Favoriting Strength Through Failure with Fabio: Playlist from January 2, 2014 Favoriting

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The Failure of Noise
The Failure of Sound
The Failure of Rock
The Failure of the Avant Garde
The Failure of the Space Age
The Failure of Jazz
The Failure of Psychedelia
The Failure of Krautrock
The Failure of Electronic
The Failure of Pop
The Failure of Free-form
The Failure of the 21st Century

Thursday 3 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thu. Mar 13th, 3pm - 6pm: Fabio and his Co-Host Ken

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Favoriting January 2, 2014: A new Year of Failure

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Artist Track Album
James Last  Mr. Giant Man   Favoriting Voodoo Party 
Furious Pig  The King Mother   Favoriting Furious Pig 
Area  Caos (Parte Seconda)   Favoriting Maledetti 
Annette Peacock  I'm the One   Favoriting I'm the One 
Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes  Paix   Favoriting Paix 
Gong  Love is How You Make It   Favoriting Angels Egg 
Faust  Jennifer   Favoriting IV 
Heldon  Cotes de Cachalot ala Psylocybine   Favoriting Electronique Guerilla 
Peter Lemongello  Peter Lemongello Love 76 Commercial   Favoriting  
The Velvet Underground  I'm Set Free   Favoriting The Velvet Underground 
A.R. & Machines  Why Peter is Only on Holidays   Favoriting Echos from Times of the Green Journey 
Igor Wakhévitch  Rituel de Guerre des Esprits de la Terre   Favoriting Hathor 
Ralph Lundsten  Cosmic Love   Favoriting Olskog 
Philip Perkins  Radio Dream (London)   Favoriting Drive Time 
Ilitch  Waiting for Mabelle   Favoriting 10 Suicides 
Flower-Corsano Duo  The Main Ingredient   Favoriting The Four Aims 
Burning Star Core  Benjamin   Favoriting The Very Heart of the World 
Sic Llama  Untitled   Favoriting Born Again to Die 
Seesselberg  Was Dir Heute Freude Macht, Das Verschieb Nicht Über Nacht!   Favoriting Synthetik 1 
Paulo J Ferreira Lopes  Premonition   Favoriting Feeze 
Paulo J Ferreira Lopes  Norte   Favoriting Feeze 
F/i  Psychological Warfare Testing   Favoriting The Past Darkly/The Future Lightly 
Philip Sanderson  Prefabrication   Favoriting Hollow Gravity 

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:09pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:09pm

happy 2014, Fabio
Avatar 3:10pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

I'm relating to this perhaps more than I should.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:20pm
David L.B. is RRN63:

...would be great if everyone could make a Cartoon of what they see listening to this - & we could compare later...
Avatar 3:21pm

B23 here Calgon, take me away!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:22pm

furious pig...great name!
Avatar 3:23pm

hey all. i just got out of Trader Joe's before people starting hunting and devouring each other in the pre-blizzard madness
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:23pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Bonne année, Fabio!

..You always know just what to play to set the tone and mood....Kudos....
Avatar 3:24pm

damn, this is some funky stuff
Avatar 3:25pm

Happy New Year one and all!

..Happy New Year to you....how about a little Nina...just for me....or maybe Lou Reed...love ya, always! Miami Loves ya
Avatar 3:34pm

Kinda like "pay".

Paix = "pay" = peace
Avatar 3:48pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:50pm
Sem Chumbo:

Hiya, Fabio. All ears. A genetic thing, I hear.
Avatar 3:50pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Crazy uncle Daevid!
that diabetic guy:

Fabio! Your back:)

Jenifer... is the greatest song ever? One of the many, but one of them!
Avatar 3:56pm

Jennifer, you're a beauty
that diabetic guy:

iTunes is being a real birch today! Won't sync with my itouch
Avatar 4:00pm

it's a snowy day, sunshine girl.
Avatar 4:01pm

blizzard? we just went through an ice storm. people were without power for 10 days.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm

Heldon will melt your face, and the snow to boot
Avatar 4:02pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

OK now it's getting creepy. Fabio is sneaking around in my LP collection again. This set. Freakishly yummy.

