Favoriting Irwin Chusid: Playlist from July 16, 2014 Favoriting

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Wed. Mar 12th, 3pm - 6pm: Irwin and his Co-Host Max Hoyt

Favoriting July 16, 2014: A firm believer in peace as a last resort.

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Lee Morgan  Yes I Can, No You Can't (edit)   Favoriting The Gigolo  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Screamfeeder  Tomorrow Never Knows   Favoriting Home Age  0:04:11 (Pop-up)
Pampers  Monkey Drip   Favoriting Pampers  0:10:38 (Pop-up)
Badbadnotgood  Triangle   Favoriting III  0:13:35 (Pop-up)
Sol Mogerman  Introduction / Wishbone Bridge / Listen to the Wind / Fire Engines   Favoriting Wishbone Bridge 1971-1972  0:17:27 (Pop-up)
Tony Green Orchestra  I Didn't Love You Anyway   Favoriting Got Conjugal Visits  0:22:00 (Pop-up)
Glass Eye  Boring Story   Favoriting Every Woman's Fantasy  0:28:47 (Pop-up)
Weird Al Yankovic  Word Crimes   Favoriting Mandatory Fun  0:32:43 (Pop-up)
Gary McFarland  Wine and Bread   Favoriting Latin Lounge  0:36:47 (Pop-up)
Pietra Montecorvino  Comme Facette Mammeta   Favoriting Passione: Un' Avventura Musicale (film soundtrack)  0:39:35 (Pop-up)
Ray Bryant  Cubano Chant   Favoriting Django  0:41:53 (Pop-up)
Chris Cohen  Caller No.99   Favoriting Overgrown Path  0:51:56 (Pop-up)
Tabby Thomas  Hoodoo Party   Favoriting Louisiana Hoodoo Party: House Rockin' & Hip Shakin', Vol. 2  0:55:10 (Pop-up)
Spirit  Aren't You Glad   Favoriting The Family That Plays Together  0:57:56 (Pop-up)
Courtney Barnett  Scotty Says   Favoriting The Double EP: A Sea of Split Peas  1:03:24 (Pop-up)
The Rainmakers  Nobody Knows   Favoriting The Rainmakers  1:06:53 (Pop-up)
The Clientele  Jerry   Favoriting Minotaur  1:10:19 (Pop-up)
Superhuman Happiness  Surrender Pt. 2   Favoriting The Physical EP  1:14:18 (Pop-up)
Orenda Fink  Nebraska   Favoriting Blue Dream  1:26:26 (Pop-up)
Lennon Stella  I Can't Sleep Tonight   Favoriting I Can't Sleep Tonight (single)  1:29:52 (Pop-up)
Doug Gillard  Come Out and Show Me   Favoriting Parade On  1:32:54 (Pop-up)
The Boss vs. Elvis  Born to Pump It Up   Favoriting Go Home Productions: Spliced Krispies Vol. 2  1:39:59 (Pop-up)
The Dagons  Not Enough   Favoriting Reverse  1:43:54 (Pop-up)
Mi-Gu  From Space   Favoriting Choose the Light  1:45:20 (Pop-up)
Annette Peacock  We Are Adnate   Favoriting Abstract-Contact  1:50:27 (Pop-up)
Trinidad Bill (Trotman)  Monkey See, Monkey Do   Favoriting Hardness is Badness  2:04:09 (Pop-up)
Apache Dropout  Constant Plaything   Favoriting Garage Swim (comp)  2:09:26 (Pop-up)
Vermillion Sands  Monsoon Blues   Favoriting Vermillion Sands  2:13:54 (Pop-up)
Freddie Hubbard  Coral Keys   Favoriting Soul Bossa Nova (comp)  2:16:58 (Pop-up)
William Bell  Private Number   Favoriting The Very Best of William Bell  2:22:05 (Pop-up)
Jane Siberry  The Strange Well   Favoriting Jane Siberry  2:29:34 (Pop-up)
The Clientele  I Hope I Know You   Favoriting God Save the Clientele  2:34:18 (Pop-up)
Murals  This Year's House   Favoriting On a Passing Cloud  2:37:48 (Pop-up)
Gabriel Kahane  Slumlord Crocodile (115 E. 3rd Street)   Favoriting The Ambassador  2:40:15 (Pop-up)
The Flock  Clown   Favoriting The Flock  2:47:56 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:06pm

Why do you get stuck doing the EAS test all the time?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:09pm

Because I'm one of the few adults on staff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:09pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...801, Danielle Dax, Screamfeeder - &?...
Avatar 3:09pm

Seriously, 2/3rds of the time I hear it on WFMU, it's Irwin.

