January 29, 2025:
"The basic fact about human existence is not that it is a tragedy, but that it is a bore. It is not so much a war as an endless standing in line." – Mencken
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December 18, 2024:
"There are more things in heaven and earth than can be measured by your fancy equipment." – Bergrún
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December 11, 2024:
Weaseling out of things is what separates man from the animals. Except the weasel.
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December 4, 2024:
"A not unblack dog was chasing a not unsmall rabbit across a not ungreen field." (Orwell)
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November 27, 2024:
"I only use ketchup on things that are properly All-American. Burgers, hot dogs, brats, and meatloaf. Not, however, on apple pie or baseball." - James Lileks
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October 30, 2024:
Our programming often draws on idiosyncratic manifestations of sudden-onset artistic derangement.
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October 23, 2024:
Ah! Civil discourse. Like the kind they had in the 1850s. People just agreeing to disagree.
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July 3, 2024:
"Life is a longish doze, interrupted by fits and starts of bewildered semi-alertness." — Clifton Fadiman
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June 5, 2024:
"Change is fine, but when we start changing the changed changes, those are signs on the road to Crazyville. And we’re flooring it." — Matt Taibbi
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May 29, 2024:
"You can add 1/8 cup of non-toxic glue to the pizza sauce to give it more tackiness."
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May 15, 2024:
"When I have been totally misunderstood, the hurt I feel at being misunderstood drives me on to be worse understood." – John Cowper Powys
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April 24, 2024:
Put it in a bin. Put the bin in another bin then send it back to the PR company without a stamp on it. That'll learn 'em.
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March 27, 2024:
"Idleness is doing nothing with a great deal of skill." (Wm Cowper)
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March 20, 2024:
I'm not the target demo for AI Freddie Mercury. I wasn't the target demo for OG Freddie Mercury.
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March 13, 2024:
Summer of Seger Advocate Michele Co-Hosts with Irwin (Marathon week #2)
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January 24, 2024:
"It was very good of God to let Carlyle and Mrs. Carlyle marry one another, and so make two people miserable and not four." — Samuel Butler
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January 22, 2024:
Irwin guest hosted “It’s Complicated” You can hear it here.
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January 10, 2024:
"They flee from me that sometime did me seek." — Sir Thomas Wyatt
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January 3, 2024:
"Better to be the oldest guy in the weight room than the youngest guy in the nursing home." — Glenn Reynolds
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December 27, 2023:
Radio BLT filled in. Listen here.
December 13, 2023:
I’m collecting horcruxes. I’m collecting infinity stones. Gandalf’s voice is in my head all the time.
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December 6, 2023:
"I hope 'nomance' doesn’t become a thing. I don’t even like how 'a thing' has become a thing." — Ted Balaker
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November 29, 2023:
"Stupid people can create problems, but it often takes brilliant people to create a real catastrophe." – Thomas Sowell
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November 15, 2023:
Hosting a show on WFMU is self-indulgence. Talking about your show is self-absorption. Writing about doing your show is narcissism.
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November 8, 2023:
If anyone has any experience with anything or knows anything about something please let me know.
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November 1, 2023:
"I never felt schadenfreude toward others; nothing less than the complete destruction of their lives would satisfy me." – Gus Bodenheim
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September 13, 2023:
Experts say studies have shown that researchers believe there is an emerging consensus.
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September 11, 2023:
Irwin guest hosted “It’s Complicated” You can hear it here.
September 6, 2023:
"We live in a rule-bound era of high vigilance. … Fun, with its little anarchies, is suspect." — Walter Kirn
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June 21, 2023:
"I've done the math, and I'm pretty sure we'll be the last generation to die." — Mark Hopkins
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June 7, 2023:
I don't have to consult a committee to make decisions. I'm not the department head. I'm THE DEPARTMENT.
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May 10, 2023:
"I will not prostitute myself unless I want to play and the people involved are groovy." — Sonny Rollins
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March 22, 2023:
Always think outside the box. That way you never have to wonder how you got in the box, or how to get out.
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March 8, 2023:
It's Us vs. Them. There are a lot of Us. (Marathon Week 1 with co-host Scott Williams)
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March 1, 2023:
"A neurotic is a person who, when you ask him how he is, tells you." (Anon.)
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February 22, 2023:
"The house of delusions is cheap to build but drafty to live in, and ready at any instant to fall." – A.E. Housman
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February 8, 2023:
Our programming protocols are inexplicable insofar as they are obfuscated and gatekept from coherent scrutiny by hyper-motivated adherents.
