Favoriting The Media Squat with Douglas Rushkoff: Playlist from May 18, 2009 Favoriting

The Media Squat is freeform, bottom-up, open source radio looking towards similarly open source, bottom-up solutions to some of the problems engendered by our relentlessly top-down society.

Each show will initiate a series of discussions, which will themselves comprise part of an expanding wiki of resources, support material, and community-generated content.

This isn't pure '60s or Whole Earth radicalism and self-sufficiency (though it's certainly related) but a 21st Century, cyberpunk reclamation of all technologies and social contracts as essentially open source, up for discussion, and open to modification. It's an application of the hacker ethic and net collectivism to everything, done in the spirit of fun and adventure.

Ongoing forums with host, guests, and listeners take place at http://www.mediasquat.net.

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Favoriting May 18, 2009

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Artist Track
Douglas Rushkoff  Theme: "Town and Country"   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Interview, Barbara Lorie   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Barbara Lorie has taken full advantage of the 8 decades she's been around: worked with the civil rights movement in the 50's and through the 60's, 70's and 80's as a teacher, community organizer, an   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  environmental activist She has taken the lead on issues from swine waste to recycling and race. And emerged as a major political and social force in the state of North Carolina.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  About 15 years ago, she and four of her friends began to question the conventional nuclear family model - not in the sense of swinging - but as a social and economic construct.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  They bought 64 acres of land and formed an intentional community now called Blue Heron Farm. Built to last, the community is still going strong, and modeling sustainability on many levels at once.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Tell me about Blue Heron Farm. The story of what got you there. How does intentional community work?   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  $ for sewers is the bottom line   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Nobody Goes to Wall*Mart :-)   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Tractor and cars magic (and water quality engineer.)   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Scalability is posible   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Saving money and living a decent life   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Rea; World pressures and her perspective   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  smalll groups and supporting each other   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Freneticism is NOT the answer.   Favoriting
calixco  Alone Again   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  MIQUELA CRAYTOR exec director of SUSTAINABLE SOUTH BRONX, live in studio   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  What is it? how did it start. Main project areas. Greatest successes, biggest surprises   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Green design & manufgacturing   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Nightmare in the South Bronx?   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Offering and implementing a solution.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  support is impressive   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  How does something like the Bronx happen?   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  used to be a walk to work community   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  WW II saw theb Bronx left behind   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor   
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Hunt Point inequities   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Soklid Waste management plan   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Upper East side "stallers"   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Redevelopping the environment   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Green Jobs is a hopeful path   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  It has to be a social enterprise   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Intangible benefits   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  heating costs drop with a green roof   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Pollution contributes to GNP. How do we reverse that?   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Crisis brings opportunity   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Building a future instead of spinning your wheels   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Create opportunities   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Its NOT about sacrifice, its about extending yourself   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Charter school VS "theb elite"   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  its about creating systemic change   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Its about creating oppportunity   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Its about enlarging the pie   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Itys aboutc the transformative power   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Its about people (groups are at another level)   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Website to follow   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Acceptance of people who were left behind   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  The south BNronx is the result of a process of bad decisions   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Thing must STAYbetter for the residents   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Spreading the word (evangelism)   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Policies versus the antagonists   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Sustainable South Bronx website: http://www.ssbx....   Favoriting
  Sustainable South Bronx website: http://www.ssbx.org  
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Grant Application   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff & Miquela Craytor  Bock Party in the plan   Favoriting

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Sustainable South Bronx website:

(our current guest)

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rob w:

Great stuff. I notice on the website the possibility of removing a bit of I-895, a bit of the Robert Moses legacy. In addition to the obvious benefits, there would be a certain symbolic value there re: transforming the South Bronx - !
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