Favoriting This Is The Modern World with Trouble: Playlist from January 29, 2013 Favoriting

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A viking ship appears on the horizon, a likeness of Alice Coltrane carved into its bow. Rare birds flock together to sing Francoise Hardy as soul hits. A sunset of blips and bleeps fills the air.

Thursday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thu. Mar 13th, 9am - Noon: Trouble and her Co-Host Therese

Favoriting January 29, 2013: let's go underground

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year New Approx. start time
daniel lentz  celli   Favoriting Cold Blue Two (V/A)  cold blue    *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
robert wyatt  pigs   Favoriting mid-eigthies        0:04:14 (Pop-up)
ethernet  monarch   Favoriting opus 2  kranky    *   0:07:24 (Pop-up)
kraftwerk  pocket calculator   Favoriting computer world        0:14:42 (Pop-up)
lynn blessing  anacalypsis   Favoriting sunset painter        0:21:06 (Pop-up)
morgana king  walk on by   Favoriting gemini changes        0:23:19 (Pop-up)
josephine foster and the victor herrero band  anda jaleo   Favoriting anda jaleo  fire records      0:25:48 (Pop-up)
alexander ghindin  Pictures at an Exhibition excerpt   Favoriting modest mussorgsky        0:29:42 (Pop-up)
The Velvet Underground & Nico  Femme Fatale (Alternate Mix)   Favoriting 45th anniversary deluxe edition  polydor    *   0:41:29 (Pop-up)
sekouba bambino  seko bangaly   Favoriting the griot's craft  styllart productions    *   0:43:22 (Pop-up)
falty DL  she sleeps feat ed Macfarlane   Favoriting hardcourage      *   0:50:20 (Pop-up)
class actress  let me in   Favoriting Rapprocher        0:56:04 (Pop-up)
ty segall  lovely one ( demo)   Favoriting Yeti #8 (V/A)  yeti  2009    1:00:37 (Pop-up)
kamar ruddin Z.  endar lela   Favoriting Indonesia Pop Nostalgia: Pan-Indonesian Pop, Folk, Instrumentals & Children's Songs 1970s-1980s  sham palace    *   1:02:34 (Pop-up)
angel olsen  the sky opened up   Favoriting half way home  bathetic    *   1:14:09 (Pop-up)
rolling stones  moonlight mile   Favoriting sticky fingers        1:18:14 (Pop-up)
william vanderlaan/vera vanderlaan  modern paul revere   Favoriting Freedom Is a Hammer: Conservative Folk Revolutionaries of the 60's  Omni Recording Corporation    *   1:24:37 (Pop-up)
the incredible string band  gently tender   Favoriting The 5000 Spirits or the Layers of the Onion        1:26:07 (Pop-up)
barbara & ernie  satisfied   Favoriting prelude to...        1:32:01 (Pop-up)
lau nau  ystavani nosferatu   Favoriting valohiukkanen  fonal    *   1:35:25 (Pop-up)
antony and the johnsons  cut the world   Favoriting cut the world        1:39:19 (Pop-up)
myth syzer  creepin on   Favoriting       *   1:51:28 (Pop-up)
actress  holy water   Favoriting R.I.P        1:54:58 (Pop-up)
pierre bastien  #4   Favoriting pop        1:56:51 (Pop-up)
suzi Qautro  can't trust love   Favoriting your mama won't like me        2:01:58 (Pop-up)
ivy  digging your scene   Favoriting guestroom        2:05:56 (Pop-up)
the jam  stoned out of my mind   Favoriting The Gift (Deluxe Edition)        2:08:29 (Pop-up)
the jam  going underground   Favoriting         2:11:22 (Pop-up)
bill haley  sundown boogie   Favoriting         2:14:29 (Pop-up)
pat stallworth  questions   Favoriting eccentric soul omnibus vol 1  numero group    *   2:18:08 (Pop-up)
domenico  cine prive   Favoriting cine prive  plug research    *   2:29:51 (Pop-up)
ergo phizmiz  the rock song of j alfred pruflove   Favoriting Eleven Songs  care in the community    *   2:33:05 (Pop-up)
joe lutcher  ojai   Favoriting Jukebox Mambo: Rumba and Afro Latin Accented Rhythm and Blues 1949-1960  jazzman    *   2:36:59 (Pop-up)
the monochrome set  the monochrome set ( i presume)   Favoriting strange boutique  water  1980  *   2:42:08 (Pop-up)
Raisa K  feeder   Favoriting feeder      *   2:46:13 (Pop-up)
alfredo triff  para: pre ( piano mecanico)   Favoriting dadson  dad miami      2:51:08 (Pop-up)
colleen lovett  birds with broken wings pt 1   Favoriting hippie godesses v/a        2:52:55 (Pop-up)
the heart beats  choo choo train   Favoriting we had the beat        2:57:14 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:02am