But he's got a WAY with the EAS test! Hi Irwin and all Chusidiots!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:09pm

Doesn't seniority count for anything?
Listening Out There:

"Screamfeeder" would also be a great name for an RSS reader.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:10pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- besides - EAS & TNKs - it just works...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:13pm
Mike East:

P-90 FTW with "Chusidiots".. Brilliant
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:15pm

awesome song
k beach:

2 wicked songsss bak2bak

Should I take the pizza, or what's behind the curtain?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:31pm

If Monty offers you a chance to switch, take it.
Laura L:

Peace as a last resort... will there be a golf course and tennis courts?
Avatar 3:31pm

Does Monty have pints of John Courage like the old Maxwell's did?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:32pm

The runner-up name was Ruth's Chris Monty Hall.

There actually was some good beer at Monty the other night...

I think "Famous Original Ruth's Chris Maxwell's Monty Hall" was in the mix somewhere too...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:35pm
Mike East:

I just now got it...cuz its on Montgomery Street.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:36pm
Mike East:

This weird al song stuck in my head all day yesterday and into this morning.

Avatar 3:36pm

Weird AL Love it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:36pm

I can't believe it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:36pm

Avatar 3:37pm

no x in espresso. weird genius

Weird Al for Sec. Ed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:38pm

video there: youtu.be...
Avatar 3:38pm

I'd rather hear Weird Al rap than 99.9% of the rappers out today.
Avatar 3:38pm

Avatar 3:39pm

I'm so pleased with this and his parody of Pharrell's "Happy".

"Tacky" IS brilliant too
Avatar 3:42pm

just googled "eclectic" and Irwin's picture appeared
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:42pm

I'm an unofficial copy editor at work, meaning that I volunteer to read and correct paper drafts, so this Weird Al track is close to my heart
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:43pm

We have at least one other (former) copy editor among us today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:47pm
Sem Chumbo:

At least.
Avatar 3:50pm

Django itunes.apple.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:55pm

Doesn't appear on his wiki discog: en.wikipedia.org...
Probably a comp. Great pianist. Thanks, fleeper.
Laura L:

Former managing editor here, but I'm not going to ask Irwin to change the hyphen to an en-dash between the dates in the Sol Mogerman Album entry.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58pm
holland oats:

their's no chance he would any way
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58pm

Not sure of en-dash keystrokes on a non-Mac keyboard.

I love that you play Spirit.
Avatar 4:01pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm

I love the droning guitar of Randy California.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...huh; I'll bookmark this:
- to read prolly when hell freezes over...for which I'll passively rely on Irwin's ESA...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:04pm

Hate Cassidy's clumsy drums on all Spirit recordings.
Alison Porchnik:

you can't choose your family, as they say.

huh. I thought Cassidy's (jazz influenced) drumming helped make their unique sound. And yes, love California's guitar. Beautiful, those endless one note drones.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:07pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- after all, named 'California' by Jimi Hendrix in Greenwich Village - anyone didn't know...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:08pm

Cassidy might've been good jazz drummer, but he's a ham-fisted rock drummer. His solo on "It's All the Same" might be the least-interesting recorded drum solo on a major label release.

That's a fact, and in concert as well. Huge drum set, but boring drum solo. Almost "Inna-gadda-da-vida" bad.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14pm

Good that you hedged by adding "major label" there. I could have thought of way too many challengers otherwise. But there are good drummers around today. I'd love to see one live (there's nothing going on here these days)

Good, 'clean it all up & purge' music!!

I don't get out much these days to see live music, but do drummers take long solos anymore? It was de rigueur for most 60's and early 70's shows. And mostly boring. Well, I'm not a drummer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:25pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I would say that for many bands that aren't too Punk or Pop oriented to do it - there's still often the bit where the front person(s) lay out & you let each musician have his turn - just for a few bars though - not like the olde days...well, maybe some Prog or Jam bands...It's usually not too bad - no worse than any of the other predictable conventions...Hell - if it's a good drummer, go for it...

