Favoriting Irwin Chusid: Playlist from February 6, 2008 Favoriting

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Favoriting February 6, 2008: The station that blows when you wish it would just suck

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Lee Morgan  Yes I Can, No You Can't (edit)   Favoriting The Gigolo  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Bettye LaVette  I Still Want to Be Your Baby (Take Me Like I Am)   Favoriting The Scene of the Crime  0:03:22 (Pop-up)
Bernie Worrell  New Boss   Favoriting Improvisczario  0:06:59 (Pop-up)
Magnetic Fields  California Girls   Favoriting Distortion  0:18:50 (Pop-up)
Klaus Beyer  Gruss dich Sonnenschein   Favoriting Revolver  0:21:50 (Pop-up)
Ryan Shaw  Do the 45   Favoriting This is Ryan Shaw  0:23:43 (Pop-up)
DJ Keri & DJ 43  Baby Elephant Safari   Favoriting Upstairs at Larry's: Lawrence Welk Uncorked  0:25:54 (Pop-up)
Ray Conniff and His Orchestra and Chorus  Bah Bah Conniff Sprach (Zarathustra)   Favoriting You Are the Sunshine of My Life  0:30:10 (Pop-up)
Lazy  Shine On You Crazy Diamond   Favoriting Floyd: A Chillout Experience  0:34:18 (Pop-up)
Ken Nordine  Reaching Into In   Favoriting Word Jazz  0:43:28 (Pop-up)
The Helio Sequence  Can't Say No   Favoriting Keep Your Eyes Ahead  0:45:25 (Pop-up)
Michelle Lemay  Manic Monday   Favoriting Songs I Love To Sing  0:48:49 (Pop-up)
Kasey Chambers  Pony   Favoriting Wayward Angel  0:51:57 (Pop-up)
Chris Isaak  American Boy   Favoriting Always Got Tonight  0:56:36 (Pop-up)
Marc Cohn  If I Were An Angel   Favoriting Join the Parade  1:06:01 (Pop-up)
The Fall  Assume   Favoriting Fall Heads Roll  1:11:46 (Pop-up)
Cosmic Dennis Greenidge  The Summer Spirit / Love Escapade / Night Cafe / Archie Archie   Favoriting Giant Man, Giant Plan (mordantmusic.com)  1:15:42 (Pop-up)
Jonathan Richman  Since She Started to Ride   Favoriting Jonathan Goes Country  1:19:42 (Pop-up)
MGMT  Time to Pretend   Favoriting Oracular Spectacular  1:22:18 (Pop-up)
Jan Turkenburg and his pupils of the Geert Grote School  In My Spaceship   Favoriting Interplanetary Materials  1:31:14 (Pop-up)
The KMG's  Blues for Mr. Brown   Favoriting Funky Soul Power  1:36:01 (Pop-up)
Billy Mira  David Lee Needs a Gig   Favoriting The Stern Show (audio from YouTube)  1:40:30 (Pop-up)
Pressure Drop  Rock the House (You'll Never Be)   Favoriting Rock the House (You'll Never Be) 12"  1:43:30 (Pop-up)
The Philistines, Jr.  Cableguy   Favoriting 2007 recordings  1:51:43 (Pop-up)
Montgomery Gentry  Gone   Favoriting Something to Be Proud Of - The Best of 1999-2005  2:02:41 (Pop-up)
Ann Lever  Crazy   Favoriting Incorrect Classics  2:06:24 (Pop-up)
Calexico and Iron & Wine  History of Lovers   Favoriting In the Reins  2:08:59 (Pop-up)
Yuka Honda  I Dream About You   Favoriting Eucademix  2:12:03 (Pop-up)
Destroyer  Adolf Hitler   Favoriting Sing De Chorus & De Roaring 70s  2:16:21 (Pop-up)
Mary Tyler Moore  True, Man, True   Favoriting The Dick Van Dyke Show (episode: Somebody Has To Play Cleopatra)  2:18:22 (Pop-up)
John Scofield  Sticks and Stones   Favoriting That's What I Say  2:19:58 (Pop-up)
The Guild of Temporal Adventurers  Wheel of the Law   Favoriting Kendra Smith Presents The Guild of Temporal Adventurers  2:29:40 (Pop-up)
Robert Palmer  Parade of the Obliterators   Favoriting b-side of "Pride" 12  2:33:34 (Pop-up)
Mary Lorson & Billy Cote  Turtle Song   Favoriting Piano Creeps  2:40:27 (Pop-up)
Roy Harper  The Black Cloud of Islam   Favoriting Once  2:44:18 (Pop-up)
The Necks  The Sleep of Champions   Favoriting The Boys  2:47:18 (Pop-up)
Jack Hayter  Misfortune's Big Statue   Favoriting Practical Wireless  2:51:24 (Pop-up)
Andy Breckman  Fly Me to the Moon (in the shower)   Favoriting Ken Freedman's show Feb 6, 2008  2:53:50 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Baby Elephant Safari is fun.
CG in HF at MCRE:

Well, I've never heard anything like Bah Bah that.

