Favoriting Bodega Pop with Gary Sullivan: Playlist from August 3, 2022 Favoriting

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Sounds ripped from cassettes & CDs found in immigrant-run mom & pop stores. Deconstructed icons. Field recordings. Sonic mayhem from the far corners of the internet.

Wednesday 7 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Wed. Mar 12th, 7pm - 10pm: Gary Sullivan and his Co-Host Jeff Golick

Favoriting August 3, 2022: Thrift Score!
Tracks from more than 50 gobsmacking international vinyl gems found in our local charity shop. This show was inspired by my stepfather, Hal, and his own thrift-store obsession.

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Year Approx. start time

Music behind DJ:
Bodega Pop 

Intro   Favoriting

Bodega Pop 


0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Dora Stratou  Threnodies (Moirologhia)   Favoriting Authentic Greek Folk Songs and Dances  1974  0:04:48 (Pop-up)
Stelios Kazantzidis & Marinella Στέλιος Καζαντζίδης & Μαρινέλλα  The Final Steps Τα Τελευταία Τα Σκαλιά   Favoriting Kostas Virvos No 1, Bites And Joys Κώστας Βίρβος Νο 1, Πίκρες Και Χαρές  1963  0:09:02 (Pop-up)
Michalis Violaris Μιχάλης Βιολάρης  The Rials Τα Ριάλια   Favoriting Galaxy of Hits 3 Ο Γαλαξίας Της Επιτυχίας 3  1973  0:11:34 (Pop-up)
Costas Kafaseis Κώστας Καφάσης  Understand Me Κατάλαβέ Με   Favoriting Understand Me Κατάλαβέ Με  1976  0:13:59 (Pop-up)
Nikos Xanthopoulos  A Girl from Salonica Μια Σαλονικιά   Favoriting Nikos Xanthopoulos  1968  0:16:31 (Pop-up)
Nana Mouskouri  Mother (Manoula Mou)   Favoriting The Vibrant Vocal Styling of Nana Mouskouri the Voice of Greece  1964  0:19:29 (Pop-up)
Kostas Hatzis Κώστας Χατζής  Let's Just Sing Ας Τραγουδήσουμε Απλά   Favoriting Human Systems Ανθρώπινα Συστήματα  1978  0:24:14 (Pop-up)
Stelios Kazantzidis Στέλιος Καζαντζίδης  Stis Koinonías Ta Skalopátia Στης Κοινωνίας Τα Σκαλοπάτια   Favoriting Sing With Me Τραγουδήστε Μαζί Μου  1967  0:26:47 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ansambl "Rakija" 

Karavlasko Oro   Favoriting

Joego Slavie Zingt En Danst 


0:29:32 (Pop-up)
The Utrecht Byzantine Chorus under the Direction of Dr. Miroslaw Antonwycz  The Miraculous Rescue of the Cloister   Favoriting Ukrainian Folk Songs  1968  0:34:27 (Pop-up)
Aaron Lebedeff  Az Men Farzikht   Favoriting Sings Rumania, Rumania And Other Yiddish Theatre Favorites    0:38:29 (Pop-up)
Opoczno Region Artists  I'm Digging Potatoes & Beets, The Oberek With Couplets, The Oberek, The Polka   Favoriting Grajcie Dudy Grajcie Basy (Polish Folk Music)  1976  0:41:28 (Pop-up)
Vaska Ilieva I Narodni Orkestar Galevski—Nančevski  Kitče Mi Padna   Favoriting Pesme I Igre Naroda Jugoslavije (Prvenstvo Sveta U Veslanju Bled 66)  1966  0:46:27 (Pop-up)
Ural State Russian Folk Choir  Ural Rowan-Tree Уральская Рябинушка   Favoriting Songs by Soviet Composers | Russian Folk Music  1968  0:48:28 (Pop-up)
Sándor Lakatos And His Orchestra  Piros Rózsák Beszélgetnek: Csak, Csak, Csak   Favoriting Hungarian Gypsy Melodies    0:52:51 (Pop-up)
Ewa Demarczyk  Karuzela Z Madonnami   Favoriting Śpiewa Piosenki Zygmunta Koniecznego  1967  0:57:15 (Pop-up)
Akademski pevski zbor Tone Tomšič Univerze v Ljubljani  Kolysanka   Favoriting APZ Tone Tomšič    0:59:18 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Los Millonarios 