Jay Ferguson was memorable in Jo Jo Gunne as well..!..:)O(:..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:30pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Will 7SD be a new & live show tonight? I missed some of Ken's show this morning so I don't know if he mentioned that. I haven't received a 7SD newsletter today.

agreed, but it's a big "if". Saw many drum solos, including the dangerous Mr. Baker, and the Dead's Drum Things, but only Clive Bunker of Tull was a stand-out. Jo Jo Gunne! ha!

About drummers...it's hard to beat Billy Cobham in 'Shabazz' live!!!...:)O(:..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:33pm

Clive Bunker of JT was a monster. There's an Isle of Wight clip on YT worth checking out. Astonishing technique and endurance.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:33pm

thanks to rrg for this track

Clive was great!!!...:)O(:..

Tull's live version of 'Dharma For One' off of the Carnegie Hall performance from 'Living in the Past' is one of Clive standout performances as well..!..:)O(:..

I will have to check these out. Thanks ccrides and Irwin. ( I forgot about Cobham; he is pretty amazing)
Avatar 4:40pm

I remember 20-minute drum solos at Dead shows. Definitely a yawner. The days of Chester Thompson/Phil Collins drum duets and rotating drum platform solos are gone, and are difficult to defend in hindsight.

Having said that, watching Terry Bozzio solo his zillion piece kit entertains me for over 10 minutes at a time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:41pm

just tuned in...thought this was old pete townsend.

Hehehe...love this mashup!!!...:)O(:..

This twisted my brain up in the best possible way. Awesome mashup.

HA! I just hope Elvis and the Boss get their due royalties for this mashup!

I was just thinking about why I never hear classical music mashed up. The problem is that so much of the recorded stuff of that is symphonic, and so full, with no vocals, that it would be very hard to find the "space" to put them together. But I'd love to hear it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:45pm

Check out Will Guthrie, I've seen him do very different stuff in a band as opposed to his solo sets. And, yes, he can do an interesting drum solo set lasting over 30 minutes
Avatar 4:46pm

I'm so confused.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:46pm

that was awesome
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:47pm
Sem Chumbo:

Just keep your finger on the script, like this, and you'll never be confused again.
Avatar 4:47pm
Mary Wing:

I knew Irwin would play one of the new Go Home Productions mashups; I just downloaded it today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:47pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

When I 1st heard this drummer Zach Hill:
- whom Marty McSorley turned me onto - & was also on FMU Live in a band name escapes me (derr) on maybe Long Rally??
- I literally thot he was a machine !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:49pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:51pm

MW: grab some of the Union Pole cassette DLs before I play 'em all!
Avatar 4:52pm

Robert, The reason classical music does not get "mashed up" is not technical or aesthetic -- it's not "interesting". The point of a mashup is to leverage well-known songs people already want to hear -- songs that already have an audience. There's no audience for hearing two songs you don't know played at once because it doesn't violate the familiarity that makes the new context interesting.

Mashups depend on using already commercial successful songs, and that's why mashups compete with the original recordings.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:55pm

There are plenty of well-known classical melodies that in theory could be mashed up entertainingly.

I think I recall PDQ Bach concerts (Peter Schickele) in which things like this were attempted.

I think classical mashups (or jazz for that matter) could be done, it's just that nobody has done it right... yet. PDQ Bach? more like parodies.

Mashups are DJs making tracks for other DJs out of existing tracks. This is the apotheosis of creativity, for a DJ.

I've always thought that the main bass line from 'Close To The Edge' by Yes would make a great mashup for something???...:)O(:..
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:58pm

Yes, but he also juxtaposed melodies.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:58pm

Droll: mashups don't "compete with the original recordings." They are an adaptation, a reconfiguration. No permanent damage is done. In fact, I've been introduced to a number of previously unknown (to me) songs thru mashes. It's one more avenue of exposure for the original artists, and fun for the listener. As well criticize Carl Stalling for using Raymond Scott, Mozart and Puccini in WB cartoon scores. A trivialization, right? Sacrilege!

it's funny; some people are really outraged and offended by mashups, and others (like me) love them. I think they show great ingenuity and creativity, when done right.