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January 4, 2023:
Speaking for the breath of life let the full space be for you full of unique and sentiment.
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December 28, 2022:
Just because we’re not looking for them doesn’t mean they’ve gone away.
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December 21, 2022:
Advertisements inserted here at the ordinary rates. Lies, double the price of truth.
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December 14, 2022:
Raise your hand if you've read our terms of service. Raise your hand if you've ever read any terms of service.
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December 7, 2022:
Lately I'm being targeted with online ads aimed at women with large breasts. At least there's one thing Instagram doesn't know about me.
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November 2, 2022:
Recalling edifying encounters with How and Why, refuting the banalities of causality often attributed to Who, What and Where.
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October 12, 2022:
Always carry a fork. You never know when you might meet some food.
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October 5, 2022:
"In every clearing a tavern arose almost as soon as the first three houses were finished. Such a life spelled opportunity for Stevens." – Archibald Turnbull
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September 28, 2022:
"It is by sober common sense and close application to business that the affairs of this world are to be managed; genius has too fine an edge for common use." – Col. John Stevens III
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September 21, 2022:
Live every day like it's your last — run up massive credit card debt and eat tons of junk food.
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August 26, 2022:
"There is a reason they call it 'the web'; a reason they call it 'the net.' It is a trap." — Paul Kingsnorth
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July 22, 2022:
This is a "show." The lack of specificity about the temporal cadence implied by the word "program" triggered a degree of ambiguity that didn't serve the public understanding.
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July 8, 2022:
I fish on my side. You fish on your side. And no one fishes in the middle.
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July 1, 2022:
I can turn a segue faster than anyone who can do it better, and better than anyone who can do it faster.
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April 12, 2022:
There's a genre of songs I call "Uber music," which I've come to realize the rest of the world calls "music."
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February 22, 2022:
"A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin." – Mencken
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May 30, 2021:
Asinine sentence fragments. Because not grammar. (Fill-in for Gaylord Fields)
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May 27, 2020:
“Years ago Hester Prynne of The Scarlet Letter was given an A for adultery. Today she would rate no better than a C-plus.” — Peter DeVries
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May 20, 2020:
One of the first casualties of insobriety is spelling. It's BULLEIT, you teetering souse.
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May 6, 2020:
I was so looking forward to the New Normal, but it appears that much of the Old Normal remains operative.
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February 5, 2020:
"If I stop eating sugar and white flour, will I ever be able to stop talking about it?" — Maria Bamford
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January 8, 2020:
"Under the original A440 Accords, WFMU fails at every level. An argument can be made that the Cage Doctrine leaves wide latitude for redefinition of audio artifacts as small-m 'music,' given strict codaesthetic preconditions." – Sport Murphy
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December 25, 2019:
He spits in the sky / It falls in his eye / And then he gets to sitting / Talking to his kitten / Talking about Frankie Lymon.
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December 18, 2019:
Then there was the guy who threatened to take hostages if we didn't play his request.
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December 4, 2019:
Change, difference, growth, departure, demise. It's like that Joni Mitchell song, without the parking lot.
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November 27, 2019:
WFMU is more listenable than you might imagine. Well, not you, but THEM.
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November 20, 2019:
“Hey—while we’ve got you here exporting these consumer electronics, do you have a minute to talk about habeas corpus?”
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November 13, 2019:
Always follow the crowd. Why fear an angry mob when you can be in it?
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November 6, 2019:
Saving the nation with selfies, memes, and 38-tweet Powerpoint presentations.
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October 9, 2019:
"People who enjoy meetings should not be in charge of anything." (Thomas Sowell)
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October 2, 2019:
In a Brooklyn cafe, baristas talking about iProducts: "Yeah, I was a little too young for iPods."
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September 18, 2019:
Heard on a college station: "What've we got cued up next? Um .... it's Yo La Tengo." [pause] "No, it's Toro y Moi. I always get them mixed up."
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September 4, 2019:
It's difficult to tell where our earnestness ends and our fanaticism begins.
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August 28, 2019:
"A philosopher is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn't there. A theologian is the man who finds it." (Mencken)
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June 12, 2019:
"Whether poetry is unreal is best tested by using it to settle a hotel bill." — Geoffrey Hill
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May 22, 2019:
We offer you a path to salvation. The other path leads to a bottomless bucket of cookie dough ice cream. Choose wisely.