Quiero Amarte   Favoriting

Te Fuiste En Abril 


1:02:14 (Pop-up)
Atahualpa Yupanqui  Danza de la Luna   Favoriting Atahualpa Yupanqui y Su Guitarra  1968  1:09:56 (Pop-up)
Nelson Henriquez y Su Combo  Zaguate Cumbia   Favoriting Venezuela 75  1974  1:12:47 (Pop-up)
Los Embajadores Criollos  Amada Mia   Favoriting De Vuelta Al Barrio  1970  1:15:50 (Pop-up)
Alma y Trio Segura  Galopera   Favoriting Alma y Trio Segura  1978  1:18:06 (Pop-up)
Los Chiriguanos Of Paraguay  Mercedita   Favoriting Guaraní Songs & Dances  1968  1:21:06 (Pop-up)
Las Chicas del Can  Juana la Cubana   Favoriting Caribe  1988  1:23:31 (Pop-up)
Orlando Contreras  Mi Copa Esta Vacias   Favoriting Mi Copa    1:28:19 (Pop-up)
Los Hermanos Polanco y Los Voceros de Christo  Retorno Al Hogar   Favoriting Retorno Al Hogar    1:30:57 (Pop-up)
Carlos Gardel  Lo Han Visto con Otra   Favoriting Homenaje A Carlos Gardel 50 Aniversario  1985  1:34:10 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Marko Melkon And His International Oriental Orchestra 

Zaybekiko   Favoriting

Hi-Fi Adventure in Asia Minor 


1:36:42 (Pop-up)
Gurdjieff / De Hartmann  Sayyid No. 1   Favoriting The Music Of Gurdjieff / De Hartmann  1985  1:43:09 (Pop-up)
Marko Melkon and His International Oriental Orchestra  Hanum Oyuno   Favoriting Hi-Fi Adventure In Asia Minor  1958  1:48:01 (Pop-up)
Zakia Lakhdar  Wedding Dance Music Dansmusik Vid Bröllop. Yaha Ma Batil - Aroubi - Lilliri Yamma.   Favoriting Music from Tunisia Musik Från Tunisien  1975  1:50:35 (Pop-up)
Hashim Shah  Jeeay Sur ("Thread Of My Soul")   Favoriting Music in the Karakorams of Central Asia  1974  1:56:50 (Pop-up)
Cevdet Topaloglu  Aslandere Köyü Topaloǧu Honoru   Favoriting Georgian Folk Music from Turkey  1972  2:03:16 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Cal Tjader 

The Whiffenpoof Song   Favoriting

Soul Bird: Whiffenpoof 


2:04:49 (Pop-up)
T. Texas Tyler  T. Texas Blues   Favoriting T. Texas Tyler  1961  2:10:44 (Pop-up)
Ralph Willis  Hop on Down the Line   Favoriting Faded Picture Blues  1976  2:14:05 (Pop-up)
Kris & Rita  Hard to Be Friends   Favoriting Full Moon  1973  2:16:18 (Pop-up)
Jerry Jeff Walker  Well of the Blues   Favoriting Walker's Collectibles  1974  2:19:38 (Pop-up)
Steve Forbert  Romeo's Tune   Favoriting Jackrabbit Slim  1979  2:24:05 (Pop-up)
Joan Baez  The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down   Favoriting Blessed Are ...  1971  2:27:34 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Tony MacMahon 

Drúcht Na Maidne / Rogha Joe Cooley   Favoriting

Tony MacMahon 


2:31:12 (Pop-up)
Jocko  Rhythm Talk   Favoriting Rhythm Talk  1979  2:34:53 (Pop-up)
The Sequence  Funk a Doodle Rock Jam   Favoriting Sugar Hill Presents The Sequence  1980  2:42:38 (Pop-up)
Nina Hagen Band  Fall In Love Mit Mir   Favoriting Unbehagen  1979  2:47:37 (Pop-up)
Tabou Combo De Petion Ville  Courage   Favoriting 8th Sacrement  1974  2:51:23 (Pop-up)
The Rolling Stones  Jumpin' Jack Flash   Favoriting Live at Capitol Theatre Passaic NJ  1978  2:55:37 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:59pm
tim abdellah:

Hey Gary - I'm stoked for this!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

Hey there, Tim!
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

Looking at pics of bodega cats:
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

Hi Gary bodega show!
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:02pm
listener james from westwood:

Evening, Gary and all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm

Nice long distance dedication, Gary. I'm sure it will be well received.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

Evening, Ike, Chresti, James, and Drowsy!

hi Gary & all! best wishes for Hal
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07pm

Hi Peter, and thank you so much
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11pm

How many of you have seen Sholay?

