Favoriting The Evan "Funk" Davies Show: Playlist from October 15, 2007 Favoriting

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Every show starts with the ’70s! We’ll rediscover forgotten rockers, revisit unfairly maligned disco beats and replay power-pop favorites. Next: plenty of new releases, occasional live bands and more. Don’t let the nickname confuse you.

Wednesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Wed. Mar 12th, Noon - 3pm: Evan "Funk" Davies and his Co-Host Mark Hurst

Favoriting October 15, 2007: you too!

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
original mirrors  reflections   Favoriting s/t  arista  1979  Ian Broudie, pre-Lightning Seeds and superproducerstardom    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
lansing-dreiden  an uncut diamond   Favoriting incomplete triangle  kemado  2004      0:04:06 (Pop-up)
the feeling of love  you rock, you're seventeen, you should kill a ten years old kid   Favoriting 7"  nasty productions      *   0:06:17 (Pop-up)
prozack turner  my people folks   Favoriting death taxes and prozack  self-released  2003  myspace.com/prozackturner    0:08:45 (Pop-up)
johnny "guitar" watson  a quitter never wins   Favoriting best of the okeh years  collectables  2004  with Larry Williams; orig 1967    0:12:56 (Pop-up)
mannequin men  we are invisible   Favoriting fresh rot  flameshovel    playing this Friday at the Delancey  *   0:15:02 (Pop-up)
animals & men  we are machines   Favoriting revel in the static  hyped to death    orig 1979    0:17:46 (Pop-up)
lionel newman & his orchestra  evan's theme   Favoriting 7"  abc paramount  1961      0:20:03 (Pop-up)
numbers  fantasy life   Favoriting now you are this  kill rock stars      *   0:29:03 (Pop-up)
my education feat. dalek  spiegel im spiegel (deadverse remix)   Favoriting my education vs dalek 12"  thirty ghosts      *   0:32:46 (Pop-up)
warlocks  zombie like lovers   Favoriting heavy deavy skull lover  tee pee      *   0:39:28 (Pop-up)
sixtieth parallel  over and over   Favoriting into bliss ep  dr. dream  1988      0:43:32 (Pop-up)
michael dracula  another distressed damsel   Favoriting in the red  ze      *   0:52:54 (Pop-up)
the churls  send me no flowers   Favoriting send me no flowers    1969      0:56:38 (Pop-up)
neon nazis  problems   Favoriting 7"  going underground      *   0:59:43 (Pop-up)
uk subs  you don't belong   Favoriting diminished responsibility  captain oi  2000  cd reissue; orig 1981    1:01:52 (Pop-up)
the besnard lakes  disaster   Favoriting are the dark horse  jagjaguwar      *   1:13:13 (Pop-up)
peter skellern  hold on to love   Favoriting 7"  private stock  1975      1:19:00 (Pop-up)
white hills  under skin or by name   Favoriting glitter glamour atrocity  self-released  2007  new album coming next month!
whitehillsmusic.com or myspace.com/whitehills
  1:22:32 (Pop-up)
lamps  eliseo   Favoriting s/t  in the red      *   1:26:47 (Pop-up)
the equals  green light   Favoriting black skin blue eyed boys  sequel        1:29:30 (Pop-up)
fire engines  hungry beat   Favoriting hungry beat  acute      *   1:37:32 (Pop-up)
health  //M\\   Favoriting s/t  lovepump unlimited      *   1:41:44 (Pop-up)
jason forrest  a gentle tax in a giant season   Favoriting split 12" with Ricky Rabbit  hoss      *   1:45:04 (Pop-up)
the fixx  red skies   Favoriting shuttered room  mca  1982      1:50:42 (Pop-up)
heroes & villains  metal moon   Favoriting play themes from the dark pink circus  x!      *   2:01:05 (Pop-up)
m.i.a.  mango pickle down river   Favoriting kala  interscope      *   2:06:24 (Pop-up)
divine sounds  what people do for money   Favoriting 12"  specific  1984      2:10:22 (Pop-up)
baby elephant  plainfield   Favoriting turn my teeth up!  godforsaken music    featuring Shock G  *   2:17:46 (Pop-up)
the poems  no sign of life   Favoriting young america  minty fresh      *   2:27:41 (Pop-up)
chris hodge  we're on our way   Favoriting va-psychamania  queen victoria        2:30:57 (Pop-up)
the beatstalkers  silver tree top school for boys   Favoriting va-real life permanent dreams  castle      *   2:33:41 (Pop-up)
the traditional fools  i got a baby   Favoriting 7" ep  chocolate covered      *   2:35:54 (Pop-up)
magic numbers  you never had it   Favoriting those the brokes  heavenly      *   2:42:01 (Pop-up)
new pornographers  mutiny, i promise you   Favoriting challenges  matador      *   2:44:42 (Pop-up)
wooden ships  we ask you to ride   Favoriting s/t  holy mountain      *   2:49:38 (Pop-up)
noonday underground  london   Favoriting self-assembly  bar none  2001      2:53:31 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


[tappity tappity tap tap tap]!