That last tune (Faust?) was right perty.
Avatar 4:03pm

the ice storm in toronto, glenn? we barely heard about that stateside. sounded awful.
Avatar 4:04pm

it was brutal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm

Ok, I'm here now.
Is this still Heldon with their psylocybin wine tune?
Avatar 4:06pm

the whole thing was still overshadowed here by you-know-who.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:07pm

@glenn - what ya baking?
that diabetic guy:

4 to 6 inches expected for the NYC area isn't that F ing nice:-)

Also was just in a food market, could feel a pre-snowstorm panic/haste. But now, back at the pad, Failure from Fabio is my meditation.
Avatar 4:08pm

Oooh, goodie, so glad the roller-skating music is back!
Avatar 4:09pm

I love it when get large amounts of snow...for the first day before it gets all dirty....
Avatar 4:10pm

it does indeed have a giorgio moroder type vibe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:11pm

It's Art Bell's world -- we just live in it.
that diabetic guy:

Argh:-( I caught this miserable cold and I have to go out
Avatar 4:12pm

chocolate chip cookies and ginger snaps.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:15pm
Mike East:

Yeah, I got that cold, too. Hoping the boss will tell me to stay home tomorrow because of the snow.

@glenn - A colleague of mine was working at the Winter Classic yesterday. He's a Leafs fan. Why isn't it Leaves?

Thank you for Llewlyn Davis review

Have you seen the Great Beauty
Avatar 4:17pm

Keep talking, I'm doing pirouettes around the kitchen, got my WFMU spandex panteloons on! Wah-hey!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17pm

i want fab's coen bro hate list

Hated American Hustle. Takes all kinds

The Great Beauty
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:19pm

just got here - people bitching about 6 inches of snow? go to youtube and search for the buffalo blizzard of 77. lake effect makes this stuff look like childs play
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:19pm

I'll go dancin with Johanssen

Out of furnace was meh

Woody harellson is amazing in it, very scary

Was just at the Mike Kelley. Wholeheartedly agree. Awesome!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:21pm

this peter lemongello commercial is great.

Not a huge Bale fan

Kelley was in Destroy All Monsters. There are a lot of rock overtones to the show. He also did a sonic youth album cover

I feel exactly the same way about the Coen's - they run either very hot or very cold. Thanks for the warning about Llewlyn Davis, Fabio. I was not enthusiastic about seeing it given the subject matter, so I am glad to hear it is not a must-see.
  Swag For Life Member 4:23pm

Who the hell is peter lemongello?
  Swag For Life Member 4:24pm


Echo earlier post - the Italian film The Great Beauty is great shakes.

Yeah I was going to see Coen Bros and ignore American Hustle but now that's flipped I guess. The Bale thing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:24pm

that drive to Chicago in Llewyn Davis was awesome!

Yes, V.U.!

@Dale - I was thinking the same thing. Here in northern Arizona we barely notice when we get 6 inches of snow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:25pm

this song is perfect.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:26pm

a younger hipper jack jones, but he only became a celebrity through his commercial. he was a nobody before that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:27pm
Mike East:

that used to be my least favorite VU song on that album, now its my most favorite
Avatar 4:29pm

I adore this "Why Peter..." baroque sound. So I missed it. Did Fabio hate Llewyn Davis?
Avatar 4:32pm

god, i don't know. it looked like a great game though, what with the snow and all.
Avatar 4:34pm

A couple of cm of snow is all it takes here in Blighty and everyone starts snivelling and hiding under their duvets - especially me! ;-)
Avatar 4:35pm

OK, I'll try a different tack: Did FABIO review "Llewyn Davis" and, if so, was it thumbs up or down?

"The Maple Leafs say that the name was chosen in honour of the Maple Leaf Regiment from World War I. As the regiment is a proper noun, its plural is Maple Leafs (not Maple Leaves)."
Avatar 4:36pm

When I went skiing in eastern Niigata, Japan (1989), they had 5-6 meters of snow by February that had piled up. I was playing w/ my bros. in what we thought was an open field and he fell through the snow. I dug him out and his foot was stuck in a sort of monkey bars play set. We were playing above a snowed-in playground. Good fun.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:36pm

Fabio did not like Llewyn Davis at all.
Avatar 4:37pm

@SeanG: Thank you for being a gentleman! :) Hm, interesting.
Avatar 4:37pm

there ya go. wiki knows all.
Avatar 4:40pm

Yes, to be clear, I DID NOT like Llewyn Davis at all. the chicago drive part of the movie does have some entertaining moments, particularly with Goodman, but that is it. and it doesn't even relate very well to the rest of the story. it's just a lame movie overall.
Avatar 4:43pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

I know next to nothing about the film but, jeezoflip, will people stop giving John Goodman work already?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44pm
Mike East:

that is a more interesting answer than I was expecting. Thanks wiki.

