Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from March 11, 2024 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

Monday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Mon. Mar 10th, 9am - Noon: Joe McGasko and his Co-host Brian D
Mon. Mar 17th, 9am - Noon: Stuart Staples of Tindersticks (More info...)

Favoriting March 11, 2024: 2024 Marathon Show #2 with Special Co-Host Tamar

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Playlist image Favoriting

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
Johnny Flynn and the Sussex Wit  Detectorists   Favoriting Live at the Roundhouse  Transgressive  2018  CD      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Rosali  On Tonight   Favoriting Bite Down  Merge  2024  MP3    *   0:05:27 (Pop-up)
Meg Baird  Star Hill Song   Favoriting Furling  Drag City  2022  CD  our first prize today! pledge of $20 or more gets you in the running for this LP    0:09:24 (Pop-up)
Mellow Candle  Sheep Season   Favoriting When Day Is Done...: Surface Noise's 2024 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2024  CD-R  pledges of $75 or more get you my new premium  *   0:15:16 (Pop-up)
Junkboy  Chase the Knucker   Favoriting Littoral States  Wayside & Woodland Recordings  2024  MP3    *   0:19:41 (Pop-up)
Keith Richards  Waiting for My Man   Favoriting The Power of the Heart: A Tribute to Lou Reed  Light in the Attic  2024  MP3    *   0:34:23 (Pop-up)
Lou Reed  Walk Alone   Favoriting Words and Music: Lou Reed Archive Series No. 1  Light in the Attic  2022  LP  don't let us walk alone!    0:38:17 (Pop-up)
Meg Baird  Will You Follow Me Home?   Favoriting Furling  Drag City  2022  CD  we're about to give this one away, next mic break    0:41:20 (Pop-up)
Hollie Cook  Desdemona   Favoriting Twice  Mr Bongo  2014  CD  Our grand prize today is a Hollie Cook two-for pack!    0:47:24 (Pop-up)
Magic Tuber Stringband  Trumpets of the Dead   Favoriting Tarantism  Feeding Tube  2023  LP  our next prize for pledges of $20 or more    1:03:49 (Pop-up)
Mapache  Encinal Canyon   Favoriting Live on the show last year  No Label  2023  MP3      1:05:37 (Pop-up)
Jackie McAuley  Bangerine   Favoriting When Day Is Done...: Surface Noise's 2024 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2024  CD-R    *   1:09:17 (Pop-up)
Magic Tuber Stringband  Tarantella   Favoriting Tarantism  Feeding Tube  2023  LP  about to give this one away    1:14:16 (Pop-up)
Michel Legrand and Co.  Maxence's Song - Twin Song   Favoriting The Young Girls of Rochefort - Original Soundtrack  DRG  2005  CD  From 1967; Criterion DVD for pledges of $20 or more    1:25:43 (Pop-up)
Jackie Ward and Sue Allen  A Pair of Twins   Favoriting The Young Girls of Rochefort - Original Soundtrack  DRG  2005  CD      1:30:55 (Pop-up)
Single File: a lil' mini one
The Original Caste  Mr. Monday   Favoriting single  T-A  1970  45      1:37:23 (Pop-up)
Rick Springfield  Bruce   Favoriting single  Mercury  1984  45      1:39:53 (Pop-up)
Lee Young  Inflation   Favoriting single  Wilco  1981  45      1:43:24 (Pop-up)
Patti LaBelle & The Blue Belles  You'll Never Walk Alone   Favoriting single  Nicetown  1963  45  apparently a theme on today's show    1:46:15 (Pop-up)
Sandy Salisbury & Curt Boettcher  Baby Please Don't Go   Favoriting Try for the Sun  Sundazed Music  2023  CD  next prize for pledges of $20 or more!    2:00:54 (Pop-up)
Hollie Cook  Happy Hour   Favoriting Happy Hour  Merge  2022  CD  part of today's grand prize!    2:03:30 (Pop-up)
Bill Nelson  Rejoice   Favoriting When Day Is Done...: Surface Noise's 2024 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2024  CD-R    *   2:08:34 (Pop-up)
Sandy Salisbury & Curt Boettcher  The Sun Is Shining Now   Favoriting Try for the Sun  Sundazed Music  2023  CD  going to give this away very soon!    2:13:06 (Pop-up)
The Clientele  Fables of the Silverlink   Favoriting I Am Not There Anymore  Merge  2023  CD  adding another prize 'cause I want to!    2:15:57 (Pop-up)
Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood  Sand   Favoriting Nancy & Lee  Light in the Attic  2023  LP  another LP up for $20!    2:34:55 (Pop-up)
Glen Campbell  Where's the Playground Susie   Favoriting I Am a Lineman for the County: Glen Campbell Sings Jimmy Webb  Ace  2024  CD    *   2:38:01 (Pop-up)
The Clientele  I Dreamed of You, Maria   Favoriting I Am Not There Anymore  Merge  2023  CD      2:40:50 (Pop-up)
Oberon  Past Time, Past Come   Favoriting When Day Is Done...: Surface Noise's 2024 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2024  CD-R    *   2:44:49 (Pop-up)
Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood  Summer Wine   Favoriting Nancy & Lee  Light in the Attic  2023  LP  about to give it away!    2:52:56 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:02am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Pledge ... yip yip yip!

Good morning Joe & greetings fellow Yippers!

😎hey all
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Triple G:

Yip yip hurray!

Hi Joe, Tamar, volunteers, listeners, pledgers, and all -- let's make some Surface bucks with plenty of Noise
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @9:02
Happy Happy Boing Boing Boing

Yay detectorists!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:04am
listener 126464:

Good morning!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Song: "Detectorists" by "Johnny Flynn and the Sussex Wit"
Ah, very nice.

Morning, Joe, Tamar(!), and Surfactants!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:05am
Brian in UK:

Hey Joe 'n Tamar.
Avatar 9:05am

Greetings fellow nerds...
  Swag For Life Member 9:05am

Howdy, Yippers and Yippees! We're ready for Week Two of your pledges and our sprinkling you with swag and prizes! Love all around!

Hey 😎
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am
Mungo Perkins:

Ah Detectorists, need to watch that again :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am

The Detectorists was a great show.

