Favoriting This Is The Modern World with Trouble: Playlist from January 22, 2013 Favoriting

Trouble's avatar View Trouble's profile Favoriting

A viking ship appears on the horizon, a likeness of Alice Coltrane carved into its bow. Rare birds flock together to sing Francoise Hardy as soul hits. A sunset of blips and bleeps fills the air.

Thursday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thu. Mar 13th, 9am - Noon: Trouble and her Co-Host Therese

Favoriting January 22, 2013: start at the beginning

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Eric Chenaux and Radwan Ghazi Moumneh  the sentimental moves   Favoriting The Sentimental Moves  grapefruit      *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
pedro soler & gaspar claus  insomnio mineral   Favoriting barlande          0:06:19 (Pop-up)
siren  i'm all aching baby   Favoriting John Peel's Dandelion - the Complete Singles 1969 -1972          0:13:37 (Pop-up)
medicine head  (and the ) pictures in the sky   Favoriting John Peel's Dandelion - the Complete Singles 1969 -1972          0:15:36 (Pop-up)
mirroring  drowning the call   Favoriting foreign body          0:19:24 (Pop-up)
bridget st john  goodbaby goodbye   Favoriting           0:23:36 (Pop-up)
the nutty squirrels  nutty   Favoriting the nutty squirrels          0:25:15 (Pop-up)
brigitte bardot  maria ninguem   Favoriting           0:27:33 (Pop-up)
electric light orchestra  strange magic   Favoriting face the music          0:35:05 (Pop-up)
kirsten mccord  walkabout   Favoriting kirsten mccord  ecstatic peace        0:38:48 (Pop-up)
the intruders  cowboys to girls   Favoriting Beg Scream & Shout (V/A)          0:41:58 (Pop-up)
st benedict's fife and drum corps  thunder and drizzle   Favoriting           0:44:52 (Pop-up)
tomorrow's tulips  wednesday   Favoriting eternally teenage          0:46:39 (Pop-up)
hong kong in the 60's  all at sea   Favoriting my fantoms          0:49:14 (Pop-up)
les momies de palerme  solis   Favoriting Brulez Ce Coeur          0:51:32 (Pop-up)
Memory Tapes  safety   Favoriting grace/confusion  carpark      *   1:01:40 (Pop-up)
francoise hardy  fleur de lune   Favoriting soleil          1:11:27 (Pop-up)
Kenny Graham and His Satellites  fog on the hudson   Favoriting Moondog and Suncat Suites          1:14:00 (Pop-up)
juliette greco  musique mecanique   Favoriting juliette          1:16:13 (Pop-up)
air france  no excuses   Favoriting no way down          1:19:00 (Pop-up)
ginger and the snaps  seven days in september   Favoriting Action! The Songs of Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart  ace      *   1:23:55 (Pop-up)
minnie riperton  rainy day in centreville   Favoriting come to my garden  Varese Sarabande  1969    *   1:25:47 (Pop-up)
austine  le coup de foudre   Favoriting           1:30:32 (Pop-up)
sonny sharrock  blind willy   Favoriting black woman          1:35:40 (Pop-up)
dan penn  come into my heart   Favoriting The Fame Recordings  ace      *   1:37:35 (Pop-up)
meg baird  stars climb up the vine   Favoriting seasons on earth          1:48:55 (Pop-up)
peacock sound          500 facebook listeners!!!    1:55:13 (Pop-up)
six organs of admittance  solar ascent   Favoriting ascent  drag city      *   1:55:47 (Pop-up)
donna regina  playing free   Favoriting more          2:00:31 (Pop-up)
stark reality  comrades   Favoriting now          2:05:22 (Pop-up)
john kerruish  time to wander   Favoriting Tea and Symphony: The English Baroque Sound 1967-1974 vv/a          2:12:03 (Pop-up)
nickodemus  mystery of life featuring andrea monteiro   Favoriting endangered species          2:14:50 (Pop-up)
chosen few  tears of a clown   Favoriting           2:20:25 (Pop-up)
lau nau  paperthin   Favoriting valohiukkanen  fonal      *   2:28:27 (Pop-up)
bill orcutt  john fahey commerative beer can   Favoriting Imaginational Anthem, Volume Five v/a  topmkins square      *   2:32:19 (Pop-up)
Sharron Kraus  steam powered flight   Favoriting New Music For Old Instruments (V.A.)  Incunabulum      *   2:35:14 (Pop-up)
heron  for you   Favoriting upon reflecetion-the dawn anthology          2:38:50 (Pop-up)
joyce  curioso   Favoriting tardes cariocas          2:40:36 (Pop-up)
the vulcans  back-a-yard   Favoriting star trek          2:43:59 (Pop-up)
alice dona  un chagrin a oublier   Favoriting           2:46:51 (Pop-up)
the paragons  talking love   Favoriting The Definitive Collection of Federal Records (1964-1982)  vp music group      *   2:48:54 (Pop-up)
los hippy-loyas              2:50:42 (Pop-up)
los hippy-loyas  love love love   Favoriting Chicas! Spanish Female Singers 1962-1974  vampi soul        2:52:08 (Pop-up)
dump  raspberry beret   Favoriting           2:55:18 (Pop-up)
mondo boys /fishing  oooo   Favoriting           2:57:30 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am

