Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from June 24, 2018 Favoriting

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An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Sun. Mar 9th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Dan Bodah
Sun. Mar 16th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Daniel Blumin

Favoriting June 24, 2018: Still I Rise

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Unicorn  Playing With Light   Favoriting Playing With Light  Fabrica  2014  AKA William T. Nelson / orig. issued in 2004    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Flash Cero  Ciudad Estelar   Favoriting Interferencias Vol. 2: Spanish Synth Wave 1980-1989 (V/A)  Munster  2018  orig. from their debut album, "1988," which came out on La General in 1988 / quartet Logytself (synths), Fan Dl Kaox (vocals / synths), Fran Null (keyboards), and Javier Cruz (percussions) With only a Roland Juno 60, one Casio 5000, a Simmons electronic drum machine, some effects and basic equipment they started to work.  *   0:05:12 (Pop-up)
Fridge  Ark   Favoriting Eph  Go! Beat  1999  Adam Ilhan, Kieren Hebden (Four Tet) & Sam Jeffers    0:09:21 (Pop-up)
Jean-Luc Guionnet / Arnold Schwarzenegger, Marianne Muellerleile, Michael Biehn, Earl Boen, Linda Hamilton  1 (Non-Organic Bias) / He'll Find Her! That's What He Does! That's All He Does!   Favoriting Non-Organic Bias / The Terminator  Herbal International  2009  from Lyon, France    0:17:27 (Pop-up)
Kumo / Linda Hamilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dick Miller, et al. / Leonard Cohen  Night / Uzi 9 Millimeter / In Flanders Fields (by John McCrae)   Favoriting Day/Night / The Terminator  The Tapeworm   2018  AKA Jono Podmore from London / “From a starting point of two field recordings taken from the balcony of my flat in South East London, one was taken during the day the other at night, the rest of the music was built up in response: synths and theremin played as karaoke to the sounds of the estate. Accompanying, mimicking, occupying the spaces between the deliveries, planes, dogs, birds and the kids next door writing grime tunes. ‘Day’ was written, performed, recorded and mixed in the flat during daytime with only natural light, ‘Night’ under cover of darkness.”  *   0:29:37 (Pop-up)
Seabuckthorn  It Was Aglow   Favoriting A House With Too Much Fire  Bookmaker  2018  7th full-length album from Andy Cartwright / recorded & mixed in Veynes, France  *   1:04:17 (Pop-up)
John Foxx & Harld Budd  Subtext   Favoriting Nighthawks, Translucence And Drift Music  Edsel  2011  3-CD set    1:07:28 (Pop-up)
Nash The Slash  Womble   Favoriting Trevor Jackson Presents Metal Dance - Industrial, Post Punk, EBM Classics & Rarities 80-88 (V/A)  Strut  2012  Nash The Slash takes the name from a killer butler in Laurel & Hardy's 1st film, "Do Detectives think?" / track orig from his 1981 12," "Decomposing" on Cut-Throat Records    1:13:08 (Pop-up)
Coil / Cary Elwes & Mandy Patinkin  Copacabbala /   Favoriting The New Backwards / The Princess Bride  Important  2016  orig. recorded in 1996 / remixed by Peter Christopherson & Danny Hyde in 2007 and orig released in 2008 on Threshold Records    1:20:03 (Pop-up)
Acolytes  Untitled   Favoriting Rupture  Alter  2018  AKA D. Shan  *   1:26:38 (Pop-up)
Uon  Bus   Favoriting Untitled  West Mineral Ltd.  2018  2nd album from Ryan Fall  *   1:30:15 (Pop-up)
David Kwan  +/- 1v   Favoriting A Storm of Drones (V/A)  Sombient  1995  based in San Francisco    1:35:21 (Pop-up)
Mark Van Hoen  Aether   Favoriting Invisible Threads  Touch  2018  from Seefeel, Autocreation, Black Hearted Brother, Drone, Scala, & Sine Bubble  *   1:39:47 (Pop-up)
Battery Operated Orchestra / Robin Wright & Cary Elwes  Optical / I Died That Day   Favoriting Snare / The Princess Bride  Boo  2018  from 3rd album from husband & wife Christopher Blackburn (plays synthesizers) & Brigitte Sutherland (sings, hits things & plays theremin) / AKA BOO  *   1:46:55 (Pop-up)
Great Time  Treebeet   Favoriting Great Album  Great Time  2018  AKA Zack Hartmann, Donnie Spackman & Jill Ryan from Philadelphia  *   1:51:30 (Pop-up)
Morphology / Robin Wright & Chris Sarandon  Second Light / What Have I Done?   Favoriting Traveller / The Princess Bride  Firescope  2018  3rd album by Finnish duo Matti Turunen & Michael Diekmann  *   1:53:26 (Pop-up)
Bvdub  Surrender To Your Cold Embrace (feat Wang Lijing)   Favoriting Air Texture Vol. II (V/A)  Air Texture  2012  AKA Brock Van Wey / from San Francisco & lived in China / "Air Texture II" compiled by Rafael Anton Irisarri    2:06:08 (Pop-up)
Bicep / Cary Elwes, Christopher Guest  Opal (Four Tet Remix) / I Just Sucked One Year   Favoriting Opal (Four Tet Remix) / The Princess Bride  Ninja Tume  2018  AKA Andrew Ferguson & Matthew McBriar from Belfast / Four Tet = Kieren Hebden  *   2:12:50 (Pop-up)
Blondie & The Doors / Peter Cook  Rapture Riders / Mah-widge   Favoriting / Princess Bride          2:20:41 (Pop-up)
John Carpenter  Wraith (Ohgr Remix)   Favoriting Lost Themes Remixed  Sacred Bones  2015  Ohgr = Kevin Ogilve (of Skinny Puppy & Mark Walk)    2:24:24 (Pop-up)
Francesco Cavaliere / Cary Elwes & Chris Sarandon  Xilo Fiaba Que Sia E Resta / You Warthog-Faced Buffoon!   Favoriting Xylomania / Princess Bride  Edições CN  2018  based in Berlin, Germany / AKA Lajlaz, Salto Mortale  *   2:27:51 (Pop-up)
Library Tapes  Skiss Av Trad   Favoriting Hostluft  Make Mine Music  2007  AKA David Wenngren / AKA Forestflies    2:31:57 (Pop-up)
Hotel Neon / Maya Angelou  Onward / Still I Rise (by Maya Angelou)   Favoriting Means of Knowing  Archives  2018  trio Andrew & Michael Tasselmyer & Steven Kemner from Baltimore  *   2:35:06 (Pop-up)
Brian McBride / Tom O'Bedlam  At A Loss / Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night (by Dylan Thomas)   Favoriting Air Texture Vol. II (V/A)  Air Texture  2012  orig. hailing from Irving, Texas & now based in LA / with Bell Gardens, Stars Of The Lid & Pilot Ships    2:41:01 (Pop-up)
Steve Tibbetts  Bloodwork   Favoriting Life Of  ECM  2018  from Minneapolis  *   2:46:30 (Pop-up)
Nick Drake  Fly   Favoriting Time Of No Reply  Island  1989  1969 home recording at Tamworth-On-Arden    2:56:59 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:05am