"Cosmic love" is amazing
Avatar 4:45pm

@Fabio: Thanks for the fuller explanation. Haven't yet seen it, but had thought (hoped) it was good. Oh, well, we'll wait for the library loan in any event.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:54pm

hey fabio - have you ever played any claude léveillée ‎- he did film scores but in 77 did an album with an electronic bent that has some good songs.


I have often thought the Coen Brothers are overrated and when I hear their method of creation (sounds uninspired) it kind of explains it. It's flitters of ideas. No cohesive vision is in the driver's seat...... I think... :)
Avatar 4:55pm

And youre not even scratching the surface of it being an insult to the memory of Dave Van Ronk, a talented guy who was beloved in NYC.
Avatar 4:57pm

Hate Bale and the growly put-on voice all UK actors use to sound 'Merican.
Avatar 4:57pm

@Sumac (Trebla, I presume, existentially speaking): Did you not enjoy "Oh, brother where art thou"?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:57pm

Irwin and Ken were talking about this movie recently too. Irwin liked it a lot, Ken didn't. It doesn't sound good to me -- an unlikeable, annoying jackass as the main character doesn't appeal (see also Greenberg -- BLEH), unless the script is really amazing.
Avatar 4:57pm

I am going to get a disco globe installed in my domicile for future episodes of Strength THrough Failure - anyone for a back flip?
Avatar 4:58pm

I saw coming attractions for Out of the Furnace like 15 times. i wanted out of the theater.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:59pm

ah man, I recently saw Greenberg for a second time and it was supergreat! First time I didn't really like it either. Give it another chance, Ike.
Avatar 5:00pm

By the way, fave film of 2013 in this disco: Wadja, heart-string pulling masterpiece
Avatar 5:00pm

Why buy the rights to Dave VanRonk's life story and use his imagery and songs he covered only to insist the movie has nothing to do with Dave Van Ronk?

Ki Kat330, I didn't really. I thought it was kind of tedious and if it was supposed to be comedic it didn't work like that for me... I did like Fargo and the bowling movie (:)) quite a bit. That's it. What about you?
Avatar 5:01pm

every. goddamn. night.
Avatar 5:02pm
Marshall Stacks:

Peter Lemon-moodring!
Fabio, you are amazing! I was just talking about Peter Lemongello with a friend over Christmas.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:02pm

SeanG, I'd rather have my teeth pulled out by rabid Republican raccoons!

KP, the Coens definitely never claimed it was about Dave Van Ronk. I'll defend their artistic license to borrow some bits of one guy's reality and make up stuff around those bits, even if I (presumably) don't like the results. That's MOST fiction.

lemongello did Vegas is my understanding..
Avatar 5:03pm

We're socialists, 'kay?
Avatar 5:04pm

Peter Lemon Jello is my dad - how dare you be so cotton picking cheeky!!!!
Avatar 5:04pm

Now I want a lemoncello.
Avatar 5:04pm

@Sumac: First I recall is "Raising Arizona" and, at the time, thought it was very funny. Don't know if it would hold up on a 2nd view now. Also "The BIg Lebowski" and "Fargo" and "Oh, Brother (great soundtrack, which is what I'm hoping for the Llewyn David, too).
that diabetic guy:

Could someone mail me $25 dollars so I can get my birth certificate

Yerba Mate here at this crib.
Avatar 5:05pm

i cant get over the last name Lemon Jello
Avatar 5:05pm

Trader Joe coffee and Northern Lights, in honor of the brave people of Colorado.
Avatar 5:07pm

Will the drug barons let the Colorado thing survive - nothing as dangerous as a good example. There's no profit in it.
Avatar 5:08pm

Aw, fleep, love your new (to me anyway) avatar! I just had a golden delicious apple that fully lived up to its name.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:09pm
Mike East:

I may in the minority, but I really liked Barton Fink and the Hudsucker Proxy. I used to rent the latter every other week in H.S.
Avatar 5:09pm

@BLG The bootleggers had their day, and Prohibition fell one state at a time.
@kat Yes, it's new for 2014, decided to go frontal ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:10pm

fer sure, fer sure
Avatar 5:10pm

And nude, too! :) Well, he (you) appears to be in a talkative mood.
Avatar 5:11pm
Philo Gristle:

@Mike I'm 100% with you on Barton Fink, which remains my favorite Coen Bros movie, but I also HATED Hudsucker Proxy. I never saw it again, I might have a different opinion by now....