this is icy!
Avatar 9:03am

yay modern world - drippy buffalo
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am

Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:04am

good snowy icicles morning!
Avatar 9:04am

drippy buffalo - new band name.
Avatar 9:04am
Cheri Pi:

Good morning dear people.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am

buffalo people, cp...
Avatar 9:08am

Hi, Trouble! This is a lovely piece.
Avatar 9:11am

new band name new band name

I love this record of Gaspar Claus with his father

Trouble!!! good day all.

Good morning Trouble and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am
Sean in Bristol UK:

Afternoon one and all, Kat, DCE, how are you, my fine fellows.
Avatar 9:16am

Cheers, Sean!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am
Andrew Waterloo:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25am

morning. pretty first set, wraps around you like a quilt - seems to fit the morning

it's like amy sederis scatting on strangers with candy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26am

now it wraps around you like a nutty blanket
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:27am

dale that is my feeling right about now!
Marmalade Kitty:

morning/afternoon Trouble and all!
Avatar 9:29am
dc pat:

oh yeah! Forgot it was Tuesday. Thank you trouble for making Monday Tuesday...
Avatar 9:31am

hahaha playlist said brigitte bardot while those squirrels still sang/sung, I was confused for a sec, hi Trouble! Great to be here.
Avatar 9:31am
dc pat:

I think that's a Brown Thrush
Avatar 9:32am

Morning, tribe.
Avatar 9:33am
Cheri Pi:

Bison or Buffalo? I want to be a Bison Gal.
Avatar 9:34am

@MK: Love both your pics.
Avatar 9:34am

Hey, we're talkin' cheap later today. Nice.
Avatar 9:35am

especially the cat with the banjo.
Avatar 9:36am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37am

it's not too strange, but it's nice
Avatar 9:38am
dc pat:

Yeah, Jason!
Avatar 9:39am

Speaking of magic, my "research" shows the first FS avatars appearing on "Underwater Theme Park with Meghan from January 19, 2012: Pulling a Rabbit From a Hat.... that's Magic!"
Avatar 9:39am

That was funny.

During the bird-only beginning of your break, my whistling kettle chimed in in the same key as one of your birds.

(if, you know, your brain insists on hearing tweets in a key)
Avatar 9:39am
Cheri Pi:

Oooo say it's so BSI!
Brian in Slushville:

Hello trouble.

Hey glenn what's the difference twixt a buffalo & a bison?
Avatar 9:40am

i..................don't know.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41am

when i was a kid we had a 'grasshoppers' record and they did the chipmunk song - was that a precurser done by david seville?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41am

Avatar 9:42am

Buffalo are a type of bison, as were the aurochs of Europe.

