I Can't Stop Loving My Baby
"I Can't Stop Loving My Baby" by "Linda Jones"
I Need You
"I Need You" by "Lmnops"
Lorraine Silva
Lost Summer Love
"Lost Summer Love" by "Lorraine Silva"
The Complete Albums Collection
Lou Bond
What Have I Done
"What Have I Done" by "Lou Bond"
Ray Crossen
Try Some Soul
"Try Some Soul" by "Ray Crossen"
Try Some Soul
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon everyone! It's a beautiful day here in NYC with clear skies and a temperature of 75 degrees. The humidity is at 61 percent, so make sure to stay hydrated out there.
Lou Ragland
I Travel Alone
"I Travel Alone" by "Lou Ragland"
I Travel Alone
Luther Ingram & the G-Men
I Spy (For the F.B.I.)
"I Spy (For the F.B.I.)" by "Luther Ingram & the G...
Luther Ingram
Mark Loyd
When I'm Gonna Find Her
"When I'm Gonna Find Her" by "Mark Loyd"
Music behind DJ:
The Tornadoes
Dreamin' on a Cloud
"Dreamin' on a Cloud" by "The Tornadoes"
Back announcing the set
Johnnie Taylor
Next Time
"Next Time" by "Johnnie Taylor"
Len Barry
I'll Always Need You
"I'll Always Need You" by "Len Barry"
Tammy / I'll Always Need You
I've Got A Girl (Who Looks Like A Queen)
"I've Got A Girl (Who Looks Like A Queen)" by "Lyr...
The Goldwax Story Volume 3
Mad Lads
I'm Learning
"I'm Learning" by "Mad Lads"
In Action
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon, everyone! It's a beautiful day here in NYC with clear skies and a temperature of 75 degrees. The humidity is a comfortable 60 percent. Get out there and enjoy the sunshine!
How Could It Be
"How Could It Be" by "Esquires"
Get On Up...And Get Away with the Esquires
Major Lance
Too Hot To Hold
"Too Hot To Hold" by "Major Lance"
Too Hot To Hold
Gene Chandler
Pretty Little Girl
"Pretty Little Girl" by "Gene Chandler"
Pretty Little Girl
Music behind DJ:
Ramsey Lewis
Sexy Sadie
"Sexy Sadie" by "Ramsey Lewis"
Back announcing the set
Too Late Now
"Too Late Now" by "Mysteries"
I Don't Wanna Lose Him / Too Late Now
Jo Jo Petite
"Joey" by "Jo Jo Petite"
You Make Me Come Alive / Joey
Sir Mack Rice
Mini-Skirt Minnie
"Mini-Skirt Minnie" by "Sir Mack Rice"
The Isley Brothers
Take Some Time Out For Love
"Take Some Time Out For Love" by "The Isley Brothers"
Music behind DJ:
Melvin Carter
Midnight Brew
"Midnight Brew" by "Melvin Carter"
Back announcing the set
The Olympians
Sagittarius By Moonlight
"Sagittarius By Moonlight" by "The Olympians"
Marion Sodd
Permanent Vacation
"Permanent Vacation" by "Marion Sodd"
Enough for Everyone / Permanent Vacation
Bobby Fuller And The Fanatics
Our Favorite Martian
"Our Favorite Martian" by "Bobby Fuller And The Fa...
I Do
"I Do" by "Marvelows"
The Mighty Marvelows
I Got It
"I Got It" by "Masqueraders"
The Masqueraders
Maurice McAlister
I'd Rather Do It Myself
"I'd Rather Do It Myself" by "Maurice McAlister"
Baby Hang On / I'd Rather Do It Myself
Maxine Brown
Baby Cakes
"Baby Cakes" by "Maxine Brown"
Oh No, Not My Baby: The Best Of Maxine Brown
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon everyone! It's a beautiful day here in New York City with temperatures reaching a high of 76 and humidity at a comfortable 57 percent. So get out there and enjoy the sunshine!
I Gotta Dance to Keep My Baby
"I Gotta Dance to Keep My Baby" by "Radiants"
I Gotta Dance To Keep My Baby / Noble The Bargain Man
Mike and Ray
If You Only Knew
"If You Only Knew" by "Mike and Ray"
If Only You Knew
Misty Moore
Little Things
"Little Things" by "Misty Moore"
Can't Believe You're Gone / Little Things
Music behind DJ:
Pedro Santos
"Savana" by "Pedro Santos"
Back announcing the set
Wild Jimmy Spruill
Country Boy
"Country Boy" by "Wild Jimmy Spruill"
Sam Cooke
I Ain't Gonna Cheat On You No More
"I Ain't Gonna Cheat On You No More" by "Sam Cooke"
The Unforgettable Sam Cooke
The Roman
"The Roman" by "Larks"
Larks' Tongues In Aspic
Moses & Joshua Dillard
My Elusive Dreams
"My Elusive Dreams" by "Moses & Joshua Dillard"
Moses (2)
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon, everyone! It's a beautiful day here in New York City with clear skies and a temperature of 77 degrees. The humidity is a comfortable 56 percent. So get out there and enjoy the sunshine!
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