good morning above freezing world!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am

Good morning from the barely above freezing yet world.
Avatar 9:04am

hooray modern world!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am

Good morning! Above freezing in Toronto - but knee deep in slush.
Avatar 9:05am

Bonjour Trouble !
Avatar 9:06am
Van in DC:

Trouble! Yay Modern World!
Avatar 9:07am

(i like a white background, it suits my octopuss quite well)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07am
Brian in UK:

Hello trouble & the world. Looks like some ogee skirting board.
Avatar 9:07am

We're still below freezing here in NH but looking forward to 55 degress tomorrow.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:08am

bonjour bonjour all early risers!
Avatar 9:08am

Hallo Touble, hallo all.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:09am

although i know for some of you you have been up for hours, in another time zone altogether...
Avatar 9:11am

B23 here! Good morning Trouble and friends!
Avatar 9:11am

The only time zone is THE NOW, baby, the now... yeh... [finger snaps]
Avatar 9:13am

my zone is WFMU time.
Avatar 9:14am
Chris from DC:

Avatar 9:16am

Calket Poculator!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am

Aaron in Jcity:

Great set this am!!! I love this this song reminds me of when Kraftwerk came to ny http://bit.ly/YBHdNn
Avatar 9:16am

Ohhh! I do love me some Kraftwerk. Somewhere my daughter is dancing around like a robot right now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am

Kraftwerk goes well with today's cover photo too.

Taking my mind off of a painful back as I wait for my doc appointment. Robotic music, take me away!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21am
Mike East:

what media is used in today's picture? quite lovely.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:30am

good luck with that back Stevel!
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:32am

here's a link to today's artists mario kolaric cargocollective.com...

Que c'est super mignon ces petits oiseau qui chantent...
Avatar 9:32am

I want to favorite the birds singing ! <(^_^ <)
Avatar 9:33am
Richard Nixon:

My bird is enjoying this song.
Avatar 9:34am
Richard Nixon:

Lie to me and tell me it's Friday!

Apparently in the 50s, my grandmother's canary listened to the Hartz Mountain Hour on the radio and would sing with it.
Avatar 9:36am

(whoa; braveness23 and Richard Nixon are the same person…learning so much through that friendship society…)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37am

If Wednesday is Saturday, then today is Friday. No problem.
Avatar 9:37am
Richard Nixon:

Can't fool pierre!
Avatar 9:39am
listener mark:

Good morning
Avatar 9:41am

@ Richard Nixon : can't fool the power of the friendship society !
(sounds weird, when said like this)
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:41am

Good Morning all! Trouble, how are your chickens doing?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42am
Mike East:

i was using colored pencils last weekend with my daughter. just wish i could do something other than color by #
Avatar 9:43am

Hello! It's going to be so mild today I will only have to wear one handknit hat. No ski mask today!!
Avatar 9:43am

trouble : www.casualoptimist.com...
Avatar 9:44am
Richard Nixon:

It's supposed to get up to 67 F in Cincinnati today. Sigh, I guess we've had our winter already.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:44am

and how many scarves sugarwolf? i saw some lovely ones of yours on ravelry yesterday! gasp: i finally put up some pix of my actual knitted garments. i no longer feel like a ravelry lurker...
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:45am

vivian thank you my chickens ar doing super fine! their sturdy rhode island red stock has taught them all about cold weather!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46am
Brian in UK:

trouble this puts me in mind of Sory Kandia Kouyate.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:47am

glenn! thank you , that looks sooooo gorgeous, can't wait to watch it!
Avatar 9:48am
listener mark:

My avatar is a photo of my neighbor. He doesn't say much, a good listener, sociable, stand next to his fence and he walks right over.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:48am

that also looks good brian in UK! merci
Avatar 9:51am

I haven't put put up pix on ravelry in sooooo long.
Avatar 9:52am

My avatar is a photo of the real Richard Nixon and me. Dick was not yet president.
Avatar 9:53am

@ glenn : this looks perfect ! love this. Thanks too.

hi. all this BIRD talk has me thinking of our parakeet in college, HONEYBIRD. she talked too (and no bad words!), and we loved hearing her say "what's your act?". --in ref to the WFMU FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY, i registered last wk. HOW does one go to their website directly??? thanks.
Avatar 10:02am

never had a bird.
but DID have a huge bird-cage....
for a certain green iguana named Dr. Benway who did not make chirpy sounds. He was completely, deathly silent. He would stare at you with HATE in his eyes, until he got his dose of sunlight and pile of kale and bok choy. Then he became a happy little slut.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04am
tim from champaign:

Herb - Maybe sign in and click on profile settings?
Avatar 10:05am

My current bird count is 4. One zebra finch who has a real love/hate relationship with WFMU (depends on the DJ) and three chickens who are on borrowed time (the place that slaughters our chickens doesn't want to go through the hassle for only three birds).
Avatar 10:07am

Imagine going through life knowing that the only reason you haven't been killed yet is that no one wants to bother.
Avatar 10:09am
Chris from DC:

Great show today. Not quite a cure for the flu, but it helps.
Avatar 10:09am

B23: probably the case for all of us, no?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10am
Andrew Waterloo:

@B23, The days where I don't feel that way are the good ones.
Avatar 10:11am

good afternoon
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12am
Andrew Waterloo:

I wish my GIF would animate

wow, I'm loving this music today. thank you, Trouble.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12am

The worst part of Youtube is the comment section xkcd.com...
Avatar 10:15am

This is lovely Trouble!
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:15am

thanks patri and chris from DC! feel better chris...
Avatar 10:15am

My sister had a blue parakeet that she would let out of it's cage and fly around her room. It always chose to land on her dresser, walk over to her two ceramic doves and peck at their eyes.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:16am

hey duane!!! merci!
Avatar 10:17am

@BSI and @Andrew, I have always suffered from a heightened level of self esteem so I walk around each day with the grandiose and unrealistic feeling that no one is actually wishing me dead.

Moonlight Mile!
Avatar 10:19am

@Jennique, birds are NASTY dinosaur creatures. Anyone who believes in creationism clearly has never owned a bird.
Avatar 10:20am
other eddie:

oy, so hyper focused on my work, I completely spaced on firing up the stream! I'm down one hour of trouble. damn you 21st century chemical intervention!
Avatar 10:21am

@B23: a healthy outlook, no doubt. Whereas I'm convinced that my own personal life-enders just haven't gotten around to it yet. Perhaps after lunch?
Avatar 10:21am

anybody who believes in creationism is a moron.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22am
Andrew Waterloo:

Goodnight Wesley, perhaps I'll kill you tomorrow.
Avatar 10:22am

This place is just miles from where I sit creationmuseum.org
Detroit Mac:

Here is a stretch version of Cretin Hop by the Ramones (for possible inclusion in your facebook blog) 3 minutes stretched into 30 minutes... a spooky sonic blast:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24am
Andrew Waterloo:

I watched a British show on Youtube lastnight where a comedian packs a bunch of creationists on a bus and has them sit with scientists.
Avatar 10:24am
Chris from DC:

B23, would love to see that place one day for a goof.
Avatar 10:25am

normally i love whacky museums, but holy jumpin'
Avatar 10:26am
Richard Nixon:

Modern Paul Revere? I think I just threw up a little in my mouth
Avatar 10:26am

what tricky dick said.
Avatar 10:26am

Nice hate speech there, Glenn
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27am

Most indigenous religions/belief systems are creationist, are you saying they're morons, glenn?
Avatar 10:29am

I think I started it but I'm getting out (lest someone should want to kill me)
Avatar 10:31am

i'm saying that in the year 2013, anybody who hasn't rejected the biblical version of the unfolding of the universe is, in fact, a moron.
Avatar 10:31am

My cousin has a ferret
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:34am

I'd say your categorically imperative view of the world puts you into the same boat as the creationists you're criticizing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35am
Andrew Waterloo:

I think there are certain implications to believing that evolution is a huge lie, and a conspiracy to allow people to act ungodly.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:36am

The problem with creationists is that they reject evidence when it's presented to them in favor of their pre-existing notions. In Galileo's time, most scientists (natural philosophers) were creationists, by Newton's time most believed in some form of intelligent design. After Darwin, most scientists started taking evolution as a fact and started rejecting design. Knowledge advances when you accept the evidence.
Avatar 10:36am

My bird would love this song.
Avatar 10:41am
Van in DC:

If I had a bird it would love this song
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41am
Brian in UK:

'All is vanity' said the preacher. Ecclesiastes 1
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:41am

guys, this is a no win contest of will. thousands of years and trillions of death have told us this. perhaps we can all call it a draw?
Avatar 10:41am

Oh I love brass sections like in this "cut the world"
Avatar 10:42am

The video for this song (Cut the World) is really powerful.
Side note - I wish everyone would read Carl Sagan's "Demon Haunted World:Science as a Candle in the Dark" Definitely a game changer.

I agree with Trouble - but note that it's certainly no longer than 6000 years.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44am

For some people scientific evidence about how the universe/man was created is irrelevant to their lives. For example, an indigenous person living in a rainforest. Their stories about their society and lives are what is important. To say this is moronic is going a bit far. To people of Abrahamic religions this is also the case. I'm just saying we should be respectful of other belief systems and not call them morons because they don't fit with the ones that fulfill our needs.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:45am

thank you brian. I am so taken with hyperbole sometimes. I need to be reigned in.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am
Andrew Waterloo:

@Brian, gotta be 5000... there's no way we had time to argue over such trivial matters when there were dinosaurs to ride.
Avatar 10:46am


Good point Andrew - I totally forgot about the dinosaurs

hyperbole - i was told "avoid hyperbole. not one in a billion can use it properly". ----thanks TIM FROM CHAMPAIGN. uhh, now what is the website of the wfmu freakship society, then i can login.
Listener Schned:

Communism, Hypnotism & the Beatles ?? What's not to like ??
Avatar 10:50am

The way to deal with superstition is not to be polite to it, but to tackle it with all arms, and so rout it, cripple it, and make it forever infamous and ridiculous. Is it, perchance, cherished by persons who should know better? Then their folly should be brought out into the light of day, and exhibited there in all its hideousness until they flee from it, hiding their heads in shame.
True enough, even a superstitious man has certain inalienable rights. He has a right to harbor and indulge his imbecilities as long as he pleases, provided only he does not try to inflict them upon other men by force. He has a right to argue for them as eloquently as he can, in season and out of season. He has a right to teach them to his children. But certainly he has no right to be protected against the free criticism of those who do not hold them. He has no right to demand that they be treated as sacred. He has no right to preach them without challenge. Did Darrow, in the course of his dreadful bombardment of Bryan, drop a few shells, incidentally, into measurably cleaner camps? Then let the garrisons of those camps look to their defenses. They are free to shoot back. But they can’t disarm their enemy.
— H L Mencken, “Aftermath” (coverage of the Scopes Trial) The Baltimore Evening Sun, (September 14, 1925)

