Favoriting Strength Through Failure with Fabio: Playlist from January 9, 2014 Favoriting

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The Failure of Noise
The Failure of Sound
The Failure of Rock
The Failure of the Avant Garde
The Failure of the Space Age
The Failure of Jazz
The Failure of Psychedelia
The Failure of Krautrock
The Failure of Electronic
The Failure of Pop
The Failure of Free-form
The Failure of the 21st Century

Thursday 3 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thu. Mar 13th, 3pm - 6pm: Fabio and his Co-Host Ken

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Favoriting January 9, 2014: All New, Flavor Packed Failure!

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
James Last  Mr. Giant Man   Favoriting Voodoo Party  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Dr. John  Twilight Zone   Favoriting Babylon  0:13:49 (Pop-up)
Sun Ra  The Music is a Sound Image   Favoriting My Way Is the Spaceways: Space Poetry Vol. 4  0:14:33 (Pop-up)
My Cat Is an Alien  Psycho-System pt. 1   Favoriting Psycho-System  0:24:38 (Pop-up)
Sun Ra  The Music is a Sound Image   Favoriting My Way Is the Spaceways: Space Poetry Vol. 4  0:36:39 (Pop-up)
Jac Berrocal  Rock 'n Roll Station   Favoriting Fatal Encounters  0:49:34 (Pop-up)
Dawson-Davies  On the up-platform at Morpeth Station   Favoriting Hen Ogledd  0:53:07 (Pop-up)
Dead C  Suffer Bomb Damage   Favoriting Harsh 70's Reality  0:56:44 (Pop-up)
Anne James Chaton/Andy Moor  Weather   Favoriting Le Journaliste  1:01:04 (Pop-up)
John Fahey  I Am The Resurrection   Favoriting The Transfiguration of Blind Joe Death  1:08:00 (Pop-up)
Brian Harnetty  The Famous Goldfish Bowl (which is really just a huge jar)   Favoriting American Winter  1:09:27 (Pop-up)
Gabor Szabo  Dear Prudence   Favoriting 1969  1:12:09 (Pop-up)
Nackt Insecten  Deathcatcher   Favoriting reality Bridge  1:33:33 (Pop-up)
Ensemble Economique  Mud Banks Shine in Broken Shards   Favoriting At the Foot of Nameless Roads  1:34:07 (Pop-up)
Eternal Tapestry  Time Winds Through A Glass, Clearly   Favoriting Beyond the 4th Door  1:50:25 (Pop-up)
Various  Radio Bandung   Favoriting Radio Jave  2:06:09 (Pop-up)
Novi_sad/BJ Nilsen  Track 1   Favoriting Neuroplanets  2:07:21 (Pop-up)
Max Eastley & David Toop  Graphite in Prussic   Favoriting Doll Creature  2:07:55 (Pop-up)
wayne Mason  Quietly Burning Down Conscousness   Favoriting Vague Directives  2:16:33 (Pop-up)
Led Zeppelin  No Quarter   Favoriting Houses of the Holy  2:17:19 (Pop-up)
Starving Weirdos W/ Tom Carter & Shawn David McMillen  Live at the Accident (excerpt)   Favoriting Live at the Accident  2:36:25 (Pop-up)
Ashtray Navigations  Bethesda Before the rain   Favoriting Tristes Tropiques  2:41:06 (Pop-up)
Ashtray Navigations  Bethesda During the rain   Favoriting Tristes Tropiques  2:41:20 (Pop-up)
Bruno Nicolai  Uccisione Della Ragazza   Favoriting La Notte Che Evelyn Usci' Dalla Tomba  2:43:51 (Pop-up)
Nancy Sinatra  Some Velvet Morning   Favoriting Movin' with Nancy  2:44:18 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:15pm

FFFFabio. Stayin' warm?

liking the vibe so far

Fabio the Fabuloso
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:19pm

let's bask in the Sun Ra.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:19pm
Sem Chumbo:

Sure, James Last, Dr. John and Sun Ra: this must be the place.Hiya, Fabio and all.
Avatar 3:19pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:22pm

it's never pure music's fault. never.
Avatar 3:25pm

Hey Fabio, JD Parran and Amir Bey tonight at The Old Stone House in Park Slope!! I hope you can join us! - www.musicalecologies.net...
Avatar 3:29pm

Howdee, girls and boys from a little old blighty
Avatar 3:31pm
Studio B Ben:

Sometimes I don't realize that Fabio's show has started, but then suddenly I'm immersed in it and I get an endorphin rush at the realization.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:32pm

Avatar 3:36pm
the glowing one:

I have an issue with that artist's name. It's that I doubt that the artist's cat is actually an alien.
Avatar 3:36pm
Chris from DC:

My star is clicked.
Avatar 3:43pm

Sun Ra, the greatest music critic of all.
Avatar 3:45pm

Avatar 3:47pm

my fav MCIAA is still the first one i heard and bought - The Rest is Silence
marmalade kitty:

I'm here and now I'm stuck..
Avatar 3:53pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

I'll never leave my desk again!
Yes I will.
But still.
Marija from Cicero:

I just realized that it is very important to listen to Fabio's show at a "good" volume, one that blocks out most background noise. Love that Dawson-Davies.
Avatar 4:04pm

Holy shit, steve, exactly the same w/ me! (MCIAA).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:06pm

@BigLankyGeordie lad. Howya bin, man? I've just tuned in and norticed he was playin a song about Morpeth. Well, how about that!
Avatar 4:10pm

This Fahey is fab, Fab.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Failure to decide which stream to listen to when I got Thur. off...here...
Avatar 4:11pm

ngh - is it also your fav? i bought 4 or 5 more over the years, and have downloaded a ton, but i think very little of it is quite as heavy as TRIS (though most is still very good) - it seems much more composed and less jammy
Avatar 4:11pm

bravo, kat!
Avatar 4:13pm

And the fab Fahey has been faved, Fab.
@NGH: For the alliteration? Thanks then.
Avatar 4:14pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...well - we know domestic cats started in North Africa...White Albums covers Matt & here...
Avatar 4:15pm

Same for Szabo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:16pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Prudence a neat little figure of D-variations to finger-pick - a dropped D on top too & all this...Lennon's songwriting quirks which helped define Culture for so many of us...
Avatar 4:17pm

Flavor-packed today, eh? Sour cream & chives perchance?
Avatar 4:21pm

So Rabbit, I gather you're a guitarist? Had not known that. Cool. You have Bandcamp or Soundcloud recordings?
Avatar 4:22pm

Daddy loves his Failure! Hiya Fab and company.
Avatar 4:23pm

Great listening for walking in the noonday sun...
Avatar 4:24pm

omg Gary Wilson!
Avatar 4:25pm

you can watch Decasia here.
Avatar 4:26pm
Chris from DC:

Cool, haven't dug out this Nacht Insekten record in a bit.
Avatar 4:26pm

My gerbil appears whitewashed. Guess I'll have to make do.
Avatar 4:27pm

wasn't the nacht insekten guy engineering for FMU for a while?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:27pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...you mean - there are humans left who *don't* play guitar ?? I thot the statistical curve had caught up to birthrates...Nothing to show kat330 : ) ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:27pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

The Failure of Absolute Zero
Avatar 4:28pm

you know it's cold when the daytime temp rises to 2 degrees above zero and you want to wear a windbreaker and sneakers.
Avatar 4:29pm

@Rabbit: Sometimes it seems that way. Must be why a store over in Louisville claimed to be closing months ago, but just saw an ad for them yesterday (Guitar Emporium).
Marija from Cicero:

Avatar 4:30pm

@Carmichael: Thank ghu for the notations detailing your avatar. I'd be lost otherwise.
Avatar 4:31pm

It's feast or famine, Cecile. Out here, we're declaring drought emergencies right and left. No significant rain since last May.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:35pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...there's my in for a gratuitous gripe against these boorish boneheads who say the polar vortex disproves Climate Change...wondering how that resonates in Australia this month...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:35pm

hello people. was vacuuming and doing laundry (still can't get the hang of folding my wifes underpants). what i miss? think i have gabor's bachannal album - don't recall caring for it
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:36pm

how's the twinstar treating mr. kat330?
Avatar 4:37pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Avatar 4:39pm
chocolate monk:

mr sanachan (NI),, a goo scotsman,, did a wee voluntary stint at WFMU. he's sound as a pound.
Avatar 4:40pm
chocolate monk:

a good and goo scotsman. is there any other kind?
Avatar 4:40pm

@RRN Climate Change is a McGuffin. Deniers really only say three things.
1. It's not my fault.
2. I'm not going to change.
3. No one is the boss of me.
Avatar 4:42pm
Chris from DC:

Help me out, what was Mr. Sanachan's band? Brian Turner had them on at one point.
Avatar 4:43pm

@dale: Ooooh, please, not "underpants" or "panties" -- underwear works.