morning - i like this creepy lullaby.
debt collector:

Good morning and love from Burlington VT
I’ve been out of sync with your show since the schedule change. So pleased to be listening “live”. ❤️❤️❤️
Avatar 6:12am

Good morning, dale:) Hello, debt collector! Glad to have you both with me "live":)
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:34am

Good Morning all! Also my first time catching SMS live in the shiny new time slot:)
Avatar 6:41am

Hey there, Kevin-san! Glad to have you here:)
Avatar 6:45am

Morning; up early to head out for a camping trip...
Avatar 6:48am

Morning, TDK! Have a great trip:)
Avatar 6:49am
Ruth Booth:

Happy Good Morning!
Avatar 6:49am

A Happy good morning to you, Ruth! :)
Avatar 6:52am
Ruth Booth:

I love the Terminator!
Avatar 6:53am

@ Ruth: Me, too!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:56am

siri and alexa and cortana are skynet. terminator has come to fruition.
Avatar 7:05am
robert frost:

that kumo song <3 this show <3
Avatar 7:09am

Wish it could be lazy but hurried last minute details before leaving...
Avatar 7:11am
pitter patter:

where r u going
Avatar 7:15am

Pitter patter: To them thar West Virginia hills.
Avatar 7:20am
pitter patter:

sounds cool
Avatar 7:24am

@robert frost@7:05: Glad you liked it:)
Avatar 7:34am

7 hours' drive but worth it.
Avatar 7:35am
robert frost:

@TDK60 is this a spot you'd recommend visiting?
Avatar 7:37am

Mr. Frost: Gandy Creek in Monongahela National Forest; closest city Elkins. Great area, crowded weekends, why we're going in middle of week.
Shrunken Planet:

Always a hypnotic mix of sounds from the one and only Carol. I'm not working today (a miracle in itself) and sitting here, drinking coffee and taking in the show...xx
Avatar 7:42am

Jeff! Glad to hear you're relaxing on a Sunday for a change:)

checking in from Jersey City, just woke up, adore this show
Santos L Halper:

Nice sounds to awaken to Carol.

@debt collector: had lunch in Burlington yesterday, now in Mendon.
Avatar 7:53am

Good morning, moose! Hello Santos! Happy to have you here (and hear) this morning:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55am

Good morning Carol and all. I see I missed a Guionnet/Schwarzenegger mix, not a combination I'd have thought of. I was watching a few more documentaries from Voices of Mississippi, the latest great release from Dust To Digital
Thurgood Quintillion Acidophilus Dewlap:

I'm 107 years old, and surfing the web this morning came across this radio station of yours. What peculiar and intriguing sounds. Would you like to borrow my cylinder recording of Buddy Bolden? It's been sitting in my attic for years and my gramophone is broken (going to fix that soon) but I think Bolden would fit in with this freeform aesthetic of yours.
Avatar 8:15am

I like this a lot!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23am

Heh, what good fun this one is, Ms. Crow.
Avatar 8:23am

Blondie was one hell of a rapper!
Avatar 8:27am

Good morning, Fred:)
Avatar 8:28am

Hello, Thurgood!
Avatar 8:30am

Hi, SimplyTC!
Avatar 8:31am

Hey, Sem! Glad you are enjoying:) :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:33am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, Carol and freeform riders. I think I'm awake now and I can listen to the rest of the show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:33am

Princess Bride?
Avatar 8:34am

Hi Carol.. Love your musical taste... _/|\_
Avatar 8:37am

@Ken: Glad to hear it. Good morning!
Avatar 8:37am

@fred: Yes! Good call:)
Avatar 8:43am

Sound that invokes inward travel... Ahhhh
Avatar 9:04am

Thanks everyone for listening! See you next week:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:39pm

Thanks Carol. I've enjoyed all of your shows since I've discovered your shows but some shows hit you more than others. This is one of them. Enjoyed the poems as well as the movie dialogue. Looking forward to the live show next week.
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