Detectorists is to tv shows what surface noise is to the rest of wfmu!!! Thanks, joe!!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:06am

Good luck Joe! Make some money!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:08am
Handy Haversack:

↳ crateslinger @9:06
It really was.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Song: "On Tonight" by "Rosali"
Playing in NYC 4/12, new Knitting Factory.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am
Joe McG:

Good morning, everyone! Hope we "find some treasure" today. Maybe we'll do a little better than the detectorists! :) Thanks for joining Tamar and me today.
Avatar 9:10am
Noir Lover:

↳ Song: "Star Hill Song" by "Meg Baird"
A voice that stops time
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:11am
Handy Haversack:

↳ Song: "Star Hill Song" by "Meg Baird"
Meg Baird on with Joe last year, a wonderful, amazing show. Pledge for Joe bringing the specialest of guests to the airwaves!

Avatar 9:12am
Joe B:

↳ Handy Haversack @9:11
yes a fantastic show!
Avatar 9:13am

Good day, Joe DJ!

I love the Baird.

Best for the marathon...
Avatar 9:13am
Noir Lover:

Something from the new Itasca album would fit perfectly here
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:14am

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:14am
Dan S:

A wonderful start to the show this morning. Thanks, Joe!
Avatar 9:15am

And hello too, DJ Tamar.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:16am
listener james from westwood:

Morning, Joe, Tamar, and all!!

morning fellow surface dwellers
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:17am
Brian in UK:

Joe, nicely done pledging email.
Avatar 9:18am
Cal Zone!:

Good morning Joe and Tamar!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:18am
Handy Haversack:

↳ Song: "Sheep Season" by "Mellow Candle"
Super excited for Joe's premium this year!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am
Joe McG:

↳ Brian in UK @9:17
Thank you, sir! :)
Eddie Casey:

Fantastic that Joe and WFMU support British folk music. Handy you are right on about Joe's premium. Pledge!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:21am
Handy Haversack:

↳ Eddie Casey @9:20
Morning, Eddie!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:22am
Marley P. Dogg:

Good morning Joe McG, Tamar, Handy and friends!!!! Please pledge for Surface Noise getting us all through Monday mornings!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:23am
Ben in Newark:

Good morning everyone! I'm stationed at Phone #1 this morning, and ready to take your pledges!
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LW Rhino:

Good windy Monday morning Joe and Tamar.

$75.00 gets ya Joe's Premium and the FMU T and other stuff !!! 800.9899368

mornin' all. the dj background music reminds me of Dylan's 'Most of the Time'
Eddie Casey:

Good morning Handy! Glad to hear that you're also a fan of British folk. Fairport Convention forever!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:26am
Handy Haversack:

↳ Ben in Newark @9:23
Yay, Ben!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26am

Late today, Yip Yip Yip, good morning Joe & Tamar
Toothgrinder Tom:


Will it blind cars behind mine?
Avatar 9:31am

↳ Eddie Casey @9:24
Eddie C. - We'll surely "meet on the ledge" someday, eh?

drivers behind me*

Asking for a friend
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2/3 of the Perrin Family:

blather rinse repeat
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Keef doing Lou!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:35am
Brian in UK:

↳ TDK60 @9:31
TDK60 Not confirmed but Cropredy might be reaching the ledge due to spiralling costs. Will have to wait & see.
Avatar 9:35am

↳ Song: "Waiting for My Man" by "Keith Richards"
I need this album.

such a natural cover and yet I'm still surprised. love it
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:36am
Joshie in Fleetwood Pennsylvania:

↳ Song: "Waiting for My Man" by "Keith Richards"
Was thinking the same. Not a stretch at all.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:36am
Handy Haversack:

↳ Brian in UK @9:35
Nice to hear your pledge, Brian!

↳ Song: "Waiting for My Man" by "Keith Richards"
wow keith can sing
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:37am
Brian in UK:

↳ Handy Haversack @9:36
Thanks Handy, it was heartfelt.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am

↳ Robm @9:36
and play geetar!

↳ TonyR @9:39
that too
Avatar 9:39am

↳ Brian in UK @9:35
Hey Brian. Too bad if so! Damn the costs. Where's Robin Hood?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:40am

Hey Joe and Tamar! Hiya folks!
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Triple G:

↳ Song: "Walk Alone" by "Lou Reed"
Everybody wanted to be Bob Dylan .... nothing wrong with that
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The Oscar:

↳ Song: "Walk Alone" by "Lou Reed"
I wish there were more songs in which Lou Reed does a little wicked witch laugh between lines.
  Swag For Life Member 9:41am

Get your pledge of $20 in now to get in the running to win the Meg Baird LP Furling.

Morning Joe and noisy PLEDGERS!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41am
Joe McG:

↳ The Oscar @9:40
Especially when he's singing about dying!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:42am
Brian in UK:

↳ Triple G @9:40
Bob Dylan wanted to be Bob Dylan in 1966 over here. The 'fans' objected.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:43am
Brian in UK:

↳ Song: "Will You Follow Me Home?" by "Meg Baird"
Yes, Meg.
Avatar 9:43am
Noir Lover:

↳ Song: "Will You Follow Me Home?" by "Meg Baird"
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:45am
Joshie in Fleetwood Pennsylvania:

I got to see Meg Baird play with Damon and Naomi last year. Such a great show it was.

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:46am
Handy Haversack:

↳ Joshie in Fleetwood Pennsylvania @9:45
Yes! We saw the same. Fantastic evening. As I recall, Joe McGasko was at the same show as K8 and I.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:47am

↳ Joshie in Fleetwood Pennsylvania @9:45
Jeez! I can't imagine a much more pleasant line up than that. Wow!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47am
Mike Sin:

Great combo this morning -- Nice to hear Joe and Tamar on the WFMU airwaves together.

ps .. if ya don't own a car for the sticker/bumper sticker... there has been a trend of posting them on/around street/road signs and posting some photos ... I tend to give mine to 2nd hand vinyl/cd shops ...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:48am

↳ Song: "Will You Follow Me Home?" by "Meg Baird"
that is beautiful. good morning (I am behind from springing ahead) to SurfaceNoisers Marathon#2
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50am

We've got one phone line going. I'm on phone #2, give us a call to pledge!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:50am

↳ morphe' @9:47
it is especiallly cool and a public service to do so on signs in small podunk towns
Avatar 9:51am

↳ Handy Haversack @9:46
Good morning, HH: I seem to recall this, also.
  Swag For Life Member 9:51am

Good morning KenfHP, bradford, dario, chresti, Oscar, TDK60, Perrin 2/3, Hark, Toothgrinder Tom, TonyR, Brian (Thanks for the pledge!), Joshie (Thanks for the pledge!), Mungo, crateslinger, Strandlund, Mark, Jeremy, Noir Lover, Philip, morphe, Dano59, newton, nycmusicnerd, 12539, Dan s, Robm, James of Westwood, Tim, Triple G, Katharsis, Marley (thanks for the pledge!), Ben, LW Rhino, Eddie, Cal Zone! Hey Mike Sin!