Philo JUST walked in so I'll let him answer (after he changes clothes, pours a beer and settles in). Of course, it's been FAR too cold for biking these past several days.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:43pm

zero population growth is something no one mentions anymore (it get's in the way of the bible saying 'go and populate' i guess). it was all the rage in my weekly reader when i was in 7th grade.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:45pm

i went on a toy run when it was 21 degrees. i don't wanna hear it, philo! oh, and i'm giving bacchanal a quick listen on youtoob and it's pretty decent.
Avatar 4:45pm

Chris, it was Nacht Insekten.
Chocolate Monk, thanks for confirming that for me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:46pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@fleep: Or:
1. You can't prove to me it's happening.
2. If it is, it's maybe better or @ least not serious.
3. When the floods, hurricanes, droughts & tornados hit, they're just crybabys & I'm not helping pay for it...

- I'm w/ you Dale - we got a Quality/Quantity situation w/ the HomoSapiens here...
Avatar 4:47pm

@dale: Here's my rant about zero pop and procreation in general: tinyurl.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:48pm

Ruaridh Sanachan a fine Glaswegian I had the honour to meet and listen to and a fine WFMU engineer to boot.
Avatar 4:48pm

And @Rabbit: Here's my environmental rant for you: kat330.tumblr.com...
Avatar 4:48pm
Chris from DC:

Cecile, I was thinking of Moon Unit. Isn't he in that as well?
Avatar 4:49pm

@DC Chris: Are you referring to Moon Unit?
Avatar 4:49pm
chocolate monk:

yeah moon unit was his shoegaze band... ha!
Avatar 4:49pm
Philo Gristle:

@Dale It starts coughing a bit when it gets to 20s, and a bit of a pain to start (we have no garage, so it's blanketed and slightly heated), so I've been slacking a bit. But in the last 2 years it's been ridden ALMOST every week. Fuel injection might be a good perk.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:50pm

@Chris - yup, I should have added a fine guitar shredder, too.
Avatar 4:50pm
Chris from DC:

Yes, that was it, thanks all.
Avatar 4:50pm
Philo Gristle:

This current track has a nice krautrock vibe to it. Well, the one that is now ending. Good to see Gabor Szabo get airplay!
Avatar 4:51pm

No garage, but we do keep it under a carport.
Avatar 4:52pm
chocolate monk:

was nuts walking into the WFMU studio thousands of miles from home, and there was Ruaraidh getting ready to do our sound on this fine show.. he really is a top bloke, he aint been doing music for a while, hope he gets back to it soon, but hey enough gushing from me, ya hee haws.
Avatar 4:52pm
Night Al:

Loving the psychodelic keyboards.
Avatar 4:53pm

not only is it jimmy page's birthday, simone de beauvoir was born 100 years ago today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- good succinct observation & turn of phrase kat330.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54pm

70th birthday!

Zeppa deppa ding ding
Avatar 4:55pm


Led Zep! rulez
Avatar 4:55pm

The clicky star stats are a nice addition, Nackt Insecten already has six, I'll make it seven.
Avatar 4:55pm

I like to think that most common folk who deny global warming simply miss the point that we are talking about averages, which neccessarily means there will be some data points at extremes of hot or cold. But I'm probably wrong.
Avatar 4:55pm

"Dude, play some Zep." That's what I hear 'round these parts. And it's becoming annoying.
Avatar 4:56pm
chocolate monk:

scott walker 71 today
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:56pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- wouldn't some kinda 'Lucifer Rising' or nutty Soundtrack thang be more Fabio Page stylee - ??...
Avatar 4:57pm
Night Al:

Birthdays today January 9th.

Gracie Fields 1898

Vilma Banky (Lonchit) 1898

Chic (Murat Bernard) Young 1901

George Balanchine 1904

Simone de Beauvoir 1908

Richard Milhous Nixon (U.S.) 1913

Fernando Lamas 1915

Anita Louise (Fremault) 1915

Herbert Lom 1917

Judith Krantz 1928

Domenico Modugno 1928

Bart Starr (NFL) 1934

Bob Denver 1935

Dick Enberg 1935

Big Al Downing 1940

Joan Baez 1941

Susannah York 1941

Roy Head 1943

Jimmy Page 1944 - Musician (Led Zeppelin) - Led Zeppelin Apparel and Gear

Scott (Noel) Engel (The Walker Brothers) 1944

Bill Cowsill 1948 - Musician (Cowsills)

Rio Reiser 1950

David Johansen 1950 - Musician (Buster Poindexter)

Crystal Gayle 1951

Eric Erlandson 1963 - Musician (Hole)

Haddaway 1965

Joely Richardson 1965

David John "Dave" Matthews 1967

Carl Bell 1967 - Musician (Fuel)

Steve Harwell 1967 - Musician (Smash Mouth)

A.J. McLean 1978

Catherine Elizabeth Middleton 1982 - Duchess of Cambridge, married to Prince William, Duke of Cambridge
Avatar 4:57pm