I guess they would be painted a little bit different. . . . .
Brian in Slushville:

You cannot wash your hands in a buffalo.
Avatar 9:43am

hmmm. if you click on that link, there's an ad for big game hunting in alberta.
Avatar 9:43am

Has anyone found avatars going back earlier than a full year ago? I noticed certain DJs went back a full year while others do not. Ken, for e.g.
Avatar 9:44am

oh brian. *shakes head*

its all about the horns dear people
Brian in Slushville:

We are all gods in human form. I salute the god in you.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:50am

today's artist is terrence houle. i saw this work in the Mass MOCA show 'Oh Canada'
Avatar 9:50am
Chris from DC:

Oh awesome, Hong Kong in the 60s.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51am
Mike East:

namaste, brian. Good morning, all
Avatar 9:52am

I can't wait until we get "Brian in Springville."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:52am

i was listening to resident's 'eskimo' earlier as it seemed fitting. better after dark, tho
Avatar 9:55am

@Trouble: Your avatar always makes me remember seeing this: www.moma.org...
I bought stationery with that Klee on it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55am
Mike East:

I always thought that ELO song was "Space Magic" - I don't hear lyrics well.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am
Sean in Bristol UK:

I love all this avatars but how about one's of all your good selfs, surely bashful does'nt come intothe equation!
Avatar 9:58am
listener mark:

Glow in the dark bison?
Avatar 9:59am

@dale: ESKIMO is always a treat. It was my first Residents LP and remains a favorite. Hasn't aged a day.
Brian in Slushville:

Salutations, Mike from the East
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:59am

kat my avatar is a tea towel design by louise bourgeois. as if i could ever dry a dish on it, embroidered and all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00am
Sean in Bristol UK:

There you go Listener Mark!
Avatar 10:01am

@Trouble: You do see why I thought of the Klee though? And the bird adds a nice touch for your bird sound bed music. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am
Andrew Waterloo:

must be tough getting to sleep when you're a glow-in-the-dark bison
Avatar 10:01am

I have it on good authority that one mustn't dry a dish with a cat's face.
Avatar 10:01am

sean, i always tell people my celebrity look alike is jabba the hut.
Avatar 10:02am

@Sean: I kept the guitar as a running thread through my soundcloud and FMA links. My profile has a pic from three months ago (10.21.12 (Mike East should appreciate that date! ), as well as one from when I was three months old. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04am
Sean in Bristol UK:

I think it would be kind of fun to see all our wonderful listeners wearing there favourite WFMU T-shirt
Avatar 10:05am
Cheri Pi:

I'm tempted to make a self portrait of me wearing all of my WFMU t shirts at the same time.
Avatar 10:06am

jabba don't wear no t-shirt. maybe if there were wfmu flowing robes.
Avatar 10:07am
dc pat:

PFFGGHAAA!!! coughcoughcough!!!....What? You mean real pictures Sean? But this is make-believeland...
Avatar 10:07am

HAH, Cheri, at this point my collection is getting borderline creepy. I could wear one a day for a while without needing no damned laundry...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am
Andrew Waterloo:

Mine is from a strange Japanese 'childrens' book, I put children in quotes because after he goes record shopping he passes out drinking beer, goes to the disco, and eventually passes out on a park bench
Avatar 10:09am

Avatar 10:09am
dc pat:

Avatar 10:09am

I think of that Klee "Cat and Bird" as a fairly accurate self-portrait (hair and eye color correct) when I'm watching the birds at our feeder. My whiskers aren't that long though.

yea! aka
Avatar 10:10am
Cheri Pi:

I have one drawer dedicated to WFMU, but it's not enough.
Avatar 10:10am
dc pat:

I had to stop getting FMU shirts...
Avatar 10:10am
Cheri Pi:

Avatar 10:11am
Cheri Pi:

sorry for the typo, I was so excited :)
Avatar 10:12am

I think my first WFMU t-shirt casualty is going to be the Choking on Cufflinks one: worn out, image fading fast, not long to live...
tim from champaign:

Sounds like a great day of art, Trouble. Do you own the Louise Bourgeois tea towel?
Brian in Slushville:

trouble, 'Dancing Around Duchamp' is coming over here as part of a big Duchamp show starting next month.
Was it worth the trip?
Avatar 10:14am
Cheri Pi:

Nonsense BSI- Just put an add on craigslist for another same tee, then have your tailor perform life saving shirt transplant surgery.
Avatar 10:17am
dc pat:

I retired the dancing Mexican skeletons because I liked it so much--too man holes. But it joins my big collection of retired rock shirts...
Avatar 10:18am

good morning all - it is nose freezing cold her in Mpls!
Avatar 10:19am

@dc pat: that's the sad story of my Hawkwind tour shirt from 1988. It made it until just last year. Such a tragic loss...
Avatar 10:20am

Lest the detail be too small, my avatar is wearing my second monkey brain shirt.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am
Andrew Waterloo:

Air France!
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:20am

no tim, i don't. it is gorgeous and pricey. brian: most surely you need to see that show, it was great!
Avatar 10:21am

(Avatar courtesy of my daughter whose favorite is ""Eschuche!"
Avatar 10:22am

Cute, Lewis!
Avatar 10:23am
dc pat:

@BSI it is sad...poor t-shirts. I actually have to hide the retired ones from mrs. dc pat or she might throw them away...
Avatar 10:23am

I choose to have a more handsome family member stand in for me.
Avatar 10:24am
Cheri Pi:

Stop talking about expired Tshirts! It's making me too sad :(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24am

I've always been partial to the "Eat Flaming Death" shirt. But never managed to get one in my size.
Avatar 10:25am
dc pat:

since we're all coming clean about our pics (I can't say "avatar") mine's a self-portrait executed while attempting to teach my daughter something about color...
Avatar 10:25am

@Jeff: What breed is Ted?
Avatar 10:27am

Tedders in an Australian Labradoodle.

Avatar 10:28am

re-purposed from cassette cover, circa 1991.
[shameful self-promotion, etc]
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am

Just finished reading Telegraph Avenue. There's a lot of talk about Minnie Riperton in that book. It made me go back and re-listen to her.
Avatar 10:28am

*is* *is* sigh.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29am
Andrew Waterloo:

I have a goldoodle in the office with me.
Avatar 10:29am

@Jeff: He's a sweetie!
@dc pat: As Mrs. Philo, I insisted he keep a very holey holy t-shirt from some Neil Young concert he attended in Finland.
Avatar 10:30am

the kind of dog that will rescue you from certain death, then take you out drinking.
Avatar 10:31am

Should have said a wholly holey holy t-shirt.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31am
Mike East:

glad I'm not the only one who hides a collection of retired rock tshirts from my wife.

@kat330 10:02 - the product of that day was keeping my hands away from the keyboard.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31am
Andrew Waterloo:

I'm certainly getting a lot of practice with my french today
Avatar 10:33am
dc pat:

@kat330: mrs. dc pat needs to have a chat with you...
tim from champaign:

Retiring my Laughing Hyenas "Life of Crime" t-shirt was a sad day.
Avatar 10:34am

@Mike: Then Lucie was just about 5 hours old when Philo snapped that photo in front of the Ali Center.
aaron in chicago:

I've been in morocco for two weeks. what are all these little pictures??
Avatar 10:35am
dc pat:

hey! come to think of it, I think mrs. dc pat has an old Killdozer t floating around and she JUST retired an ancient SY t that I gave her when we first met--it's now a bike chain greaser...
Avatar 10:36am
dc pat:

hahaha aaron, we're in a special club and you're not, hahahah...
Avatar 10:36am

thank you star icon!
fred von helsing:

@aaron the souls of listeners, torn asunder
Avatar 10:37am

@aaron: Register your email to establish a Friendship Society account.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37am
Andrew Waterloo:

mmm Killdozer
Avatar 10:38am

Hey that S.Sharrock tune was the bee's knickers.
Avatar 10:39am
aaron in chicago:

how do I look?
Avatar 10:39am

In Morocco, did you do it with or without the Fez on?
Avatar 10:40am
Cheri Pi:

*Weeping for that Killdozer shirt* The grim reaper is coming for my Buzzcocks Different Kind of Tension but I'll never give it up.
Avatar 10:40am

@aaron: Your mouth is reminiscent of Secretariat's on the CF show.
Avatar 10:41am

it's called a party wall or sometimes a demizing wall.

