Favoriting The Media Squat with Douglas Rushkoff: Playlist from May 11, 2009 Favoriting

The Media Squat is freeform, bottom-up, open source radio looking towards similarly open source, bottom-up solutions to some of the problems engendered by our relentlessly top-down society.

Each show will initiate a series of discussions, which will themselves comprise part of an expanding wiki of resources, support material, and community-generated content.

This isn't pure '60s or Whole Earth radicalism and self-sufficiency (though it's certainly related) but a 21st Century, cyberpunk reclamation of all technologies and social contracts as essentially open source, up for discussion, and open to modification. It's an application of the hacker ethic and net collectivism to everything, done in the spirit of fun and adventure.

Ongoing forums with host, guests, and listeners take place at http://www.mediasquat.net.

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Favoriting May 11, 2009: Praxis

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Artist Track
Ramones  We Want the Airwaves   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Intro spiel   Favoriting
Praxis is NOT theory   
Douglas Rushkoff  Working for the apprenticeship   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Life Inc. in a movie   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Powre of Jeanine Saunders Praxis   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Lafe Inc. The Movie   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  P)raxis part 1 - The movie   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Thinking about currencies   Favoriting
Love and Rockets  SO ALIVE   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Conversation with the Culturvators - aka, The Bloomington Think tank   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  The Bloomington Think Tank, aka the 'Culturvators,' are a group of young people in Bloomington, IN   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  who are exploring and enacting hyper-local methods of creating, supporting, and improving permaculture practices,   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  local economic initiatives, and community.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  They are promoters of and participants in organic agriculture, the art community, and local currency/bartering.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Introducing the Culturevators   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  They are promoters of and participants in organic agriculture, the art community, and local currency/bartering.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Culturvation is the process of bridging the gaps of individuation that prevent us from creating and sustaining working relationships with our neighbors.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Culturvators are those who break down barriers to form the social groups that produce change.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  In short, many hands make light work, and the Culturvators get those hands to shake so the work can get done. The Dome is a project.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  The Dome is a close loop system   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  The commons as a norm   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  2.0 version of hippydom   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Experimenting with the past (not towards Utopia.)   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Investing in local production   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Localization is ok. (Not a NASDAC business plan.)   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Globalization NOT   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  The alternative isn't scary. Its collaborative.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Collaboration is smaoll, but small is beautiful.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Depression was a positive thing for people's humanity   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Food production is where it starts.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Permaculture with the Culturvators   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Starting to take phone calls   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Legba on line 1   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Matt with Open Gotham (a think tank) on line   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Small companies run into limits   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Limits with algorithmic calculation of social valuation   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Reputation based currencies   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Doron from Media Squatters mailing list   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  The Diggers (agariam communists) in old England   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Utopian ideals are met with resistance   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Small groups meet with sucess when its decentralized   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Handmade toys don't scale   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Networking tools is how you can cope with decentralized effor   Favoriting

Listener comments!

Bad Ronald:

Greetz to Douglas et al!
Praxis - Wotagreatwurd!
Yer opener reminds me of a debate I witnessed in the 80's tween Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin re: Change - from within or without...
Brian Oregon:

In neomarxist/critical social theory (for what it's worth), praxis is 'theory in action', that is, theory put into practice.
coin of the realm:

music please! uh. age of aquarius is here. get real
Brian Oregon:

Does Life Inc. encompass the history of the development of modern consumerism (Jackson Lears, Colin Campbell, Stuart Ewen, etc.), which was interwoven with the development of advertising as public culture?
Bad Ronald:

You no like-a de Ramones?

Douglas says 'yes'
Nancy Reagan:

Just say no.
Brian Oregon:

You can't really say "no" and practice modern lifecraft: individuals are responsible for maintaining a livelihood (making money) and constructing an identity from fields of possibility differentially accessible to a great extent based on ability to pay. That form of self/identity/life was developed at the same time as modernity (industrial consumer capitalism).
Legba Carrefour:

I'm pretty sure the Nancy Reagan comment was a joke, but I think your follow up is a legitimate point that should be expanded upon. We should be saying no and yes that does involve a rejection of most of modern life. Refusal of this entire system is what we need at a time when our lives are doing everything but allowing us to live. I'm hoping these are the days where we get the space to start finding alternatives.
Brian Oregon:

Legba -- I agree and it's one of the reasons I moved from southern California to rural-ish eastern Oregon. I can see the possibilities more clearly here. A good way to start is to eat food grown as close as possible to yr home.

I lived for a while in a semi rural environment that is pretty enlightened in some respects (ithaca) but there are cultural exchanges that are possible only in big major cities, that ultimately held more appeal to me. I wonder what the ideas spell for big cities.
Nancy Reagan:

Yeah, I was being facetious...
Brian Oregon:

Sorry Nancy... PS you have a large head relative to your body.
texas scott:

amen,Brian.growing your own food and being more independant is a great start.you made a good move.
Legba Carrefour:

I'm hoping people get more willing to fight for control of the city and eventually a subversion of the metropolis as we know it. There's been a lot of talk recently about how the metropolis as we know is just the product of a certain class taking advantage of the cities that we've all produced in common. And I'd like to see the commons reassert itself in the city.
Legba Carrefour:

Michael Hardt and Toni Negri have a book coming out called Common Wealth that addresses some of that. You can hear Hardt talk about that here a bit: http://is.gd/yXSN (it's about 15 minutes in).
Brian Oregon:

I do miss the cultural activities of the big city. But here, it's more DIY, which is not necessarily a bad thing. I think cities can be remade without the overclass in control, but it will necessarily be harder because you have to coordinate more people. For some pretty radical ideas, see the book Toolbox for Sustainable City Living, out recently from South End Press.
Nancy Reagan:

No worries Brian, my head prevents my body from blowing away in a strong wind.

btw - I hear OR is a nice place for vineyards.
Legba Carrefour:

And there's some neat stuff in this piece called "20 Theses on the Subversion of the Metropolis" that's a bit on the situationist/insurrectionary edge. The PDF is also quite pretty (it's done by the Institute for Experiential Freedom) http://is.gd/yXUE
Brian Oregon:

That does look good, Legba -- thanks for the link!
Nancy -- lots of vineyards, mostly in the Willamette and Rogue Valleys, west of the Cascades.
Legba Carrefour:

I think it's going to be easier in some ways. Largely because everything that makes the city work was made in common. And I mean the cultural aspects, how people relate to each other, the communities people have built--all of that was part of a commons and the rest of this nonsense was built on top of that structure to extract value from it for someone else.
can't hear your awesome words:

Someone who isn't me should talk. :-P:

I'm really into this idea of a currency based on valuing a specific kind of labor like community building. For one thing, it seems like it would lend itself to a hyper-local democracy. I'm curious how you could network that globally though.
Someone who isn't me should talk. :-P:

Although maybe I should stop always thinking about how we need to globally connect everything. Maybe that's a really modern impulse that's been beaten into by globalization.
Bad Ronald:

Let's flout controlled substances laws.
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