Scott Walker 71? Holy crap, he sounds so strong and vital on the new release.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:57pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- Scott Walker !
...Messing w/ a classic - aye, definitive - Chaotic System like Climate & Weather means the whole damned Machine could do any crazy thing, folks.
Avatar 4:58pm

nah. most climate change deniers are a/ idiots who can't be bothered not being an idiot. b/ right wingers for whom it doesn't fit into their ideology or c/ people employed in the petroleum or coal industries.
Avatar 4:58pm

@InBrkly They'll miss any point you point at them. It's willful ignorance. And sometimes just plain ignorance.
Avatar 4:59pm

Thanks, Rabbit -- sorry so delayed but I'm having a running email convo at the same time as this. :) <-- not a gratuitous emoticon
Avatar 5:00pm
the glowing one:

current cold is due to "global warming", just with the hurricanes, the weather gets more extreme. the heating of one area in the world can lead to extreme cold in others
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm

@ glenn- spot on mate!
Avatar 5:00pm

oh. my apologies. i misread her age in the article i saw. s. d. b.. would be 106 today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Johansen ! ; Oddly, I'm not sure I've ever heard the Dolls on FMU. Huh.

- What the Climatologists predicted - exactly - was Fewer Storms - but Larger
- absolutely 100% correct.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:01pm

i agree a hundred percent kat. i was actually one of those farm laboring kids. that and dad said 'i can't help it if your mother wanted to f*ck so much' (for reals!)
Avatar 5:01pm
Night Al:

David Johansen 1950 - Musician (NY Dolls, Buster Poindexter) turns 63 today. What?!?

Good Morning. Afternoon . Evening from England
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:02pm

What's this stuff? Have I switched channels without knowing?
Avatar 5:03pm

It's really good stuff.
Avatar 5:03pm

? = Glenn B?
Avatar 5:03pm

you know 71 in a lot of ways is more like 60-65. Also, Scott seems to taken good care of himself over the years.
Avatar 5:04pm

enjoying the underlying current of #strength in this one
Avatar 5:04pm

Bob Thompson turns 47 today... so does Margie Plimpton.

Yes, just thought i would say hi
Avatar 5:05pm

Hi, collaborator and Brother in Arms, Spineccio! :) <-- emoticon just because
Avatar 5:05pm
Philo Gristle:

Yo Glenn. Email, fb, and now fmu. Multitasking!
Marija from Cicero:

RR3: I saw a cloud the other day that looked like satan on sand--a prelude??? Then I saw one that reminded me of a dried-out ocean. Just kidding, but that should be a top world priority--to create water or master easy desalination. I think that humans are doomed.
Avatar 5:06pm
Night Al:

birthdays continued....

