The Media Squat is freeform, bottom-up, open source radio looking towards similarly open source, bottom-up solutions to some of the problems engendered by our relentlessly top-down society.
Each show will initiate a series of discussions, which will themselves comprise part of an expanding wiki of resources, support material, and community-generated content.
This isn't pure '60s or Whole Earth radicalism and self-sufficiency (though it's certainly related) but a 21st Century, cyberpunk reclamation of all technologies and social contracts as essentially open source, up for discussion, and open to modification. It's an application of the hacker ethic and net collectivism to everything, done in the spirit of fun and adventure.
Ongoing forums with host, guests, and listeners take place at
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Listener comments!
Bad Ronald:
Praxis - Wotagreatwurd!
Yer opener reminds me of a debate I witnessed in the 80's tween Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin re: Change - from within or without...
Brian Oregon:
coin of the realm:
Brian Oregon:
Bad Ronald:
Nancy Reagan:
Brian Oregon:
Legba Carrefour:
Brian Oregon:
Nancy Reagan:
Brian Oregon:
texas scott:
Legba Carrefour:
Legba Carrefour:
Brian Oregon:
Nancy Reagan:
btw - I hear OR is a nice place for vineyards.
Legba Carrefour:
Brian Oregon:
Nancy -- lots of vineyards, mostly in the Willamette and Rogue Valleys, west of the Cascades.
Legba Carrefour:
can't hear your awesome words:
Someone who isn't me should talk. :-P:
Someone who isn't me should talk. :-P:
Bad Ronald: