Favoriting Irwin Chusid: Playlist from October 30, 2019 Favoriting

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Genre-surfing tokenism. (Visit homepage.)

Wednesday 3 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Wed. Mar 12th, 3pm - 6pm: Irwin and his Co-Host Max Hoyt

Favoriting October 30, 2019: There is an old Indian proverb.

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Lee Morgan  The Double Up   Favoriting Charisma  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Jonathan Something  New Jersey Rum   Favoriting Art So Small You Can Hardly See It  0:05:20 (Pop-up)
David Bowie  New Killer Star   Favoriting Reality  0:07:40 (Pop-up)
Amanda  Worship Me   Favoriting Don't Mess With the Power Child (Irwin's 2010 Marathon CD)  0:16:35 (Pop-up)
Moving Panoramas  Dance Floor   Favoriting In Two  0:19:23 (Pop-up)
Hatchie  Sure (Robin Guthrie mix)   Favoriting Sure  0:38:28 (Pop-up)
Jonathan Edwards  Sunshine   Favoriting Jonathan Edwards  0:40:11 (Pop-up)
Foxygen  Work   Favoriting Seeing Other People  0:42:22 (Pop-up)
Moodõid  Chamberlain Hotel   Favoriting Cité Champagne  0:45:59 (Pop-up)
Amanda & Brandy  Mad   Favoriting Don't Mess With the Power Child (Irwin's 2010 Marathon CD)  0:57:23 (Pop-up)
Beverly  Honey Do   Favoriting Careers  1:00:47 (Pop-up)
Crocodiles  I Wanna Destroy You   Favoriting Under the Covers  1:04:01 (Pop-up)
Soak  Life Trainee   Favoriting Grim Town  1:07:17 (Pop-up)
Chip Wickham  Barrio 71   Favoriting Shamal Wind  1:27:08 (Pop-up)
Noah Haidu  This Great Darkness   Favoriting Infinite Distances  1:33:03 (Pop-up)
Prince & the New Power Generation  Cream   Favoriting Diamonds and Pearls  1:37:06 (Pop-up)
Amanda  Metropolitan Mama   Favoriting Let's Get Plastered and Raid Circus World  1:45:48 (Pop-up)
Charly Bliss  Supermoon   Favoriting Supermoon  1:50:03 (Pop-up)
Bobby Bare  Dropkick Me, Jesus   Favoriting The Winner and Other Losers  1:53:03 (Pop-up)
Feet  Ad Blue   Favoriting What's Inside is More than Just Ham  1:55:09 (Pop-up)
Pete La Roca  Majoun   Favoriting Turkish Women at the Bath  2:12:09 (Pop-up)
Palehound  Urban Drip   Favoriting Black Friday  2:15:35 (Pop-up)
Pretenders  Back on the Chain Gang   Favoriting The Singles  2:17:49 (Pop-up)
Wolf Alice  Freazy   Favoriting My Love is Cool  2:21:25 (Pop-up)
Buffalo Springfield  On the Way Home   Favoriting Last Time Around  2:24:32 (Pop-up)
Amanda  Concrete Nipples / I'll Take de Night Life   Favoriting Don't Mess With the Power Child (Irwin's 2010 Marathon CD)  2:35:08 (Pop-up)
Lou Rebecca  Desire   Favoriting Restless  2:38:45 (Pop-up)
Charles Earland  Speedball (comp. Lee Morgan)   Favoriting Intensity  2:41:40 (Pop-up)
Amanda & Friends  Got My Mind Set On You   Favoriting Let's Get Plastered and Raid Circus World  2:55:00 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 3:00pm

Ah, bring on the #FF9700.
Avatar 3:01pm
Hubig Pie:

Beer, weed and children are indeed a lethal mix
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Pierre Delecto:

I spent last night in a spaceship. I'll never do that again. The food was awful.
Avatar 3:02pm
Hubig Pie:

Taste buds don't work in zero gravity
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Avatar 3:03pm
Itzall ClearD'me Nåu:

How they get anywhere with no feet is beyond my comprehension. Must be the stimulants?
Avatar 🎸 3:04pm

Is that child wearing yellow shoes or ... ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm
holland oats:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:06pm
Phillippe Bastille:

There was a street sign in my old neighborhood that read "Watch Children". Just that. No guideliness on how long, what to do if there were no children to watch, nor any cautionary legal advice if you watch too long
Avatar 🎸 3:07pm

Not "Watch, Children!"?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:07pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...If you don't tell your Cats about The Jazzes
...Who Will...
Avatar 3:08pm
Pierre Delecto:

I believe that all God's children live in a yellow submarine.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:08pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Nope, just like this one: www.usa-traffic-signs.com...
Avatar 3:08pm

The sign is actually for the HBO prequel to watchmen.
Avatar 3:08pm
Itzall ClearD'me Nåu:

Phillippe Bastille, I believe it would be HOW you watched, not how long.