1928 - Judith Krantz, NYC, author (Scruples, Princess Daisy, Dazzle)
1929 - Heiner Muller, dramatist
1929 - Brian Friel, Irish dramatist
1929 - Dorothea Puente, American serial killer
1931 - Algi[rda]s [Jonas] Budrys, Prussia, sci-fi author (Man of Earth)
1931 - Geoffrey Wragg, British(?) reorganizer
1933 - Robert Garcia, (Rep-D-NY, 1978- )
1933 - Sonia Garmers, [Justina], Curacao, author (Dear Queen)
1933 - Wilbur Smith, Zambian-British novelist
1934 - Bart Starr, NFL quarterback/coach (Green Bay)
1934 - Julian B Coco, Antilles, guitarist/tutor (Princess Christina)
1935 - Bob Denver, New Rochelle, New York, American actor (The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, Gilligan's Island)
1935 - Dick Enberg, Mt Clemens Mich, sportscaster (Where's Huddles)
1935 - Kenneth "Buddy" Scott, blues guitarist/Singer
1935 - Earl G. Graves, Sr., African-American Publisher
1935 - Brian Harradine, Australian independent Senator
1936 - Peter Fletcher, music teacher
1936 - Anne Rivers Siddons, American writer
1937 - K Schlesinger, writer
1938 - Aad Kosto, Dutch theologist/actor/asst secretary of Justice
1939 - Susannah York, London, United Kingdom, English actress (They Shoot Horses, Don't They?, Superman)
1940 - Barbara Buczek, composer
1940 - Jimmy Boyd, McComb Mo, singer/actor (Howard-Bachelor Father)
1940 - Al Downing, American singer (d. 2005)
1940 - Ruth Dreifuss, Swiss politician
1941 - Joan Baez, Staten Island, folk singer/human rights advocate
1941 - Gilles Vaillancourt, Quebec politician
1942 - K Callan, Dallas Tx, actress (Joe's World, Martha-Lois & Clark)
1942 - Lee Kun-hee, Korean industrialist, chairman of Samsung
1943 - Dick Yount, rocker (Harpers Bizarre)
1943 - Kenneth Kelley, US singer (Manhattans, One Life to Live)
1943 - Rob Hoeke, Dutch pianist/singer (Drinking on My Bed)
1943 - Robert Drewe, Australian author
1943 - Elmer MacFadyen, Canadian politician (d. 2007)
1943 - Freddie Starr, English comedian and singer
1944 - Jimmy Page, London, rock guitarist (Led Zeppelin-Stairway to Heaven)
1944 - Scott Engel, vocalist (Walker Brothers-Sun Aint Gonna Shine Anymore)
1944 - Ian Hornak, American Painter, Draughtsman and Sculptor (d. 2002)
1945 - Frank J Biondi Jr, president (HBO)
1945 - Harun Farocki, actor/director (Nicht loeschbares Feur)
1945 - John Doman, American actor
1946 - Leo Gullotta, actor (Sinbad of the 7 Seas)
1947 - Ronnie Landfield, American artist
1948 - Bill Cowsill, Newport RI, rock guitarist/vocals (Cowsills-We Can Fly)
1948 - Paul King, Dagenham Essex, English rocker (Blue Oyster Cult)
1950 - David Johansen, [Buster Poindexter], NY, singer (Hot! Hot! Hot!)
1950 - Rio Reiser, rock singer
1951 - Crystal Gayle, Ky, country singer (Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue)
1952 - Eveline L Herfkens, Dutch MP (PvdA)
1952 - Hugh Bayley, British politician
1953 - Morris Gleitzman, British-Australian children's author
1954 - Lance Hoppens, rocker (Orleans-Still the One, Dance With Me)
1955 - Michiko Kakutani, American literary critic
1955 - J. K. Simmons, American actor
1956 - David Smith, cricketer (England lefty batsman in 2 Tests v WI 1986)
1956 - Kimberly Beck Hilton, Glendale California, actress (Kim-Peyton Place)
1956 - Imelda Staunton, British actress
1956 - Mike Walczewski, American Public Address Announcer at Madison Square Garden
1957 - Phil Lewis, lead singer of L.A. Guns
1958 - Mehmet Ali Ağca, Turkish attempted assassin of Pope John Paul II
1958 - Stephen Neale, British philosopher
1959 - Otis Nixon, US baseball outfielder (Boston Red Sox, Texas Rangers)
1959 - Mark Martin, American race car driver
1959 - Rigoberta Menchú, Nobel Peace Prize laureate
1959 - Cristi Minculescu, Romanian musician
1960 - David Peoples, Augusta ME, Nike golfer (1991 Buick Southern Open)
1960 - Lisa Walters, Prince Rupert BC, LPGA golfer (Itoki Hawaiian-1992, 93)
1961 - Oliver Goldstick, American screenwriter
1962 - Phil Lewis, London England, rock vocalist (LA Guns-It's Over Now)
1963 - Michael Everson, expert in writing systems and Unicode
1964 - Stan Javier, S P de Macoris Dom Rep, outfielder (Oak A's, SF Giants)