Flipper theme song rules!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:52am
tim from champaign:

Herb - If you go to the FMU homepage, there should be a register or sign in tab in smaller font at the top of the page.
Avatar 10:52am

Are we talking about this Flipper? en.wikipedia.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am
tim from champaign:

Trouble - How old is DJ Icepack? I heard Flipper first when I was 13 and the proverbial switch was flipped.

My bad. Thought we were talking about this Flipper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azEOeTX1LqM
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56am
Brian in UK:

Hyperbole is that to do with American Football?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57am
Andrew Waterloo:

I thought hyperbole was how they kept McDonald's french fries to stay so fresh. Turns out it with something with more syllables.
Avatar 10:57am

The only song I know by Flipper is one where the chorus is just them laughing.
Avatar 10:58am

My recollection of Flipper was of a painfully long and repetitive song that was on the juke box at the infamous Jockey Club in Newport, KY. I recall the threat of having my ass kicked if I played that song.
Avatar 10:59am

...and hence, glenn shall be the arbitor of all that is supersticious and rout such evil with his mighty armies!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59am
Brian in UK:

Syllabub is a puddin'
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59am
Andrew Waterloo:

I discovered Flipper in my early 30s. It was one of those WTF? You don't know this band? moments.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00am

My new avatar: the greatest drummer of the rock era.
Avatar 11:00am

This is it! Flipper - Brainwash www.youtube.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am
Ken From Hyde Park:

My mid-morning snack today is a sliced-up red bell pepper. It's like eating an apple, but in vegetable form.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:04am

dj icepack is just 12. he is a fan of beethoven, the classical flipper...
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:05am

bonjour jennique!

eek, why is my left shin so itchy? is it poison IVY? -thanks tim, i see the lil tiny SIGNIN thingy.
Avatar 11:09am

Great Blow Monkeys cover
Avatar 11:10am

Bonjour Troublette! Got back from the west coast last week. Went to the very ends of it, from La Jolla, CA to Whidbey Island, WA. Saw many birds, including bald eagles!
Avatar 11:11am

Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 11:13am
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

@herb.nyc: On that big playlist to our left, scroll up to the very top. There is a "Register" link. Click it!

the jam....first song in new office....awesome
Adrian in London:

Tuning in late but better late than never. How do I get an avatar? I want an avatar!

(yay, i put my avatar on wfmu fribship society page. but it's not here. hmm.) since TROUBLE is so into edukation, i wanted to let her & you know that i just signed a petition here at work, re: If you haven’t yet, please sign the National Petition for a Moratorium on CUNY’s Pathways Curriculum, and forward the petition to your colleagues in professional organizations, research groups and other networks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:18am

good morning bird lovers, just joined in, not sure if this has been mentioned already but there's a great horned owl nest cam up on ustream that I can't stop checking. apparently a number of GH owls nest over the years at this family's home. lucky them! www.ustream.tv...
Avatar 11:21am

Loved you last night on the 6PM TMI or whatever it is these days
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 11:21am
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

Register here! www.wfmu.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am
Brian in UK:

Hey Adrian, new JG imminent

Go to top of page to sign in, bring your own picture.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am
Brian in UK:

Great closing line in the film.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23am

the seen with the music is great, great movie
Avatar 11:23am

Bird calls and French language! Two discs worth!

i very much liked "the lives of others" as well. my friend likes the "what is the name of... of, your ball", in the elevator scene. a woman professor in germany told me "oh man, that movie is SO true".
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23am
Adrian in London:

How's about this one?! Thanks Brian, yes. He's playing Heaven but I'm not sure I can face standing up for an hour and a half. Then he's doing SBE, which is a horrible venue.Might go to a church in Brighton instead.