I just started listing in the past six weeks or so. Thanks so much for the "Tomorrow Never Knows" cover, I usually can't listen live but I am home today after minor surgery, now I think I will remember hearing this song as the most notable event of the day.

@Droll: OK but "commercially successful" or not, listeners "hear" pop songs differently than "classical" music. Familiar or not, there are reasons why pop tunes make entertaining mash-ups while other kinds of music don't. rrg's PDQ Bach example is to this point: when he does it with "familiar", "commercially successful" classical melodies, it's a novelty that's entertaining and funny in passing. But that's a very limited thing compared to pop song mash-ups.
Laura L:

here you go--Adnate
--biology : grown together — used especially of unlike parts
<a coral zooid adnate to the stem>
<a calyx adnate to the ovary>
— compare connate
biology : growing with one side adherent to a stem
<an adnate anther>

First Known Use: 1661 (sense 1)

Droll, there are so many familiar classical tunes that lack of familiarity could not be a reason for the lack of their being mashed up.
Avatar 5:05pm
Mary Wing:

"Night of the Dark Soul," heh! Good one, Irwin!
gurn blamsen:

max Richter's four seasons recomposed comes to mind as a serious attempt at classical remix/rearrangement. not quite a mashup.
Avatar 5:07pm

I can't help but notice nobody is debating my central argument that mashups are unauthorized use of copyrighted material (read: theft). My opinions of who makes the most creative mashups or which mashups rise to "transformative" are irrelevant.

I'll bet none of the people defending mashups will walk into a record store and brag while they shoplift CDs or LPs. They won't do it with a "but I like it a lot" defense, and that's why their argument about doing it electronically rings hollow with me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:07pm

I know where I can download Mi-Gu's record, but does anyone know where I could buy it? (in that the money would go to the one who made it)

So when Irwin played "Third Stone from the Sun" and overdubbed Amanda, was that a "mashup"? It sure was funny.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:09pm

I answered your "central argument" last week, Droll. It is not "unauthorized use of copyrighted material" because there is no commercial intent. What you choose to do with copyrighted material in the privacy of your own home or recording studio is your business. You want the government intervening? Is that your argument -- make it against the law, a crime?

How 'bout Cantelope Island merged with Patches by Clarence Carter?

What you'd need is one piece that's droney, like typical bagpipe music, and another that's sort of chamber music-y. Schickele got the idea down with his "Ground Round", but somebody needs to do it with already recorded existing pieces.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:09pm

How I miss Bimbo Tower!!!

Hey Droll! Most of my vinyl record collection, hundreds of records, I stole. Yeah, I'm bragging about it. I ripped of the Record Club of America dozens of times! And, I illegally download music ALL the time. That's right!

@Droll: Q: If one makes a mash-up of two recorded songs and circulates it for free, without commercial purpose, is that still equivalent to "shoplifting"?

It's like free publicity for an artist...most of who should feel flattered by the attention!!!...:)O(:..
Avatar 5:12pm
Mary Wing:

Fred, you can buy Mi-Gu's album on CD or vinyl at Chimera Music:

I think I answered Droll or someone else on Ange's comments as well. It is possible to do actual piracy with mash-ups, but it is also possible to use the original material according to license while mashing it up. The ownership issue is separate from the style issue.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:14pm

Copyright is over if you want it--Kenny G!!
Avatar 5:15pm

As long as it violates my familiarity, I don't care.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:16pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:17pm

Droll, I hope you don't consider my Dan Tullis + Joel Clark remixes "theft of copyrighted material," the "equivalent of shoplifting." You OK with those?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:17pm
Alison Porchnik:

@fleep - that's the best use of the word "violates" that I've ever read.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:17pm

im with you, fleep.

If an artist got a larger percentage of the profits, I might be more inclined to legally purchase their product. But I morally and ethically object to paying for Clive Davis' ( and the other record company weasels) for their cocaine and teenage hookers.

So does Don Henley have a case against Frank Ocean & Okkervil River? The claimed no sale = no foul.


OUCH! Valid point but why single out poor Clive Davis by name?
Avatar 5:21pm

Jack, You must be very proud of yourself. Who else do you steal from? Or do you just single out musicians?

P-90, You already know the answer to that: Theft does not depend on wether you keep the stolen property, give it away, or you sell it.