"eye-talian wine
its too bad you're not mine"

did I get that right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:09pm
Phillippe Bastille:

@Itzall I think you're on to something there...
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Alison Porchnik:

I think Pierre Delecto is a bot. Irwin's been hacked!

listening cautiously
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Lunchbox (From DC/AUS):

howdy irwin + all!
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Phillippe Bastille:

No more freeform jazz?
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Avatar 3:15pm

My 87-year-old father-in-law is a recent convert to the Church of Amanda.
Avatar 🎸 3:15pm

What is Amanda's last name?
Avatar 3:16pm

What was it? Whitt, I think.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:16pm


Amanda shreds
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Amanda Whitt
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Asheville Jon:

AMANDA!!!! oh thank you Irwin, I really needed this today.
Avatar 3:17pm
Denise in DC (she/her):

OMG, it's *the* Amanda!

Amanda Pow Erchild
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

..child w/ pot...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:17pm

amanda is killin it
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Phillippe Bastille:

Is there a cover of Heavy Metal by Amanda out there? Because there should be.
Avatar 3:17pm

How sad is it that I knew that?
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The arrangements on Amanda's tracks are especially impressive!
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Asheville Jon:

LOTS of Amanda stuff on youtube, under user name: Jerserf
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:19pm
Phillippe Bastille:

I thought her last name was Hugginkiss
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Asheville Jon:

you must click on my avatar!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Don't pull on Superman's cape
Don't spit into the wind
Don't mess with the power child!

Worship Me! I like it :) very unique audio
Avatar 3:23pm
Denise in DC (she/her):

Roberto, I don't find it sad, I find it impressive.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

She has great taste in trax
...great dynamix
...all true...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:24pm

Asheville Jon you just canceled any productivity i would have had today
Listener Phillip In The Bronx:

good afternoon IRWIN and olivia! happy pre halloween! will you be going to the parade tomorrow? and as what?
Avatar 3:25pm

Yeah that's pretty much North Hollywood for you.

Who is Amanda...?
Listener Phillip In The Bronx:

WOW!!! 44 years on wfmu irwin!
Avatar 🎸 3:28pm

How many watts was WFMU back in the 70s?
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:28pm

i will pledge for more amanda
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29pm
holland oats:

loving this convo - RSM!!!
Listener Phillip In The Bronx:

i called irwin 10 yts ago and pleaded with him to stop playing amanda. he didnt and that day back in may 2009 i had a nervous breakdown and had to be hospitalised.
Avatar 🎸 3:31pm


I had a great email interaction with Jody Whitt this week. What a great guy!
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"How many watts was WFMU back in the 70s?"

I thought they used a crystal set.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:33pm
Phillippe Bastille:

I love the Florida panhandle. Beautiful beaches. And Air Force jets. Lots of jets.
Listener Robert:

I'm guilty of being annoyed. Thought it was really cute for Irwin to play her for a while as irritainment (His coinage?), but got fed up after a while.

Jody said he's got MORE in the vault! I am over the moon.
Listener Phillip In The Bronx:

im heavily medicated today prozac/abilify/trazodone. so hearing amanda wont send me to the psych ward at st barnabus hosp.
Avatar 3:36pm
Pierre Delecto:

Does anyone want to hear what I did last weekend?
Listener Robert:

Like Philip, I lived in the Bronx at the time. I managed to avoid the nut hatch somehow.

is Hatchie the same as Waxahatchie, or are these different artists?
Avatar 3:39pm

different artists PJ but i love 'em both!
Avatar 3:40pm

We got 3 amanda pledges! Waiting for 2 more so that Irwin can play another AMANDA track!
Avatar 3:40pm
Jeff Moore:

Sometimes I'm astounded when there are people in this community unfamiliar with The Power Child.