On those "house/list it or Love it...shows...They call it "semi-detached"....XOXO
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 10:42am

Bonjour. It's warmed up to -3°F on the isthumus.
Avatar 10:43am

Avatar 10:44am

isthmus be hard to go outside when it's that cold.

Hey how can I get a "thumb Nail Pic"???
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 10:44am

Love that wood thrush ...
Avatar 10:44am

Good morning Trouble and all!
Avatar 10:44am

@βrian: You really should find a good image of an isthmus to post on your profile.

sound suits!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am

MD: register an account with WFMU
Avatar 10:46am

@MD: Follow any link you see that says "register," I think.
Avatar 10:46am

i just made #494!
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:47am

facebook page kiddies: www.facebook.com...

your cover art was at MassMOCA. who is the artist?
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:47am
listener james from westwood:

yes yes YES—each iteration of itunes gets progressively less user friendly. multiple clicks where once one sufficed. very un-apple.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:48am

yes! sound suits! thank you hoofs! nick cave creates sound suits!

Thanks for mentioning how horrible iTunes is now. They went from very efficient and somewhat clunky looking to beautiful looking and clunky WORKING. It is a total pain now!
tim from champaign:

4 degrees currently in the cornfields of Central Illinois. Unfortunately, no snow to go with the cold. I miss the snow.
Avatar 10:48am

iTunes 11 has completely stalled all of my upgrading. It is horrible. The searching has been ruined oy vey....

tHANKS Chris....
Avatar 10:49am

Philo told me Kenzo is #171 and then Philo himself is #172. I didn't realize there were 170 WFMU/GTDR/Ichiban DJ personalities, but I suppose there are.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49am
Sean in Bristol UK:

Just hit the "like", now up to 497
Keith in VT:

I'm 499
Avatar 10:49am

My daughter's theory is that I have too much music and that apple is aiming at smaller, less broad collections... Not a good sign.
Avatar 10:50am

I followed up my itunes 11 complaint with a simple "I miss Steve" email. That too failed to elicit a response
Avatar 10:50am

hey chris in space, are you chris hadfield?
Avatar 10:50am

For what it's worth, 500% agree on the iTunes comment.
Avatar 10:50am

Oh, sorry -- guess I was talking about different numbers.
Avatar 10:50am

also, yay on the Meg Baird.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51am

Meg Baird is the best!
Avatar 10:52am
dc pat:

gawd, I'm glad I never update iTunes...the update itself is fekkin hassle.
Avatar 10:52am

@kat330: Ted finds Secretariat very very upsetting.

He objects strenuously to any four-footed creatures sneaking into the house via the TV rather than coming in the proper way, through the door. And even though Secretariat looks to me like a horse costume with two guys in it, to Ted he's definitely a damn' horse. And he's IN OUR HOUSE.

It's gotten so that whenever Ted hears a conventional "ding-dong" doorbell sound, he rushes - not to the door - but to the TV, prepared to be upset by an equine interloper.
Avatar 10:52am
dc pat:

Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 10:53am
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

@kat: What is it alledged I am #171 of? I'm not a number, I'm a free man!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54am
Andrew Waterloo:

I've always disliked iTunes
Avatar 10:55am

@Jeff: *I* find Secretariat very upsetting ever since they made over his mouth. I once lived above a family who owned a golden retriever that barked loudly and threatened to attack a snowman we built.
Avatar 10:55am

normally i wouldn't ask, but i'm chuffed if it is.
Avatar 10:56am

@Kenzo: Lurker!! :) Yeah, Philo made a point of it because he insisted HE should have had the 171 number (his b'day is 7/1/71).
Avatar 10:56am

i'll rephrase the question - hey chris in space, are you the canadian astronaut in charge of the space station?
Avatar 10:58am
dc pat:

..that's better...
Avatar 10:58am

I find iTunes convenient offline, but I do not upgrade it. So it works fab for me (so far).
Avatar 10:59am
dc pat:

I make joke trouble..
Avatar 11:00am
dc pat:

I still think that's a Brown Thrush...

