Favoriting Radio Free Culture: Playlist from January 7, 2013 Favoriting

Hosted by various WFMU personalities, Radio Free Culture is a weekly program that explores digital culture, net neutrality, piracy, the broadcast spectrum, digital rights, and archives and libraries in the internet age. We'll be interviewing some of the nation's key figures at the intersection of music, multimedia, and digital technology. This program is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.

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Favoriting January 7, 2013: Head to an Anti-Police Brutality March with Renegade Journalist Tim Pool (Rebroadcast)

Artist Track Album Comments
Yacht  Shangri-La (Instrumental)   Favoriting Shangri-La (Instrumentals)  Available on the Free Music Archive 
Tim Pool  A lesson in livestreaming recorded at WFMU   Favoriting  

More on the Free Music Archive.
Tim Pool       

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:06pm
Danne D:

Hi Andrea :) Will be intrigued by your interview :)
Avatar 6:10pm

If folks want to learn more about Tim and his work livestreaming, he did a guest post for us over on the Free Music Archive: bit.ly...
Avatar 6:10pm
Danne D:

"on a fall day like this one" turned out be a hurricane - Sandy was a little bit of an overkill of a metaphor if you ask me
Avatar 6:11pm
Danne D:

(I realize you taped that bit before that of course)

cares .
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm
Matt from Springfield:

Hey Danne!
I remember this one from the first time--I listened on the Web, but the NY/NJ listeners probably had their power out and the transmitters down.
Avatar 6:17pm

Sorry for the repeat broadcast, Matt! It was neat to listen to this during Sandy because folks could follow Tim's live tweets from lower manhattan while listening to the show. He goes by @Timcast
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm
Matt from Springfield:

No worries, Andrea! I remember those live tweet photos as well.
Avatar 6:30pm
Danne D:

I feel like I'd be afraid that a drone would crash into my head.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Danne: Yet another aspect of drone law that needs to be codified before 2015: drone-based accidents!
Avatar 6:33pm

This is one of the drones Tim uses - costs about $300 is is super lightweight. bit.ly...
Avatar 6:34pm
Danne D:

Police always want to maintain a sense that they are in control of the situation. Resistance leads to the next level of response.
Avatar 6:35pm
Danne D:

1) That copter looks way cool
2) It totally looks like it could wipe out protesters 4 at a time.
Avatar 6:36pm

Also - here's some footage of Rockaway damange Tim shot using the drone: bit.ly...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm
Matt from Springfield:

Wow--the drone looks like a great foundation for a "hoverboard" engine! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm
Matt from Springfield:

Tim has a few videos of overhead damage from Sandy--grim, firsthand stuff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm
Matt from Springfield:

I mentioned on the previous playlist, but Clay Pigeon was also at this same event in October:
Avatar 6:49pm
Danne D:

Clay's work on Sandy is an amazing compendium taken together - regardless of where folks stand on the movement.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Matt from Springfield:

Thanks again, Andrea!
Avatar 7:00pm
Danne D:

Thanks Andrea :)
Avatar 7:00pm

Fun chatting Matt and Danne!
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