks to you...
(I will not add my comment about how I feel towards the reason that you mentioned that's making you move away, it will be an ugly note after the first part of my message)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46am

sunrises wont be the same without you, jeff!

ahhh jeffrey i’m going to miss this show infinitely!! such a wonderful way to start my weekend. i hope that you’ll come back again someday!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:47am
Handy Haversack:

Hey, queems! I think I maybe packed your mom's swag yesterday. First initial A.? If not, SOMEone with your last name is getting a note from Handy H.

@handy yes!!! that’s my mom! i’ll make sure to tell her!
Avatar 8:48am

Hi Handy, do you work at WFMU?
Avatar 8:49am

Love to you, Jeffrey, and happy new life
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50am
Handy Haversack:

No no, Heidee. Just went in yesterday afternoon to pack swag with other volunteers.

Hi, Sylvia!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks Yes, queems, Avrilinmay...The reason that I've done this for all this time is the listeners. Of course, I love the music and the musicians, but I get to share it with all of you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50am

best of luck, Jeffrey. your shows sure donset a saturday tone.
Avatar 8:51am

"Merci" for all the fine music, Jeffrey! I'll miss ya. So many partings. Hope you find a new outlet for music spins. Safe rambles!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:51am
JB from NP:

Hi Jeffrey, gonna miss you during my Sat AM work commute. Best of luck to you on your move.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:51am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks Sylvia, luke, TDK60, JB from NP!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am
Jeffrey Davison:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am
Andrew in Toronto:

Thanks a lot for another great show!
Got luck in Montreal.
Avatar 8:53am

Cheers Jeffrey!

take this, friend, and carry it with you: it will light the way for those to come.
wiliam OHara:

enjoy montreal . i will miss saturday mornings . keep in touch . great that you have dual nationality . once the sanctions are lifted . say hi to dan . used to travel to ottawa. every june..montreal is a fun place
Avatar 8:54am

Standing ovations, Jeffrey!
Thank you, again.
Everything I want to say has been said today, and better, by the listeners.
Yes my heart sinks but Jeffrey, you deserve a beautiful future.
Love is to let go.
Ted in Montclair:

Thanks for another weekly dose of wonderful music, Jeffrey. And for every one of the previous shows. Good luck to you my friend!

I’m an avid listener of Bob Brainen’s shows and always catch the tail end of your shows on Saturday mornings. Bob’s moving to another time slot, and you’re moving away.
I’m gonna miss hearing the sounds you send out. All the best to you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55am

Bonne courage and stay crazy ! (gee whiz, this song❤️)
Carol Anne:

My Saturday mornings will never be the same. Thanks for so many years of amazing music. I loved waking up to you every Saturday morning. xo
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56am
listener 126464:

Thank you Jeffrey, take care.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56am

Thanks for all the music Jeffrey! Your blending of the folky with the ambient and atmospheric is something I’ve not found elsewhere and really enjoyed. Congrats on starting a new chapter, hope to hear you in the ether at some point again.
  Swag For Life Member 8:57am

Thank you Jeffrey, much love and bon courage! x
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thank you everyone! It has been an honor and a privilege...
Listener Robert:

Yay, and happy travels!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am
Will the Sound Guy:

Thanks for everything Jeffrey!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am
Handy Haversack:

Thanks again, Jeffrey, for this gift given over and over again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am

*le* courage. oof.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am

We love you Jeffrey!
Avatar 8:59am

Catch you later, Jeffrey.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am

Thanks for so much Jeffrey. I hope you'll be back on the Drummer stream at some point

bon voyage!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00am
Brian in UK:

What fred said.
Avatar 9:04am
Marc Francis:

Wait. No more Shrunken Planet? No more Bob Brainen? No more Saturday morning WFMU I guess. Thanks gawd for NTS.
Avatar 9:04am

Wonderful show! Thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am

Jeffrey, I've been listening in the car, but didn't get back home in time to wish you well on the comments board in real time. Thanks for being the soundtrack to so many of my Saturday mornings over the years!

See you around Jeffrey, and have fun in your new abode. It's been wonderful listening to you, and so say all of us.

We especially value something when we lose it ... Goodbye, Jeffrey!
Avatar 8:39pm
Bob from Millburn:

Thanks, Jeffrey. Best wishes.
Avatar 4:33pm
People Like Us:

Jeffrey, I didn't hear you were moving - you can still do a show!
Tacoma John:

Thank you, Jeffrey Davison, for over two decades of carefully chosen, incredible music and your warm, clever deejay comments! You will be greatly missed... and I will continue listening to your archives for years to come. Bon voyage and best!

Thanks Jeffrey for all the great music. You were one of the first shows that we tuned into on WFMU when we finally got our broadband bank in 2005. You opened up our world to so much great music that we'd missing out on. We'll always be thankful for what you and WFMU have brought to our lives and ears! All the very best for the times to come Jeffrey!
  Swag For Life Member 5:34am

17th June and I receive my final(?) Shrunken Planet: Jeffrey's 2021 Marathon premium CD, the apposite "Maple Leaves From Off The Tree". And very lovely it is too, though I wish it had a bit of idiosyncratic back-announcing at the 55 minute mark...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14am
Mx. Baba Bee (e/they):

belatedly updating myself on this change and listening to an archive in the timespace that was Shrunken Planet for so long. this playlist looks like the greatest hits review and will surely get a lot of replays. :-) all the things that all the folx said (esp maybe an alternate stream program someday?), and always more and more gratitude for the beautiful sounds and sincere thoughts collected here, gratitude for the archives to continue dispensing the medicine, heartfelt blessings for a graceful transition to your new home, Jeffrey. be well!
Coolhand Colorado:

I'm only looking at these comments months after your last show. I hope one day you will find it and recognize what a special brother you have been. Seeing all these generous heartfelt sympathies and congrats warms my heart that you were able to share that love of music with so many devoted and loyal fans. To better days ahead in Montreal!
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