One WFMU DJ (whom I won't name) played something with a particularly gutteral energetic cookie-monster vocal on his one-minute show, and I posted a comment observing that it sounded a lot like Amanda.

He quietly deleted the comment, to save Amanda Nazario from insult. Because that's apparently the only Amanda he knew of.

@Olivia: I am digging the Hatchie, didn't want to go down the wrong rabbit hole, but thanks to your comment maybe I will explore both
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:41pm

Blast from the past, this Edwards. Early 72? Probably haven't heard it since then...
Listener Phillip In The Bronx:

if your mother just died? and your grieving trying to heal? i suggest not listening to irwins show. word to the wise.
Avatar 3:43pm

that's 4 amanda pledge! JUST 1 MORE and we hear another amanda track!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:44pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Like Phillip, I am also on trazodone
Listener Phillip In The Bronx:

im ready IRWIN. GO FOR IT. lets have the whole show dedicated to amanda

I just did the pledge thingy :)
Listener Robert:

Jeff, then R. Stevie Moore must've been promoting Amanda during the time both he and Jim Price were away from WFMU. It's hard to believe he would've been kept away from Amanda otherwise.
Avatar 🎸 3:46pm

"A relatively rare, but dramatic, side effect associated with trazodone is priapism."
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Phillippe Bastille:

@Brian I can testify that it does not affect everyone
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Avatar 🎸 3:52pm

A cardigan and a fedora?

he wore a vintage gabardine shirt and cool hat. I'll bet
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...once was a prior aphorism
...that cautioned the children re priapism...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:54pm
Lunchbox (From DC/AUS):

irwin? a hippie? i dont believe it :p
Listener Phillip In The Bronx:

WOW! irwin is approaching his 80's and hes still on WFMU. now im impressed!
Listener Phillip In The Bronx:

i was 9. in 1976
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:57pm

Listener Phil -- check your math.
Avatar 3:58pm
Pierre Delecto:

I'll give you $500 for that frog.

The other Ike is an Amanda fan?!? Weird. I’m not into it (though she is not as bad as Don Felder for sure).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58pm

I was born in 1976!

A M A N D A!
A M A N D A!
A M A N D A!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58pm

ohhhhhhhhhh wow this one
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:59pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Amanda, Cookie Monster & Weird Al walk into a bar
...Daniel Johnston is bartender - & The Shaggs are playing...

Ad for MAD magazine :)

the lyrics are tremendous here
Listener Robert:

You're still APPROACHING your 80s, just from a greater distance than Phillip might think. BTW, I'm 65.
Avatar 4:00pm

3 new amanda pledges! 2 more pledges til a NEW amanda track!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:01pm

this is a delight
Avatar 4:01pm

Imagine all the tapes out there recorded by bored teenagers with Casios
Listener Phillip In The Bronx:

i just past 52 myself. born in 1967
  Swag For Life Member 4:01pm

Amanda is the Voivod of Irwin?

I want to up my pledge by 5$ per month . . So from 15$ to 20$ . . Unfortunately, I don't know how to make that happen, at this point.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@drew: ding ding
Avatar 4:02pm

@iiibeat - you can email UP@wfmu.org to up your monthly pledge

Okay. Sweet. Thanks. Will do.
Avatar 4:04pm

c'mon people! irwin pulled out another Amanda CD and I really wanna hear it
Avatar 4:05pm

Fun show you guys!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:06pm
Phillippe Bastille:

sweet cover

I was just notified by dvd.com that they've shipped Hellraiser to me . . Spooky man.
John from Florham park:

Hello fellow Irwin fans
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I have been a FMU listener since the mid-eighties. I wish to commit myself.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:13pm

Thanks for the shout out Olivia. I feel reborn.
John from Florham park:

@colleen afternoon
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Alison Porchnik:

Co Tah Tee
John from Florham park:

This is going to sound like a dumb question but who is Amanda
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:16pm

Simply put, John, AMANDA is your god.
Bow to her.

she is the power child, worship her! you must worship her!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:17pm

Kneel before her
John from Florham park:

Felder is my god
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Lunchbox (From DC/AUS):

so much untapped WFMU lore! keep the storytime going

it is a chain I looked it up north AL and in TN
Avatar 4:19pm
Denise in DC (she/her):

Whitt's is indeed a chain. I looked it up when Irwin and Olivia first mentioned it.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:19pm

