Favoriting Irwin Chusid: Playlist from January 11, 2017 Favoriting

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Genre-surfing tokenism. (Visit homepage.)

Wednesday 3 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Wed. Mar 12th, 3pm - 6pm: Irwin and his Co-Host Max Hoyt

Favoriting January 11, 2017: Mighty Sparrow will NOT visit the studio today as hoped.

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Untitled painting purchased at Stormville flea market, July 4, 2016

Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Lee Morgan  Yes I Can, No You Can't (edit)   Favoriting The Gigolo  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Real Estate  Here Comes Sunshine   Favoriting Day of the Dead  0:03:56 (Pop-up)
Stanton Moore  Magnolia Triangle   Favoriting Conversations  0:09:26 (Pop-up)
Mac Demarco  Ken the Wolf Boy (demo)   Favoriting Salad Days Demos  0:14:15 (Pop-up)
Kenny Garrett  J. Mac   Favoriting Seeds from the Underground  0:20:51 (Pop-up)
Los Halos  Blue Star   Favoriting Leaving VA.  0:26:58 (Pop-up)
Dave Soldier  Tomb of the Gods Cavern / Ra Calls the Rams   Favoriting The Eighth Hour of Amduat  0:31:30 (Pop-up)
Man Forever, Oneida & So Percussion  Drums -> Space   Favoriting Day of the Dead  0:38:35 (Pop-up)
Jimi Hendrix Experience  Rainy Day / Still Raining, Still Dreaming   Favoriting Electric Ladyland  0:47:26 (Pop-up)
Lee Morgan  Ca-Lee-So   Favoriting Delightfulee  0:54:38 (Pop-up)
Fountains of Wayne  Richie and Ruben   Favoriting Sky Full of Holes  1:00:05 (Pop-up)
Nick Lowe  Half a Boy and Half a Man   Favoriting The Doings  1:08:16 (Pop-up)
Le Villejuif Underground  Le Villejuif Underground   Favoriting Le Villejuif Underground  1:10:52 (Pop-up)
Roky Erickson  I've Never Known This 'til Now   Favoriting Never Say Goodbye  1:14:28 (Pop-up)
Teh Beatells  Honey Pie   Favoriting Das Weisse Album  1:18:27 (Pop-up)
Doug Gillard  Time is Nigh   Favoriting Call from Restricted  1:21:26 (Pop-up)
The Lemon Twigs  Frank   Favoriting Do Hollywood  1:25:08 (Pop-up)
Miles Davis  Fall   Favoriting Nefertiti  1:35:40 (Pop-up)
Nicole Dollanganger  Chapel   Favoriting Chapel (single)  1:41:54 (Pop-up)
Tim Evans  Wretched Wings   Favoriting Wretched Wings  1:46:17 (Pop-up)
The Skip-Jacks with Buddy Morrow & His Orchestra  The Raven   Favoriting Poe for Moderns  1:49:09 (Pop-up)
The Growlers  City Club   Favoriting City Club  1:52:27 (Pop-up)
Herbie Hancock  Triangle   Favoriting Inventions and Dimensions  2:00:58 (Pop-up)
Joey Lewis & His Orchestra  White Eyes   Favoriting Joey Lewis at the Lion's Den  2:12:01 (Pop-up)
Big Bang  Yo Yo Jazz (Nicola Conte Rework)   Favoriting Yo Yo Jazz (EP)  2:15:22 (Pop-up)
The Shins  Dead Alive   Favoriting Heartworms  2:24:36 (Pop-up)
Sanctuary  Waiting for the Sun   Favoriting The Year the Sun Died  2:27:42 (Pop-up)
Medeski, Martin & Wood  Jean's Scene   Favoriting Radiolarians III  2:31:33 (Pop-up)
Noah Preminger  K   Favoriting Before the Rain  2:40:26 (Pop-up)
Kottarashky & the Rain Dogs  Lament   Favoriting Cats, Dogs and Ghosts  2:42:40 (Pop-up)
Ori Kaplan's Shaat'nez Band  Im Tirtzi   Favoriting Great Jewish Music: Sasha Argov  2:46:57 (Pop-up)
Hal Herzon  Deserted Ballroom (comp. Morton Gould)   Favoriting Morton Gould's Musical Fantasies  2:51:19 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Listening Out There:

