You Don't Want Me No More
"You Don't Want Me No More" by "Major Lance"
You Don't Want Me No More / Wait 'Til I Get You In My Arms
Maxine Brown
Slipping Through My Fingers
"Slipping Through My Fingers" by "Maxine Brown"
Like Never Before
Need Your Love
"Need Your Love" by "Notations"
Need Your Love
New Wanderers
Ain't Gonna Do You No Harm
"Ain't Gonna Do You No Harm" by "New Wanderers"
Let Me Render My Service
I Ain't Supposed To
"I Ain't Supposed To" by "Impressions"
Keep On Pushing
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon, music lovers! This is your favorite AM radio DJ coming to you with a beautiful day in the Big Apple. The sun is shining and the temperature is a balmy 76 degrees with 61 percent humidity. It's a perfect day to get out there and enjoy the great outdoors!
Hold On
"Hold On" by "O'Jays"
Hold On / Working On Your Case
Odds & Ends
Apple Peaches Pumpkin Pie
"Apple Peaches Pumpkin Pie" by "Odds & Ends"
Odds (2)
Music behind DJ:
Soulful Jerk
"Soulful Jerk" by "Ramblers"
Back announcing the set
Too Much Of A Good Thing
"Too Much Of A Good Thing" by "Shirelles"
Bright Shiny Colors / Too Much Of A Good Thing
The Sugarman 3
Le Culebra
"Le Culebra" by "The Sugarman 3"
Booker T. & The MGs
Behave Yourself
"Behave Yourself" by "Booker T. & The MGs"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon everyone! It's a beautiful day here in NYC with clear skies and a temperature of 77 degrees. The humidity is at a comfortable 59 percent, so it's the perfect day to get out and enjoy the sunshine!
I'll Do a Little Bit More
"I'll Do a Little Bit More" by "Olympics"
The Same Old Thing / Ill Do A Little Bit More
Music behind DJ:
Soulful Jerk
"Soulful Jerk" by "Ramblers"
Instant Request
Charles Bradley
The World (Is Going Up In Flames)
"The World (Is Going Up In Flames)" by "Charles Br...
2010 Daptone Records
Requested by: mike from New York
Music behind DJ:
The Tornadoes
Hymn for Teenagers
"Hymn for Teenagers" by "The Tornadoes"
Back announcing the set
Once Upon A Time
"Once Upon A Time" by "Orlons"
Once Upon A Time / Kissin' Time
Johnnie Taylor
Next Time
"Next Time" by "Johnnie Taylor"
I'll Be True To You
"I'll Be True To You" by "Ovations"
The Goldwax Story
James Brown
Bring It Up
"Bring It Up" by "James Brown"
The Conquerors
Since You've Been Gone
"Since You've Been Gone" by "The Conquerors"
Otis Redding
Don't Leave Me This Way
"Don't Leave Me This Way" by "Otis Redding"
Music behind DJ:
Stu Phillips
Skip To My Mary J.
"Skip To My Mary J." by "Stu Phillips"
Back announcing the set
Honey & the Bees
Dynamite Exploded
"Dynamite Exploded" by "Honey & the Bees"
Honey (9)
The Keymen
Love is Strange
"Love is Strange" by "The Keymen"
Otis Leavill
A Reason To Be Lonely
"A Reason To Be Lonely" by "Otis Leavill"
A Reason To Be Lonely
Pamela Beaty
Talking Eyes
"Talking Eyes" by "Pamela Beaty"
Don't Break My Heart / Talking Eyes
Too Many Memories
"Too Many Memories" by "Passions"
Northern Soul Fever Volume Two
Patrice Holloway
Love And Desire
"Love And Desire" by "Patrice Holloway"
Love & Desire: The Patrice Holloway Anthology
Sax Kari & The Quailtones
Tears Of Love
"Tears Of Love" by "Sax Kari & The Quailtones"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon, everyone! It's a beautiful day here in New York City with a temperature of 79 degrees and a humidity of 55 percent. So, if you're looking for a perfect day to get out and enjoy the Big Apple, today's the day!
You Should Know
"You Should Know" by "Notations"
Paula Parfitt
Love Is Wonderful
"Love Is Wonderful" by "Paula Parfitt"
I'm Gonna Give You Back Your Ring / Love Is Wonderful
The Olympians
Pluto's Lament
"Pluto's Lament" by "The Olympians"
Music behind DJ:
101 Strings
Trippin' On Lunar 07
"Trippin' On Lunar 07" by "101 Strings"
Back announcing the set
Johnny Moore
Walk Like A Man
"Walk Like A Man" by "Johnny Moore"
It's Just My Way Of Loving You / Walk Like A Man
Music behind DJ:
101 Strings
Trippin' On Lunar 07
"Trippin' On Lunar 07" by "101 Strings"
Instant Request
Charles Bradley
Stay Away
"Stay Away" by "Charles Bradley"
Requested by: mike from New York
Major Lance
The Matador
"The Matador" by "Major Lance"
The Matador / Gonna Get Married
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon, everyone! It's a beautiful day here in New York City with clear skies and a temperature of 79 degrees. The humidity is at a comfortable 55 percent. So get out there and enjoy this beautiful day!
I'll Never Forget You
"I'll Never Forget You" by "O'Jays"
I'll Never Forget You / Pretty Words
Percy Wiggins
It Didn't Take Much (For Me To Fall In Love)
"It Didn't Take Much (For Me To Fall In Love)" by ...
It Didn't Take Much (For Me To Fall In Love)
Booker T. & The MGs
"Boot-Leg" by "Booker T. & The MGs"
Music behind DJ:
Roland Kirk
Shaky Money
"Shaky Money" by "Roland Kirk"
Back announcing the set
"Detour" by "Persians"
Detour / I Can't Take It Anymore
James Bounty
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
"Actions Speak Louder Than Words" by "James Bounty"
Action Speaks Louder Than Words
Bill Pinkney (USA)
I Do The Jerk
"I Do The Jerk" by "Bill Pinkney (USA)"
Price Of Love
"Price Of Love" by "Chi-Lites"
The Complete Chi-Lites on Brunswick 1
Arthur Conley
I Can't Stop (No, No, No)
"I Can't Stop (No, No, No)" by "Arthur Conley"
Patty & The Emblems
Mixed Up, Shook Up Girl
"Mixed Up, Shook Up Girl" by "Patty & The Emblems"
Z.Z. Hill
You Just Cheat and Lie
"You Just Cheat and Lie" by "Z.Z. Hill"
You Just Cheat And Lie / Everybody Needs Somebody
Music behind DJ:
Stu Phillips
Skip To My Mary J.
"Skip To My Mary J." by "Stu Phillips"
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