Listening in from jury duty currently!

↳ Mattynotimes @9:52
not fun
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:52am
Joshie in Fleetwood Pennsylvania:

↳ Tamar @9:51
Avatar 9:53am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Good Morning

It is terrible! Really hoping to not have to do more then one day
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ Good ☽Monday FMUvianz ~
+ Fortuna +
+ Concordia +
+ Victoria +
+ Libertas +
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:54am
Handy Haversack:

Phoebe in Fanwood! A devoted FMU listener and excellent musician: phoebecollins.bandcamp.com...
Toothgrinder Tom:

Speaking of Dylan, does anyone remember a movie from 2003 called ‘Masked And Dangerous’ that starred Dylan and which he co-wrote? I was thinking of it last night when I saw Jessica Lange present at the Oscars (she was in the movie appearing if memory serves always wearing a bustier) - the movie seems to have disappeared without a trace.

who is barking?
@Matty just saw you think lawyers are scum

lol where did I say that

I made my cat wear a collar with a bell if she ever did anything bad. She only scratched the sofa once
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Toothgrinder Tom @9:54
'Masked & Anonymous'

↳ Handy Haversack @9:54
absent from the boards but not forgotten
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↳ Toothgrinder Tom @9:54
Masked and Anonymous
Also: Hearts Afire, and Dylan's uncredited cameo as a conceptual artist in CatchFire.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am

↳ Toothgrinder Tom @9:54
Yes! Close: Masked and Anonymous. Weird apocalyptic Americana.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am
Matt Clarke:

Good morning Joe McG + Tamar + all! Sounding great this morn
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:56am
Brian in UK:

Tamar, that pronounciation was good. Unlike my spelling.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57am

↳ Toothgrinder Tom @9:54
Great Bob tune on the soundtrack ("Things Have Changed")
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57am

↳ Clincher16" @9:56
Yeah, he sings "Dixie" in it and John Goodman yells a lot. Very strange film.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:57am
Jim the Poet:


↳ Mattynotimes @9:55
and say you believe in the death penalty for everything:)

Oh I will be producing Larry Davidesque excuses to get out of here today
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:58am
Handy Haversack:

Bryant in TO!

Carol from Serious Moonlight Sonatas is offering socks this year!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59am

↳ Robm @9:57
Or do like me, and fall asleep as they get to thinning out the panel down to 14 lucky souls.
Cheek !:

Hollie Cook Superstar - all timer !
Toothgrinder Tom:

To be honest, all I remember about it was Lange’s bustier and that it was set in a post-apocalyptic future of some kind. Dylan is in a lot of scenes but doesn’t have many lines. He glowers a lot. But what’s impressive is the rest of the cast: Penelope Cruz, Jeff Bridges, John Goodman and many more.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59am
Joey C:

Good morning Joe and to everyone listening
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59am

↳ TonyR @9:59
Judges LOVE that!
Eddie Casey:

TDK - it's my dream to go to Cropredy someday. Hope it will be there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am

↳ Toothgrinder Tom @9:59
Dylan had a fair amount of great performances with that Love & Theft era touring band.
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Handy Haversack:

Small Plop for Platter Cat.

Hahaha I am taking all suggestions!

↳ Mattynotimes @9:58
good matty
@Tonyr works for me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Masked & Anonymous' might pair well with 'Inside Llewyn Davis' is you wanted to see good films relating to the Folkish Musics scenes & feel weird about them...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:02am

love the socks and my PlatterCat baseball jersey. (i must have missed out on the boxer shorts that year)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am
Peter from Saranac Lake NY:

Hello Mark and Tamar. Hello Noisettes.
Toothgrinder Tom:

I like ‘Inside Llewyn Davis’ a lot and might watch it again but that’s because I have a soft spot for the Cohen Brothers. It’s not a great film of theirs but much better than ‘Masked and Dangerous’ which is just inert most of the time.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:05am
Erin in TO:

Little late getting here today, but good morning, fellow Yippers
Toothgrinder Tom:

I gave my late father a copy of ‘Inside Llewyn Davis’ because he was an old folkie and I thought he might enjoy the 60’s-era Greenwich Village setting.
Avatar 🎸 10:06am
Triple G:

↳ Toothgrinder Tom @10:04
I love the Coen Brothers! Inside Llewyn Davis is a masterpiece IMO

↳ Song: "Trumpets of the Dead" by "Magic Tuber Stringband"
"A Girl Ya Don't Meet Everyday" = not a sound alike crime as is Trad in Trad to use classic tunes with different lyrics...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am
Joe McG:

Sorry I'm not commenting much today, folks; I'll be back at full attention next week. Thanks to everyone who has pledged so far!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am

↳ Toothgrinder Tom @10:04
Larry Charles directed Masked and Anonymous. Agreed, it's a pretty weak and scattered storyline. But I have seen it more than once, strictly for the music -- like this one.... youtu.be...
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Triple G I should really watch it again. They certainly nailed the feel of the time period (not that I was alive then Lol).
Avatar 🎸 10:09am
Triple G:

I saw Ethan Coen and Tricia Cooke speak at Film Forum before a screening of their documentary "Jerry Lee Lewis: Trouble in Mind"

Was great to see and hear them discuss it and filmmaking in general in person

Highly recommend that documentary -- all footage, no talking heads or narration (they're weaved together to make a layered story and portrayal)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:09am
Jim the Poet:

Let's gooooooooooo. I've had so much espresso

↳ Joe McG @10:08
I think everyone = one and all is/are truly enjoying the show as is !!!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:09am