WFMU should be on the radio in Iceland
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:01am
Sean in Bristol UK:

This is nice, very soothing
Avatar 11:01am

@glenn: What's wrong with the space station to chuff you? We get the NASA alerts to when it's passing over and us, and we got to see its 3-minute speed-drive across the sky a few weeks ago.
Avatar 11:02am
dc pat:

man I'm hungry...what's for lunch BSI?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am

boyce and hart were on an episode of jeanie once.

Avatar 11:03am

chuffed. To be very pleased, proud or happy with yourself.
Avatar 11:04am

DCP: while I'm working this temp/contract gig down in Rosslyn, lunch options are nil. However there might be a food truck stationed out there with a survival-grade curry..... if i'm lucky....
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:04am

hoofs the artists at top of the page is terrence houles, from canada
Avatar 11:04am

@dale: Ah, gotta love the fashion.
Avatar 11:05am

hey for those of you who missed it and who dig the nature sounds, the Cornell Ornithology lab library is now on line: macaulaylibrary.org
Avatar 11:06am

@glenn: in that case I am not chuffed with myself.
Avatar 11:07am
Cheri Pi:

I'm having Banh Mi for lunch, in aboot 15 minutes. I'm so hungry I could eat my stapler.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:07am

o thank you lewis for sending that my way!! haven't even had a minute to give a listen, but looking forward to it!
Avatar 11:07am
dc pat:

good luck BSI...I'll probably visit Korean cafeteria again..
Avatar 11:09am
dc pat:

thanks for the tip kat330, just signed up with NASA for alerts...chuffed or not...
Avatar 11:10am

@trouble - it is pretty basic, but they are the undisputed champions at field recordings and there are lots!
Avatar 11:10am

what food group would a stapler be in?
Avatar 11:11am

Cheri: with enough sriracha, even your basic Swingline can be a tasty option.
Avatar 11:12am

@dc pat: I hope you have clear skies more often than we do here. We've been getting the alerts for months now, but only once did clear skies and time of day coincide for viewing.
Avatar 11:12am
Cheri Pi:

Smart idea BSI :)
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:12am

swell, lewis! merci
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:12am
Andrew Waterloo:

Just remember to remove the staples and the spring.
Avatar 11:13am

@Lewis: I was downloading birdsong from the Internet from as far back as I was connected -- by 2400-baud modem! -- mainly helping me identify the sounds around our home.
Gordon in Chappy:

Who is this john kerruish? Amazing!
Avatar 11:14am
dc pat:

kat330: I think you have to check the "[] Clear skies please" option when you sign up for the alerts...that must be it.
Avatar 11:15am

I seem to recall something on Fabio's show a while back caused me to eat a stapler. That long space-rock jam from Magic Lantern, probably. I woke up with the room still spinning and a gut full of office supplies. But what a tune...
Avatar 11:15am
fred von helsing:

@lewis Pick Hit: Dawn Chorus macaulaylibrary.org...
Avatar 11:16am

I think Philo did that, pat, it's just the predictions are never that accurate around the Louisville area.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17am
Sean in Bristol UK:

Loving this set
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:17am

gordon, 1970 single on a&m, he was from the isle of man, no one knows any more than that...
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@FvH - most excellent!
Avatar 11:18am

But when you *do* see the station, man, it really boogies across the sky!
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:18am

merci sean in bristol!
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Cheri Pi:

I think you're right BSI- I always slam my stapler around during an inspiring Kamikaze show as well.
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@Trouble/Gordon: A Searching for Kerruish doc to follow?
r i s k y:

Go Trouble! Hey all!
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When FMU goes off the rails like that, stapler gotta PAY...
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dc pat:

Oh yeah, forgot you were in Louisville kat330--place o' my birth. Now I get secretariat allusions...
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the computer is running on andy breckman's will to live
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Unfortunately it *does* require a FB registration in order to "like" your page. But I can still see your links w/o an account, so yay!
Avatar 11:26am
dc pat:

try getting yer car inspected in DC. 1 (one) inspection station...
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@dc pat: Actually the Secretariat is a Ferguson show ref, BUT funnily enough, I was thinking how the Nick Cave "heard" of soundsuit horses should be a Derby Festival dingus. Never will happen though.
r i s k y:

Bird Sounds!
gina k:

I would love a double Cd of anything bird song!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29am