Irwin, As far as I can tell, the Tullis & Clark songs don't really compete with an insurance company.

...and teenage hookers gotta eat too, right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:22pm

Droll: You going to address my answer to your "central argument"? You want Congress and cops to enforce copyright laws against mashup artists? Because that's where you're going with your argument.

About 'Familiarity'...with music...mmmm...I usually close my eyes, and if it sounds groovy...I dig 'it' right away...whether I've ever heard it before, or not..!..eh???...:)O(:..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:23pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Perhaps Droll you should dialogue w/ Jason Sigal of WFMU's FreeMusicArchive & Grey Area podcast about these very issues.
...Myself - I never got a career & I'm frankly Working Poor - & it inclines me to favor as much free access as I can get my greedy mitts on - altho' I've also been close enuff to Musicians to sympathize w/ their position - & it is true they get ripped right & left. Irwin sounds knowledgeable about mash-ups to me...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:24pm

Irwin, did you get the Grace London CD from Brian Beattie?
Avatar 5:26pm

everybody's second favourite william bell tune.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:26pm

rrg: not yet.

I am very proud of myself, Droll, but you don't really know me, so you don't know why. Whom I decide to steal from is a big long list, too big to print here. But don't you worry; your name isn't on that list.

Sometimes corporate lawyers are idiots about their intellectual property. Parker Bros.' successor complained about a certain hotel's advertising a Monopoly tournament as such, so they changed the name of it to a Monotony tournament. It's bizarre because it's great publicity for Monopoly and requires the purchase of their actual product to play the tournament, which means I also think legally they'd lose based on extinction of trademark claim with the purchase, but it just shows how silly the lawyers get, basically to justify their jobs.

Freddie nailed 'it'..!..hehehe...:)O(:
Avatar 5:31pm

Irwin, Enforcing copyright of digital files in the 21st century is technically impossible -- I referred to it last week as "whack-a-mole".

I treat this a social problem where stealing from musicians is considered something we're supposed to argue over. Any theory used to defend stealing from musicians can be also applied to grocers, but nobody here is saying "I love food, and I'm not going to pay for it!" I am trying to remind people of the hypocrisy of singling out musicians.
Avatar 5:33pm

i gotta agree with droll. it's pretty much wage theft.

The person who's done the most "demonstration" I know of for the laissez faire side in intellectual property is Craig Baldwin. Not sure he's the best at arguing his case, but it's fun anyway.

You can't copyright 'evolution'..!..think about 'it'...'it's deep!!!!...LOL...:)O(:..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:33pm

Stealing food from a neighborhood grocery is morally equivalent to creating a mashup? OK, Droll. You win.

Food is a physical object with a finite quantity, music is not any more. If you don't want anyone to get your music for free then don't record it.

Droll: With all due respect, groceries are fungible commodities that are bought/sold in a different kind of economy than digital files. It's apples & oranges, or apples & mp3's
Avatar 5:34pm

Like there's no pirate movies? Like YouTube isn't awash with pirate TV episodes, some of them flipped and audio altered to avoid copyright? Pirated books? It's all media. Somewhere along the line the Internet convinced us media is free.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:35pm

Jane Siberry got more than a little flaky later on, but...never mind. I really do like her stuff, especially this earlier stuff. I should play it more. We all should.

Dude, when I was really poor I stole food too. I'm not singling out anybody. I used to steal toilet paper from my employer, a big multi-national company. And yet, unsurprisingly, I am able to sleep easily every night. I hope that doesn't disturb you too much.

I admit that the revenue of creators of non-rivalrous goods that can easily be copied has been reduced by unauthorized copying, but that doesn't mean I'm against if in all cases.

Seems like I heard something about...mmmm...anything floating around in the 'air' was fair game and up there for the grabbing...for any'one' who could grasp 'it'???...hahaha...:)O(:..

@Robert: See also Lawrence Lessig's extensive explorations of the nature and value of "intellectual commons."