Stan looks exactly the same today as he did then

gotta love any Soft Boys cover!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:


WFMU moves in and behold... gentrification
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Lunchbox (From DC/AUS):

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yeah his karaoke was wild
John from Florham park:

Afternoon Queems
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:26pm

howdy @john
Listener Robert:

That's what's impressed me lately about Glen Jones's program: His music selections mostly bore me; they're not bad, just too common. But starting a while after Burnsy died, Jonesy started talking about the music in ways that made it interesting. I always knew he COULD do that, from listening to his erstwhile interview program, but now I appreciate his actually doing it.
Avatar 4:28pm
Pierre Delecto:

On a scale of one to ten, I live my life in a constant state of three.
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Alison Porchnik:

Bot alert
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Friends - WFMU is 10Xs other stations on 1/10th the budget.
I forgot to get a career - & I do the minimal amount automatically per month ('Swag For Life').
If I can do that much - ain't nobody can't do it.
Avatar 4:30pm

we're a bit stuck at the moment... give us a push towards our goal!
Avatar 4:31pm

1 more amanda pledge will get us another one of her songs!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:31pm
Phillippe Bastille:

I appreciated that FMU historical roadmap, Irwin. That's some pretty good recall for a man almost in his 80s
John from Florham park:

@Phillippe if you can watch sex and broadcasting it’s about Ken and WFMU
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:34pm
Phillippe Bastille:

That's kind of a scary title, JFFP.
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A pledge as low as $10 will enable more Amanda.
Laura L:

@ Phillippe--Now, don't get spry Irwin Chusid confused with the Old Codger!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:36pm
Phillippe Bastille:

They're different people?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:37pm

100 quatloos for an Old Codger appearance (a Halloween seance perhaps)
Avatar 4:38pm
Pierre Delecto:

Forgive me if I refrain from commenting in the next few minutes. I'm in the middle of a pretty AMAZING thought process, if I do say so myself, and I am saying it. Myself, that is.
John from Florham park:

@Philippe not really that scary
Listener Robert:

Yesterday channeled Tom Carvel sounded like the Old Codger.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:45pm

As Asheville Jon would tell you,
Laura L:

You never know, maybe the Old Codger's hiding out in the record library... I don't know what his feelings are about Amanda.

I can't.
Avatar 4:47pm
Itzall ClearD'me Nåu:

This song makes me crave pork rinds
Avatar 4:47pm
Itzall ClearD'me Nåu:

-more than usual.
Listener Robert:

This business of interviewing the old-timer regarding the history of an institution reminds me of a couple days ago, when somebody from California phone-interviewed me on my role in the Howard Stern for governor of NY affair of 1994. I managed to steer the last hour of the interview onto "Lost".
John from Florham park:

People pledged to listen to this

damn right we did
Avatar 4:49pm

More Amanda!!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:49pm
Lunchbox (From DC/AUS):

@John you know, i found it grating at first, but it has grown on me. like a tumor.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

The Clamorous Life
John from Florham park:

@Lunchbox I really don’t know what to make of this
Avatar 4:51pm

we hear you, amanda!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:51pm

I saw a small girl named Sadie perform at the Cropped Out festival 2018... this Amanda reminds me of that.
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Kat in Chicago:

Amanda makes me happy
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@RevRabNov63: hiLARious!

Anti-Amanda votes being counted for the Amanda fund reminds me of people interpreting ballots during recounts.
John from Florham park:

@kat I guess Amanda is an acquired taste
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:54pm

@Irwin wasn't "Metropolitan Mama" from the Primitive Swagger cassette?
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Denise in DC (she/her):

Oh, I haven't heard this gem in *decades*!
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Lunchbox (From DC/AUS):

@John amanda is just one of the many artists that Irwin has become the defacto archivist/historian for. he produced a reissue for the shaggs, who some people have dubbed the worlds worst band. Despite that, both the shaggs and amanda have such an earnest charm to them that I cant help but love them. even if its hard on the ears sometimes.
Avatar 4:54pm

OH MY GOD, I've heard *of* "Dropkick Me, Jesus" but I've never actually heard the song until now.

The entire Bobby Bare catalog needs more public exposure.
John from Florham park:

@Lunchbox you have a point there, BTW love triple j from your neck of the woods
Avatar 4:58pm

we've got some pledges in the last couple of minutes, but only ONE is an Amanda pledge. is nobody else waiting for a new Amanda tune?!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Irwin literally wrote the literary book on Outsider Music
...coined the term in fact correct me if ignorant...
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Lunchbox (From DC/AUS):

@John triple J is pretty great for government funded radio. they definitely influenced my taste in music, listened to them a lot growing up. have you listened to their "like a version" series online where they get famous artists to come in and cover their favourite songs?

A must-see clip for all Amanda fans out there:

The Amanda Show

any martini garnish in the studio today?
Avatar 5:00pm

Songs in the Key of Z. At finer bookstores everywhere (includes CD).
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:00pm
Lunchbox (From DC/AUS):

@revolution rabbit yes he did! He also released a couple compilation albums on the matter called "Songs in the Key of Z"

"Boy named Sue"!!!
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Kat in Chicago:

Looked it up. Guy named Paul Craft.
Avatar 5:01pm

There's an entire Uncle Michael program of Shel Silverstein songs from earlier this year.
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Lunchbox (From DC/AUS):

@Charmichael jinx!

Delbert McClinton
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Shooby Taylor would be another example of Irwin's curations.

Shel wrote all the lyrics for dr hook. Except for a cover or two
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:01pm

Shel Silverstein wrote GREAT songs, but not Dropkick me Jesus. That was Paul Craft
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Denise in DC (she/her):

Shel Silverstein wrote *tons* of songs. www.famousfix.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:02pm

"The Cover of the Rolling Stone" is probably Shel Silverstein's best-known song.
andy the painter:

oh man....never caught the lyric “i’ve got the will, and you’ve got the toe” in Drop Kick Me Jesus. masterful.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:02pm
Otis Fodder:

Hi Irwin and Olivia and AMANDA!
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Kat in Chicago:

I don't have a job right now. How much I gotta throw in for more Amanda?
Laura L:

Yay Mike Lupica. And hi Otis!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:04pm
Otis Fodder:

Hi Laura and oh hi Kat!
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There's a great album of Shel Silverstein covers called "Twistable, Turnable Man" with the Pixies, John Prine, Andrew Bird
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Kat in Chicago:

I see you got your pumpkin, Otis :)
John from Florham park:

@Lunchbox never did listen to that part of triple j
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:05pm
Otis Fodder:

I did! I got my punkin. But my radio disappeared, so maybe my punkin ate it and will barf it back out into my signature next week.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hell Silverstein wrote 'Boy Names Sue'.
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Kat in Chicago:

If it doesn't come back, let the authorities know. Mine disappeared once like that.
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Denise in DC (she/her):

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My 2019 car didnt come with a CD player and I was bummed out. also the Playstation 4 can't play CDs
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Otis Fodder:

Hi Denise. Flipped over from Sheena's to hear some of my ol' pal Irwin and the awesome Olivia. Together! Today!
Avatar 5:08pm
Denise in DC (she/her):

BTW, I just bought a 2016 car, and it has a CD player.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:09pm

am i the only one who hears what sounds like snoring in the background? or are my headphones going?
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Otis Fodder:

Tell an Amanda Fairy Tale, in song.
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Denise in DC (she/her):

Hey, how do people get the pumpkins? Is it like being a Top Commenter on Facebook?
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Itzall ClearD'me Nåu:

EVERY physical medium makes a comeback if it deserves to. CDs are convenient as hell but so is ripping a few hundred to a flash drive and taking that with you in your car/etc.
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@adam I keep mistaking it for my phone
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Kat in Chicago:

The pumpkins show that you pledged to the October Hellraiser
John from Florham park:

@Olivia about Amanda oh HELL NO
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Denise in DC (she/her):

But I did!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:11pm

That whole "if you hate it, you must secretly love it" is childish. Does Irwin secretly love Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez? Oh wait, bad example, he probably DOES "love" her. And you know what I mean when I say "love"....
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Denise in DC (she/her):

I was one of the Amanda pledges!
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Ben in Highland:

Were you signed in at the time?
Listener Robert:

That's what happens to snitches, especially on their mother.
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Denise in DC (she/her):

Oh well, I have to leave now anyway . . .
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We got you, Denise. We forgot to include you earlier. Your vote counts!
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Kat in Chicago:

@Denise You should have one then. If it doesn't show up, I forget who you email, but Olivia could probably tell us.
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Denise in DC (she/her):

Avatar 5:13pm
Pierre Delecto:

Everything I say is a dramatization but it is based on real-life thoughts.
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Denise in DC (she/her):

Might be because I pledged under a different email address.
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Denise in DC (she/her):

I won't worry about it right now. Thanks!
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Kat in Chicago:

That's probably it, something didn't match up.
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Otis Fodder:

Now this is pumpkin carvin' music!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

@Denise - You can email the station manager (ken @ wfmu . org) and he can fix things.
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Denise in DC (she/her):

Bye all! Happy Halloween!
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3 amanda pledges! 2 MORE and we'll play another amanda track.
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Asheville Jon:

has anyone/ a band ever done an Amanda cover?
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Denise in DC (she/her):

Thanks Ken!
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Kat in Chicago:

Bye Denise!
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Seriously though, not to bring up politics, but if you passionately hate [Drumpf|HRC|Pierre Delecto|Warren|Bernie] does that mean you secretly love them? No, come on. That's silly.
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i dunno ike, i'm convinced you secretly LOVE don felder

I think its funny that one of Johnny Cash's biggest hits was a novelty song written by somebody else; and same for Chuck Berry. Both wrote genre-defining songs!
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John from Florham park:

@Ikk I for one am not going to get into politics on this board, might lead to fights and pissed off people and a really pissed of station manager
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...except Sue is great & dingaling is crap.
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@olivia, with all due respect, that's childish and overly simplistic. I passionately hate Don Felder because I love *music.* @JfFP, that's why I offered multiple choice. It was just an example anyway.
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And I put my money where my mouth is, and PLEDGED BIG to stop Felder. And it worked! (Unless Matt turns out to be a fraud and a con artist -- we'll see!) All of you who are passionate about WFMU, put your money where your mouth is too!
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One more pledge for amanda, please!

Hey Irwin ever hear of Negativland ? They got a lot of good funny/weird audio goodies! anyone else hear of them...?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...perhaps one resents things that appeal in some small subconscious way
...& titanically deliver something else altogether...
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I can't tell if a lot of people on the board today are relatively new to WFMU or if they're just being facetious.
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Not that I would assume Matt would do that. He seems like a good person. It's OTHERS there who brought up that possibility and poisoned my mind! I blame them! I'm pure as the driven snow and very trusting! LOL.
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Me thinks the age of the chain gang approaches, and I'm not talkin' about a miserable break - up.
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I may secretly love don felder
(just being facetious)
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Sure do love that song, tho.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@SSS: Slavery -> Feudalism -> Capitalism...
That's a chain...& Political...

Just because I'm Projecting doesn't mean it isn't True!...
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for the first time in my life i'm looking forward to Matt playing don felder next week! i'll still tune out and listen to something good for 5 minutes; but i hope it stands. (as i'm sure it will)
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Yes! Great song from a great album by a great band!
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Another Neil Young song that Ken doesn't know.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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Neither does Andy.
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Little Danny:

Hey Irwin, hey all
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Granted ^
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...(although i do like the Neil-sung versions better)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

CSN&Y on VH1 Storytellers : Nash says some maniac counted all the songs they'd written - & it were 700something...& 600something were Neil's.

Nice to hear Buffalo Springfield! Chorus and lyrics haven't aged well, though.
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(sorry, but i put a Sonny Sharrock track on when you played pretenders)
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Asheville Jon:

yes, her mom's name is Brenda
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I like this poppier version myself. Neil slogs his way through it.
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i like the poppy version too
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

When the dream came
I held my breath with my eyes closed
I went insane, like a smoke ring day when the wind blows
Now, I won't be back till later on
If I do come back at all
But you know me and I miss you now
In a strange game, I saw myself as you knew me
When the change came and you had a chance to see through me
Though the other side is just the same
You can tell my dream is real
Because I love you, can you see me now?
Though we rush ahead to save our time
We are only what we feel
And I love you, can you feel it now? Yes.

...Kinda like it. Top drawer Melody as well...
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Kat in Chicago:

Me too, Carmichael. I like the arrangement and Furay's vocal.
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...but i did hear the 4-way street version first and fell in love with it long before i heard the buffalo's version.
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The multiple-pledge trick is potentially a lot harder in the fall when you can only pledge with a credit card instead of choosing "bill me later". A pledger's CC company might find lots of small pledges suspicious and flag them. That's why I gave one huge amount to stop Felder instead of several small pledges.