1965 - Atsuo Kudo, hockey defenseman (Team Japan 1998)
1965 - Carin Garbarra, East Orange NJ, soccer forward (Olympics-96)
1965 - Cindy Brooks, East Hampton CT, rower (Olympics-96)
1965 - Darren Bennett, NFL punter (San Diego Chargers)
1965 - Georg Franz, Straubing GER, hockey forward (Team Germany, Landshut)
1965 - Muggsy Bogues, NBA guard (SF Warriors)
1965 - Vincent Brown, NFL inside linebacker (NE Patriots)
1965 - [Tyrone] Muggsy Bogues, NBA guard (Charlotte Hornets, Wash Bullets)
1965 - Eric Erlandson, American musician
1966 - Jimmie Jones, defensive end/defensive tackle (Philadelphia Eagles)
1966 - Candi Milo, American voice actress
Musician Dave MatthewsMusician Dave Matthews (1967) 1967 - Dave Matthews, singer/musician (Dave Matthews Band)
1967 - Dave Mcllwain, Seaforth, NHL center (Pitts Penguins)
1967 - Jamie Huscroft, Creston, NHL defenseman (Calgary Flames)
1967 - Claudio Caniggia, Argentinian footballer
1967 - Steven Harwell, American singer and musician (Smash Mouth)
1968 - Jimmy Adams, cricketer (prolific West Indian lefty bat since 1992)
1968 - Katie Anderson, Kingston Jamaica, Canada 100m hurdler (Oly-7th-92, 96)
1968 - Mardi Lunn, Liverpool Sydney Australia, golfer (1991 Thailand Open)
1968 - Joey Lauren Adams, American actress
1968 - Al Schnier, American rock guitarist (moe.)
1969 - Domingo Jean, Dominican/US baseball pitcher (Houston Astros)
1969 - Johanna Ikonen, ice hockey defenseman (Finland, Oly-98)
1970 - Graciela Schutt, El Paso Tex, WPVA volleyballer (Deerfield-25th-1995)
1970 - Lara Fabian, Belgian singer
1970 - Alex Staropoli, Italian keyboardist (Rhapsody Of Fire)
1971 - Bill Schroeder, NFL wide reciever (Green Bay Packers-Superbowl 31)
1971 - Elizabeth Punsalan, Syracuse NY, American ice skater (Oly-15-94)
1971 - Scott Thornton, London, NHL left wing (Edmonton Oilers)
1971 - Daniel Dumile, American hip hop artist
1971 - Hal Niedzviecki, Canadian author
1971 - Yusuke Naora, Japanese game art director
1972 - Eddie Mason, NFL linebacker (NY Jets)
1972 - Jay Powell, Meridian MS, pitcher (Florida Marlins)
1972 - Kristie Hicks, Bardstown Kentucky, Miss America-Kentucky (1996)
1972 - Sarah Beeny, British TV personality
1972 - Angie Martinez, American radio and television personality
1972 - Jay Powell, baseball player
1973 - Aaron Holbert, US baseball infielder (St Louis Cardinals)
1973 - Ronald Hamming, soccer player (FC Groningen, Fortuna Sittard)
1974 - Craig Wishart, cricketer (Zimbabwe Test batsman vs South Africa 1995)
1974 - Jamain Stephens, NFL offensive tackle (Pittsburgh Steelers)
1974 - Farhan Akhtar, Indian Bollywood Director, Actor, Producer, Singer.
1975 - Justin Huish, Fountain Valley CA, archer (Olympics-gold-1996)
1975 - Mariano Friedick, Tarzana California, pursuit cyclist (Olympics-96)
1975 - Kiko Calero, Puerto Rican baseball player
1975 - Kimberley Ann Scott Mathers, former wife of Eminem
1976 - Amy Safe, Australian rower (Olympics-96)
1976 - Radek Bonk, Koprivnice Cze, NHL center (Ottawa Senators, Team Czech)
1976 - Todd Grisham, American professional wrestling interviewer
1977 - Beth Troutman, American production assistant
1978 - Gennaro Gattuso, Italian footballer
1978 - Mathieu Garon, Canadian ice hockey player
1978 - Chad Johnson, American football player
1978 - AJ McLean, American singer (Backstreet Boys)
1978 - Maggie Rizer, American model and AIDS activist
1979 - Lavinia Magruder, Miss Vermont Teen USA (1996)
1979 - Tomiko Van, Japanese singer
1980 - Sergio García, Spanish golfer
1981 - Euzebiusz Smolarek, Polish footballer
Duchess of Cambridge & Wife of Prince William Kate MiddletonDuchess of Cambridge & Wife of Prince William Kate Middleton (1982) 1982 - Kate Middleton, Reading, England, Duchess of Cambridge and wife of Prince William
1987 - Lucas Pezzini Leiva, Brazilian and Liverpool Footballer
1987 - Sam Bird, English racing driver
1987 - Paolo Nutini, Scottish singer/songwriter
1987 - Pablo Santos, Mexican actor (d. 2006)
1989 - Michaella Krajicek, Dutch tennis player
1997 - Lauryn McClain, American actress and singer
Avatar 5:07pm