"Cat Getting the Heimlich Maneuver"

this is totally an improvement, I can't wait for the archive of that.
Avatar 3:04pm

that was the best glitch EVER.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm
Michael 98145:

*funky* indeed !
Avatar 3:05pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Hi Irwin! Hi everyone!
Avatar 3:05pm
V Priceless:

greets, Irwin!

that was like a proper industrial beat
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:05pm
Michael 98145:

"purchased" good choice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:06pm

Yep, that one I could not go home without: $75.
Santos L Halper:

Thanks for all these Dead covers you've been playing. This one is eerily faithful
Avatar 3:08pm

Irwin, ma bruh-THA!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:09pm

Excellent Dead cover!
Laura L:

Love Ol' droopy paws with the single (or fused?) back leg(s). Is it signed?

so good
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:11pm
Uncle Michael:

If you haven't seen Stanton Moore play live, please do. He's amazing.
M Lindell:

Real Estate ..now THAT caught me off guard.
In a good way

Not sugar magnolia, just plain magnolia

@Listening Out There , speaking of Heimlich, RIP to Henry (another casualty of 2016. Moreover, heres to all the people who made it to 2017 because of him, including a lady (fellow retirement home resident) upon whom he employed his own maneuver in 2016. Now theres a smooth pickup move.
Avatar 3:17pm
Mayor Frank:

Oh thank you. I was looking for music to salve the balm from CNN. Thank you. This is a nice hot bath.
Avatar 3:21pm
Wilson K:

So easy to take pot shots at The Dead.

I prefer to take the high road
Avatar 3:21pm

At this point I'm just glad we didn't add the Mighty Sparrow to the 2016 butcher's bill.
Santos L Halper:

They go well with pot shots
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:22pm

That wasn't a pot shot. It was a confession of lack of understanding of their musical appeal, that's all. I'm entitled, no?
Avatar 3:22pm
Doug Werewolf:

Good afternoon - thanks for the great music.
listener Rey:

Too bad about the Mighty Sparrow. Maybe a remote interview/taping is in order? You can borrow Clay Pigeon's gear
Avatar 3:24pm
Wilson K:

Well, you caught yourself, and were diplomatic about it. This is not coming from the perspective of a Dead enthusiast—I'm not—but I have observed plenty of Dead dissing on WFMU over the years.
Avatar 3:24pm
Wilson K:

Just saying they're an easy target.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:25pm

WFMU DJs need something to sneer at. It boosts their sense of self-worth.

@Doug did you ever find Lee Ho Fooks?
Avatar 3:25pm
Mayor Frank:

The Dead is Dead. Still...Would be willing to go remote and record Mighty Sparrow for you, with u on the phone, on speaker....
Avatar 3:27pm
Mayor Frank:

And I love the Dead...
Avatar 3:28pm
Wilson K:

Early Dead kills, especially when they're covering those that came before them. Not Fade Away/Going Down the Road Feeling Bad, anyone?
Avatar 3:28pm
Mayor Frank:

In honor of the press conference today, can we please receive from you some pure, absolute, Mexican kick-ass music? Thank you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30pm

I love to sneer at the Dead to boost my self-worth. It's fun, even though I don't think they're all *that* terrible. They're like a sonic version of a really loose pair of cheap polyester sweatpants.
wild neil:

PEACE ALL. Got a job. Assistant lab manager!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30pm

Mixing dangerous chemicals, Neilly?
wild neil:

the Dead used jazz in their solos. I like The Dead!!!
wild neil:

Fire testing lab. Gas burners the size of jack o lanterns!!
Avatar 3:34pm
Mayor Frank:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:34pm

Congrats, Neil.
Avatar 3:35pm
Mayor Frank:

Anything with Ra in it is all right with me. Worked below Evidence Records in Conshohocken. They used FBI wiretap expert to cull sounds from old Sun Ra albums. True.
listener Rey:

Avatar 3:46pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Congrats Neil, so happy for you man :D
wild neil:

The Dead are like "some kinds" of jazz that are puzzling yet later on prove sublime....I didn't used to get some kinds of jazz...