↳ TonyR @9:57
sorry, 'Things Have Changed' was from 2000 and won an Academy Award for its inclusion on the 'Wonder Boys' soundtrack. (used to cover that song a lot)
Dylan is still fond of bringing his Oscar on tour and onstage with him (rather than leaving it a home on the mantle)
Ben in Newark:

↳ Mattynotimes @10:01
Avatar 🎸 10:10am
Triple G:

↳ Toothgrinder Tom @10:09
Ditto, I was definitely not alive then or lived in the Village but it felt authentic ... like a period piece even though it was made 40 years after its timeframe
Avatar 🎸 10:11am
Triple G:

↳ Jim the Poet @10:09
The utility man of WFMU -- reffed a puppy bowl, was taking calls for Wake, waxing poetic on different shows' message boards

Need to get whatever espresso fuel you have!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:11am
Brian in UK:

↳ Toothgrinder Tom @10:09
On the Dylan tip. Have you seen I'm Not There?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:12am

↳ Song: "Bangerine" by "Jackie McAuley"
My Woman From ... Bangerine
Toothgrinder Tom:

Course, now he has a Nobel prize which he can wear around his neck if he wants.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:13am
Handy Haversack:

↳ Erin in TO @10:05
Morning, Erin!
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Triple G I think that may have been one of Adam Driver’s first appearances on the big screen as well.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:13am
Brian in UK:

Trader Horne would have also been appropriate for the Premium.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:14am

Good morning, particulate adherents to the vinyl
  Swag For Life Member 10:14am

Pledges of $20 or more will get you in the running to win the next prize, Magic Tuber Stringband's LP Tarantism! Plus, you automatically get the new holographic WFMU sticker.
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Triple G:

↳ Toothgrinder Tom @10:13
Had some memorable moments and singing -- early film for him, maybe even the first, like you said
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:14am
Erin in TO:

↳ Handy Haversack @10:13
Good morning, Handy! Hope you had a lovely weekend
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Brian no, I think this is my first time hearing of it.
Toothgrinder Tom:

Imagine being a young unknown actor and your first movie is a Cohen Brothers production - that’s some kind of luck.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:16am
Brian in UK:

Here, anything with Cate Blanchette in has my attention. Sayingwww.imdb.com... that, have not seen this film.
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Brian but it sounds intriguing.

St Vitus seal of approval on the tarantella
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Brian in UK lived here in ‘Life Aquatic with Steve Zizou.’
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Like 'I'm Not There' & Todd Haynes generally very much. Abstract Impressionism the logical way to go for the Dylan story it seems... Otoh - Scorsese's 'No Direction Home' documentary used the resource materials very effectively - pulling a narrative out of situations that had sort of been free-floating anxieties for the Culture since they happened. That about Dylan up to the motorcycle accident & dropping out...
  Swag For Life Member 10:18am

Hry RevRabbit, Peter, Matty, Clincher, Joey C, Cheek, Blanca, yippie, Aaron, Erin, Karl, and Steve! Jim the Poet! Matt Clarke!
Avatar 🎸 10:18am
Triple G:

↳ Toothgrinder Tom @10:16
Yeah... wild stuff

A rather accomplished cellist (Aaron Wolff) was a young actor but appeared in only one movie--A Serious Man, the Coens' film from 2009 (which is one of my favorites of theirs)

Fascinating to be in one of those as a pre-teen and follow it with a successful music career
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:20am

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @10:01
'Masked & Anonymous' and 'I'm Not There' - while somewhat disliked by casual fans - both do well to crack the edifice of Dylan. I still think a documentary needs to be made juxtaposing the man's more cryptic and contentious interview comments with those of his fans, critics and chroniclers in print.
Cheek !:

Glisteners miss you too Shiela B !
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Brian *loved her*
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:21am
Jim the Poet:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:21am
Handy Haversack:

↳ Erin in TO @10:14
There's you are in the pledges!

Weekend zoomed past -- yet almost nothing happened. Well, Marathon! Which is enough to fill the days right up.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:21am
Brian in UK:

↳ Toothgrinder Tom @10:17
When Life Aquatic came out we went to the cinema but decided to see the Very Long Engagement. Audrey Tautou in a leg iron won it for me.
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Brian in UK:

The Honey Drippers.
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Erin in TO:

↳ Handy Haversack @10:21
Gotta hear my name on the radio ;)
Toothgrinder Tom:

Blanchette and Tilda Swinton are both at the ‘National treasure’ level of greatness and iconicity.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I like 'Masked & Anonymous' just fine. Some would say there's not enuff Script Writing going on. Others might even call it cinematically Symbolist - all of which tends to be how Dylan ends up in Film apparently. I think this goes just fine with the nature of his Songwriting & Musics.
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The Oscar:

Last summer one of our local theaters played a double feature of Cherbourg and Rochefort as part of a series called "The Roots of Barbie" - both incredible movies!

Not big on musicals but the saturated colors are stunning !!!!
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Webhamster Henry:

Les Demoiselles is so fun! The only Musical with a tune about a serial killer!
Toothgrinder Tom:

Gene Kelly! Michel Piccoli!
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ Webhamster Henry @10:25
Well, I guess Sweeney Todd counts...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Webhamster Henry @10:25
'Mack the Knife' ?
Mike W.:

Within seconds my brain asked, “is it actually Thursday morning?”
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another Catherine Deneuve film that always warms my heart is Donkey Skin, that never gets shown often enough.
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I am totally unaware of this film.
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ newton @10:27
Best Musical with a sung cake recipe!