The F.C.D. is working!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:14pm
Mike East:

@Philo - I can see why you would hate it, its pretty silly. If I watched it now, I'd probably be underwhelmed, but years ago, I was all about it.

I kinda wanna help that diabetic guy...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:14pm

kat - i just pulled an apple/blackberry/walnut pie (winesaps) out of the oven hole. went heavy on clove and orange zest. pull up a slice!
Avatar 5:14pm

@TDK60: They sure are! SOMEone has blisters on his/her fingers after this.

I think critics have not known what to think about their movies and they fake enthusiasm for fear they are not as smart as everyone else who seemingly loves them.
Avatar 5:16pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Where the hell do you find legit winesaps? Haven't had those since 1988. Seriously.
Avatar 5:16pm
Philo Gristle:

@Mike I think in general I have a problem with idiots as lead characters. A lot of people I know loved it, too, so it may be a peculiarity of mine.
Avatar 5:16pm

bulbul tarang
Avatar 5:17pm

This jangly stuff is OK but when is the catchy disco music coming back on? These disco booties are quite tight fitting you know.
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a 17-string table instrument sometimes known as an "Indian banjo." In some ways like a dulcimer and in others like an autoharp
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Ike: They bought the rights, used his imagery, his album, the songs he covered. His ex wife is upset to say least and so am I. She wrote about her reatrions in detail in the Village Voice . I saw him three times, was backstage with him. he was the Mayor of McDougal Street. On any given day you'd see wandering around/ Plus Justin Timberlake is in it.
Avatar 5:18pm

@dale: Ohhh, yummy! I'm not big into sweets, but that pie combo sounds wonderful! We will be having NYE leftovers, which are the succulent, savory slices of roasted turkey breast (I used a compound of feta + our garden fresh -- yes, STILL -- herbs of sage, thyme and rosemary tucked gently under the skin, then seared it for 3 minutes before rotate-roasting it).
Avatar 5:19pm
Chris from DC:

That Flower-Corsano gets me every time.
Avatar 5:19pm
Philo Gristle:

@Sumac I think in general there has been a turn for the worse in criticism as well as cinema. I love a lot of Coen brothers movies, but I would hesitate calling them great movies. Compared to 90% produced today, though, they utilize what can be great about cinema in their entertainment. Kind of like Moonrise Kingdom, recently. It's riffing on ideas done in the late 50s and 60s, but forgotten by many moviegoers of today.
Avatar 5:20pm

@fleep: It doesn't sound unlike my Finnish harp (kantele) Philo gave me. But only 10 strings.
Avatar 5:20pm

The Great Beauty is an incredible movie.
Avatar 5:21pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

bulbul tarang is a great thing. Fine-gauge steel strings with two resonator strings underneath -- mine's an acoustic but it's a lovely droner.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:21pm

mmm turkey and pie...rev, a local orchard has them. when you say legit, is there a black market flooded with fakes?
Avatar 5:23pm
Philo Gristle:

@KP We have Il Divo on the shelf, but haven't yet watched it. Heard some mixed reactions to GB. It's good to see some fine modern Italian cinema coming out after years of drought.
Avatar 5:23pm

@KP: You said it was Italian, si? I recommend anyone on the list or reading it who enjoys films / reviews go visit Philo's 2013 wrap up (of films we SAW this year, not necessarily released this year): jtlindroos.tumblr.com...
Avatar 5:23pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

neh, Dale, I might have heard at some point that the winesap was cross-bred & became something else -- but they've all but vanished from DC in the past 25 years... as far as I can tell...

At Philo--interesting. I agree (with what i know about ;) )
@KP--I hear ya on the Justin Timberlake part----WTF!?
Avatar 5:25pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

loving this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:26pm
Mike East:

farmstand I used to work at had winesaps. Gigantic and delicious. One of my favorites.
that diabetic guy:

Anyone??? $25 lousy dollars so I can prove to the social security lady I am who I am?