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May 8, 2019:
Thank for you email. Our plant closed for Tomb-Sweeping Day, re-opened next week. For any urgent thing, please contact Eliane or Meghan.
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April 10, 2019:
I self-identify as a 6' 8" first-round NBA draft pick. If you don't respect my truth, you're a bigot.
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March 27, 2019:
"All I care about is my hair and fingernails. Everything else is just affectation." — Penn Jillette
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March 20, 2019:
It's not like I have to go around for a week wearing a cap that says I LOVE DICK.
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January 2, 2019:
"Men are the only animals who devote themselves to assiduously making one another unhappy. It is, I suppose, one of their godlike qualities." (Mencken)
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December 26, 2018:
In 2019 I resolve to spend more time on social media arguing about politics.
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November 21, 2018:
"As embarrassing as the humorous recitation at a church social." – Orwell
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November 14, 2018:
I'm old enough to remember when we used to call body wash "soap."
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November 7, 2018:
Noel Coward attends ghastly children's recital. Mother points proudly to her performing daughter and asks, "Do you like music?" Coward: "No, but I like this."
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October 31, 2018:
I'm always willing to give people a chance to prove they're not worth my time.
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October 24, 2018:
I dreamt I was chosen to help on the International Space Station and my one concern was whether or not they would have cereal.
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March 28, 2018:
Regardless of whether you turn on the radio, or turn the radio on, or are turned on by the radio, or the radio turns you on, or gets you off, or you need to turn it off because of what's on …
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March 21, 2018:
75% of people don't want to hear about your problems. The other 25% are glad it's you.
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December 13, 2017:
Son: "Hey Dad, can I borrow $10 from your Bitcoin account?" Dad: "$9.67? What do you need $10.32 for?"
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November 15, 2017:
Someday on my deathbed, spirit ebbing, I'll look back and lament: "If only I'd spent more of my life on Twitter."
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October 4, 2017:
An algorithmically-generated, readability-adjusted scatter-plot of the musical genre-space, based on data tracked and analyzed for 1,536 Spotify classifications.
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September 6, 2017:
The '60s: album covers where one member of the band is surreptitiously extending his middle finger. THAT was revolution. THAT was sticking it to the man.
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August 23, 2017:
Statues should be outlawed. We need a statute against statues. All statues should have an expiration date of NOW.
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August 16, 2017:
The history of downloading data goes back to the Ten Commandments.
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August 9, 2017:
"At the table, I sometimes discourse on the cynicism of the blintz, or the bottled anger and rapelike aggressiveness of Coca-Cola." — Oscar Levant
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July 26, 2017:
I would so love to go to the events like it would probably be a dream to go but I have school that I can not miss in order for me to even have a chance in the radio field in the future.
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July 5, 2017:
Overheard in Brooklyn bodega, lunch hour: customer points to steam tray buffet, tells friend, "They got Spanish food here." Dominican woman who preps food: "It's not Spanish! We are Latino. Spanish is from Spain. Latino is from the Bronx."
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June 28, 2017:
"Nothing goes without saying these days; it must be said, so someone can take offense." — James Lileks
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May 3, 2017:
"Bagels can be an enormous power for good or for evil. It is up to us to decide how we will use them." — Daniel Pinkwater
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April 26, 2017:
Experts Miserable Because Non-Experts Don't Heed Their Expertise, Experts Say
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April 19, 2017:
Offering gratuitous theories without assigning them statistical probability.
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April 12, 2017:
This chart proves you're my first cousin once removed's husband's first cousin twice removed's husband's first cousin's wife's second cousin once removed's husband's aunt's husband's second cousin.
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March 1, 2017:
They say memory is the second thing to go. I forget what's first.
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February 22, 2017:
People like me are putting people like you out of business. Fortunately for people like you, there are few people like me.
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January 4, 2017:
I love jazz and love brunch, but one thing up with which I will not put is Jazz Brunch. I don't like jazz with good manners. I prefer jazz that takes its shoes off and puts its feet on the coffee table.
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December 28, 2016:
2016 wasn't all bad—the world is finally rid of Fidel Castro, and we elected Hillary Clinton President of California!
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October 5, 2016:
"Harmonic interest is greater, and there is less reliance on the previously abused device of cacophony." – Robert Badgett Morgan
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September 21, 2016:
"When I was younger, I had some friends who told me they were necrophiliacs, but I didn't know what that meant. Once I found out, they were fucking dead to me." – Tony DeCosa
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September 14, 2016:
The Future is a sense that there's time to clean up the mess you made.