Mel Torme said all he was trying to be was the male Ella.
Alison Porchnik:

At least he's one neurosurgeon who doesn't believe the pyramids stored grain.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:47pm

Good job, Neil. My best man from when I tied the knot with Mrs. Parq has been in that field for some 40 years.
wild neil:

Thanks everbody. Monday i go in to sheetrock my new office...well HELP sheetrock anyway....
Avatar 3:50pm
Wilson K:

But the Dead are not a jazz band or a pair of sweatpants. They're a country and blues rock outfit.
Listening Out There:

Wilson: True, but interestingly, Ornette Coleman did have Jerry Garcia play on a track one time...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:53pm
Sem Chumbo:

Hiya, Irwin, and the Chusids. This one is fun.
Listening Out There:

"Deplorable Chusidians"

Buddy Miles on drums
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:55pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I think I like this Hendrix fella...doesn't sound like he's gonna make a whole career outta one gittar tone - know what I mean??...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:56pm
Uncle Michael:

A very young Mike Finnegan playing organ on that Hendrix.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:56pm
Sem Chumbo:

haha, RevRab.

@Uncle Michael -thank you! I was trying to think of his name. In one of the Hendrix docs he tells how that recording came to be, and it's great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58pm

Jack - you ain't Hoboken Jack, is ya?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:59pm
Uncle Michael:

Yes, The Serfs were recording down the hall and Jimi asked him if he wanted to jam.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:59pm
Uncle Michael:

And of course...Tom Wilson was producing the Serfs.

Still Raining Still Dreamin still soo cool.
wild neil:

i worked with a very hardcore Deadhead and he agreed the Dead used Jazz but for sure they were a bluegrass or country band. That used rock guitars and other tools of the trade.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:01pm
Uncle Michael:

One member of the Dead once described the music as dixieland rock and roll.

naw Irwin, it's just me, plain old "jack". sorry. I could sign in on my official Jack account, if that helps...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

What are the Dead? Jazz prepared the way for Psychedelic Rawk & Gittar Rawk 'cetera in terms of Improvisation. Coltrane to bYRdS directly, f'rinstance. Summa them fellas in Cream knew a little about Jazz - fer 'nother instance...Art School in England - soon as the Draft ended, so on...It characterized Psychedelia - & SanFrancisco particularly that people of different backgrounds tried each other out - Jerry was Bluegrass, Phil Lesh 'Academic' - so forth...Jimi's drummer Mitch Mitchell brought the Jazz to the revolution in Rawk Drumming that Keith Moon had only just made (Ginger Baker inbetween actually) - whilst Jimi was deeply saturated in Blues, Soul & Rawk'n'Roll - & that was one happy musical compatibility - oh yes...Which isn't to say the Dead weren't humbled to be on the bill w/ Miles - they had the sense to be...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm

No, Jack, it's OK. Just wondering if Hobo J is tuned in this afternoon.

I once 'used' jazz. But i didn't inhale.
Alison Porchnik:

Irwin, I think HJ is still checking out the new parts.

The Dead combined elements of folk, bluegrass, country-western, rock, jazz and avant-guarde. There's lots of mediocre Dead music, but when they were good they were great Same with Ella -- alot is mediocre (some is lousy) but the good stuff is great.

My last name is Adkins, and there was a Hobo Jack Adkins. He was a coal miner folk singer way back.
Avatar 4:06pm
Wilson K:

The Dead were a touring country rock and blues band. They lasted too long for their whole catalog to hold up. They also lasted long enough to genre bend and "defy categorization." But they are essentially Pigpen covering "Good Morning Little School Girl."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:07pm

The Dead were "jazz" in the sense that free improvisation is jazz. They did indeed assimilate many genres, sometimes in the same tune. They were indeed great sometimes, awful others (took major risks, fell short sometimes as a result. Also as a result of not having great vocalists. Also as a result of heavy drug indulgence).
Avatar 4:09pm
Wilson K:

I defer to the Doctor
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:09pm

AP: Yeah, that's what I figgered, but maybe he's home by now, with or without new parts.
Avatar 4:09pm
Donathon McCloud:

Fandango Spa
Listener Robert:

While it is terrible, "Wake and Bake" at least conveys a little joke: saying that WFMU's gone from JM in the AM to MJ in the AM.