Fabio & Clay Pigeon (if he shows up),
My apology for sayin’ last week WFMU exists *not* to play Styx. I was too huffy. I shoulda said, FMU *can* play Styx and most any music—popular to ‘way-out’; most stations can’t/won’t touch such a spectrum.
Avatar 5:32pm

I am not familiar with the director's other work. One thing you wouldn't expect from an obviously weighty film like this is how funny it is. It's hilarious.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:32pm

Aw, TDK60, I was with you on that one, and then you had to go and get all reasonable and mature and wise and stuff.
Avatar 5:33pm

mark lemongello, in his ugly-ass astros uni.
Avatar 5:34pm

Thank - gawd! Got the glow sticks out now and these roller boots are burning some rubber folks! FREAK OUT! WFMU strength through roller-disco!
Avatar 5:35pm

peter's cousin, by the way.
Avatar 5:37pm

Long Island Expressway to close tonight. Good move moving to NYC, self!
Avatar 5:37pm

We're in the midwest. We have a dusting of snow. NYE and NY's day were crystal clear and mid-40s temps. I do hear tell we'll be having a high of 9 degrees on Monday though. Brrrr.

Hey, I'm thinking of starting a stage career as Tony Noodles. Thoughts?

@ Ike: Personally, Styx still ain't for me. Give me F.C.D.!

KP: I moved to a new apt. last month where I am up in the John Cassavetes mountains, and basically the storm is a dud so far! At least, thus far...overnight could get hairy though I thought NYC was in for like 5-10 inches maybe? Lord knows.
Avatar 5:38pm

and it gets weirder.

After baseball, Mark Lemongello’s story took a strange turn. In 1982, Mark and another former major league pitcher (Manuel Seoane) were arrested for robbery and kidnapping Mark’s two cousins: Peter and Mike Lemongello. The two former pitchers were sentenced to serve 10 years of probation.
Avatar 5:39pm

To confuse things, the liqueur limoncello was popular then.

I could swear i read about that Lemongello story years ago. Didn't Peter grow up on LI?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:39pm

Diabetic Guy, first you post gross comments during Andrea's show, now this. Eek. The Internet may be a series of tubes, but it's not NY Penn Station.
Avatar 5:39pm

Yes to LI.
that diabetic guy:

Ugh:-( I am so sick:( runny nose 99.8 fever

I might be Diabetic too but I'm not that over the top..not yet. Anyway right Peter Lem. part grew up in N. Babylon heehee!
Avatar 5:41pm

Who cares how much in city if you dont drive or shovel. Actually i do have a car on street.

and that kidnapping..how purely preposterous!

hey diabetic guy, why don't u sell some body parts, maybe like a kidney?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:42pm

@ BigLankyGeordie - if you like cheesy but good disco check out the little medley Scott had on his show starting with The Blackbyrds. Find it at wfmu.org...
that diabetic guy:

@sumac funny very funny

dats true KP but I'm in apt. and don't shovel no mo' myself, unless it's to dig out car if necessary, etc. I hate it! hell!
Avatar 5:44pm

and weirder. www.people.com...
that diabetic guy:

Only people with money see the humor in that @sumac

I escaped a truly wretched apt. last month..god it was a hellhole. But now I have to watch the audio level action up in this piece...or else.
Avatar 5:46pm

@Stanley thanks, that looks like a cracker - let it all hang out bro

Been tryin' to srcribble down a theoretical analysis of Fabio's show today. My first rough draft has this Jan. 2 show coming out as a Fabulous Failure, really reaching some heights!
Avatar 5:46pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:


man the radio recep. in my area of LI is awful..thank God for the Web player etc. It doesn't seem to matter what type of antennae I use on various systems, 91.1 here is ghosted out. Some classical station takes over, usually from CT. Those wankers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm

Really enjoying the show today! Quite a journey.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:48pm

All subway service running local because... why exactly? Why is the MTA freaking out over 8 lousy inches of snow? They're letting the media panic get to them.
Avatar 5:49pm
Chris from DC:

Still Seesselberg here? This is nice.
Avatar 5:49pm

@Lovecraft A little ambition of mine is to hear sound of WFMU through regular radio one day - only EVER listened over the web - but I do live in England
Avatar 5:50pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Jeezus man, that bubbling space... Seesselberg is a new one on this man's pineal gland. Lovely.
Avatar 5:50pm

glenn, you seem fixated on Peter.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50pm