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September 7, 2016:
LH: "Do you know the difference between foxes and coyotes?" IC: "Yes. Foxes have long eyelashes and are flirtatious. Coyotes have stockpiles of Acme explosives."
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August 17, 2016:
Artists can have a tremendous impact on society. Hitler was a painter.
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August 10, 2016:
“I’ve been in this business for over a week, and I swear—I’ve never heard anything like it!" – Moe Barnum
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July 27, 2016:
Our listeners are like lab rats whose brains are wired with electrodes which constantly stimulate the pleasure centers.
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July 20, 2016:
“I often feel a discomfort, a kind of embarrassment, when I explain elementary particle physics to laypeople. It all seems so arbitrary—the ridiculous collection of fundamental particles, the lack of pattern to their masses.” – Leonard Susskind
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July 13, 2016:
The musical equivalent of the breakfast buffet at an off-ramp hotel — not overly appealing, but there’s bacon in there somewhere.
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July 6, 2016:
A pseudo-aggressive covering cloak for deep masochistic elaboration of a pre-oedipal conflict.
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June 29, 2016:
I always know I can count on you when you damn well feel like it.
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June 15, 2016:
A paradigm of essences towards which the phenomenology of the world is in continuing approximation.
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May 11, 2016:
I am great because I did something really great today. It was great. Not that I want to brag about my greatness.
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May 4, 2016:
We are upgrading you to a new dimension! Your current coordinates are unadequate. We can rectiffy your cosmic confinement. Go not to anywhere else, coming forth details. We still twink with transport mechanism.
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April 27, 2016:
I’ll send you a note Sunday to remind you to send me a note on Monday to remind me to remind you on Tuesday to pay me on Wednesday.
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April 20, 2016:
Brown butcher paper tops tables and lettuces grow along a wooden wall.
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April 13, 2016:
First I'll tell you that I'm gonna tell you what I think, then I'll tell you what I think, then I'll tell you what I just told you.
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March 30, 2016:
Exalting aggressive action, a feverish insomnia, the racer's stride, the mortal leap, the punch and the slap.
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March 2, 2016:
Inevitability isn’t what it used to be, which was bound to happen.
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February 24, 2016:
Providing the spiritual foundation that best fortifies your intractable prejudices, base desires, and primal instincts.
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January 6, 2016:
We don't kick cans down the road. We kick them uphill and watch them roll back down again.
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December 2, 2015:
Make the planet safe from jihadists, then I'll worry about carbon emissions.
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November 25, 2015:
Which of the Three Tenors was John Cage? Was he in the Beatles? Stones? John Cage is dead to me.
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November 11, 2015:
We apologize for any outrageously outrageous outrage this program may trigger in you.
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November 4, 2015:
With WFMU's openness to reinterpretation and reinvention, nonmimetic representation promises to promote not an escape from reality, but, rather, a means of promoting and, indeed, ensuring flexibility in its application to each listener's human life.
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October 14, 2015:
Formula 50 is why I get out of bed every day. I regularly take baths in it and when it's not within arm's length I have panic attacks. Thank God and Baby Jesus it's available on Amazon. Now I can get my life back on track.
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September 16, 2015:
The good thing about Facebook memes you don't like is that they'll only be around as long as the internet.
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September 2, 2015:
The papercuts of microaggression: so small, yet slice so deep.
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August 26, 2015:
NYT Correction (8/24/15): "An earlier version of this post misidentified the former frontman of the band R.E.M. The frontman was Michael Stipe, not Carrie Brownstein."
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June 10, 2015:
A Jacobean Dramatization of a Medieval English Tale Based on an Italian Romance Version of a Latin Epic about One of the Oldest and Most Tragic Greek Legends.
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June 3, 2015:
Bringing Together Detached Millennials, Aging X-ers, and Sundowning Boomers.
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May 13, 2015:
A vast behavioral experiment being conducted by Overlords, too complex for simple tool-using monkey brains to perceive, let alone comprehend.
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March 4, 2015:
Define "thing": "Smoked Whale Testicle-Flavored Beer Is Now a Thing in Iceland" (headline, New York Post, Jan. 13)
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February 25, 2015:
I don't know whether or not he loves America, but I do know he throws like a girl.