Droll, read up about Emmett Grogan and the Diggers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:37pm

To Droll, Jack, fleep, etc: I'm not condoning theft. I'm saying that mashups made by hobbyists are NOT theft. The originals still exist, no one is taking them away from their lawful owners.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:37pm

@Mary: many thanks for the link. I don't have a phone, so I now have to wait a few days for approval, but I should get that record eventually, I hope
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:40pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...there was also a Musician's Advocate interviewed some months ago on Michael Shelley's about Corporations trying to weasel out of paying Performance Rights or such. The argument was made that people *always* say they're helping the Artist by promoting them - & nobody *ever* wants to pay!...but it doesn't help if I know no specifics here...There, Jason countered that if applied to a non-commercial station like FMU, it'd be stuck playing only stuff on the FreeMusicArchive, & should be aimed @ the Big Corporations...Does seem to me that it's not FMU - whatever it plays - that wants to cheat artists out of all the filthy luchre it (doesn't) make(s)...

Yeah, but Lawrence Lessig's not as funny as Craig Baldwin.

Irwin, Droll is the only one here talking about "theft". He introduced that word and concept into the conversation. Maybe because I'm not a lawyer I don't understand who is being wronged, in his eyes.

@Jack: me neither, because he hasn't yet made it clear who"s being wronged

Mmmm...kinda reminds me of Emmit Rhoades!!!...:)O(:..
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:44pm

Who always reminded me of...I forget now.
Avatar 5:45pm

P-90 and Jack, If instead of electronic files you went into a record store and walked out the door with a bunch of CDs without paying for them, are you still unsure who, if anyone, has been "wronged"?

"Poor" Clive Davis? I'm cutting into his personal profits, hurting him? because I download an WFMU archive that plays Aretha Franklin, and I burn it to CD and give (or sell) it to a friend. Poor poor Mr. Davis, no coke tonight Clive.

rrg...Paulie, of course!!!...:)O(:..
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:46pm

Of course!

Droll, I told you upthread I used to do that, steal records and CD's. Usually from big record chains. Do you know the concept "inventory shrinkage"?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm

Yeah, it's theft. When Universal doesn't have a clue about more than 50% of what they have. Really. They will only check it if someone uses it, just in case it's in their portfolio. The reason I know this is a sliver of hope: they want to know what they have, and they're growing tired of litigation as a business model

and P-90. I don't just single out Clive Davis; sometimes I single out Paul McCartney.
Avatar 5:49pm

it also seems to me the industry is shifting to a "you don't own anything.. pay this subscription and stream! store it on OUR cloud and we'll hold it for you" business model.. what's the difference of people listening to full albums on youtube?

Great show Irwin...Cheerz bud!!!...:)O(:..
Laura L:

Wonder if "transformative" use would come into play if there were a court case regarding mash-ups. It is relevant to physical art made by people like Jeff Koons...

@ Jack; I betcha Clive understands exactly why you might download a song from WFMU's non-profit archive for personal use (selling it's a different case). I don't think Clive would think it fair to associate him specifically and gratuitously with "cocaine and teenage hookers" in a casual chat about the record-industry profiting from musicians' work.

I'll give an example from my own practice. Licensing terms for software are so ridiculous, nobody expects people to pay att'n to them. So, for instance, when a friend had a computer game, and was playing it with me every time he played it, I installed it on my computer, although it was also on his. We never had 2 games of it going at the same time, so I thought it was keeping in the spirit of the copyright. Once he told me he was going to play his copy solo at home, I deleted my copy (after I finished my own solo game).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:52pm

Jerry Goodman of Mahavishnu on electric violin.

My friend thought I was silly to delete my copy, but my friend is a writer who sells some of what he writes and does not appreciate being pirated for $. OTOH, he has used some graphics of others without authoriz'n in his writings that he sells, so a bit of hypocrisy there, especially since he did seek & get authoriz'n from SOME of his sources.
Avatar 5:55pm

Balloon dogs are in the public domain, I think.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm

Often with small-scale software you can contact the copyright owner and find a deal, beer being an acceptable currency. That model doesn't scale though, and if Apple gets in the way you're screwed, but in a holy way

Robert: You could hide the entire text of Mein Kampf within an EULA and nobody would be the wiser.