Michel Legrand!!
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Brian re Audrey Tatou even though I’m not a fan of those Da Vinci Code movies, she’s by far the best thing in them.
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I love the cake baking!!
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The Oscar:

↳ Webhamster Henry @10:25
I love how they just casually drop that reveal and the movie just goes on being fizzy and upbeat!
Toothgrinder Tom:

Who’s going to pick up Booboo at school?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29am

The Young Girls of Rochefort! Love it. I like to think of it as one of the six previous versions of The Matrix. "Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program."
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Handy Haversack:

I am alerted.
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ The Oscar @10:28
A movie about gorgeous bored music/dance teachers in a pastel colored town where everyone dances in the streets during a trade show.
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Charles in Chicago:

wow it's late! good morning everyone
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The Oscar:

Dammit, now I just want to close my work computer and spend the rest of my day watching Jacques Demy movies!
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Triple G:

The EAS is a classic banger
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I am alerted, via AAC stream
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ Toothgrinder Tom @10:28
I couldn't marry him because I'd be called "Madame Damme"
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Brian in UK:

You can never find a lert when you need one.
Toothgrinder Tom:

@newton to prove your point, I had to watch ‘Donkeyskin’ on YouTube as that was the only place I could find it.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ The Oscar @10:30
We won't tell!
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ Song: "Maxence's Song - Twin Song" by "Michel Legrand an...
This is actually the song of the two Sisters, not the song of Maxence!
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Hey gang! Give us a call and Pledge to Joe and Surface Noise!!
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↳ Toothgrinder Tom @10:30
I think you can buy the dvd on amazon. I first saw it last at night on channel 13, way back in the day.
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Joe McG:

↳ Webhamster Henry @10:31
Whoops! You're right!

You can actually hear Michel Legrand singing in the original version.He has such a distinctive voice.
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ Song: "A Pair of Twins" by "Jackie Ward and Sue Allen"
Alright You got me here,I've got to get this English Version!
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The Oscar:

↳ bRrd @10:32
I love his scene in Cleo from 5 to 7!
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Webhamster Henry I see you are an aficionado of the finer things in life.
Toothgrinder Tom:

The vocals on the actual Maxence song sounds a bit like Chet Baker (to me at least).
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↳ Song: "A Pair of Twins" by "Jackie Ward and Sue Allen"
Who was it that said they love any opera as long as it's in a language they can't understand?
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Webhamster Henry:

There was a documentary of the surviving cast going back to Rochefort to talk about that movie!
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The Oscar:

Stinkles Going Sweaty!
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Brian in UK:

My last turntable did not have a 78rpm option. What is the world coming to?
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next Stinkle File, don't forget to play We Didn't Start the Fire!!
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Rich in Bristol:

Hi Joe, Tamar and all those hanging out on the surface today!
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↳ RevWaldo @10:36
I feel the same way about Enya.
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Webhamster Henry:

Mr. Monday is Sailor Moon!
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Triple G:

There's a new-ish book on b-sides by Andy Cowan called "B-Side: A Flipsided History of Pop"

There was a great interview with him on the book and b-sides in general on Evan "Funk" Davies's show this past summer:

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Joe McG:

↳ dreamyandseedy @10:38
I totally will if I can find a copy for free. I don't even want to BUY that!

↳ newton @10:27
".... based on Donkeyskin, a 1695 fairy tale by Charles Perrault about a king who wishes to marry his own daughter." Now here have I heard a story like that recently ????
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↳ Song: "Bruce" by "Rick Springfield"
Love me some Rick Springfield!!

↳ Erin in TO @10:14
hey erin any pesky meetings driving you nuts today?
  Swag For Life Member 10:42am

Bruuuuce! This is hilarious.
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↳ Song: "Mr. Monday" by "The Original Caste"
Yip yip YiP!

↳ nycmusicnerd @10:40
never expected to hear rick springfield on here
Toothgrinder Tom:

@morphe his wife on her deathbed makes him promise not to remarry unless it’s to someone as beautiful or more beautiful than she is, and so according to the logic of fairytales that person would have to be his own daughter.
Tinley Park Randy:

God. This is awful.
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I wonder if Mr. Springsteen has ever heard this.
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sorry, Joe, the U.S. 45 of W.D.S.T.F. is currently not available on Discogs
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↳ Robm @10:42
I believe Joe has treated us with "Bruce" at least once on past shows!
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↳ Tinley Park Randy @10:42
The key is relaxing, turning off yer mind and keeping the radio ON. Baby
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↳ Robm @10:42
Joe's played this one before.
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ morphe' @10:40
and: Money pooping donkey.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Went to a Rick Springfield concert because someone took me there. He shows a reel of his career including acting before he starts.
He had a Cartoon - !!
The stark truth is ...I fell asleep. @ a Concert.
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Triple G:

↳ Tamar @10:42
Would be great to make a montage of Brucie to this "interesting" number 🐶
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Joe McG:

↳ steveo @10:42
Ha ha ha

↳ PKNY @10:43
shows how much i listen at times

This is chaos and I’m here for it
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @10:43
I've been to a few RS shows and I've never seen the reel. That's cool. The cartoon was "Mission Magic" I think.
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↳ Song: "Bruce" by "Rick Springfield"
Is this a b-sides? I hope so
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I still dispute the assertion the ANYONE ever mistook him for Bruce.
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I’m wondering, What is Freeform? For folks who may not know
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Dan S:

↳ Song: "Bruce" by "Rick Springfield"
I guess those folks confused him with Matt and Olivia's dog Bruce.
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I saw Rick play with the Foo Fighters as his backing band when they did the show for Grohl's "Sound City" documentary, pretty good!
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↳ Gregosaurus @10:44
My grandmother did.
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Joe McG:

In Rick's defense, he never released the song himself. His old record company dug up a 1978 demo and added new music to it during the height of his fame. That said, I think it's brilliant.
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↳ The Oscar @10:34
It is fab! His character is credited as: "Bob, le pianiste." I always think of him as the French equivalent of Burt Bacharach.
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↳ PKNY @10:45
I didn't get to see that, but I saw clips on YouTube. On one of them Dave Grohl yells, "Rick Springfield, Jessie's Girl, bucket list, CHECK!"
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↳ Song: "Inflation" by "Lee Young"
Hard times, Lee. Hard times.
  Swag For Life Member 10:47am

Good morning, Mike W, bRrd, REvWaldo, Charles, dreamy, Rich, Grego, PaulRobeson, TinleyPR, PKNY, steveo, Sparrow, and McGroovey! Webhamster Henry! Thank you for keeping the station ticking!
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Jason from Houston:

↳ Song: "You'll Never Walk Alone" by "Patti LaBelle & The ...
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↳ nycmusicnerd @10:45
Ok, we'll give Granny a pass.
  Swag For Life Member 10:49am

Call 800-989-9368 to pledge and talk to volunteers Chinn, yerfriendpaul, and Ben! Pledges of $20 or more could win you Les Demoiselles de Rochefort DVD!