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January 21, 2015:
"This clash of time cymbals produced a percussion of coincidence that has made a blooming bromide of the wormy chestnut that fact is stranger than fiction." (Henry Kane)
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January 7, 2015:
A self-contained and angstrom-deep form of communication aimed at the Paleomammalian brain rather than the neocortex.
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December 31, 2014:
"They tried to get me to hate white people, but someone would always come along and spoil it." – Thelonious Monk
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December 24, 2014:
Curve inversion will likely come more quickly than consensus assessment. Bail at 4:30.
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December 17, 2014:
Gave two bucks to the Salvation Army bell ringer outside A&P. Wouldn't give me a receipt. What a scam. Gettin' me a Santa suit, a bucket on a tripod, and a school bell. Want a piece of that action.
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December 10, 2014:
Never a dull moment around here, except for all the dull moments.
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November 19, 2014:
We didn't recognize the Passcode you entered. Maybe it was a typo or the formatting was off? Please enter it again.
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November 12, 2014:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the firepower to blow out the brains of those who fuck with me.
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October 29, 2014:
"Jazz should never be free. It should be kept under lock and key. It should never even be eligible for parole." – Mo
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August 27, 2014:
Article of faith: Any old LP released on a major label that sold less than 1,000 copies has received heavy airplay on WFMU.
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August 20, 2014:
THE WORLD'S GONNA END AND WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!! But not necessarily in that order.
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August 13, 2014:
Give a man a gun and a barrel of fish, and he'll shoot some and splash water all over the place. But teach a man marksmanship, angling, and cooperage and he'll be overqualified for the US postal service.
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May 21, 2014:
"Researcher: Technology Not to Blame for Teen Woes" — headline, Associated Press, May 7
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May 14, 2014:
I hate people who say they hate people who say they don't have a TV.
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May 7, 2014:
I don't recycle. I donate to landfills. Twain said, "Buy land. They're not making it anymore." I am.
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April 9, 2014:
16 Amazing Reasons Why People Click on Links Previewing an Arbitrary Number of Amazing Things!
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December 4, 2013:
Internet needs words. Write to internet. If internet not writes back, not worry. Internet think about you.
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October 9, 2013:
Like a heathen religion, WFMU is all fired up with tom-toms, hot jive and ritualistic orgies of erotic dancing, weed-smoking and mass mania, set to an African jungle background.
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August 14, 2013:
A radio program for people who crave order in their lives but a little chaos in their entertainment.
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July 31, 2013:
"The way to keep some of your time to yourself is to maintain yourself so unattractively that nobody else is interested in any of it." — Andy Warhol
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June 19, 2013:
How rapidly do invasive birch forest geometrids recruit larval parasitoids in comparison with a sympatric native geometrid?
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May 15, 2013:
We who make our throats a garbage pit and our stomachs a graveyard. Mean, angry, loathsomely jealous, confused and beset by covetousness, who without restraint would lie, deceive, and betray to mask our depravity.
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November 21, 2012:
As a God-like creature, I command ye, but I am above my own commandments. In other word, do as I say ...
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November 7, 2012:
I cannot stand in the way of Progress, and yet I have. Kill Me Now!
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October 31, 2012:
Webcasting from a Hoboken kitchen after a visitation from Sandy, a.k.a an Act of God. THANKS, GOD! Archive unavailable.
See the playlist
August 8, 2012:
You know me better than I know myself. So please explain me to me.
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August 1, 2012:
I'm really a sensitive guy with the soul of a poet who listens to Chopin nocturnes while sipping cognac and plotting ways to kill my neighbor's dog.
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July 25, 2012:
"Die" is on my to-do list, but it keeps getting bumped back a day.
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July 4, 2012:
"No arsenal ... is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women." (Ronald Reagan)
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June 29, 2012:
Irwin stops by to chat and spin records on Pseu's Thing With a Hook
June 27, 2012:
If you don't understand time warps, I'll explain them to you last week.
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May 16, 2012:
I read about him on Facebook. He scares me. He's obsessed with Brian Wilson. You know the type.
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March 28, 2012:
I set aside this morning to do some soul-searching, but it's dark in there and I couldn't find a flashlight.
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January 11, 2012:
If anything really important happens, like the end of the world, WFMU will let you know with an annoying buzzer.
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January 4, 2012:
I love having my judgment deferred to. INSERT THREE SMILEYS HERE.
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November 9, 2011:
You need to study languaging. It's how you word. Once you learn how to sentence, you can speech.