@Robert: That raises an key point about "digital age ethics": that showing that kind of respect for "ownership" of digital creations is inescapably a voluntary act. It's unregulatable and unenforcable by the State.

my point was (maybe poorly expressed) was that the suits in the industry get a disproportionate share of the profits of an artists work, and I don't mind at all ripping them off. The artists have already been ripped off by the record company weasels. And if all the many many artists that Mr. Clive Davis produced were as wealthy as he is, I wouldn't point to him AS AN EXAMPLE. Robert, don't get me started about software. I had my first computer in 1980 and I have NEVER bought software. Droll, I'm proud of that! Poor poor Mr. Bill Gates.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:56pm

A fine program. Thanks, Mr. Host, and catch you later, Accu-Playlist chums.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm

Flock dedicated to Clay Pigeon, fan of 1st-gen rock bands that featured horn sections.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:57pm

Perhaps the new CMS being developed won't use the term "Accu-Playlist". That will be fine with me.

I saw the Flock with The Who, 1970.
Avatar 5:57pm

thanks irwin.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
Sem Chumbo:

Thanks for the conversation about mash-ups, thoughtful insights. Much appreciated, all. Thanks for hosting, Irwin.

Too few bands these days with horn sections.

A lot of the problem is coordination. It can be insuperable to track down the copyright holders for a lot of old stuff to get authoriz'n, so you take a guess -- usually a good one -- that they wouldn't mind.

P-90! Read Clive Davis biography. Might change your mind!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I do believe it's true that the Music is now owned by a bunch of Businessmen & Lawyers who don't know a thing about Artists or Music, the Audience, or Technology
- whereas in the years of the Cultural Revolution - we were an expanding Market & they were in a rush to pander to us
- now we are nothing...It's not just Music - but also oil riggs inthe Gulf, recalled cars that are crap, our Electoral Process & our Democracy...ho hum...

Hey Rabbitt! mind yer posting, Ken's counting your comments!

Jack, is Ken quota-minded?

Robert, Ken had an issue with RRN63 posting too much.

He knocked me off this AM. I do tend to go off on a tangent & go on & on.

In that case I was going on & on about naming the performance space, and then I started going on about the general practice of naming things for past things.

I hadn't realized the graphic he put up was from a vote taken by the actual attendees at the official inaugur'n of the room. I can imagine he was sick of the issue by this AM's program.

Yeah, you gotta watch that. I think someone bitched about RRN63, which is why Ken reacted. But I've seen other posters comment A LOT more. Usually the Rabbit has something interesting to say. Just try not to offend anyone, especially the DJ.

And don't post comments in a row. Space them out, if you can.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I didn't start the fire, Billy Joel fans !
...But I apologize if contributing to bum-rushing Irwin's comments here: It's totally legit for the DJ to define what is On-Topic or Off.

Oh, darn...I'm a genius at offending people unintentionally and/or in a different spirit from how it's taken.

Also, I'm critical. I don't consider it "hating".

Irwin has said he doesn't even pay att'n to the comments, nor does he care if the people commenting are even listening. Today he obviously paid att'n to the comments.

I was just kidding you, man. I never wrote you back after you were kind enough to let me know what had happened to you, in re: Ken and comments. But - as you've seen - I'm not the only one to notice your absence, and a lot of people have commented that they're glad you're back. You really do add to a conversation; you make good comments, sometimes funny. You have a unique viewpoint that I (and others obviously) like. So again, welcome back. Just don't rile Ken up.

Robert, I was surprised that Irwin was responding to comments today, I love that man. Plus Droll was pushing some of Irwin's buttons, from last week even.

Critical is good, in my book. Means you think for yourself, usually.

But there have been times I've been mean to DJs in the comments. One time Scott Williams made himself too easy a target with his daughter not behaving well on-air. It was just too juicy to not ha-ha at that easy setup, even though I feel sympathy for people who take their children to public spaces (never know when you might have no reasonable choice) and then the kid's got them over a barrel by the leverage provided by acting up.

Another time I made fun of an unflattering photo Terre put up of a band. She didn't appreciate that, but then I noticed she got someone else to take band pictures subsequently. So I feel my criticism was constructive.

Well, tread carefully my friend. I personally don't mind offending other listeners or commenters, particularly if they're assholes, but NEVER piss off the DJ to whose show you're listening to. They do have the power to remove you from the board.

They have the power, but I treat them as equals in the comments. I took Ken's deletion of my comments this AM as a gag in itself, esp. since it was predicted by another commenter. I don't mind being the butt of a gag.

What I would NOT do is criticize a DJ in ANOTHER DJ's comment thread. I think it's manlier to do it in their own presence.
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