Release the Pigeon

Yeah it seems panicky thus far, the storm doesn't seem like a massive one but it might be later. Urghh. I did my stupid supermarket trip this afternoon and got that done believe me. Geordie....right, I ain't bitchin! In the car it comes in stonking if you're like, just over the Queens Nassau line, if not, forget it. or maybe if you have a super massive car stereo and amps. I dunno. Trust me it sounds better online!
Avatar 5:51pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

ooh, sample-meat from Capt.Lockheed. What is the spoken-word recording source I wonder?

Geordie, Come over to NYC sometime. I usually listen to WFMU via radio more often than computer. (You in Newcastle?)
Avatar 5:51pm
Chris from DC:

Yes, new to me too RTD. Will investigate further.
Avatar 5:52pm

@RTD IMO it's the drone, the neverending vibration affects brainwaves. A lot of different kinds of drone today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:52pm
Mike East:

@LovecraftDude - the 91.1 signal has sounded like garbage all week. They're having transmitter issues.
Avatar 5:53pm

@TDK60 Yep, Newcastle on Tyne, loud and clear! ;-)
Avatar 5:53pm

Hm, what joy's made today is not dislodged overnight?
Avatar 5:53pm
Chris from DC:

@fleep: yep
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:54pm

i'm in the hudson valley and it seemed like much ado about nothing, they salted the road about four times. BUT it's only 14 degrees and the stuff that's falling is not melting so all the cars are crawling. if and when the wind picks up it could be ugly. i just hope my furnace doesn't decide enough is enough
Avatar 5:54pm

Ending the show with a stormer Fabio, this track is outstanding stuff
Avatar 5:55pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

clicking them stars like a man on FAH...
Avatar 5:55pm

Next up the Coens will make Bob Dylan seem like a nice guy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm

what should I know about the pineal gland?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:56pm

Great show, Fabio!
Avatar 5:56pm
Chris from DC:

Clicky set there.
Avatar 5:56pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

@SeanG: after that last set, mine is in tatters. And will need to be visiting Glands "R" Us urgently.

Fabio, Can I tape this show onto cassette? It rocked!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm

@SeanG - read all about it in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

Hey guys, try being in the midwest. Man UP. ;) i am afraid of driving in the snow as i had an accident in the snow on one of my first times driving independently! Scarred for life.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:57pm
Matt from Springfield:

@RTD: I've got some coupons for Glands "R" Us in this Sunday's paper--you're welcome to have them.

Dale...er, right. Check. MikeEast...yeah I heard about the transmitter issues. But the recep. here on most systems
are usually junky and I even have an old powered Terk
antenna on my home theater receiver but it's old old.
I grew up in bloody levittown NY and the recep. there in the old
days was amazing!!
Avatar 5:58pm

Wah-hey - glitter guns, roller disco dancing girls and massive, and I mean MONSTER flares, I love your talking music these days Fabio.
Avatar 5:58pm

@Fabio: up at 5:53 I gave it my best translation shot.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
Matt from Springfield:

"What makes you happy today, ..." something something not over night!
Avatar 5:58pm

Quality comedy German again Fabio ;-)

More german pronunciation. Please, more Russian too!
Avatar 5:59pm

"it is not altered overnight"
Avatar 5:59pm

Fall have a great new EP out - its more bonkers than ever

used to get WNYU like it was next door. Ahh the 80s.
and 70s. and...I recall one massive snowstorm in 1992 or so driving home from buying Doc Martens (just so important) and almost slid into a light pole. Not fun. But I didn't.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:59pm
Matt from Springfield:

2013 - a Helter Skelter of differing events
Avatar 6:00pm

don't let it slip away in the night
Avatar 6:00pm

@Sumac: We ARE in the midwest (see note at 5:37).
Avatar 6:00pm

paging clay to the captain's chair
Avatar 6:00pm

Cya Fabio - Disco rules!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm

It's snowing and its time to watch Time Bandits.
Avatar 6:02pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Fine choice, SeanG.
Avatar 6:02pm

Bye, Fabio and bye, Clay! Listening but tending to dinner now. Thanks for all heard and all to come!
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