That name wouldn't even work if the entire show was the Dead.
Avatar 4:11pm
Doug Werewolf:

Fandango Spa Mach III
Avatar 4:11pm

I'm high from Lowe!

Vive la underground!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:16pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Congrats on the job situation, wild neil. Burn It Down with Nate K and wild neil.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:16pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Experiments often fail - but to never experiment is total failure. That's how the 60s are different from now. True in Jazz w/ Free Jazz as well - but Jazz being the African-American Classical Music - the code obviously is to have some damn chops. & Improvise. - & Swing. Also.
Wynton Marsalis - who has been a Straight-Ahead blowhard & stuff - made the point that when we talk of 'Fusion' - Rawk is a branch on the Jazz Tree - historically speaking - so how can it be 'Fusion' w/ itself? I think - people fear Jazz - are intimadated by 'not understanding' it - as if it's a problem in Maths, not Art...but really if you play in a Blues-based form & get really proficient - it's 'Jazz' by default almost...Jazz is too small a word for too much, really - which Coltrane made some comments about in his time...Serious drug use was never an excuse for lack of proficiency in Jazz - & I think that's a Cultural demarcation. Like the Northern Beatles aspiring to Art, & the Middle Class Stones aspiring to Bohemia - the frankly Black & White racial situation in America - Black Artists dressing up - & White middle class kids dressing down...so on so on...I mean - I'm not a Dead Hater - but if King Crimson had played as much as the Dead - it woulda been pretty tight! - but that wasn't the point to Dead culture ( - & a Culture it was!!)

ROKY !...may be dressing down today...
Avatar 4:17pm
Wilson K:

Little known fact: The Dead never actually touched hard drugs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:18pm

You mean like in the way that cats never actually touch their food?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:18pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

My ex-gf went to the same rehab Jerry died in.

The dead should never have covered Merle haggard. Attics of my life is a good one tho
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:21pm
Uncle Michael:

Everyone should cover Merle Haggard.
Avatar 4:22pm

Good afternoon Irwin and buddies!

Congratulations Wild Neil !!! Happy for you !!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:23pm

I love you Irwin, but it is a sin (A SIN) to play Honey Pie without playing Savoy Truffle afterwards. Thanks for the show today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:24pm

I've been exploring TWA under buds at the gym. Great workout music, and so many little details in the arrangements I'd never noticed before. Revisit it.
Avatar 4:25pm

Haha... I too was awaiting Savoy Truffle...
Avatar 4:25pm

UM, I think Merle has been well and truly...covered...unless combusted. Thank something for records! Am I right?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:26pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Attics of My Life' is as great an LSD Hymn as there is - by anybody - due regards to 'Step Inside this House' by Roky & Co.
The Dead were Muricans. I concluded that 'Folk Music' is anything that - if you stumbled onto strangers on the beach around a fire w/ a guitar - what music would you all know? The Dead were/are exactly that...So - rooted in Murican Music - & transmitting same...

There is a bootleg "Whitology" 1 & 2. Outakes, alternates, etc. has my favorite version of "Helter Skelter" nice and slow.
Hoboken Jack:

Present and accounted for at last! Apologies to other Jacks for any confusion.
Alison Porchnik:

Dang you for a good show Irwin. I gots to get back to some critical pre-travel project reading but I can't.. tear...myself...away... Play something that sucks, will ya?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:28pm

Wild Neil, I've heard of guest accommodations where you have to make your own bed, but jobs where you have to make your own office are new to me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:30pm

Alison - you mean like Ella?

Uncle Michael chiming in! Love it.

There is a demo of honey pie that rocks so hard. He must've been whacking a box or something. Kinfauns demos I thinks
Alison Porchnik:

Sure. I don't know. My problem is I can't read and write notes with vocal music on. Too many words to process, I guess. Think I'll just have to ghost the playlist at some point.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:35pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Who is the guy going around lecturing on the White Album? Says it's the best-selling album of the 1960s (?!) - & the pastiches of Styles & their Mastery...& I think it's Honesty (individual Writers...& just 1968 in all its' gut-churning inevitability)...People don't feel it's homogenous enuff & that's too challenging - or I think the Mood - or Moods - are a lot to reckon w/...& I think the sound used to be a little murky & ponderous - but that's all different now. I think those are Demos they all got together & did to sketch out the album. They were such writing & arranging Masters - it's always fascinating to hear them routine stuff...They sure worked hard & fast!