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October 26, 2011:
Disregard previous. Disregard anything I've ever said or sent.
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October 19, 2011:
Today's program will teach total muscle isolation, elegant hand gestures, and intricate body gyrations
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October 12, 2011:
I'll review the contract tonight to confirm I didn't omit anything or include terms that aren't relevant. I drafted that agreement sober and need to double-check it when I'm shitfaced drunk.
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August 10, 2011:
Sorry—since the alien abduction I can't form an original thought. Please be brilliant for me.
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August 3, 2011:
Cracked Latin (trio): Lane Steinberg, Luis Accorsi, Charlie Zeleny
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July 27, 2011:
Fucking Kings of Leon aren't real monarchs. It's just a band name. There's no Kingdom of Leon to be King of. And if there was, there would be ONE king, not a committee.
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February 9, 2011:
"That commitee meeting was a roach motel for ideas. Lots of things went in, and nothing came out." — Don Brockway
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January 5, 2011:
Too bad most WFMU listeners are atheists and agnostics. The station doesn't get much prayer support.
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November 17, 2010:
I've lost my mind. It was here when you started talking to me, but it seems to have wandered.
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November 10, 2010:
I don't need to wipe my feet before entering your house. My feet are clean. I'm wearing shoes.
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October 27, 2010:
I'll get on board with saving the planet after I figure out what's in it for me.
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October 20, 2010:
No, I'm listening. That's a fascinating story. I was just checking my invisible watch.
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October 13, 2010:
Illustrator Rick Meyerowitz discusses his new book DRUNK STONED BRILLIANT DEAD: The Writers and Illustrators Who Made the National Lampoon Insanely Great
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October 6, 2010:
One thing you can count on—when you hear a great track on WFMU, the rest of the album will suck. No need to thank us.
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September 29, 2010:
Please refrain from workplace shootings during this program.
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June 2, 2010:
One step up from permateen college radio, but still reveling in methodical haphazardness and calculated fuckups
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May 5, 2010:
Lord, the reason there was one set of footprints in the sand is because you went to the snack bar
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January 20, 2010:
WFMU has a surplus of brilliant minds on Wednesday, so most of them are forced to broadcast on other days.
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August 6, 2008:
K-Lo: "The Iraqi government is more functional than our domestic airlines right now." Or Congress.
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April 18, 2007:
Ever wondered, "Whose car in the street is making those awful noises?"—then realized you had WFMU on at low volume?
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April 11, 2007:
Global warming? Faster, please! (special guests: Berend Dubbe and Sonja van Hamel of Dutch popduo Bauer)
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February 7, 2007:
If you're using the seat cushion as a floatation device, how do you fend off sharks?
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January 31, 2007:
Articulate, bright, and clean—but not a presidential contender.
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January 24, 2007:
Broadcasting from Jersey City, where towering condos will someday be termed "classic American architecture worth preserving"
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June 21, 2006:
LORD KITCHENER tribute on Muriel's Treasure 1-3 PM (with guest co-host Lane Steinberg)
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June 14, 2006:
You may not need our fetishistic obsession with musical marginalism -- but it's nice to know it's there!
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May 24, 2006:
MOONDOG: 90th Birthday Bouquet (guest: Moondog biographer ROBERT SCOTTO)
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May 17, 2006:
Where everything musical washes ashore (special guest RICHARD GEHR on Muriel's Treasure 2-3 pm)
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April 26, 2006:
SPARROW SPILLOVER! -- another hour of The Mighty Sparrow on Muriel's Treasure (2-3pm)
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April 19, 2006:
Tribute to the MIGHTY SPARROW (Part 1),with guest co-host Lane Steinberg and (phone) guest VAN DYKE PARKS
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March 29, 2006:
Special Guest: KAREN SCHOEMER, author of "Great Pretenders: My Strange Love Affair With '50s Pop Music"
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November 2, 2005:
How can we offer repellent programming at such low prices? Three words: volume, volume, volume!
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October 26, 2005:
I fear global warming alarmists more than I fear global warming
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October 12, 2005:
I put my left foot in, took my left foot out, put my left foot back in and I shook it all about. Now what happens?