Pink Freakin' Floyd, cha-cha-cha.
north guinea hills:

the bronchitis must have put irwin in an amiable mood as this set is surprisingly 'listenable' (whatever that means)

Does any one know if it is unlucky to not have eaten pancakes on shrove tuesday?
Zach in Philly:

Chambers into Isaak -- YeeHaw!!
Listener Dave:

I'm still waiting for the "Manilow bomb". Both Ken and Irwin have crossed that line before. Though I think Ken only played the jingles medley.
Listener Dave:

Re; pancakes: Like all superstitions, if you believe it is unlucky then it is.
Cubicle Carl:

You deserve a break today, Irwin.
Wednesday Fan:

Welcome back Irwin! Will Wednesday ever return to Ken, Kenny and Irwin?
Listener Dave:

You mean you can't cross a line to drop a bomb? I would think you'd ALWAYS want to cross a line before dropping a bomb.

If you really wanted to do it, you could just pull up a song from an archive, right? You don't need no stinkin' library, do you?
Zach in Philly:

Dig that twang in "Since She Started to Ride"! Sweet music to my ears -- thank you, thank you, thank you~
Chance From That Third World Country, Maine:

Time to Irwinate!
Sean Daily:

We liiiiiiike MGMT... Nice pitch-thick beats.
Chance From That Third World Country, Maine:

I know that I like "Time to Pretend." My opinion on MGMT is still forming.
Chance From That Third World Country, Maine:

The Management
Chance From That Third World Country, Maine:


Well, they used to be known as "The Management". Maybe just "Management".

My old band was called The Management. We were on Smash or Trash on Scharpling's show years ago.
Chance From That Third World Country, Maine:

Maybe that's why they changed their name.. :)

In My Spaceship rocks!

Chance From That Third World Country, Maine:

Zach in Philly:

Montgomery Gentry ~ Yeah, Baby! I'll be daw-Gone:-)

Oh man, I remember that D van D episode. Dick's wife sings Calypso for Suburbanites -- well, why the heck not?

oh irwin, where is the punchline, you would disdain quotidian muppets rocking out youtube clip,
north guinea hills:

one ticket to the lake of fire for me good sir, i find this roy harper hilarious!

wait, this roy harper song is heinous and noxious
north guinea hills:

i also find berhard gunter hilarious at the end of the day
Sean Daily:

Funny, I just have this sudden desire to deck Mr. Harper.

But the better angels of my nature whisper, "First Amendment, boys, First Amendment." Everyone's entitled to their opinion, including the mouthbreathing yahoos.
Listener Dave:

Great show even without the Manilow.
Irwin Chusid:

Roy Harper writes a song about violence committed against innocent people in the name of Islam -- and for that Sean Daily labels him a "yahoo" and feels inclined to physically assault him. But Sean asserts his respect for "freedom of speech" (somewhat grudgingly it would appear). On the subject of Islamic extremism in its more violent forms, however, Sean has no comment, and doesn't appreciate others offering critical views. They deserve to be "decked." Why not beheaded?
Sean Daily:

You have a point, Irwin, and I apologize. That was out of line. My only explanation - not excuse, but explanation - for such a comment is that I was having a bad day. Problem is, if Harper had been standing there, I WOULD have hit him, and things would have gone to a very bad place very quickly.

Harper does have his right to free speech, and I shouldn't have been so flip about it. My mother likes to say, "I disagree with him, but I'll give my life for his right to say it." That's something I thought I'd learned.

You were right to call me on that.

But I still think the song was bigoted. Not every Muslim is violent. If it were, and if every Muslim was an honor-killer and suicide bomber, then the streets of America would be awash with blood. Keep in mind that there are a lot of Muslims here. What I objected to was his broadbrushing the ENTIRE religion.

Or maybe I'm wrong, and I heard the song completely wrong, and I made myself sound like a complete jerk. Wouldn't be the first time.

Next time, I'll learn something from this, and I'll make my objections known without threats of physical violence.
Sean Daily:

Actually, scratch that. I DID make myself sound like a complete jerk, no matter if I was right or not - kinda like all that righteous violence that Harper was objecting to. Oy...
Marty Parker:

Thank you for having the courage to play Roy Harper's "Black Cloud of Islam". Those lyrics give me chills. Pay no mind to those accuplaylisters who get all worked up, who NEED to be offended, who wish to censor. You have allowed great art to stand by itself without apology. Go Irwin!
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