I was just trying to think how I knew this melody!!!
Avatar 7:13pm

Hi Gary, poppies.

"Mehbooba Mehbooba", of course!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm

So, the story is that RD Burman lifted the melody for "Mehbooba Mehbooba" from Demis Roussos's "Say You Love Me." But what I discovered while putting this show together is that Roussos's melody is taken from a traditional song, "Ta Riália." The version we just heard is from a compilation that came out three years before "Say You Love Me."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm


what a journey

There you go. And to think the Randy California estate had to chutzpah to sue Led Zeppelin.

^had the
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18pm

Dean! I feel the need to chutzpah sometimes myself, but I try to be polite.

wow never really got into Nana Mouskouri but that last track was nice
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26pm

I was as surprised as you, Peter. I bought it because $1.50, so, I had to, but then, it's good? Because I've tried in the past, yes, and not had similar results.
Avatar 7:29pm
DL in LA:

Did I miss roll call? Sounding lovely. Cool image for today's show.
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:30pm
Mxter Baba:

heya, Gary and folx!
Avatar 7:34pm
tim abdellah:

That Nana was good! Sadly (or happily) whenever I think of Nana Mouskouri, my mind goes to this SCTV sketch: www.youtube.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35pm

DL in LA and Mxter Baba!
Avatar 7:35pm

Best wishes to Hal and family, Gary.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36pm

Tim! I'm gonna have to watch that after the show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36pm

Thank you, TDK
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:37pm

DL, I took that photo a couple of days ago at the place where all of this music was found over the last year
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:37pm

Hey Gary and all you out there!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38pm

Doctor Jazz!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm

Love this old Yiddish music!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm

Hello Gary, Bodegans all.

Gary, assuming you found physical vinyl copy, did your copy of the Aaron Lebedeff come with the 8 page booklet?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:48pm

WR! Yes, but it's really an 11"x17" sheet folded in half and which you could fold in half once more to make 8 pages. It's the lyrics and a list of other records on the label
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

WR, there's a picture of it on Discogs: www.discogs.com...
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:54pm
Mxter Baba:

gorgeous set
Avatar 7:56pm

Hi Baba; yes, fine set.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57pm

If he could only play fast, he'd be great!
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:58pm
Mxter Baba:

hey TDK60kins!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm

Thinking that as well, here, Mxter Baba. And that all this music comes from thrift crate digging rather than blog spelunking adds an extra dimension to me.
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:59pm
Mxter Baba:

oooh, cool booklet image, thanks, Gary! My great grandmother came here from Rumania. <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01pm

WR, it's a reflection of my neighborhood
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...enters CharityShoppe - bell attached to door jingles...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01pm

Dingalingaringalinga HI RevRab!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:03pm

Yep, Gary, looking at the discogs is what triggered me to ask if you had the booklet. And I still have Ewa Demarczyk on my discogs wish list from when you played her before.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:03pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Srsly how sweet to discover Musics you connect with - by yourself in person & 'in the wild' - rather than via some Writer or Critic or such ...tho anything you connect with in any way is a great thing...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm

Did you silver the vinyl isolation issue?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm

*solve the vinyl...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07pm

All thoughts with your family, Gary. Thank you for sharing that with us

I found an Ewa Demarczyk record in the dollar bin once, was so excited I bought it without even checking the condition, and when I got home found the wrong record in the sleeve
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11pm

Peter: Nooooooohhhhhh!!!! I hate when that happens :(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

<3 Sympathies & Empathies Gary <3

...Gittar <3

What have I missed? A loss in your family, Gary?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13pm

Dean, my stepfather has been in the hospital for about 20 days and it's not looking hopeful. The whole family is with him now
Avatar 8:14pm

*turns on the gtds machine*, time for some cumbia! woila!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14pm

When I started to put this show together, weeks ago now, I had assumed he would be out of the hospital and able to listen -- I chose things I thought would resonate with him
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14pm

Avatar 8:15pm

yowl gary, strong empathetic going yer way....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18pm

A beautiful Yupanqui selection. Yes, he was Argentinian, but the melody of that tune, based on some cassettes I got from a Roosevelt Ave bodega, I associate with some other South American country. And since it is a cassette, it is in a box lord knows where and I just have to let the association go with this comment.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18pm

Missed that as well, so sorry, Gary, hope things get better.
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 8:19pm
Mxter Baba:

aw yeah, Gary, sending love to your stepfather and all who love and care for him <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19pm

Thank you, NGH & Dr. Jazz
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20pm

Thank you, Mx Baba
Avatar 8:21pm

that was supposed to read, "empathetic vibes going your way"

I'm so sorry to hear this, Gary. I've been through this. It's so hard. My best wishes to you.

Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 8:25pm

Hi Gary! So sorry to hear about your stepfather. The Zips just got back from visiting my 89-year-old mom in Wichita. Good to be back home; sitting around in my nightshirt like Fred Mertz
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:25pm

Thank you so much, Dean
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26pm

Evening, Zipperhead! Good job, Kansas, by the way
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 8:27pm

Oh yeah! Daughter Zippelita worked hard as a canvasser
Avatar 8:28pm
tim abdellah:

@Zipperhead Bravo!
Avatar 8:29pm
DL in LA:

I’m not hearing much surface noise. These thrift store records must’ve been in pretty good shape.
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 8:31pm

We were all amazed by the margin. Blasting down I-70 in eastern Indiana we saw a huge homemade Trump sign that was riddled with bullet holes. We found that heartening.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31pm

Well, part of that is the weeding out process, DL. And I also wash them well, or try to. But, yeah, it's shocking that so much comes through there and that a good percentage is in pretty good shape. I've found unopened records there as well -- we'll be hearing a few later tonight
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:33pm

They do sound quite good, have to say
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 8:40pm

I found an original pressing of a Red Crayola record in a thrift store that looked like like it had been used as a teething ring. I nearly cried
Avatar 8:43pm
tim abdellah:

Score!! (finding the gurdjieff box)

wow are you kidding me with those Gurdjieff/de Hartmann records!?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:43pm

I should have picked up all three and sold the other two on Discogs, but (a) I didn't know and (b) I'm not that guy

Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 8:45pm

Never heard Gurdjieff's music before so this is a treat
Avatar 8:52pm
tim abdellah:

Whoa - a Swedish LP of Tunisian folk music, and in your local thrift shop!
Avatar 8:53pm
tim abdellah:

Oh, recorded by Krister Malm - he's a well-known ethnomusicologist.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54pm

It's unbelievable! But, there it was. I think part of a larger international collection that came into the shop b/c I got a few other sort of related things at the same time, like the aforementioned Nonesuch, and a few things we'll be hearing this set
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07pm

I'm not that guy either=would buy the 3, planning on selling 2, and keep all 3.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08pm

I try to be cognizant that my thrift find is often the result of life changing event for the previous owner.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12pm

WR, you're very right there, yes

love T. Texas Tyler, ("The Man with a Million Friends", as his records used to read).. his story records are something else!

Good evening! Just caught the end of the last mic break. Sorry to hear about your step-father. Hopefully he gets better. You made it sound like maybe he wont. :(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16pm

Hey RW -- yeah, we don't know at this point for sure
Avatar 9:17pm

@WR: I still have witness how much of my vinyl collection has found its way to other hands. Will be heart wrenching when I see it later this autumn....
Avatar 9:18pm

errr, still have yet to witness.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm

Aw man, sorry to hear about that, NGH. The music begins to feel like a part of you

Sorry to hear that Gary. I think it's so cool that your mom checks in on your radio show. I'm sure he's a great guy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20pm

Thank you, RW
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 9:21pm

Jerry Jeff and Leonard Cohen should have had a "who can sing flatter" contest

Dude around the corner from me had an LP sale in his garage a month or so ago. He was selling a pretty great (and huge) collection of his dad's records for $2 a pop. Said he just wanted to get them out to people who would enjoy them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23pm

That sounds like a great thing, RW
Avatar 9:24pm
DL in LA:

Have to take off. Thanks for a great show. I’ll be thinking about your stepfather.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24pm

Thank you so much, DL -- have a great evening!
Avatar 9:25pm
tim abdellah:

Oh I remember this tune from the radio back in the day
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26pm

It was sitting with a Roches album from the same year(ish), but sadly the Roches album was trashed

Ah! Was just about to say what tim a. just said!!

Nice to hear it again!
Avatar 9:27pm
tim abdellah:

@rw - agreed!
Avatar 9:30pm
tim abdellah:

Oh wow, here's another one I haven't heard since it was on the radio! (years before I heard of The Band) This is great to hear too!