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October 5, 2005:
It's the wizard, not the wand. (This week: introducing MURIEL'S TREASURE: An Hour of Calypso and Soca, 2-3 pm)
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September 28, 2005:
If you already have a headache, no need to tune in (Special Guest: SINGING SADIE live! Final installment of "Gender Bias")
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August 10, 2005:
Confronting paradigms of hegemonic conformity with a near hesychastic acuity
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August 3, 2005:
Taking wayward music into foster care until the teeming masses are ready to adopt (Special guest: BOURBON PRINCESS live on Gender Bias)
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June 22, 2005:
Noisily emerging from a debilitating post-Wordsworthian melancholy (Special guest: LEE FELDMAN live in studio)
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June 15, 2005:
Our little secret - 50% of band names spoken in DJ set lists made up on the spot
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March 30, 2005:
If you hate what you hear, come back in 15 minutes, and you might like it. Five minutes later we'll drive you away again.
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March 16, 2005:
MARATHON WEEK 2 - Every marathon show is a Quality Start -- until the pitch count takes its toll
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February 2, 2005:
The usual genre-surfing tokenism, plus JOSEPH LANZA discusses his book VANILLA POP
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January 26, 2005:
WFMU: Less worse than all the other radio stations. (Live guest: THE LAST TOWN CHORUS / MEGAN HICKEY; plus special feature: JOHN PEEL 1983 interview)
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November 17, 2004:
A dystopian cesspool of sinister thought, destructive impulses, anti-social behavior and malevolent mind-control
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November 3, 2004:
WFMU: A safe haven for Prozac progressives. (TIGER LILLIES live and GO HOME PRODUCTIONS interview)
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October 27, 2004:
No commercial gridlock, no advertisement pileups, no sponsor speedtraps, no head-on merchandising collisions
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August 11, 2004:
WFMU: Swerving back and forth across the psychological center line (Special feature: ANN RANDOLPH interview)
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August 4, 2004:
WFMU: It sounds better after you’ve absolutely forgotten what it sounds like
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July 14, 2004:
The Home of Has-Beens, Wannabes, Never-Weres, No-Hopers and the Gone-Overboard. We're like a Steely Dan song in real-life.
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July 7, 2004:
Station of the Gods - preferred by 4 out of 5 Supreme Beings (This week: ELYSIAN FIELDS LIVE)
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June 9, 2004:
"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." -- Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
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December 10, 2003:
WFMU: Like your favorite neighborhood tavern with a great jukebox. Only with bad lighting, no beer, no cocktails, and no bar snacks. Otherwise, the same.
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December 3, 2003:
WFMU: It's like a mutual fund -- past performance is no guarantee of future results.
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November 12, 2003:
WFMU: Where duct tape is a way of life (MARIE FRANK performs live with Neill Furio on Gender Bias)
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October 30, 2002:
Behold the dynamic power of radio and how it could easily crush a universe at its whispered call. Don't call. It will crush!
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July 24, 2002:
Now that the statute of limitations has expired, let me get something off my chest: I killed John Kennedy.
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May 23, 2001:
"Sometimes men come by the name of genius in the same way that certain insects come by the name of centipede—not because they have a hundred feet, but because most people can't count above fourteen." – G. C. Lichtenberg
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May 16, 2001:
All the amateurism of college radio -- without the basketball games.
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May 9, 2001:
Free Your Mind and Your Buttocks Will Follow: Otis Fodder (of the Bran Flakes) visits and cavorts with Irwin & co-hostess Michelle Boulé
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March 28, 2001:
Marathon 2001 show #2: Support free-form radio and we will love you with no exchange of body fluids.
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March 21, 2001:
Marathon 2001 show #1: "Don't worry, boys, we'll weather this storm of approval and come out as hated as ever."
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February 14, 2001:
Things that could disappear from the face of the Earth today and I would not miss them: beer, soccer, The New York Times.
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January 24, 2001:
If your not support, rock will die forever. It is very important that many Rocks and Rolls survive to our children.
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December 20, 2000:
We don't observe the 5-second rule in my home. Food dropped on the floor can be eaten if picked up within three days. The rule is shorter for liquids.
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December 6, 2000:
When the still sea conspires an armor, and her sullen and aborted currents breed tiny monsters, true agastopia is dead.
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November 8, 2000:
On this day in 1959, misplaced smoking jacket causes Hugh Hefner to fire valet in first recorded instance of Robe Rage.
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October 4, 2000:
"The way to keep some of your time to yourself is to maintain yourself so unattractively that nobody else is interested in any of it." — Andy Warhol
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September 27, 2000:
His synapses went on strike and his nerve impulses refused to cross the picket line.
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