I got one where the single and lp and the label are all the same. Tell ya in a minute.
Avatar 4:36pm

Hah! the cat looks like it's completely given up. Great find!

Are you sure that painting isn't ... old? Looks kinda early American folk-ish: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0c/2b/56/0c2b56ecdabc0b458fb79953dbb0a303.jpg
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:37pm

Hobo J - How was today's adventure?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:37pm
Uncle Michael:

It's a shame Rare Earth never recorded a song titled "Rare Earth".
Avatar 4:38pm

Dean, it does...but it could be pretending.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:38pm

Dean: I believe it's a replica of a vintage work, or perhaps just "in the style of." But what do I know?
Avatar 4:39pm

(heh heh, UM)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:39pm

true, UM - it would even be pretty good too!

greetings Irwin and all

Is that what folks mean when they refer to pretentious art?

Can you see faint numbers below the surface of the paint? That'd be a clue.
Avatar 4:40pm

ceeeeeeel-O! :)

Just before they put out the white album McCartney had a minute where he thought it was all out of key.
Avatar 4:41pm

ha ha, Dean. :D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:41pm
Uncle Michael:

My Franz Kline turned out to be paint-by-numbers and worth less than the three bucks I paid for it at the garage sale.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:41pm

hey g!
Avatar 4:41pm
Ahtie Spheahz:

Of course it is art. I could look at it for hours and STILL not be able to determine what kind of demented anatomy is at work with the girl OR the little kitty. Her right arm sems to appear from within her torso... or somewhere? Don't know what you payed for this but I doubt if it was enough. Let me know if you care to part with it...
Avatar 4:41pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:42pm

That painting is a goddamn treasure.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:42pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Face reminds me of Magritte - while the general style is like that Folk 'Primitivism' that's naturally unself-consciously Surrealism - a little like Rousseau (is that 'Fauvism?) - or Frieda Kahlo. It's great because it's not 'technical' but conveys expression & the form of the cat commendably - & a good composition overall. Yeah Ahtie - the hands are almost Picasso...Abstraction.
Hoboken Jack:

Not a red letter day for the Silberts, but I remain unbowed. Go ahead, just try to bow me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...because cats totally do that & it's rarely portrayed...
Avatar 4:43pm

two words, Jim. Shaw. (Rhymes with scrimshaw)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43pm

I really do like that painting. The colors are wonderful, and that cat. THAT CAT.

Imaging the girl from the painting singing! Hahah
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44pm

What color was the letter, Jack?

Plant your autograph on the back of the Kline, UM. Value'll skyrocket, relatively speaking.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

yin/yang face. & Pablo liked to show ladies & their - uh - pussies...
Alison Porchnik:

@Jack - It can't be done. You are unbowable.

Irwin you are a world champ picker. If I found one of your paintings at a yard sale it would make my year
Avatar 4:46pm
Ahtie Spheahz:

Assuming Mr. Chisud would never part with it, I've already boosted the jpg and will have my very own print (archival, of course) produced. I MAY add a beard but otherwise it is perfect.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:46pm

it reminds me of someone i know. (the girl)
if i didn't anyway i couldn't help but like the painting.
Avatar 4:48pm

Irwin,there's a portrait by Goya at the Norton Simon in Pasadena, of a very squat and sour looking Duchess holding a small, bulgy eyed dog in her lap. It has her expression; either one could easily bite you if you got too close. I LOVE that painting!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:49pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@flashbazbo: Love that re SirMacca.

Please only one guess at a time....ok. It was George Harrison. Dark horse. On dark horse records and 8 track tapes
Avatar 4:49pm
Old Dave:

Your painting is pretty great, Irwin. Thanks for sharing it!

Poe for beatnicks!

Isn't the Norton Simon a gem, geezerette? I used to head out there from east side of LA County on weekends just to view a room or two. My favorite painting might be the Raphael Madonna and Child with Book.

Lately, the museum has been in the news, I gather, trying to hang on to two early Renaissance panels sold to Simon by Goebbels.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:51pm
Michael 98145:

snapping, cool !