Yes Trouble. The Lives of Others is a great film.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am
Adrian in London:

Oh, thanks Kenzo too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:25am
Andrew Waterloo:

I just use Netflix and watch the Daily Show on their website. There is digital over the air, but I've never felt the need to buy the box for it.
Avatar 11:26am

YESS this song is ultimate! lovely to hear you this AM Trouble! you are my musical spirit guide.


Trouble, if you have internet service from a cable provider, you can just put a splitter on the cable before it goes into your modem and run a second cable to your TV - you will get all of the basic channels (i.e., no AMC, TCM, etc.) for no additional cost.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:26am

I prefer 60 hz HDTV sets but if you get a 120 or 240 hz set then be SURE to turn OFF the horrible "auto motion" setting, hidden in the settings on the TV (a.k.a. "motion interpolation" or "motion smoothing") which makes everything look like a cheap soap opera.
Avatar 11:26am

We dumped cable a couple of years ago. We watch Netflix on our laptops and the Wii. We sometimes watch free HULU as well. Youtube and the occasional stream from MSNBC. Not much desire for anything else.
Avatar 11:27am

I do not have cable, but I have a hockey puck looking apparatus called Appletv, which allows me to watch all sorts of stuff like hulu, vimeo, youtube on my tv. If I want to pay for stuff it logs me onto iTunes, where I order movies and tv series like Breaking Bad. Pretty much satisfies all my tv needs.
Side note: heard this song on Duane's show. Love-r-ly.
Avatar 11:27am

I was driving on the M1 and horrible English station played Tube Station at Midnight. I'm like YES! Finally! when it was over they back announced it as a Golden Oldie! Argh!
Avatar 11:27am

Depending on where you live, you might be able to buy a cheap, small TV antenna that you can use to snatch the signal out of the air. Full-quality HD image, too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:27am
Brian in UK:

Are those your pearls, Adrian?

Trouble, you can make a DIY HD antenna and get free HD TV channels...instructions on YouTube.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28am

get an antenna trouble, you will get true hi-def. as close as you are to transmitters you should get tons of stuff with an indoor antenna. make sure it's both vhf and uhf as abc, wpix and wnet broadcast on vhf band. we live 75 miles away and get a lot of channels with a homemade coathanget unit inside, plus a signal amplifier from channel master.

Avatar 11:28am

I don't know if I can post links here but the CEA and NAB have a site at www.antennaweb.org that lets you punch in your location and see what kind of antenna you need to pick up different stations.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29am
Brian in UK:

@KP Usual crap stations like Heart or Magic
Avatar 11:30am
ken in denver:

We gave up cable a few months ago. Getting all the over-the-air channels - including some I hadn't heard of - via digital antenna, and most of our old cable shows, after the fact, thru laptop on TV. Best part is all the old movies on YouTube. We may quit Netflix because we don't watchi it nearly as much.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am

i've got a google tv, its a little funky (works well with a dedicated WFMU browser for listening to music) and has a decent remote and controls the cable, that said i think you need the HD feed from the box....cable is my only option for hi speed internet so the cable tv is basically free.

If you liked the Lives of Others, you should listen to Benjamen Walker's show from 1/25/12 - he has a hilarious, trenchant story about the role of the Stasi in the development of Facebook.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am

also roku box has lots of free channels like the imdb and crackle plus netflix of course
Avatar 11:31am
ken in denver:

The over-the-air HD picture looks even better than cable did.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am
Adrian in London:

@Brian Poor Romy… :(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:32am

the google tv has a good youtube interface, and the web browser allows you to see just about anything online...also it has audio out so you don't need to keep the tv on to listen to WFMU
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:32am

Saw The Lives of Others a little while ago from Netflix. Watched Red Road at about the same time. Had a feeling someone was watching me.