Haha! tim, I was thinking more or less the same but didn't want to say anything for fear of sounding like a broken record.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Joan Baez for the Confederacy. Lovely, dark, aching ...& very very odd.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

TheBand song for sure. (Canadians.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32pm
Alex In Illinois:

I think you are right. I'll Google it
Avatar 9:32pm
tim abdellah:

Yes - robbie robertson wrote it
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 9:33pm

Robbie wrote it for Levon Helm

Joan Baez seems really cool, but I could never get into her singing style
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33pm
Alex In Illinois:

Yes. Confirmed Robbie Robertson
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 9:36pm

I "got" Joan Baez with this. Absolutely unearthly: www.youtube.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36pm
Alex In Illinois:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36pm

Thank you, Alex!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

The line 'winter of '65' - I think there was resonance for a sense of Civil War in the late 1960s~early 70s...
Avatar 9:37pm
tim abdellah:

Wow - rap on Philadelphia International?! I had no idea..

Several years ago I got to photograph a bunch of rock & roll paraphernalia for a local museum show. One of the coolest things we shot was Robbie Robertson's bronzed guitar (as seen in The Last Waltz). Evidently he'd had it bronzed like a pair of baby shoes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39pm

hey GS and all!
i’ve been obsessed with early/disco rap this week. jocko fitting right in
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 9:39pm

Fender did a limited reissue of that bronzed Strat a few years back -- it cost $$$ and weighed a ton
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39pm

Hey there, ZZZ!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I usually like Baez's voice - but when she sings Harmony or Backup with others - it's sometimes too much of a contrast. It's technically quite the instrument - & distinctive as well. It's best when the emotion comes thru the technique, tho...
Avatar 9:41pm
tim abdellah:

Jocko was 60 years old when this came out?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42pm

No way.
Avatar 9:42pm
tim abdellah:

Avatar 9:42pm

what gary said...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42pm

I'm 60 as of like three days ago
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43pm

Ayyyyyy - Happy Belated Gary!
Avatar 9:43pm
tim abdellah:

Not too late for your rap debut, Gary!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43pm

I am so happy to hear that, Tim :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

b. 1918 - what you call your OldSchool HipHopper...
Avatar 9:43pm

and this belated birthday wish is as like three days old...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45pm

lol RRN63
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46pm

Hey Kids, Sam Segal will be on right after this ends at 10 PM tonight with If You Lose Your Horse. Tonight's episode: Horses Sometimes See Visions, Hear Voices, and Speak wfmu.org...
Avatar 9:47pm

Happy birthday, Gary. And thanks for the show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Joyeux ♌︎Leonine ⦿Solar Return Gary ! ! !
As I say every year - I actually know this small handful of people b. 31st July who are truly THE BEST. <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm

Thank you, guys!
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 9:48pm
Webhamster Henry:

A nice clean Nina!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm

Almost the end, fun show, thanks, Gary!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm

And Happy Belated, Gary!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:49pm

Henry! Sadly, one side the label is weirdly sliced and stuck in the last track. Some sort of manufacturing defect. But this side is solid
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 9:49pm

Thanx for another tour through the Garden of Delights, Gary! Hope the rest of the week goes better for you and yours
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50pm

Thank you, Zip
Avatar 9:50pm

@Gary: You say manufacturing defect, I say dj tool....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm

Ah, @9:48 @Webhamster Henry: just realized you might mean the quality of the vinyl, not the content of Nina's words.
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 9:53pm
Webhamster Henry:

It did sound a lot like Nina's version of "Palisades Park"

Happy Birthday week Gary! You're like two weeks and two days older than me!

Thank you for the music! Super fun show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm

Thank you, RW!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJ Gary ~
Avatar 9:56pm

ha, the Stones. Thanks, Gary!
Avatar 9:57pm
tim abdellah:

Thanks for a great show as always, Gary. Sending prayers and good thrift shop vibes for Hal.
Avatar 9:58pm
tim abdellah:

Also... Stones boots at the thrift shop? Damn!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58pm

Thank you, Tim and RevRab!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58pm

Sounds like Mick doesn't remember the words.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58pm

My most impressive score, saved for last
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm

Good night and thanks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm

Night, everyone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01pm

Thank you, Gary!
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 10:02pm

Fine tribute to your stepdad Gary, thank you!
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