Is it Halloween already?
Avatar 4:51pm

Wish they'd taught it this way in school.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:52pm
Michael 98145:

i enjoy seeing the Norton Simon every year during the coverage of the Tournament of Roses parade
Frank Zaatar:

Sorry, Beatnik Poe can't compete with Glass Prism.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:53pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Edgar Ella Poe.

Poe for Moderns c.2010 would be more like, "Qouth the Raven, 'Whatever.'"

[Inc. typo.]
Avatar 4:54pm

Darn it Dean! Selfishly hope they can keep them. Yes, that museum is a gem.
Avatar 4:54pm

ha ha!

Should clarify, not sold *directly* by Goebbels, but Simon purchased from collector who, allegedly, acquired from Goebbels.
Avatar 4:56pm

Oh I know. Tough times in the museum world. Not being sarcastic!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:56pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...oh well - whatever - nevermore...
Dave Emory went on about Nazis buying their way outta defeat w/ the stolen Heritage of Western Civilization...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:58pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...yerknow - it was all deals...
Avatar 4:58pm

Glad Adele is in Lauder collection though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm
Michael 98145:

i understand there is an art of deals
Avatar 5:02pm

RevRab,that word is ruined now. It's covered with orange foundation & powder.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:02pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Ah see it's a tradition.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:02pm

i fancy that bed just then
Avatar 5:02pm

Hiya Michael!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:03pm
Michael 98145:

hola, gz'ette!
Listening Out There:

Herbie 2x today. Wowzers...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:05pm
Uncle Michael:

The temp here has dropped 28 degrees in the last three hours. Yowza.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:06pm

Remind me -- you in KC, Unca Mike?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:09pm
Michael 98145:

( our poor friends had a foot of snow dumped on them in Portland OR)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:10pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

NorthNewEngland will let you know when we're impressed. (Harhar.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:10pm
Michael 98145:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:11pm
Michael 98145:

BTW, Neil's new job sounds like fun; i always wanted a flamethrower.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:12pm

this track title reminds me of this link listener "ranjit" posted on Bethany's show... twitter.com...
- review of Bruckner's 8th symphonie.
DL in LA:

Killer Herbie. Thx!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:16pm

greetings irwin and all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:17pm
Uncle Michael:

Topeka, Irwin...an hour west.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:18pm

I was in KCMO January 2008. Fucking brutal. Being outdoors was torture.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:20pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...no obstructions from (literally) Arctic air them square states...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:20pm
Uncle Michael:

It was 61 this afternoon. It's 31 now. It'll be 16 tonight. Winter Storm Prince is going to pleasure us before it gets to you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:21pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...melt - then freeze over one big sheet of black ice, maybe...careful out there...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:22pm

I think it's coalescing with Tropical Storm Lemmy, which is atmospherically hazardous.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:23pm
Uncle Michael:

I was too late to suggest W.S. Cantinflas to Ken. Maybe nex time
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:23pm
Uncle Michael:

We're getting a day of freezing rain before a day of snow. Perfect, eh?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:25pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yes - not knowing which simple step may be your death. & in some latitudes they have no notion of this whatsoever.
listener monica:

yay shins!
Avatar 5:27pm

In the Sierra Nevadas, we've had 120 inches of snow in the last 7-10 days. 3 inches of rain in Sacramento yesterday. Guess the drought's over.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:27pm

Yay NEW Shins. What happened to Broken Bells?
Avatar 5:28pm

This sounds like the Moody Blues.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:29pm
Uncle Michael:

Can we use this cover to talk truth about the Doors as was done with the Dead cover?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:30pm

A Prof. Dum-Dum choice track.
Avatar 5:30pm

Jim Morrison loved his puffy shirts.
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Uncle Michael:

Speaking only for myself, once I outgrew being wowed by the Dionysian malarkey, Jim Morrison only made sense to me when I decided he was kidding...about everything. What a joker!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:32pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Climate change scientists years ago: Fewer but larger storms. But that's all Chinese business PR...
Ya mean how Iggy, Alice, Bowie, Ozzy, Ian Curtis, Bunnymen, X, Nick Cave, Mazzy Star &tc. would be impossible w/out the doors? (Harhar.)