No cable, just the cheapest internet service, Netflix thru the mail (no streaming) for everything else.
Avatar 11:33am

Brian, more like Spice Girls and variations on that theme. I did hear John Peel do a Sunday morning all talk show that was wonderful and hysterical.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:35am

'digital' antenna is a misnomer. it is just a regular vhf/uhf antenna - rabbit ears, uhf reflector, or monster antenna on the roof. there's one called the 'mohu leaf' that sticks to the wall and is teeny but it is uhf only, so you'd miss abc and pbs in new york
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:35am
Brian in UK:

He was always so dry. Are you aware of this site? FMU sticker on left hand side.


Trouble, you may also like the Czech film Walking Too Fast (Pouta), which has similar themes to the Lives of Others but it a little more twisted.
Avatar 11:37am

I pay too much for high speed internet and then stream netflix
Squirrel King:

Preparing some wraps for dinner and listening to trouble. Digging it! Greets from Sweden!

in ref to (tele)video, my public library e-mailed me, my HOMELAND and TREME seasons one are ready for pickup!
Avatar 11:38am

@BrianUK - but the sticker doesn't take you anywhere... too bad (but nice page all in all).
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:40am

indeed unahppy unemployed stasi drones can be put to good use:www.facebook.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41am
Mike East:

hey dale - I've got just a UHF antenna, and thus miss out on pbs and abc. (I didn't read the box carefully enough). Ironically the main reason I got the thing was to watch public TV and Jeopardy. Can I ask the make/model of the vhf/uhf antenna you use, and how far outside NY are you?
Avatar 11:44am

Trouble - check out this funny Fleetwood Mac t-shirt:
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:48am

looks so realistic, jennique! but then i live in legoland
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50am

In online chats, everybody seems to be cord-cutting and dumping cable, but I've read that this still isn't actually very common. ?? Maybe it's self-selecting -- people who are likely to chat are also likely to be spending more time online than watching TV. I myself cannot give up cable yet. I grew up wanting it and couldn't get it then. Watching online just isn't the same. Also I like the evil, wonderful Verizon DVR too much.
Avatar 11:53am

The missus is the TV watcher in BSI house. If we had fox soccer, it would be a different story. As it is, VH1 Classic has become a bit of a guiltless pleasure but otherwise I don't watch the thing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am

mike - i originally got just a uhf as they said that's where they would all be - then day of transition i lost alot because some channels ditched the 'test' digital bradcasts and started airing digitally back on their old vhf frquencies. i made the coat hanger version and added vhf legs to it (googled how) for my old downstairs set with a zenith converter box, and have a channel master preamp hooked inline with it. i'm in orange county ny. when the trees leaf out in the spring i lose a lot which is the nature of things. i have a bigger antenna to put on top of the house, just have to find the guts to climb a 36 ft ladder to do it. i would go to radio shack and see what they have or check out www.solidsignal.com
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:55am
Adrian in London:

Trouble, on a German movie theme, I recommend Sofie Scholl www.imdb.com... Julia Jentsch is great in it. Ooh, Flamme & Citron is good too, a Danish resistance film.

Walking Too Fast is actually available (probably not so legally) on YouTube with English subtitles (press the "cc" button.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am

@BSI, if you like animation and you want to see something completely insane, surreal, and funny, check out Adventure Time on Cartoon Network. I mean if you like post-apocalyptic magical worlds where cute princesses go all Mengele on a bunch of living candy and dogs can shapeshift.
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birds for your eyes vimeo.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am

I get by with a misnomer antenna and movies borrowed from the library (recently watched Wings of Desire; will literally check out Lives of Others soon!). No cable or Netflix.
Avatar 11:59am

Ike, I'm sold. That's all I ever wanted out of the evening news, and they consistently failed to deliver such loveliness...
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ken in denver:

@Ike, it's a budget thing.
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Van in DC:

i love Fox Soccer channel :)
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