Favoriting Radio Free Culture: Playlist from January 28, 2013 Favoriting

Hosted by various WFMU personalities, Radio Free Culture is a weekly program that explores digital culture, net neutrality, piracy, the broadcast spectrum, digital rights, and archives and libraries in the internet age. We'll be interviewing some of the nation's key figures at the intersection of music, multimedia, and digital technology. This program is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.

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Favoriting January 28, 2013: Radio Free Culture #9: Radiovision Keynote: Patron Saint of DIY Culture Mark Frauenfelder

WFMU's Radiovision Festival reminds us again of the many ways old fashioned radio is still powerful, connected, and intertwined with the dreams and revolutionary power of the Internet. The festival brings together innovators who are doing things right now in radio, on the internet, and sometimes both.

This year's keynote speaker was one of those innovators, Mark Frauenfelder. He is the founding editor of MAKE Magazine, the founder of Boing Boing, editor at Wired Magazine from 1993-1998, and the founding editor of Wired.com. He is the author of "Made by Hand: My Adventures in the Land of DIY." He also hosts Boing Boing's podcast called Gweek. After his keynote, WFMU's own DJ Trouble joins him on stage for a brief Q&A.

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Artist Track Album Comments
Yacht  Shangri-La (Instrumental)   Favoriting Shangri-La (Instrumentals)  Available on the Free Music Archive 
Mark Frauenfelder  Intro to DIY Culture   Favoriting Live at RADIOVISION 2012   

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm
Matt from Springfield:

Free our Culture, Radio!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm
Matt from Springfield:

Switch to podium mic! :) Sounds better indeed!
Avatar 6:10pm

HUGO GERNSBACK: en.wikipedia.org...
Avatar 6:11pm

Parabolic Microphone in MAKE MAGAZINE: blog.makezine.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm
Matt from Springfield:

My favorite "Luxembourgian American inventor"!
Thanks for the link, he seems quite a prolific publisher on technical devices.

there's the switch!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm
Matt from Springfield:

You're right - that's an even better jump in quality!
Avatar 6:19pm

You win, Jerame! I'll say your name on the radio at the end of the show. Thank you all for baring with us... I know the audio was super painful before the switch.
Avatar 6:21pm

DIY POWERPOINT. Here's Mark and one of his cigar box guitars: farm4.staticflickr.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm
Matt from Springfield:

Is there *still* an alt.espresso group on Usenet? :)
Avatar 6:22pm

Find your local hackerspace: hackerspaces.org...
Avatar 6:22pm

1884. first espresso machine demonstrated.
Avatar 6:23pm
Andrea (doing the DIY Powerpoint this evening):

Find your local tech shop, like a gym membership for makers: www.techshop.ws
Avatar 6:23pm

omg, I love the word dongle.
Avatar 6:25pm

#suddenlynostalgic #cafepress
Avatar 6:25pm

I bolted a PID controller on my budget Rancilio Silvia espresso machine a few years ago - it made all the difference when it came to being able to pull a decent ristretto at all reliably.

And now - La Marzocco and others offer PID-controlled fancy commercial machines.

It's a beautiful world.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm
Matt from Springfield:

That's something - they used to BILL you by the hour w/ dongles!
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software is expensive, imagine having to pay by the hour instead of the year!
Avatar 6:27pm

Have you guys been to the Makerbot Store? www.makerbot.com...
LIL eddie:

is there video of this presentation?
Avatar 6:29pm

this is so very interesting !
it's super frustrating that it is midnight and a half over here !
Avatar 6:31pm

@LIL eddie: We're still churning through the archives from Radiovision 2012. As of now, we only have the audio. I'll post it here if we ever have a fancy video.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm
Matt from Springfield:

Good for a WFMU Youtube post! Get some non-regulars to notice and view our channel!
Avatar 6:34pm

@pierre - thanks! This show will be archived. Folks can also subscribe to our podcast in iTunes over here: itpc://wfmu.org/podcast/FC.xml
Avatar 6:34pm

Did I hear correctly? Monitor cockroach neuronal activity?
Avatar 6:36pm

@Matt: The problem with doing video for the WFMU YouTube channel is that after editing and exporting, we're lucky to break 45 views. www.youtube.com...
Avatar 6:36pm

@ Andrea : thanks, i'll do that ! (so many things to listen to ! :) )
Avatar 6:37pm

"You don't own a pie unless you make it." Agree or disagree?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Andrea: Agree! Although admittedly, a lot of people would "own" burnt pies! :)
Avatar 6:38pm

DJ Trouble is on 9am-Noon on Tuesdays: wfmu.org...

Maybe you can work the YouTube channel into FMU's new social thingy...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm
Matt from Springfield:

I see what you mean about the work involved to process something--but I meant about YT that those searching for other tags might find this presentation, and learn more about Radiovision, and WFMU, etc. But good point on input vs. what you'll get out of it.
Avatar 6:40pm

46 views. i just subscribed.

Oblique Strategies.
  Swag For Life Member 6:40pm
Alicia Renee:

I was (unavoidably) late to radiovision fest, so missed his keynote ..SO great to to hear it!!
Avatar 6:41pm

Gah so sorry about the audio here. Ow.

Let it breathe...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm
Bas NL:

As a techie i meet so many frustrated people that get stuck half way and ask for help.. I'm never sure what to tell them.
Avatar 6:44pm

@Alicia: At Radiovision his lesson about making mistakes is something that people talked about all day. It was neat to listen back to that moment. He even gives us permission to *abandon* projects, which is something I am constantly beating myself up about.
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

I have long held that my two most reliable muses are limit and error. I can't wait to see what my next mistake is or what I learn from it. You're going to make mistakes anyway, so why not own them for what they are worth?

  Swag For Life Member 6:51pm
Alicia Renee:

@andrea *WORD*
One of the takeaways I remembering resonating throughout the day: Fail Early, Fail Often
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Matt from Springfield:

Great show, thanks for getting this out Andrea!
Will there be live coverage of the next Radiovision?
  Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Alicia Renee:

thanks andrea!

I guess it will depend on the venue...but a live broadcast is a great idea. Or video stream perhaps? We are looking into some very interesting keynote speakers too right now though!

Yeah your show is awesome - Maybe next show could be about 3d printing and how it's helping ppl: formlabs.com...

Kind of like that.
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