Damn this Pattie is amazing!
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↳ Song: "You'll Never Walk Alone" by "Patti LaBelle & The ...
I was about to go out for a walk. Then I realized walking is for suckers when you have so many songs about walking ot listen to.
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↳ Song: "You'll Never Walk Alone" by "Patti LaBelle & The ...
speaking of football & scarves ...
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↳ Toothgrinder Tom @10:42
well that more beautiful person is Catherine Deneuve, at the height of her amazing youthful cinematic beauty, yet she spends most of the film in hiding wearing the gutted skin and head....
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oh that's awesome you're gonna MC
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there's also a mexico, ny!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ steveo @10:53
Florida: same exit as Goshen on NY 17, I think.
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there are djs here even during hurricanes!

↳ northguineahills @10:55
and a north pole new york
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↳ Handy Haversack @10:55
That's New York for you. You take a left at Goshen and end up in Florida.
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The Oscar:

There's a Florida, Massachusetts as well, out in the Berkshires-- always loved their welcome sign! en.wikipedia.org...
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↳ Handy Haversack @10:55
Next door to Warwick -- coincidence????
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↳ Song: "Inflation" by "Lee Young"
Florida, NY
West NY, NJ
Jersey Shore, PA
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Handy Haversack:

↳ steveo @10:57
Layers like an onion here!
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↳ tim @10:56
Preble New York is beautiful too. Fertile valley
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There's a Mexico, NY. It's near Texas, NY, and Phoenix, NY.
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Handy Haversack:

Chris Hiatt! Good dude!
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oh, besides saying howdy to joe, hallows to tamar as well!
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↳ McGroovey @10:59
we should have a geography off! (arb is also invited)
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ newton @10:51
At least she doffs the skin and duplicates herself (singing a duet) during the cake baking scene!
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↳ PaulRobeson1924 @10:58
-- there's also an Italy, NY & a Cuba, NY
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Are there any states tht have a city with the same name. i.e. New York, New York. That's be cool if there was Tennessee, Tennessee or South Carolina, South Carolina!
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There's a Delaware City, Delaware
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↳ Song: "Baby Please Don't Go" by "Sandy Salisbury & Curt ...
This is incredible!
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Triple G:

↳ tim @11:03
Somewhat adjacent, Djibouti is the capital of Djibouti!
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↳ Webhamster Henry @11:02
It's amazing! I think its also available on Criterion
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↳ steveo @11:03
Michigan City, Indiana
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↳ Triple G @11:04
Did not know that! Excellent!
Jennifer B:

Hi everyone, from Florida, NY!
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Matt from Springfield:

Whooof, DST and a work requirement just wrecked me today! Good news: JOE McG and SURFACE NOISE on a Monday morning! Happy to join in this (current) timeslot!

PLEDGE and keep supporting WFMU, which is sometimes just right for you when you need it most!!
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Triple G:

↳ Dano59 @11:02
There are also so many in Texas

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Joe McG:

Make it a happy (last) hour for us on this program! Thanks for pledging!
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ tim @11:04
Don't get me started on the *mismatched* state place names!

Delaware, Ohio, California, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pennsylvania..
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↳ Jennifer B @11:05
there's a new york, ukraine, as well!
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↳ Dano59 @11:02
Madrid, NY… Lisbon, NY. I saw more
manure trucks on the road than cars in Lisbon
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Chris Hiatt:

Walking out the door now to deliver lunch to the Magic Factory. Hope y'all are hungry!
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↳ Triple G @11:05
because most everyoe in Texas is from somewhere else! (not complaining, Tex-Mex wouldn't be the same without German accordions)
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The Oscar:

There's a Berlin, MA as well, but the emphasis is on the first syllable (as in "Ferlin Huskey").
  Swag For Life Member 11:10am

Hello ngh, Jennifer from Florida NY, (thank you for your pledge!), Matt from Springfield, and lunch chef Chris!
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↳ PaulRobeson1924 @10:58
Not too far from Preble is Homer, thus every time I'm driving up to Syracuse, when passing the Homer exit, I have to yell D'OH!!! (Not that funny anymore, but it's traditional)
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Salmon River Falls is worth a hike if you are in the area. East of Watertown
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Triple G:

↳ Dano59 @11:09
There is a cool immigrant museum in Galveston that, no surprise based on the name, highlights this -- it didn't dawn on me for the longest time that BBQ, especially regionally there, has its roots from the German and other European cultures (makes total sense based on their culinary specialties)
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↳ Gregosaurus @11:10
Homer / Ovid / Ithaca / Syracuse -- it's epic
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Triple G:

@Dano59 I thought I had had Tex-Mex before but definitely not the delicious authentic kind until I had it in Texas (my now wife is from there so I had never been before we met)
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↳ Triple G @11:11
yes, another cultural highlight of Tejas - barbecue!
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↳ The Oscar @11:09
And a New BERlin, NY, also
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↳ Dano59 @11:11
As a 'Cuse boy, I totally agree.
Jennifer B:

From the Village of Florida, New York. There is also a Town of Florida, New York in Montgomery County.

↳ Song: "Rejoice" by "Bill Nelson"
Thanks for going deep into Bill Nelson's stellar catalog, Joe. Rejoicing!
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↳ Gregosaurus @11:10
I know a guy from Selkirk NY. He would’t take off his clothes in crowded bar. Haven’t seen him since
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↳ Gregosaurus @11:10
Homer has a beautiful converted church / small arts center. Last 4 acts seen there: Jonathan Richman, Aimee Mann, Yo La Tengo & Nick Lowe/Los S.
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ McGroovey @11:12
Same as Berlin, CT... Also of note "MIlan" NY.
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ McGroovey @11:12
Most notably, East Berlin, PA - it was established long before the German city was divided (it's east of another Berlin in PA), and has long outlasted the larger East Berlin!

I'm told by a family member it has the best VFW in the wider area...
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↳ Jennifer B @11:05
Hey Jennifer B from Florida, NY!
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↳ Song: "Rejoice" by "Bill Nelson"
I love Bill Nelson's first album. It's so unlike anything else he did, though some songs (like this one) do sound a bit like the quieter BeBop Deluxe songs.
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ Triple G @11:11
The specific German influence on mustard-based South Carolina BBQ as well.
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↳ Webhamster Henry @11:14
& Millan and Rome, Pa.; not far south from Hhds
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↳ Song: "The Sun Is Shining Now" by "Sandy Salisbury & Cur...
Man, this is great! Whoever wins this cd will be one happy listener!
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↳ Webhamster Henry @11:14
Will, Chili, NY... Rhymes with Jai Alai, not with chilly.
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Don't forget Mars, PA
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↳ McGroovey @11:16
That first word was supposed to be "Well,..."
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↳ nycmusicnerd @11:17
Good one! There's also Jupiter, Florida.
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ Song: "Fables of the Silverlink" by "The Clientele"
Love Alasdair and The Cli-en-tele!
(Glad you pronounce it the right way, Joe!)
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Good morning everyone.
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Listener Jonny in MA............. d-_-b:

↳ Song: "Fables of the Silverlink" by "The Clientele"
This is SO "Merge Records". HA! Loving it.
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↳ nycmusicnerd @11:17
Not to mention Mars Hill in Maine.
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Special time
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Will thee Sound Guy:

I'm outside working, super windy out here .. let's get some blown away pledges and send Joe McG total way up
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the only other Philadelphia in the U.S. is the one in Mississippi, i believe
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Song: "Fables of the Silverlink" by "The Clientele"
Oooo, nice prize!
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↳ Dano59 @11:23
there's one in Tennessee!
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ Will thee Sound Guy @11:22
It's sunny, but super windy in Virginia as well!

Deliver some pledges to Jersey City via wind today!!!
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Brian in UK:

Well this show has the right clientele.
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↳ steveo @11:24
And there's a Philadelphia, NY. (Did someone else already say that?)
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↳ Song: "Baby Please Don't Go" by "Sandy Salisbury & Curt ...
Beth Sorrentino, a frequent visitor to Irwin's show, has a nice record of (actual) Curt Boettcher songs
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↳ steveo @11:24
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Handy Haversack:

↳ McGroovey @11:26
Jersey Shore, PA, is one that always trips me up.
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And a Cleveland, NY. I think Cleveland, OH, was kinda named after it. Chronologically, at least.
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Triple G:

↳ Handy Haversack @11:27
haha yeah that's a good one, I think I didn't know of it until reading about it somewhat recently (possibly on the accu of a WFMU show)
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Triple G @11:28
I have spent a LOT of time on I-80 in PA.
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↳ McGroovey @11:26
I stand corrected. My source was the collaborative album between Blue Mountain (Miss.) and Marah (Pa.)
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Matt from Springfield:

"Jesse's Girl" is an excellent pop song, specifically.

I dare say it's hard to get as good *lyrics* like that in a pop song nowadays, esp. when not overwhelmed by beats and synths.
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Will thee Sound Guy:

↳ Matt from Springfield @11:24
Be careful with that... Carrier pigeons, Storks, and Hawks are having trouble with the wind. . . Smoke signals disappear instantly... Let's get the trusty phone and Internet pledges going....
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Will thee Sound Guy:

Freeform ain't free, give what you can!
Pledge, and Pledge often!!!!

WFMU is the GOAT!!!🐐
Long live the WFMUniverse!!!

💻 Pledge Online pledge.wfmu.org...
Surface Noise with Joe McGasko!!!
☎️ Pledge via phone 1 800-989-9368
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↳ Handy Haversack @11:27
with Dushore, Pa. as well?
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Morning Joe and Tamar. The Meg Baird songs are an example of the gentle encouragement I feel thru Surface Noise.
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Hey, there's a Marathon NY!
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ Will thee Sound Guy @11:30
Great idea! I wouldn't want to overshoot the station, as is likely today...
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↳ Gregosaurus @11:31
not far from Preble
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Congratulations Robert!
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↳ Dano59 @11:32
Preble *is* just the greatest name, isn't it?
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Will thee Sound Guy:

We had to put rocks on our tripods at work... Almost like a hurricane out here
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Will thee Sound Guy @11:34
I'm a little worried about the callery pear tree outside my office window. It's really whipping around.
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The Nancy and Lee record is a beauty! $20 to get iin the running for a LITA re-issue is a steal!
Avatar 11:35am

↳ Matt from Springfield @11:30
Agreed. I think "My Father's Chair" was probably the best song he ever wrote, though. Everyone focuses on "Jessie's Girl" because that was his biggest hit. But like a lot of artists, there's more to him than just the hits.
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Here in the volunteer room with Ben, Scott and great guest DJ, Tamar - we’re ready for calis! Keep ‘em comin’!
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ Song: "Sand" by "Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood"
One of Lee & Nancy's best!
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↳ Song: "Sand" by "Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood"
LITA has a fantastic Lee Hazlewood reissue program. (also a fan of the Lisa Germano / OP8 version of this one)
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↳ Handy Haversack @11:34
Careful, we used to have three of those in front of my building. They snap all too easily. We've only got 1 left.
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ nycmusicnerd @11:35
Hmm, thanks for the lead! I oughta check that out later!
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Will thee Sound Guy:

↳ Handy Haversack @11:34
Yea I have Trees near ny house 🏡 I'm hoping nothing too bad happens today
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Threemoons 🌛🌝🌜:

↳ Song: "Sand" by "Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood"
Morning all. Thinking of the Einstuerzendene Neubauten cover of this song.
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↳ Will thee Sound Guy @11:34
I have 1 double sandbag with a woven canvas handle except I'm a bit far away to hand it to you
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "Sand" by "Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood"
They belonged together. She sings really well on this.
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Rich in Wading River:

The trees out here are shimmying, shaking, and screaming. Nancy and Lee help settling nerves.
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Charles in Chicago:

↳ Threemoons 🌛🌝🌜 @11:37
First Lee&Nancy song I ever heard was Lydia Lunch and Rowland Howard's cover of "Some Velvet Morning"
mark/Capitol Hill/denver:

thanks Joe..top 2.5 shows on wfmu..
saw that French movie about a year ago...was cool to see the two sisters in the same movie ..thanks for Hollie cook
for all the geography/history lovers..Genoa ,Colorado small town of 153...named Genoa,Italy, and Genoa salami after...proud small town.
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @11:38
not to mention Suzi Jane Hokum
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Joe McG:

↳ mark/Capitol Hill/denver @11:39
Ha ha, like the 2.5!
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↳ Matt from Springfield @11:36
Also check out his new album Automatic--released in September I think.
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↳ Song: "Where's the Playground Susie" by "Glen Campbell"
Damn! This is why you should pledge for Joe if you haven't already!
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ Song: "Where's the Playground Susie" by "Glen Campbell"
YES! Recently played by Scott W as well!
Hear those superfine vox by Glen!
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↳ Song: "Where's the Playground Susie" by "Glen Campbell"
double wow! Never heard this Jimmy Webb song - fantastic!!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Dano59 @11:39
...Glen has her back...
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↳ Song: "Where's the Playground Susie" by "Glen Campbell"
I love this song. Jimmy Webb at his most psychotically sentimental.
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Beast of Boonton:

↳ Joe McG @11:39
Joe - Did you hear that Steve Lawrence passed away last week?
Reno D:

Oddly, I listened to Where’s the Playground, Susie on Saturday and was shocked at how wrong these lyrics are now.
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Joe McG:

↳ Beast of Boonton @11:41
Oh no, really? I just watched him on "Password" from 1965 just last night! :(
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Charles in Chicago:

↳ chinn @11:40
"psychotically sentimental", what a great description of Jimmy Webb, thanks! ("The Lawns Went On Forever", yikes!)
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↳ Joe McG @11:41
Yeah, dementia. Sad.

damn this sounds good
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Brian in UK:

Guess you can still enjoy music if you are demented. You just forget the catlogue numbers!
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Rich in Wading River:

↳ SeanG @11:43
Yes. Brilliant!
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Joe McG:

I'll have to play some Steve Lawrence next week on the show.
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↳ Song: "I Dreamed of You, Maria" by "The Clientele"
gorgeous. A song out of time

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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @9:53
you've probably seen this, Rev....
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Brian in UK:

Does the Clientele tour with strings?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "I Dreamed of You, Maria" by "The Clientele"
..they don't make Musics like this anymore
...oh this is current...
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↳ chinn @11:40
And THAT's saying something.
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Thanks for the gentle coaxing back into another week, Joe McG.
  Swag For Life Member 11:45am

Hello, Mark of CO, Rich WR, Johnny MA, Beast, Reno, SeanG, DjLorraine, Threemoons, Will thee Sound Guy, and pgalub! Gorgeous music for you gorgeous listeners!
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↳ Brian in UK @11:43
Someone or a loved one helps you put the headphones on! And asks if you would like to hear Woody Herman or Duke Ellington?
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↳ nycmusicnerd @11:42
Brian Wilson recently retired from public life because of dementia. Normally, I accept life on life's terms but this struck me as really sad for Brian with all he's been through in his life. Wouldn't it be nice, for real.
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Paulo AD:

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Rich in Wading River:

↳ Tamar @11:45
Thanks Tamar...and Joe. Wonderful show today as always.
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Benny Goodman is still a young man in some folks eyes!
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Nows yer chance to talk to yours truly and make a pledge! 800 989 9368!!!
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C'mon peoples! $500 with 15 minutes to go! Let's get Joe to his goal! Pleadge if you haven't already!
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Joe McG:

Hey, only $500 left. Sock us with a big one and put me over the top! :)
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Brian in UK:

↳ PaulRobeson1924 @11:45
Music is that wonderful thing that transcends. That is why we are assembled here today.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Dano59 @11:45
...&/or things like it :
Music of the Spheres & all. I do think every Culture &/or Continent has its own Metaphysics & its own Musical Scales - & they are not unrelated.
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Let's make this goal!
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↳ Joe McG @11:47
You heard Joe, peoples! Sock it to him!

I don't want Joe to get too
over confident, but Joe is my number one favorite at this fine radio station
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Ken From Hyde Park:

How is progress toward the goal? ARE WE THERE YET?
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @11:48
We've only scratched the surface!
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Brian in UK:

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @11:48
Nice link.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @11:48
...tho I don't always just sign up with every New Ager's latest conceptions. Yerknow...
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↳ Brian in UK @11:47
Mhmm. “Music is the secret key”
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Brian in UK:

Great work Joe & Tamar.

Thanks Joe and Tamar and all!!!!
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Thank you Joe & Tamar, you've guided this listener through Monday morning both gently and safely.
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:53am

Thanks, Joe and Tamar!
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Charles in Chicago:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @11:48
not just metaphysics but actual physics - acoustics - the materials and design of instruments influences the overtone structure which influences tuning - e.g. gamelan music, non-integer overtones ("inharmonicity") due to stiffness of struck bars (compared to ease of string vibration) resulting in very interesting tuning system, no perfect 5, stretched octave, etc.
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Thanks Joe & Tamar!
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Joe McG:

Thanks to everyone for listening, commenting, and above all, pledging! Stay tuned for Joe Belock with Dennis Diken!
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Thanks, Joe and Tamar! Don't leave Joe hanging! Pledge. pledge! pleade!
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Handy Haversack:

Thanks, Joe, Tamar, Paul, chinn, Ben, and all!
  Swag For Life Member 11:54am

91% of the goal! Can you help us? Pledge now!

thanks Tamar!
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Brian in UK:

This reminds me of the Ballad of Cable Hogue by Calexico. Or vice versa.
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↳ Song: "Summer Wine" by "Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood"
Hazeldine did a great cover of this.

Many thanks Joe, Tamar, phone folks!
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Handy Haversack:

$406 more!
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Thanks Joe & Tamar & volunteers! Marathon, on!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Charles in Chicago @11:53
Indeed. Of course from the Metaphysical viewpoint - Materials (word deriving from Mater the Mother) are composed of Elements - some Mineral (Metals certainly obviously having Alchemical correspondences), some Organic. In many cultures if you use wood, catgut or even bones for Music, you are making them Sing...
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Matt from Springfield:

THANKS Joe McG and Tamar! Monday morning's oasis!

Keep on pledgin' on, everyone!!
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Pledge Pledge Pledge!
Toothgrinder Tom:

Rip Steve Lawrence, born Sidney Liebowitz. May his memory be a blessing.
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Thanks Joe & Tamar!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJs JoeMcG & Tamar ~
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