@coelacanth∅, no, come back to AntiFe! Don't leave!
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calm down Eek, i'll never clickystar it.
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Lunchbox (From DC/AUS):

im off guys, best of luck irwin and olivia! All hail Amanda!
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Kat in Chicago:

ike, I personally think the Felder thing is pretty funny, but I respect your level of commitment.
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Asheville Jon:

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Kat in Chicago:

Yay Concrete Nipples!
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Asheville Jon:

Amanda does a mighty fine "up against the wall redneck mother"
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He he, more Amanda! Michele played some yesterday as well.

concrete what!? HAHA classic!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

It's the clean midrange quality of the Felder that makes the running joke.
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Otis Fodder:

Top of the pops right here. Thank you Amanda, you deserve your own 1970s variety special.
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She also does a good Got My Mind Set On You.
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imagine walking in on your kid singing this song. i would be TERRIFIED
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hahaha, queems
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Dealing w/ nascent hormones w/ good humor. A fine sense of the absurd.

Matt has sacrificed Felder for the good of the station. RIP Felder, long live WFMU!
Laura L:

Are Amanda and Brandy still friends? It would be great if they could do a comeback show.
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Brian C.:

Wait, what? Matt isn't playing that F***er song anymore?
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@Laura They got married
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let's get at least One more Amanda song in this show. Just need 4 more pledges!
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@Brian, it got voted off the FMU island yesterday.
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Pierre Delecto:

Not all of Mozart's paintings were masterpieces.
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irwin's trying to find the most mind bending amanda song ... don't cha wanna hear what it is?
Laura L:

@Brainia--thank you, how great for them!
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if Matt does forgo felder, which is very unlikely, he'll play something every week that's so bad that even felderhaters ask for (takin' a ride) to come back.
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I was just being facetious. Sorry. I can't help myself.
Laura L:

So that isn't them?
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Brian C.:

@Carmichael: Dreams come true! That's it, I'm pledging NOW
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@coelacanth∅, we'll see. I'm very curious as to what ironic novelty song could potentially replace it. And there are some such things that I actually *like* so it might even work out for me....

@Brian C., thanks for all the moral support in the past, fellow AntiFe! We are on the verge of a glorious victory! (Or a Pyrrhic victory, perhaps, as Coel∅ suggests. But it's *something*.)

if I am not mistaken, didn't Trumpeter Lee Morgan get shot and killed on stage by his junkie girlfriend?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Harrison's already a Cover. :)
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Brian C.:

I pledged to retroactively celebrate the AntiFe victory. Take my money!
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Asheville Jon:

Amanda info: blog.wfmu.org...
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Phillippe Bastille:

Wait, Matt's not going to play Felder anymore? I take the dog for a walk and return to the best news I've heard in years...
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Brian C.:

Maybe Matt will start playing Amanda at 11?
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Asheville Jon:

Amanda's LastFM:
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i wanted to pledge to get rid of that song but i had $-36 in my bank account so i couldn't!! so psyched that other people stepped up when i couldn't
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My mischief night plan is to use touch tunes to play Frankie Teardrop in every bar in my neighborhood.
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Phillippe Bastille:

didn't Scott have a premium with only kids singing? I heard Monica play a cut a few months back at it was wonderful
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Sadly Amanda isn't available on touch tunes.
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Kat in Chicago:

That calendar is so great!
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Oh man, can you imagine Squaw Hootenanny blaring from the jukebox of your local boozer?!
Laura L:

That WFMU calendar will please listeners all year long!
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Phillippe Bastille:

Here 'tis "Shine Bright Like a Star" by Big Blood & Quinnisa Rose
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Otis Fodder:

Amanda Classic!
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just listen to that stereo separation
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Thanks Irwin and Olivia!
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Plenny a monny ...
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Mike Lupica:

So awesome to hear Irwin and Olivia today! Made my commute home one to remember. Also, just raised some hell in honor of you both + Scott.
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Asheville Jon:

they got the last pledge. :)
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Otis Fodder:

Cool Wednesday set selectors!
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Kat in Chicago:

Yes, Irwin and Olivia make a good team.
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Way to go John!
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Thanks Irwin, thanks Olivia
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Otis Fodder:

Do it again!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

TY Pledgers !
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