Just heard your prayer and thought I'd drop in and post. Good show.

hey, thanks Jessica! and thanks, God!
I wonder if God is listening to the radio or to the online stream...
JZ from Toronto:

God is singing and playing bass in Motorhead!!LOL!!!
somebody in minnesota:

appreciated the uk subs. hate when you're dj'ing and someone calls in to say "good show" and you're all "thanks, you too"

Pretty much every time a cashier or stockist says "have a good weekend" and I say ,"you too". But deep down we both know they will be working at Duane Reade all weekend. They will not go out in the sunshine and have a picnic. They will be doing price checks on Immodium AD through 8pm on Sunday night.

That was me, and boy did I feel silly when you didn't say "Have a good night (or evening)" which is what my brain had you saying.

@AJ - Sorry for singling you out... I could tell there was a little hesitation in your voice, but you just couldn't help it. Believe me, I've been there.
@cheeto - that is a whole other twist on the "inappropriate you too" phenomenon.
@MN - perfect example! glad you enjoyed UK Subs

are you playing this from a 7", and thus you think it's cool?

To answer your question, I listen on both radio and online. The resulting delay sounds so awesome up here.

god: i'd hoped the listening experience in heaven would be more on the sensational side? if there are delays, then i'm delaying my trip up there

Minnestota: I knew you were going to ask that! Actually, we're renovating extensively now, so yes, do delay your trip as long as possible if you can't handle a bit of a mess. We actually had a "pardon our dust" sign posted for a while, but it offended our cremated guests and got taken down.

EFD: digging this Divine Sounds track a lot. Thanks!

@God: of course you are -- it is Divine, after all.

this divine sounds track is blowing my mind!

man, you are awesome for playing this.

and also, I like these easy math questions.

is it just me or is anyone else getting a John Carpenter vibe off this Baby Elephant track?
Mortimer Prime:

Alienating your non-NYC/NJ listenership is fine and cool and dandy like candy, but only if you occasionally alienate your NYC/NJ listeners by offering goodies to everybody EXCEPT them. But whatevs. You're keeping me alive in my cultural-drought-afflicted corner of the Chicago suburbs, and you still have my gratitude. I'll drink to your health and the longevity and supremacy of WFMU.

It was a Daniel Pinkwater book, but I don't remember the name.

cheers, morty. i demand a wfmu sweatshirt to be sent out here immediately.

@Mortimer - You make a good point, although I'm not in any position to start giving away FMU swag all willy-nilly, unfortunately. Thanks for the drink and kind words, in any case!

@AJ - I think my short-term memory is completely shot, I am not getting the Daniel Pinkwater reference at all.

RE: Baby Elephant Turn Your Teeth Up, the book with a kid who listened to radio through his fillings or maybe braces.

like I said, no short-term memory... thanks for the tip, AJ!

Chris Hodge -- dayyum!!!! (speaking of short term memory -- how come i can remember getting all exited when i saw/heard "We're On Our Way" on "American Bandstand" soooooo many years ago, but cannot remember why i walked into the next room???)

I'm also listening to next week's show. H-Evan-ly!
A. Booklyn:

Re. "Control," isn't it amazing that someone with such a mundane life and milieu like Ian Curtis was able to produce such incredible, timeless music? I mean, based on the movie, his life was mostly just an ordinary domestic melodrama. Anyone else relying on such thin gruel for inspiration, as Ian did, would not have come up with a whole lot. And the guys in Joy Division, whose less than insightful comments on their historic band I've followed for years, were not the sharpest tacks--but it seems they all went beyond the moment and whatever limitations they may have had. That's the real story there, it seems to me (unless I'm missing a large part of puzzle--and it is a puzzle).

A. Booklyn
Kevin Bartley (Sixtieth Parallel):

Just found your playlist from 2007.. Thanks for playing us. !!
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