@Spineccio: This is an eclectic mix of folks in case you hadn't figured that out on your own.

super!!! _love anne-james chaton 2

Thanks for the invite K and JT
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:09pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- well - there are tiny South Pacific island Nations petitioning the United Nations because their homes by all reasonable estimates are expected to be submerged & simply cease to exist.

...different ♑Capricorn goats climb after many different things !
Avatar 5:11pm

And Happy Birthday to the other 19,178,082 people born on a planet with 365 days and 7 billion people.
Avatar 5:11pm

@Spin: Hey, our landlord got us a brand new hot water heater today -- yay! We had running water by yesterday afternoon, but then leaks were discovered. Now we're back to civilized living 100%.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:12pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@fleep: More people are born in the Spring - but point taken.
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@fleep: Yeah, the depth of the listing was getting my goat a bit. ;)
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Philo Gristle:

This tune reminds me of my morning brush with my teeth.
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Never heard this Eastley/Toop. Bravo!
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Coming late to the show, I see Twilight Zone by the Dr. was played, and Fahey's Resurrection. Will have to listen to archives after the Failure.
Marija from Cicero:

Hey Night Al, what's your point?
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Marija from Cicero:

God I love this song. Check out the bass.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

What Cecile said.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Yay...No Quarter!
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..sounds like my 40 year old Houses of the Holy record I wan it back ,,,
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the glowing one:

best organ sound in rock, imho
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- I think that *was* his point (?): Lotsa people have B-Days every day of the year (not just members of LedZep). If so, point made awlready...
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DAMN. this song is the bluest blue that ever blued.
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kirk from beer city usa:

nice choice, Fabio.
Led Zep!
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Mike East:

for many years, this was my favorite Zeppelin tune
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...a Really Good Band.
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still sounds like it's from the future.
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Chris from DC:

It's way up there.
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Night Al:

Happy birthday Jimmy Page!
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I wish this would loop, all of it just before Robert starts singing... still wish I got that Swan Song angel tattoo when I was sixteen. You know, the one on your black light poster?

I like this whole community feel, listening together, its like a secret club. Hello everyone. Thanks for the kind words Kat, hi JT
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Never was anything but ambivalent about LZ, until whatsisname stops singing. But he seems to be on a short leash here, which saves it.
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ooh fabs, i hear the crackle and snap of vinyl!
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Good evening > bit.ly...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I like that Zep had one-half old studio pros, & one-half vital young unknowns...
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I still wish I had my song remains the same poster.

Everyone is underplaying except John Paul Jones. It is a good balance.
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spineccio - we're all under the covers with a flashlight, a sad sack comic and a radio shack pillow speaker
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- which points out that Zep had a sense of dynamics...
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Andrew Waterloo:

No Quarter is a song that never sticks in my brain.
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they sure did, rev.
Avatar 5:25pm

I mean, comapred to the crazy stuff we hear on this station, this is tame... but it fueled my youth, and if I was hanging out with whomever, I'd much prefer this type of Led Zep than other jams... anyone want to go camping, like right now!?
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Philo Gristle:

@Spineccio I think a lot of radio stations could benefit from doing this kind of a thing.
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Night Al:


HAVANA, Cuba -

A 5.0-magnitude earthquake has struck off Cuba in the Straits of Florida, swaying medium-rise buildings in the Cuban capital.

There are no immediate reports of damage or injuries.

The temblor occurred just before 4 p.m. Thursday. It was centered about 112 miles (180 kilometers) east of Havana and 41 miles (66 kilometers) northeast of the tourist resort of Varadero.

The National Weather Service in Tampa Bay reported that some people on Davis Islands in Tampa felt the quake, which occurred 110 miles southeast of Key West and 170 miles south of Miami. Some residents of Key West also reported feeling the earthquake. An attorney in Sarasota tweeted that the quake was felt on the seventh floor of an office building there.

In Havana, the quake was felt clearly by workers in two 6-floor buildings that were temporarily evacuated. It appeared to last around 30 seconds.

The U.S. Geological Survey calculated the quake had a preliminary magnitude of 5.0.

FloridaDisaster.org says there is no tsunami danger for Florida at this time.
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it was also the custom to wear an onion on your belt, as it was the fashion of the time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:27pm

How about 'The The'? Remember them?
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I'm sneaking a listen to No Quarter on YouTube whilst Fabio chats.

nO QUATER WAS THE ONLY zEP song I liked now im 50 and like them all
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they give no quaaaaaaaaarter....
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relevant to new yorkers - Chris and Cosey will now be doing a second show this Sunday in Bushwick - www.eastvillageradio.com...
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or hold no quarter. Whatever.
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@Spin: Yes, exactly what dale said!
Marija from Cicero:

I would love to do a tap dance to this. if i could tap dance.
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this goes good with No Quarter.
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the glowing one:

you could have gotten 2 minutes of heat for a quarter yesterday at the WFMU blvd
Avatar 5:36pm

I'm back. That's a damn good song. Never seems like seven minutes long.
Marija from Cicero:

Night Al, R U trying to tell us tehre was an earthquake in Cuba?

My ears are burning. What a lovely load of freaks making a chump feel good on a Thursday night...

...Thursday night
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Alright, took a break at the right time. Sorry, can't take the Plant caterwauling. And I can HEAR Page posing. Yikes I need beersies ...
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Philo Gristle:

Out of beer here, carm. Wine it is, then.

love this
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Ruaraidh, your music is great. Make some more of it.
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Hi Ruaridh. Good to see you there.
Marija from Cicero:

Hi Ruar......
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chocolate monk:

i second Ceciles comment ya bas.. and BTW, we up in Feb, you aboot???
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I forgot to say, "please".
Marija from Cicero:

I love Plant's voice and i think Jimmy was trying to put on a good show. Showbiz-like.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Ha ha Carm ! ...as a Wh♂ & Punk fan - I can't help but be amused...
Art Bell:

Righteous Fab
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suzie jane hokum!
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hard to imagine fabio as a hazlewood fan -i would think the cheese factor wouldn't be considered quite as sublime as it is by most
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Oh, yes, this is familiar!
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or is it ann margret?

Aye Dylan geez a toot man! Be great to catch up

they came from outer space !!!!!!!
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ann is on the cowboy and the lady
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Also on Nancy & Lee (1968)
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I'm a grouchy old curmudgeon, Marija.

This is Lee & Nancy Sinatra.
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Maybe the cheese is weird in some way. I like the reverb. Odd turns at the mike.
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gonna open up your gate....
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- it's a great track !
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cowboy in sweden is the bomb. sounds like it was recorded from a kinescope though...
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Matt from Springfield:

Some Velvet Morning! A classic classic of Lee & Nancy!
Hey Fabio!
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Philo Gristle:

Bruno Nicolai is usually reliable. Liked that cut. Like Lee maybe better solo.
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oh look, it says nancy right on the playlist. i'm gonna open up my eyes.
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chocolate monk:

excellent san chan man, look forward to it.
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ba haha!
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Vanilla Fudge did a cool cover of Some Velvet Morning
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Matt from Springfield:

Country boy takes LSD & plays guitar, sings gravelly-voiced next to Nancy Sinatra or other female.
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Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Some Velvet Morning is a great song for so many reasons.
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Matt from Springfield:

Clay's Harangue-a-Bang-Bang
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damn, lee is playing the cowboy once again - here is a clip from the nbc special

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No hebephrenics today?
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Matt from Springfield:

And what about Bethesda after the rain?
I once worked in Bethesda, MD.

Belinda Carlisle! I was just about to say...Belinda and Hova is who you're thinking of. They hosted Greasy Kid Stuff on Saturday mornings, and Hova had another show.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- I like(d) Mark Lanegan & Screaming Trees - the Seattle Grunge band that *didn't* become huge, naturally
...Mudhoney, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Alice In Chians - good stuff.
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Matt from Springfield:

Clay, you need to come on and talk w/ Dave Hill in person! You two would do great together!
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Matt from Springfield:

The BroMance continues...!
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fabio must have had a jazz cigarette off mic
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Cavet called...anything worth three hours - ?? I understand these things grow over time - but three hours...
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Pete from Boston (and NJ):

My young niece and nephew are now in listening range and I am sad there is no Greasy Kid Stuff for them. It was school for cool kids.
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Matt from Springfield:

"My friend's opening", "wine and cliches", in NYC that's equivalent to "washing your hair"!!
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"jazz cigarette" -- lol

mmmmmm arrrrhhhhghggh gnocchi
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Pete Pan keyboard sounds like a clavinet through a fuzz. I like.
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Matt from Springfield:

Peter Pan & the Good Fairies!!! "Kaleidoscope"!! I'd Clicky-Star this track if I could!

@Pete: A shame that was way before my intro to the WFMUniverse--those who listened really loved it.
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you can stream greasy kid stuff - they still do the show, and it's still obie jackson from spivey corner N.C's birthday every week
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Matt from Springfield:

@dale: Old RealAudio, or are they still doing a live show?
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fuzzy - that's fab's phrase, i just stole it
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There's an okay diner in Ft. Lee. Boo to Christie and crew.
Marija from Cicero:

Oh Carm., ferget about it. I love hearing people "bitch." I wish more people were hep to that.
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live show - google it and i'm sure you can find it

I need a hug from Ken
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Andrew Waterloo:

We used to get -40C in my home town at least a few days per year. There' usually almost no wind, and the sky usually a very pure blue
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Chris Christie coptering into WFMU to spin some vinyl...
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try here?

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Matt from Springfield:

Negative 40 -- the one point where Celsius and Fahrenheit meet exactly.
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Matt from Springfield:

Thanks dale!
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Matt from Springfield:

Woooooo!!! DustyDrama!! Play the show, Clay!!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- Born: May 24, 1941 (age 72)
- kinda straight down the middle of the Beatles - interestingly...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- 40° C=F - interesting !
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All my music icons in their 70s. Means I must be about 90.
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[Bell rings. Heads for locker and next classroom.]
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