Hey BSI, did you check Tyler Cowen's guide to ethnic joints? He's got 1 or 2 things in Rosslyn, I believe. www.gmu.edu...
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aye, DCP. I don't miss that line for the one (1) inspection station. Snakes around the neighborhood, where the hell is the end of the line!?!?!? ... Sold my vehicle about 7 years ago, aah...
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How now lau nau! :)
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:32am

What about dub/reggae/boogaloo?
Brian in Slushville:

This lau nau has a United States of America vibe, Dorothy Morrison's voice.
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ouuuuu haven't heard bill orcutt in a while!
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dc pat:

man, ain't nuthin like bill orcutt...like.
Avatar 11:35am

Been loving the sounds today, but the Bill Orcutt takes the cake.
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Chris from DC:

BSI, are you near Cafe Asia? Seems a viable curry option.
steven harvey:

Hearing that Donna regina track makes me recall why i like your show above all others... Cause i so identify with yr song selections...! So, somewhat prosaically, i suggest a trouble 'top 10 (or 12, or whatever) forever' mix... I'll buy 2 now even if u have all the jams... thanks for tursdays...
Steven Harvey
steven harvey:

Hearing that Donna regina track makes me recall why i like your show above all others... Cause i so identify with yr song selections...! So, somewhat prosaically, i suggest a trouble 'top 10 (or 12, or whatever) forever' mix... I'll buy 2 now even if u have all the jams... thanks for tursdays...
Steven Harvey
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Say, have all you DC folks never managed to organize a meet-up? I know MfS was trying to.
Brian in Slushville:

There used to be an a prog rock band from Birmingham in the late sixties called Tea & Symphony. The Brum scene Moody Blues, Move, Idle Race, Sabbath, Locomotive etc.
Avatar 11:38am

Aye, CfDC, that seems to be the one I've heard about. Oddly kept walking past it without noticing what the hell it was. Looks a bit steep on the $$, but on those days when Bryce's playlist demands it, I'll have to run up the hill & see about a veg.drunken noodle...
Gordon in Chappy:

what a great show this has been. thank you trouble.
Avatar 11:39am

jeezus. hungry now.
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@Trouble: Such a lovely set set into a lovely show! Irene also played a track from that wonderful NMfOI album.
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Cheri Pi:

I'm out. Happy lunch to everyone!
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dc pat:

@kat330: not that I know of...
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dc pat:

same here, my stomach is starting to feed on itself. Later, thanks trouble.
Avatar 11:43am

Yaki udon for me.
steven harvey:

Ps think im #501, like jeans...
steven harvey:

Ps think im #501, like jeans...
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 11:45am
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

@Lewis: Thanks for the macaulaylibrary.org link!
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:45am

hey steven!! nice to hear from you! thanks gordon, everybody, for the good vibes!
Avatar 11:46am

Kind regards to the chicken-folk.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Couple of items:
My mom tells me a weasel has been raiding my sister's chicken house so they moved the chickens to the back of the people house.
Have you heard about the controversial painting at the Newark Public Library?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:53am
Sean in Bristol UK:

@Trouble, great show, many, many thanks.

yes! thank you Trouble. I saw this work with a collection of other extremely inspiring Canadian artists at the Oh, Canada exhibit. I believe it's still up if you ever get a chance to come up to Western Massachusetts, it was one of my favorite exhibits MassMOCA has provided.

love love love has the funniest video. can't tell if it's a put on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:55am

Vampisoul always seems to have really cool comps.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:56am

i saw the show hoofs! that's how i discovered the painting! love massmoca!
Brian in Slushville:

The beat that my heart skipped each time the screen goes blank. Good sounds, trouble.
Brian in Slushville:

Is dump one of yo la tengo?
Avatar 11:58am
sFrances from VA:

Kat330: I think MfS was working on a DC area meetup in January? He was wondering if I could make it up from Richmond...

Been lurking, just wanted to say Hooray for Dump's cover of Raspberry Beret.

Now back to lurking/gathering info for resume building after 5 months of deliberate unemployment. Conscientious objector to work!
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Also, thanks Ike for that link. A few DC ones in there I need to check out...
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