Aside from Morrisons' pomposity and bullshit, the Doors were a pretty good band, wrote some good songs, had good musicianship. Oh, Ray Manzarek was a big asshole, too.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:34pm
Uncle Michael:

"The Mosquito" is my favorite Doors track.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...no a-hole Rawkers...that leaves...um - let's see...

Franz Liszt.
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Old Dave:

That leaves Canadians.

Isn't Manzarek dead? He was the one always promoting Morrison and that Dionysian bullshit. I heard nobody liked him, cos he never shut up. But he would always bring the best drugs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:38pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yeah Ray was the 'rational' â™’Aquarius apologist.

Good gosh! Manzarek died almost three years ago! How come I feel like I've heard him promoting one thing or another on the radio sometime during the past couple years?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:39pm
Uncle Michael:

MMW and the earlier-played Stanton Moore have strong musical bonds.
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Billy Martin also did some minimal avant improv stuff w/ DJ Olive they ended at Bonnaroo through Billy's connections. Fun, cheeky stuff!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:41pm

Billy Martin is a top-tier drummer. Very versatile, too.
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Manzarek seemed like he was nearly as pompous as Morrison - maybe more so. Morrison was just wilder, and an egomaniac.
...but they, the group, was straight up groundbreaking.
- and really pretty genius sometimes, despite all the absolute CRAP, like hello i love you and touch me.

I could listen to the instr break in light my fire forever
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Uncle Michael:

To paraphrase Irwin, people I respect like the Doors, but I just don't get them, I guess.
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"K" was special !
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this sounds good
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light my fire is extraordinary, but i probably wont live long enough to ever want to hear it again.
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i love break on through and la woman
Mark R:

Ori Kaplan is groovy...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Granted - I wish more Mainstream RawkFans knew about ArthurLee&Love - & a certain other *earlier* band from Belfast w/ a (koff) drunken Morrison poet & an organ...or even the damned Seeds from L.A. ...
Mark R:

I was in my 40s before I discovered "Forever Changes"--played it over and over that summer like a 14 year-old
Mark R:

The genius of that album still knocks me out
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:52pm

me too Mark R
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:52pm

i consider la woman a perfect album, though it's not my favorite doors album. the first one is my fave, though it's far from perfect - just because "the end" is so magnificent, and a few other songs are excellent too.
"soft parade" has just one even passable song: "wild child".
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@MarkR: The beauty of that is it hadn't been played out for decades already - yet it's in my Top20 Albums of Ever.

REv Rabbit: Are you a scorpio?

I saw Ray and Michael McClure open for Arthur Lee and reconstituted Love. Ray made a comment about wearing your baseball cap backwards being "poseur"
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Uncle Michael:

Morton Gould studied his Raymond Scott.

Great band names popping up here like crazy:

Damned Seeds
Reconstituted Love
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So did Hal Herzon.
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Sem Chumbo:

Morrison was a drop-in-any-old-time kinda guy when Joan Didion lived just off Sunset. She said he'd come in to look at himself in her mirrors, amazed that he looked so great after being a flabby schlub his whole childhood. It was speed that did it, she surmised, and she'd know. Her own drug use crops up a lot in a recent biography I read last year.
People are strange.
Avatar 5:55pm

Doors music without the personalities & lyrics is pretty good jazz.
RevRab, Sky Saxon was punk. Never bothered me that every song was the same.

Irwin I LOVE cartoon music !!! Thank you for saving it !!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm

i wish i'd heard forever changes when i was a teenager. my older sister had a scratchy "four sale", which i liked but not enough to make me explore Love right away.

Doors were a jamb band, right?

that Hal Herzon track was just amazing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@flash: Quite.
...Yay Raymond Scott. & I tot it was about Carl Stalling...
'Forever Changes' is just - Balanced. Despite its' range.
Avatar 5:57pm

The End was a perfect opening song to Apocalypse Now. And Joan Didion grew up down the street from me, although she's at least a decade older.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

HolySmokes Densmore was a great drummer. & the fortitude to follow Jimbo wherever he stumbled - the band gestalt. That's everything.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm

Thanks Irwin
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:01pm

thanks for the show Irwin
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